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Priestess’ Daughter Seeks Daughter of Dragon

(1) Yeled: It takes a while for Kaimi to find Ayame. Eventually she finds the elemental milling about the wading pool on the hill, halfway toward the door itself. Ayame is wandering about near the pool, looking preoccupied

Kaimi: "Saffron Tears."

Ayame: "What about her?" She doesn't look up.

Kaimi: "You tell me." Kaimi stares evenly at Ayame, her arms crossed over her chest

Ayame looks over "Do you know anything about her?"

Kaimi: "If she is who I think she is, very little. That is why I am asking you."

Ayame: "She was the last High Priestess of the Water Dragon Cult"

Kaimi: Did you know she was my mother then? Did you know her?"

Ayame: "I knew who she was, but I didn't know who you were until just recently. She wasn't High Priestess very long, but I remember her."

Kaimi nods. "Did you know her or just of her?"

Ayame: "What do you want to know about her?"

Kaimi: "Whatever you might know. I know next to nothing so there is a bit of a gap to fill." Kaimi smiles slightly. "Were you friends with her? Master Li said your sister knew her and my father."

Ayame: "She was often in the East where I had my temple, so we had met a few times, yes. She was rather well known, and liked, especially for her young age."

Kaimi in one motion drops to a cross-legged position and leans forward, wide eyed, like a child ready to hear a story.

Ayame: "She even helped bring support in the last years of the cult. People would often gravitate to her for no apparent reason."

Kaimi: "Really? How old was she? Did you like her? Did you know my father too?"

Ayame: "She was around your age.. uh... and yes I suppose so."

Kaimi grins. "What did she do then? I mean she was the high priestess. What kind of things did she do?"

Ayame: "I didn't really know your father though, He didn't hold a position that dealt directly with me or my sisters."

Kaimi: "Oh." Kaimi looks disappointed at this but even so you can still practically see the questions multiplying behind her eyes.

Ayame: "She only served as the High Priestess for three years, in that time she served the Water Dragon closely and tried to calm the growing fear of annihilation at the hands of those damned Immaculates."

Kaimi: "Yah. I always knew they were annoying. It must run in my family. Er, what is this Water Dragon exactly?"

Ayame: "She was an elemental, but more like a Goddess, with power over the entire island"

Kaimi: "What happened to her?"

Ayame: "The same thing that happened to almost everyone in the cult..." Ayame scowls, then clears her face. "Your mother did the best she could. Better than most would have, and she was only a child."

Kaimi: "Wow... I never really thought... It means a lot to hear you speak so highly of her. Actually it means a lot to hear you speak of her at all."

Ayame: "Who knows, maybe one day I'll be a dragon and you can be my priestess"

Ayame grins while Kaimi blinks.

Kaimi: "Ah...You know I did just find out about all of this... so... no making life plans for me yet. Apparently fate is already trying to do just that and my schedule is getting crowded,” Kaimi smiles, matching Ayame’s. "But thanks for the vote of confidence."

Ayame laughs "Don't worry, it's not a very likely thing"

Kaimi grins. "Oh ye of little faith!"

Ayame: "Hey, turning into a dragon isn't an easy thing you know!" Ayame sticks out her tongue.

Kaimi: "Oh don't worry. You are so stubborn I doubt you will quit till you get the job done. Speaking of the whole fate thing though, I'm scheduled to go into that cave at dawn. Will you come?"

Ayame: "I suppose someone has to look after you..." Ayame sticks her tongue out again, teasingly.

Kaimi: "You better watch it or someone is gonna grab your tongue one day. But not me, ‘cause yuck."

Ayame: "Many have tried"

Kaimi: "eeew!"

Ayame laughs lightly "So when is your little adventure planned for?"

Kaimi: "Just before dawn."

Ayame looks up at the sky, noting the time of night. She nods. "I'll be there"

The Challenge of the Golden Sun Disk

(1) Yeled: Ayame isn't the only one there. Nor is the gathering limited to Master Li and his apprentices. Somehow during the course of the night word of the challenge and the attempt to open the door must have spread to every student in the Two Rivers School of Enlightenment and Martial Arts, as every single one of them has made his or her way up the hillside to witness this once in a lifetime occasion.

(1) Yeled: They have formed a semi-circle around the grove, every eye focused attentively on Kaimi, Gao, and Master Li. There is a buzz of excitement in the morning air usually reserved for official sparring matches between high ranking students, and a steady chatter emanates from the crowd, drowning out most of the more serene sounds of the morning. To the west, a large half-moon hovers just above the horizon, bathing the western sky in pale silver light. Opposite it, to the east, a warm red glow announces that the sun will soon be up. Master Li has apparently also set three paper lanterns out to light the area.

Sook arrived well before dawn...in fact he never showed up in the bunkhouse during the night, accept to gather his meager belongings....apparently, he spent the night up on the hill, which he does do, occasionally.

Mou-Shendu has also been on this spot for some time, having come early to meditate and clear his mind before this event. Now he stands with his pack on his shoulder, waiting patiently for things to unfold.

(1) Yeled: Master Li stands just before the door, holding the large circular sun disk before him. Gao stands facing him, to his right. Kaimi stands slightly apart, stretching her arms. Her stance is casual but excitement shines from her eyes. The other apprentices stand in front of the students, closer to Master Li and the competitors than to the assembled student audience.

(1) Master Li: "This is a good deal more of a commotion than I had hoped to attract," mutters Master Li, loud enough for all but the student onlookers to hear. "But what is is. "Kaimi, are you ready to enter the cave? Have you prepared yourself mentally and spiritually as I asked?"

Kaimi: "You'd think no one has ever opened a door before!" Kaimi shrugs. "And as far as I can tell, yes."

Mou-Shendu frowns a bit at that.

(1) Master Li: "Indeed. No one has opened this door. It is likely over a millennium since the door has been opened. And you do not sound sure of yourself. Perhaps we should wait until you are more prepared."

Kaimi: "Don't worry. I will be fine. After all I had you for a teacher, didn't I? I am sure I am ready."

Mou-Shendu studies Master Li, making brief eye contact if he notices, but says nothing.

(1) Master Li: The corners of Master Li's lips turn down, and he narrows his eyes. "Do not take this lightly, Kaimi!" he scolds, his voice raising. "This is not a game for a twelve-year-old girl to play now. You are a young woman, and you must be absolutely sure you are ready to face what your future may bring. If not, I shall call this challenge off and we shall go back to your training!"

(1) Gao the Lesser: "What? You're not concerned if I'm ready, Master?" says Gao, his voice dripping sarcasm when he addresses his teacher formally.

Mou-Shendu glances briefly at the eastern horizon.

Kaimi: "Master Li I do not take this lightly. I simply do not see the need to worry about this until I have too."

Sook turns to gao, and quietly says "yes, it would figure you would need reassurance"

(1) Master Li: "You will never be ready, Gao. This is not your destiny, and you are merely an intruder here. The fact that I am permitting this farce to go on makes be question my own wits and wisdom."

Kaimi: "I promise I am fine. I am just calm about it."

(1) Master Li: "It is fine to be calm and tranquil. But nonetheless now is the time to be concerned." The red glow is growing brighter.

Kaimi: "If we are going to do this it should be now."

(1) Master Li: "Have you at least determined who will accompany you, as I asked?"

Kaimi: "Sure. Mou, Ayame, Sook, and Echo."

(1) Master Li: "I will ask them to step forward, then."

Mou-Shendu does so. Ayame steps forward as directed. Dawn Star and Tetsuke do so as well.

(1) Master Li: "Mou-Shendu, are you prepared to face what lies within this cave, should the door open for us? Are you certain that your path is to follow Kaimi inside? Are you certain of the journey you and she undertake?"

Yukio: "Master, I would also like to attend with Mou Shendu, if that is alright with him."

Kaimi turns to look at Yukio. She smirks very slightly and then raises an eyebrow to Mou.

Sook steps forward when he is mentioned

Master Li turns to Yukio. "That is not Mou-Shendu's decision to make, Yukio."

Mou-Shendu: "I do not know what lies within, but I am certain that the fate Kaimi has been dealt will be a difficult and dangerous one. I am certain of the importance of that role, and that she stands a better chance with my assistance. I will walk with her on this path, and in doing so, make it my own. I am ready, Master.

Yukio slouches slightly, hoping to avoid this. "Very well, Kaimi --" He stops, and steps back, unable to do it.

Kaimi watches Yukio waiting

Yukio: "What are you staring at, mortal?"

Kaimi rolls her eyes and shakes her head as she turns back to her companions.

Master Li seems very cognizant of the interaction between Kaimi and Yukio, but answers Mou anyway. "Very well. Take your place at Kaimi's side."

(1) Master Li: "Tetsuko, are you prepared to face what lies within this cave, should the door open for us? Are you certain that your path is to follow Kaimi inside? Are you certain of the journey you and she undertake?"

Mou-Shendu stands beside Kaimi.

Sook: "as i have known for certain for a long time, kaimi holds my fate in her hands....therefore i could not refuse to go, even were we both to wish it," he bows low and respectfully to master li, then takes his place at kaimi’s left flank

Master Li nods.

(1) Master Li: "Dawn Star, are you prepared to face what lies within this cave, should the door open for us? Are you certain that your path is to follow Kaimi inside? Are you certain of the journey you and she undertake?"

(1) Dawn Star: "Master, Kaimi is my sister. For most of our lives, until last night, we have shared the same parentage. The same history. The same culture. She and I are one, and where she goes I will go as well. I really do believe in her. And I love her as much as any sister loves her sister anywhere in Creation."

(1) Master Li: "Then take your place by her side."

Kaimi gives Dawnstar a brief one armed hug when she comes over.

(1) Master Li: "And Ayame, are you prepared to face what lies within this cave, should the door open for us? Are you certain that your path is to follow Kaimi inside? Are you certain of the journey you and she undertake? Why do you go along?"

Ayame: "Uh-huh" she nods

Master Li smiles. "Your verbosity is always a pleasure, rain spirit."

(1) Master Li: "Very well, take your place by Kaimi's side."

Ayame moves forward.

(1) Gao the Lesser: "This is all very touching, Master, but could we get on with it?"

(1) Master Li: "Are you ready to proceed, then, Kaimi?"

Kaimi: "Actually I think I will give Gao the honor of going first.

Sook can’t hide his hint of a grin....he has been looking forward to this

Kaimi pulls back as she says this, looking openly nervous for the first time

(1) Gao the Lesser: "Of course I'm going first! That was the agreement."

Kaimi turns her head away from him to hide a smirk. "Right of course Gao. Go ahead."

Gao the Lesser steps forward, facing the sun disk and the door. Master Li steps back to make room for Gao. He reaches down to pick up the Sun Disk and...nothing happens. He lifts the orichalcum disk into his hands easily, although it is clearly heavy. Gao the Lesser turns to face the door.

Kaimi takes a breath. Now she has a reason to worry.

(1) Yeled: The circular Orichalcum Door is no more than five feet in diameter, and reflects a red caste in the early dawn sun. Its construction is perfect, and every inch of its molded form displays exquisite, artful design. Although there is beautiful craftsmanship and metalwork in Yu, the quality and skill of this piece rivals and probably exceeds anything found in the capitol city of the Jade Isle.

(1) Yeled: The central figure of the door is clearly the terrible Sun Tyrant, who legend says subjugated the peoples of the ancient Jade Isle for centuries upon centuries. As is always the case in the ancient ruins, the Sun Tyrant is shown as an extremely comely, youthful man of inspirational grandeur. As any resident of the Isle knows, this beautiful image belied the darkness within. In this image of him, the Sun Tyrant is wearing magnificent armor the like of which cannot be found in this age, over which is thrown a leopard skin. He holds a long, ceremonial spear in his left hand, although his more customary twin broadswords can be seen sheathed at his waist. He sits upon a golden throne, and the sun itself rests over his heart, radiating great rays outward toward the edge of the door. It is now known that this sun is actually a place in which one might fit the Golden Sun Disk left behind by the mysterious woman more than a week ago. The Disk and the Sun are now generally assumed by all to be a key and a key hole, respectively.

(1) Yeled: To the right of the Sun Tyrant is the Queen of the Moon, his infamous wife. Like the Sun Tyrant, she is shown using some of the more common motifs associated with her. Her gown hugs her body and in this image seems to be made of feathers, each of which is finely detailed in all its intricacy. Although the markings should be hidden by her clothing, her shoulders have the usual moon markings emblazoned on them in moonsilver. These stand out clearly, as they are the only part of the door that is not made of Orichalcum. In a gesture of tenderness that is clearly out of character for him, the Sun Tryant’s right hand is shown wrapped around the Moon Queen’s waist. The craftsman who created this door depicted the Moon Queen in a very human way, in stark contrast to the monstrous personage legend knows her to be. She is said to have had a bestial mind, and hunted and consumed human flesh. But in this depiction the Moon Queen’s face is thoughtful and attractive. One might almost describe her as cute.

(1) Yeled: The perimeter of the door is marked with a border containing some kind of magic spell or spells written in Old Tongue. Although some can read most of the words, the functioning of the spell—its formula—is beyond the abilities of anyone here to understand. It does seem to contain some warding language, but that is peripheral to its main focus. The final feature of the door is the thirteen signs or marks, each of which is located within one of the sun rays that emanate from the heart of the Sun Tyrant and just inside the border containing the spell. These are the marks that Master Li spoke of, noting that a few of them bear a striking resemblance to the signs of Chu, Yan, Zhao, and Qin.

Gao the Lesser walks to the exquisite door, Sun Disk in hand. He studies it for a few moments, determining how, exactly, the Disk fits into the door itself. The indentation formed by the sun located over the Sun Tyrant's heart is round, but has thirteen or so triangular rays that jut out from it. The Sun Disk, however, is perfectly round with no sign of any rays.

(1) Gao the Lesser: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [5,3,9,5,9,4] = (2)

(1) Gao the Lesser: After several minutes of study, Gao seems to concentrate hard on the Disk. It begins to glow very faintly, and suddenly there is a loud click as numerous triangular rays quickly unfold themselves from the perimeter of the Disk itself.

Gao the Lesser looks at Kaimi out of the corner of his eye and winks at her.

Kaimi gives a nonchalant shrug.

Gao the Lesser steps forward once again, raising the disk to its place on the door. The sun peeks above the horizon for the first time.

Kaimi looks over at Mou, meeting his eyes if he will.

(1) Gao the Lesser: He places it at the Sun Tyrant's breast and fits it into place. Another loud click. The Sun Disk begins to grow brighter.

Mou-Shendu meets her gaze, but does not otherwise react.

Kaimi holds his gaze for a moment, gives a small barely apparent shrug, and then drops back into a relaxed stance as if she had never left it.

(1) Gao the Lesser: The Disk's luminosity increases rapidly, bathing first Gao and then the entire grove in a warm golden light not unlike that of the sun. A moment later the entire door follows suit. Soon it is so intense that you can barely look at it, and Gao disappears in the brilliant aura. The students gathered there shield their eyes as they try to see what is happening. The blinding light grows so strong that its painful to look at. All is silent.

Kaimi squints trying to see him.

(1) Gao the Lesser: "AAAAAAARRGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" screams Gao, finally. "IT BURNS!!!!"

Gao the Lesser comes flailing backwards, spilling out of the pooling light and landing hard on his posterior. He didn't last nearly as long as the strange woman who attempted to open the door before.

Sook didnt seem very nervous, though in fact, he was.....but now he does something that nobody, not even kaimi or dawn star, not even master li, who can remember every day of the young mans life, have ever seen him do....he begins to laugh aloud. Sook laughs softly at first, then it picks up, a booming and gravelly sound that is fits the man’s looks much more than his soft, firm, clear voice.

Kaimi springs forward to help him. "Are you alright?"

Gao the Lesser 's face is red hot and full of fury. His eyes are tearing, and his face is covered in sweat. He turns on Kaimi as she approaches. "Get away from me, you worthless bottom feeder." He raises his arm to ward her off.

Kaimi puts her hands up in a placating gesture

Sook puts a soft hand on kaimis shoulder as he quiets down," bother not with him, he will be fine"

Kaimi: "Alright, alright. I just wanted to see if you are all right. Surely even mortals can check if other are ok?"

Sook turns from kaimi to the door with a nod, "i believe it is...your turn.” Sook gives her a reassuring squeeze, then releases his hold

Kaimi smiles.

Gao the Lesser looks at his own hands, turning them palm up to reveal that they are, indeed, red and burned as if he touched a sword being formed in an intense fire. It must be hot indeed, considering he is aspected toward fire.

Sook: "let him revel in the sensation, it is probably the first burn he has felt since his change"

Kaimi: "Somebody get him some bandages and salve."

Minh steps forward to do that.

Kaimi: "If this doesn't work, catch me"

Sook nods.

(1) Gao the Lesser: "No! I will not be beaten by you," shouts Gao. Suddenly he's on his feet, and fire has flared up all around him.

Minh moves a little behind Mou-Shendu with the bandages and salve.

Mou-Shendu: "Careful Gao," says Mou calmly. "You don't want to deprive the door of its chance at the mortal girl, do you?"

(1) Gao the Lesser: roll wits+alertness if you want to act as gao does. Sook: [4d10] => [1,2,9,2] = (14) Ayame: [7d10] => [9,4,5,6,10,7,10] = (51)

Minh jumps back.

“Ooof. Sook!" Kaimi complains as Sook pulls her back, forcefully, and places himself in front of her just as Gao inhales and spits forth a stream of flame at the girl. It envelops the large man.

(1) Gao the Lesser: [11d10.vs(7)] -> [8,4,6,2,5,10,9,10,2,10,9] = (6) (1) Gao the Lesser: [9d10.vs(7)] -> [9,6,6,10,7,6,3,5,1] = (3)

Sook seems to darken and harden and become rough as the gout of flame hits him, when it stops, he has the appearance of a tree after a flash fire...blackened bark and bad burns...but he is standing, and doesn’t appear critically hurt.

Minh winces and looks down at the small roll of bandages and bottle of salve, "This may not be enough."

Sook: "you have lost, little gao...run home to your father now, and see if he can fix your boo boo"

Kaimi pulls out her swords. She is not about to let Sook take the brunt by himself. "Gao come on! I'm a mortal remember? According to you I won't be able to open the door either so what are you worried about?!"

Master Li steps forward quickly, placing himself between Sook and Gao. "Gao! I have had enough of you and your petty jealousies, and your terrible temper. Go now and collect your belongings. You and your father will have no future dealings with this school. Now go!"

Sook braces his feet, and the blackness appears to go green, then brown again, and the familiar spectral roots reach into the ground," master li, if he wishes to fight me, i will be more than glad to appease him"

Kaimi: "Sook, you don't have, too. He shouldn't be doing this. It's not honorable. Plus he wants to fight me."

Gao the Lesser stands before Master Li, an inferno dancing angrily around him. His eyes are focused on Li and not the others, and for a moment it looks like he might attack the master. Then he spits, "Fine! Your school is not long for this world anyway. It’s all coming to an end and I want no part of it."

Sook: "no...he has attacked you, with intent to kill....therefore I feel the need to removes him of the burden of life"

Kaimi: "I think I would relish the chance to knock him flat as well after that one."

(1) Master Li: "No one will be fighting. Gao has dishonored this challenge with his temper. He has dishonored you, Kaimi. He has dishonored Tetsuko. He has dishonored me and this school. He no longer has standing here. Go, now, Gao!"

Kaimi glares at Gao

Mou-Shendu: "Sook. Gao is hardly worth wasting your strength on right now, as he is the least of Kaimi's concerns."

Gao the Lesser faces Master Li's accusations for a moment, then turns and stomps down the hill.

Sook: "i do not feel it will take much power to remove this weed from my garden..."Sook doesnt, however, move to pursue.

Kaimi: "Well I guess he isn't coming then." Kaimi said dryly. Kaimi watches him go for a moment, lips pursed, then she shrugs and turns back to the others.

Sook seems to quickly recover from the burn, and soon, only his clothing and hair show the signs of it, as his skin fades back to its normal, albeit rough and heavily tanned, skin, from the bark looking covering he had.

Kaimi: "My turn?" she asks brightly

(1) Master Li: "Yes, Kaimi. You may finally take your turn."

Kaimi strides foward right into the glow without hesitating

Mou-Shendu holds his breath as Kaimi reaches for the key.

(1) Yeled: The Sun Disk and the door continue to glow intensely. You can barely see, and you have to approximate your course and then alter it as you miss your mark. The assembled still can barely see what's happening. Dawn Star seems particularly affected by the light. She can't bear to look at all.

Sook is ready to catch her should she need it

Kaimi examines the door and the key as best she can for a moment to see if there is a trick to them. Then she reaches up and attempts to open the door

(1) Yeled: There doesn't seem to be any trick.

Kaimi reaches out to touch the door

Minh waits for the screaming to begin again

(1) Yeled: The door seems perfectly cool to the touch, despite its magnificent light. The sun is now risen halfway over the horizon.

Kaimi slides her fingers up the door to the key and tries to use it to open the door

(1) Yeled: The key is certainly warm, but it is a nice, pleasant sensation on an otherwise cool morning. It’s like the rays of the sun warming your cool skin.

Kaimi pushes, pulls the door or turns the key. Whatever is necessary to open the door.

(1) Yeled: Pushing and pulling do nothing. Kaimi turns the Disk, finding it impossible to move clockwise. Turning it widdershins proves more successful, and Kaimi hears a heavy pang, pang, pang before the satisfying vibrations of some unseen, inner mechanism grind into action. There is a whirring sound that is unfamiliar to you. Suddenly the door comes alive, and the rays of the sun begin to literally spin of their own accord. They cause the light bathing the clearing to dance on the faces of the gathered, and to filter through the leaves of the surrounding trees. After full two turns whatever held the door in place disengages, and with a pop and an inhalation of air the door swings open to reveal whatever is beyond.

Mou-Shendu watches the widening opening, keeping on guard.

(1) Yeled: Within seconds there is an immense build up of energy, and anyone with sensitivity to the movement of essence can feel motes being drawn from the air itself. Then there is a quick series of flashes from beyond the door, and something or some things come shooting out at incredible speeds. Everyone gathered reacts; mostly too late.

Sook will respond by trying to protect kaimi

(1) Yeled: ((everyone in front of the door roll wits + awareness)) Sook: [4d10] => [4,1,4,5] = (14) Mou-Shendu: [010.vs(7)] => 010.vs(7) Kaimi: [6d10.vs(7)] => [4,3,4,3,5,10] = (1) Ayame: [7d10] => [4,10,10,10,5,3,8] = (50) Mou-Shendu: [6d10.vs(7)] => [7,10,9,2,9,5] = (4)

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [8,9,2,6,5,8,2,4,6,3] = (3) (1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [10,1,5,9,1,8,1,10,1,5] = (4) (1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [9,4,2,2,2,8,1,10,7,5] = (4) (1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [4,8,8,3,6,9,8,9,2,3] = (5) (1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [7,2,8,10,4,6,1,2,9,7] = (5)

(1) Yeled: [1d10.vs(7)] -> [5] = (0) (1) Yeled: [3d10.vs(7)] -> [5,6,3] = (0)

(1) Yeled: Sook is pelted by something hard and sharp, but they are not enough to penetrate his tough skin. Kaimi manages to leap to the side just as the objects blast out of the door, as was Ayame. Mou is also hit, but though they are painful he is unhurt.

(1) Yeled: Dawn Star screams. She has fallen to the ground and is clutching her thigh, which is bleeding profusely.

Kaimi: “Echo!” Kaimi ducks low to the ground and hurries to her fallen friend

Sook stands there,stunned momentarily

(1) Yeled: Several strange shuriken, each carved into the shape of a cat’s paw with claws fully extended, are embedded in her leg. More must have passed through it. It’s shredded and will require immediate attention.

(1) Yeled: The crowd is mostly unharmed, although some suffered minor injuries. But they were far enough back that most were only hit by a single dart.

Mou-Shendu continues to watch the opening, not ready to assume that was it.

Sook regains himself, and moves to dawn star.

(1) Yeled: The door continues to glow, now ajar. The opening beyond is black and still.

Sook: (assess health) (1) Yeled: ((roll perception + med)) Sook: [8d10] => [2,4,6,10,6,9,6,10] = (53)

Kaimi: "Sook, can you help her?"

Sook: "of course"

(1) Yeled: She's suffered a pretty bad wound. Her upper leg is torn up. As a mortal its going to take weeks to fully heal, and only if it gets immediate attention.

Kaimi turns to face the door in a crouch, swords drawn, ready to defend her friends

Minh picks up one of the fallen shuriken and studies it "Nasty piece of work."

Mou-Shendu , seeing nothing forth coming from the doorway, glances at the weapon Minh now holds.

Sook will carefully but swiftly remove those claws still in her leg, then reach up to the inside of her hip, squeezing hard....it is painful, but the force slows the bleeding....he then places his other hand on the wound, and closes his eyes....he concentrates, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and the area of her leg near the wound starts to glow green.

(1) Yeled: Amazingly, Dawn Star's wounds literally start to close up upon Tetsuko focusing upon them. The bleeding stops completely, and what were terrible tears are now just merely very bad scrapes. Still, her leg looks fairly bad and it’s beginning to bruise severely.

Sook hold that pose for some moments, then lets go, and exhales deeply...he appears drained.

Minh tosses the weapon into the air with a quick flick of her wrist then, catches it deftly as it falls to the ground again.

Minh picks up a few more of the shurikens comparing them to one another

Mou-Shendu picks up the weapon that brush him and studies it.

1) Dawn Star: The small metal shuriken are, as I said, shaped like cat's paws. The extended claws serve as the ouchy parts. The paws are exquisitely molded. You can make out individual hairs. The balance also seems very good.

Sook quickly recovers, and searches his pouches for an analgesic salve...he applies it, then lays some soft leaves on her leg, taking his skin, he pours some water on them. The leaves start to stink when the water hits them.

"That should help the pain and bruising." Sook takes dawn star’s hand and places it over the leaves, with pressure, indicating she should do thus.

Dawn Star smiles. "Thank you, Sook. I'm sure I'll be ok now, thanks to you." She tries to get up, but then suddenly winces as she shifts her weight.

Sook puts his firm hand on her shoulder, "No, stay that way for a bit. It will help the pain....some.....but not completely”

(1) Dawn Star: "No, I have to get up. Kaimi needs me."

Kaimi: "No. Not when you are hurt. You look to yourself first. I will look after you."

Sook: "She needs all of us, but for now you need to stay there.” He does not let her get up

(1) Dawn Star: "No, it’s not that bad," she says, wincing despite her words. "I'm fine. Really.

Kaimi raises an eyebrow at her. "Oh really?"

(1) Dawn Star: "Yes, really!"

Sook rummages in his pouches again, and remove a small, long, serrated dark green leaf, that has an odd, fuzzy underside, and hands it to dawn star, "here, chew this...for the pain"

Kaimi: "Well a little rest never hurt anybody so do as Dr. Sook tells you silly!"

Dawn Star takes the leaf and chews it, saying between chews: "Happy?! I'm doing what he says. Now let's go." She starts to get up, but then sinks down again as the narcotic in the leaf Sook gave her takes hold of her slight form very quickly.

(1) Dawn Star: "Hey, not fair, Sook!" Dawn Star 's voice is suddenly very serene and agreeable, even in protest

Sook makes sure she is able to get back down safely, "i think you need to rest." He strokes her hair reassuringly . Mou-Shendu drops the shuriken and approaches the group.

Sook: "kaimi will be fine....master li will take care of you, and we will be out in no time, and you will be fine and fit...now jes relax"

Sook glances at li, who knows, of course, what sook gave her, since he did teach sook most of what he knows.

(1) Dawn Star: "I wanted to come," says Dawn Star drowsily. "I wanted to help. This just bites."

Kaimi: "Don't worry Echo. I'll bring you back something."

Sook pats her prone shoulder, then rises. He turns to kaimi and nods.

Kaimi grins widely

(1) Master Li: "It is for the best, Dawn Star. You will rest here with me, and they will be fine. In a few days they will be out here with you again."

Mou-Shendu: "Kaimi, before we go inside, I would like to make a request of you" he says too softly for those not in the immediate vicinity to hear.

Kaimi: "What would that be?" she whispers back.

Mou-Shendu: "This morning has been an unfortunate reminder of the frailty of the mortal body. As we venture forward, I ask you to relax your spirit of adventure enough to not take undue risks. Too many are now counting on you for you to be reckless with yourself. Do not risk yourself where Sook or I could take the risk on your behalf."

Kaimi scowls.

Kaimi: "You would have me stand behind Sook like I did to day all the time? I am capable of fighting back you know."

Mou-Shendu: "You are a very capable fighter, but that flame, which burned Sook, would have killed you."

Kaimi: "I could have dodged it. I do not like the idea of you, Sook, or anybody else taking blows for me."

Mou-Shendu: "This is not for lack of skill or effort on your part. It is simply fate. And by a twist of fate, your life now counts for more than either mine or Sook's."

Sook approaches them as the last two sentences are said.

Kaimi: "That will never be the case. But I will promise you that I will try not to take risks that will endanger our lives... or that will cause you to feel that you must risk your lives on my behalf. I can't promise anymore than that…Sook." Kaimi appeals to him with her eyes.

Sook: "kaimi....you know that i would not exist if it weren’t for you...you created me....you are why i have life....if i can spend it saving your life, i will consider it a bargain"

Mou-Shendu: "At the very least, be cognizant of the fact that Sook is incredibly resilient, and that a blow that could be costly to you, he can shrug off."

Kaimi: "ok, ok, but Sook, understand this, you are brother to me. I will look out for you just as much as you look at for me. You cannot stop me. That is what I want."

Sook puts a hand on kaimi’s shoulder and looks her in the eye, "kaimi....you need to promise me that you will hold your life above mine, at least until this is resolved....if not for self preservation....then for the preservation of your life’s purpose....i cannot let you enter unless you can promise me that you will not needlessly throw away your life....to save mine....that is my purpose, not yours...."

Kaimi throws her hands up in frustration.

Sook: "i.....have asked little of you, in our life....i am now asking something of you....i am asking this simple promise"

Kaimi 's angry words die unuttered. She shakes her head slowly. "It won't come to that." She turns away. Let’s go.

Sook: "…and if you refuse...then you deny me my purpose in life...." Sook grabs her shoulder, and turns her, rougher than usual, and his gaze, if anything, is more intense than usual...than ever....he stares into her eyes, "i am serious...and i feel you owe this to me."

Kaimi: "I don't want that to be your purpose. Why should it be? Sook you’re ruining that spiritual thing I'm suppose to have!"

Sook: "you misunderstand.....i do not even fully understand....you are not my purpose....keeping you alive to fulfill your purpose....is my purpose"

Mou-Shendu nods to himself.

Sook stares into her with eyes filled with inhuman, primal intensity....he looks less like the boy then man you know, and more like...a force of nature

Kaimi pulls back a bit unerved "What are you talking about? None of us knew I had a purpose until yesterday! Well except Master Li but that’s not the point!

Sook: "i....have known!"

Kaimi: "Sook you are more troubling than the stupid cave. Fine! Let’s just go!"

Sook gauges her sincerity by her eyes, then nods...he blinks, and the intense green depths turn back to sook eyeballs

Sook: "ok"

Kaimi: "Is everyone ready? Kaimi asks loudly and harshly.

Mou-Shendu looks to Master Li, then to Ayame, Sook and Kaimi. Finally, he turns to face the empty darkness before them.