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Session 8 - Snakes and Ladders

<Moment> Lacing up the straps of her starmetal and leather thigh boot, Moment Between Dreaming and Waking checks her starmetal armor. Vicious blades form the left shoulder strap, while an upulet protects the right. The breastplate had a V-neck for her generous cleevage. She ties back her brown hair in a bun with a few carefuly placed caltrops lest her hair be grabbed, then checks her look in the mirror. One should always look her best when goin
<Moment> Next she crosses to her chest of weapons and begins to review. "Firewands?" she murmurs, "Useless if they get wet, and I can't waist fire dust..." She shakes her head and selects a single flame peice anyway, followed by a metal stringed Hastlani-style crossbow in place of her usual bow and arrow, vulnerable to the brine.
<Moment> Sorting through a variety of other weapons, she ends up settling on two boot daggers, a harpoon, and her usual daikliave
Silent_Sunset grins wrily as salty water ruins his second-best attire (his best ceased being his best yesterday).
<ADamiani> Yes, those wretched Fair Folk, they ruin EVERYTHING, Silent.
<Silent_Sunset> but nevermind that ... under the sodden formal robe there's the shimmering confusion of the Shroud of the Starless Sky, the Starmetal-traced patterns of which let the water drip clear off
Silent_Sunset cuts throught the waves like a sleek shadow, a shark hunting closely below the surface
<Moment> Heavy laden with starmetal armor and harpoons, cold and miserable, Moment strokes beneath the waves with the aid of the enchanted necklace.
<Silent_Sunset> Above the waves, immaterial as is natural to gods within Creation, flies Hali Ba, looking out for noticeable details.
<ADamiani> Luna is high in the sky, and the constellation of the spear shines down upon you from above.
<ADamiani> The water is cold, bitingly so, and the water a smooth black sheet.
<ADamiani> This is the place.
<Silent_Sunset> Silent's head pokes out of the water, a grin visible only by the wrinkles around his eyes - the only feature not covered by the subtly shimmering Shroud. He makes signs - five fingers up, then pointing straight down.
Platinum_Sky_Lover is naked except for a loincloth, and her matching white opera gloves and thigh high boots, overwhich are worn her perfected kata bracers. The bracers have a Hearthstone setting, containing her Celestial Manse's Gem of Sunlight. Around her neck is the tooth that the storm mother gave her.
<Moment> "Guess I'll be the target, then." Moment focused a mote of essence into her anima to make her caste mark blaze, bathing them all in a warm red light.
Jiang snorts. "Lets get this over with." He vanishes from sight, as he activates Walking Outside of Fate
Silent_Sunset starts spinning in a pirouette and disappears in a whirl of water
Platinum_Sky_Lover 's Caste Mark glows as well, as she engages per persistent combat Charms. Then, she dives in, her Hearthstorn glowing with a decent radius of light.
Hidden_Crystal concentrates, activating Blade of the Battle Maiden, before diving below.
<Silent_Sunset> As Silent Sunset swims straight downwards, mentally whooping with exuberance - water is fun! - shadows gather around him until he dissolves in them
<Moment> concentrates as well, and the red glow spreads to her friends as she activates her anima ability to protect them from harm.
<ADamiani> As you dive down, you find a scintilating coral reef growing at the side of some sort of volcanic hot vent, and a vast opening that cuts into the sea floor
<Moment> Next she focuses for a brief moment on the harmony of the world, even her enemies, as partners in a great dance, and focuses herself to complete every move of theres with the same Shining Joy.
<Moment> Then she dives after her friends and, at long last, lets herself sink.
Silent_Sunset swims in circles around the glowing figures of his circlemates, his eyes narrowing as he sees the opening in the sea floor
<ADamiani> As you take a deep breath, you find your lungs hold an abnormal amount of air, and it seems to expire much more slowly
<ADamiani> You estimate you have maybe half an hour before you need to surface, assuming moderate exertion.
<ADamiani> Somewhat less with combat.
<ADamiani> The coral wall looms before you-- it's actually warmer down here than above, thanks to the vents
<ADamiani> Who's the first one through?
Silent_Sunset is, totally cloaked
<ADamiani> Eeerie luminescent jellyfish float past you, Silent, and some sort of fish covered in spines.
<ADamiani> This is definitely the place. THere are bones of past meals here, and the remnants of some sort of ship.
Silent_Sunset makes a face at the spine-fish, avoids him
<ADamiani> No sign of the serpent yet, presumably in the back.
<ADamiani> Silent, if you go too far from the others, you won't be able to see.
Jiang picks into the ship, then swims on, unseen.
Silent_Sunset stays in the glowy periphery
<ADamiani> THere's a skeleton clutching a pirate chest full of gold dubloons, naturally.
Platinum_Sky_Lover follows after Silent Sunset, taking to the waters sinously like a snake would, the Water Dragon form making her movements natural.
<Silent_Sunset> (at the edge of the obvious glow)
Hidden_Crystal swims after PSL, with some difficulty.
<Moment> More bouncing off of the sea floor than swiming, Moment takes the lead of the obvious section of the party, red halo blazing. No point in being crazy enough to wear armor down here if she wasn't going to make a target of herself. She kicked ahead with the harpoon in hand.
<ADamiani> The harppoon is a nice touch. You'll be the first to see it, an absolutely MASSIVE creature, sixty feet long, maybe longer, coiled loosely around... something.
<ADamiani> It seems to be motionless, but its eyes are open (does it HAVE eyelids? WHo can say?)
Silent_Sunset pops out a little bubble of air in surprise, then quickly catches it between two fingers and puts it back into his mouth
<ADamiani> The vast creature stirs slightly
<ADamiani> Yes, it's definitely stirring.
Silent_Sunset swims closer ... slowly, like something drifting on the currents
<ADamiani> It seems to be examining whatever thing it's coiled about.
Jiang swims over to look.
<Silent_Sunset> ... and closer still, looking to go around it ...
<ADamiani> The ground rumbles slightly, as the vents gurgle forth hear and gass...
<ADamiani> OK, who's the closest light source?
<Moment> Normaly moment would wish to offer the fomralities of battle, such as a decloration of war, but Moment bites her lower lip on the vanglorious begining and bounds her way up to the beast, again trying to draw attention away from her less defended comrades. "Strike hard and fast!" she chided herself in a voice very like her old swordmasters as she moved with all speed to piece the beast before it woke. Curiosity would normaly flash th
<ADamiani> Silent, you're ahead, you're swimming around the thing at the edge of Mo's light radius
Silent_Sunset is a shadow among countless shadows but within this ones hides the Mercy of Saturn!
<ADamiani> You can see the thing it's coiled around and paying attention to, even as Mo gets a surprise action
<ADamiani> Eggs. Dozens and dozens of eggs, each one larger than a full grown man.
<ADamiani> The creature nuzzles them.... they seem to be hatching.
Platinum_Sky_Lover notes that the Maidens are indeed fickle.
Silent_Sunset nods sadly to himself ... it's is not nice, it isn't compassionate ... but it is necessary.
<ADamiani> Yes. Necessary. The rallying cry of all the Maidens' chosen as the plunge into the abyss.
<ADamiani> Which, come to think if it, is rather where you are.
<ADamiani> Moment's spear strikes straight and true in the cold dark depths... only to deflect harmlessly off of a hide like iron!
<ADamiani> A head the size of a small house whips around, eyes the size of your torso bear down on you.
Platinum_Sky_Lover decides to make this short and quick. It's unfortunate that these children must be robbed of their mother, and, indeed, they may lose their own lives. However, such cold, hard necessity is the mandate of the Sidereal Exalted. She cocks an eyebrow as she moves in, Moment having gained the creatures attention. She works to move behind the creatures head.
<Silent_Sunset> ((where Silent is already looking for an opening))
Platinum_Sky_Lover prepares her own deadly combo, Deadly Tsunami Undertow Strike, as she waits for the creature to ignore her and give her an opening. She twists and undulates in the depths much like a sea serpent herself.
<Moment> Moment bit her lower lip 'til a drop of blood disipated in the water not to scream.
Jiang hangs back in the shadows, watching the fight.
Hidden_Crystal swims closer, quickly, intent on trying to finish this quickly. He slashes out with his violet-glowing blade, once, twice, thrice, trying to strike through its hide.
<ADamiani> The blade would slice through a man as easily as the proverbial hot knife through butter, or a dragonblooded through a throng of peasants.
<ADamiani> It almost scratches Ka'La'Desh.
Silent_Sunset contemplates the swirling water around the beast's neck for a moment, then as the creature rears its head he meets the motion with a charge of his own, feet beating water in furious cadence, even as folds of cloth whipping around his legs smooth the currents behind him. As he comes in, blades appear in his hand, a nigh invisible air of Endings around them. Slzzt! The threads of the creature's fate are cut!
<Silent_Sunset> No wounds are left behind, no pain, yet the end is coming.
<ADamiani> The serpent bellows in rage! You have come to eat its young!
<ADamiani> This being under water, the world seems to ripple with the shockwave of its cry!
<ADamiani> It opens wide its cavernous mouth, and attempts to swallow the first person it saw whole!
<Silent_Sunset> A small, violet star hides behind thick clouds ...
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> As the creature opens it's gigantic mouth, Platinum attempts to dart *directly inside* the creature's gullet, past it's fangs! As she rocks it, she spins, creating a whirlpool effect, disrupting the creature's concentration. As she does so, fingertips start to shoot out, her fingertips glowing with azure essence, - zing! Zing zing zing!
Platinum_Sky_Lover attempts to use Drowing In Blood Technique on the snakes soft internal tissues, and uses the buffeting of the water dragon form to shield herself from the inevitable crushing while she spins. If all goes well, the beast should be dead in a moment!
<Moment> Still with teeth dug into her lip, moment leaps away to the side, using the but of her harpoon against the sea serpents jaw to lever herself away as fast as she can.
Platinum_Sky_Lover changes plans at the last moment. As she becomes a spinning watery cyclone, driving down into the beast, she instead activates her StrikinG Fury Claws attack, making her fingers as sharp as razors!
<ADamiani> Moment leaps away to the side, levering her harpoon against teeth longer than it
Platinum_Sky_Lover unfortunately does push Moment out of the way, but this creature needs to die, quickly. She prepares for the crushing maw and throat as she drives in.
<ADamiani> Platinum takes the opportunity to dart in and swim down its gullet.
<ADamiani> In the process...
<ADamiani> Ack!
<ADamiani> What is this!
<ADamiani> ACID?
<ADamiani> ACID?
<ADamiani> Who said anything about snakes spitting ACID?!
Platinum_Sky_Lover hmphs. As the aura of the Water Dragon ripples around her, she is prepared.
Platinum_Sky_Lover notes that this an excellent lesson in Water Dragon Martial Arts. She expects to make breakthroughs when she gets back to Yu Shan.
Platinum_Sky_Lover 's clawed hands push out and leave impressions from inside the snake's skin as she literally tears it apart from the inside!
<ADamiani> Suddenly, from below, several eggshells BURST open!
<ADamiani> Shells fly like shrapnel at the vulnerable Silent
<Moment> Rolling along the neck of the striking serpent as it passes, Moment drops her harpoon and focuses all her being on the need to kill this god-eater before her friend can be devoured. Seeing a bend in the snake as she fell along it and down, she reversed the daiklaive in both hands and drove it into the endelss coils with all her might.
<Silent_Sunset> Seeing doom rippling towards him in the threads of fate that make up all Creation, Silent does what he does best: Act like he's crazy. Spreading wide his arms, he makes his clothes billow out to all sides, to catch the sharp current of water driving upward along with the shrapnel eggshells. Like a bird he is thrown upward, a slight angling of his arms causes a sidewards gliding, which brings him outside the shrapnel rain.
Hidden_Crystal swims upward and closer to the snake's head, before gripping his daiklave's hilt in both hands, trying to stab at a one potential vulnearable spot: it's eyes, stabbing at those eyes once, twice, and thrice, hoping that this time, his attacks will be able to penetrate.
<ADamiani> Hidden Crystal's attack is valiant, but even the eyes of this great beast are all but invulnerable-- a nictating membrane slides up just in time to protect the massive orb
Platinum_Sky_Lover goes deeper, deeper - even as she burns, and her own virtues start to wither, she seeks out this creatures beating heart!
<Silent_Sunset> Silent Sunset's course takes him upwards and around the Serpent's head, leaving him right before the beast's eyes. Shadows flutter behind him, as he leaves their cover, drawing a symbol in the water before him in bubbly lines. Essence charges through it, confusing the animal mind, distracting it immensely. Silent's then breaks through the symbol, as another driven charge propels him towards the creature's other eye! Slash, slash, slash!
<Silent_Sunset> Fluids leak from the slashed eye, as pain fails to find its way into the beast's brain.
Silent_Sunset gracefully swims out of the way as the gigantic body slumps down
Platinum_Sky_Lover is almost suffocating. Strangely, her kindness leaves her, as she does grim work - she tears and rips and searches. Yes, there. She feels within her steel like fingers the thing's beating heart. Both of her hands take a hold of it, amidst water and acid and gore, and CRUSHES it.
<ADamiani> Acid blood flies everwhere, searing her body and eating into her spirit
Silent_Sunset swims in an arc over the nest. Seeing the young snakes hatch he feels the coldness of the water for the first time since he dove under the surface. He shudders, as he thinks of the consequences of action ... or inaction.
<Silent_Sunset> He looks at his compadres, seeking their eyes, their opinions ...
<ADamiani> The young serpents, already longer than a large man, seem bent on denying you the option of deliberation!
<ADamiani> One swims out and breaks its baby teeth on Moment's armor
Silent_Sunset is a blur of gelid water, colder than the surroundings even, keeping apart from the beasts
<Moment> Growling at the vermine-like spawn of the elemental-eating thing, Moment brought her daiklaive down on its neck, blurring with the speed of her charm once more as she spun amongst them, trailing ropes of blood behind her starmetal blade.
Silent_Sunset drifts over to Jiang
Platinum_Sky_Lover bursts her way from the corpse of the thing. Her eyes burn with a cruel fury, as she swims towards the small snakes slashing and killing as many as she can!
Silent_Sunset averts his eyes, a lonely tear mixing with the glacial water around him
Platinum_Sky_Lover does whatever of this grim work that Moment doesn't care to. Then, she glides towards the surface, her shining Hearthstone leading the way.
<ADamiani> OKeydoke.
<ADamiani> We fade out

<ADamiani> We cut in to the party recouping from their wounds and enjoying omplettes.
<ADamiani> How long does it take everyone to recover their essence?
Silent_Sunset calculates
<Moment> Moment shook in her warm, warm blanket, greatful in the extreme for the new friends who'd more or less hauled her up from the bottom of the ocean.
<Jiang> "Well. Now if you're all done beating up snakes, perhaps we can continue on with rectifying the problems with fate?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover 's body is burned, as her Anima banner dies down. But, as they recover, she remarks, "That snake and it's spawn were things from the Wyld. It fed on my kindness and good nature. I have no mercy for such enemies of Creation. It was similar to a Wyld behemoth."
Silent_Sunset nods, quietly
<Silent_Sunset> "The services of Zosmei's Court are gained thus."

<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Yes. Let us speak with our Storm Mother friend." In a rather grisly manner, Sky still hold's the thing's now-dead heart.
<ADamiani> Zosmei agrees that you have done your duty, the laughing thunder court will uphold their side of the bargain.
Platinum_Sky_Lover presents the heart to Zosmei in a fine teak box.

Silent_Sunset seems thoughtful
<Moment> Hugging herself beneath the blanket, Moment's trembling faded considerably at the thought that the newborns she butchered were wyld things.
<Silent_Sunset> "So ... the next step is to catch Peleps Yolan unaware."
<Jiang> "I shall sneak aboard her ship and deal with her as she sleeps. Then I will take her place and all will go as planned."
<Silent_Sunset> "Take her out of the picture, then impersonate her."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Will you need back up? I am not as skilled in disguse as some of us here."
Silent_Sunset nods at Jiang
<Moment> Moment nods, smiling softly, but very pale at the reality of the intruige.
Jiang shakes his head "I should be quite capable."
<ADamiani> It's early on the 19th.
<Silent_Sunset> "I am quite capable at not being seen ... I'll come along, yes?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "If you want, I can liase with Zosmei and her court, and then join you when the inevitable fight breaks out."
Jiang nods "That would be acceptable."
<Silent_Sunset> "I'm not sure, that will be possible ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "... how will you get from the Court to the fleet?"
<Silent_Sunset> "Jiang can handle the translation to Creation and I the way back ... beyond that it's difficult."
Platinum_Sky_Lover lays out on the rock, tanning. "Then, perhaps I should stay in Creation."
Silent_Sunset looks at everything but her
Jiang nods "But it is time for us to go. I will infiltrate the fleet. You all will remain in the wings, in case of disaster."
Jiang rises to his feet "Come." He sets out.
Silent_Sunset follows
Hidden_Crystal follows

<ADamiani> OK, so the group wanders out of the gate-- it's tucked away in a little grotto, along with the ruins of the first age civilization that once inhabited the island

<ADamiani> Storm clouds have gathered overhead, brewing ominously....
<ADamiani> Something seems off.
<ADamiani> The air is hot, and sticky, and smells faintly sweet.
<Jiang> "Spread out, take a look around. Rendevouz here in.. 6 hours."
Silent_Sunset nods
Jiang vanishes, then sets out to look around.
<ADamiani> This is quite odd, since it's Creation's equivalent to the middle of february
<ADamiani> Who IS everyone?
<Silent_Sunset> Currently myself
Jiang is nobody.
Silent_Sunset is wearing local clothing, to better blend in
<ADamiani> Lightning crackles sideways amidst the clouds.
<ADamiani> Coral is filled with low adobe buildings
<Silent_Sunset> Under them the identifying signet of the All-Seeing Eye and papers of authentification
<ADamiani> It's a bustling sea port, with a large palace at the center.
Silent_Sunset nods at Jiang's words, and looks at the brewing storm for a second
Hidden_Crystal looks at the sky, frowning.
<ADamiani> The seaport, of course, is full of ships, many of them flying the flag of the realm and the insignia of the third fleet
<Silent_Sunset> As he arrives in town, he has become Tepet Lisano, a high ranking officer of the All-Seeing Eye, currently in disguise
<ADamiani> The city is surprisingly still, very few people on the street

<ADamiani> What is Lisano disguised as?
<ADamiani> You see something move in an alleyway
<ADamiani> About twenty yards up ahead
<Silent_Sunset> A Western merchant of Pearls and Spices, currently trying to find out, what fleet is blocking his ship's moving out
Silent_Sunset goes along the alleyway, looking to find someone to talk to - a seller of snacks or something
<ADamiani> There's a kid, throwing a stick to some sort of domesticated reptile.
<ADamiani> "Shh, boy, be quiet, or mom'll make us come in!"
Silent_Sunset raises an eyebrow, grinning
<Silent_Sunset> "Boy", is he?
Silent_Sunset follows Eye routine - start out with those who know least
<ADamiani> The reptile grabs the stick and brings it back to him.
<ADamiani> The boy makes a fake-out motion and 'fake' throws the stick, holding onto it.
<ADamiani> The reptile grabs the thrown stick, and once again brings it back to the boy.
<ADamiani> Make a per+awareness check
<ADamiani> Yeah, you're pretty sure he didn't actually throw it that time.
Silent_Sunset> Eh ... damn fate-snarls
Silent_Sunset walks on, not wanting to confuse this snarl even further
Silent_Sunset looks for dockworkers/officers at the harbor
Silent_Sunset curses at the (not)lightning in the sky
Silent_Sunset considers for a moment, then decides that he really dropped the ball on preparation this time
<Silent_Sunset> If he'd done a neat file-up and dossier on this, there'd be no problem!
Silent_Sunset looks if there's some kind of bar or so open, preferrably frequented by sailors
<Silent_Sunset> "When in doubt, do eavesdrop on other people's conversations."
Silent_Sunset drinks something, overhearing the conversations around him, occasionally dropping disparaging comments about the Realmites
<Silent_Sunset> "Wasn't like that, before THEY came, eh?"
<Silent_Sunset> "That high-up of theirs ... have you seen her? They say, she ..."
<ADamiani> Silent: "They says she consorts with demons is what they says!"
<Silent_Sunset> "... and those guards of hers. Terryfying, those ..."
<Silent_Sunset> basically looking for rumors, eye-witness stuff on the bodyguards. like 'That one wears one stupid big hammer around with him' or 'the one in red is a totally creepy sorcerer' or anything people might have seen of them
<Silent_Sunset> and if they haven't seen anything, I can close that line of searching and hope that the others will do good
<ADamiani> Yeah, the Earth aspect wears one stupid-big hammer. The one in red is a totally creepy... well, actually, he's a fire immaculate.
<Silent_Sunset> this is a decided non-shtick for Silent, so I'm looking to make way here
<ADamiani> Near as you can get, Yolan has commandeered herself a perfect circle of immaculate monks.
<ADamiani> A wee bit of poking may reveal that they are color coded for your convenience.
Silent_Sunset leaves the bar, drops his Resplendant Destiny in some back-alley and takes to wandering about the city randomly, making notes of whacked-out shit
<Silent_Sunset> "And another case of upward rain, and there's the 7th time I've met the same creepy dog."
<Silent_Sunset> "That will take a good amount of work."
Silent_Sunset sighs
ADamiani gives SIlent a Cookie for getting the idea and running with it
Silent_Sunset almost gets bitten by the scary dog
<ADamiani> Silent, as you're wandering around the city, you walk under a ladder
<ADamiani> Then you walk under the ladder three more times.
Silent_Sunset marks the ladders down, dutifully

<Moment> Lou made her way down the streets of the city towards the docks, taking an idle stroll and staring about dreamy eyed with her "greatsword" (Daikliave) over her back. Noting the circling ships, she eventualy made her away along the docks looking for legionaries on liberty.
<ADamiani> Lou, there are some legionaires there, but they only seem to be ones with pressing business
<ADamiani> And they're looking over their shoulders
<Moment> With a crisp salute to anyone of higher rank, Lou straightened and focused, walking quickly passed the legionaries. Worrying that this particular version of the Someone's Son destiny might not do as much good as she'd hoped, Lou reached into a pocket and looked for a market, formulating a story about a dragon blooded officer sending her for a trinket to send home to his wife.
<ADamiani> There is a market on coral, and though the crowds are sparse, those stall-owners who are still open are rather grateful to see any business come their way
<ADamiani> At least, until you mention that you're a dragon blooded officer.
<ADamiani> "Get out. We don't want your kind here. Haven't you done enough already?"
<Moment> Lou spread her hands placatingly. "You misunderstand me, goodman. I'm just a soldier. My officer told me to buy some coral he could send home to his family, because he was too busy to get off the ships."
<ADamiani> "You're with the fleet, ain'cha?"
<ADamiani> "That's enough."
<ADamiani> "Your money
<ADamiani> 's no good here."
<Moment> Lou spread her hands again, and shruged her shoulders in resignation. "Good day, then." She turned away and strode up the street, groaning at the thought that she'd truly chosen the wrong respledent destiny for this job, 'til the idea occured to her that she might gather a bit of gossip by visiting the locale Imaculate temple. There were Imaculate missionaries even in the river country, surely here she'd run into some.
<ADamiani> Moment-- yes! There does appear to be an immaculate mission!
<ADamiani> Unlike the rest of the island, THAT is pretty crowded. You can smell the burnt offerings from a mile off
<Moment> Holding her cloak over her head so that it isn't impaled on her skikes, she hurries to the imaculate mission and scrambles up under the porch, then tries to wipe her boots.
<Moment> Smiling at the insence in spite of her usual reservations about the Bronze Factions tool, "Lou" slips inside with the worshipers, making apropriate gestures of respect towards the five directions, then looks surveys the scene.
<ADamiani> Moment, there are monks scurrying this way and that, plenty of worshippers huddled in terror, much hubbub going around.
<Moment> Lou makes her way towards the worshipers, since no acolyte greeted her, "Blessings be with you, brethren. I pray you, what puts such fear in the eyes of the faithful?"
<ADamiani> Moment: Everyone looks at you like you're a total idiot.
<ADamiani> Moment> "HAh! Gallows humor! I love it!" A big hearty bear of a man sticks his arm aound you
<ADamiani> "All time is good time for joke, yes!"
<Moment> Lou sighes and spreads her hands, "Please, I've been in the hold of my ship for weeks now, and now no one will tell me what's going on!" She hissed in frustration. "Where else was I to turn but the stronghold of the imaculate dragons?"
<ADamiani> The man drops his arm around you and looks at you like you're a little nuts.
<ADamiani> "Well... uh..."
<ADamiani> "There's the SKY for one..."
<Moment> "And the smell of honeysuckle in the rain whever we go," she nodded in agreement.
<ADamiani> "Not to mention... you know... the REST of the troubles..."
<Moment> "Heat in the month of water, yes, and purple lighting from clear sky. But forgive me my ignorance, what else has befalen you? I haven't been out of the ship's hold in... Dragons, how long has it been?"
<ADamiani> Moment: "Most of a week, now. Ever since the Outsiders came."
<Moment> "The imperial fleet's only been in port four days, have other outsider's come?"
<ADamiani> "What, just the same as always, you know, in a major port... but the Imperials, the Realmies, they're the ones that brought The Troubles with them."
<Moment> Moment nodded and thanked him, thinking -Doesn't do much good, just confirming a breach of reality that we already have paperwork on. And there've been no demon reports yet, so this really isn't my area, except...- She was about to turn away, then turned back. "By the way, what creepy dog? Can you describe it?"
<Moment> After a few more minutes of prayer, Lou left the temple and set herself to simply walking the streets and docks, familiarizing herself with the layout of the city as best as she could in the time aloted, paying particular attention to covert entryways and rapid egresses. On the docks, she looks for trick ways onto the ships without climbing, such as cranes to swing from.

Hidden_Crystal as Grey Heron makes "her" way towards the marketplace, along the near-deserted streets: she watches for the few townsfolk that may be on the streets, listening for any whispers.
<Hidden_Crystal> Grey Heron makes "her" way slowly towards a stall (a different one then Lou is at), every line of her slender body showing weariness.
<ADamiani> "What in the gods' name are you doing outside on a day like this?"
<ADamiani> "Get in side, child, get in side"
<ADamiani> A withered old lady hurries you inside an inn
<ADamiani> "You must be out of your mind, young lady. Outside, what with The Troubles and all..."
<ADamiani> "Not fit out for man nor beast"
Hidden_Crystal goes along with her, and gives her a tired, pleading look. "Please...I don't know all of what's going on. I've been inside for days, taking care of my mother, she's been ill. I don't know..."
<ADamiani> Hidden: "End of the world, tha's what it is, leastways that's what some says."
<Hidden_Crystal> Heron's eyes widen, and she looks terrified (as any sane person would be upon being told such a piece of news). "End-end of the world?"
<ADamiani> HC: "That's what some says, certainly. Seems like it, doesn't it?"
<Hidden_Crystal> Heron shivers. "I haven't seen most of what's been happening...only today. I haven't been outside in days."
<ADamiani> HC: "Well, the End of the World 's what they say. Hard to say for sure, now, innit?"
<Hidden_Crystal> "...what strange occurences have been happening? What signs are there to make people say such a thing?" she looks tired and confused.
<ADamiani> HC: "Oh, you know, this and that," says the young man you've been speaking with. "Strange things. Lights in the skies. Unnatural weather. ... and... stranger occurrances."
<Hidden_Crystal> "Stranger occurences?"
<ADamiani> HC: The young man says: "Oh, yes. The baker's shop burned down yesterday, saw it with my own eyes, and yet, there it stands, large as life."
Hidden_Crystal 's eyes widen: Heron would be surprised. Definitely. He mentally curses in Low Realm at the fate snags. "W-what?! But that's..." she trails off, seemingly numbly.
<ADamiani> HC: The young woman you've been talking with bites her lip. "I'm terribly frightened. Nobody I've talked to has ever seen anything like this, before."
Hidden_Crystal nods in silent agreement. "Yes...it's..." she shivers.
Hidden_Crystal mentally is keeping mental notes of the oddness.
Hidden_Crystal nods. "T-thank you for telling me." Shakily, she stands. "I think I-I'd better get back home to my mother. I...I shouldn't leave her alone when things are this bad." with a nod in thank you to the people she has been speaking to, she turns and hurries out of the inn, heading for a deserted alley. Once there, Crystal drops his RD.

Jiang wanders down to the docks, moving through the crowds like a shadow.
<ADamiani> Jiang, even the sailors seem to be clustered on their ships.
<ADamiani> Most of them seem to be docked, though there are a good number circling the island like sharks.
Jiang drifts from knot to knot, listening to their conversations.
Jiang is drifting around, investigating for a clue.
Jiang goes looking for the Admiral and her body guard. Specifically, their place of residence.
<ADamiani> She has quarters aboard the flagship, the Resplendant, and is frequently at the palace.
Jiang spits out a purple essence spider "Where are the admiral and her bodyguards' meals prepared."
<ADamiani> OK, Jiang, the meals will be prepared either on the Resplendant or on the Palace, they eat in either place.
<ADamiani> She certainly has her food tested if she eats in the palace.
Jiang wanders around, searching for the Admiral.
<ADamiani> Jiang wanders stealthily through the halls of the palace-- much nicer in here than in the rest of the city, you can definitely see where Coral puts their money--
<ADamiani> Eventually, you'll find a locked door with lots of guards around it, and muffled shouts coming from inside.
Jiang saunters past the guards and listens at the door
<ADamiani> You can't hear all of it, but it seems to be the Sea Lord's Privy council.
<ADamiani> They're debating what to do about the Realm.
<ADamiani> Muffled: "Even if we DO drive them off, conflict of the realm throws the whole rest of our timetable off kilter!"
Jiang sighs and rolls back his shirt. From under the clothe he draws.. something, that looks like horrible gray slime. It grows an eye and looks up at him. Jiang presses his hand against the door and says "Ooze through the door crack a bit, will you, and release the bolt?"
Jiang sighs and knocks on the door.
Jiang concentrates, shifting his body chemistry, then quickly touches each of the door guards. Each, caught by the poison, falls to the ground unconcious. He knocks on the door again.
<ADamiani> J: "I thought I gave strict instructions we were not to be disturbed?"
Jiang knocks on the door a third time, each knock precise, deliberate, and implacable.
<ADamiani> "WHAT IS IT?"
<Jiang> *knock* *knock* *knock*
Jiang draws out a black porcelin mask, it's face curled into a vacant, empty smile. He slides it on and, with a breath, assumes his Resplendant Destiny. *knock* *knock* *knock*
<ADamiani> The door is flung open, revealing a big, brutish man with a thin beard (no moustache) and a topknot, wearing banded mail armor
<ADamiani> His hand is already on his sword before he sees that you've assumed the RD of a faceless assassin
Jiang smiles behind his mask and merges with the man's shadow, sliding into the room unseen.
<ADamiani> "What the hell?!"
<ADamiani> The man notices the bodies of the guards you've poisoned
<ADamiani> "We're under attack!"
<ADamiani> He draws his blade (no one has noticed you yet)
<ADamiani> About a dozen other people in the room, most of them DBs, draw theirs as well
<ADamiani> "There! An assassin!"
<ADamiani> A man on a high seat at the center of the room points at you, rising to his feet
<ADamiani> Well, he points kind of vaguely at you....
Jiang leans casually against one of the monsters. In a breath, he drops his stealth charm and assumes his resplendant destiny, the nameless, faceless assassin. He says, voice resonate behind his mask "Fortunately, that is untrue. You are not currently under attack. By me, at least."
Jiang is.. different, under his destiny. The vacantly smiling black mask is clearly visible, but the rest of him fades into the surroundings, making it hard to tell who or what he is.
Jiang raises one hand "Gentlemen, please. I come not to fight, but instead to speak of something that, I am sure, is of mutual interest. The eventual fate of the Realm Third Fleet."
Jiang sounds faintly amused.
<ADamiani> You have their attention.
<Jiang> "While you are uninformed and ignorant of the true danger this fleet poses to certain interested parties, you nonetheless have intentions that are as one with those of my brothers and I. The Fleet is not where it is supposed to be, and we have been sent to rectify this matter in accordance with our own ancient and unbending traditions."
<ADamiani> There's some scratching of heads.
<ADamiani> Two or three of them look like they may just shoot you anyhow
<ADamiani> Eventually, the Sea Lord speaks.
<ADamiani> "Just who ARE you, and what parties do you represent?"
Jiang bows with a flourish "A thousand pardons, my Lord. I am Nusquam, and the Prince to whom I answer does not, at this time, desire to make himself known." The name he gives is meaningless. Old Realm for 'nothing'.
<ADamiani> Utopia?
<ADamiani> You represnt Utopia?
<ADamiani> And this is the point where you leap out the window and cloak?