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Reawakening of the Dawn Sun

(1) Yeled: The air is abuzz with a crackling of energy. Sook, Mou, and Ayame feel it in their finger tips, in their toes, on the backs of their necks, on the hair on their arms. The warm feel of the sun is being joined by the crackling of fire, the flowing of water, the whoosh of air, the solid strength of earth, and the pure vitality of wood. In five locations along the outer wall of the room each of red, black, blue, white, and green light appears over a single statue made of jade of the corresponding color.

Mou-Shendu cautiously exits the cabin, half expecting an ambush, in an attempt to survey the scene outside.

(1) Yeled: Those who are not within the walls of the small structure on the barque see each of these five statues begin to show signs of animation. First a finger moves. Then an arm. Eyes open and glow with the appropriate color of light. A head looks up. A torso turns. Legs begin to move, lifting statues from their seated positions and pulling them away from the wall. Each statue is different than the others. They are sculpted to depict unique persons. They wear different clothing, and some wear armor. All of it is elaborate and of the highest quality. They are adorned with headresses and jewelry. And they are all armed.

(1) Yeled: "What's going on up there?" calls Ayame as she drags Kaimi out of the water and onto the dock. Ayame and Kaimi, who remains unconscious, are on the pier about 30 feet from the gangplank.

Mou-Shendu: "Ayame! Be alert! The statues!" he shouts, gesturing urgently toward the nearest one to her. "Sook! Get out here! Ayame's got Kaimi!"

Sook will be heard....if it is quiet enough....sobbing gently. Then the sobbing suddenly stops. He pulls himself up, stopping, with his hand on the edge, to glance into the sarcophagus, then he turns and steps out onto the deck, "where is she?"

Mou-Shendu: "There", he says pointing. "She may be hurt. And the statues are coming alive, and may be hostile!"

(1) Yeled: The statue nearest Ayame depicts a man wearing elaborate armor. It’s all spikes and sharp points. His hair, too, is worn in long spikes that stand up, giving the appearance of a crown of hair. His eyes glow red, and you can see a red glow that emenates from beneath the surface of the statue. He pulls twin hook swords from his back and steps into the water.

Sook takes an assessment of the situation, not taking long to notice the statues and kaimi and ayame, "ayame! get her up the stairs!" He moves forward as he speaks, giving mou a little prod that says 'go' as he heads to the dock to head to the stairs

Mou-Shendu nods. "We can hold up a defense at the gang plank..." Mou stops as he sees a statue enter the water. "Maybe not," he adds, softer.

(1) Yeled: Directly opposite this statue, across the room, is a crystalline statue that glows with the bluish light associated with the air. She is small and lithe, and as she pulls away from the wall she springs up and into the air, doing a flip and landing on the pier near to the door.

Ayame drags Kaimi onto the dock and begins to carry her towards the stairs.

Sook slows as he sees their retreat blocked,turning his bolt into a purposeful stride onto the dock. "let them go....I’m the one who touched your 'exalted ruler', I’m the one you want" Sook says this looking into the eyes of miss blue.

(1) Yeled: The statue that glows with the white light is enormous. It’s as tall as Sook and nearly as wide. It’s wearing heavy stone armor and carries a massive maul. It opens its mouth and yells a low, stony and unintelligible battle cry. It steps from its perch and drops into the water with a splash.

Mou-Shendu frowns as he considers their options. He steps slowly in a circle, drawing in essence, which swirl around him as a blue-green, rippling light.

(1) Yeled: The statues take no notice to Sook's words. They advance slowly, and are joined by a tall thin statue with a green glow. He wears clothes appropriate for a woodsman or a scout, and pulls from his back a mighty power bow. As he draws back an invisible string it glows green and you see a bolt of pure green light manifest on that string.

(1) Yeled: Finally the statue with the solid black light: It’s dressed in loose fitting robes befitting a martial artist. It wear's its hair in long braids that seem more like chains than hair. On the end of each is a large ring, and it holds these in its hands as it drops into the water.

(1) Yeled: ((The room is a massive space that is mostly square. In the center is a large barque, which floats in a river of water that flows from the left to the right as you enter the room. From the entrance (which is a stair), a long pier of marble extends out over the water to reach a gang plank and the barque. The ceiling is very high, and in the water there are many statues of nymphs and a massive dragon. There are 13 statues of men and women around the exterior of the room, five of which have become animate and are closing in on your position))

Mou-Shendu: ((Where does the river come from and go?)) (1) Yeled: ((the river falls from halfway up a wall. it streams in from a small opening. you might be able to get onto the ledge that it falls from, but you likely cannot get through the opening. The river must drain on the other side of the room, but you don't know how))

Mou-Shendu: ((Ayame was carrying Kaimi from the pier to the exit, which is now blocked be the Air Statue. Sook is going after them. Mou is still on the ship's deck. The Wood Statue is around the edge, readying a bow. The Earth, Fire and Water statues have dropped into the water. Any corrections from anyone?))

Sook braces himself, cracks his neck around, and lets the essence of life soak into him...his skin ripples out in new bulges as ropey muscles grow and stretch, and goes green, then hardens back to a browner brown than before, as his eyes start to glow verdant green....small spectral roots grow out of his feet, searching for purchase in the stone pier, and a slight piney smell blows around him

Ayame glances around at the situation and prepares for a confrontation, activating her defenses, water from the river swirling up and surrounding her body. She lays Kaimi down off to the side and takes a defensive martial arts stance.

Sook: ((ok,activating grandfather oak form,strength of oak,and tiger and pine awareness))

(1) Yeled: ((roll Join Battle)) Sook: [4d10] => [8,5,10,4] = (27) Mou-Shendu: [5d10.vs(7)] => [10,7,9,2,7] = (4) (1) Yeled: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [9,3,10,8] = (3) (1) Yeled: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [2,2,9,3] = (1) (1) Yeled: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [8,7,4,10] = (3) (1) Yeled: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [4,9,9,9] = (3) (1) Yeled: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [4,6,8,8,10,4] = (3) Ayame: [9d10] => [7,6,1,2,1,4,10,6,7] = (44)

Mou-Shendu draws his arm up and back, palm out, as if readying a strike. His hand sweeps in a circular motion, dropping downward, forward and back up into a palm strike. As Mou does this, rippling green-blue light pools into his hand, and at the completion of his strike a dense ball of dark water is lunched toward the bowman.

(1) Yeled: ((roll (Dex + Ath) or (Dex + Arch) + Ess)) Mou-Shendu: [10d10.vs(7)] => [4,10,2,7,9,1,6,1,5,3] = (3)

(1) Yeled: The bolt of dark water races toward the bowman, who turns and fires a single arrow. It strikes the water square and scatters it. It splashes against the wall harmlessly around the archer statue.

Mou-Shendu frowns at the archer.

Ayame leaps high into air towards the air statue in front of her, bearing down on her with a strong palm strike to her chest

Ayame: [13d10] => [6,3,5,8,2,6,4,3,9,2,5,8,3] = (64)

(1) Yeled: The crystal statue doesn't seem to react at all to Ayame until the strike has almost landed. Then, at the last minute, it jumps backward with surprising speed and agility, avoiding the blow altogether. The fire statue leaps out of the water just as Ayame lands. His hook swords spin and whirl, and he lashes out with one and then another at the exposed elemental.

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [10,1,9,4,4,3,2,6,1,8] = (3) (1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [4,8,10,2,7,2,7,2,9,2] = (5)

Ayame does a quick spin, hold her shield arm out, letting the first swing bounce off of it, and spins to catch the second sword, knocking it away.

(1) Yeled: Ayame finds herself facing the crystal statue as well, and she feels the energy of an attack before she sees it. With a *crack* a bolt of lightning lashes out at the elemental. It strikes her shield, which she brought up at the last moment, and she can feel the energy pulse through her. It is not enough to do her harm, however. As the attack dissipates, Ayame can see the flicks of lightning dancing about the crystal form of her attacker.

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [2,8,4,2,4,2,5,2,4,6] = (1)

(1) Yeled: The massive stone statue hauls itself out of the water and stands upon the pier at the bottom of the gang plank.

Mou-Shendu: ((As the statues walked in the water, were they standing on the bottom. Can I get an indication of the water's depth? (Maybe you answered while I was away.) )) (1) Yeled: ((it was deep enough that their heads were below the surface...although that is just barely true for the big one))

Sook: ((how long is the pier?)) (1) Yeled: ((about 50 yards)) Sook: ((how far is the big stone guy from me?)) Sook: ((and is he facing me or the boat?)) (1) Yeled: ((He is facing you...and he's within your movement to reach him)) (1) Yeled: ((5 yards, maybe)) (1) Yeled: ((Ayame and the statues facing her are maybe 35 yards from you, Sook))

Sook stomps up to Mr. Big, arms outstretched, and latches on to....his weapon......he grabs hold of the handle of the maul on the big, but slow, statue, and braces himself.....then.....

Sook: [8d10] => [3,2,5,4,3,10,1,1] = (29)

(1) Yeled: The stone statue swings the massive maul, knocking Sook's hands away. The Archer points its bow at Mou and pulls back the string once more, a bright glowing arrow appearing on the string. It takes aim.

(1) Yeled: The statue depicting the martial artist leaps out of the water and lands on the pier behind Sook. Even as it does so it throws one of the rings on the end of a braid into the air, spinning in a circle and sending the ring in a wide and rapid arc that ends directly at Sook's back.

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [1,6,8,4,8,3,3,9,9,4] = (4) (1) Yeled: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [7,5,7,5,3] = (2)

(1) Yeled: At the last minute Sook glows with green energy and his skin toughens into an approximation of tough bark. The ring is in actuality a sharp blade, and it gashes Sook's back and sends a stream of red blood into the air, unto the pier, and into the water. Were it not for the bark-like skin it would have been much worse.

(1) Yeled: ((two lethal))

(1) Yeled: Just as Sook wheels to face the attack from behind, the massive giant in front of him lifts his maul high above his head and brings it crashing down on Sook.

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [8,1,5,2,1,10,4,3,4,10] = (3)

Sook whips around to try and block the disc, only succeeding in slightly diverting it across his side instead of into his middle...as he does this, the giant behind him raises the maul and strikes.....sook reacts by reaching into the air as he falls back into the statue and grabbing the maul opposite the hulks grip.

(1) Yeled: ((I will consider the parry stunt to be catching the maul, which I will give you +1 DV for attempting))

(1) Yeled: ((roll 2 dice for your MA excellency to parry)) Sook: [2d10] => [8,5] = (13)

(1) Yeled: Sook successfully catches the Maul and prevents it from striking him.

Mou-Shendu springs into action, leaping off the deck of the ship toward the water alongside the pier. As he drops, a burst of whirling water-images surround him as his Anima flares. Mou-Shendu lands in a roll on the surface of the water and comes up running, culminating into a jump-kick into one of the giant legs of the earth Statue. Mou kicks himself back off the stone warrior and into the water, letting himself fall beneath the surface in case the giant topples after him.

(1) Yeled: A blue-green swirling light surrounds Mou's body as his leg strikes against the giant, but the statue pulls his leg up to block the kick and Mou springs back toward the water without doing any damage.

(1) Yeled: The angular fire statue flashes his hook swords at Ayame. He lashes out with one towards Ayame's legs in an attempt to hook her and bring her down. A second blow follows immediately after...this one meant to do harm at the fallen elemental.

(1) Yeled: [12, 12d10.vs(7)] -> (12, [6, 5, 8, 4, 5, 3, 5, 5, 8, 9, 3, 4]) (1) Yeled: [12d10.vs(7)] -> [4,10,10,9,8,10,3,1,7,10,7,4] = (8)

Ayame hops over the first attack, then he eyes go wide as she sees the second sword coming at her, realizing she can't bring up her shield she stands and as if accepting the hit, but as the sword nears her, there is a spray of water, and the sword continue as if it were cutting through water

(1) Yeled: [2d10.vs(7)] -> [8,4] = (1) (1) Yeled: [1d10.vs(7)] -> [7] = (1)

Ayame tumbles back as the sword connects and there is a small spray of deep blue water from her midsection as she rolls to her feet once more

(1) Yeled: Even as Mou springs back toward the water the green archer lets loose a series of glowing green bolts toward the water aspect. One, two, three bolts of green energy sail toward him while he is in mid-air.

(1) Yeled: [13d10.vs(7)] -> [10,10,6,9,2,1,10,5,2,9,4,10,5] = (6) (1) Yeled: [12d10.vs(7)] -> [6,7,4,4,9,1,4,2,4,2,10,7] = (4) (1) Yeled: [11d10.vs(7)] -> [9,4,8,8,1,5,3,1,8,6,2] = (4)

(1) Yeled: The first blast hits Mou square in the back, but he whirls around to deflect the other two.

(1) Yeled: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [4,9,6,5,3] = (1) ((1 lethal))

Ayame regains her footing after the last attack and jumps at the fire guy, cringing slightly as she makes her hand into a knife and striking in a quick thrust at its neck, thinking to herself 'this is going to hurt'

Ayame: [13d10] => [5,5,8,6,10,6,4,4,7,3,8,5,6] = (77) Ayame: [3d10] => [4,9,1] = (14)

(1) Yeled: Ayame's blow strikes the statue in the neck. A piece of jade literally cracks off and falls with a splash into the water. The crystal statue follows up its first lightning attack by charging up a second one. It seems to be gathering energy for the attack.

Still holding the Maul, Sook pulls it to one side and follows through, using his weight and strength, the weight and strength of the titan, and the weight of the hammer as a counter on the lever that is them. He heaves the thing up and over his back with a great yell, causing the being to flip over end and slam into the pier with a rattling crunch and a spray of marble flakes, at which point Sook releases the hammer and causes the two of them...big guy and hammer....to slide with great force at the water statue, bowling the surprised stone person over in a heap of rubble, hammer, and statue bodies

(1) Yeled: ((so roll Str + MA + specialties for the throw + 1 for the stunt -1 for the flurry))

Sook: [13d10] => [10,4,5,9,1,2,4,4,7,9,7,2,2] = (66) (1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [9,10,7,6,6,5,9,2,7,10] = (6)

Sook actually pulls hard on that hammer, however, the big man doesn’t lift off the ground, leaving the large man looking a bit...silly.

The black statue depicting the ancient martial arts master throws both his rings into the air and twirls around, this time arcing them at Sook's side.

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [2,7,2,6,1,4,5,6,10,6] = (2) (1) Yeled: [9d10.vs(7)] -> [4,10,4,2,4,6,9,8,7] = (4) (1) Yeled: [2d10.vs(7)] -> [2,6] = (0) (1) Yeled: [2d10.vs(7)] -> [6,8] = (1)

Again Sook’s skin turns to bark as the rings descend on him. Still, the second ring penetrates Sook's defenses and strikes him across the cheek, leaving a nasty gash there. ((1 lethal))

(1) Yeled: Ayame feels the hair on her head crackle and buzz as the crystal statue discharges a bolt of lightning at her again.

(1) Yeled: [13d10.vs(7)] -> [1,9,9,2,10,7,8,1,7,3,1,6,1] = (6)

Ayame extends her arm, letting the bolt hit the massive scale and seem to pool for a moment, then dissipate harmlessly "Hey cut that out already!"

(1) Yeled: Even as Sook is being hit by the ring at the end of the water statue's hair, the large giant statue with the Maul swings it down at his head. Sook counters by channeling the essence through his body to put up a formidable defense.

Sook: [4d10] => [6,4,5,9] = (24) (1) Yeled: [8d10.vs(7)] -> [6,6,3,10,4,1,1,2] = (1)

(1) Yeled: The Maul comes down hard on the pier, just missing Sook, and strikes it with a resounding crash that shakes the whole thing.

Mou-Shendu Shendu runs along the bottom of the river toward the archer, leaping up as he is nearly there, to spring off the surface of the water and leap past the green glowing statue. He grabs hold of the stone man has he passes in mid air, and using his own momentum as he lands beyond the statue, hurls the archer at a sword point held by one of the still-inanimate statues along the wall. (Clinch Throw; +4 dice for MA Excellency).

(1) Yeled: ((+2 Stunt)) Mou-Shendu: [19d10.vs(7)] => [4,1,7,2,9,6,1,2,7,8,8,9,5,1,1,3,8,1,8] = (8) Mou-Shendu: [4d10.vs(7)] => [5,1,1,10] = (1)

Mou-Shendu sees the futility of this approach. "Ayame! Can you churn this water!?!?"

(1) Yeled: The wood archer statue spends its action getting up.

Mou-Shendu: "Can you churn it fast and hard!?!?!"

(1) Yeled: The fire statue, with his hook swords, moves to attack Ayame once more.

(1) Yeled: [12d10.vs(7)] -> [9,7,7,1,1,2,2,5,5,9,5,2] = (4) (1) Yeled: [12d10.vs(7)] -> [4,5,4,1,2,9,4,5,7,5,2,6] = (2)

Ayame smacks them both away to the side easily then lunges into the opening, striking his midsection with a firm fist strike to his gut

Ayame: [13d10] => [2,10,6,6,1,4,2,5,3,9,1,5,10] = (64) Ayame: [3d10] => [10,4,9] = (23)

(1) Yeled: Again Ayame manages to break a nice chunk of jade away. Just as she hears the splash of the jade hitting the water, a tremendous downward force fills the room. It’s like all the essence in the manse just got heavy and started beating downward on you. The light from the sun in the ceiling fades and grows dim, only to be replaced by another source of light that is equally bright but located on the pier, directly behind Ayame.

The fighting stops momentarily as the oppressive pressure and the shift in light disorient and cause everyone to hesitate. Out of the corner of your eyes you see a great burning bonfire of golden sunlight, within which you can see a great shinning leopard snarling and clawing as a brilliant falcon swoops about over its head. Within this glorious fire your eyes discover the still unconscious form of Kaimi. She is literally hanging in the air, limp but vertical, floating several feet above the pier.

Suddenly her eyes flash open. But you don't see Kaimi's eyes. Instead you see two glowing orbs of the purest sunlight that shines forth inhumanly. Her head lifts and she looks about at all that is happening.

(1) Yeled: ((everyone reroll Join Battle)) Mou-Shendu: [5d10.vs(7)] => [4,2,4,7,7] = (2) Ayame: [9d10] => [10,5,6,8,9,10,7,6,6] = (67) Mou-Shendu: (Nice: 7)) Sook: [4d10] => [6,8,4,9] = (27) (1) Yeled: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [5,10,7,1,4] = (2) (1) Yeled: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [3,1,5,3,5] = (0) (1) Yeled: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [6,3,7,9,8] = (3) (1) Yeled: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [3,6,9,10,10] = (3) (1) Yeled: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [1,8,1,9,1,3] = (2) (1) Yeled: ((Kaimi rolled in secret but got seven as well))

Ayame yells "What's going on back there?" as she launches another fist at the statue, aiming for the same chip she made last time Ayame: [13d10] => [2,7,7,4,3,5,9,2,5,3,9,5,5] = (66) Ayame: [3d10] => [5,10,10] = (25)

(1) Yeled: Ayame's strike cracks the statue to its core. The fracture emits a red light that is quite dim compared to the light coming from Kaimi. The statue seems to grow unstable, and Ayame can sense the essence inside it fluctuating.

Ayame: "Feeling a little empty?" Ayame dusts off her fist

Kaimi slides out both swords and flips into the air in one motion. Her leap carries her high into the air, and she spins over both Ayame and her statue opponent. As she soars over Ayame's enemy, Kaimi points both swords directly down at the crystalline statue as twin arcs of sunlight lances out from them, smashing straight through the creature. She lands lightly 20 feet away, arms held out with swords extended, slightly crouched. Like a falcon.

Kaimi: [23d10.vs(7)] => [1,1,10,4,1,10,1,1,2,7,1,9,1,3,4,5,8,2,3,5,9,8,8] = (8) Kaimi: [22d10.vs(7)] => [10,8,8,8,9,6,7,5,1,4,7,4,3,8,8,2,9,10,4,9,5,2] = (12) Kaimi: [7d10.vs(7)] => [6,9,3,5,9,3,3] = (2) Kaimi: [12d10.vs(7)] => [7,10,10,10,4,9,7,8,10,4,6,7] = (9)

(1) Yeled: The bright blasts of sunlight arc from her swords, shattering the crystal statue like glass. There is a momentary inward sucking of essence and then you feel the air energy dissipate.

(1) Yeled: The giant earth statue is the first to react to the new situation. Its eyes fixate on Kaimi, and it lifts its maul up once again. It brings it down, this time not at Sook but on the marble pier itself. The pier shutters under the heavy blow, and then the 20 yards that represent its furthest end crack and rupture. Sook and the earth and water statues are dropped into the water along with chunks of marble. Even Ayame can feel the blow where she's standing, and the Fire Statue topples into the water from the blow as well.

(1) Yeled: ((roll dex + ath to remain standing))

Ayame: [9d10] => [5,8,4,5,10,1,6,2,9] = (50)

(1) Yeled: The water statue, now in the water, attempts to wrap its chain like hair around Sook in an attempt to drag him under the water

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [3,2,10,7,2,4,6,6,5,7] = (3)

(1) Yeled: Sook finds himself wrapped up in the long hair of the statue and he is being pulled under

Mou-Shendu weaves in and grabs at the extended arm of the archer that holds the bow, and steps in as he twists the arm into a joint lock that forces the statue off balance as Mou circles around him, hurling him back into any remaining jagged point on the nearby statue against the wall.

Mou-Shendu: [19d10.vs(7)] => [9,8,5,3,6,8,9,2,9,3,3,7,8,9,5,9,6,7,6] = (10) Mou-Shendu: [6d10.vs(7)] => [5,9,4,1,2,10] = (2)

(1) Yeled: The green archer statue literally destroys the statue you've thrown it into this time (which incidentally depicted a fire aspect with a flaming spear). It is lying on its back in a heap of dust, but it’s getting up again.

Sook will not be wrestled to death in the water....he twists in the things hair, pushing out his arm and looping it about the neck of the water statue. He clenches the thing tight around the neck...it may not breathe, but if he squeezes and twists enough, maybe he can shatter or even rip off its head...where the hair is coming from

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [9,6,2,1,2,10,8,5,5,2] = (3) Sook: [11d10] => [2,7,3,9,8,3,3,3,8,3,8] = (57) Sook: [2d10] => [7,6] = (13)

(1) Yeled: As Sook grapples with the statue, tendrils and roots of essence wrap themselves around the thing and tear at it mercilessly.

Sook: [1d10] => [5] = (5) Sook: [1d10] => [2] = (2)

Ayame leaps high into the air and does a sort of cannonball into the water, landing on the fire statue’s shoulders and proceeds to bash it on the head a few times "Take this, and that, and this!"

Ayame: [10d10] => [7,6,5,9,5,6,3,6,3,2] = (52) [9d10] => [5,2,1,4,6,4,9,10,10] = (51) [8d10] => [10,1,7,6,2,8,10,2] = (46) Ayame: [3d10] => [4,6,10] = (20) Ayame: [3d10] => [1,3,9] = (13)

(1) Yeled: Ayame bashes the thing, pieces of red jade cracking and breaking into the water, until finally it shatters and explodes. Ayame is thrown back, although she takes no physical damage. She can feel the fire essence slowly dissipate

Ayame sails through the air "weeeeeee" sploosh.

Kaimi 's glowing eyes stares unblinkingly at Ayame's tactics. She looks toward the water statue as it tries to drown Sook. Her head tilts slowly to one side, a gesture characteristic of Kaimi, yet her expression remains blank. Then she is sweeping forward across the surface of the water as it sprays up behind her. Her two blades are held low and point out behind her as she goes. Ten feet before she reaches Sook and the water statue she leaps into air, pulling her swords high before her. With her arcing decent she lands directly on the statues shoulders driving her blades down and straight into the water statue's back.

Kaimi: [23d10.vs(7)] => [8,2,9,5,1,3,7,3,7,6,5,3,6,8,10,5,4,6,5,2,3,7,9] = (8) Kaimi: [22d10.vs(7)] => [8,4,1,8,6,2,2,9,8,6,8,9,3,8,9,1,5,9,10,5,8,6] = (11) Kaimi: [8d10.vs(7)] => [10,2,3,5,5,1,10,3] = (2) Kaimi: [11d10.vs(7)] => [5,10,10,1,2,6,2,8,9,9,2] = (5)

(1) Yeled: Kaimi's twin blades pierce the grappled statue's back and reach into the core. Water essence erupts from the black jade in an outpouring of energy, pushing Kaimi and Sook back. Only the giant earth statue is unmoved. The water statue crumbles into pieces.

The Wood Statue rises and shoots a bolt of green energy at Mou.

(1) Yeled: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [1,4,7,5,10,6,4,4,1,1] = (2)

Mou-Shendu deflects the bolt of energy with his bare hands as he moves in again on the rising statue.

(1) Yeled: The massive earth giant attempts to hit Sook with its Maul, although it is slowed by the water. Sook’s skin toughens in anticipation of the blow.

(1) Yeled: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [8,7,3,10,9,1] = (4) (1) Yeled: [9d10.vs(7)] -> [9,5,10,3,5,10,9,2,4] = (4) (1) Yeled: ((four bashing, then))

(1) Yeled: The impact of the heavy maul is devastating, and Sook is slammed down into the water. Blood pours out from the heavy bludgeon.

(1) Yeled: ((oh, roll 2 dice, sook)) Sook: [2d10] => [10,8] = (18)

(1) Yeled: While this was happening the flaring wood energy was working its way into the stone essence of the statue, and like the roots of an ancient tree ripping the stone apart.

(1) Yeled: ((sook, roll 3 more dice)) Sook: [3d10] => [2,1,3] = (6)

Ayame rights herself in the water after being tossed by the explosion, and zooms through the water at the green arrow statue, holding both fists in front of herself she dives deep into the water, then shoots up to the surface, and into the air, slamming into it

(1) Yeled: ((+2 stunt)) Ayame: [20d10] => [2,1,5,9,9,1,7,10,1,8,7,4,7,8,3,6,1,8,8,10] = (115) Ayame: [7d10] => [4,7,7,5,4,7,5] = (39)

(1) Yeled: The statue is slammed back into the wall from which it had just arisen, and fissures appear all over its form. Ayame and Mou can feel it beginning to rupture, but it’s somehow holding itself together.

Mou-Shendu helps the poor, stone archer up again by grabbing its wrist and elbow, once again placing them into a joint lock. Mou forces the arm into position in front of the statue's chest, pushing the elbow and pulling the wrist as he pivots in place, forcing the statue to circle backwards to remain standing over its center of balance. This causes the statue to back over the ledge, but as it drops toward the water below, Mou-Shendu quickly shifts the arm out wide as he pivots off his own body off the ledge, making the archer bend forward to catch its chin on the stone walkway as it falls.

(1) Yeled: ((this is fine...+2 stunt)) Mou-Shendu: [19d10.vs(7)] => [10,1,5,3,6,4,6,9,4,7,5,2,9,4,9,7,4,9,1] = (7) Mou-Shendu: [6d10.vs(7)] => [5,4,2,3,9,4] = (1)

(1) Yeled: The Wood archer statue hits its chin on the stone ledge and the cracks in its form become too much. It ruptures in an explosion of fragrant scent.

Mou-Shendu lands lightly on the surface of the water, letting the crumbling statue sink to the bottom.

Kaimi snarles a deep throated animal like snarl when she sees Sook prone and bloody in the water. Ignoring all else around her she quick steps lightly over the water to the earth giant and bluntly stabs it through the head letting out blast of energy as she does so for good measure

(1) Yeled: ((+ 1 stunt for the energy use)) Kaimi: [23d10.vs(7)] => [10,10,6,10,2,3,6,7,7,7,4,9,1,5,9,5,2,3,9,4,6,6,6] = (9) Kaimi: [6d10.vs(7)] => [10,2,6,4,8,6] = (2)

(1) Yeled: The blade slices into the earth statue's head, knocking a chunk of it free. But still it’s animate and coming, this time with its gaze firmly on Kaimi. All the while the essence of Sook’s flaring anima rips and tears at it.

Sook: [5d10] => [1,2,3,4,9] = (19)

Sook turns and looks at the statue crosswise. Energy surges around him and he seems to grow even more powerful. He grasps his hands together over his head, pushes up out of the water, and allows his fists to fall pendulum-like against the top of the things head.

Sook: [9d10] => [6,7,7,9,3,3,3,8,2] = (48) Sook: [2d10] => [3,10] = (13)

(1) Yeled: Sook bashes another chunk loose.

(1) Yeled: ((tick)) Sook: [1d10] => [3] = (3)

(1) Yeled: ((tick)) Sook: [1d10] => [2] = (2)

(1) Yeled: ((tick)) Sook: [1d10] => [10] = (10)

(1) Yeled: Sook's anima banner literally rips what is left of the stone statue to shreds