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Demon Toad Gang Boss Battle

(1) Yeled: The sounds of screams fill the air as the village is ransacked by the invading bandits. Door after door falls before their onslaught, and no matter how many of them you kill you just don't seem able to stop them all. A trickle of children begin appearing in the main square, led there by bandits who mishandle them and treat them roughly. Then the stream of children gets wider, and dozens of them are led unceremoneously from their homes or hiding places, there parents no where to be seen.

The river barge is bound to the main dock by a heavy chain and sits just off shore on the Xi River. Its a large vessel, even by the standards of the frieght carrying barges that regularly make their way past Two Rivers carrying goods to and from other parts of the Isle and points beyond. Its large, flat deck shelters a large cargo hold below, and a crane is afixed to the deck to lower cargo through a 10' opening in its center. The rear of the boat is raised slightly off the main deck, and a cabin can be reached by going down a half flight of stairs. The rutter, attached to a massive pole that probably requires several people to control, juts out from the back. The deck is fairly high off the water, and a bank of oars stick out from each side.

Ayame stands on the main deck, towards the front of the barge. At least ten bandits remain on the vessel with her, and they slowly encircle her as she cries out her threat. Kaimi, Sook, and Dawn Star are about 200 feet away, fighting bandits.

Ayame: (Should I roll presence?) Ayame: [7d10] => [6,7,7,8,8,6,10] = (52)

(1) Yeled: A pair of figures watch the proceeding from their position on the raised deck near the rutter. One is a large man wearing trousers and a sleevless cotton shirt. His strong arms are heavily tatood and crossed in front of him, while long, dark hair blows in the wind as it sweeps across the river. His severe face surveys the scene with one good eye. The other is hidden behind a patch.

The second stands behind the first and to his left. Smaller, he wears loose fitting cotton robes, and his face is obscured by a large circular hat like the rice farmers wear to keep the heavy sun off of them as they work. He seems out of place among the bandits--his dress and even is calm manner don't fit in.

The bandits circling Ayame hesitate, for fighting a spirit is not something most mortals relish. Even the weakest spirits harber strange powers, and while Ayame seems but a young girl, they don't seem in a rush to rush her.

Ayame: "This is your last chance, leave or become part of this river forever!"

(1) Yeled: The men look at one another, unsure of what to do. Some of them glance ruefully back at the figures on the rear deck, and urge the others to hold their ground. The larger man begins walking towards Ayame, taking his time as he navigates the short flight of steps.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: "Get off my boat!" commands the man's deep baritone voice as he walks into the circle formed by his men.

Ayame: "Get off my river." Ayame sticks her tongue out at the man.

Grunau, the Bandit Leader pulls a massive Scimitar from his back in response. It seems almost too large for him to wield. Its adorned with a billowing red sash and seems to be made of solid red jade.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: "I was hoping you'd say something like that," he smiles.

Ayame: "Now I'm really scared." Ayame rolls her eyes.

Sook points to the boat,"ayame may be in trouble...and i think they are taking the kids to the...you know...boat"

Kaimi looks back and forth between the boat and the bandits breaking into houses. "Ayame didn't manage to draw them back to the boat. That still seems like the best plan. Why don't we assist?"

Sook nods and begins picking out the quickest path to the boat where we won’t be seen by large groups

Kaimi keeps pace with Sook

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: ((Ayame, roll Join Battle)) Ayame: [9d10] => [5,7,5,7,8,6,5,2,1] = (46) (1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [10,5,7,8,8] = (4)

Grunau, the Bandit Leader launches himself forward without warning, sparks of red essence flaring around him as he charges. Although his skill doesn't seem to derive from the martial arts, it is formidable nonetheless. As he gets to the center of the circle and within range of Ayame he moves that heavy scimitar with amazing speed, raising it and slashing down with tremendous force.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [18d10.vs(7)] -> [10,1,4,7,4,4,4,3,7,2,1,1,8,9,8,5,3,5] = (6)

Ayame 's eyes go wide as she quickly swings her shield up, barely deflecting the blow, causing her to skid and stumble backwards slightly.

Ayame: "Well that was uncalled for!" Ayame lunges forward to slam her fist into his windpipe

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: "You're standing in the way of my prize. No one..." he stops as Ayame attacks.

Ayame: [13d10] => [1,4,5,10,9,9,7,6,6,4,9,2,1] = (73) (1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [9d10.vs(7)] -> [2,3,9,10,1,4,1,4,6] = (2)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: With a speed that cannot be accounted for, he pulls his blade up at the last moment and knocks Ayame's hands aside with the dull, back edge.

Ayame hops back and scrunches up her face in a half pout, half scowl

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: In the same motion, Grunau reaches out with his left, free hand and reciprocates the attack with a grab directed at her own windpipe.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [14d10.vs(7)] -> [3,5,10,2,10,8,3,4,4,2,10,8,2,5] = (5)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: His fingers close around her neck and he lifts the small elemental girl off her feet as he crushes.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: ((roll Str + MA for me, Ayame)) (1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [8d10.vs(7)] -> [6,2,6,6,5,8,7,6] = (2) Ayame: [7d10] => [9,10,10,7,7,1,2] = (46)

Ayame twists out of his grasp, and uses his arm as a swing, plants her feet on the ground, and throws him off towards the edge of the boat

Grunau, the Bandit Leader goes flying into the air, his face full of surprise at this turn of events, and over the edge. He lands with a massive splash.

Ayame leans over the edge "Daiklaives don't float, ya jerk!"

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Sook, Kaimi, and Dawn Star arrive on the dock.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: The bandits, as equally surprised as their leader, fumble about not knowing what to do. A few jump off the boat.

Sook takes the gangplank in a few steps, slowing as he stomps out onto the deck

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: The man with the wide reed hat remains stoically gazing at the scene transpiring in front of him.

Ayame has had about enough of him, and begins to make her way towards the reed hat man.

Sook scans the deck.

(1) Yeled: The reed hat man removes his hat calmly as she approaches, revealing a shaved head and deep blue eyes. He loosens his heavy robes and reveals the cotton under robes and stained fingers, hands and forearms of a fighting Lotus monk. He kicks his leg, and a long bo staff lifts from the ground into his hands

Ayame: "You! What are you doing here?!"

(1) The Immaculate Monk: "Perhaps I should ask you the same, water goddess," he answers calmly.

Ayame: "I have more claim to these people than you and your insane order ever have. Look how you treat them like cattle."

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: With a splash and a pillar of smoke, Grunau the Bandit Leader runs up and over the side of the barge to stand once again on the deck. He has lost his scimitar.

Sook turns to the newcomer.

(1) The Immaculate Monk: "You of the water cult are forbidden to dwell on the Jade Isle. I will have to remove you forcibly."

Ayame: "Or die trying"

(1) The Immaculate Monk: "I don't think that will be the case. You're spent." And with that a torrential gust of wind explodes around him as he twirls his staff in his hands.

Ayame: "Well then come on, I don't have all day!"Ayame leaps forward towards him.

(1) The Immaculate Monk: ((roll Wits + aware, everyone who intends to fight)) (1) The Immaculate Monk: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [9,4,2,9,10] = (3) (1) The Immaculate Monk: [7d10.vs(7)] -> [6,4,2,6,3,10,1] = (1) Sook: [4d10] => [10,2,4,3] = (19) Kaimi: [6d10.vs(7)] => [3,4,3,2,10,8] = (2) (1) The Immaculate Monk: [7d10.vs(7)] -> [7,10,1,10,7,5,4] = (4) Ayame: [9d10] => [10,7,1,7,6,9,1,8,1] = (50)

Dawn Star turns to face Grunau, and stabs effortlessly at him with her straight sword.

(1) Dawn Star: [8d10.vs(7)] -> [9,8,10,7,3,10,2,8] = (6) (1) Dawn Star: [2d10.vs(7)] -> [1,5] = (0)

(1) Dawn Star: The blow is accurate enough, but he shrugs it off as if she is nothing.

Ayame moves forward into the monk and thrusts a quick knife-strike just below the ribcage into the side of the monk.

Ayame: [13d10] => [2,2,7,2,8,6,9,4,5,10,7,10,2] = (74)

The Immaculate Monk twists around as Ayame strikes, using a quick block to catch Ayame's wrist and thrust it to his side. 

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [8d10.vs(7)] -> [5,1,1,5,7,5,3,3] = (1)

Grunau, the Bandit Leader strikes out with a fist at Dawn Star, but she skirts back out of his way. 
Kaimi slashes at the bandit leader’s head with one sword and at his chest with the other. 

Kaimi: [12d10.vs(7)] => [2,9,2,8,2,4,10,7,8,4,5,8] = (6) Kaimi: [11d10.vs(7)] => [6,5,2,1,8,9,7,5,9,9,3] = (5)

Kaimi: [3d10.vs(7)] => [9,6,2] = (1) Kaimi: [2d10.vs(7)] => [6,10] = (1)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Kaimi's swords strike true, and she opens a nasty gash across grunau's cheek and another across his chest.

Dawn Star , used to fighting with Kaimi, darts in right after her and strikes under her arms at his belly.

(1) Dawn Star: [8d10.vs(7)] -> [3,5,4,1,4,10,3,7] = (2)

(1) Dawn Star: Her accuracy is not as good this time, though, and he slides just out of her way as he reacts to both girls' attacks.

Sook steps in as the man twists, having swatted for dawn star then turned to kaimi as she slashed him, grabbing his flailing free hand in his left hand, at the wrist, and hooking into his elbow with his right hand....he turns the arm as he yanks the wrist back, and applies painful force into the wrist and elbow pain pressure points, then uses leverage, strength, size, and the pressure points to twist the man to the ground, pinning his arm

Sook: [15d10] => [9,8,2,7,9,10,3,8,5,8,7,6,4,6,1] = (93) Sook: [4d10] => [10,9,4,2] = (25)

(1) Dawn Star: Sook entangles him in his arms and throws Grunau to the deck hard. The wood splinters just a bit under the force of the blow.

The Immaculate Monk launches himself into the air, a blast of wind propelling him over Ayame and across the deck. He lands lightly amidst Sook, Kaimi, and Dawn Star. His staff whirls in his hands and, before they can react, he strikes out at each of them.

(1) The Immaculate Monk: ((kaimi, DS, and Sook, in that order)) (1) The Immaculate Monk: [15d10.vs(7)] -> [2,9,8,4,4,7,2,1,2,7,9,3,5,7,1] = (6) (1) The Immaculate Monk: [14d10.vs(7)] -> [1,6,1,10,2,1,5,5,8,2,10,6,8,10] = (5) (1) The Immaculate Monk: [13d10.vs(7)] -> [10,5,8,3,9,5,2,2,4,1,9,4,8] = (5)

(1) The Immaculate Monk: [11d10.vs(7)] -> [1,8,3,8,5,2,4,7,2,5,8] = (4)

(1) The Immaculate Monk: The first strike crashes down on Kaimi's shoulder, causing her knees to buckle and tears to form in her eyes ((take 2 damage))

(1) The Immaculate Monk: [13d10.vs(7)] -> [2,5,5,9,10,2,3,7,3,5,8,5,3] = (4)

His staff whirls back and he jabs the end of it into Dawn Star's stomach. She reels and stumbles back toward the edge of the boat. She trips over it and spills into the river.

Sook’s skin takes on a tough, bark-like quality as the staff comes down on him.

(1) The Immaculate Monk: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [9,6,4,7,5] = (2)

(1) The Immaculate Monk: He brings his staff down hard on Sook's back and neck, and it almost sounds like wood smacking wood.

Ayame bounces after the monk, moving with incredible speed, and unleashes a flurry of attacks upon him. First, she leaps into the air to the side of him and slams a knife strike into the tender area between his shoulder and neck. She then lands to his back and stabs another knife strike into one of his kidneys, and finally spins to the side to place a third strike with the blunt force of her palm into the side of his knee in an attempt to shatter it

(1) Yeled: Ayame's attacks seem supernaturally quick, and they strike from impossible angles. She almost seems to flash from one attack to the next, as opposed to transitioning between them.

Ayame: [13d10] => [1,3,10,3,6,7,8,5,3,7,5,7,3] = (68) Ayame: [13d10] => [10,8,3,6,7,6,3,7,8,1,8,6,9] = (82) Ayame: [13d10] => [1,6,6,6,7,5,7,10,1,1,1,10,1] = (62)

(1) Yeled: ((no soak...go ahead)) Ayame: (bwahaha) Ayame: [3d10] => [5,9,9] = (23) Ayame: [6d10] => [2,9,8,1,9,4] = (33) Ayame: [5d10] => [7,4,9,2,2] = (24)

The Immaculate Monk crashes back and forth as Ayame strikes him again and again and again. After the massive blows he drops to the ground, completely out.

Ayame stands facing away from him, fist clenched, looking uncharacteristically dark

Sook: "Are you ready to call off this raid?"

Sook says as he tightens the man’s arm

Grunau, the Bandit Leader struggles to get up, but cannot.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: "I'm not licked yet. You don't know who you're messing with! I have powerful friends. You're making a terrible mistake." He continues to struggle.

Sook: "i would doubt you have any willing friends"

Ayame hops off the boat and dives into the water, looking for his sword and for the ghost-blooded girl.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: (roll to maintain your hold, sook) Sook: [9d10] => [6,4,7,6,4,7,1,4,7] + 1 = (46) (1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [10,7,7,10,10,5] = (5)

Grunau, the Bandit Leader erupts from under Sook, lifting the big man into the air and throwing him overboard. He lands with a huge splash

Grunau, the Bandit Leader looks about, and sees he and his men are alone on the boat with Kaimi.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Ayame sees Dawn Star struggling to surface. At the same time, she sees the red glint of jade at the river bottom. ((which will Ayame choose?))

Ayame swims over and guides Dawn to the shore.

Sook climbs out of the water asap.....

Kaimi comes in low and fast at the B.L. she swipes her sword at his belly.

Kaimi: [12d10.vs(7)] => [8,8,10,3,7,8,3,9,9,7,2,1] = (8) Kaimi: [5d10.vs(7)] => [8,4,9,10,3] = (3)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Kaimi's sword slices deeply into his belly, and steaming blood spills unto the deck, staining it.

Kaimi smiles grimly.

Grunau, the Bandit Leader covers his belly with his hands to hold his insides in. His eyes glaze over and flash red, and he growls, "I'm gonna kill you!"

Kaimi: "Good Luck jerk!"

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [11d10.vs(7)] -> [2,5,8,8,8,4,2,9,9,4,9] = (6)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Fire erupts around him and he catches Kaimi's throat with both his hands. He squeezes, crushing her windpipe even as the fire burns her flesh. Unable to breathe, she quickly passes out. In a rage Grunau tosses Kaimi's unconscious form over the side of the boat.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: The deck is beginning to smolder

Ayame, seeing Kaimi go in, swims toward the mortal girl.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Great tangles of thorns, vines, and giant flowers erupt from the water and ground where sook walks.

Sook crawls up onto the gangplank, and strides up back onto the boat in all his verdant glory

Grunau, the Bandit Leader turns to face him, a fiery inferno blazing about him.

Sook: "fire shouldn’t play...with boats"

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: "I'll rip you to shreds!!!"

Grunau, the Bandit Leader seems to have totally lost it and is in a blind rage.

Sook jes stands there

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Bandits leap from the now burning barge, splashing one after another into the river.

Sook notes the condition of the boat around the fire caste.

Grunau, the Bandit Leader runs full bore at Sook, crashing against him in an attempt to knock him over.

Sook turns a bit to his right, giving a somewhat left facing target, and plants his feet...literally....roots grow out of the long dead wood, as it goes a bit green, and hold him in place.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [12d10.vs(7)] -> [7,8,7,7,1,2,4,3,2,8,10,2] = (6)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [2d10.vs(7)] -> [8,6] = (1)

Grunau, the Bandit Leader slams into Tetsuko, and the impact results in a loud crunch, but Sook stands rooted to the barge and does not budge.

Ayame drags the unconscious Kaimi to the shore. She then takes the time to find the daiklaive, and keep it out of the dangerous hands of sparky.

Sook twists to avoid the brunt of the blow, then springs back with his right elbow, bringing it around to elbow bar the fire castes temple as he passes

Sook: [10d10] => [9,4,3,5,3,4,3,10,5,4] = (50)

Grunau, the Bandit Leader ducks under Sook's heavy blow and returns his own as Ayame is grasping the red jade daiklaive.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [12d10.vs(7)] -> [3,4,8,2,5,10,4,6,4,2,10,10] = (4)

Ayame drags the big jade weapon along with both hands as she walks along the bottom of the river

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [2d10.vs(7)] -> [4,6] = (0)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Sook’s skin once again grows tough and bark-like, and Grunau’s flaming hand strikes his hide and bounces off painfully.

Sook grabs the mans wrist, on the hand that jes hit me, twists him around, until they are back to back, then he crouches, pulling the man over his back like a sack of beans, using the leverage created by hoisting him over his back, and throws the man right into the fire weakened deck.

Sook: [16d10] => [8,7,4,7,7,7,2,6,9,10,1,5,3,4,7,3] = (90) Sook: [5d10] => [9,2,3,5,7] = (26)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: The deck splinters into pieces were Sook throws Grunau right through it. The fire aspect disappears into the dark hold, his flames illuminating the place with a red glow. Sook hears the high pitched screams of children coming from where Grunau fell.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Ayame surfaces with the scimitar in hand. Star is resting on the shore, holding Kaimi in her lap. Both girls are in bad shape, but Dawn Star has managed to place them beneath some reeds to keep out of the view of bandits on the land. Speaking of bandits on the land...most have stopped their assault and are instead starring dumbly at the chaos on their barge.

Sook runs to the hole,"children! run!"

Ayame leaves the sword under the reeds with Dawn then leaps back onto the boat

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Ayame and Sook peer down into the cargo hold, where they see dozens of children scurrying to get away from Grunau's still raging flames. They are beginning to run up a ramp at the back, which must lead to a way to the deck. Grunau is struggling to stand, his will stronger than his body at this point.

Ayame leaps down into the hole, decending upon him with her feet.

Ayame: [10d10] => [3,7,1,4,6,1,2,1,6,7] = (38) Ayame: [2d10] => [5,5] = (10)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Ayame smashes Grunau down, and he hits his chin on the floor of the barge. He doesn't look any worse than before, though.

Grunau, the Bandit Leader tries to return the attack, but cannot do so effectively.

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [9,2,7,6] = (2)

Ayame socks him one, right in the kisser.

Ayame: [13d10] => [10,7,9,3,8,4,2,3,2,2,7,9,8] = (74) Ayame: [5d10] => [10,9,10,4,10] = (43)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Ayame breaks his jaw, sending teeth and blood flying and Grunau crashes to the floor. The flames coming from Grunau slowly subside, although the barge itself is burning.

Ayame: "Let's get out of here" Ayame drags Grunau’s mangled body off.

Sook: "help the children", he cannot, he would end up killing them. Sook jumps down, and throws the limp bandit leader over his shoulder, then lets ayame lead them back up

Ayame looks for any straggling children.

Sook: "go"

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: Many children have made their way up, but quite a number still hide among the darker corners of the ship's hold. These are mostly smaller ones. Farm kids, frightened out of their minds.

Ayame begins herding them up with her soothing, youthful voice

Ayame: [7d10] => [9,5,7,1,2,2,10] = (36)

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: One by one Ayame coaxes the children out, directing them safely to the deck, where they make their way to the dock.

Ayame will also cancel her swirling protection of water

(1) Grunau, the Bandit Leader: The bandits on the shore awaken as the children start emerging. But rather than try to get them, they realize which way the tide has turned and begin to scatter. Not knowing the town, they don't know the way out. Which means bandit clean up duty will take hours or longer. Since they are going to hide if they can't escape to the relative safety of the swamp