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Campaign trailers

Exalted: The Sidereals

basic Sidereals game, with an emphasis on factions: Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron.

Exalted: Great Forks

God-blooded in Great Forks try to keep its bureaucracy running under threats from various neighbors, including the Walker in Darkness.

Exalted: Dragon-Blooded

Five years ago, the Scarlet Empress vanished. In the coming year, her funeral will be held. And when the last incense stick is burned and the last slave sacrificed, then the struggle will truly blossom. Will you stand aside, will you become a kingmaker, or will you strive for the greatest prize of all: The Scarlet Throne?

Exalted: Nexus

In the city of a million lice, anything can happen. Outcastes, Dragon Kings, and God-blooded mix it up with all sorts of trouble.

Exalted: Lunars

Beginning back a few centuries; Lunars facing off against the Realm, the Raksha, and other Lunars in the North.

Exalted: the Hundred Kingdoms

Creation is big; your kingdom is small. The Exalted are mighty; you are weak. But your stories carry no less passion than the tales of the greatest gods, and your struggles are also recorded in the skeins of the Loom of Fate. Mortals in the HK.

Exalted: The Warstrider Chronicles.

The Realm has been reborn under the Jade Empress; the Bull of the North bestrides the Threshold; the Locust Crusade has conquered from An-Teng to Chiaruscuro; and Harborhead has fallen to the might of the newly-reborn Solar Deliberative. Against all these threats stands the Confederation of Rivers, and the Warsrtriders of the Seventh Legion. (“Jade? We cannot buy off the Empress with jade! [A collossus of jade and steel stumbles backward, crashing through the wall into the council chamber. With a hiss and clank, the cockpit opens and a teenage girl looks out.] “Ooops! Sorry!” “I wasn't thinking of buying...”

Exalted: The Dragon Kings.

Once, long ago, your city was the First City, one of the greatest in Creation. Now it is an abode of monsters. But you have awakened after a sleep of centuries, and not even the Eater of the Dead can hold you from your ancient home.

ESTABLISHING SHOT: The camera follows a hawk as it flies across the jungle and over a fantastic ruined city. Pyramid temples shine in the bright sun and the hooting of a monkey echoes across the buildings.

VO: Once, it was the First City.

The camera follows the hawk into a dive toward a hapless rabbit on an overgrown street. Just as the hawk sinks its talons into the bunny, a hideous creature, all fangs and claws, jumps out of a nearby pool and devours them both. FADE TO BLACK.

VO: Now, it is an abode of monsters.

Shouts and the various sounds of a caravan unloading. Fade in to a pair of Dragon-Blooded in bright red and white jade armor standing next to a table, sipping wine and studying maps and old papers. Slaves and underlings scurry around them, setting up camp in a jungle clearing. In the middle distance, over the trees, we can see one of the pyramids of the ruined city.

CATHAK MANDAN: Look, you can see where the last expedition opened up a new route to the underways. Before they vanished, of course...

TEPET SIFA: Mmm. As long as we beat those Ragaran bastards to the Orrery, it doesn't matter.

PAN to the edge of the jungle, where wary eyes watch the expedition. CUT to an animalistic hand clutching a spear.

VO: And in the jungles that surround it, a terror from the First Age prepares to destroy civilization.

CUT to black. Sound of screams, whistle of arrows, etc.

CUT to an underground room, water dripping in the background. It's dark except for the glow of light from ancient instrument panels. Arrayed across three walls of the chamber are coffin-like machines that hum softly. Splashing footsteps from the right. Mandan and Sifa enter the chamber, weapons and torches in hand. Both have blood on their armor and are breathing heavily. Sifa raises her torch and looks around the chamber.

SIFA: What is this place?

Cut to Sifa tapping idly at one of the panels, while Mandan leans over a slab covered in ancient writing.

MANDAN: It seems to be some kind of medical facility. Look, these are pre-Contagion writings.

Zoom in on the panel Sifa's tapping, watch her push a sequence of buttons, 1-2-3-4, without really looking at what she's doing.

Cut to one of the machines as it slowly opens, accompanied by the hiss of air. Zoom in through the mist to a golden reptilian eye that opens, then blinks twice.

VO: In the ruins of Rathess, two children of the dragons are about to awaken the Dragon Kings.

Exalted: Ghosts of Sijan.

Since time out of mind Sijan has been a neutral city, the necropolis that mediates peacefully between living and dead, Creation and the Underworld. At the dawn of the Age of Sorrows, can the ghosts of Sijan preserve their city against the tide of Oblivion?

Dragon Kings

The PCs are Dragon Kings in Yu-Shan, working at pointless jobs in the celestial bureaucracy and getting together at a local ambrosia shop after-hours. (It's Friends, with giant scaly lizards.)

Ascent From Sorrow

In lost Rathess, many battle for the ancient artifacts of the Dragon Kings and the power of the First Age. But what of its rightful owners? The PCs are ancient Dragon Kings, reawakened in the age of Sorrows. They must battle the Ghoul King and his foul minions, raise their savage kinsfolk back to civilization, and reclaim their city!