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  • SolarResistance/IsawaBrian
  • IsawaBrian

Glorious Solar Sturdiness</B>
 <B>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Resistance: 3  
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Spirit Strengthens the Skin

Solars are already, as a baseline, substantially tougher than mortals. Their Essence-charged bodies can repel lethal attacks that an ordinary human would be unable to. However, this is not the end of their defensive capabilities. By means of self-manipulation of Essence, a Solar can develop his innate resistance to damage to far higher levels. This Charm, like Ox-Body Technique, is not precisely a Charm, but instead a long-term development of personal capability. A player may purchase this Charm up to once per dot of the Resistance Ability his character possesses. Each Glorious Solar Sturdiness Charm purchased provides a permanent bonus of +1 to all soaks- bashing, lethal, and aggravated. Except for the ability to soak aggravated damage, this soak is otherwise considered natural soak. This Charm is a modification of Neph’s suggestion for a permanent soak charm.

In second edition, this Charm has two iterations. The first purchase of this Charm grants the character Lethal and Bashing Soak equal to his Resistance; the second, which cannot be purchased until Essence 4, grants Aggravated Soak equal to the character's Resistance and allows the character to soak Lethal with his full stamina.

Unbreakable Body Technique</B>
 <B>Cost:  5 motes
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Resistance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Iron Kettle Body

The Exalt summons Essence to create a hardened aura under an incoming attack, reinforcing armor and personal toughness. If hit by an attack, even one she is not aware of, the character may spend 5 motes of Essence to add her Stamina + Resistance number to her largest source of Hardness for that attack only. This Hardness may not exceed her total soak.

In second edition, this Charm works very differently.

 Cost: --; Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Iron Kettle Body, Spirit Strengthens Skin.

The Exalt learns to create “plates” of essence that do not permit reverberation of damage through their unyielding guard. Any Charm that the character knows that adds soak also adds Hardness equal to half the soak granted to her largest source of Hardness or creates that much Hardness to begin with.

Orichalcum Body Meditation</B>
 <B>Cost:  8 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Resistance: 5  
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Unbreakable Body Technique

By using this Charm, the character becomes virtually invincible, taking on an aspect of unbreakable orichalcum. Until the end of the scene, add the character’s Resistance in bashing/lethal soak totals and give the character a base hardness equal to his Stamina + Resistance. The character’s Hardness may not exceed his total soak. The Hardness given by this Charm is considered separate from any other source of Hardness and does not stack as usual.

In second edition, this Charm works very differently.

 Cost: --; Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Unbreakable Body Technique

The Solar’s righteous armor is transcendant, providing massive protection and permitting the complimentary use of other forms of armor. The Solar may expend twice as much Essence and Willpower when a Charm that grants soak (specifically Iron Kettle Body, but other custom charms may be possible as well, and if the character so desires, the cost for Iron Skin Concentration may be doubled as well for the resultant benefits). If this is done, add the character’s Resistance to Lethal and Bashing soak, and half (round up) to Aggravated soak. This will increase the Hardness granted by Unbreakable Body Technique. This Charm also makes most Resistance Charms that are not compatible with armor compatible with armor (specifically Iron Kettle Body but possibly other charms as well). The GM may rule that Resistance effects of a certain potency cannot gain this benefit, though they can still benefit from the other effects.

Eight Steel Soul Harmony</B>
 <B>Cost:  8 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Resistance: 5  
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Unbreakable Body Technique

Under ordinary conditions, it is only the most rigid of defenses that applies at the ultimate level. Any attack that can break through the power of the Iron Kettle Body will almost certainly blow through the stern defenses of superheavy magical armor. With this Charm, however, the Solar brings these last-ditch defenses into alignment with each other, reinforcing them via Essence. Until the end of the Scene, her Hardness levels stack, regardless of the source. The total Hardness applied against any one attack cannot be greater than the soak against that attack.

In Second Edition, this Charm is Obvious and Combo-Basic.

Unyielding Solar Nature</B>
 <B>Cost:  None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Resistance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  5
 Prerequisite Charms: Orichalcum Body Meditation, Eight Steel Soul Harmony

A Solar of sufficient power may suffuse his body with permanent low-levels of Essence, creating a number of “cushions” and wells of Essence that will harmlessly absorb and drain off damage. Unfortunately, there is a limit to how much of such modification that any body, even that of an Exalt, can survive, so functionally, developing one’s Unyielding Solar Nature has a limit on its effectiveness. The character permanently gains an innate Hardness equal to his Essence.

This Charm is unchanged in Second Edition

Adamant Body Technique</B>
 <B>Cost:  10 motes, 2 Willpower, 1 health level, plus 1 health level per turn
 Duration:  Turns equal to the character’s Resistance
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Resistance: 5  
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Adamant Skin Technique

This Charm expands upon the powerful Adamant Skin Technique, investing her body with diamond hardness for an extended period of time. This creates a dramatic strain on the character’s body and mind, but makes her otherwise totally and utterly invincible. For a number of Turns equal to the character’s resistance, she suffers no damage at all except that which goes to pay the effects of this Charm. No matter what the sources of damage, she simply cannot be harmed.

This will provide resistance against long term effects such as an acid bath or firestorm, but only in terms of damage. This Charm has no secondary effects of attacks or other harmful conditions, just on damage. The character may opt to end the Charm at any time, but may not skip a turn and simply reactivate by paying the health level cost in the next turn; she must start the whole charm over again if she chooses to drop its effects. This is a completely perfect effect and will work against unsoakable attacks, instant damage, and similar effects.

In Second edition, this Charm is Combo-Basic and Obvious. Its effects last a number of DV refreshes equal to the character’s Resistance, and at each DV refresh, the character must pay the aggravated health level to continue the effects.

Final Defense Method</B>
 <B>Cost:  1 mote and 1 Willpower per health level
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Resistance: 4  
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms: Iron Skin Concentration

It is possible, though extremely difficult, for a Solar to create an absolute, total last-minute reinforcement of his body, mind, and soul in order to prevent a powerful or lucky attack from damaging him. Twilights do this with relative ease; it is native to their Anima. Other Solars can produce similar effects through sheer force of will. Each use of Final Defense Method automatically reduces the total health levels of damaged caused by an opponent by one. Unlike the production of an Anima effect, the Essence cost is relatively negligible, but the strain on the Solar’s mind is significant, and his soul is limited in the number of successive Final Defense Methods used. A Solar may only invoke this Charm for a number of health levels per attack equal to his Essence. This effect stacks with the Twilight Anima ability. This Charm is not compatible with the use of armor.

In second edition, this Charm works very differently.

 Cost: --; Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Strengthens Skin.<./I>

<i> It is possible, though extremely difficult, for a Solar to create an absolute, total last-minute reinforcement of his body, mind, and soul in order to prevent a powerful or lucky attack from damaging him. Twilights do this with relative ease; it is native to their Anima. Other Solars can produce similar effects through sheer force of and Essence. By spending 2 motes of essence per damage die, the character may use Spirit Strengthens Skin to reduce post-soak, rather than pre-soak damage. As usual, this may reduce the damage of an attack to zero.

Bronze Body Bastion</B>
 <B>Cost:  1 Willpower, 2 motes per -0 health level
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Resistance: 5 
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Final Defense Method

The Exalted surrounds her body with an aura of almost-solidified Essence, which ablates off as attacks land on the Solar, deflecting some of the force of those blows. Functionally, this grants the Solar an additional -0 health level for every two motes she spends until the end of the scene. She may invest as many motes as she likes in this Charm, but all motes are invested until the Charm ends, and new health levels may not be added unless the entire Charm is re-activated. This Charm is not compatible with the use of armor.

In Second Edition, this Charm is Combo-Basic and Obvious. Orichalcum Body Meditation makes this Charm compatible with armor.

Invincible Warrior Prana
 Cost:  8 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 health level
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Resistance: 5  
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Adamant Skin Technique, Bronze Body Bastion

By invoking the Invincible Warrior Prana, the Solar temporarily makes his body utterly and totally invincible. Similar to Adamant Skin Technique, this power will utterly and completely protect the Exalt from any source of damage, for a brief moment- no more than one to two seconds, and does not stop secondary effects. However, unlike Adamant Skin Technique, the Invincible Warrior Prana may be invoked after damage is rolled. This Charm is not compatible with the use of armor.

In Second Edition, this Charm functions differently:

 Cost: --; Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Adamant Skin Technique, Third  Resistance Excellency

The might of a Solar cannot be struck down by even the harshest of foes, should even a tiny amount of power and will remain in his body. By spending an extra 2 motes, 2 willpower, the character may make an Adamant Skin Technique invocation a Step 10 Reflexive Charm, effectively negating any and all damage done by that attack.

Armor of Virtue Technique</b>
 <b>Cost: 2 motes, 1 Limit; Mins: Resistance 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple (DV –0)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak Meditation

The power of a Solar’s virtues can protect her. The Solar reinforces her very body with the strength of a chosen Virtue, investing it with essence and sealing it as an visible, radiant field of power radiating out from that Virtue’s chakra to surround the character’s body. The Solar’s Castemark becomes visible as well, as per the effects of 4-7 motes of Peripheral Essence spent for anima display. So long as the character does not act in contradiction of her virtue, she gains natural soak equal to her virtue in all categories. If the Lawgiver does act in contradiction of her Virtue, this Charm instantly ends. An ascetic Solar monk with Temperance 5, for example, could gain 5B/5L/5A soak for the scene, but if she indulged in a great feast, the defense would instantly end.

Fivefold Armor of Virtue Technique</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Armor of Virtue Technique

The extraordinary passions of a Solar grant him tremendous durability, allowing the Lawgiver to shrug off many of the slings and arrows of Creation. When using Armor of Virtue Technique, the Solar may opt to spend an additional 3 motes to gain Hardness equal to the Soak gained. This Hardness may be added to the player’s current highest source of Hardness, or it may simply be by itself. If the Solar does pay the increased cost, the character’s anima banner shifts into the 8-10 mote range instantly.

Ironwood Invulnerability Prana</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Resistance 3, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Durability of Oak Meditation

The Lawgiver's ability to withstand the slings and arrows of misfortune now apply to even her mightiest colleagues and enemies. When using Durability of Oak Meditation, the character may spend an extra 2 motes to set her hardness equal to her relevant soak total, rather than 8.
