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Dresses, Dances and Debauchery - Part 2a

What happened between Cassia and Venia...

Cassia bites her lip softly, as the four glasses chink together, and catches Venia's eye, letting her see some of the curiousity she feels inside.

Venia uses the moments after the toast to disengage, having Cassia see her to the ladies room.

Cassia walks along side her, carefully keeping pace, waiting for her to speak.

"I do believe you had questions as to my duties... now, or when I was in the Realm?"

"I'm not sure..have they changed a lot?"

"One could say that, yes."

"What were they before, then?"

"I started out acquiring rare herbs and toxins for my House to use in experiments and for making different things. This required... varying methods. Eventually I moved to things I can't tell you about just yet." Venia pauses, "Now I'm here to watch Asura. And you, of course, by extension.

Venia can tell Cassia is curious about the other things, she seems a little suprised at the "...me?"

"Of course. You don't think you're worth watching?"

Cassia smiles a little at that "I did not know that anyone knew of me to watch.."

Venia nods, arm slipping around Cassia's waist as they turn the corner and pass a servant. "Freedom of interpretation is a useful tool.

Cassia steps a little closer to her when she does so "It must be, yes. But watching us for what?"

"Anything of particular interest, really. The most obvious answer is weakness."

"Of course." She has learned something of what Asura does when she isn't distracted.

"So, why don't we do a little trade... in the style of mutual interest. I tell you something, you tell me something."

Cassia considers briefly, then nods "Ok."

"I used to be a thief. A well paid one. Double-jointedness is useful for that, no?"

Cassia looks a little suprised. How did she guess? "I imagine it must be."

"Come now... can't we at least be open about this? You haven't dabbled in that in the least?"

"If we were being open, more than dabbled." She considers what information to give in return. Beyond her answer, that is. She is silent for a moment.

Venia pulls them into a nook to lightly nibble at Cassia's earlobe while a group of passing servants talks. She goes back to walking after they are gone as if nothing had happened.

Cassia looks a little flushed after the nibbling, though that could also be the wine. "...I killed someone, once," she whispers.

"Did they deserve it?"

"I don't know."

"Then that's going to stay with you a long time. I made sure the ones I did deserved it."

"That was the other thing you did for your house?"


"Along with the softer side of things. I imagine Asura has kept you well appraised of that part."

"I've watched a lot of that, yes."

"Only watched?"

Cassia nods once.

Venia is surprised here. "Well... that is suprising. Maybe Asura learned something after all."

"She has always taken my no for an answer."

"Mhm... Maybe she's slipping. I don't remember all that many no's from when we were in school together."

"...You were in school together? What was she like then?"

"Less sure of herself... and if anything, showier as a result."

Cassia nods "Thank you."

Venia smiles, "For what?"

"That small piece of information."

"You're welcome." She pauses after entering the ladies room, cupping Cassia's cheek with her hand. "And what do you have in return?"

Cassia leans into her, kissing her lips.

Venia manages not to think of how to critique the kiss, soft smile evident afterwards. "Mmmm... very nice. But aren't you worried about what Asura will think?"

Cassia seems slightly encouraged by the smile "..She could have stopped me walking with you."

"True. But the ways of love and lust are mysterious... One more than the other, of course."

Cassia nods "Of course."

Venia goes in for another kiss, withdrawing some long time after to breathe in happily. "Well, then... We were more than just classmates once, you know."

Cassia is definately flushed now, her breathing just a touch faster. "..you were?" Cassia looks at Venia with a mixture of curiousity and heat ...and a little jealousy.

Venia nods. "Enemies, lovers... and now allies. We never did agree on quite how to do things... as I imagine you can tell."

"I think I'm beginning to see... yes."

Venia toys with the clasp of cassia's dress, just barely perceptible. "Which is, of course, why I am offering my own viewpoint here. There are things Asura does not do, and does not know. If you feel uneasy, I will be here. You understand?"

Cassia smiles at her, and nods "I understand."

"Good." One more long kiss likely distracts Cassia from the tiny loosening of her dress, just one little pin gone for now. "And what about you? What do you see as your duty here?"

"...my duty? I'm not sure..."

"Now that's a shame... what would you like to do, then?"

"See more of the world...more of the Blessed Isle...experience new things..." repay Asura.

Venia nods, another pin slipped free silently. "But no particulars yet? Nothing speaks to your heart?"

Cassia shakes her head "I don't know enough of the world to know anything like that..." only that my childhood dreams were foolish..

Venia kisses her again, withdrawing. "I thought we were being open, Cassia."

Cassia breathes again "I am. I just don't want to seem like a fool..."

Venia smiles. "I promise I won't think any less of you for having ideals."

Cassia blushes "...I can remember dreaming once of stealing the crown from the empress' head." she smiles self-deprecatingly, "I used to dream of stealing this town from under Asura's feet and ruling it from the night..."

"Ambitious. Though the second might still happen... There are bigger and better things than Tideholme for Asura, I imagine."

Venia steps back over to her, coaxing her to continue with deft strokes along her spine, plucking at pins as she goes.

Cassia sighs softly at the stroking along her spine "I suppose there must be... Othakaar was the first time I ever left the Satrapy..."

"Really? We'll have to handle that, then."

"I'd like that..." she smiles at Venia, and leans in for another kiss

Venia responds, this time guiding her through a true Cynis kiss, slipping the final pin out as they finish, Venia leaning back to look at her. "Nervous?"

Cassia is left breathless after the kiss, gasping as the dress slips from her body, leaving her with nothing but the ribbons in her hair. She shakes her head, though her eyes say she is.

"Everybody was nervous once." Venia twists, somehow causing the dress to fall into its component pieces around her feet. "But this is your coming out party, is it not?"

Cassia swallows once then nods, and leans in to kiss her again. Her body has a slight tremble as she presses up to Venia.

The party winds down...