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V'neef Barada

Once a proud admiral of the Realm's Merchant Fleet, Barada was humiliated and defeated by the Solar pirate Kaizoku. Bleeding to the death in the Inner Sea, his pain and hate called out to Kimberry, who took him for her own. Shaped by the Sea That Marched Against the Flame, Barada returned to Realm society and his obsessive hunt for Kaizoku as an agent of Malfeas in the heart of the Blessed Isle. The Yozi's goals are now his own, and he is pondering how best to carry them out.

Nature: Architect

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 6, Stamina 5, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Abilities: Athletics 4 (Shipboard +1), Archery 2, *Brawl 5 (Wrestling +3), *Bureaucracy 5 (Navy Administration +2), Dodge 5, *Endurance 5, *Investigation 4, *Larceny 3, Linguistics 4 (High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak, Seatongue), *Lore 4 (Naval tactics +2, First Age +1), Melee 2, Performance 2, *Presence 3 (Command +2), Occult 4, Ride 2, *Sail 5, Socialize 2
Backgrounds: Allies 4 ( Cynis Adaria, Kahlun, Ragara Denerid, V'neef Mica), Artifact 3, Backing 5 (Realm Merchant Fleet), Breeding 3, Connections 3 (House V'neef), Connections (Merchant Marine) 2, Connections (Order of the Immaculate Dragons) 1, Connections (Threshold) 2, Command 7, Henchmen 3 (Concubine, aide-de-camp, commander of his bodyguard), Inheritance (Infernal) 5, Manse 4, Patron (The Yozi Kimberry) 5, Reputation 3 (As a highly competent, somewhat obsessive admiral), Resources 5
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 4
Willpower 9, Essence 5, Essence Pool 18/42 (committed 14 peripheral)

Brawl: Drowning Embrace, Riptide Method, Pounding Surf Style, Fist-Spinning Maelstrom, Flow Past Defenses, Blade-Deflecting Palm, Become the Hammer
Bureaucracy: Benevolent Master's Blessing, Confluence of Savant Thought, Geese-Flying-South Administration, Bestow the Saffron Mantle
Dodge: Flickering Candle Meditation, Threshold Warding Stance, Safety Among Enemies
Endurance: Ox-body Technique x3
Larceny: Observer Awareness Method
Lore: Elemental Bolt Attack
Occult: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Investigation: Scent-of-Crime Method, Falsehood Unearthing Attitude
Sail: Hurricane-Predicting Glance, Storm Outrunning Technique, Fine Passage Negotiating Style, Sturdy Bulkhead Concentration, Pirate-Masquerading Technique


  • Demon of the First Circle
  • Emerald Countermagic
  • Flight of the Brilliant Raptor
  • Mast-Shattering Spell
  • Silent Words of Dreams and Nightmares

Anima Ability: Spend 5 motes to attune to water for a day, being able to breath underwater and move as freely as if in air.

Base Initiative: 11
Essence Bolt: Speed 11, Accuracy 10, Damage 2L/mote, Range 100, Rate 1
Black Jade Crushfist: Speed 9, Accuracy 14, Damage 10L piercing, Defense 17, Rate 1
Clinch: Speed 5, Acc 14, Damage 6B piercing, Defense 14, Rate 1
Fists: Speed 11, Acc 11, Damage 6B, Defense 13, Rate 5
Kick: Speed 8, Acc 12, Damage 9B, Defense 8, Rate 3
Dodge Pool 18, Soak 16/12/10 (Armor of Aquatic Puissance 12B/10L/10A)
Health: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/ Incapacitated (-0x1, -1x5, -2x5, -4x1, Incap)

Equipment: 2 black jade crushfists, Armor of Aquatic Puissance, jade hearthstone bracers, 1 lvl 4 hearthstone, 2 level 2 hearthstones. (Regains +8 essence/hour)