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Session 14

<ADamiani> 1) SIDEREALS! You are in grave danger!
<ADamiani> The loom of fate in the west continues to unravel under the strain of growing essence use and non-protocol complient stellar configurations.
<ADamiani> The very essence of time itself has come unglued!
<ADamiani> The following session takes place between sessions 12 and 13, though it makes absolutely no sense for it to do so within the confines of continuity!

<Hidden_Crystal> Oops. I just remembered something I wanted to do-hey, AD. Would it have been possible to make a Savant roll to see if I recognized *anything* about the machines/whatever in my visions?
<ADamiani> Hidden Crystal: You don't recognize them. Which is odd, given that they are obviously more advanced than anything produced in this age of the world. You OUGHT to be able to remember them, but they are quite unfamiliar.

Silent_Sunset is on his way to the Loom of Fate, stacks of notes under his arm
Hidden_Crystal hurries towards the Loom, carrying the folder with the notes that he has been taking inside.
<ADamiani> You're on your wayt to the loom.
<ADamiani> You have notes.
<ADamiani> Roll dodge.
<ADamiani> Both of you
<Silent_Sunset> There isn't really much of substance in those notes, but it makes him look important! Very important and busy!
<ADamiani> OK, you both manage to hold onto your notes when you crash into eachother
<ADamiani> (wasn't the last time that happened at the loom, too? Almost as though it were... fated to happen?)
<ADamiani> Who knows. The Maidens work in mysterious ways. Mostly by delegating it to you.
Silent_Sunset throws his notes high into the air, catches them again once untangled from his fellow Sidereal
<ADamiani> Anyhow, you two are together, having just done stunty acrobaticy things to catch your notes and land on your feet after the collision, Hidden-Dragoning off of two walls and the ceiling in the process.
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, what an *auspicious* meeting, brother Crystal. I was just wandering how your reconvalescence was going and whether I should interrupt your rest by sending a messenger."
Silent_Sunset smiles happily
Hidden_Crystal tilts his head slightly to regard Silent. "It was only a fainting spell and horrible headache. Nothing too serious."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, good. Very good. I admit, it looked pretty bad. The Loom can do unpleasant things to oneself sometimes, as I almost found out only a few days ago ..."
<Hidden_Crystal> One slender eyebrow raises. "Are you alright?" he asks softly.
<Silent_Sunset> "So, I take it you are on the way there as well? I was just going to continue looking into the Solar situation ..."
Silent_Sunset grins wryly. "I found myself distracted at the worst possible right moment by an ... well, *acquaintance* of mine. Probably saved myself a lot of trouble by whirling around to foil possible assassination attempts."
<Silent_Sunset> "And there people say rivals are good for nothing :p."
<Hidden_Crystal> Crystal nods. "Perhaps I may be able to help with that this time, as I was unable to do so last time." he is quiet for a moment. "Perhaps."
<Silent_Sunset> "I have spoken to my sifu in the interim and she pointed out that approaching the Loom like an opponent in a contest of martial arts helped ... the sharpening of senses, the centering of the self, the guarded watchfulness ..."
<ADamiani> The accumulated tolerance to disorientation and massive psychic trauma.
Silent_Sunset nods. "Let us be on it then. Maybe we can find another thorn to put into our 'friend's' side."
<Hidden_Crystal> "The more, the better."
Silent_Sunset walks the outlying corridors of Loom, looking for one of the better balconies
<Silent_Sunset> The best ones are of course either taken or inofficially reserved for the more influential Sidereals, but there are a few good ones that might still be free :).
<ADamiani> There's one nearby, but it seems to be occupied by two gods in the form of short, elderly men with odd... almost clothlike skin, and strange, exaggeratedly deep voices.
<Silent_Sunset> Having good overlook is important after all ... and though there likely is no place more strange in spatial geometry than this building, location matters. According to quite arcane rules, most likely ...
Hidden_Crystal trails after quietly, watching the gods warily and curiously.
<ADamiani> They seem to be heckling the unfolding course of creation. "In my day, we had real exalts. Not like the nonsense you get today!"
Silent_Sunset walks in serpentines, so it'll take longer to pass them and he can listen
<ADamiani> THey're not talking about anything plot relevant. "And the realm? A joke!"
Hidden_Crystal raises one eyebrow, exasperated, as he follows Silent, listening. It was one thing to criticize if they were actually doing anything, but just heckling? Though he did agree with the comment about the Realm.
Silent_Sunset grins, can't help but comment in passing: "And a bad one at that!"
<ADamiani> "In my day, it didn't take more than one Tepet legion to subdue a whole direction!"
<Silent_Sunset> "So ... let's get up to speed."
<ADamiani> Okeydoke, what are you planning on doing here?
<Silent_Sunset> "According to the results of last times scanning of projected future/past pattern correlations Darktide is wreaking havoc around <place> with his fleet."
<ADamiani> The Silver Prince isn't a military conqueror in the mode of Mask of Winters. No, he's subduing piracy in the south of the Neck.
<Silent_Sunset> "Most angles I see for interference there involve force, be it direct or indirect."
<Silent_Sunset> "Triumph on the other hand ..."
<ADamiani> He's not really. Mostly subduing pirates.
<Silent_Sunset> "There might be potential there. He is no volunteer, serves unwillingly and punished, though I was unable to ascertain the nature of the Prince's hold on him."
Hidden_Crystal considers. "It could be sorcerous, or more mundane, depending on his origins. Where he comes from, whether he has family or loved ones still alive."
Silent_Sunset nods. "When I last looked, he was busy subduing the cult of a local lizard god, most likely wanting to get a hold of an old temple. Using that for a geographical reference, we should be able to find him."
<Silent_Sunset> "Maybe we can even discern the nature of that link ... threads of consequence in the Green of Sorcery or maybe a dulled Blue for loved ones as hostages ..."
Silent_Sunset grimaces
<Silent_Sunset> "Of course, without a locus to trace them too ... bastard, that is Outside of Fate ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "Alternatively we could work backwards."
<Silent_Sunset> "Look up how he came to serve his current master in the past."
<Silent_Sunset> Double checking with his memories of the last time he looked up Undulating Triumph, Silents falls into the third breathing pattern of the Shadow, centering his mind.
<Silent_Sunset> Slowly opening his eyes, he scans the brilliantly falling folds of the great tapestry for the nodus of intersecting threads that signify the Solar's position and his entanglements with his surroundings.
<Silent_Sunset> Short-lived connections are plenty - every interaction with an objects leaves a miniscule link in varied colors - but those aren't the important ones.
<Silent_Sunset> Rings of disruptions surround him also, like waves from a stone thrown into a pool, illustrating the precedence a Lawgiver's will takes over the dictates of fate and destiny. Those aren't what Silent looks for either.
<Silent_Sunset> But those ... the long ones, linking the thread that is Triumph to others, far away, possibly not even within the tapestry ... the Yellow of recent meetings, the blue of friendship and loves ones, the green of sorcery, the red of threats ...
Silent_Sunset loses himself totally within the patterns of fate, not even noticing PSL coming in. He IS the tapestry in that moment. He IS the Loom of Fate, for a brief, very brief moment, he sees everything. Feels everything. Knows everything. It is *right*.
<Silent_Sunset> The power of destiny fills Silent, as he stares upon the magnificence that is Creation is mute awe. Strength returns to him, conviction replaces weariness. He is part of this, part of everything, a part of the whole.
<Silent_Sunset> But even the near-omniscience of the Loom of Fate does not extend to those outside of it. And so it is, that no connection is apparent, no line of influence can be seen at work.

Platinum_Sky_Lover is present, wearing a metallic bikini that doesn't leave much to the imagination, matching opera gloves and thigh high boots, and her perfected kata bracers. Her sweat glows with persperation - she seems to have been engaged in fighting practice.
Platinum_Sky_Lover strides in. She pulls the sticks out of her platinum hair, it flowing wild and free. "So, what's up?"
<ADamiani> Heckler, from the balcony in the distance: "Sure not the Scarlet Dynasty!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover digs into her bag and ties around her waist a matching metallic silk wrap, for a touch of modesty. She giggles at the Heckler!
Platinum_Sky_Lover crosses her arms and waits, as Sunset does his work. While she's worked the Loom before, she has never specialized in it the way other Sidereals do. Touching it seems like touching everything... very personal. She almost feels like she's violating others when she weaves fate manually.
<Silent_Sunset> Finally Silent sighs loudly and turns to the others (raising an eyebrow, then nodding at the suddenly present PSL). A fuzzy nimbus of pale violet light slowly fades away around him, leaving behind only a steely shimmer in his hair and skin.
<Silent_Sunset> "It seems, whatever hold our 'friend' has over Triumph, it doesn't have any part of it within fate."
<Silent_Sunset> "A different approach seems to be needed."
Hidden_Crystal frowns delicately, considering quietly.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Well, he may have been bound with Sorcery, or, it may be something entirely mundane - he may be keeping over this solar some kind of secret, threatening a loved one, or somesuch.
Platinum_Sky_Lover taps her chin. "What puzzles me is why this Solar has not been coerced into taking the Black Exaltation, and is being allowed to remain in his present state."
Silent_Sunset shakes his head. "Not sorcery. Sorcery is a fundamental part of Creation and it would have showed up in the Loom clearly as the constellation of the Sorcerer in the skies of Creation."
Platinum_Sky_Lover starts examining the blue threads that connect Undulating Triumph to the rest of Creation. "However, Necromancy is not of Creation. if he were subject to some black magic - maybe some kind of Oath making - and if it were done outside of Creation, it would not show up here."
Platinum_Sky_Lover gently pulls at the strings of relationships connecting to Undulating Triumph - not disturbing their function, but to hear their distinct tonal quality. From this, she hopes to discern additional information and insights concerning the relationships that surround this Exalt.
Platinum_Sky_Lover gently plays the Loom of Fate like a harp, replicating the song that the spiders have decreed, so far.
Platinum_Sky_Lover scowls. Reading the fate of a Solar is hard, so very hard, since the Spiders often deliberately ignore the Lawgivers, since the Lawgivers are above many dictates of Destiny.
<ADamiani> THere's ties to some burned out villiage somewhere, and to some other exalts somewhere else, and too some followers somewhere else, but anything specific quite eludes you.

<Silent_Sunset> "He is in the process of gaining powerful allies to his master's cause as well, though their nature was not revealed to me."
<Silent_Sunset> "So, to list the options I can think of right now ... we can touch down and take the direct approach. Try to find out what's his problem is by pilfering personal affects, asking his officers ... maybe throw a wrench into his negotiations ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "Or we could try to get access to the Loom backlog ... with the right clout we might be able to get a rewind until the point, where he began his service, though if that was outside Fate, it won't help us either ..."
Hidden_Crystal rubs his head, already feeling the headache.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Or, we could do the better thing - foot work in Creation. At least we have a location that we can start from. I recommend some good old fashion investigation."
<Silent_Sunset> "Or ... the Convention on Essence Wielders or the Convention on Deathlords might have files on it ... though I'd rather keep politics out of it right now."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Remember, if we make use of the resources of Yu Shan, we'll end up owing some one, which means we'll come under their influence."
<Silent_Sunset> "As I said before, the direct approach looks most likely to bring in something of substance. It's the most risky one as well, naturally ;)."
Hidden_Crystal nods in quiet agreement. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
<ADamiani> Nothing ventured. nothing gained, indeed! So you're off to the lands below-- where to? The island he was just at? His ship? His presumed destination?
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmh, unanimous vote. Next thing is details."
<Silent_Sunset> "Resplendant destinies should suffice to infiltrate his crew, would you say?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I have to see someone first. If things work out, this shouldn't take any time at all."
Silent_Sunset sighs, thinking over the information from the Loom
<Silent_Sunset> "Getting to him - in stealth - right now would be extremely difficult even to us. Small boat far out on the water ..."
Platinum_Sky_Lover curses. "Crap, he won't be in for a few days. Ah well." She turns to Sunset. "Maybe we can find out where his next target is, and be there conveniently?"
<Silent_Sunset> "Next best thing to do looks to be that temple-island to me. I mean, it's a mysterious island with an ancient temple and it even has a lizard-god plus local barbarians worshipping it. What more do you need for an exciting adventure?"
Silent_Sunset nods at PLatinum. "Yes, that could be the next step. I would give a lot to read that Solar's diary ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "And who knows, he might be willing to tell us his price ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "So ... pay a visit to that island? I'm all for it. Need a RD for getting back up, maybe one to speak to islanders ...?"
Hidden_Crystal nods, in agreement, tapping one gloved finger against his lip thoughtfully.

<ADamiani> Vzoosh!
<ADamiani> You gate in!
Silent_Sunset emerges from the shining gate located conveniently in a cozy little clearing in the woods
<ADamiani> It's a tropical jungle island, clearly overgrown with vegitation-- teeming with life, in fact.
Platinum_Sky_Lover is conveniently located on the beach, her clothing soiled and torn, looking for all the world like a shipwreck survivir.
<Silent_Sunset> "Dumdeedumdeedum ... careful with your shoes. These surroundings are hell for them."
<ADamiani> This being creation, it's a little more exotic than earth, and you have giant twelve-winged dragonflies pursuing hummingbirds, and some trees with orange or blue leaves, but mostly, it's any jungle you've ever seen in a film
Silent_Sunset looks around, orienting himself. "Mmh. Village and temple are that way."
<ADamiani> You're maybe a quarter mile away from the local village, though some pretty dense bush
<ADamiani> Serpents coil and slither through the trees overhead.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Lucky for me I'm not wearing shoes."
Platinum_Sky_Lover is a shipwreck survivor, remember? She's wearing a torn bar wench top and ripped up skirt.
Silent_Sunset dons his destiny and the creatively torn and arranged clothing is suffused with profound meaning
<Silent_Sunset> He is now Xut'tuk, all around wise-man-who-knows-powerful-medicine
Platinum_Sky_Lover 's hair is all dishevelled, as well. Although she should look like shit, she instead looks like she's from the front cover of a Harelquin novel.
<ADamiani> Xut'tak! You have obtained a most favorable sacrifice for your god!
Hidden_Crystal also dons his destiny, and closes his eyes for a moment, taking a breath and remembering who he is now. Xi'li, inexperienced, nervous apprentice to the powerful, respected medicine man Xut'tak.
Platinum_Sky_Lover cries out in Riverspeech. <<No, no, this is all a terrible mistake! Let me go! What are you doing? Let go of me!>>
<Silent_Sunset> In his hand a long staff dangling with fetishes, in his other the rope which binds foreigner.
<Silent_Sunset> "Xi'li! Clear the bushes! The god will have this foreigner as sacrifice!"
Hidden_Crystal practically stumbles over himself to obey as quickly as he could, not wanting to be subject to Xut'tak's wrath should he be slow or displeased, which was often.
Silent_Sunset starts marching along the cleared path, dragging the sacrifice after him and mumbling to himself
<ADamiani> You cut your way to the clearing that houses the thatched reed huts of the Ba'noori tribe!
<Silent_Sunset> On several occasions he stops to gesticulate with an ugly-looking knife, spouting curses and threats at her
<ADamiani> The villiage seems to be full of excitement.
Platinum_Sky_Lover sees the knife, and then proceeds to faux-faint, rolling her eyes into the back of her head and dropping to the sandy ground.
<ADamiani> The tribe seems to be in preparation for a festival of some kind.
Silent_Sunset rips at the rope, shouts more curses on the despicable foreigner
Silent_Sunset curses the decaying of reality as well, and the foreigners who brought it about
<ADamiani> Surely the end is nigh as the tapestry lies in tatters!
<ADamiani> Moment Between Sleeping and Waking is now present.
<ADamiani> Explain your presence and don a RD PDQ, Mo
<ADamiani> The villagers are in a state of excitement, dancing around a rather large bonfire
Silent_Sunset approaches, looking grumpy and dragging the shipwrecked one behind him
Hidden_Crystal is alert and ready to do whatever the medicine man asks of him, intent on avoiding a kick or a whack with the stick.
<ADamiani> "Ah, Xut'tuk! You have returned!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover is still unconscious (or playing that way), her long silvery hair hanging down as she is carried by someone.
<Silent_Sunset> retcon: "MMrrpf. I have. No solitude in the woods anymore. Foreigners running about, everywhere, besmearing holy ground with their profane bodies."
Silent_Sunset yanks at the rope
<ADamiani> X'achi is adressing you:
<ADamiani> "You have brought a sacrifice!
<ADamiani> "Wonderful!"
<Moment> Xu'ren'tsu leered down at the platinum haired girl as "he" picked up and carried her towards the altar...
<ADamiani> "This will make a fitting offering to Our Awakened God!"
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmrprppffft! The god will feast on her!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover starts playing like she's waking up. "<<huh? What?? Does anyone here speak Riverspeak>>"
Platinum_Sky_Lover stares as the witchdoctor makes his pronouncement. She plays as if she doesn't quite understand, but her eyes widen in growing fear.
<ADamiani> "Good, good. It is nearly sunset."
<ADamiani> "Come, prepare her for the sacrifice!"
Silent_Sunset thumps his staff again and looks up at the sky. "Sun hides his face, the stars are wheeling."
<Silent_Sunset> "Only tell me, are there more foreigners on the land? Are there more places that need cleansing?"
<Silent_Sunset> "For no offering can be made, as long as The Land is heavy with the filth of outsiders."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "<<Huh? What? EEEK! NO! LET ME GO!>>" She screams as she is taken over to the altar by Tribesmen. "<<NO! NO! IN THE NAME OF THE DRAGONS, HELP! HELP! THEY'RE GOING TO KILL ME! ANYBODY!">>
<Silent_Sunset> He yanks at the rope again. Then starts to eradicate her footsteps, chanting vigorously.
<ADamiani> "None since Xa'ka'nu'eti, the Great Awakener, departed in search of lost Anda'nuatl."
<ADamiani> "Silence the sacrifice!"
<Silent_Sunset> "Xi!" An imperious gesture.
Hidden_Crystal hurries over, quickly.
<Silent_Sunset> If Xi isn't fast enough, Xut smacks the prisoner with his staff, then Xi.
<Moment> For lack of a gag, Xu'ren'tsu grabs some of the sacrifices silver hair and wraps it through her mouth, then binds it around the back of her head so that it fills her mouth and interferes with her tongue.
<ADamiani> One of the cheif's lieutennants asks: "We were wrong about Xaka'nu'eti, great one. Many of us lost our lives in futile battle before the light was revealed to us. Are you sure we do not make a similar error here?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover gets a CLONK! And thud. She plays as if knocked out.
Platinum_Sky_Lover hmphs, and helplessly, yet vaguely erotically, struggles.
<ADamiani> Chief: "Does this woman look to you to be the fulfillment of prophecy? Mmm? No? Then hold your tongue and strap her to the altar."
<Moment> Xu'ren'tsu oggles the outsider, chuckling softly, then lifts her back onto the alter. Grabing one wrist and foreably binding it, "he" leans down and whispers, "You can repay me in kind when this is over."
<Silent_Sunset> "The Great Awakener ... His coming was revealed to me in the stars, but no more than that. Their words fall silent before ones such as him. Tell me, what did he reveal?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover breasts partially flop out of her torn up top. She wiggles and struggles, making for an excellent sight for bondage enthusiasts. Her eyes stream teams as she looks helpless. It's good that PSl was also trained by some of the finest Dramatists in Nexus!
<ADamiani> Chief X'achi looks at you funny, SS
<ADamiani> After about five seconds, he decides you are making a joke.
<ADamiani> He slaps you on your back
Hidden_Crystal makes sure to be out of arms reach when the chief starts laughing.
Silent_Sunset gives an evil grin and joins in. "Mpürgfffft! Heh!"
<ADamiani> "Your humor is exceeded only by your wisdom, old one. Go, now, and prepare the rights. We will perform the sacrifice when the moon is at its peak!"
Silent_Sunset nods curtly, voices a blessing over the chief in return
Silent_Sunset motions for Xi to start up stuff and does ritual-ly stuff himself
<ADamiani> PSL: You're very convincing. You look like you came straight off of a late-80s TSR product,
Hidden_Crystal carefully, as to attempt to avoid reproach and whacking, carefully begins doing ceremony-things.
<Moment> Xu'ren'tsu backs away, stands respectfuly at attention with "his" spear before him, standing gaurd over the holy people.
Silent_Sunset only gives evil looks - mustn't break the sanctity of the ritual
Silent_Sunset gives coloured powders to Xi, instructing him in a sing-song Old Realm "Pa-aint some fu-hunny stuff around her, ma-hake it look rea-lly profound."
Hidden_Crystal does his best to make the colored symbols that he paints with the powders around the girl look all mysterious and symbolic and Meaningful.

<ADamiani> Night falls!
<ADamiani> The glowing countenance of Luna rises high above you in the sky, half revealed and half shrouded in darkness.
Silent_Sunset continues to walk in spirals around the altar doing preparation stuff
<ADamiani> The tribesmen brandish crude-- but really rather pointy spears- pounding their dull ends on the ground in a rythmic beat while musicians beat on drums in astonishingly complicated rythmic harmony, and throat-sing with wild abandon.
<Moment> Xu'ren'tzu had held still up to now, breathing regularly and relaxedly while enjoying the spectacle of the writhing sacrifice. Now "he" breathed regularly and stretched "his" round-muscled arms in time to his breathing before his hands returned to his spear.
<Moment> Xu quickly joined the beating of the spears.
Silent_Sunset ritualises in counterpoint, letting his long experience find the right sequence of words to fill into the pauses
<ADamiani> "It is time!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover whips her head back and forth, and screams and cries. She remarks to herself that this Solar better show up soon, or else some natives and their damned Dinosaur are going to get a Water Dragon ass kicking,
<ADamiani> Behind the village some distance is a stepped ziggarut
Hidden_Crystal sings quietly when it is appropriate for him to do so, trying to figure out a way what to get across to the others what he has remembered.
Silent_Sunset raises his voice now that the important part begins
<Silent_Sunset> Whirling his fetish-staff around, slowly at first, then faster and faster Xut'tuk starts to dance around the altar. This isn't exactly the stuff he usually does, but it was close enough to one of the more joyful death-dances, that he could do it impressively.
<Silent_Sunset> His voice also rises in volume, going from a harsh whisper to frantic shouting, while dancing with foam around his mouth.
Platinum_Sky_Lover continues to scream her head off. Her voice is going to be sore for a week.
<Silent_Sunset> Exhortations to the Awakened God and mentioning of the name Xa'ka'nu'eti interchange with prayer phrases in Old Realm.
<ADamiani> And the drumming reaches a crescendo, and then, a climax!
<ADamiani> Ba da bom ba da bom ba da bada bom ba da bomba da bada BOM, bada Bom bom, baBOOm.
<ADamiani> The half moon is now perfectly aligned with the top of the ziggarut.
<ADamiani> Silohuetted against the moon is a dark, large humanoid shape.
<ADamiani> Vaguely reptilian in nature, it seems to be covered in a thick hide, with --is that armor, or a shell of some kind?
<ADamiani> The villiagers gasp!
<ADamiani> They fall to their knees and kowtow
<ADamiani> Various amongst the crowd:
<ADamiani> "Jara-ti! Jara-ti!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover thinks to herself, oh great, a fucking Lunar. Then, she reminds herself to start screaming her head off again! <<"Dragons, please! I don't want to be eaten by a monster! Aiiiieee!">>
<ADamiani> This seems to be the name of the God.
Hidden_Crystal remembers. A Dragon King.
Silent_Sunset stands behind the altar, arms spread wide, presenting the altar in front of him
<Hidden_Crystal> An Anklok.
Silent_Sunset has no idea
<ADamiani> The great figure descends, taking whole tiers of the pyramid in a single mighty bound
<ADamiani> In seconds, he is within the circle of the fires light! A massive figure, perhaps nine feet tall!
<Silent_Sunset> But he is sure as any Sidereal can be, that PSL is in exactly no danger at all. Because ... well, this plan couldn't go wrong :D.
<Moment> Assuming she's simply confronting an out of work god or a lunar exalt, Moment drops to her knees like the villagers, while her body is in fact coiling liek a spring to leap for the alter.
<ADamiani> His natural hide is accented with moonsilver bangles and some armor plates
<ADamiani> And he wears an incredibly embroidered red robe that seems to burn slightly with a fire of its own
<ADamiani> The villiagers shrink back in awe and fear!
<ADamiani> Cheif: "Complete the sacrifice! All glory to Jara-ti!"
<Moment> (Insert when the GM's done narating: Moment leaps, pushing herself up the spear as she drops it, draws her starmetal daiklaive mid-air, and brings it down on Platinum Sky lover's bonds..."
<ADamiani> JARA-TI speaks in a deep roar of a voice, as befits a creature of his stature. The words that come out are in a form of old realm
<ADamiani> Jara-ti "What is the meaning of this!?"
<Moment> Moment drops her Resplendent Destiny as well and bellows, "Human Sacrifice, Jara-ti?"
Silent_Sunset stands there, thinking of diplomatic approaches
<Moment> "Has direct mortal worship stripped you of all sense of deccency?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover looks up. She first forces her Resplendant Destiny to recede - the villagers probably think, "what happened to the girl?" Then, she calls out, in old realm, <<Jara-Ti! Of all the people, you still haven't given me back my Ice chalice!>>
Platinum_Sky_Lover shakes her head. "Oh, shit. You're not him." Again, in Old Realm. "<<Most resplended Sage. I apologize for mistaking you for one of your younger brethren. Please, forgive this untutored child!>>"
Silent_Sunset would very much like to disappear RIGHT NOW
<ADamiani> jara-ti: ".... Explain yourselves!"
<Moment> On the verge of throwing down a challenge to an out of work divinity, Moment freezes, glancing back and forth between the freshly freed silver haired beauty and the reptilian diety.
<ADamiani> She is freed, then?
<Moment> (Yes.)
<ADamiani> The natives react badly
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "<<Of course, most wise Sage. if you would please dismiss the people under your care, so that we may discuss the things of Yu Shan in appropriate privacy.>> She hops off of the altar, and kow tows.
<ADamiani> You are surrounded by eight angry warriors, pointy sticks only inches away.
Silent_Sunset turns around, screams at them, foaming at the mouth
<Moment> <<"Do please do so,>> Moment puts in languidly, <<I'd rather not hurt them.>>
<Silent_Sunset> "The Spirit of jara-ti moves her! Stand back!"
<ADamiani> Jara-ti gestures broadly with a clawed arm, "Yes, depart, children of the younger age. I would speak with these outsiders."
<Moment> Moment rolled her daiklaive easily, glancing back over her shoulder and considering the flame peice at her hip.
<ADamiani> What the villagers see:
<ADamiani> A big lizard-god gesturing fiercely with his claw and saying "Graaaaa-urga-shaka-Gozer-Zuuuuul!"
<ADamiani> Cheif: "The heretics have freed the sacrifice and angered Jara-ti!"
<ADamiani> "Kill them!"
<Silent_Sunset> "HALT!"
<ADamiani> The natives look from one to the other.
Silent_Sunset hops up and down furiously, foaming at the mouth and screaming like mad
<ADamiani> The cheif draws his sword.
<ADamiani> It is a gesture of "Oh, for crying out loud, I'll do it myself"
<ADamiani> He holds up the square-bladed obsidian sword with metal spikes sticking off of it.
Silent_Sunset stands right between him and everyone else
<ADamiani> "Heretic! You have angered Jara-ti! The God will have his sacrifice!"
<ADamiani> Jara-Ti ".... I say, this is most peculiar."
<ADamiani> What the villagers hear:
<ADamiani> "Graaaaaa-kiii--lll--gurrrr!"
<Moment> Moment glanced at the chief, chuckled softly, then took her daiklaive in both hands, dashed at the chief, and brought it down on the chieftan's sword with all her might.
<ADamiani> Cheif: "You have displeased Jara-ti!"
<Silent_Sunset> In that tiny corner of Silent's mind that is not playing the role of the medicine man Silent Sunset winces
<Silent_Sunset> As Moment rushes to attack Silent points at the chief, stating gravely. "HIS disfavor is upon you!"
<ADamiani> "You dare defy your cheif and the will of Jara-ti!?"
<ADamiani> "There will be more than one sacrifice before this night is through!"
<Silent_Sunset> "SILENCE, WORM!"
<Moment> Moment growled, "You dare call yourself chief and defy the will of Jara'ti?"
<Moment> Red stardust trailed behind the warrior's blade as it flipped to bat the chieftan's counter high.
Platinum_Sky_Lover rolls her eyes as Silent and Moment have their fun.
Silent_Sunset still screams at the chief, that HE is the heretic, that he will die and that the curse of the god is upon him.
Platinum_Sky_Lover makes idle chit chat with the Dragon King as the Star Trek challenge music plays.
<Moment> Moment fenced with the remarkably strong mortal, beating his blade higher and higher, using the unatural weight of starmetal to good advantage, then drawing her flame peice and--though she might later regret the excesive force, pulled the triger to (hopefuly) engluf the chieftan's chest in a cone of flame. In rivertongue she bellowed, "I am transfigured!" as she dropped the resplendent destiny behind the explosion of flame.
<ADamiani> The cheif is engulfed in a burning pyre, his shreiks fill the night air!
<ADamiani> At your transfiguration, those few warriors still standing bow down before you, though they seem to be looking for some kind of explanation from the religious community
<Moment> Moment mubles in high realm, "I really must work more on my non-lethal force."
<Moment> Turning to Jara'ti, and sticking to Wave Tongue, the newly revealed warrior speaks up in Wave Tongue, "I thank you, great divinity, for the strength to do your will."
<Silent_Sunset> As the warriors stare in awe Silent makes an expansive gesture. "You have witnessed a great miracle and true justice today. Now go from here, for what follows is not for mortal eyes to see. The blessing of the god is with you!"
<ADamiani> Though they will not remember YOU, the events of this night will live on in local religion and song for generations

Platinum_Sky_Lover stands next to Jara-Ti and whispers to him, in Old Realm, <<"So, Lord, how did you come to be down here? I and my comrades are on an investigation, working to locate a Solar Exalted by the name of Undulating Triumph. Perhaps you've heard of him?"
<ADamiani> Jara-ti: "I have slept in this place for fifteen hundred years before the coming of the Awakener, this Solar of whom you speak."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "A ha. That explains a lot. We need to see him - we believe he's under the influence of a Deathlord. Would you be able to guide us to him, great sage?"
<ADamiani> Jara-ti "No, I believe him to be a true servent of the noble Bodhissatva Annointed by Dark Waters."
Silent_Sunset bows to the Dragon King, his RD now fallen away
<Silent_Sunset> "Forgive us, sage, for the indignity of this all."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Noble Bhodisatva? Oh, wise one, how long have you slept?"
<Silent_Sunset> "We were not sure, who or what we would find here."
<ADamiani> Jara-ti: "The primitive people of this island would have killed your friend; I do not believe you were to blame for what has transpired,:
<ADamiani> Maintime:
Silent_Sunset nods. "You have slept long, dignified Jara Ti, and the world has changed greatly."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Yes, oh wise one. If you have some time, we'd like to let you know what happened. I am the Platinum Sky Lover, and Blessed Sky Crane is my Sifu. These are my brothers and sister, Moment, Silent Sunset and Hidden Crystal. we are operatives of the Bureau of Destiny, currently assigned to the Directional Convention of the West."
Silent_Sunset bows deeply as he is introduced, smiling apologetically at his failure to have done so before
<ADamiani> "It is... good to see that heaven still functions."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "If you can call it that. When you want to sleep, Master, the Solar Exalted ruled Creation, yes?"
<ADamiani> "No. They had been betrayed and murdered by their servants, and ruin had fallen upon the world."
Silent_Sunset nods sadly "You have slept long and the world has changed greatly. More ruin has come upon us. From the Underworld have emerged champions of decay and destruction. Of Oblivion itself. They call themselves the Deathlords, and their goal is nothing less than to destroy the whole of Creation. The Bodhissatva Anointed With Dark Water is one of them."
<ADamiani> "I have slept long, far longer than I had intended-- and would have remained entombed for longer still, were it not for The Awakener and the master who sent him."
<ADamiani> "I will not hear you speak ill of his name."
<Silent_Sunset> "His name. His name ..."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "We apologize, wise one, but we feel that you have been misled. His ilk have spread disease and despair across Creation. If you wish, we can escort you to Yu Shan, were you can see evidence of this. Perhaps noble Undulating Triumph can be saved - we wish to save him from the wicked Bhodisatva."
<ADamiani> "I said I would not hear such slander!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover bows. "It is not slander, oh wise sage. May the Celestines themselves strike me down if I speak falsely! To my best knowledge, the Bhodisatva is an enemy of Creation! We seek only to warn you!"
<ADamiani> "The Awakener is a good man, and he does the bidding of hia master."
<Moment> Moment tensed a bit too hear such an ancient and theoretically wise being speak so well of the dragon king. She glanced at the fur of her quiver over the shoulder without the spikes, then froze... In Rivertongue she whispered to Platinum Sky Lover, "Have a care. If the fallen solar had not yet found the ally he saught, and yet has convinced this being to aid him, it may well be that the ally will not be found
<Moment> 'til he is plunged into the land of the dead.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Also, Wise Master, we have no doubt that the Awakener is a good and brave man. That is why we seek to rescue him!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover drops to her knees and kowtows before the Dragon King. "Please, come with us to the Heavenly city, where you may be accorded proper honors and determine the veracity of my words."
<ADamiani> "I will not be swayed by such lies. Even now he goes to bring the gift of reason and enlightenment to my brethren on the isle of Scag, who had fallen into barbarism even as my long slumber began-- and he does this thing in the name of his master."
Silent_Sunset nods sadly. "A good man may do a good thing for an evil man in these times and that evil man will seek to turn that good deed to evil."
<Silent_Sunset> "But we will not speak more of this - not without proof."
<Silent_Sunset> "For without proof it is, as you say, slander and unfounded accusations."
<Silent_Sunset> "We do not deal in empty words. Reason guides our steps."
<ADamiani> "Go now. Return only with proof of these dark words you speak, or not at all."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Very well, Wise Sage. We will travel to Scag. In the mean time, we will contact our superiors and ask them to speak with you, personally, concerning the state of the world."
<ADamiani> And so you depart from the island, leaving its "god" to brood on what you have said.