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Back to Session 30

jetman [to Apollonian]: Was it an idle timeout?

TonyC [to jetman]: Essence 3 for sure. Awareness 2 likely. Medicine 1 if possible.

Apollonian [to jetman]: I guess. I kept waiting for you guys to turn up...

jetman [to TonyC]: Doesn't that mean Monkey will be practicing medicine on himself in his boat?

Apollonian [to TonyC]: I found something you must watch: http://www.big-boys.com/articles/apetiger.html

TonyC [to Apollonian]: I saw you got disconnected right after I got in.

TonyC [to Apollonian]: At which point I went "oh man, idle timeout. If he's like me, he won't realize it until a bit later."

TonyC [to jetman]: Look, now I can get all sort of stuff "for medicinal purposes"

TonyC [to Apollonian]: Did you take a look at pics?

jetman [to TonyC]: His App of 5 will let him get away with that, even without training... "Can you say no to this face?"

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Pics?

Monkey says, "PirateMonkey Forum on wiki."

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Huh. Server won't come up.

jetman [to TonyC]: Redirecting for me... but not.

jetman [to TonyC]: Who from Naruto was it?

You say, "Well, anyway..."

Monkey . o O ( Oh, the black haired kid. And someone I don't know. Not a Naruto watcher. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Yes, anyway! Where to begin?"

The Storyteller checks his notes for the expository bits.

Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, those are pretty young cubs. I suspect they think they were playing instead of seriously trying to eat the Monkey. )

Monkey . o O ( cool monkey though. )

The Storyteller . o O ( I think you're right, but still... that's a fighting style! )

Monkey . o O ( So, 4 months after new year? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Sounds about right. )

The Storyteller . o O ( I believe so. I think I set the present date as around the fourth of Resplendent Earth, RY 769. )

The Storyteller . o O ( That's mentally only -- I still haven't updated the timeline. )

TonyC [to Apollonian]: Would you like me to update timeline and house-rule?

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Sure! Sorry... I've been feeling a little scattered over the last couple of weeks, if you know what I mean.

Monkey . o O ( Will do later. For now... cookies! )

The Storyteller is going to get his coffee before he starts crashing. In the meantime, check the campaign page for a scene. (not the current scene)

jetman [to TonyC]: Where on the page?

TonyC decides that saving the world takes priority over chatting and disappears.

Apollonian [to jetman]: On the main page.

jetman [to Apollonian]: Ah, needed to reload

Apollonian [to jetman]: Yes, I just uploaded it.

TonyC materializes out of thin air.

Monkey . o O ( Okay, read scene. And sorry about the disruption. )

Monkey . o O ( Thousand Forged Dragon, eh. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Is what again? )

Monkey . o O ( Scene is located at the bottom of PirateMonkey page. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Big manse-smashing automoton. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Big... Warstrider big? Skyship big? Juggernaut big? )

Monkey . o O ( 30-40 feet long dragon. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Which book is it in again? I was thinking Creatures of the Wyld... )

Monkey . o O ( Main body is probably big warstrider big. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, by the way... I have a plan for a mobile fortress that perhaps stretches some rules... )

Monkey . o O ( Yup. Creatures. )

Apollonian [to jetman]: Okay, spill it.

Monkey . o O ( Take over Juggernaut? After all, Juggernaut stretches some rules. )

Monkey . o O ( And did I miss anything when I was disconnected? )

jetman [to Apollonian]: OK, the Swift Spirit of Winged Transportation spell mentions Solars carrying barges with runners to land where they want... and the size of the SPirit can carry a Blue Water merchant. Merely permenantly attach a drydock cradle to it and it can carry a whole wing of troops anywhere. Furthermore...

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Just me mentioning a scene I put up on the campaign page about ten minutes ago.

jetman [to Apollonian]: It's still armed with heavy weapons... and armored. Level 1 breaches would do nothing to it, since it's on land, and it'd take a heck of a lot of damage to completely destroy it, more than any conventional seige weapon.

Monkey . o O ( Personally, I prefer White Base and a couple Gundams. )

Monkey . o O ( But your plan ought to do until we got around looking for White Base. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It'd be ugly to see Monkey tease Amuro all the time. )

Apollonian [to jetman]: Sounds workable to me. However, two things to consider. First, you'll need to learn the spell, which Suda does not know. Second, remember when somebody cast Emerald Countermagic on your Stormwind Rider? Abyssals can access Sapphire Countermagic.

Monkey . o O ( Amuro _and_ Char. )

jetman [to Apollonian]: That was something I was thinking about... does Countermagic work on summons though? I thought there was a seperate spell for getting rid of summoned creatures. Besides, the range is limited, so they'll have to fly up to it, or cast it right on landing, and it won't be that high up.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Monkey says "What's under the mask? Is it a hideous scar? How hideous? Can I see? Can I wear one too?" )

Monkey . o O ( Casting it on landing is good enough. Most ships will break if dropped a couple yards into solid ground. )

Apollonian [to jetman]: It'd work on this. In the third paragraph, it's noted that if the sorcerer dies, the effect dissipates. I think that means the spell's susceptible to countermagic. My reasoning is that the spell doesn't summon a spirit, it creates one, and when the spell ends, so does the spirit.

jetman [to Apollonian]: Though it also mentions that the spirit of winged transport has a home in the far north, and using it often means you start to get the same one.

TonyC [to jetman]: Don't think too hard on it. Look, it's counterspelled. Period. If you argue for banishment, it's pretty easy to get too.

TonyC [to jetman]: Either way the risk and reward stays roughly the same.

jetman [to TonyC]: True. And a moot point in any case, given the fact that the spell's not accessible. A related idea was cutting a hatch in the bottom of a ship, filling it with rocks and using it for strategic bombing.

Apollonian [to jetman]: Where does it say that about the home in the far north?

TonyC [to Apollonian]: So, first scene?

jetman [to Apollonian]: Under the "Other notes" section after stats.

Apollonian [to jetman]: Huh? Page 65, Book of 3 Circles? Or was this spell reprinted somewhere else?

jetman [to Apollonian]: Ahhh, I'm looking in Savant and Sorcerer.

jetman [to Apollonian]: p 136

Apollonian [to jetman]: Ahhh.... that version is different.

Monkey . o O ( Mmmmm, crotch-tastic. )

Apollonian [to jetman]: In that case, yes, the effect will last as long as the spirit is present, so banishment would be required.

Apollonian [to jetman]: Or killing the spirit, but hey.

jetman [to Apollonian]: I was just about to say that! A daiklave is the best wand of demon banishing in the game...

You say, "Anyway, first scene."

Monkey . o O ( Kaizoku raised Athletics to 2? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, have to update that now. )

Monkey . o O ( When did you buy the first dot? Because I never remember you using it. Or did you have it since character creation and somehow never get to use it? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It was done in character creation... I think I used it in the third session, trying to escape from being buried alive. Oh, and not falling out of the airship bridge, though I fumbled so much I may as well have had no dots... )

Monkey . o O ( Ah. Now that you mention it, yes, you did try it those times. And it was, as you said, fumbled. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Dodge went unused a lot longer than that. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, remember to increase your dodge pool for the Essence increase! )

Monkey . o O ( Did that last week. ) It is early morning in the southern sea, the Unconquered Sun still low in the Eastern sky as he begins his long path across the sky. You can hear the waves crashing against the cliff below, and the sky itself is clear, promising a good day for sailing. On this cliff top where you stand, you can make out the entrance to the Halcyon Port of Summer below and see one of the fleet's sailors fishing from the lookout point. Behind you, you hear a grunt and the thud of a body slamming into the hard-packed earth of the clearing where you have been training for the last few months. You turn and watch as Suda helps Razor Leaf to his feet. "So. Let's try again. Take up the stance and clear your mind, leaf." For the last month, as Kaizoku meditated on his internal fire, Suda has trained the remaining Dragon-Blooded officers of the fleet in an art she calls the Iris Bulb Understanding of Secular and Profane Brokerage. So far, they have mastered the first Charm. As you watch, she leads Leaf through a kata, their hair blowing in the sea breeze and bare feet kicking up dust.

The Storyteller . o O ( Do you guys prefer shorter or longer chunks of text? )

Monkey . o O ( No pref. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, long posts broken up some means I don't think you've been disconnected, but either is good. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. The scene is set. You two are standing atop a cliff over the Halcyon Port, watching Suda and Leaf train after breakfast. )

The Storyteller . o O ( What else do you want to know or establish at the beginning of the scene, session, and story arc? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Saji wasn't in on the unarmed combat? :) )

The Storyteller . o O ( He is, he's just not training this morning. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Plus, well, he's got a bit further to go... )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( How was the weather? Any more Underworld storms during the training period. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I imagine that any ships with news went to the underofficers first, with the Admiral not to be disturbed for anything less than the Wyld overrunning the Blessed Isle or the moon exploding. )

The Storyteller . o O ( It's been typical weather for the area, which is about five or six hundred miles north-northeast of the Lap. There have been no more Underworld storms bleeding into Creation that you're aware of. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Akbar was dispatched to the Isle to set the drop for more shipping intelligence, and start up a spy network. The Tower of the Sun, a command center/watchtower will be constructed on the best harbor on the island. )

Monkey munches on a jerky. "Should've moved his feet faster. Wouldn't get tripped that way." He turns back. "So how much longer are we going to stay here, Admiral?"

Monkey . o O ( By island, Idaria. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "This idyllic break is about to end Monkey... have you found what you needed from it?"

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes. That name just escapes me constantly. )

The Storyteller . o O ( I guess I'd better work up a map for it, huh? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Besides, its the Admrial's island now, just like it's his fleet. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yep. And you saw the bit about it being explored for demons and ruins by the professionals in those fields? )

Monkey says, "Uh, I needed something from it? Crap, I didn't know what I needed from it."

The Storyteller . o O ( Eino Selin of the Kamsa might disagree about the ownership of Idaria... )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Ah, yes, we have to meet him (her?). )

The Storyteller . o O ( Him. )

Admiral Kaizoku nods his head. "Didn't you feel the power of the Sun flowing more freely Monkey?"

The Storyteller . o O ( brb, more coffee, rp while I'm out. )

Monkey . o O ( Grumble. I don't know how much knowledge would be in-character for Monkey. )

Monkey . o O ( Stop asking questions where I have to unremember things. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He has the basic theory at least, thanks to the Occult training. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I just had the image of the Admiral teaching Monkey about Essence using beads of two different colors. :) )

The Storyteller . o O ( back )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( WB! )

Monkey says, "Well, a bit. But wasn't that something we choose to train instead of something that we must pursue? We could've pursued a different path of growth, and we would acquire power, but of a different sort."

Monkey . o O ( Monkey's being philosophical! Quick, someone check and makesure this isn't some Day infiltrator )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We have to put wards under all the welcome mats... )

Monkey says, "Anyway, have you made a decision yet? Which one of the thousand plans are we going to do today?"

Admiral Kaizoku thinks on that a moment, surprised by such a philosophical turn from Monkey. "I, at least, have found access to a greater level of sorcery through my meditations Monkey. Becoming open to the raw power of the sun has opened up new paths."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "As always, more than one plan is in effect Monkey... soon we will give the Mask something to think about where he did not expect it. But first... now that we are in the South, a fragment of the puzzle is close at hand, and we will secure it.""

Monkey says, "Hmmmm, what was that place... Paragon, isn't it?"

Monkey says, "Or is it Chiaroscuro? I can never keep track of which is which."

Monkey . o O ( Note: I do know which is which. )

Monkey says, "One of those weird Southern name cities."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "You will have to study up on your maps for when you become a Commodore, Monkey... it is indeed Chiaroscuro, in possession of an architect."

The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey: 64 or 128? )

The Storyteller . o O ( Or Amiga? )

The Storyteller . o O ( brb )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( His fleet battle cry would then be "Load *,8,1" )

Monkey . o O ( Look man, don't make me load up my Commodore 64 emulator. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Wasteland, Ultima III and IV, GI Joe, Impossible Mission, Autoduel... )

Monkey says, "Couldn't you just send someone to buy it?"

Monkey says, "Oh wait, I got it. We're pirates, so you're planning on _not_ buying it, right?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "We are privateers now Monkey, and the owner would be well rid of it... Other parties find such fragments of the First Age valuable and powerful."

Monkey says, "I don't see why we should bother if the extra letters, but if you say so.... Hmmm, are going to send Akbar or are you planning on handling this yourself?"

Monkey . o O ( if -> with. insert "you" between are going. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "The first one found its way from a Realm treasure ship to a Deathlord's caravan, and the second was on the person of... a former Realm admiral. I expect the remaining fragments to be in equally formidable hands Monkey."

Monkey says, "Ah, trouble comes in threes."

Monkey . o O ( Which means there's another one besides Monkey and Still Moon. )

As you're talking, Suda and Leaf finish their training session and begin cooling down, moving through the graceful poses of moving meditation, soothing both body and mind.

Monkey says, "Well, that fragment isn't just going to show up here by itself. When shall we leave?"

Admiral Kaizoku nods with approval as he sees Leaf's improvement... he had originally seen nothing but a fight leader in the man, but he has grown into the roles left by Hydros's murder. "There are four of them Monkey..."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "And the time is now."

Monkey says, "Wait, four? But nothing comes in fours. It's either twos, threes, or fives. Maybe sevens when you're stretching it. But fours?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "The four seasons, Monkey?"

The Storyteller . o O ( Creation. 5 seasons. )

Monkey says, "Is that what Blessed Isle is saying? Weird. Everyone knows there are 5 seasons. At least us Westerners do."

The Storyteller . o O ( And, IIRC, I said there were 5 pieces, too... )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, but Suda had one, so it doesn't count. :) )

The Storyteller . o O ( Of course not. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Now, gather the crew Monkey."

Monkey . o O ( I advise the "Look! Shiny!" Method-Of-Monkey-Distraction. )

Monkey says, "Aye, aye, Sir."

The Storyteller . o O ( So what ships are here at the Halcyon Port? )

Monkey goes to find the officers and pass the order to gather their men.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Just the Sun. The rest are either organizing the pirates or setting things up on Idaria )

Monkey . o O ( One Fast Courier at least. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And that, yes, though who knows where Monkey got it. )

Monkey . o O ( It was, uh, lost and found? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It was just laying there in the ocean. )

Monkey . o O ( Assume it'll take, oh, maybe another hour for the officers to locate and gather their men. You might as well start typing your speech to the assembled crew. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Heh. )

Monkey . o O ( Right. And it looked so forlorn and lonely. So I decided to keep it company. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe the Admiral will make Monkey give the speech for a change! )

Monkey . o O ( It would, except Monkey will probably say "Okay, I need one volunteer to balance the trimaran and keep watch on it while we go get something. Who wants to go?" )

The Storyteller . o O ( And would probably be followed by either dead silence and nervous shuffling of feet, or a catfight among all the female crew. )

Monkey . o O ( If you want to bring the whole crew and the Sun, you'd be better off making the speech yourself. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( With Capt. Hydros dead, Monkey is best suited for the position of away fleet commander, and the Admiral's going to start grooming him. Probably with a wire brush. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Start the speech? )

Monkey . o O ( That amounts to splitting up the PCs. While it makes sense in-game, you'd be doubling the GM's workload. )

Monkey . o O ( Please do. )

The Storyteller . o O ( yes, please. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, for between-session things, at least. )

Admiral Kaizoku hops up onto a rock and spreads his arms wide. "We have been at rest for this season, but not idle! Our fellow-sailors are bringing out new allies of the Northern clans to our new base on Idaria, and organizing a network of ships in the northen inland sea! I have meditated on our purpose and our future and found it clearer than ever! The Solar Navy will become a bright blade, cutting into the darkness spilling across creation, a proud force that shines the light of hope against the ignorance and fear spread by the rulers and would-be rulers of Creation! We will now go forth on our mission, supporting our allies in Lookshy and strengthening our command of the seas! We have acquired new skills here, and now we move to acquire new tools, a powerful resource that others are seeking as well! They will not have it though, for together, you form a mighter tool than any other under the sun! To Chiaroscuro!"

The Storyteller . o O ( huhuhuh. You just called your fleet a "tool." )

Monkey says, "Chiaroscuro!"

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Shut up, Beavis. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( ::) )

Monkey . o O ( In Low Realm, as opposed to English, it's a term of honor. )

Monkey . o O ( So the Dynasts say. )

The assembled sailors and marines cheer, filled with confidence in their commander and their mission.

Admiral Kaizoku draws his sword and points to the Sun, a signal to board.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Is Suda coming along? )

Monkey turns and whispers to Kaizoku, "Are we raiding Chiaroscuro then? 'Coz you make it sound like we're gonna."

The Storyteller . o O ( Have you filled her in on your plans? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Then, yes. )

Admiral Kaizoku whispers back "That would be a crude and unsubtle plan Monkey, and would not advance our agenda."

Monkey says, "Oh."

Monkey says, "Too bad."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "There will be enough raids soon, of that you can be sure."

Monkey says, "Not so bad then."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "And likely more combat with Deathknights soon after... have you thought of some novel ways to battle them?"

Monkey . o O ( On a completely unrelated note, the original Mrs. Peel is hot. )

Monkey pauses for a moment, "Is there something wrong with smacking them on the head?"

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, yes she is. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Diana Rigg? Oh, yes. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Some wear helmets... or use Warstriders."

Monkey says, "So hit harder."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Have you learned to hit harder, Monkey? Mastered the art of cleaving ships in twain?"

Monkey says, "Wait. You want me to hit them? I thought you meant for you."

Monkey says, "I generally prefer taking off their helmet first."

Monkey says, "Or warstrider."

Admiral Kaizoku looks grim. "Train harder as we sail Monkey... there are four Deathlords who see us as standing in their way. I would be no place else, but their servants can be formidable, and elusive."

Monkey says, "No worries! Monkey's on it!"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Then to the ship!"

Monkey . o O ( FF to Chiaroscuro? )

The Storyteller . o O ( Fast-forward? And are you going to leave a base crew at the manse? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, 10 marines. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Gonna leave 'em a boat? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Monkey has taken care of that. )

On board the Unconquered Sun, as you sail out of the Port under power, Suda asks, "So, Admiral, are we going to sail this ship into Chiaroscuro harbor?"

TonyC [to jetman]: My short term plan (which has changed from last week) is to pick up Acute Sensory Prana, which will let me have a decent Awareness pool. How strongly do you feel about getting offense capability?

Admiral Kaizoku says, "That would be rather conspicuous... we will take the ship's boat ashore and approach on foot."

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Not too strongly... what I'd like is a team attack where Monkey batters down someone's defenses and then the Admiral hits them hard, but the init difference makes that hard. )

Monkey . o O ( Is everyone waiting for everyone else? )

The Storyteller . o O ( Probably. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I said something to Suda... )

The Storyteller . o O ( Admiral, make three Wits + Sail rolls to evade the Chiaroscuro Navy on your way in. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Using Salty Dog! )

Admiral Kaizoku rolled 11 dice on Sail 1 and got 6 successes.

Admiral Kaizoku rolled 11 dice on Sail 2 and got 11 successes.

Admiral Kaizoku rolled 11 dice on Sail 3 and got 6 successes.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We own their navy now... )

Monkey . o O ( Daiklave speed means Kaizoku will go first often. Nothing to worry about. So far we've been handling things fine. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Though they're likely going to start coming in pairs now, or more... )

Monkey . o O ( That's fine too. I can run faster than you can. :) )

The journey to Chiaroscuro takes four days, and is largely uneventful -- much to Monkey's disappointment. Though a Chiaroscuran patrol is spotted once, it does not pursue the Sun, and on the evening of the fourth day you find a safe and isolated harbor some twenty miles west of Chiaroscuro.

Admiral Kaizoku says, "We will keep the party small... Monkey, Suda, Akbar, you're with me."

Admiral Kaizoku changes into his Lookshy clothes and wraps up his Daiklave.

Monkey says, "Admiral, the watch at the gate is likely to find strangers coming in in the middle of the night suspicious. Are you sure?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "I am sure the sun will be up by the time we walk to the gate Monkey."

The Storyteller . o O ( Twenty miles from the city. That'll probably be two days or so travel, since you'll have to go a bit slower in the harsher climate of the South. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Or... )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( About 15 minutes by Stormwind, stopping a mile shy of town and resting during the night. )

The Storyteller . o O ( or you could do that. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Make it so! )

Monkey . o O ( This is really bad terrain then, if 20 miles takes 2 days. )

Admiral Kaizoku informs Leaf and the crew to watch out for the light of the Sun in the direction of the city, and to move in at maximum speed if it is seen.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It's also the blazing desert. )

Monkey . o O ( if it's desert, the night is ideal for traveling, in which case the gate is probably open and expects visitor late at night. We could stroll in. )

You find a place sheltered from the wind in a withered olive grove long abandoned by whoever planted it. From here, you can see the glass towers of the city rising in the distance, and the waves of the sea glittering in the moonlight. Around a small fire, the four of you dine on bread and dried meat and fruit. As you eat, Suda and Akbar talk of Chiaroscuro, Akbar remniscing and Suda lecturing.

Admiral Kaizoku listens intently, taking in as much as he can in the darkness.

The Storyteller . o O ( Actually, I see the coast of the South as more like North Africa than anything else -- a narrow strip of Mediterranean climate backed by various types of arid climate, mostly deserts. I may have overestimated travel time -- figure that at least part of that was finding your way to the Paragon-Chiaroscuro road. )

Suda says, "Admiral, Chiaroscuro is nominally a client of the Realm. This is very nominal, but nonetheless we should be careful. Don't reveal your true nature in the city if at all possible, since they will demand either your loyalty or your exile should they discover you. Either option would be awkward."

Monkey says, "So, is it true that the Khan has a hundred wives in the palace, guarded by men who had their manhood removed?"

Admiral Kaizoku smiles thinly. "You have noted my flashy and overt displays of the power of the Sun, but have you noticed the times when I refrain? Those displays are deliberate, and without them, few look for the infamous Admiral..."

Akbar says, "Indeed it is! His wives are locked up in that palace, a veritable menagerie of loveliness. Once, I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a desert houri, like a bird in a cage of gold and jade, staring longingly out across the glass towers of the city... I fell in love at that sight, but alas! Some loves are best left treasured at a distance."

Monkey says, "What a shame! They must be very lonely, caged like that. Maybe we should visit them and comfort them, Akbar."

Monkey turns to Suda, "And the air elemental bound into lamps? Why'd they do that for?"

The Storyteller . o O ( Is that something I should know about out of character? )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Leave is over Monkey, and we are here strictly on the business of finding the map componenet."

Monkey . o O ( Ooops. Anyway, no, I was referring to Genie of the lamp, which, in context of Exalt, is pretty much a wild story. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Ah. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( As far as we know. )

Monkey says, "Awww."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "So no wandering off here... though if you do find yourself in serious trouble, you may make the signal."

Monkey yawns and stretches. "It's been a pretty long day. And night. So I'm going to turn in. Early to bed, early to rise. Good night."

That night, you fall asleep listening to the wind from the south, which carries the scent of the desert out to sea as it rustles the branches of the olive trees. Suda instructs her wood elemental servant to keep watch, and the little stick figure eagerly agrees. Thus it is that you awake the next morning undisturbed, and breakfast on dried fruit before walking into the city of glass as the sun casts its rays across the land.

Despite what he said, Monkey was the last one to rise.

Admiral Kaizoku has Suda's elemental erase the signs of their camp, if she does not think of it. "What can we expect for scrutiny at the gate, Akbar?"

Akbar spits out a date pit and says, "That depends on how we approach it. It'd be best if we waited for a caravan and walked in with it. A discreet gift to the caravan master will probably help. In any case, we'll need some sort of legitimate reason for entering the city. As it happens, I have one." He reaches into his pack and draws out a bundle.

Admiral Kaizoku takes a careful sip of water. "I expected no less..." he says, pleased at his purser's clever ways.

He unrolls the bundle, displaying a collection of finely crafted figurines, most of gold and silver and semi-precious stones. "I, you see, am a trader from the Lap, eager to impress the Delzahn nobility with the wares I can provide. Thus, we shall have good reason not only for entering Chiaroscuro, but also for wandering the city and speaking with many people."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "And for having strange companions from distant lands? Very good. Let us move out... Monkey, climb the tree and see if you can catch sight of a caravan."

Akbar rolls the bundle back up and puts it back in his pack, saying "Naturally, I could not make the long journey on my own, and have therefore been accompanied by a pair of tough fighters and my revered mother-in-law, who is financing the trip. This last fact causes me much distress, which I shall share with any who question us too closely."

Monkey says, "Of course. Let me locate a dress, a wig, and some white ash and I think I can do a wicked mother-in-law."

Akbar rolls his eyes but says nothing. Suda frowns at both of them.

Admiral Kaizoku says, "I think the traditional headdress and scarf over the face would suit you better Monkey... the light of the Sun is radiating from your face near-constantly since your vigil."

Monkey takes a minute and idly climb a tree. After looking all around, he drops down and rejoins the conversation, "Well, if there's no wig, I suppose a shawl can work, just like Admiral said."

Monkey . o O ( Anything of significance around? )

Monkey looks at Suda and notices the frown, "What?"

Admiral Kaizoku patiently says "Or Suda could be the mother-in-law, and draw less attention."

Monkey says, "But she doesn't look like a mother-in-law. Are you a mother-in-law?"

Although it's still early in the morning, traffic on the road is already picking up. It looks to be mostly locals at this time, heading into the city for market or other reasons. One large caravan passes you, but it's headed away from Chiaroscuro, towards Paragon. Itinerant traders move along the road as well, their wares on mule or yeddim or camel or horse, or -- most often -- human, either the trader or his servants and slaves. At last, an hour before noon, a suitably sized caravan comes into sight, kicking up dust as it moves along the road to Chiaroscuro.

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Regardless, you are too dynamic to pass as the quiet women expected in the Southlands Monkey."

Monkey says, "Ah, good point, Admiral."

Monkey turns and whispers to Suda, "What's dynamic?"

Admiral Kaizoku has an increasingly grim expression as he sees the human trafic, but nods for Akbar to go forward and meet the suitable caravan as it approaches.

Suda whispers back, "Fidgety."

Monkey whispers back, "I'm so not fidgety! I can be still if I want to! Watch!"

The negotiation does not take long, and Akbar waves you over shortly. "Master Shantur has said we may join his caravan for a short while, no questions asked, for a small gratuity which I have already paid. We ought to walk near the center," he says over the grinding of the cartwheels and the snuffling, stomping noises of the yeddim as the caravan moves on past you.

Monkey makes a snoring noise and falls with a thud. "What? Sorry, I fell asleep for a moment there."

Monkey says, "Oh, we're going?"

Admiral Kaizoku replies "Well done..." as he takes the lead to the center of the caravan, nudging Monkey with the toe of his boot.

Monkey says, "Right."

Monkey . o O ( Tea. BRB. Keep going. )

TonyC has reconnected.

Monkey . o O ( back )

Monkey . o O ( hello? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm here. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Jesse? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe a big pose. )

It is not far to the gates of Chiaroscuro, or rather, to the sprawling suburbs of the city. After about half an hour, though, you begin to wish you had not fallen in with the caravan, as the dust and stench assail your eyes and nostrils. Ah, the price of fame! It is your good fortune that this caravan is a regular visitor to the city, and the guards' examination of it is perfunctory at best. The caravan itself winds toward a wide plaza in the southwester quarter of the suburbs, where the animals and goods are taken care of. The caravan master does not even glance your way as the four of you split off and head into the city proper.

Monkey acts the tourist.

Admiral Kaizoku acts more the guard, and points out a pair of fallback locations should there be trouble. "We will need a suitable inn as well, Akbar, then we begin..."

Monkey . o O ( Earl Grey and a bar of Lindt's White Chocolate With Coconut. Mmmmmm. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Grrr. I would like some tea... but the whistle on the kettle would wake the wife. Not good. )

Monkey . o O ( Microwave a glass of water. )

The Storyteller . o O ( I would like some chocolate, too... but I kinda went overboard on sugar this weekend anyway. )

The Storyteller . o O ( No microwave -- no counter space for it. )

Monkey . o O ( You could try the kettle with the stopper off, no whistle. However, you must keep track of time. Five minutes on high should do. I'll tell you. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. Think I'll do that. After this pose. )

The city of shattered glass and mad ghosts welcomes you to its ruin and its glory. The streets are busy with all manner of people -- merchants with their wares, tradesfolk crafting glass and leather and bone and wood and clay, messengers running from place to place. Through the swirl of color and light walk the Delzahn nomads, their brilliant white robes of the men shining in the sun and the diaphanous clothing of the young women drawing Monkey's eyes. Occasionally you see a man in woman's garb, or a woman dressed as a man. In these cases, Akbar explains, the person has decided that they are of the other gender, and wear a gray sash or veilas signifier. The Dereth, as they're called, are treated as the gender they have chosen, and are said to make good lovers. Occasionally, a patrol of the Tri-Kahn's guards rides by on horses, accoutered in light armament suitable for the heat. And every so often, you pass an empty section of the city, haunted buildings of broken glass surrounded by wards of salt.

Monkey . o O ( Go. 5 minutes and counting. )

Monkey catches wind of the conversation and turns around. "Inn? What about that one?" he points to a sign perhaps thirty yards ahead, depicting a rising sun, or perhaps a setting sun, and the word Inn in two alphabets, one of which is Low Realm.

Admiral Kaizoku takes note of the painted board. "A good sign, Monkey... let us make it so" he answers.

Akbar says, "It's a little unsavory, but I think it's safe."

Admiral Kaizoku leads the way through the door, scanning the room for trouble, making himself look the part of a bodyguard.

Monkey . o O ( Tea's ready. )

The inn is of modern construction, clay over timber, and the walls are finished with shards of glass collected from the ruins. The effect is one of surprising beauty, as the glass reflects the light in brilliant and fractured patterns. Blue and yellow stones have been embedded in the floor, and the ceiling is hung with gauzy white fabric.

The Storyteller . o O ( Thanks! Tea yummy. )

Monkey turns to Akbar, "And this is a little unsavory?"

Admiral Kaizoku lets Akbar handle the negotiations for rooms, as he is the only native speaker.

In plan, the inn is a hollow square, two stories in height. You suspect there's a cellar, but there's no proof... In the center courtyard is a small pool and a garden, and the building has been crafted so that a breeze flows out of the courtyard into the rooms around it. Akbar negotiates in his usual florid style, and has shortly secured two rooms as befits a trader of his pretended status, complaining all the while that if it were not for the tyrannical wishes of his mother-in-law he would not be forced to part with such dearly attained jade for a second room.

On the way upstairs, where the rooms are located, Akbar says, "It appears to have changed hands since I was last in Chiaroscuro. It's a remarkable difference. I wonder who the new owner is?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "What was the previous owner's icon? It seems that the sun would be something people want an inn to escape from..."

Monkey says, "we can always just ask."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Best to be more discreet... we will be asking enough questions locally Monkey."

Suda claims the smaller for her own and excuses herself for a short bout of freshening up. In your room, which is equipped with two beds and a hammock hanging from the rafters, Akbar throws himself on the left-hand bed and stretches out. "Ah, that feels good. Admiral -- should we call you Admiral here? You and Monkey are getting to be rather well known."

Monkey says, "We are?"

Monkey says, "I thought we've always been famous."

Admiral Kaizoku takes the right-side bed and begins to unwrap his blade. "We have moved beyond just being famous pirates Monkey, and into the realm of nation-states."

Also in the room is a pitcher of water and a washbasin, a small bowl of dried fruit, and a table accompanied by a pair of chairs. Across the room from the door, a window looks out onto the courtyard. The window is shaded by an awning and covered with an austerely carved wooden screen. The two beds rest on either side of the window and are fairly comfortable. Chests -- sea-chests, appropriately enough -- sit at the foot of each bed. Clearly, each chest may be locked, but the tenant must provide his own lock.

Monkey says, "We could just switch languages. Let's see, in Skytongue, I would be Saru. Admiral, you'd be Sunny. Don't think Akbar and Suda need new names though."

Monkey says, "It's unlikely anybody around here will know Skytongue."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "That shows a base cunning... Saru."

Monkey says, "It's decided! Now let's eat!"

Monkey goes down to get food. But then he comes back to ask Akbar, "Err, what's good around here?"

Akbar says, "That is good thinking. As I was saying... this inn has always had a sun as its sign, though in former times it was interpreted as a setting sun, representing the rest a traveler might have at the end of the day. It was also, generally, a gambling house and brothel, no matter who owned it, and the furnishings were of the meaner sort, as were its devotees. Now, well... The new owner appears to have a certain sense of taste and decorum!"

Monkey says, "Wait, a gambling house? Brothel?"

Monkey says, "Curse you new owner."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Should I repeat myself about our mission... Saru?"

Monkey says, "Ah, screw it."

And Saru goes down to get food, grumbling.

Admiral Kaizoku cleans up some with water, musing on how at least for a short time, his healed face will allow him to pass unnoticed in the world, then follows Monkey down.

Monkey . o O ( Alright, moving on? )

The mid-day meal in Chiaroscuro is usually a light one, followed by a siesta in the warmer months. The innkeeper's assistant is happy to point out a few of the better vendors of street food nearby, and soon enough the three of you are noshing down on lamb grilled over small fires, wrapped in bread and seasoned with honey and peppers. Akbar is in his element, and manages, over the course of the next hour, to not only buy lunch for you all but also to trade away a pair of his figurines, covering the cost of the inn, the meal, and the caravan. He also makes a few contacts in the process, learning more about the current political situation in the city. After eating and wandering a bit, you head back to the inn to wait out the heat of the mid-afternoon as the natives do.

The Storyteller . o O ( Yes, moving on. I'm assuming you guys are willing to siesta, of course. If not, just say so and we'll get on with it. )

Monkey . o O ( I like siesta. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun. )

Monkey flops down on the bench, his upper body sprawled over the table. "Hot!"

Monkey says, "Suda, who are we looking for and what are we looking for and where?"

The Storyteller . o O ( Whoops, gotta check the notes. )

Admiral Kaizoku shows more decorum with a "It is somewhat warm, yes..." as he reaches for the water, fanning his cloak to ventilate the armor below.

Monkey . o O ( Do you realize that if you squint a bit, Kaizoku looks like an Englishman. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( His teeth are better. )

The Storyteller . o O ( You don't really have to squint that hard. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And I was thinking of someone like Dr. Citan from Xenogears as his model, BTW. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Long pose? )

The Storyteller . o O ( no, checking notes. )

Monkey . o O ( Nah. Long notes. )

The Storyteller . o O ( but posing now. )

Monkey . o O ( The thing is, Citan, IIRC, is a nice guy, which Kaizoku isn't. )

Monkey . o O ( Could be mistaken though. Been many years. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( This is true, but Kaizoku is much nicer than the average pirate, and more well-read and thoughtful. )

Suda, looking far more comfortable than she has any right to be in this heat as she fans herself with a folding fan from the Realm, says "I'm not entirely sure. My sources were infuriatingly vague, as I've come to expect in this matter, so all I can say with surety is that the last mention of the puzzle piece put it in Chiaroscuro. That mention was, however, recent -- around the fifth century of the Empress' rule -- so I think it's a decent lead. Before you ask, Admiral, the mention was an inventory of goods siezed by the Tri-Kahn as forfeiture from a traitor. Therefore, the logical place to begin would be the treasury of the Tri-Kahn."

Monkey says, "Excellent. Let's just go there and take a look."

Monkey . o O ( And get lost along the way, ending up either in the throne room or the harem by mistake. It's always either of those two places. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Akbar, would a suitable gift allow us access to that treasury?"

Suda says, "Actually, I won't be able to come with you. The Delzahn have certain traditions which would make a woman's company somewhat inconvenient in the palace."

Monkey says, "Couldn't you wear a disguise? What about that gray sash I've seen several women wearing?"

Admiral Kaizoku holds in a sigh, seeing where that will lead.

Suda raises an eyebrow and says, "No. For one thing, I look nothing like a Delzahn. For another... well. I have no wish to draw attention to myself. Which is the other reason I will not accompany you."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Do you have any... techniques that would let us in without drawing notice?"

Akbar says, "I might."

Monkey says, "Couldn't we just go in and ask the Khan nicely?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Kings are notably possessive of treasure. Would the component you have be able to narrow down the location, Suda?"

Akbar says, "It might work. But as Suda said, it would draw attention to us. Rather, I think we can look for it in a rather different fashion."

Suda says, "Perhaps. I will have to conduct certain rituals tonight, under the stars. If you wish me to do so, I had better begin preparing now."

Admiral Kaizoku lifts an eyebrow. "The crossing of palms with jade?" he asks Akbar simply. "Subtle would be better to start with, to be sure. Begin your rituals, Suda."

Monkey . o O ( Asking the king always work in video games, although usually we'll have to take care of something he wants done first. :) )

Suda stands up and looks out the window, gauging the time. "Yes, Adm- Sunny. I'll need to do a quick bit of shopping, first. Will you be here at the inn when I return? I should be done by the evening meal."

Akbar says, "My plan will require some groundwork, which will take a couple of days."

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Then we shall be here, where it is quiet and cool and free of distraction."

Admiral Kaizoku looks at Monkey firmly.

Akbar says, "Good! I shall explain my plan, then." Suda excuses herself with a bow and leaves the room. You hear her slippered feet descending the stairs as Akbar draws out his bundle of figurines.

Monkey looks innocent.

Admiral Kaizoku doesn't relent until he turns to look at Akbar's planl.

Akbar rolls out the bundle on the table and says, "As you can see, I am a simple merchant! But like any merchant, I wish success in my trade. What better way to prove the worth of my goods than to present a gift to the Tri-Kahn?"

Admiral Kaizoku hms and nods.

Monkey nods enthusiastically.

Akbar says, "First, I'll need to obtain an invitation to the Tri-Kahn's palace. Luckily, I know a man from my time before I met you who may be able to help. It will require some persuasion, of course, and once that is done, we shall be able to meet with the Tri-Kahn's secretary. He is key. If all goes well, we can meet the Tri-Kahn, who probably gets dozens of these sorts of visitors a week."

Monkey says, "Wait, but that just means we get to meet the Khan. How does that brings us to the treasury?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "How, indeed... Saru?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Where does treasure go once you have it? If you are a Tri-Kahn?"

Akbar says, "But the key to the plan, as I said, is the secretary. For not only does he control access to the Tri-Kahn, but he also controls access to the Tri-Kahn's records. And in those records, if Madame Rusako is correct, we shall find the forfeiture list, and hopefully what happened to the piece we are looking for." He frowns. "Unfortunately, I cannot think of a good excuse for convincing the secretary that I should be able to look through any of the Tri-Kahn's papers, especially ones that old."

Admiral Kaizoku hmmms. "What if your mother-in-law had taken up scholarship, studying the process of government as it evolved over the centuries? A few old examples of papers would keep her quiet and docile..."

Monkey says, "To the treasury. But if I were him, I'll tell my trusted guards and ministers to bring the gifts to the treasury while I chat for a moment with the guests. Then I'll have the guards escort the guests away and then I'll go to the treasury to admire the gift. I don't I'll bring some strange guests to the treasury. That's just asking for trouble."

Monkey . o O ( I don't think I'll.... )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Many who enjoy their wealth enjoy displaying it to others Saru, or for gifts, to show they are being placed in a position of honor in a collection Pride of that sort may be a key."

Monkey says, "Right. Some people do get silly like that. Is our Tri-Khan that kind of man, Akbar?"

Monkey . o O ( You do realize that Jesse is practically telling us "Use your HPM on the secretary!" )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( It doesn't cross language barriers though. )

Akbar strokes his beard. "That might work. I'll have to complain a bit more loudly about my 'mother-in-law' and bemoan her strange interest in old papers, so that the Tri-Kahn's spies hear. And the gift will have to be a touch more extravagant, I think. Of course, if we can persuade the secretary without the Tri-Kahn's knowledge, it would be even better." He looks at Monkey. "I'm afraid not. The Tri-Kahn is noted for his remarkable political acumen. Thus, it would probably be best to avoid too much conversation with him, lest he discover what we're really about, or worse, misconstrue it badly."

Monkey . o O ( Secretaries might be multilingual. )

Monkey . o O ( Tends to be useful when receiving dignitaries from other countries. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "Is the secretary someone we can entertain at a private dinner Akbar? Perhaps I will be able to inspire him to see the justness of your request."

Akbar thinks for a moment. "I can't say yet. We'll have to see how this first meeting goes. If my old friend is still in favor, then yes."

Monkey says, "Hey, we can have right here! THis isn't a bad place. Couple of singing dancing girls, it'll be perfect!"

Monkey . o O ( Grumble. For some reason, I keep dropping whole words out of a sentence. )

Admiral Kaizoku says, "The sun is passing its zenith now... let us put out the first feelers to your old friend and determine his status..."

Monkey . o O ( Well, this part we can't influence. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Unless we can do something about a problem he has. )

Akbar says, "All right. Let me change into something more suitable, then." A few minutes later, he has done so, and is now attired in the robes of a southern merchant, garments plucked from all over the South. "Shall we go? It would be unusual if I were unaccompanied by my bodyguards, even in the city."

Monkey says, "Let's!"

Admiral Kaizoku has adopted a long flowing robe suitable to the region, and for hiding his blade beneath. "Of course."

Monkey has his usual outfit, minus the jacket. Totally unnecessary in this weather.

Akbar leads you to the house of his old business acquaintance, Kharim Wazul. Kharim welcomes him as befits a potential trading partner. He dwells just outside the Plaza, the famous neighborhood ruled by the spirit Grandmother Bright, on the second floor of a jagged-topped tower of glass. You are invited to dine with him, as is customary, and over the meat-filled pastry that is the second course, things get down to business. You are seated on low benches around a table in the center of the room. Both Monkey and Kaizoku sit at the far end of the table, next to Kharim's brother and youngest son. Meanwhile, Akbar and Kharim sit nearest the broad window that makes up one wall of the room. Through it, you can see the harbor, and the last rays of the sun through shadows across the room.

The Storyteller . o O ( David, you want to take over Akbar for this scene? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Sure )

Akbar says effusively "Ah, my friend, it swells my heart to see the prosperity you are enjoying! Home and hearth and family and security seem more appealing the further I travel from here."

Monkey . o O ( Very Southern. I applaud. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Thanks )

Kharim washes down some pastry with Haltan wine and says, "Yes, it is dear to me and a joyous comfort in my advancing age. But tell me, what brings you to the city after so long an absence? What has it been -- ten years?"

The Storyteller . o O ( ping )

Monkey . o O ( pong )

Akbar takes a shallow sip of his own wine before answering "The wheel of fate has spun around and returned me to my homeland, carrying fine goods and burdened by a mother-in-law. A crone driven half-mad by reading, but cunning and with a tight grip on my new family's purse strings. She seeks to make stories out of old papers, lies from crumbling truths."

Kharim says, "Ah! Old women, they are the most wearisome of creatures. Their beauty is long gone and yet their cunning is unmatched. And she holds you by the most tender part of all. I weep for your distress, old friend."

Monkey . o O ( LOL. )

Akbar nods sadly and drinks once more. "Truth. And her grip only grows tighter between the few feeble diversions I can provide... If only I could settle her somewhere to do a man's business unmolested while I am here... or have one of my men tell her of them."

Kharim says, "Alas, I have but little interest in old papers." He leans forward. "But tell me, what trade brings you to the city now? Tell me of your wares, and how your fortune rises even as it burdens you with a crone?"

Akbar waxes on about the humble handful of figurines he found in the chilly north that would be much prized here in civilization, but the only way to get them was as a dowry from a plain but honest lass. Tragedy struck in her tight-fisted mother, who could see the value of his prize reflected in his eyes.

Kharim makes the appropriate sympathetic noises, and expresses interest in seeing the figurines themselves.

Admiral Kaizoku deumures at first, saying they are unworthy to be seen by such a fine host, but eventually relents and pulls a sample from his sleeve, displaying it on the silk cloth it was wrapped in.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Make that Akbar... )

The Storyteller . o O ( What's this fig look like? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( A lithe, fay woman made of crystal, holding a jug above her head. )

Kharim takes the figure and looks it over carefully with a merchants eye. "Remarkable craftsmanship! And you have more of these? Yes, you stand to do well if you sell to the correct people. To whom have you sold already?"

Akbar says "A humble pair were sold on Flameseed street to pay for my modest lodgings while I seek a buyer... a few more remain."

Kharim says, "Bah. Akbar, you know better than that. Put one of these in the hands of the Tri-Kahn or one of the great chiefs and you'll be able to name your price among the the rest." He taps his lips pensively for a moment. "In fact... My cousin's godfather is the Tri-Kahn's secretary. In exchange for this particular piece, I will be happy to introduce him to you, and he will doubtless be able to arrange an appointment with the Tri-Kahn."

Akbar lets his eyes light up and then tries to hide it. "Ahhh, a thousand thanks for such a worthy introduction my friend!" he says. "Your cousin's godfather can indeed put sweet words about my statues into the Tri-Kahn's ear? I will fete him handsomely should this be so!"

Kharim says, "You are staying at the Inn of the Brilliant Dawn, are you not? I shall speak with him tomorrow morning and send you a message there afterward."

Akbar bows his head deeply. "Ten thousand thanks and long life to you, my dear friend. That is indeed my humble residence here."

Kharim says, "Excellent! Is it truly as comfortable as they say it is?"

Akbar nods his head vigorously. "Even my outland companions can see the fine quality of the inn, much more than I had expected from my last visit." He switches to Low Realm and says to Monkey and the Admiral "Do you not find our inn quite pleasing?"

Monkey says, "It is the best inn we've seen in this fine city!"

Monkey . o O ( True, and absolutely meaningles. )

Admiral Kaizoku says "The decor is like none I have enjoyed before."

In the same tongue Kharim says, "I shall have to visit myself soon, then. Do you know the story of its transformation?"

Admiral Kaizoku speaks up with "I do not, though our humble employer seemed impressed by it... please, grace us with that tale."

Monkey says, "Given that we are newly arrived, not yet."

Kharim smiles beneath his veil, the wide grin of a man about to relate a tale of wonder. "It was about this time last year when the last owner of the inn died on the blade of one of my distant cousins. He had offended the man by questioning his honor, and as he was a pimp and bawd, my cousin did not grant him an honorable death."

Admiral Kaizoku leans forward attentively, looking like the curious outlander hearing one of the fabled tales of the South.

He continues, "The inn was intestate for a few months, as the owner had no heirs. It was finally claimed by the Tri-Kahn's agents, as is customary in such cases, and was to be auctioned off. However, before the auction, a merchant from the western desert came and visited with the Tri-Kahn. By the end of the day, the inn was the property of this merchant."

Akbar makes interested noises, waving his friend on to hear more.

Kharim says, "So far -- not commonplace, but not unusual, correct? Ah, but here's the nub of it. The inn had long had its ill reputation not simply due to bawds and gamblers, but to dark rumors that its many owners had fallen to powers from the nether realm. It was gossiped about in the market squares that this new merchant was already allied with such powers, and thus had gotten some ridiculously low price for the inn."

Admiral Kaizoku narrows his eyes at that revelation, while Akbar is more animated with his shock. "And then?" he asks. "It does not seem a place of darkness."

Kharim leans back and refills his goblet from the carafe of wine. "The night after he bought the inn, this merchant -- did I mention he's some sort of admiral? -- this merchant walks into the haunted ruins behind the inn. Well, that confirmed the rumors, didn't it? Only a fool, a madman, or a diabolist would do that. And yet -- the next morning, he welcomed the first guests into his inn, newly renamed and refurbished in the space of a night. And the ruin no longer echoes with the howls and wailings of the dead. Oh, no one ventures inside, but there's talk that it's no longer haunted. Me, I don't know. But it's an interesting tale."

Monkey elbows Admiral Kaizoku a bit.

Admiral Kaizoku shoots Monkey a look and says "Quite" as he thinks back to the cursed ruins they have visited.

Akbar asks "And where is this mysterious ghost-eating owner? I did not see any such bold indivdidual in my stay."

Kharim says, "He moved on, returned to Gem. He comes by about once a season, usually leading a caravan of goods from Paragon or the Lap or Gem. I think he's trying to build up a trade network here, and the inn is his foothold. So far, he's been a fair, if canny, trader."

Akbar nods. "It seems odd a man of the sea would come to the sandy reaches here. I thank you for the well-told tale my friend."

Monkey . o O ( Name and description! )

Monkey . o O ( Or Monkey will have to ask it and blow all sort of cover. )

Admiral Kaizoku speaks up with "Does this man have a name? We may meet him if my employer's travel... and his mother in law... take us Gem-ward."

Kharim says, "He's called Admiral Sand, appropriately enough for a man who made his fortune on the Sun's Sea with a fleet of dunerunners. They say he cuts a dashing figure with the ladies, for all his age -- he's older than I am, and I welcomed my first grandchild into Creation five years ago."

Monkey says, "Never heard of him."

Monkey . o O ( One of the castebook characters. )

Monkey . o O ( Anyway, Jesse, how tired are you? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( From a book I don't have, clearly. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Tired enough that I think we'll wrap up after this scene. )

Monkey . o O ( While I can play pretty much all morning, I assume you can't. )

The Storyteller . o O ( What is your schedule, anyway? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, I don't want to keep you up, and we've got a long way to go, I presume. )

Monkey . o O ( Afternoon shift. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Ah. Do you stay up every night? I see you doing edits in the early morning most of the week. )

Monkey . o O ( Pretty much. )

Monkey . o O ( Anyway, I think it's Akbar's line now. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Aye. )

Akbar rubs his chin, picking up on the Admiral's interest. "And well-regarded here in the city? Perhaps I shall go to Gem... A man with a fleet could distribute my foreign trinkets deeper inland."

Kharim says, "It would be worth considering, but really -- can any of those cities hold a candle to Chiaroscuro?"

Akbar says "Not a one, which makes it easier to sell odd leavings and items not worthy of this city of wonders!"

Monkey . o O ( well said. )

Kharim chuckles, and then the servants bring in the next course, and talk turns to more idle matters, as Kharim and Akbar trade tales of commerce. An hour or two later, you arrive back at the inn.

Admiral Kaizoku rubs the sun pattern on his breastplate, which matches that of the inn's signboard. "Another one of us... making his way as a trader..." he muses under his breath.

Monkey says, "Should we go visit him?"

Akbar overhears and says, "Perhaps, sir. Will we try to contact him?"

Admiral Kaizoku says, "We have a full plate already, but a subtle note sent in his direction may yeild results..."

Though it is late, the clerk at the desk welcomes you with a nod. "Would you like some tea sent up to your room, sirs?"

Monkey . o O ( Btw, I just checking the pictures in put in the wiki (PirateMonkey Forum). Seems to work just fine. )

The Storyteller . o O ( I'll try 'em again. )

Monkey says, "And some of your famed fire-wine, so we can sleep soundly too."

Akbar nods in return and says "Very good."

The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. That might work. )

The Storyteller . o O ( And that's where we'll wrap up, I think. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( So we start next time with drugged wine! )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Are you comfortable with the idea of NPC solars hanging around much Jesse? )

The Storyteller . o O ( I'm trying to bring in NPCs that are more equals to you guys, since the DragonBlooded really don't seem to cut it. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Also, scheduling. )

The Storyteller . o O ( The semester ends on April 29, so -- since I work in a university library -- my schedule's going to change. We'll have one week of just day shifts, and then it'll switch to the summer schedule, in which I don't work nights. So we'll have to rearrange things a bit. I'll send a e-mail as soon as I can track down an actual copy of what my schedule's going to be. I just wanted to give you a heads up. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( OK. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Inna meantime... )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Gem's only 20 hours away by Stormwind... )

The Storyteller . o O ( You each get 5 XP, mostly for keen rp. Anything we want to settle before I log off? )

Monkey . o O ( Hmmmm.... Go update current events. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I am curious what the Rahkamo clan leader Solar is like. )

Monkey . o O ( But no, can't think off anything. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Will do, probably tomorrow. )

The Storyteller . o O ( or rather, today. )

Monkey . o O ( Then, good night from me. )

The Storyteller . o O ( David, I'll write up a letter or something from one of your sailors who's met him. And with that, it's bedtime. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And such details about that guy can wait for email, or in-game encounter. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Nite! )

On to Session 32