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Session Start (gryphon.magicstar.net:#InstantHellGaming): Fri May 13 18:50:05 2005

    • Now talking in #InstantHellGaming.

Last time...

Omabwa points toward a heavily-forested hill on one side of the island. "I thought you might like to see where we are going. Father lives there." He begins to climb down.

Ana and Vaschir notice a faint shimmer on Omabwa's forehead. The direction he points is toward the west.

"Shhhhit" Vaschir mutters under his breath

Ana laughs and starts climbing down. "Okay. Great. Fantastic."

In that direction, the island becomes hilly; the largest hill appears to be a smoking volcano. Beyond it, something enormous glitters in the sun.

A white wall, pierced by enormous arches, curves around the western quadrant of the island. From its top, enormous, jagged shards of what appears to be glass extend into the sky, easily exceeding the height of the island's tallest point. The shards are curved in such a way that it is easy to imagine that they are the remains of a huge dome which once covered the island like an egg.

To the east, the sunlight refracts blinding rainbows from the glass beach; the leaning spire is visible as a black line in the middle of the aquamarine water.


The trio drops back down below the upper canopy.

Small insects flutter and buzz through the many shafts of light filtering down through the leaves.

<Omabwa> "Come, the walk will take most of the day."

<CaptainVaschir> "lead on"

<Ana> "After you."

<Omabwa> Omabwa walks ahead, barely disturbing the jungle.

The forest floor is carpeted in a dense layer of fallen leaves and moss.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir follows, swatting at the occasional biting insect.

Lush ferns rustle with the passage of the trio.

Ana follows quietly, eyes darting mistrustfully between the pirate and the.. something-or-other.

<Omabwa> As they walk, Omabwa says over his shoulder, "Father will like you. He has rarely had the opportunity to entertain foreign guests."

<CaptainVaschir> "Any idea when the last time was?"

<Omabwa> Omabwa thinks for a moment. "Long, long before I was born."

<CaptainVaschir> "So he doesn't have a huge problem with outlanders that might, say, provoke him into a killing frenzy or anything, then?"

<Ana> "Is your father Exalted as well?"

<Omabwa> "Father is calm and wise, and would not harm you unless you deserve it."

Ana grins at Vaschir. "So you're probably in trouble, then."

<CaptainVaschir> "Great, sounds like the last twelve magistrates I've been hauled before," Vaschir mutters.

<Omabwa> Turning to Ana, Omabwa shakes his head, "No, Father is not so blessed."

<Omabwa> "Though he has known many of the Unconquered Son's children."

Ana begins coughing raucously.

As they walk along, Ana and Vaschir begin to notice gleams of white amid the browns and greens of the undergrowth. The forest floor appears to be strewn with a great many chunks of marble, some of them quite large and all of them overgrown with moss and pitted with age.

<Ana> "The.. Unconquered.. Sun, you say?"

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir shrugs, "Don't look at me, I don't know what he's on about either."

<Omabwa> Clambering through the ruins without a second thought, Omabwa says, "Yes." He points up at the sunlight gleaming through the canopy.

Ana is flabbergasted.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir looks around panic-eyed but, seeing no one's noticed his continuity error, relaxes.

<Ana> "I'm standing between a pirate and an Anathema," she mutters under her breath. "This is a really super day for me."

<Omabwa> "Though you should probably not speak to the animals you see while here. Many of them do not like humans." Omabwa continues on, unconcerned.

<CaptainVaschir> "Thanks, I was burning with curiosity about that one"

Prior to this point, the group has had to duck under several fallen tree-trunks to continue. The next one is not a tree-trunk at all, but a massive pillar, fallen but still intact.

Its mossy alabaster surface bears the eroded remnants of elaborate bas-relief carvings.

In the thickets to either side of the trail, the bases of other shattered pillars are visible, sticking up like broken teeth through the ferns.

<CaptainVaschir> "Any idea what these used to be?" Vaschir asks, indulging what little non-plunder-related curiosity he has.

<Omabwa> "Pillars."

<CaptainVaschir> "Why did I even bother?" He mutters

Ana chuckles.

<Omabwa> Omabwa cracks a smile.

<Omabwa> "These pillars once stood, tall and proud, around an altar upon which sacrifices were placed," Omabwa says. "Satisfied?"

<Ana> "You HAD to get him talking about sacrifices."

<CaptainVaschir> "Somewhat, since you ask"

<CaptainVaschir> "Like it wasn't going to be the main topic of conversation eventually!"

<Omabwa> "Oh nuts, I forgot my knife," Omabwa mumbles just loudly enough to be heard.

<Ana> "You know, Omabwa, it's a well-established fact in the civilized world that pirates make the best sacrifices."

<CaptainVaschir> "Don't worry, chief, I've got several concealed about my person. You need stabbing, just let me know"

<CaptainVaschir> "...said the broad I came upon about to be ritually chucked to a Kraken"

<Ana> "And you can see what a mistake THAT was."

<Ana> "I make a LOUSY sacrifice. I bet you'd be juuuuust right."

<CaptainVaschir> "Doubt it, my surly and violent nature makes me sour to the taste, with a bitter, burning aftertaste."

Passing under an intact arch, its keystone inlaid with a gleaming orichalcum sunburst, the three hear the rustle of something large moving though the undergrowth up ahead.

<Omabwa> Omabwa is watching listening to them go back and forth, restraining his laughter.

<Ana> "I said a sacrifice, not a souffle."

<CaptainVaschir> "There's remarkably little difference, once you get down to it"

<Omabwa> Omabwa stops and puts an arm out to stop the arguing couple. "Shhhh!" he hisses through his teeth.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir freezes

As the rustling draws closer, Omabwa's sharp ears pick up deep snuffling sounds, as of air being drawn into enormous nostrils.

Ana looks bewildered.

<Omabwa> Omabwa treads lightly toward into the underbrush, toward the noise.

An enormous, ruddy shape crashes through a stand of ferns and vines, lumbering to a halt in the center of the path.

It takes a moment for Ana and Vaschir to notice anything beyond its great bulk, but when they do, they see that it is a tremendous bristle-backed boar.

Ana tries not to gape.

The tusks protruding from its huge mouth are easily the size of those one might expect to find in that of an elephant.

<Omabwa> Omabwa crosses his arms. "Pumbaata! What are you doing, stomping around like this?"

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir silently bemoans not having a boar spear handy, or perhaps a lance considering the size of this monstrosity

The boar god, for indeed it is him, grunts.

<Omabwa> "We have new visitors, Great Boar."

To either side of him, other boars -- which would themselves be considered giants of their kind if not in the shadow of their spirit king -- emerge from teh foliage, flanking the humans.

<Omabwa> Under his breath, Omabwa whispers, "Be polite. Introduce yourselves."

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir stage wispers to Ana, "Great Boar?"

"So I see," says the razorback god.

Pumbaata narrows his beady eyes at Vaschir.

Ana clears her throat. "Um, hello, Great Boar. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Ana smiles sweetly and elbows Vaschir in the ribs.

<Ana> "Say something."

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir shoots Ana a glare and speaks. "Greetings. I'm Captain Qara Vaschir, formerly of the Relentless."

The Great Boar flicks his eyes to Ana, then across to Vaschir, and snorts dismissively.

"What are these humans doing in my territory?" he demands crossly.

He stamps with one foreleg, sending a tremor through the ground.

<Omabwa> "I travel to present these visitors to Father, whom we both know would be interested to meet them."

A succulent fruit, dislodged from an overhead limb by the vibration, plops wetly on a stone in front of Ana.

Ana eyes it hungrily, but decides now is not the best time for a snack.

Pumbaata snorts, the blast of hot, moist breath shaking petals loose from the orchids adorning a nearby tree trunk.

"You were planning to inform me of these... trespassers' presence only after bringing them before the bear?" A dangerous fire is building in the depths of the god's tiny, dark eyes.

"You presume a great deal, two-legs piglet. As head constable, it is the duty of all to inform me immediately of any intruders."

<Omabwa> "They are guests," Omabwa stresses, "not trespassers. Furthermore, they are my guests, and it is my duty under the old laws to be hospitable."

<Omabwa> "Besides, I knew that seeking you to alert you would be a waste of time; you are too keen and do your job too well to miss their presence."

Pumbaata's eyes narrow; his bristles stand up even straighter. "I know the law." He hisses, a sound which, due to his massive size and bone-shakingly deep voice, sounds more like a roar.

"The bear has certainly taught you many pretty words," he says. "As I would expect from the court archivist."

<Omabwa> "'If there is no one to remember the law,'" Omabwa quotes, "'there is no law.'"

Pumbaata paws at the ground, gouging up a huge furrow with his razor-sharp hoof.

"It seems he has also taught you more than empty flattery," he grudgingly admits.

"You may continue on your way, but only with an escort." At these words, two of his boar deputies step forward and take up positions to either side of the humans.

<Omabwa> Omabwa bows with respect.

<Omabwa> "With your leave, Warden?"

The boar god fixes Ana and Vaschir with his beady, burning gaze. "I do not make the law. Until the king tells me you do not belong, you may stay. But," his voice lowers to his version of a dangerous whisper, which is still loud enough to shake dust from the ancient arch, "see to it that you are well-behaved."

Ana bows awkwardly. "Of course."

He turns, each step shaking the earth, and disappears back into the brush. His boar-heroes follow him, leaving behind only the two escorts.

The silver-muzzled boar snorts; his partner with the broken tusk jerks his head, indicating that the humans should not dawdle.

<Omabwa> Gesturing that they should continue on, Omabwa says, "Pumbaata is gruff, but a good and fair warden. Just be careful until he grows used to your presence."

<CaptainVaschir> "I should probably mention at this point that law enforcement types seem to have an irrational and completely baseless dislike for me."

<Ana> "I'm sure."

Following the humans with incongruously dainty steps, the two boar deputies share a glance.

The silver-muzzled one moves a bit closer to Vaschir; Ana can feel broken-tusk's eyes on her back.

<Ana> "As I am a humble, law-abiding citizen of no consequence," Ana states in extremely careful, precise Old Realm, "I do not usually have trouble with those who take it upon themselves to enforce the all-important law."

The boars do not bother replying.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir theatrically offers he his handkerchief "Here, you've got a little something on your nose."

The ruins are growing more obvious all around; it seems as though this section of the forest is particularly thick with them.

The boar ignores the pirate's joke.

<CaptainVaschir> "My humor is lost on these phillistines" Vaschir mutters under his breath.

Columns and half-collapsed, vine-strangled walls are almost as common as trees.

<Ana> "I think your humor went missing long before now."

<Omabwa> Omabwa laughs. "Putanwi and Rumaat aren't as humorful as Pumbaata, are you, friends?" He pats Putanwi on his silvered back.

The elderly boar snuffles in a not-unfriendly fashion.

Rumaat One-Tusk looks disapprovingly at his colleague.

The three humans and their porcine escorts trek through the jungle for many hours.

The sun grows dim and ruddy as they wend their way through more monuments of a fallen civilization.

Fallen pillars; crumbling statues whose faces are eroded into blankness save for the symbols graven on their foreheads in gold, silver, and jade; marble flagstones peeking through the leaves underfoot.

As sunset approaches, they crest a rise.

As they start down the western face of the hill, more very large trees are in evidence.

The ones on the eastern face were no midgets, but these are truly ancient specimens, no doubt dating back to the First Age itself.

After an hour's hike through the old-growth forest, the trees begin to thin around them.

Soon afterward, they emerge into a large, grassy meadow.

<Omabwa> "Father!" Omabwa calls.

The sun shimmers through the broken glass of the dome; rainbows shatter from its jagged edges.

Through the massive arches of the shield wall, the water burns with orange and gold light.

The group sets out into the meadow; the grass is tall enough to almost completely conceal the boars, and reach to the shoulders of the humans.

<Omabwa> "He should be here," Omabwa mentions to his companions.

To the west, a baobab tree, much like the one Omabwa lives in except far larger, stretches its many-fingered limbs to the sky.

<Ana> "Your father has quite a lovely home."

<CaptainVaschir> "That is a bigass tree, no kidding."

<Omabwa> "Elegant as well as handsome, amazing."

<CaptainVaschir> "You sound like my last parole officer" Vaschir complains

Ana grins.

<Omabwa> "Father!" Omabwa calls again.

"Omabwa!" replies a voice that might sound deep and resonant if the listener had not already been exposed to Pumbaata.

Up ahead, a back covered with blue-gray fur can be seen humping up above the grass as its owner lumbers out toward the group.

<Omabwa> "You have visitors! From beyond the island!"

Before too long, Ombalu reaches the humans. He is a very large bear with a striking slate-gray coat and inquisitive gray eyes.

Rings of jade and shimmering moonsilver adorn his ears.

<Omabwa> Omabwa bows. "Father, this is Ana, and this Vaschir."

He sniffs up and down, inspecting the newcomers. "Excellent, excellent."

"Where did you find these people, Oma?"

"It has been centuries since any humans last... visited this island."

<Omabwa> "On the glass beach, unconscious."

"Hm, most interesting!" Unlike the boar god, Ombalu seems positively ecstatic to see outsiders -- and human ones, at that! -- on the island.

"Where are my manners?" he exclaims. "Please, join me in my house."

Pausing to nuzzle Omabwa's cheek, he turns and trundles off toward the baobab.

The boar deputies exchange a look and hold their position.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir follows, after seeing the fuzz isn't going to impede him

<Ana> With a last look to the escorts, Ana follows suit.

"Please inform us if your guests wish to leave your territory, Chief Archivist," calls Putanwi.

"Of course, of course," Ombalu calls back, without turning around.

<Omabwa> Omabwa takes up the rear.

After a couple minutes, they reach the gigantic tree.

Its trunk must be at least twenty feet in diameter.

Ombalu approaches a large crack in the trunk and squeezes through, vanishing inside the tree.

<CaptainVaschir> Leaping into action, Vaschir saunters through the opening as well

<Omabwa> Omabwa ushers Ana through, then enters himself.

As Vaschir squeezes into the crack, he sees nothing but darkness ahead of him.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir stops moving, as he's pretty sure that darkness is the ass end of that bear, and is determined not to walk into it

The crack actually seems to be getting tighter... but the energetic barbarian bringing up the rear keeps pushing Ana forward, who in turn keeps on pushing Vaschir forward.

<CaptainVaschir> "Stop shoving, I can't see a damn thing in here"

<Omabwa> Since she is just as determined not to walk into Vaschir's ass.

<Omabwa> "Walk on, Captain, walk on."

<Ana> "I wouldn 't have to shove if you'd get out of my way."

Just as the crack seems to have narrowed far enough that it won't be possible to go any further, a strange feeling washes over the three humans.

<CaptainVaschir> "Ana, I'm being totally serious here, whatever it is your doing you really ought to stop"

<Ana> "I'm not doing anything right now!"

FOr an instant, their bodies seem to slip away before snapping back into place; after the brief disorientation, they see that the crack has apparently turned a corner and now opens onto a large, cozily-lit space.

<CaptainVaschir> "then stop!"

<Ana> "Quiet, pirate."

The circular room is much too large to possibly fit inside the baobab, but it does look like the inside of a hollow tree.

<CaptainVaschir> "huh, that seems to have sorted itself out, somehow."

Ombalu is puttering about near one of the gently curving walls. Many different kinds of artifacts are arranged about the chamber.

<Omabwa> "Faith, Captain."

Scrolls are stowed neatly in racks off to one side; low shelves and open-faced cabinets display many gleaming trinkets and inscrutable devices.

<CaptainVaschir> "You know, I had bet myself you were going to say 'belief' or 'the ineffable tide of nature'"

<Omabwa> "So, you lost, then?"

Off to the other side, tree branches have been piled up and woven into a nest -- presumably Ombalu's bed.

<CaptainVaschir> "sort of, its a dualistic matter anyway

The comfortable, orangeish light doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere in particular.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir stops paying attention and starts a mental catalogue of the pontential loot in here.

<Omabwa> "Well, I was toying with 'What, you think you're larger than a Bear God?' but decided to be-" he whacks Vaschir to get his attention -"inspirational."

Although most of the items in Ombalu's collection have no obvious function, many of them are shiny enough that they would doubtless command stupendous prices from collectors of First Age relics.

<CaptainVaschir> "hey!"

Ana laughs.

Ombalu turns around to face the humans. "Sorry for the tight squeeze."

"Welcome to my home. Please make yourselves comfortable."

<Ana> "Um, thank you, sir."

<CaptainVaschir> "yeah, thanks. This is an amazingly well-appointed tree-thing you've got going on, by the way."

<Omabwa> Omabwa hops onto a low-hanging branch, obviously a seat he frequents.

"Thank you, good sir." Ombalu settles himself on his haunches and regards the newcomers.

"You certainly look like a pair of colorful characters," he observes, his eyes dwelling on their ragged, sea-damaged outfits.

<CaptainVaschir> "The short version involves a Kracken, a cursed woman, and much near-drowning. The long version's likely to take all night"

<Ana> "Yes, well, I apologize for my appearance; I would be in better shape if the pirate hadn't thrown me overboard, but, well, what can one do when dealing with brigands?" Ana flashes a winning smile.

<CaptainVaschir> "I can think of at least twenty things"

<CaptainVaschir> "Anyway, my ship got destroyed by an irate Kraken chasing after her, and after breathing water for longer than is healthy I woke up on this island with Omabwa over there poking me with a stick."

Ombalu waves a paw dismissively. "As you can see, I am not wearing any clothes at all, so it would be quite rude of me to judge you by the state of your outfits."

The bear god eyes Vaschir shrewdly. "Your ship was attacked by a kraken and you lived to tell the tale? You must be a mighty hero indeed."

His gaze slants across to include Ana.

<CaptainVaschir> "That's what I keep saying, but does anyone notice?"

<Ana> "Your.. son.. has been very gracious to us; you have my gratitude for raising him so well."

"Yes, well, I do my best. He was quite a handful when he was younger." The bear gives Omabwa a kindly look.

<Omabwa> "Luckily, Father was a better climber than I."

"You know, he was shipwrecked, also. At least, I found him amongst flotsam washed up on the shore one day."

Something catches Ombalu's eye; he rises up and shuffles over toward Ana.

Ana looks surprised.

If he were anything other than a talking bear, she might be offended that he appears to be looking straight down her shirt.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir suppresses a chuckle

<Ana> "Umm.. sir?"

Ana is bemused.

"Well, this is most interesting!" Ombalu exclaims, drawing his nose back from Ana's collarbone.

"Perhaps you and little Oma have more in common than just your mode of arrival here."

<Ana> "...I've heard many things before, but not 'interesting,'" Ana exclaims, draping an arm across her chest.

<CaptainVaschir> "...I'm sure I'm going to wish I hadn't asked, but what exactly?"

He extends a paw, claws pointing at the shiny amulet hanging around Omabwa's neck.

"Oma was wearing a necklace just like yours when I found him."

<CaptainVaschir> "Whew. I was terrified this was going to be some weird gender-confusion thing."

<Omabwa> Omabwa grins slightly, scratching the back of his neck.

"I have often wondered what significance it held. Tell me, where did you get it?"

"Could it be that you came from the same village? The same family?"

<Ana> "Oh! That explains why he asked about my necklace, as well. Yes, as I told him, I've had it ever since I can remember."

<Ana> "That seems highly unlikely; my home is in a placed called the Realm-- the Imperial City, actually. It's very far away."

The bear assumes an expression of mildy-offended indulgence.

<Omabwa> "Ana, Father is quite well-educated."

"Although I have made my home here for many years, I am not ignorant of the shape of the outside world," Ombalu gently chides.

<Ana> "Oh, please accept my deepest apologies. I just have no idea where we are.. And I have never met a bear who speaks the language of lost knowledge before, so I have nothing to gauge my experience against."

"And," he continues, "you do both have the look of the people of the Blessed Isle."

He tilts his head to look at Vaschir. "You do not happen to have an orichalcum amulet hidden under that tattered doublet of yours, do you?"

His eye catches the astrolabe Vaschir rescued from the depths.

"I assume you have not had -that- as long as you can remember."

<CaptainVaschir> "Not last time I checked, although most of my excessive jewlrey got lost in the shipwreck. I do have this thing, though" Vaschir says, and displayed the astrolabe

Ana snorts.

<CaptainVaschir> "It's humming for reasons I'm not entirely certain of"

The blue bear looks mildly surprised.

"That is a valuable relic," he says. "I would very much like to hear the story of how you acquired it, one day."

<Ana> "I

"As for the humming..." he approaches the pirate and sniffs the instrument at length.

<Ana> 'm sure it involves your usual level of theivery and slime."

<CaptainVaschir> "I'm wounded, truly, hurt to the core of my being by your penetrating analysis of my character. My heart weeps."

Ombalu sits back on his haunches. "There certainly is more than you than meets the eye, captain."

"I see that my comment about your great heroism may have actually fallen short of the mark!"

<CaptainVaschir> "Who here couldn't that be said of? Vaschir says, leveling his gaze back at the bear?

The bear glances at Ana. "Her, too?" He looks reprovingly at Omabwa. "Oma, I am surprised that you neglected to tell me of your new friends'... special talents."

<Omabwa> "I have only known them for a day, Father, and I was too eager to introduce them to you." Omabwa looks sheepish.

Ana shrugs. "All I did was pass out after he threw me overboard chained to a chest full of jade. I doubt fainting is a talent particularly in demand." She grins.

<CaptainVaschir> "DAmmit, there was jade in there too?"

Ombalu nods, and turns back to Vaschir. "In any case, good sir, you feel the instrument 'humming' because it is resonating with the essence of your soul. Your power makes it more than the heavy gold weight it would be in a mortal man's hands."

Ana shoots Vaschir a dirty look. "I'm fine, thanks."

<CaptainVaschir> "Well I am amazing in any number of ways, but you've kind of lost me here."

The bear gestures at Vachir's forehead. "Like Oma, you have been marked by the Unconquered Sun. Like the gods, the Exalted have the ability to empower all manner of magical devices."

<CaptainVaschir> "Although come to think on it, that thing was quite a bit heavier when I was struggling with it underwater initially."

Ana gapes.

<CaptainVaschir> "You know, these past two days really have sucked beyond the telling."

"Those made of orichalcum, the golden metal of the sun, are specially favored by your kind, I believe."

<Ana> "A possessed pirate. The gods weren't happy stranding me with a NORMAL pirate?"

The bear looks surprised. "I would think you would be overjoyed to know that the king of the gods had selected you to be his champions!"

<CaptainVaschir> "I already knew you weren't a good listener, but maybe you didn't catch his remark earlier about you being in the same boat?"

Ombalu looks at Ana. "You should not be so quick to judge; I smell gold and sunlight in your soul, also."

<Ana> "Are you sure it's not just the fresh salt breeze?" Ana smiles nervously. "I mean, I could easily have survived by something heavy and sharp randomly slamming into the side of the chest I was chained to."

<Ana> "It would be the most obvious solution, other than, well, you know."

<Omabwa> "Remarkable, isn't it?"

"This is wonderful! For many centuries I had thought the Solar Exalted lost forever, but now I have in my house not just one, but three of the sun's children!"

<CaptainVaschir> "Well at least that finally settles the burning question of who my parents actually are."

<Omabwa> "Wiseass."

The ursine god gets up and begins pacing around the sanctum excitedly.

<CaptainVaschir> "I'm serious! I was found in a box under a table in the Rusty Anchor when I was but a child!"

"Doubtless all of you have led lives of great virtue and heroism to have been worthy of this honor! You must tell me of all your great deeds. Do you have any memories of your glorious lives in the First Age?"

<Ana> "Huh. I knew you were a bastard, but I had no idea you were illegitimate as well!"

"Has fate brought you to this island to reclaim the treasures left here since the First Age?"

<Ana> "Yes," Ana answers, not missing a beat.

<CaptainVaschir> "DAmn straight!

Ombalu seems oblivious to the fact that the three golden champions of heaven are bickering like teenagers.

<Omabwa> "That was my suspicion as well, Father, that fate had driven them here to help me find the treasures I have been seeking."

"Yes, yes, you would have certainly been guided here by dreams and visions. Doubtless your past lives' memories will enable you to unlock the sealed doors that have baffled me for the past millennium!"

<CaptainVaschir> "You could even say I've been looking for these treasure all my life"

<CaptainVaschir> "Doubtless."

Ombalu stops his pacing and whirls about to face the three humans. "You must appear before the court as soon as possible. I am sure that they will be eager to offer all the help you need."

<CaptainVaschir> "Err, we already ran into a massive boar-guy, he didn't seem all that happy to see us honestly."

<Ana> "For once, he is correct."

<Omabwa> "You might be overestimating their joy, Father."

The bear god does not seem to be listening. "I shall make arrangements immediately."

<CaptainVaschir> "Why do I get the sinking sensation that events are spinning horribly, horribly out of control?"

<Omabwa> Omabwa gets up from his perch and stands in Ombalu's path.

The bear blinks and draws up short, halfway to the exit. "Hm, what is it?"

<Omabwa> "Father, I think the court may be less than pleased to meet our guests. Pumbaata has no doubt already told King Tatu, and most of the court is not well-disposed toward humans."

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir groans, softly.

"I am sure they will make an exception when they hear that the Chosen of the Sun are returning to the island," Ombalu asserts confidently. "After all, this island was once a great city of the Old Realm."

"Who would deny your right to reclaim its wonders for your own?"

<Omabwa> "But the gods of the court have become quite accustomed to ruling themselves, and I suspect that many will resent the return of those who once ruled them."

"Perhaps at first..." the bear allows.

<Ana> "We're not looking to tell people what to do; all we want is our, um, birthright. And a boat," Ana adds hopefully.

<CaptainVaschir> "I am feeling so conflicted here. On the one hand, this place is loaded with plunder that I may actually be legitimately entitled to for once. On the other, it's also full of giant nature entities who aren't predisposed to letting me stay alive."

"But I am sure they would soon see that it would be beneficial for everyone if you were to begin restoring this place to its old glory."

<Omabwa> "Perhaps it would be best if our new friends could begin their stay on the island by helping recover some ancient artifacts from one of the many ruins. I'm sure the court would be happier to let them stay were they presented a proper introductory gift."

Ombalu thinks that over for a minute.

<Ana> "Restoration. Well, you see, my talents are varied, but construction and architecture are not among them."

<Omabwa> "We have one that might suit them now," Omabwa glances at Vaschir, "But I'm not at all certain its current owner would let it go."

<CaptainVaschir> "You have no idea how alien a concept that is to me"

<Omabwa> "You've never bribed a port authority?"

"Yes... yes, you're quite right, Oma. King Tatu is quite vain, and it would doubtless reassure Khan and the others if you brought gifts to show your good intent."

<CaptainVaschir> "Not with a priceless artifact I haven't!"

<Ana> "It's not like there aren't plenty more to be had here."

<CaptainVaschir> "In those instances I generally use cash, which I doubt would work here."

<Omabwa> "Consider the price equal to the stakes."

The god looks as shamefaced as a bear can look. "I must have let my exceitement get the better of me. Thank you for keeping me from rushing off, Oma."

<Omabwa> Omabwa smiles, embarrassed. "It is merely a small return on the great wisdom you have taught me over the years."

The bear chortles.

"Haven't I told you to be careful with your flattery, Oma? Obsequiousness is much in demand in heaven nowadays, I am told, but there is a reason none of the gods here make their homes in Yu-Shan."

"Although I have no doubt King Tatu would love nothing more than to reside in the Celestial City."

<Omabwa> "Proper manners are not something I was taught to subdue, Father."

The bear inclines his head. "Quite right, quite right, but do remember that not everyone's ideas of what manners are proper, and which are insulting, are the same."

<Omabwa> Omabwa bows his head. "Yes, Father. I will remember."

Ombalu rubs his nose against Omabwa's cheek lovingly.

"Now, I suppose you must all be tired and hungry from your journey across the island."

<CaptainVaschir> "Quite, actually."

<Ana> "Indeed."

<Omabwa> Omabwa looks at his companions. "I think we should begin with the Sunken Villa to the West. I've-"

<Omabwa> "Oh, I've forgetten my manners again.

<Omabwa> "Shall I fetch some food, Father?"

"No need, no need. Talk with your new friends."

With a wave of his paw, Ombalu causes roots to extend from the floor and weave themselves into a table.

<CaptainVaschir> "So this Tatu and Khan, exactly how big a bribe are we going to need?"

<Omabwa> "As I was saying, I have reason to think there are many artifacts to be found in the ancient vaults of the Sunken Villa. We shall hopefully find what enough to satiate them there."

<Ana> "Sunken Villa? That doesn't sound so bad. A quick swim and a sackful of priceless knicknacks."

Ombalu reaches out a paw and claws down a large chunk of the wall. Worms and larvae of all shapes and colors, all fat and succulent, spill out onto the slab of wood.

<CaptainVaschir> "How bad sunk is this sunken ruin?"

<CaptainVaschir> "Yum. Bugs."

Ana tries not to look notably queasy.

<Ana> "I really should have brought that fruit that the boar knocked down with his posturing."

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir determinedly chomps down on a bug of some sort, thinking of times when he's had to subsist on less pleasant fare.

<Omabwa> Omabwa smiles and begins to eat, remembering his table manners.

More roots extend from the floor like tentacles, passing the grub-laden slab from one to the other until it reaches the table.

Ombalu stands up on his hind legs and waves his paws at the ceiling, shrouded in shadow many yards overhead.

With soft creaking noises, branches grow downward out of the darkness.

Their growth stops just above the root-table; flowers quickly blossom, shed their petals, and swell into juicy fruit of all sorts.

<CaptainVaschir> "Man, if there's some way to get grog out of it this would officially be the greatest tree of all time. Pass me a centipede will you, Omabwa?"

Ana grabs a fruit gratefully, studiously avoiding eye contact with the live portion of the meal.

<Omabwa> Omabwa does so.

<CaptainVaschir> "thanks"

The fruits are not in fact alcoholic, but they are quite succulent.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir grabs several against scurvy.

<Omabwa> "Ana? Are you going to be well, eating only fruit?"

<CaptainVaschir> "Yeah, try a pillbug, they're great!"

<Ana> "I'm.. against eating things live, if I can help it. Also, bugs tend to upset my stomach if I haven't eaten in a while."

<Omabwa> "Perhaps I can find a fish for you later."

<Ana> "That's a very kind offer, Omabwa. Thank you."

<Omabwa> Omabwa, having eaten his fill, voices a short prayer to the Unconquered Sun before heading to a nearby stream to catch a fish for Ana.

<CaptainVaschir> "Christ, that didn't take long," Vaschir says, watching him leave.

<Ana> "This has been the strangest day of my life, I think."

<CaptainVaschir> "Second strangest for me."

Ana raises a brow, but does not inquire.

<Ana> ...

<Ana> "Okay, I'll bite." She rolls her eyes. "What was the strangest day of your life?"

<CaptainVaschir> "Well I'm stuffed," Vaschir says, leaning back from the table

<Omabwa> Just ten minutes after he left, Omabwa returns with a fish, which he lays on the table before Ana.

<CaptainVaschir> "My cousin randy and I had sailed to the frozen north following a map he'd found after waking up in a sanitarium. While in the artic wastelands we got accosted by a tribe of sentient penguin warlocks, who demanded we answer a riddle or pay with our lives."

<Ana> "Wow! That was fast, Omabwa. Thank you so much." She smiles and begins picking chunks of meat off the fish with her fingers, munching contentedly.

<CaptainVaschir> "they gave us a day to figure it out, so naturally I took some vision-inducing potion made from tropical toad poisons and had a dream where everyone talked backwards and the curtains were on fire. Turns out it was the log lady!"

<Ana> "Really? They challenged my cousin to an arm-wrestling match when he ran into them. Well, fin-wrestling, technically, I suppose. I guess you looked too weak for it to be a real challenge."

<CaptainVaschir> "I think it was more they took pity on your obviously limited mental capacities"

<Ana> "My cousin's, you mean? He is a bit daft." She shrugs nonchalantly.

<CaptainVaschir> "Thing is that's not even the strange part."

<CaptainVaschir> "Once I got back to my ship I remembered that I didn't HAVE a cousin randy. The map was gone, and none of my crew remembered there being another person. I could have sworn I heard someone laughing at that point"

<Ana> "Do you usually tell stories which make you sound like a lunatic? Because if so, I have to say, your candor is refreshing."

<CaptainVaschir> "Hey, you asked."

<CaptainVaschir> "And come one, it would have to be that weird to top today"

<Omabwa> "I must admit, Father, I've never met people quite like these two."

"They are quite... interesting, certainly," murmurs Ombalu.

<Omabwa> "May we rest here tonight, Father? Your sanctum is closer to the Villa than my baobao."

"Of course, of course."

The bear gestures expansively. "My home is yours for as long as you need it."

<Ana> "That's extremely kind of you, sir."

<CaptainVaschir> "Yeah, much appreciated"

<Omabwa> "So, Ana, where did you get that amulet?"

Ombalu busies himself among his scrolls and clay tablets.

<Ana> "Well, as I told you before, and as I told your father, I've had it as long as I can remember." She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, holding up the pendant-- the cord it's on has obviously been knotted and extended many times. "I really don't know where."

<Omabwa> "Did you know your parents?"

Ana looks as though she's about to launch into a long story, and then stops. "I knew them about as well as you know yours," she says with a half-smile. "I was entrusted into the care of a boarding school at a very young age, and when I was old enough to leave, no one would tell me who paid for it, or where I could find them to thank them."

<Omabwa> "Then we have a mystery to unfold."

<CaptainVaschir> "What, just the one?"

<Ana> "It seems like there's a lot of that going on, yes."

<Omabwa> "All the more fun to explore."

<CaptainVaschir> "Yeah. I'm so overflowing with enthusiasm I can scare keep the laughter from bubbling out me. And on that note, I'm turning in."

<Omabwa> "I think," Omabwa says, "we have had a long journey today, and we are all tired. Let's all."

<Ana> "That is an excellent idea, Omabwa."

The light in Ombalu's sanctum fades like a sunset; chirping insetcs lull the three Solars to sleep.

  • to /Session02