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----<b><i>Thirst for the Golden Prince</b></i>
----<b><i>Thirst for the Golden Prince</b></i>
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   <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Presence 5, Essence 5; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
   <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Presence 5, Essence 5; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
   <b>Keywords:</b> None
   <b>Keywords:</b> None
   <b>Duration:</b> N[[/A]]
   <b>Duration:</b> N/A
   <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Effortless Loquacity of the Superior Being
   <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Effortless Loquacity of the Superior Being
The holy potency of a Solar’s mandate to rule cannot be denied.  As the Lawgiver speaks, all listen; complex, multi-stage ideas and emotions bring themselves through his pronouncements, and all who listen that that the Solar desires be swayed must face his fearsome magnetism.  Increase the maximum number of attacks made by charms that generate Presence magical flurries by 2, specifically including Effortless Locquacity of the Superior Being and Glorious Banter Method.
The holy potency of a Solar’s mandate to rule cannot be denied.  As the Lawgiverspeaks, all listen; complex, multi-stage ideas and emotions bring themselves through his pronouncements, and all who listen that that the Solar desires be swayed must face his fearsome magnetism.  Increase the maximum number of attacks made by charms that generate Presence magical flurries by 2, specifically including Effortless Locquacity of the Superior Being and Glorious Banter Method.
----<b><i>Sunlit Disdain</b></i>
----<b><i>Sunlit Disdain</b></i>
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   <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Hypnotic Tongue Technique, Terrifying Apparition of Glory
   <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Hypnotic Tongue Technique, Terrifying Apparition of Glory
This Charm is a mechanical adaptation of the original on pages 105-106 of Cult of the Illuminated.  Note that, in keeping with expanded Social combat in second edition, this Charm may be used to attack a single unit as well as a single individual.  There must be an actual unit and cohesion in order to make this attack.
This Charm is a mechanical adaptation of the original on pages 105-106 of Cult of the Illuminated.  Note that, in keeping with expanded Social combat in second edition, this Charm may be used to attack a single unit as well as a single individual.  There must be an actual unit and cohesion in order to make this attack.
Despite the existence of Horizon-to-Horizon Performance Method, this should still be present for Presence manipulators.  Its powers-- as demonstrated by its lower cost and requirements, are not nearly as overwhelming, but its narrow focus may be off use to a Solar.
----<b><i>Harmonious Presence Meditation</b></i>
----<b><i>Harmonious Presence Meditation</b></i>
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The Lawgiver reinforces her words with a sense of purpose and harmony, giving strength to those who would follow her ideals.  For the rest of the scene, add the Solar’s Presence to the parry MDV of anyone (including the Solar herself) who acts in accordance with the Solar’s stated or demonstrated purpose and direction.
The Lawgiver reinforces her words with a sense of purpose and harmony, giving strength to those who would follow her ideals.  For the rest of the scene, add the Solar’s Presence to the parry MDV of anyone (including the Solar herself) who acts in accordance with the Solar’s stated or demonstrated purpose and direction.
----<b><i>Glorious Heart Aspect</b></i>
----<b><i>Rose-Lipped Seduction Style</b></i>
   <b>Cost:</b> 1m; <b>Mins:</b> Presence 3, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
   <b>Cost:</b> 1m; <b>Mins:</b> Presence 3, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
   <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Social
   <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Social
Line 137: Line 136:
   <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Presence Excellency
   <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Presence Excellency
The honeyed words and sheer presence of the Solar transcends mere physical attraction, granting the Lawgiver the ability to seduce others to his will and become the center of all attention.  For the purposes of social combat, add the Solar’s Presence to his Appearance.  Even the draw of the grotesque may come to the Solar’s aid; if the Solar who uses this Charm has an Appearance of 1 or 0, his Presence will be added to his “effective” Appearance, and that total can be used for non-Intimidation purposes as well.
The honeyed words and sheer presence of the Solar transcends mere physical attraction, granting the Lawgiver the ability to seduce others to his will and become the center of all attention.  For the purposes of social combat, add the Solar’s Presence to his Appearance.  Even the draw of the grotesque may come to the Solar’s aid; if the Solar who uses this Charm has an Appearance of 1 or 0, his Presence will be added to his “effective” Appearance, and that total can be used for non-Intimidation purposes as well.
<I>Formerly known as Rose-Lipped Seduction Style, until that Charm was updated in Glories of the Most High - Unconquered Sun.</I>
----<b><i>Bountiful Salesman</b></i>
----<b><i>Bountiful Salesman</b></i>
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The Solar’s efforts at persuasion are hard to put off, granting her a great harvest of the converted, or exhausting the attempts of marks to avoid becoming suckers.  When making a social attack, the character may spend up to 4 times her Charisma in motes.  For every 4 full motes spent (fractional essence is lost), add 1 to the willpower cost of resisting the character’s mental influence, whether natural or unnatural.
The Solar’s efforts at persuasion are hard to put off, granting her a great harvest of the converted, or exhausting the attempts of marks to avoid becoming suckers.  When making a social attack, the character may spend up to 4 times her Charisma in motes.  For every 4 full motes spent (fractional essence is lost), add 1 to the willpower cost of resisting the character’s mental influence, whether natural or unnatural.
----<b><i>Selling the World Prana</b></i>
--First Edition
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Presence 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Duration:</b> Permanent
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Irresistible Salesman Spirit
The expansive spirit of the Solar allows her to sell anything-- ideas, concepts, fear, transformation, counterarguments, anything!  This Charm enhances Irresistible Salesman Spirit by removing the limitations on what rolls it can be used on.  Irresistible Salesman Spirit may now be used to Supplement <I>any</I> Presence-based roll which is compared to a target's MDV-- almost always a social attack.
----<b><i>Awful Radiance Archetype</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Presence 5, Essence 4; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Duration:</b> Permanent
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Terrifying Apparition of Glory
The sheer power and splendor of a Solar's presence can drive any being to its knees.  A Lawgiver may choose to unveil the full wonder of her Celestial shard upon those who would dare argue with an Exalt.  When the character activates Terrifying Apparition of Glory, she may spend 1 willpower to add a stupefying holy dread to the Charm.  This makes the target's Parry MDVs inapplicable as well.  The Charm also gains the Keyword of Holy.  If used against Creatures of Darkness, it may supplement attempts at unnatural mental influence as well.  If either of these effects are used, Terrifying Apparition of Glory is Obvious.
== First Edition ==
----<B><I>Brilliant Disdain</B></I>
----<B><I>Brilliant Disdain</B></I>
Line 170: Line 154:
   <B>Prerequisite Charms:</B> Countenance of Vast Wrath (First Edition version)
   <B>Prerequisite Charms:</B> Countenance of Vast Wrath (First Edition version)
An Exalt’s passions can lead her into trouble, but they can also give her great strength to resist those who would dare interfere with her righteous mandate of Essence.  By using this Charm, the Solar can make it far more difficult for external effects to stop her Charms and spells from activating.  Add the character’s highest Virtue to the difficulty of all rolls to stop, redirect, or otherwise hamper Charm and sorcery effects made by this character for the rest of the scene.  If the effect is usually automatic, such as with Countermagic spells, the opponent using that effect must now make an Essence roll versus the Solar’s highest Virtue.  This effect ends if the character ever acts in manner not keeping with that virtue.  Using this Charm automatically adds one point to the character’s Limit.
An Exalt’s passions can lead her into trouble, but they can also give her great strength to resist those who would dare interfere with her righteous mandate of Essence.  By using this Charm, the Solar can make it far more difficult for external effects to stop her Charms and spells from activating.  Add the character’s highest Virtue to the difficulty of all rolls to stop, redirect, or otherwise hamper Charm and sorcery effects made by this character for the rest of the scene.  If the effect is usually automatic, such as with Countermagic spells, the opponent using that effect must now make an Essence roll versus the Solar’s highest Virtue.  This effect ends if the character ever acts in manner not keeping with that virtue.  Using this Charm automatically adds one point to the character’s Limit.
== Comments ==
== Comments ==

Revision as of 21:46, 25 March 2009

  • SolarPresence/IsawaBrian

Thirst for the Golden Prince</b>
 <b>Cost: 2m + special; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency

Part of the reason for the inexorable power of Solar magnates is that they partake of the Essence of the leader and champion of all Creation. People desire to obey them, somewhere in their souls; even beings from beyond Creation can feel the burning hunger to obey the Princes of the Earth. A Solar who is wise in the ways of personal magnetism can amplify such effects with Essence, creating a deep-rooted desire for her commands to be obeyed.

In game terms, this means that any attempt to shake off a social attack, whether natural or unnatural persuasion such as compulsion, total control, servitude, etc., costs twice as much willpower as usual. If this amount is more than the target’s permanent willpower, but said permanent willpower is greater than the original cost, the target may expend the maximum amount of willpower (in other words, must have a full willpower pool and then expend it) to resist the effect. The effect being modified must be in some-way Presence-based.

For natural compulsions made by Presence-based attacks, this charm costs 2 motes and requires that the target expend 2 willpower instead of 1 to avoid the effects of the social attack. However, this only counts as one willpower spent against the limit that may be spent each scene before becoming jaded.

When used to enhance unnatural compulsion, such as in a Combo with another charm, the character must expend 2 motes plus a number of motes equal to the Essence of the target.

Inexorable Solar Mandate</b>
 <b>Cost: 1m/dot of target’s Essence; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Thirst for the Golden Prince

The wyrd of the Lawgivers is total rulership. Those who would stand against a Solar must be battered down, either by force of arms or force of personality. By infusing his personal aura with Essence, the Solar’s targets find themselves on constantly pushed off guard on their mental ground—unable to become jaded and cynical to the wondrous words of the Exalt.

The Solar pays 1 mote per dot of the target’s essence and makes a Presence-based social attack. If the attack is successful, the target may still expend willpower to avoid the effects, but doing so does not count against the maximum that he may be forced to spend against natural persuasion. In time, repeated applications of Inexorable Solar Mandate can leave a target drained and unable to resist the Solar. This does not prevent them from stopping the debate by leaving or opening combat, but a flurried attack (while costly) can overwhelm the weak-minded.

Overbearing Radiance</b>
 <b>Cost: 1m; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency

In the light of the Solar’s overwhelming personality, many lesser minds can be convinced, and greater ones can be worn away. Add one to the rate of and +1 die to the character’s Presence-based social attack pool until his next action.

Glorious Banter Method</b>
 <b>Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Overbearing Radiance

The Glorious Banter Method is another arrow in the Solar’s quiver of authority. Verbose and passionate, the Solar’s speech carries layers of hidden meaning and can multiply in effect, being different things to different targets or expounding repeatedly upon the same subject. The Solar can reach out swiftly with his emotions to overwhelm his debating opponents, without necessarily leaving himself vulnerable to manipulations of those selfsame passions. In effect, this allows for a magical flurry of two or more Presence-based social attacks. Each attack costs 3 motes, including the first, to a maximum of (Essence +1) attacks. The flurry is made without penalty to dice pool and regardless of the usual Rate (2) or current Rate for Presence-based social attacks. Furthermore, only the highest MDV penalty for such an attack is used—typically -2 MDV.

Effortless Loquacity of the Superior Being</b>
 <b>Cost: 7m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Glorious Banter Method

A Solar’s day cannot be taken up entirely with the need to convince many disparate people or societies of the righteousness of her cause. Her time is simply too valuable to be wasted on them, or the stubbornness of ignorant fools. With an influx of potent essence, the Exalt can make multiple forays into debate at once, cutting through the arguments of others and overwhelming via sheer magnificence of personality and volume of verbiage.

In effect, the Exalt makes a magical flurry of Presence-based social attacks, up to a maximum of her (Charisma +1). This flurry is made irregardless of the usual Rate (2) or current Rate for Presence-based social attacks and only suffers the highest MDV penalty (usually -2) for any social attack being used.

Thousand Rays of Sunlight Articulation</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Duration: N/A
 Prerequisite Charms: Effortless Loquacity of the Superior Being

The holy potency of a Solar’s mandate to rule cannot be denied. As the Lawgiverspeaks, all listen; complex, multi-stage ideas and emotions bring themselves through his pronouncements, and all who listen that that the Solar desires be swayed must face his fearsome magnetism. Increase the maximum number of attacks made by charms that generate Presence magical flurries by 2, specifically including Effortless Locquacity of the Superior Being and Glorious Banter Method.

Sunlit Disdain</b>
 <b>Cost: 3m; Mins: Presence 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step Two)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency

The powerful sense of righteousness that lies within Solar Exalts gives them a wellspring of power with which to deflect the arguments of lesser beings. This Charm is used in response to a Social attack. It allows the Exalt to ignore all penalties that apply to her Parry MDV for that attack; this does not include inapplicability. This particular defense is especially potent against Compulsions and Servitude effects, granting a bonus equal to the Solar’s permanent Essence to her MDV against such effects.

Lion of Heaven Redoubt</b>
 <b>Cost: 7m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step Two)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Until Next Action
 Prerequisite Charms: Sunlit Disdain

Standing head and shoulders above those who would dare dispute him, the Solar disdains such lesser arguments with ease. Until the character’s next action, he ignores all penalties to his Parry MDV (with the exception of inapplicability, which is not a penalty). Add a bonus equal to the Solar's permanent Essence to any Parry MDVs being attacked by Compulsion or Servitude effects.

Terrible Solar Countenance Audacity</b>
 <b>Cost: 6m; Mins: Presence 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step Two)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Lion of Heaven Redoubt

Affecting a terrible, wrathful visage, the Solar’s innate superiority shines through, casting aside any who would dare attempt to subvert her mind. This Charm creates a perfect social parry defense, deflecting any social attack, even one that would ordinarily be unblockable. This specifically works against Compulsions, Total Control, Servitude, and similar effects. This Charm has one of the Four Flaws of Invulnerability common to all Solar perfect defenses, suitably modified for social combat.

Unconquered Mien</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Terrible Solar Countenance Audacity

The Solar priest-king mastering this Charm develops the ability to prepare for the worst assaults on his mind long ahead of their expected arrival, granting tactical flexibility in the field of will combat that high-level Exalted social interaction can become. The Solar may prepare a single invocation of Terrible Solar Countenance Audacity in advance, committing the usual 6 motes. This invocation can be used at any time it would be legitimate as a non-Charm reflexive action, at which point the motes become uncommitted. At Essence 6 or higher, the Solar may prepare up his Presence score in invocations, and the cost to activate that Charm is reduced to 4 motes.

Unmovable Heavenly Lion Defiance</b>
 <b>Cost: 7m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Lion of Heaven Redoubt

Solars are the great Lawgivers. It is their duty to stand unswayed against the imprecations of the foolish or conniving; let only the most righteous and truthful arguments pass their wardship, and with this Charm, they develop the powerful personality with which to remain so uncorrupt—or stratified. For the remainder of the scene, this Charm removes the onslaught penalty from other characters’ social attacks/social attack flurries imposed upon the Solar’s MDV. It also reduces the defense penalty imposed by the character’s own social actions by one, to a minimum of zero.

Radiant Reply</b>
 <b>Cost: 4m; Mins: Presence 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Counterattack
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Sunlit Disdain

Those who would seek to subvert the will of a Solar must be prepared to face the convincing power of a Sun-blessed orator in return. As their imprecations fall upon her, she may retaliate with swift ease, forcing them to the designs of her powerful personality. The Solar invokes this Charm after using her Parry MDV; she may then produce a Presence-based social counterattack during step 9 of the initial social attack’s resolution

Burning Repartee Corona</b>
 <b>Cost: 6m; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Until next action
 Prerequisite Charms: Radiant Reply

Surrounded by a brief, but brilliant holy glow, the Solar becomes a master of retorts. Any attempt to influence him will invite swift response, whether harsh and cutting or soft yet penetrating. Until the Lawgiver’s next action, whenever he uses his Parry MDV against an attack, this Charm provides him with the option to make a counterattack.

Brilliant Disdain</b>
 <b>Cost: --; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Sunlit Disdain

The Solar’s righteous mentality is an unstoppable bulwark against the imprecations of the corrupt. The Solar may use any defensive Presence Charm with a Minimum Essence of 2 or less as a non-Charm, Holy-keyword action against any Creature of Darkness.

Impassioned Orator Technique</b>
 <b>Cost: 5m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive      
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
 Duration: Until next action
 Prerequisite Charms: Listener-Swaying Argument

This is a mechanical conversion of Impassioned Orator Technique from CB:Z pages 78-79. Note the type change; this has been altered so that the Solar can use Impassioned Orator Technique to boost a Presence MDV roll.

Horizon-to-Horizon Presence Method</b>
 <b>Cost:5m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5; Type: Reflexive
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: Instant 
 Prerequisite Charms: Hypnotic Tongue Technique, Terrifying Apparition of Glory

This Charm is a mechanical adaptation of the original on pages 105-106 of Cult of the Illuminated. Note that, in keeping with expanded Social combat in second edition, this Charm may be used to attack a single unit as well as a single individual. There must be an actual unit and cohesion in order to make this attack.

Harmonious Presence Meditation</b>
 <b>Cost: 5m, 1 wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: One scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Majestic Radiant Presence

The Lawgiver reinforces her words with a sense of purpose and harmony, giving strength to those who would follow her ideals. For the rest of the scene, add the Solar’s Presence to the parry MDV of anyone (including the Solar herself) who acts in accordance with the Solar’s stated or demonstrated purpose and direction.

Rose-Lipped Seduction Style</b>
 <b>Cost: 1m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
 Duration: One scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency

The honeyed words and sheer presence of the Solar transcends mere physical attraction, granting the Lawgiver the ability to seduce others to his will and become the center of all attention. For the purposes of social combat, add the Solar’s Presence to his Appearance. Even the draw of the grotesque may come to the Solar’s aid; if the Solar who uses this Charm has an Appearance of 1 or 0, his Presence will be added to his “effective” Appearance, and that total can be used for non-Intimidation purposes as well.

Bountiful Salesman</b>
 <b>Cost: 4m per wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-Basic, Social
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Irresistible Salesman Spirit

The Solar’s efforts at persuasion are hard to put off, granting her a great harvest of the converted, or exhausting the attempts of marks to avoid becoming suckers. When making a social attack, the character may spend up to 4 times her Charisma in motes. For every 4 full motes spent (fractional essence is lost), add 1 to the willpower cost of resisting the character’s mental influence, whether natural or unnatural.

--First Edition

Brilliant Disdain</B>
 <B>Cost:  8 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Presence:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Countenance of Vast Wrath (First Edition version)

An Exalt’s passions can lead her into trouble, but they can also give her great strength to resist those who would dare interfere with her righteous mandate of Essence. By using this Charm, the Solar can make it far more difficult for external effects to stop her Charms and spells from activating. Add the character’s highest Virtue to the difficulty of all rolls to stop, redirect, or otherwise hamper Charm and sorcery effects made by this character for the rest of the scene. If the effect is usually automatic, such as with Countermagic spells, the opponent using that effect must now make an Essence roll versus the Solar’s highest Virtue. This effect ends if the character ever acts in manner not keeping with that virtue. Using this Charm automatically adds one point to the character’s Limit.
