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(In which doors are opened, horrors are unearthed, and a family secret discovered...)
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Latest revision as of 23:06, 4 August 2005

A Darkness Underground

In which doors are opened, horrors are unearthed, and a family secret discovered...

The 14th Day of Descending Wood, Realm Year 763

The next morning arrived early, as soldiers sent by Otori to the small inn where the three were staying made sure. The sky is as grey as it was yesterday, greyer perhaps, although a hint of red at horizon suggests that the sun has just begun to rise.

In the officer's pavillion Otori waits, looking as if her were at a parade-ground, his jade armour immaculate and his large helmet plume forms a perfect arc as he nods to his guests, "Good morning."

Venia is just as immaculate, if perhaps in a style such august monks never concieved of as their own, and seems to have at least slept well.

Sian maintains the appearance of being nothing but a simple servant.

Cassia stands a little behind Venia, looking no worse for the conversation with Sian last night, her dress not quite so immaculate as Venia's.

Otori smiles and removes his helmet, then stands aside to reveal a low table practically covered with food. "It's not what you're used to, little sister, but it'll get you by. Even out here I can bring some civilisation with me."

Venia chuckles, and nods thankfully. "You were always quite good at that, even during our more 'civilised' times." She finds a seat.

Cassia takes a seat next to Venia, sitting herself carefully.

Sian does the same, on her other side.

Taking a seat himself and piling some food onto a small plate, Otori looks at Venia, "I am a terrible host, as always," and he gestures to the silver-haired officer who is just taking her seat, "Cathak Thealyra, this is my sister, Venia. Venia, Thea is my second out here in the middle of the wilderness." He gestures back into the tent, "The Most Honoured August Wren will not be joining us, as usual."

Venia smiles graciously at Thea. "I do not mean to interrupt your planning sessions, but when one is actually in the vicinity of a sibling one likes, it's hard not to be a little selfish."

Thea nods in return, her long silver hair tied back, "It's not a problem. A happy General makes for happy troops," she pulls a fried fish from a pan and tucks in.

Venia decides that is more than enough small talk, at least for the moment, and gets to eating, pointing out and explaining to Cassia the occasional bit of odder realm cuisine on the table.

Cassia samples them all, seeming to spend a brief moment savouring each new taste, whether she likes it or not, murmuring her appreciation of the nicer bits.

Sian eats lightly, as a servant should.

Otori eats like a man who hasn't seen food for a week, decorum thrown to the winds as he fills and empties his plate no less than four times. He talks to Venia occasionally, sharing gossip from home and abroad, but essentially ignores both of her "servants".

Venia is quite happy with the gossip, and rather enjoys this litle oasis in between the dangers of Asura, cthonic monsters, and undoubtedly soon to be another of her problems, the undead.

Breakfast is over quickly, and stewards appear to clear away the morning's wreckage just as Otori stretches, "Aaah... a good way to start the day, despite the hour." He stands and pulls his helmet on, "Thea, could you get the troops ready for today's exercise in fruitlessness? I need to see Genar."

Thea nods and heads out of the pavillion, while Otori sighs and mumbles, "I hate this..." He looks at Venia and the others, "We'll be leaving in just over an hour, if you're interested in tagging along?"

"Why not?" Venia nods, "It sounds like the sort of thing we've been running into anyway."

Otori smiles and heads out of the pavillion, "You'll have to tell me while you're really here soon, you know." Then he turns, sighs heavily, and heads out of sight.

Venia stretches a bit, sitting back between the two. "Well, this should be interesting, at least."

"Mhmm. Or, you know, painful and deadly," Sian shrugs.

Cassia gives a small shrug "Interesting."

"Think, Sian. What if those monoliths and the ritual going on at the island had something to do with this, hrm? And Asura does want us finding out what's going on."

Sian yawns a bit. "Yes, and? I don't see how that has anything to do with us not dying."

"Angry demons summoned by tentacle things trying to kill you, and you without help, or stopping them and having a very nice reward?" Her voice slips into a dead-ringer for Asura's for the last three words.

"Rewards I don't need."

Venia chuckles. "I'll take yours then. Should I think of a reason for you to stay, then?"

"No, no, I'll come along. Painful death I've been faced with before, and I can't leave my most wondrous mistress and her protege all alone and unprotected."

Cassia raises an eyebrow at Sian, but remains quiet.

"Careful, Sian. Don't give me ideas." Venia motions for him to stand. "You should also consider saving it for the woman-ghosts sure to flock to your presence."

"Ha. Ha ha." Sian laughs mockingly, but does stand, and offers both of them a hand up.

Cassia smiles in thanks, but doesnt take his hand, standing on her own.

A full dragon of soldiers stands outside the town of Broken Back, Otori and Thea both conducting final inspections when the three arrive, "Ah, Venia," he smiles, "I've arranged a palanquin for you and your people. It's almost an hour's march to the... site."

"Very thoughtful of you. I appreciate it."

"Well, it's not like Genar needs it any more..." he shrugs and gets back to his men. A command is barked and they form up, ready to march out.

An hour later the sun is presumed to be fully in the sky, but the greyness that lurks overhead reduces it to a directionless light that denies the formation of shadows. The air grows cold and the soldiers become quiet, and when a halt to the march is called it occurs in almost total silence.

Otori waits by the palanquin and gestures to a small group of hills, "We walk from here. The hills are part of a shadowland, and the Dragons only know what can be waiting there."

Venia nods, slightly worried about her ability to handle any incidental wounds along the way.

Cassia steps out after Venia, looking up into the hills, wondering how this compares to the Fell.

Soldiers spread out in small groups ahead of the main body of men. There are no screams or shouts and after a few minutes Thea whispers a report to Otori who nods, "Let's get moving, then. I want to be out of here well before sundown."

Venia is certainly agreeing with that particular sentiment.

Sian walks slightly ahead of the women, when they do start moving, despite his earlier sarcasm.

The cave under the hill that Otori mentioned the previous night is more of a tunnel, roughly dug out and lined with basalt-like stone. The chill in the air settles into the ground, and there is a continual sense of clamminess about, skin and hair always just slightly damp.

Thea stands at the head of the group and hefts a long jade spear, the blue tip gleaming wetly in the murky sunlight. She makes a pass with her hand over the end, and it lights up with a pale blue luminescence, before she heads down.

Venia idly cleans her swords, executing a few dancing motions as kata before fiddling with the grip, her other nervous habit unable to be indulged.

Cassia plays with a knife idly as she watches the glow descend, curious.

Sian remains calm, if wary. Dampness is normally somewhat soothing for him, but this is almost slimy. Unpleasant.

"It's clear, General!" Thea's voice drifts up from below. Otori nods and walks down, his perfect plume already drooping under the weight of water on it.

Venia follows after, obviously, letting Sian take his spot in front of her with a soft smile.

Sian is no longer in a snarky mood, so returns it, trying to be reassuring.

The chamber at the end of the tunnel is large and damp, several drips form at various points on the ceiling, creating small puddles on the floor. In several places evil-looking black roots have forced their way through the roofing slabs, and there are a number of small niches all around on the walls. The main feature is a large black metal wall that extends from floor to ceiling and fills the side of the chamber opposite the tunnel. "There it is," gestures Otori.

Cassia pads silently beside Venia, listening carefully. She draws in a little breath at the wall, her eyes roaming over it.

Venia takes a look at it. "Bringing down the hill seems a bad idea?"

"I was told to find what was here and bring it back, at any cost," Otori shudders, "I'm certain that the Empress meant precisely that."

"The hill and what's inside?" Venia asks, "Or just the metal bits?"

"I assume she wants what's on the other side of this... wall, intact and working," he makes a wry grin, "I wasn't willing to argue the point with her."

Sian speaks up. "So what is it, exactly, that's been killing your men? Hungry ghosts?"

"That has," Otori nods at the wall. "Thirty men killed, and Genar might as well be dead..."

"The wall itself?" Sian frowns at it.

"Yes. There's some... enchantment on it," Otori shrugs, "I don't understand much about magic, but Genar said that it was locked somehow. Of course, then he..." Otori shudders, "started to rot. While still alive."

"Unpleasant. May I?" Sian gestures at it.

"Feel free," Otori pulls his helmet off and rubs a hand through his short hair, "We need to get through it, and I'm out of ideas."

Sian nods a little, and starts to walk slowly down towards it, recalling what little necromantic knowledge he has.

Venia is blessedly free of the worry she would have had about this years ago, and just watches the wall for any sign of snapping open and letting undead come to try to kill them.

Sian stops a few feet away, rubbing his chin a bit as he considers. Hr hrms to himself, then walks back up towards the group. "I can't really tell you much more than you already know, at the moment... it's magical, it's powerful, and it kills things. Gimme a day or two to study it..." He shrugs a bit. "I might have a way to open it."

Thea watched Sian with interest as he examined the door. "We have six hours before we need to get going, General. It's not like we're doing much else right now."

Otori nods, "That's how long we have today, then. Unless you like being inside shadowlands at night?" He leaves the question hanging.

"I've done it before," Sian notes, "but it's not something I'm in any hurry to repeat."

Venia shivers a bit, and speaks quietly to Cassia.

Cassia tilts her head to listen, murmuring in reply.

Sian returns to his study of the door, setting up a few small candles and doing some basic tests, watching the flames turn different shades of grey and black as he taps certain runes with a javelin.

After four hours of study, chanting, prayer and the mumbling of occult incantations, together with extremely careful manipulation of the Essence flows through the runes on the door, Sian manages to breach the last of the seals and a sound like a dying man's moan echoes through the chamber as it clicks open.

Sian sighs with relief, gathering up his equipment, and snuffing out the trio of white-flamed candles.

Slowly, tortously the door opens, bisected across the middle with sections sliding up and down, eventually becoming flush with floor and ceiling, and revealing the far larger chamber that lay beyond.

The second chamber is filled with strange pillar-like objects, clustered in groups of five around a central larger pillar. The smaller ones lean outwards, almost like a flower, and a pale green glow can be seem coming from a number of them, while strange gurgling sounds fill the room.

Sian takes this all in with a measured look, naturally.

Venia claps Otori on the shoulder when Sian succeeds. "Now, what was that about why we were really here?" She grins at him.

Thea steps in, her spear held at a ready position and moves around to inspect the clusters. She looks at one and pales, breathing, "Heshiesh save us!"

Sian comes up beside her to look.

Venia doesn't like the sound of that at allllll, snapping her sword from her normal lazy, almost negligent grasp into a firm one.

Cassia looks to Venia, then pads forward to look too, her knife held tighter.

The cluster in question, like all the others, consists of five cylindrical objects spaced around a single larger one. Two of the objects have a green glow coming from them, which is revealed to be some kind of liquid that fills them, the unremitting black of the other three indicating their apparent emptiness.

The one that caused the outburst from Thea appears to contain not only the liquid, but a young man, unmoving and apparently drowned, an expression of absolute agony etched on his features.

Sian pales a little at this, which is saying something, having a horrible feeling he knows what the rest of the gurgling noises are. He moves quickly to the next cluster along.

The remaining five clusters all have similarly horrible fruit. The number of caskets, for such they appear to be, filled with the liquid varies for each cluster, and not all of them have a body inside, but a total of six such are found.

Venia breathes, "Now why would the Empress want something from this sort of mausoleum..."

Cassia lets out a gasp, paling herself and taking a step back. This one of the times when flawless recall is not a good thing. That face will be with her a long, long time.

Sian grimaces, and turns back to Otori. "Exactly... what does your Empress want from here?"

Otori looks horrified at what he sees, swallowing hard, "I wish I knew. I really do." He wipes the crystal front of one of the chambers, "What happened here? Who are these people?"

"I have no idea. But this..." He taps where Otori wiped, right in front of an agonized face, "happened while they were still alive."

Cassia tears her glance from the face, and starts to look around the room for anything that isn't one of these chambers

"Merciful Dragons," the General whispers, and looks around. "We should get August Wren here, if nothing else these people deserve a proper burial."

"You sure they aren't what you're here for?" He doesn't look impressed with this idea.

"I assumed there was some treasure or weapon that the Empress wanted from the forces of the Deathlords, which was why she gave me a full legion," he looks around at the room, "I didn't expect this, not at all." He sets his shoulders, "Maybe tomorrow I'd think about it differently, but right now I want these poor bastards buried properly."

Sian nods a little, respecting his resolve. "I'll help."

Venia closes her eyes. "Otori.. I am not sure this is wise. What if they are still alive, of a sort? This is a shadowland, after all. The best thing you can do for everyone is to get the chambers to the Empress intact."

Otori turns, hissing, "I don't care! I have seen horrors I hadn't even dreamed of a year ago since I got here, and that face will haunt my dreams for years to come. The least I can do is try and assuage his spirit - wherever it is."

"We will bury them properly, outside the shadowland," He turns to Sian, "Open it."

Sian gives Venia a serious look, before turning to the chamber, working his way through the seals.

The controls are fairly straightforwards and Sian operates a series of crystals. A low moan echoes through the room, and then the whole front of the casket lifts and opens, spilling the green, stinking liquid out onto the floor. It empties in a matter of seconds, leaving a pool at the bottom of the container, the unfortunate boy still within.

Venia taps her blade against her thigh, hoping that is the extent of the horror contained within this hill.

Cassia slips away from the group of people watching the poor boy... not wanting to see any more of him, the memories she already has enough, and slips down one of the passageways.

The passageway at the back of the chamber leads down steeply, Cassia seeing a long flight of stairs that disappears into the blackness far, far below. In the distance she sees, or thinks she sees, moving lights - like lanterns held by miners.

Otori reaches in and tries to pull the corpse out, only to meet resistance from somewhere around his neck. "What the...?"

Sian frowns. "What's wrong?"

"It won't move," he looks puzzled, "Can you see what it is? You seem to know more about this sort of thing than anyone else here..."

Sian hides his distaste, leaning in to look at the corpse. Or what is hopefully a corpse.

The back of the boy's neck is attached to the casket a series of black metal legs that protrude from the metal and pierce his skin in a half-dozen places.

Sian grimaces. "Metal sticking into his neck. Got anything to cut it with?"

"Nothing that'll fit in there," Otori chuckles morbidly, "Dawning Frost is not normally used for surgery."

Cassia watches the lights curiously for a while, her ears taking in the events of the room as she does.

Venia asks, "Perhaps you should move down to check on cassia while Sian checks this?"

"Cassia?" Otori looks around, "Where is she?"

Sian sighs to himself, and reaches in to see if he can work the legs free. He may not have Cassia's memory, but this is still going to stay with him for a long, long time.

"She went down the back of the chamber, in the passageway." Venia points.

Venia steps over to Sian, guiding his hand to slide the boy free, cringing a bit in expectation of attack. "This isn't right... but we're toying with something we don't understand."

Otori grumbles, "Thea, get the girl back here, would you?" The silver-haired woman, starts slightly and then heads over to find the girl, resting a hand on her shoulder, "Don't wander."

Sian shrugs a little as he lets the corpse down, speaking in a low tone to her. "Asura wants us to find out what's happening here, so I am."

Cassia looks up just before Thea arrives, "I didn't want to be in that room any longer." She gestures towards the lights, "What do you think they are?"

Thea peers into the distance, "Not good, that's what they are. Come on, little one... we won't be here much longer."

Venia looks ponderingly at Otori, finally leading him off into a corner while Sian handles the corpse. "I want a promise out of you that you will remain calm in the face of what I am about to tell you. Can you give it?"

Otori blinks and then nods, "I can."

Venia whispers, in tones pitches for her brother's ears alone, "Our house arranged this."

"What? Are you sure?"

"Check the neck of the boy. One of our labor seller's sigil."

"Great Mela! What does this mean?" Otori reflexively strokes the hilt of his sword, "I can't accuse one of our own, even..." He daren't speak their names in this context. "What do we do?"

"Lean on them. Find out who they sold them to, or who arranged the other part of this project." Venia's eyes gleam darkly, "I imagine you can think of suitably unpleasant things for "or what"s."

Cassia's eyes flash slightly at the 'young one', but she flows to her feet, and looks towards the lights once more, before walking back into the room.

Thea reaches Otori with Cassia in tow, "We might be having company soon, sir. There was movement down there."

"Clear out," Otori says, "We'll come back another tomorrow. We can get in here now. Get the men ready, we'll follow soon after." He leans in to Venia, "I can't show these... corpses to the Empress. Not if we have something to do with this."

Sian has been working on laying the corpse out straight; a difficult task.

Venia nods, "Would she not want the chambers? And it is easy enough to find a patsy for minor damage in transit..."

"We'll examine the others when we come back. Excuses can be made," Otori looks around and sees Sian, "We need to get moving, do you need help carrying... it?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

He helps Sian heft the corpse up, "Let's get moving, sister. We can come back tomorrow and sort this sorry business out. And, perhaps, find out what's going on."

Venia nods. "Let's just hope that this didn't break something we hadn't seen yet..."

Sian remains silent, trying to think of things other than the corpse he's carrying.

Cassia moves from behind Thea to Venia's side, keeping her eyes away from the pillars.

Venia is less worried about that, casting an impassive gaze over the setup as they leave, committing it to memory.

Thea waits outside the hill, having acquired a shroud for the body to be wrapped in. "Hurry please, sir, sun's going down."