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Background Prototypes

PURPOSE 9/29/03

  • x - You have no greater purpose beyond sowing chaos and keeping the Yozis' enemies divided.
  • 1 -
  • 2 -
  • 3 -
  • 4 -
  • 5 - You exist for one reason, and that reason encompasses and defines you.

FAVOR 9/28/03

The Favor background represents an Infernal Exalted's standing with his or her Yozi patrons. Those with high Favor can expect greater cooperation from demons and other servants of Malfeas, and can draw greater power from their masters. However, this is a double-edged sword; a high Favor rating also means that one is kept on a much tighter leash. The Yozis recognize potential and dedication, and reward them, but are very conscious of the increasing threat posed by their servants as they grow more powerful.

Favor gives a character extra bonus points at character creation; these extra points may only be spent on Attributes, Charms, Essence, or Backgrounds. Any Backgrounds purchased with points given by Favor must be infernally influenced; for example, they could be used to purchase the Backing of a powerful Yozi cult, but not that of the Guild. In addition, Favor represents the character's standing within the hierarchy of demonic service. Infernalists and demons who see the character's Slave Mark will immediately recognize how Favored she is, and will accord her the proper respect.

  • x - You have yet to prove yourself to your masters. You occupy the lowest echelon of Infernal service, below demons and only slightly above mortal infernalists.
  • 1 - You have begun to show your worth. You gain an extra 2 bonus points to spend on Attributes, Charms, Essence, or Infernal-specific Backgrounds (Purpose, Bane Totem, or Familiar).
  • 2 - You are well on the path to becoming a true slave of the Demon Princes. You gain 4 extra bonus points. You can expect immediate obedience from infernalists, and cooperation from First Circle demons.
  • 3 - Through your deeds, you have proven your devotion to the Yozi cause. You gain 6 extra bonus points. Infernalists and First Circle demons alike obey your commands, and Second Circle demons treat you as a colleague, if not an equal.
  • 4 - You number among the Yozis' most favored servants. You gain 10 extra bonus points, but also start the game with one point of permanent Limit. You are treated as fully equal to even the most powerful demons of the Second Circle.
  • 5 - You are first among slaves. You gain 14 extra bonus points, although you also start with a point of permanent Limit. First and Second Circle demons alike bow to your authority, and even the mighty Third Circle demons may listen to your requests.


Favor x

A very small Mark, which provides no real benefits. It is easily concealed, and does not appear remarkable to laymen even if it is not. Marks of this level inflict inconveniencing, but not particularly lethal, effects if the bearer goes rogue; the Yozis will rely on other methods to take her down if she tries to escape their control.

Demons and most infernalists will recognize what the Mark means, but will not accord the bearer any great fear or respect. A character without Favor is either not particularly valued by her masters, or has yet to fully prove herself, and other minions of the Yozis will recognize this.

Favor 1

Level 1 Slave Marks, although larger and more elaborate than level 0 Marks, are still easily concealable and not likely to draw much attention except from those very knowledgeable in demonology. Marks of this level often appear as angular, stylized representations of unclean or venomous animals such as snakes, spiders, or centipedes. The design sometimes incorporates the eight-pointed star or other inauspicious symbols. It provides no real benefits to its wearer.

If its owner betrays the Yozis or acts against their wishes, a level 1 Slave Mark will produce a debilitating, though rarely lethal, effect. A spider tattoo might start spewing a rapidly-growing horde of magical spiders, which swarm over the bearer and attempt to bite him to death, or cause any spiders he encounters to immediately attack him; a snake tattoo might become poisonous, causing the bearer to experience racking pain as venom flows through his veins.

Infernal Exalted who bear a level 1 Mark have gained some measure of status with the Yozis, but are still fairly low on the totem pole. They show potential, but are far from fully realizing it. Most infernalists will treat them with respect, but even the lowliest demons still outrank them.

Favor 2

Level 2 Slave Marks are significantly larger than level 2 Marks, often covering an entire forearm or calf, or a fairly sizeable patch of skin elsewhere on the body. These Marks are usually representational, depicting the same kinds of animals and motifs as level 1 Marks. They typically possess a single moderately useful power (see below).

The negative effects a level 2 Mark inflicts on a traitorous bearer are more severe than those produced by a level 1 Mark, but are still rarely enough to actually kill the bearer. The Mark might begin burning like molten iron, or bleeding profusely; it is entirely possible that an Infernal with a level 2 Slave Mark could be permanently maimed if she tries to go rogue.

Bearers of level 2 Marks are well on the way to becoming true servants of the Yozis. Mortal infernalists will fear and respect them as agents of the Demon Princes, and they may reasonably expect cooperation (though not outright servility) from most First Circle demons.

Favor 3

Level 3 Slave Marks are large, often covering an entire limb or a significant portion of the torso. Parts of them will very likely be exposed if the bearer is wearing even moderately revealing clothing. Marks of this level often contain representational elements, but also incorporate more abstract designs and motifs. They usually grant a single useful power, or two or three lesser powers.

Level 3 Slave Marks are capable of crippling a disobedient bearer, and can easily inflict enough damage to permanently maim. The Mark may tear out chunks of its bearer's flesh, worm its way into his veins and rip at his guts from within, burn with a sickly light which causes all nearby animals to be driven into berserk frenzies, or produce other horrific and damaging effects.

Infernal Exalted who bear these Marks have fully proven themselves, and may count themselves among the ranks of the Yozis' trusted servants. An Infernal with a level 3 Mark can expect instant obedience from any infernalist who knows his true identity, and may command First Circle demons with impunity. Demons of the Second Circle will treat him as a colleague, albeit a junior one; they are unlikely to subordinate themselves to him, but will probably not be averse to offering him advice or minor aid.

Favor 4

Level 4 Slave Marks are very large, frequently covering the entire chest or back, and are almost certainly visible unless the character is wearing fairly concealing clothes. Their designs are intricate and incorporate few representational elements, although their overall shapes may be reminiscent of Infernal symbols. Marks of this level are large and resilient enough to grant the bearer an extra 1B/1L soak (treated as natural), and usually have one powerful ability or several less-useful ones.

Betraying the Yozis when one is Marked to this extent would be very foolish; level 4 Slave Marks are likely to kill a traitorous bearer. They can burn hot enough to cause aggravated damage, rip out the bearer's bones and organs with their tendrils, or produce other similarly lethal effects. Regardless of whether or not she can actually survive the damage, the bearer is likely to be completely incapacitated by pain.

Infernals with level 4 Marks count themselves among the ranks of the Yozis' most favored servants. Infernalists fear and envy them, and compete for the honor of carrying out even their most trivial whims. First Circle Demons recognize them as superiors, and will carry out their commands with little question; Second Circle Demons treat them as equals, and are likely to grant requests for help if the appropriate courtesies are observed.

Favor 5

Level 5 Slave Marks cover almost the entire torso, with portions extending onto the limbs. Only very concealing clothing can competely disguise their presence. Marks of this level are completely abstract, composed of a tangle of swirling, barbed lines and angles. They provide the bearer with +2B/+2L soak, and grant highly desirable and powerful abilities.

Going rogue while wearing a level 5 Slave Mark will prove almost instantaneously lethal. Most of these Marks react to treachery by ripping themselves completely free from their bearers' flesh and viciously attacking. The Mark inflicts a great deal of aggravated damage when it pulls loose, and is a quick and deadly fighter. Only the strongest and luckiest of bearers can even hope to survive the onslaught.

Infernal Exalted with level 5 Marks are first among slaves. To them, infernalists and Yozi-worshippers are little more than worms who count themselves honored to feed off their masters' excrement. Infernalists who show the slightest disrespect or hesitation in carrying out their orders can expect to be struck down without a second thought. First Circle Demons will obey them unquestioningly, and Second Circle demons will treat them with, if not servility, at least a high level of respect. They may even reasonably expect aid from the mighty Demons of the Third Circle.