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Mnenon, the Dynast most likely to win the upcoming civil war, her house troops are many and well hidden. Her adamant stance against aligning with the Anathema make her the most likely force for the Order to back. She knows now about the Bronze Faction supporting her bid (if she did not know before).

Sesus Rathanus, an eighth-generation Sesus who has mysteriously raised himself to being the head of House Sesus. He is currently backing a Peleps-started initiative in the Deliberative to end the Wyld Hunt, and begin a House-backed version. The Order, sensing that it's funds might be cut short and that the House-backed Hunt might instead be part of a plan for House Peleps to find and capture Anathema, has declared Rathanus a opponent of the Perfected Hierarchy. It says much of the current times that this declaration has had little affect on who makes deals with Rathanus, making him the most likely candidate for the Throne after Mnemon. There is some commotion over how Rathanus has attained his current position of power...

Ragara, the eldest of the Scarlet Empress's children and quite possibly the most insane. Believing Rathanus to be both a Deathlord and his brother Sesus's ghost, he has made deals with dark powers to find a weapon capable of destroying the Imperial Manse (thus freeing the Realm from Rathanus and Mnemon). Ragara also seems to believe he's found an alternative to the Imperial Manse in the Scavenger Lands.

"Nulan", a Sidereal of the Bronze Faction. Ending up as V'neef En'il's "friend" after a meeting with the charismatic Dynast, this Chosen of Secrets appearantly later got his revenge by sealing off En'il's access to the powerful and august charm, Warlord's Convocation. Or was the sealing of the charm only a coincidence? Does En'il still have one of the Servants of Heaven working for his benefit?

Sesus Nagezzer, a powerful Dynast who opposes Rathanus's affect on his house, and would very much like to destroy the "rising star" and hopes to use his new alliance with the Bronze Faction to do so. Nagezzer ultimately wishes the Realm to be backed by a strong political leader (something he doesn't see himself as being), without the Satrapies pulling away or being destroyed or the Isle being shattered by civil war. He has not made up his mind whether Mnemon is the best choice for the Realm, as the Sidereals have. What connection does he have with Ragara Donis, the right-hand man of Ragara?

House Peleps is a mystery and an enigma, as is House Iselsi. The Sidereals believe that Peleps has found some way of controlling two Solar Anathema, and the recent purges done upon the spynetworks of various Houses (especially Nellens, Cynis and V'neef) has led others to wonder what House Iselsi is planning.

House Tepet have thrown their lot in with the destroyers of the Bull, a move that Nellens and Cynis are considering. Does Cynis have some plan to stab House V'neef and Tepet in the back?

Ragara Banoboa sees his father's insanity, as does his lover and nephew, Heshal, and plans to do something about it.

Cathak Cainan is an unknown agent, seen making deals with Ledaal and Ragara... and Sesus. What is he planning? Why did he keep his Legions in the Threshold?

Ledaal is adrift in a storm of Anathema and demons, unable to find an ally they consider uncorrupted. Who shall they throw their lot to? Mnemon beckons...

The Wintry Duke is a powerful Fair Folk, slighted by Raylan in the saving of Whitewall. He has already sent one Fae-blooded son as an assassin... will there be more?

The Claw of Wind, the Fanged Maul, The White Shadow of Death... is a Lunar shaman of the North, extremely happy with the PC's defeat of the Bull. The Claw plans to destroy the Realm, and he thinks the PCs are the perfect tool. But how? What does he hope for them to do? What was his motive in letting one of his daughters be captured and giving his daughter the freedom of her own mind? Did he plan to lose to Tepet Iyana, or was it unintended? There is evidence of him being allied to the Deathlord, the Lover, and that the two of them were behind the destruction of Cherak. Do these two powerful beings have some sort of plan for the future?

Lookshy is busy, it's troops having to hold off several forces of undead, as the Deathlords in the East begin to make their move.

The First and Foresaken Lion's troops have begun to go forward, destroying villages and towns in the name of the Underworld. Will Gem be destroyed?

The Paragon has gone missing. Where he could have disappeared? Is someone killing off high-powered rulers one by one?

The Scarlet Empress, as reported by the Wintry Duke, was thrown into the Well of Oblivion. Do we dare believe the Fair Folk? Who has the hearthstone that commands the Manse? What do the Yozi have to do with this? Or the Neverborn?

Sesus Tonus, General of the 14th Legion, is a graduate of the Cloister and a hardened warrior. His following of the Fire Dragon Style has made him a powerful champion of the Realm and his House. Grandson to Sesus, there is some question to whether Sesus Tonus agrees with Sesus Rathanus or not; certainly he has a strong connection to the Immaculate Order. Sesus Tonus has little compassion for deserters and people who give up, and thus views Icehawk with great contempt. This has led to Icehawk challenging Sesus Tonus to a duel on the Fivefold Element Transforming Arena... The stakes? Tonus's legion and Icehawk's honor.