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Description: 5'10". Swept brown hair kept short, with red highlights. A thin redish brown beard. He wears a Jade Breastplate, enamelled green, with an icon of a blood-red phoenix with upswept wings on his breast. He carries a Reaper Dailclave and knife at his side, and has two quivers of arrows strapped to his back. Slung over his shoulder, but more often in his hand, is his orichalcum powerbow, treasured artifact from the First Age.
Roleplaying Notes: Hotspur is incredibly vital. His is quick to anger, quick to forgive, and would rather act than talk about anything. Honor and glory are all, both for himself and for the Unconquered Sun.
Caste: Dawn
Nature: Thrillseeker

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Abilities: *Archery 5, *Athletics 4, *Brawl 2, *Dodge 5, Endurance 2, Lore 2, *Melee 4, *Performance 5 (Commanding the Troops +2), *Presence 3, *Ride 4 (Aerial Mounts +3), Bureaucracy 2
Note: * = Caste or Favored skill.
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 3
Backgrounds: Artifact 3, Contacts 1, Familiar 3, Influence 4, Resources 5
Willpower: 8, Essence: 4, Essence Pool: 20/45 (16 Committed)
Virtue Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt
Limit: O O O O O O O

Merits: Rugged good looks, boyish smile, and devil-may-care attitude.
Flaws: Greater Curse (3 pts), Permanent Caste Mark (2 pts). The Dawn caste mark is visible at all times as a dull gold. It begins to glow brightly after using any amount peripheral essence.

Anima: Hotspur's aura appears as gold and orange flames that surround his person, as if he were actually on fire. His icon is a brilliant orange and red Phoenix with upswept wings.


  • Archery
    • Wise Arrow
    • Fiery Arrow Attack
    • Dazzling Flare Attack
  • Athletics
    • Graceful Crane Stance
    • Monkey Leap
    • Thunderbolt Attack Prana
  • Dodge
    • Reed in the Wind
    • Shadow Over Water
  • Endurance
    • Ox-Body Technique x2
    • Armored Scout's Invigoration
  • Melee
    • Excellent Strike
    • Hungry Tiger Technique
  • Performance
    • Respect-Commanding Attitude
    • Unruly Mob Dispersing Rebuke
    • Fury Inciting Presence
    • Heroism Encouraging Presence
    • Rout-stemming Gesture
    • Tiger-Warrior Training Technique
  • Presence
    • Harmonious Presence Mediation


  • Reflex Sundance Attack: Wise Arrow + Shadow Over Water (1w + 3-12m)
  • Death of the Fiery Phoenix: Wise Arrow + Dazzling Flare Technique (1w + 2-14m)
  • Death from Above: Wise Arrow + Dazzling Flare + Thunderbolt Attack + Shadow Over Water (2w + 7-21m)
  • Flames Lick the Cauldron: Excellent Strike + Hungry Tiger + Shadow Over Water (1w + 2-12m)


  • Orichalum Long Powerbow (Artifact 3)
  • Jade Reaper Daiclave (Jade power unactivated)
  • Exceptional Knife (mundane)
  • Jade Reinforced Breastplate (Soak 9/10, Mobility -1, Fatique 1, Artifact 3, from the Glass Forest stash; Jade power unactivated)

Base Initiative: 9
Dodge Pool: 14

Orichalcum Long Powerbow: Speed 9, Acc 12, Damage: Broadhead 10L, Target 8L (L Soak at Half), Frog Crotch 12L (L Soak x2), Defense NA, Range 400, Rate 3
Reaper Daiclave: Speed 16, Acc 13, Damage 9L, Defense 12, Rate 5
Exceptional Knife: Speed 10, Acc 11, Damage 8L, Defense 7, Rate 4
Clinch: Speed 3, Acc 7, Damage 8B piercing, Defense 7, Rate 1
Fists: Speed 9, Acc 8, Damage 5B, Defense 9, Rate 5
Kick: Speed 6, Acc 8, Damage 8B, Defense 4, Rate 3

Dodge: 14, Soak: 13B/12L/10A
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4 Incapacitated

Experience Points: ???
Unspent XP: 0

Expanded Backgrounds


Orichalcum Powerbow:

This First-Age artifact now includes the Windhands Gem Hearthstone, which grants a reflexive dodge against all ranged attacks.

Hotspur has recently discovered that his powerbow has powers yet untapped, namely the ability to fire one extra arrow per turn at no penalty, although he has not disovered how to unleash this power. [Hee hee. At least that's what I'd like it to do. Perhaps for another dot of artifact and more committment?]

Hotspur's orichalcum long powerbow. What does it look like? Has some of its power been sealed off by the rebels of the Usurpation? Are there any special effects when Hotspure draws it or looses an arrow?

Jade Reaper Daiclave

One of the spoils of the Regency, Hotspur found this gem in the armory. As a artifact version of a slashing sword, this weapon perfectly fits his style. Embedded in the hilt is a minor Hearthstone with as yet undiscovered powers.

Hearthstone Amulet: Gem of Perfection

This amulet contains the hearthstone of the Royal Manse of Inaria, which Hotspur attuned himself to after the Battle of Cydweli. Hotspur wears the Gem as a symbol of the Regency.


Hotspur has several friends in Inaria who are willing to keep him informed. He also knows a merchant who travels widely throughout the East, who brings him news of many happenings.

Familiar: Phaethon

Familiar Level 3: Phaethon

A newly born phoenix from the mountains of Inaria. Hotspur rides Phaethon as his mount.

Phaethon has blood-red feathers, golden eyes, a black beak, and a golden crest. It weighs perhaps 200 lbs and stands about 10 feet tall when on the ground. In flight, its wings stretch a majestic 25 feet in width; its tail, as yet, is cropped short. The beast seems to live on morning dew and nectar, and is attracted to strong fragrances. Normally non-violent, Phaethon becomes wrathful when provoked and seems to enjoy the heat of battle as much as its master.

Hotspur found Phaeton his first day in the mountains of Inaria, as the Sun spoke to him at Dawn. When the phoenix broke from its egg, it was first covered in brilliant golden down, as if it had fallen from the Sun, and so Hotspur named it Phaethon. Phaethon grew at a remarkable pace, reaching three feet in height after only a month, at which point it molted. Phaethon curled itself into a golden, feathered cocoon, and stayed that way for three days. On the third day, the shell of feathers cracked, and Phaethon emerged, now blood-red and more than three times its previous size. The next morning Phaethon took flight for the first time, souring into the mountains. He returned that night bearing the Orichalum Powerbow that would become Hotspur's favorite weapon. The next day, Hotspur rode Phaethon out of the mountains and into his new life.

Phaethon is essentially an adolescent, at mid-point between the hatchling Hotspur found and the powerful adult it will become. Physically, Phaethon lacks the long, flowing tail, mottled gold feathers, and fancy plume of an adult phoenix. Although an immortal creature, Phaethon can still be injured, even to the point of �death,� when it consumes itself in flames and is reborn as a new egg. Likewise, its personality is less mature than an adult phoenix. Phaeton has the approximate intelligence and emotional development of a smart cat. That is, it can feel love, anger, amusement, jealousy, embarrassment, but has no emotional maturity. At this point, Phaethon is easily distracted (by fragrant smells or shiny objects), and enjoys crude practical jokes (such as stealing someone�s hat or food).

Game Mechanics: Phaethon can obey simple commands, such as dive, wait here, attack, and it responds to acts of affection and malice, but cannot otherwise communicate. As a level three familiar, Phaethon should enjoy partial script immunity: not dying unless it�s a significant part of the story. How Phaethon is reborn, if at all, if up to the GM. Phaethon will mature�and gain new powers�as I am able to put more points into the familiar background. To become an adult, with a phoenix�s true powers (as yet to be determined in this universe), Phaethon must go through another molting process. When that happens (at five dots? at 100 years of age?) or if that happens at all is up to the GM.

  • Stats [Note: These are based on the hybroc stats, but modified slightly]: Str 9, Dex 6, Stamina 8, Int 1, Perception 2, Wits 3; Essence: 3; Willpower 4, Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Presence 7; Attacks: Claw: Spd 9, Acc 10, Dam 7L, Beak: Spd 8, Acc 9, Dam 10L; Dodge 12, Soak 4L/8B [Note: Immune to damage from fire]; Health -0 -0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -4 Incapacitated


As self-appointed Regent of Inaria, Hotspur has considerable influence across Inaria and especially in Cydweli (the capital) and Lanybri (his home province). Naturally, his reputation is still strong in White Pines. ____________________________________________________
Thanks to the battles he has fought defending White Pines, the training he has given its militia, and his own charismatic, dashing nature, Hotspur is regarded in the city and in Calrushan Wood as a daring and bold warrior, and a general with luck on his side. People listen to him when he speaks, especially on military matters. The downside is that many of the Shabazian clan elders are jealous of him, since he threatens their preeminence on matters martial.

Resources 5

As Regent of Inaria, Hotspur no longer has to worry about spending money.

As the general of the White Pines military, Hotspur is paid a salary of 350 dinars a month.


[Note: This is not the detailed story that I would have preferred, but it is the short version of what I have in my head about Hotspur. Be sure to read about Phaethon, as the two stories intersect. :-) -�JMGK]

Hotspur is from the kingdom of Inaria, north of the Meander River in the east of Creation. Inaria is a fairly isolated kingdom concerned mostly with its own affairs and internal intrigues. They were part of the Realm millennia ago, but not since the Great Contagion. Today, the court pays nominal attention to Immaculate Order, but in many parts of the country, respect for the order is no stronger than to local gods and spirits.

Born as Hanorad Lanybri, Hotspur was the son of a the Duke of Lanybri. He was raised as a noble�s son, with a strong education in the kingdom of Inaria and a sketchy education about the realm as a whole. Naturally, he was also trained in the fighting arts, particularly swordplay and horsemanship, and was expected to lead the armies of the House of Lanybri. Hanorad�s quick temper and spirit earned him his nickname, which was also an attempt to distinguish him from the many other Hanorads that populated the royal court.

About six years before the start of the game, Inaria went through a civil war as a faction of nobles led by an outcaste Dragon-Blooded (Emyr of Seven-Bridged Hills) overthrew King Caderyn the Brave, whose incompetence was driving the country to ruin. The House of Lanybri was instrumental in Emyr�s success. After the coronation of Emyr, it slowly became evident that he was a puppet of the Realm. Feeling both betrayed and invaded, Hotspur led a revolt against Emyr with the aid of his uncle, Lord Peredur of the Broken Valley, and the leader of some barbarians further west (Esos the Wolf).

In the final battle between the rebels and King Emyr, Hotspur faced Emyr�s son Cadoc in single combat. In the midst of the duel, Hotspur Exalted and threw Cadoc from his horse (a disgrace in Inarian combat). But as Hotspur turned to receive the cheers of his troops, he saw that his own troops, as well as his foes, stared at him in silence. It was only at the haranguings of Cadoc�s fat friend that Hotspur realized what had happened. (Hotspur guesses that it is the way he Exalted that left him with his permanent caste mark.) He turned his horse and sped away in shame. The rebel forces were demoralized and threw down their arms without fight, although Esos escaped, and Peredur gathered many of his forces into the fastness of the Broken Valley.

After gathering a few personal belongings, Hotspur rode far into the Cradafar Mountains, a place forbidden to Inarian citizens by an ancient decree. Confused and alone, he wandered for weeks. The kingdom he had dreamed of ruling was lost. The home that he loved was lost. Everything that he had ever been or thought he would be was gone.

Finally, as he awoke one morning on the highest pinnacle of the Cradafar Mountains, the light of the Dawn touched him, and he had a vision, a vision of a new kingdom devoted to the Unconquered Sun. The Unconquered Sun spoke to him, and Hotspur realized what he was�not the anathema he had learned to hate, but the hero he had always wished to be. In that moment, the young warrior realized that he had a new purpose, a new life.

Hotspur's First Return to Inaria

Hotspur first hits Lanybri to touch base with his old compatriots. His contact in Lanybri is a minor lordling name Gower, who holds a manor on the main trade road between Lanybri and Crymych. Gower tells him that King Emyr has been strengthening ties with the Realm, training troops with the help of a few Realm advisors. Cadoc is very popular among the younger set, while his father Emyr is trying to shape him into a fit heir. The current monarchy is supported by the wealthy landowners and merchants who hold the power in Inaria. They've been increasing the amount of drugs traded between them and the Guild, which is being used to keep the populace stupefied. One of the royal house is currently being fostered in Greyfalls; likewise, one of the Nuri is being fostered in Cydweli.


Made a major update after last session's 50 creation-point bonus, including updating Influence and Resources. Modified Phaethon's stats, realizing I had miscalculated before. Need to add a description of Hotspur's Second Return to Inaria.--JMGK