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== The Green River Incident - part 2 ==
<i>In which dupes are enlightened, negotiations enacted and a hot bath clears the senses wonderfully...</i>
==== The 15th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763 ====
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Yosen starts, "What? How can that be? It is definitely the Baron, and I last saw him only a year ago."
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"Well, whoever you saw wasn't the Baron."
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"But, but... it looked exactly like him, behaviour, mannerisms, everything. What is going on here?"
Sian shrugs. "I've got no idea. Whoever it was who killed him did it via strangulation, and removed his eyes to boot. You know anyone with a penchant for that sort of thing?"
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"Nothing." He frowns. "I was just asking."
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"But if the Baron has been dead for 10 years, then who has been in his place? And where have they gone?"
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Sian exercises his lateral thinking and considers for a bit. "Well, some spirits can shape-change."
"But why would a spirit do this? This is... I don't understand."
"Neither do I." He considers for a bit, then hunts around the rooms, locating a mirror and using it to scan for spirits. A few seconds later he puts the mirror back in its holder. "Well, there's no spirits here. And nor is there any indication of why your Baron was murdered. The only thing I you can really do is give him a proper burial, and then elect a new one. Or, rule the town yourselves."
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"We thought he might be dead, the councillors and I, secretly - we just hoped it wasn't so. And now this, he's been dead for ten years and a spirit-impostor has taken his place!" Yosen looks at Sian, "This is just too much! What's going on?"
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Sian shrugs. "Like I said, I have no idea. And there would appear to be no leads. The question now is: what are you going to do to keep your town safe?"
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Yosen stands up and sighs, "I have to tell the councillors first. After that, if we don't have a treaty with the Forest King then we should make one." Yosen gasps, "The trade agreement! We have sent thousands of logs downstream, and haven't heard anything back!"
Sian puts a hand up to still the man. "Well, the first, I can aid. It's what I do, after all. For the second... where do the logs go?"
"There's a town about a week's travel downstream. That's where the Bar... the impostor said he was going to arrange a deal before he left. He said to cut as many trees as we could and send them all down. He'd come back with payment later," Yosen looks worried, "Green River is almost out of money, we can barely pay the loggers."
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Sian brushes hair back from his temples. "Well, we can only assume that our imposter friend hasn't, in fact, organized that trade deal. Which means that you won't be getting money for that wood any time soon. And I presume that without logging, you won't be able to keep the town running?"
"We enough money for a month. After that..." Yosen shudders, "We have almost four hundred loggers here, and you've seen them. I don't want them angry."
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"Hrm. You seem to have a problem." He looks at Aia, just as something to focus on while he thinks.
Aia looks back at Sian, her expression worried as she nods, fully aware of the danger Green River is in.
Sian offers her a somewhat reassuring smile, before turning back to Yosen. "Your only options are to move, or to find some other way to support yourselves, correct?"
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"Unless we get some money soon, yes," Yosen nods, looking more and more worried, "If we tell the loggers to stop, then they'll just be in town and bored..."
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"Hmm. Look, give me a few days, and I'll see what I can do."
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Yosen, now pale as he undoubtedly considers the bleak future, asks, "What are you planning on doing?"
"I'm going to talk to the head spirit and see it there's something I can do. I was supposed to handle this myself, but... the problem has gotten out of hand, and is most likely going to end badly for everyone."
"What will he want from us?"
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Yosen looks down at his floor, "He wanted us to leave, didn't he? We didn't have the treaty that we thought we did."
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"Yes, he did. So you will need to make up for all the trees you killed without his permission if you want to stay."
Eyes wide Yosen turns to Sian, unable to speak at the thought of the tens of thousands of trees that the loggers of Green River have cut down. Sian just lifts his eyebrows in response. "I didn't say it will be easy. And there's every chance that he simply won't allow you to stay here any longer. But as I said, I'll see what I can do."
He nods in response, "Please. I'll explain it to the councillors - we'll stop logging at once."
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"It will only be for a few days, then you should have your answer. You need to find out what you're actually going to <i>do<i/> with the wood, too."
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"The wood rafts? Oh my, there's almost a thousand trunks waiting to go..."
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"Well, if you send them downstream you're not going to get much for it. And I doubt the town who was supposed to recieve them is going to be pleased when you suddenly start asking them to pay."
"What can we do? We stopping getting money when the Baron went to negoti... the impostor disappeared."
"There are forest spirits who deal with dead wood. But I don't know if they can handle such a large amount." He looks at the man for a bit. "I get the feeling you're going to have a serious lifestyle change if this all works out."
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Yosen straightens his shoulders, "We'll send someone downriver to Towertop, see if we can't come to some arrangement with the wood we have. Can you try and talk to the Forest King, explain things to him?"
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"Mhmm. In the meantime, give your Baron here a proper public burial. That'll help get it through to the loggers how bad things will be."
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"We will. Perhaps it will help."
Sian nods. "Well, good luck with it. I should be a week, at the absolute most."
"Thank-you." Yosen heads out of the tower, presumably to begin preparations for a severe sea-change in the lives of Green River's inhabitants, leaving Sian with a decade-old corpse and a ring of jade pieces. He collects the pieces silently, then bows formally to the corpse and offers a small prayer, though it is likely many years too late.
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Aia follows Sian out of the tower, and already there is a buzzing in the streets of the small town, news obviously travelling fast here. Sian ignores it all, heading back to the Blue-Sky House to collect his things.
The sounds from the room next to Sian appear to have stopped, at least for now, making collecting the few items he left there less unpleasant than would otherwise have been the case.
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Sian does so quickly. "Fun job, isn't it?" He looks at Aia with a wry smile.
Aia grins back just as wryly, "Wonderful. So, back to the Forest King? What are you going to say?"
"All I really can do is explain the situation." He sits on the bed, if carefully. "Whoever was impersonating the Baron wants either this town or the Forest King hurt. It's possible that the King himself ordered the murder and impersonation, as a roundabout way of removing the town, but I don't think he'd allow the destruction of so many trees to do so."
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"The politics of spirits and gods can be such fun."
"Mhmm." He sighs, sliding arms around her waist as she stands in front of him and resting his head on her chest. "So, the town or the king has an enemy. Which I will likely now have to deal with instead of getting rid of this town, if I want to help Sena."
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"Maybe not. These people have been used. Perhaps the Forest King will understand that?"
"Thousands of his trees are still dead, whether the town was used or not. He may not be so forgiving. We can only hope, though."
"I'm sure that you'll be just as persuasive as you usually are."
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"Heh. Hopefully." He leans up and gives her a light kiss. "If you're ready, we should head out."
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Aia smiles back, "Of course," and follows Sian out of town and back into the forest.
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==== The 17th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763 ====
Less than two days later Aia and Sian arrive back in the glades of the Forest King, the calmness in the air a sign of the holiness of this place. A troop of blade-mantis stand at guard at one of the pathways, protecting their Lord agaist any intruders, with their lives if necessary. Sian makes sure to hail them from afar. Very afar.
The glittering insects nod respectfully towards Sian and let him pass, although their air of watchfulness as he does so is distinctly unnerving, making Aia snuggle up close to him. He puts an arm around her to reassure her.
The wood spider <nowiki>envoy/major-domo</nowiki> is waiting for Sian as he enters the Forest King's home. "I didn't expect you to return as rapidly as you have. Can I assume that your have been successful in your task?"
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"Not exactly." He briefly sums up the situation.
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"Oh my, that is unexpected. And there was no clue or evidence as to the actual identity of the perpetrator of these terrible acts?"
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Sian shakes his head. "I can only assume either your lord or the town has earned an enemy somewhere. And the town is small and insignificant."
"Well, I am not sure how my Lord will take this news. The offence of the town and its people is not in doubt, but should they be punished for a crime they were duped into?"
"That's for him to decide, I guess. But I would prefer the latter, naturally."
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"Well, my Lord is currently unoccupied, so I shall take you to him and explain the situation as best I can."
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Sian nods. "Lead away."
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The wood spider takes Sian back into the presence of the Forest King, the gigantic deer with black antlers gleaming darkly in the sunlight that always shines onto the huge spirit. Scuttling over to his lord the spider whispers for several minutes into the ear of the god, who replies but twice with short utterances before the explanation is complete. The Forest King walks over to Sian, "The town was used?"
"Yes, my lord. Their Baron slain, and their councilors duped."
The great emerald eyes of the Forest King blink slowly, as if in bare comprehension, "This was an attack, against me. That the weapons were mortals doesn't make this any less of an offence. The perpetrator of this affront shall be hunted down!"
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Sian nods carefully. "Yes, my lord. The town itself is prepared to make up for their mistake, too, even though they did not know of it."
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"The town is of no importance. If they make the proper obesiances and perform the correct rituals as is the law of Heaven then they can stay. But this, this <i>attack</i>, this is intolerable!" The deers eyes flash a deep green, and the very trees themselves shake with anger.
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Sian stands firm in the face of this. "What would you have me do, my lord?"
"I shall send an envoy to this town, to explain the proper order of things. Your service to me is concluded. A message has been sent to Sena Riel."
"I will go to the town for you, lord, if you would allow me. I promised them that I would return."
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"If you wish. It is of no importance," with that, the Forest King turns away abruptly, concluding the audience.
Sian lets himself out, rather nonplussed. Aia blinks as she follows, "That was... easy?"
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"Yeah... I guess. Though I can't help but feel that I've provoked a war." He looks down at the ground, frowning lightly. "Would you do me a favor?"
"If I can."
"Stay here while I go back to the town? I want to make sure Sena gets her eyes fixed, since the King seems a little distracted."
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Aia smiles, "I'm sure I can get a place to stay here while you're gone."
"Thanks. I'll be as quick as I can, okay?" He gives her a long and soft kiss.
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Aia returns the favour, and smiles, her ears folding back, "Hurry. Please."
"I will. Try not to miss me <i>too</i> much." He leers exaggeratedly, clearly implying something naughty.
"Well, if I do, I'm sure that someone around here has some wood I can use."
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"Naughty catgirl." He gives her a kiss on the forehead, then exits, waving to her as he goes.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the implication of extra prayer, the expedition to Green River has already completed most of the preparations to go - a full troop of blade-mantis are ready to leave, with the wood spider once again playing envoy for the Forest King. "Ah..." says the spider, "Are you returning to the town with us?"
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"Yes. I have a few things to attend to." He looks at the guard worriedly. "If I might make a suggestion, it might be a good idea to lighten your guard somewhat. The guards are rather xenophobic... with the increasing tension, they accidentally slew three of these mantis before they realized who they were."
"They are an honour guard. I travel amongst mortals who have offended the laws of Heaven as the envoy of my King. To do any less would be a dishonour to him."
"Very well. I am only trying to help."
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Sian nods. "A sentiment I understand fully."
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The blade-mantis set off at an unspoken command, one of them scooping Sian up onto its back as it sprints past, before the whole troop runs through the forest at almost four times the speed of his previous journey. Sian just holds on as best he can.
The feeling of time and distance is somewhat disjointed, as the mantis spirits travel at speeds that would make a Marukan courier jealous, and in a bare three hours the troop leaves the cover of the forest and is out in the reddish sunlight of the late afternoon. The hill upon which they have emerged looks down on the town of Green River, and there is a distinct sense of shock amongst the glassy insects as they take in the devastation.
Sian dismounts (rather shaken, but trying not to show it). "Whoever your master's enemy is, this is what he has done. Used these mortals to create this."
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The wood spider has also dismounted, and walks slowly over to Sian, "This is terrible. Awful." His black eyes take in the landscape all around, and there is a change about the spider, its whole demeanour changing towards anger.
"Remember your task. You are here to create a treaty, not fight."
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"I know my task," the spider snaps, then calms, "I can feel my Lord's anger, we all can, and seeing it like this... it's hard."
"It shocked me a bit when I got here, so I can only imagine how you feel. But if everything goes smoothly, then this won't happen again, right?"
"It had better not," the spider growls, and then calms again, "This is going to be a trial. I need to get into the town, where I can't see this."
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Sian nods. "Follow me, and I'll keep the guards calm. Not that it should be hard this time."
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The spider does the funny little nod-bow thing permitted by its anatomy and, trailed by the 12 blade-mantis, follows Sian down to the walls of Green River. By the time the group arrives there is a crowd of soldiers waiting, most of them looking understandably nervous.
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Sian steps forward before the group. "There is to be no combat here. These spirits come to organize a treaty, not to fight with you."
The same sergeant who met Sian on his arrival almost four days ago steps forwards, really looking as if he would rather be somewhere else, "I can't let these... animals in."
"I would suggest you not call them animals." He stares the man down. "They're the only thing between you and certain death."
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The soldier wilts beneath Sian's withering gaze and moves to one side, just as Yosen walks out through the just-opened gates. "You've arrived, thank the Heavens!" He bows respectfully, "Please, come in."
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Sian gestures to the wood-spider and his guards, walking in behind Yosen.
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The street of Green River is empty as the thirteen spirits walk down it, towards the Emerald Hall. At the door, Yosen turns and, still very nervous looking, asks, "Could I ask that the guards remain outside? We don't have a lot of space in here, and your safety is assured." The spider assents and enters the Hall unaccompanied. Sian follows close behind them.
The position of the Forest King is simple - every tree felled will be replaced with two planted, at every tree a prescribed prayer will be uttered before and after it is felled, and Green River will police any illegal logging of the area, the offenders to be punished by being handed over to the Forest King's mercy. Unsurprisingly, Yosen and the councillors all agree readily.
<i>This is good</i> Sian thinks, and recommends that they rule by committee from now on, to prevent the sort of thing that happened with the Baron.
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Despite the meat of the issue being resolved within the first hour, the discussion continues well into the night, and finally ends when the sun has just begun to peek over the horizon to start another day. Yosen and the councillors (Yosen having become a de factor Baron) make their treaty with the spider, who then rolls up the sheet of silvery paper and bows to the assembled, "Gentlemen, we are agreed."
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Sian smiles, thinking, <i>This is also good.</i>
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With that, the crowd gratefully depart, most likely for their beds, and Yosen heads over to Sian, "We have sent messengers to Towertop. Hopefully they'll be able to give us some idea of what happened down there, and maybe get us some money."
"Good. You got lucky... the King seemed more occupied with finding out who has wronged him than exacting revenge."
"Thank the spirits!" Yosen looks very relieved, "These demands will be a burden on us, but at least we can stay. That's the important thing."
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Sian nods. "Yeah. Just honor the agreement and you'll be fine." He stretches, sore from sitting down for so long. "And unless you need me for something, I'll be on my way. Got some companions to meet."
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"Of course, of course," Yosen bows, "I thank you on behalf of the people of Green River for your help."
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"Eh, don't worry about it." He waves vaguely at the man. "Did it for a friend."
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"Well, thank you anyway..." Yosen bows again, and then scuttles off, in a manner amusingly reminiscent of the wood spider.
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Sian grins at that. Otherwise, he just shrugs on his coat to block out the cold wind and gets ready to leave.
[http://skin-diseas.boom.ru/ | skin disease]
[http://skin1disease.chat.ru/ | skin disease]
Riding on the back of a blade-mantis once again, Sian makes the return journey to the palace of the Forest King in the same record time that it took to get to Green River in the first place, arriving just under a day after he left. Aia, already told of his return, is waiting for him. Sian dismounts somewhat easier this time. He waves to her. "Hey. Sena here yet?"
[http://skin-care-tip.hotmail.ru/ | skin care tip]
[http://skin-care-tip.boom.ru/ | skin care tip]
"Yes, she is," Aia smiles, "She arrived overnight, and the Forest King is helping her." Aia bounces happily, "She'll be able to see again!"
[http://skin1tip4care.chat.ru/ | skin care tip]
[http://serious-skin-care.hotmail.ru/ | serious skin care]
"Heh. Well, that's why we came here." He catches her on one of the bounces, giving her a long kiss. "You been okay?"
Grinning back and melting into the kiss, Aia replies somewhat belatedly, "I didn't get too bored, if that's what you mean." She grins wickedly.
"Ooo. Do I get to see what you've been doing?" His return grin is just as wicked.
"If you like. Later," Aia wiggles naughtily.
Sian just kisses her again as a response. "Time for some food, I think." And they eat!
The meal is delicious, plentiful and filling, as one would expect for the repaste served at the court of a powerful spirit. The drinks are highly flavourful and definitely alcoholic. Sian deftly keeps Aia away from more than a second cup of the stuff.
Once the meal is over, Aia looking slightly rosy-cheeked from the one cup of drink that she did get, the wood-spider returns once more. "Is there anything else I can do to help you before you depart in the morning?"
"Hmm. Well, I'd like to see Sena before I go. But apart from that... do you think you could manage a bath for my friend here?" He gestures at Aia.
"Sena is just recovering from my Lord's magics, it was very trying for both of them. She should be able to see you shortly, though. And I feel sure that we can arrange a bath for the delightful young lady."
"Thank you." He bows his head gratefully.
Aia is led away to a place to bathe by one of the many serpents that seem to be used as servants in the palace of the Forest King, while the spider leads Sian to a large airy clearing, beneath the open sky. Sitting on a large boulder in the centre of the clearing, her cloud-like hair flowing out behind her and around the stone as she sings beautifully, wordlessly.
Sian simply stands to the side, listening to the beautiful music.
The song ends eventually, and Sena Riel breathes deeply, freely, before turning to see Sian. Her eyes glow with a blue-white light, their orbs bewitching in their clarity as she glides off the boulder towards Sian, "My dear, sweet Sian! I don't know if I can ever thank you enough!"
Sian smiles slightly at her obvious joy. "No need. I wanted to."
"I can see again!" Sena dances in mid-air, "I can see my saviour!" and she swirls in to plant a slightly chilly kiss on Sian's cheek.
Sian laughs. "Well, you're quite welcome. It's good to see you whole again."
"It's good to see you... at all!" Sena laughs at her own little joke, and flies up, her hair streaming out like a huge ribbon of cloud behind her as she dives and swirls in mid-air.
"Well, I'd do it again if I had to. It was worth it." He smiles. "Go on... go home to your husband. I imagine he'll be worried about you."
Sena Riel smiles broadly and kisses Sian once more, this time on the forehead, "Thank you again, sweet Sian," before flying straight up into the azure sky and vanishing.
Sian waves to her as she disappears, then heads off to join Aia in her nice bubbly bath, feeling content.
Sian finds Aia in a large bath, apparently grown from interwoven tree branches and roots especially for the occasion. The water steams and mountains of foam obscure the more interesting parts of the catgirl's anatomy, as she lies back luxuriating in the warmth and the feeling of clean.
"Hey there!" she smiles, "How did it go?"
"Well. Sena seems very happy." He shrugs his own clothes off and slides in opposite her, sighing happily.
"That's good," Aia smiles and turns around, passing Sian a brush.
Sian obligingly starts washing away at the fair skin. "It is. Hopefully Koromo is just as pleased."
Aia mrowls slightly, arching as the brush cleans her back, "I'm sure he will be."
"Mhmm." He lightly kisses her neck. "You been okay here?"
"Yes. I didn't cause any problems or get drunk or anything," she chuckles.
"Good." He moves the kiss up to her cheek.
She turns her head and kisses Sian slowly, smiling, her tail teasing him.
Sian lets it linger for a while, lifting a pair of soapy finger to tilt her head a little more.
Aia breaks the kiss and says, "My turn to do you!" grabbing the brush from Sian's fingers.
Sian momentarily considers a crude comment, but refrains, turning around as ordered.
Using the brush on his back, Aia leans forwards and kisses Sian's back, "Where do we go now? Back to Whitewall?"
"Mhmm. Unless there's somewhere else you want to go; if the Syndics have a mission for me, they can let me know from anywhere."
"No. Wherever you are is where I want to be," Aia smiles softly to herself, dropping the brush and sliding in close behind Sian, wrapping her arms and legs around him.
Sian puts a hand on hers, and another resting lightly on her ankle. "Why do you want to stay with me so badly, anyway? I would have thought freedom would mean a great deal to you..."
Aia is silent for a while before she answers, "You make me feel safe and warm. Even if I weren't bound to you by the Syndics now, I'd stay with you." She kisses Sian's neck, "I think we're meant to be together."
"Hmm." He smiles slightly at her light kissing. "Well, I'm glad of the company. The fact that you're beautiful and an amazing lover are just side benefits." He turns around and gives her a proper kiss.
"Mmmm..." Anything Aia might wish to say is muffled in the kiss.
Sian keeps her occupied for a fair amount of time, drawing back and smiling gently at her. "I'll look after you as long as you want me to, okay?"
"Thanks," she smiles back and then reaches under the water, grabbing something of Sian's. "Hey... what's this?"
Sian shivers pleasantly. "I thought you would have been acquainted with that by now. I guess another demonstration is in order..." His hand slides slowly up her thigh.
"Mmmm... I like demonstrations. Will there be questions afterwards?" She slides up close to Sian.
"Oh yes. I will be observing your technique carefully." He pulls them together slowly, leaning up to gently nip the end of a fuzzy cat-ear.
Aia lifts up slowly, and then settles down on Sian, "How am I doing so far?" She mews softly at the biting.
"Very well." He focuses a fair amount of attention on the ears, as that seems to be a sensitive spot.
"Mmm... good," her eyes close as she moves slowly.
Sian makes love to her, very gently. No great stress, no intensity. Just slow, pleasureable warmth, shared by them both.
Aia falls back against the wall of the bath, glowing and breathing deeply with a broad smile, "Mmmm... I like baths."
"Heh." He takes her into his arms and cradle her as they both recover. "There's something I'll show you on the way back, then."
"Care to tell me anything? Or are you going to be all silent and mysterious?" She smiles.
Sian wiggles his fingers at her. "Silent and mysterious."
Aia sticks her tongue out and blows a huge raspbery, which Sian captures with his lips in a suddenly smooth motion, and turns it into a kiss.
Aia makes a token struggle before surrendering to the kiss.
Sian grins when he stops. "Well, as much as I enjoy this, we may as well get ready to leave."
"I suppose you're right..." Aia slides, reluctantly out of the bath, water and foam cascading off her body as she reaches out. A towel is handed to her by a previously-unseen servant-spirit, who blends in perfectly with the surrounding trees.
Sian follows after her, and takes his own towel from the spirit, applying it to the catgirl before allowing her to do the reverse.
Now clothed, Aia smiles and twirls playfully for Sian before leaning in to kiss him.
Sian kisses back, halfway through buttoning up his shirt. "Our gear is still in our room?"
"Unless it's been stolen since I was last there."
"Always a possibility." He wanders back with her, and lo, the gear is un-stolen.
Almost as though bidden the wood spider <nowiki>major-domo/envoy</nowiki> appears, "I understand that you wish to leave now?"
"Indeed. My task here is finished." He shrugs on his pack.
"I am glad to have made your acquaintance, Child of Danaa'd, and look forwards to a meeting in the future," the spider bows and leads Sian and Aia back to the portal room, the wooden gateway filled with greenish mist still there.
Sian likewise bows in return, once they reach the gate. "And I thank you for your assistance, and your master's hospitality."
"Hospitality is a duty that we are pleased to fulfil," and with that the spider departs, leaving Sian with just Aia and the gatekeeper spirit.
Sian tells the spirit the location, and feeds it a mote of Essence for its trouble, then turns to Aia. "You ready?"
She nods, "Yes," and grips Sian's arm firmly.
Sian leads her through the portal! And lo, they are back near Five Peaks.
Mist spills from the portal as the pair emerge in the forest close to Five Peaks. As they stepped through the roots & branches that make it up begun to crack and decay, the mist vanishing and the portal turning into little more than some rotted wood on the floor of the forest.
Sian gets his bearings for a moment, then nods in a direction. "This way. Still got a few hours before nightfall."
"OK," Aia hefts her pack and follows Sian.
The road to Whitewall is eternal. Perfectly smooth, seamless stone, looking as if it had grown out of the very earth and forming a barrier impenetrable to both Fae and Dead. Even though the barrier isn't needed until a week away from Whitewall, Sian finds the protection reassuring nonetheless.
==== The 20th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763 ====
After around 3 days of travel, Sian veers them off the path.
"Where are we going?" Aia enquires.
"Mysterious and silent, remember?" He grins. "Don't worry, this place is safe. See?" He scuffs the ground beneath their feetto reveal that there is a small path underneath.
"OK," Aia smiles, and looks around, "When were you last here?"
"Mmm... a few months before I met you."
"Were you here with a girl that time, too?"
"Mmm... nope. By myself. Haven't been travelling with a girl whenever I've come past."
"OK," Aia follows, curious.
Sian wanders along for a little while, mostly quiet. Soon, the path ends! And there is a nice, medium-sized lake, from which much steam rises. The plants around the edge of the area give off a nice lavender-ish smell.
"Mmm, nice..." Aia breathes in the air and smiles, "Is this what you wanted to show me?"
"Yep. And something else here, but for the moment, just relax."
Shedding her pack, Aia stands behind Sian and hugs him warmly, "This is nice."
"Thought you'd like it." He lets go of his own pack, and sets to undressing the both of them.
Smiling as Sian strips her Aia wiggles playfully once she is nude, creating all sorts of delightful movements.
Sian grins, giving her a kiss and carrying her into the water. Hot! Not too hot, but hot. "It gets pretty deep out in the middle, and I thought you might like the chance for a swim."
"Always thinking of me. So sweet," Aia dives under the surface, her bottom gleaming in the sun before disappearing beneath the water's surface.
Sian follows, effortlessly graceful in his element.
Aia bursts through the water, shaking her long hair out, and smiles at Sian, "What else was it you wanted me to see?"
"In a bit. Just relax." He slides beneath the surface, coming up behind her with eerie quiet and nipping her ear again.
Aia leans back against Sian, enjoying the warmth of the water and her lover.
Sian lightly fondles her as they float together, just enough to keep her edgy.
Aia breathes deeply, shivering against Sian, "If you're going to keep doing... that, then you had better be able to follow up."
"Oh, I will." He grins, floating around to her front and giving her a proper kiss.
"Mmm..." Aia melts into the kiss, floating in the warm water.
Sian keeps kissing her lightly for a time, drawing away just as she is about to leap him. "You have to trust me for the next bit, okay?"
Aia whines softly, obviously needy...
Sian nips her nose gently. "Aia. Hey."
"OK. But it had better be good, teaser-boy."
"It will." He smiles slightly. "Here. Arms and legs around me."
She does so, wrapping herself tightly around Sian.
Sian gives her a kiss. "I'm going to be breathing for you, so don't stop kissing me, okay?"
Aia's eyes open wide, and she kisses Sian desperately.
"Don't panic, okay? It's a little scary at first, but you'll soon get used to it." He locks his lips with hers, and slowly slides the pair of them beneath the water.
Aia holds Sian close, eyes closed as she breathes in fits.
Sian breathes steadily, slowly calming the girl's own breath. He looks deep into her eyes beneath the water, trying to reassure her.
Opening her eyes slowly, Aia looks around somewhat wildly, her breathing slowly down as she adjusts to the unusual situation.
Sian rubs her side gently, and slowly pulls her onto him, as they sink into the bottom of the pool.
Aia's moan somewhat muffled, she settles and keeps kissing Sian as they move against one another. Being surrounded by nothing but liquid warmth and Sian's gentle touch, not to mention the slight light-headedness she feels from being breathed for, is a very strange experience. Strange in a good way, though. Sian is careful not to go too fast, lest her breathing get out of control.
Holding on tightly, Aia adjusts and then begins moving faster, moaning against Sian.
Sian smiles slightly into the kiss as she begins to get into it, responding in kind. One hand moves down to scratch her tail, whilst the other moves up to work on the ears.
Breathing faster now, Aia shudders against Sian, holding on for dear life.
Sian manages to keep his breathing apace with the girl's, caressing her oh-so-softly.
Aia squeals loudly, bubbles bursting from her locked kiss as she shakes, groaning against Sian's lips.
Sian rides it out with her, feeling her laboured breath afterwards. He slowly ascends towards the surface, carrying the weakend girl out of the lake and resting her down on a towel.
Collapsing onto the towel, gasping for air, Aia moans incoherently at Sian.
"Shh. Just rest." He kisses her tenderly on the forehead, wrapping another towel about his waist. "I'll set up camp, and we can stay here tonight. Just rest."
"OK. Bastard." Aia grins at Sian, closing her eyes as she lies back on the towel.
Sian grins, moving about to set up camp and such, and get her snuggled in comfortably.

Revision as of 12:41, 27 February 2005

The Green River Incident - part 2

In which dupes are enlightened, negotiations enacted and a hot bath clears the senses wonderfully...

The 15th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

Yosen starts, "What? How can that be? It is definitely the Baron, and I last saw him only a year ago."

"Well, whoever you saw wasn't the Baron."

"But, but... it looked exactly like him, behaviour, mannerisms, everything. What is going on here?"

Sian shrugs. "I've got no idea. Whoever it was who killed him did it via strangulation, and removed his eyes to boot. You know anyone with a penchant for that sort of thing?"

"No! What are you implying?"

"Nothing." He frowns. "I was just asking."

"But if the Baron has been dead for 10 years, then who has been in his place? And where have they gone?"

Sian exercises his lateral thinking and considers for a bit. "Well, some spirits can shape-change."

"But why would a spirit do this? This is... I don't understand."

"Neither do I." He considers for a bit, then hunts around the rooms, locating a mirror and using it to scan for spirits. A few seconds later he puts the mirror back in its holder. "Well, there's no spirits here. And nor is there any indication of why your Baron was murdered. The only thing I you can really do is give him a proper burial, and then elect a new one. Or, rule the town yourselves."

"We thought he might be dead, the councillors and I, secretly - we just hoped it wasn't so. And now this, he's been dead for ten years and a spirit-impostor has taken his place!" Yosen looks at Sian, "This is just too much! What's going on?"

Sian shrugs. "Like I said, I have no idea. And there would appear to be no leads. The question now is: what are you going to do to keep your town safe?"

Yosen stands up and sighs, "I have to tell the councillors first. After that, if we don't have a treaty with the Forest King then we should make one." Yosen gasps, "The trade agreement! We have sent thousands of logs downstream, and haven't heard anything back!"

Sian puts a hand up to still the man. "Well, the first, I can aid. It's what I do, after all. For the second... where do the logs go?"

"There's a town about a week's travel downstream. That's where the Bar... the impostor said he was going to arrange a deal before he left. He said to cut as many trees as we could and send them all down. He'd come back with payment later," Yosen looks worried, "Green River is almost out of money, we can barely pay the loggers."

Sian brushes hair back from his temples. "Well, we can only assume that our imposter friend hasn't, in fact, organized that trade deal. Which means that you won't be getting money for that wood any time soon. And I presume that without logging, you won't be able to keep the town running?"

"We enough money for a month. After that..." Yosen shudders, "We have almost four hundred loggers here, and you've seen them. I don't want them angry."

"Hrm. You seem to have a problem." He looks at Aia, just as something to focus on while he thinks.

Aia looks back at Sian, her expression worried as she nods, fully aware of the danger Green River is in.

Sian offers her a somewhat reassuring smile, before turning back to Yosen. "Your only options are to move, or to find some other way to support yourselves, correct?"

"Unless we get some money soon, yes," Yosen nods, looking more and more worried, "If we tell the loggers to stop, then they'll just be in town and bored..."

"Hmm. Look, give me a few days, and I'll see what I can do."

Yosen, now pale as he undoubtedly considers the bleak future, asks, "What are you planning on doing?"

"I'm going to talk to the head spirit and see it there's something I can do. I was supposed to handle this myself, but... the problem has gotten out of hand, and is most likely going to end badly for everyone."

"What will he want from us?"

Sian shrugs. "That's for him to say."

Yosen looks down at his floor, "He wanted us to leave, didn't he? We didn't have the treaty that we thought we did."

"Yes, he did. So you will need to make up for all the trees you killed without his permission if you want to stay."

Eyes wide Yosen turns to Sian, unable to speak at the thought of the tens of thousands of trees that the loggers of Green River have cut down. Sian just lifts his eyebrows in response. "I didn't say it will be easy. And there's every chance that he simply won't allow you to stay here any longer. But as I said, I'll see what I can do."

He nods in response, "Please. I'll explain it to the councillors - we'll stop logging at once."

"It will only be for a few days, then you should have your answer. You need to find out what you're actually going to do<i/> with the wood, too."

"The wood rafts? Oh my, there's almost a thousand trunks waiting to go..."

"Well, if you send them downstream you're not going to get much for it. And I doubt the town who was supposed to recieve them is going to be pleased when you suddenly start asking them to pay."

"What can we do? We stopping getting money when the Baron went to negoti... the impostor disappeared."

"There are forest spirits who deal with dead wood. But I don't know if they can handle such a large amount." He looks at the man for a bit. "I get the feeling you're going to have a serious lifestyle change if this all works out."

Yosen straightens his shoulders, "We'll send someone downriver to Towertop, see if we can't come to some arrangement with the wood we have. Can you try and talk to the Forest King, explain things to him?"

"Mhmm. In the meantime, give your Baron here a proper public burial. That'll help get it through to the loggers how bad things will be."

"We will. Perhaps it will help."

Sian nods. "Well, good luck with it. I should be a week, at the absolute most."

"Thank-you." Yosen heads out of the tower, presumably to begin preparations for a severe sea-change in the lives of Green River's inhabitants, leaving Sian with a decade-old corpse and a ring of jade pieces. He collects the pieces silently, then bows formally to the corpse and offers a small prayer, though it is likely many years too late.

Aia follows Sian out of the tower, and already there is a buzzing in the streets of the small town, news obviously travelling fast here. Sian ignores it all, heading back to the Blue-Sky House to collect his things.

The sounds from the room next to Sian appear to have stopped, at least for now, making collecting the few items he left there less unpleasant than would otherwise have been the case.

Sian does so quickly. "Fun job, isn't it?" He looks at Aia with a wry smile.

Aia grins back just as wryly, "Wonderful. So, back to the Forest King? What are you going to say?"

"All I really can do is explain the situation." He sits on the bed, if carefully. "Whoever was impersonating the Baron wants either this town or the Forest King hurt. It's possible that the King himself ordered the murder and impersonation, as a roundabout way of removing the town, but I don't think he'd allow the destruction of so many trees to do so."

"The politics of spirits and gods can be such fun."

"Mhmm." He sighs, sliding arms around her waist as she stands in front of him and resting his head on her chest. "So, the town or the king has an enemy. Which I will likely now have to deal with instead of getting rid of this town, if I want to help Sena."

"Maybe not. These people have been used. Perhaps the Forest King will understand that?"

"Thousands of his trees are still dead, whether the town was used or not. He may not be so forgiving. We can only hope, though."

"I'm sure that you'll be just as persuasive as you usually are."

"Heh. Hopefully." He leans up and gives her a light kiss. "If you're ready, we should head out."

Aia smiles back, "Of course," and follows Sian out of town and back into the forest.

The 17th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

Less than two days later Aia and Sian arrive back in the glades of the Forest King, the calmness in the air a sign of the holiness of this place. A troop of blade-mantis stand at guard at one of the pathways, protecting their Lord agaist any intruders, with their lives if necessary. Sian makes sure to hail them from afar. Very afar.

The glittering insects nod respectfully towards Sian and let him pass, although their air of watchfulness as he does so is distinctly unnerving, making Aia snuggle up close to him. He puts an arm around her to reassure her.

The wood spider envoy/major-domo is waiting for Sian as he enters the Forest King's home. "I didn't expect you to return as rapidly as you have. Can I assume that your have been successful in your task?"

"Not exactly." He briefly sums up the situation.

"Oh my, that is unexpected. And there was no clue or evidence as to the actual identity of the perpetrator of these terrible acts?"

Sian shakes his head. "I can only assume either your lord or the town has earned an enemy somewhere. And the town is small and insignificant."

"Well, I am not sure how my Lord will take this news. The offence of the town and its people is not in doubt, but should they be punished for a crime they were duped into?"

"That's for him to decide, I guess. But I would prefer the latter, naturally."

"Well, my Lord is currently unoccupied, so I shall take you to him and explain the situation as best I can."

Sian nods. "Lead away."

The wood spider takes Sian back into the presence of the Forest King, the gigantic deer with black antlers gleaming darkly in the sunlight that always shines onto the huge spirit. Scuttling over to his lord the spider whispers for several minutes into the ear of the god, who replies but twice with short utterances before the explanation is complete. The Forest King walks over to Sian, "The town was used?"

"Yes, my lord. Their Baron slain, and their councilors duped."

The great emerald eyes of the Forest King blink slowly, as if in bare comprehension, "This was an attack, against me. That the weapons were mortals doesn't make this any less of an offence. The perpetrator of this affront shall be hunted down!"

Sian nods carefully. "Yes, my lord. The town itself is prepared to make up for their mistake, too, even though they did not know of it."

"The town is of no importance. If they make the proper obesiances and perform the correct rituals as is the law of Heaven then they can stay. But this, this <i>attack, this is intolerable!" The deers eyes flash a deep green, and the very trees themselves shake with anger.

Sian stands firm in the face of this. "What would you have me do, my lord?"

"I shall send an envoy to this town, to explain the proper order of things. Your service to me is concluded. A message has been sent to Sena Riel."

"I will go to the town for you, lord, if you would allow me. I promised them that I would return."

"If you wish. It is of no importance," with that, the Forest King turns away abruptly, concluding the audience.

Sian lets himself out, rather nonplussed. Aia blinks as she follows, "That was... easy?"

"Yeah... I guess. Though I can't help but feel that I've provoked a war." He looks down at the ground, frowning lightly. "Would you do me a favor?"

"If I can."

"Stay here while I go back to the town? I want to make sure Sena gets her eyes fixed, since the King seems a little distracted."

Aia smiles, "I'm sure I can get a place to stay here while you're gone."

"Thanks. I'll be as quick as I can, okay?" He gives her a long and soft kiss.

Aia returns the favour, and smiles, her ears folding back, "Hurry. Please."

"I will. Try not to miss me too much." He leers exaggeratedly, clearly implying something naughty.

"Well, if I do, I'm sure that someone around here has some wood I can use."

"Naughty catgirl." He gives her a kiss on the forehead, then exits, waving to her as he goes.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the implication of extra prayer, the expedition to Green River has already completed most of the preparations to go - a full troop of blade-mantis are ready to leave, with the wood spider once again playing envoy for the Forest King. "Ah..." says the spider, "Are you returning to the town with us?"

"Yes. I have a few things to attend to." He looks at the guard worriedly. "If I might make a suggestion, it might be a good idea to lighten your guard somewhat. The guards are rather xenophobic... with the increasing tension, they accidentally slew three of these mantis before they realized who they were."

"They are an honour guard. I travel amongst mortals who have offended the laws of Heaven as the envoy of my King. To do any less would be a dishonour to him."

"Very well. I am only trying to help."

"I understand, but in this matter I must obey the laws and commands of my master."

Sian nods. "A sentiment I understand fully."

The blade-mantis set off at an unspoken command, one of them scooping Sian up onto its back as it sprints past, before the whole troop runs through the forest at almost four times the speed of his previous journey. Sian just holds on as best he can.

The feeling of time and distance is somewhat disjointed, as the mantis spirits travel at speeds that would make a Marukan courier jealous, and in a bare three hours the troop leaves the cover of the forest and is out in the reddish sunlight of the late afternoon. The hill upon which they have emerged looks down on the town of Green River, and there is a distinct sense of shock amongst the glassy insects as they take in the devastation.

Sian dismounts (rather shaken, but trying not to show it). "Whoever your master's enemy is, this is what he has done. Used these mortals to create this."

The wood spider has also dismounted, and walks slowly over to Sian, "This is terrible. Awful." His black eyes take in the landscape all around, and there is a change about the spider, its whole demeanour changing towards anger.

"Remember your task. You are here to create a treaty, not fight."

"I know my task," the spider snaps, then calms, "I can feel my Lord's anger, we all can, and seeing it like this... it's hard."

"It shocked me a bit when I got here, so I can only imagine how you feel. But if everything goes smoothly, then this won't happen again, right?"

"It had better not," the spider growls, and then calms again, "This is going to be a trial. I need to get into the town, where I can't see this."

Sian nods. "Follow me, and I'll keep the guards calm. Not that it should be hard this time."

The spider does the funny little nod-bow thing permitted by its anatomy and, trailed by the 12 blade-mantis, follows Sian down to the walls of Green River. By the time the group arrives there is a crowd of soldiers waiting, most of them looking understandably nervous.

Sian steps forward before the group. "There is to be no combat here. These spirits come to organize a treaty, not to fight with you."

The same sergeant who met Sian on his arrival almost four days ago steps forwards, really looking as if he would rather be somewhere else, "I can't let these... animals in."

"I would suggest you not call them animals." He stares the man down. "They're the only thing between you and certain death."

The soldier wilts beneath Sian's withering gaze and moves to one side, just as Yosen walks out through the just-opened gates. "You've arrived, thank the Heavens!" He bows respectfully, "Please, come in."

Sian gestures to the wood-spider and his guards, walking in behind Yosen.

The street of Green River is empty as the thirteen spirits walk down it, towards the Emerald Hall. At the door, Yosen turns and, still very nervous looking, asks, "Could I ask that the guards remain outside? We don't have a lot of space in here, and your safety is assured." The spider assents and enters the Hall unaccompanied. Sian follows close behind them.

The position of the Forest King is simple - every tree felled will be replaced with two planted, at every tree a prescribed prayer will be uttered before and after it is felled, and Green River will police any illegal logging of the area, the offenders to be punished by being handed over to the Forest King's mercy. Unsurprisingly, Yosen and the councillors all agree readily.

This is good Sian thinks, and recommends that they rule by committee from now on, to prevent the sort of thing that happened with the Baron.

Despite the meat of the issue being resolved within the first hour, the discussion continues well into the night, and finally ends when the sun has just begun to peek over the horizon to start another day. Yosen and the councillors (Yosen having become a de factor Baron) make their treaty with the spider, who then rolls up the sheet of silvery paper and bows to the assembled, "Gentlemen, we are agreed."

Sian smiles, thinking, This is also good.

With that, the crowd gratefully depart, most likely for their beds, and Yosen heads over to Sian, "We have sent messengers to Towertop. Hopefully they'll be able to give us some idea of what happened down there, and maybe get us some money."

"Good. You got lucky... the King seemed more occupied with finding out who has wronged him than exacting revenge."

"Thank the spirits!" Yosen looks very relieved, "These demands will be a burden on us, but at least we can stay. That's the important thing."

Sian nods. "Yeah. Just honor the agreement and you'll be fine." He stretches, sore from sitting down for so long. "And unless you need me for something, I'll be on my way. Got some companions to meet."

"Of course, of course," Yosen bows, "I thank you on behalf of the people of Green River for your help."

"Eh, don't worry about it." He waves vaguely at the man. "Did it for a friend."

"Well, thank you anyway..." Yosen bows again, and then scuttles off, in a manner amusingly reminiscent of the wood spider.

Sian grins at that. Otherwise, he just shrugs on his coat to block out the cold wind and gets ready to leave.

Riding on the back of a blade-mantis once again, Sian makes the return journey to the palace of the Forest King in the same record time that it took to get to Green River in the first place, arriving just under a day after he left. Aia, already told of his return, is waiting for him. Sian dismounts somewhat easier this time. He waves to her. "Hey. Sena here yet?"

"Yes, she is," Aia smiles, "She arrived overnight, and the Forest King is helping her." Aia bounces happily, "She'll be able to see again!"

"Heh. Well, that's why we came here." He catches her on one of the bounces, giving her a long kiss. "You been okay?"

Grinning back and melting into the kiss, Aia replies somewhat belatedly, "I didn't get too bored, if that's what you mean." She grins wickedly.

"Ooo. Do I get to see what you've been doing?" His return grin is just as wicked.

"If you like. Later," Aia wiggles naughtily.

Sian just kisses her again as a response. "Time for some food, I think." And they eat!

The meal is delicious, plentiful and filling, as one would expect for the repaste served at the court of a powerful spirit. The drinks are highly flavourful and definitely alcoholic. Sian deftly keeps Aia away from more than a second cup of the stuff.

Once the meal is over, Aia looking slightly rosy-cheeked from the one cup of drink that she did get, the wood-spider returns once more. "Is there anything else I can do to help you before you depart in the morning?"

"Hmm. Well, I'd like to see Sena before I go. But apart from that... do you think you could manage a bath for my friend here?" He gestures at Aia.

"Sena is just recovering from my Lord's magics, it was very trying for both of them. She should be able to see you shortly, though. And I feel sure that we can arrange a bath for the delightful young lady."

"Thank you." He bows his head gratefully.

Aia is led away to a place to bathe by one of the many serpents that seem to be used as servants in the palace of the Forest King, while the spider leads Sian to a large airy clearing, beneath the open sky. Sitting on a large boulder in the centre of the clearing, her cloud-like hair flowing out behind her and around the stone as she sings beautifully, wordlessly.

Sian simply stands to the side, listening to the beautiful music.

The song ends eventually, and Sena Riel breathes deeply, freely, before turning to see Sian. Her eyes glow with a blue-white light, their orbs bewitching in their clarity as she glides off the boulder towards Sian, "My dear, sweet Sian! I don't know if I can ever thank you enough!"

Sian smiles slightly at her obvious joy. "No need. I wanted to."

"I can see again!" Sena dances in mid-air, "I can see my saviour!" and she swirls in to plant a slightly chilly kiss on Sian's cheek.

Sian laughs. "Well, you're quite welcome. It's good to see you whole again."

"It's good to see you... at all!" Sena laughs at her own little joke, and flies up, her hair streaming out like a huge ribbon of cloud behind her as she dives and swirls in mid-air.

"Well, I'd do it again if I had to. It was worth it." He smiles. "Go on... go home to your husband. I imagine he'll be worried about you."

Sena Riel smiles broadly and kisses Sian once more, this time on the forehead, "Thank you again, sweet Sian," before flying straight up into the azure sky and vanishing.

Sian waves to her as she disappears, then heads off to join Aia in her nice bubbly bath, feeling content.

Sian finds Aia in a large bath, apparently grown from interwoven tree branches and roots especially for the occasion. The water steams and mountains of foam obscure the more interesting parts of the catgirl's anatomy, as she lies back luxuriating in the warmth and the feeling of clean.

"Hey there!" she smiles, "How did it go?"

"Well. Sena seems very happy." He shrugs his own clothes off and slides in opposite her, sighing happily.

"That's good," Aia smiles and turns around, passing Sian a brush.

Sian obligingly starts washing away at the fair skin. "It is. Hopefully Koromo is just as pleased."

Aia mrowls slightly, arching as the brush cleans her back, "I'm sure he will be."

"Mhmm." He lightly kisses her neck. "You been okay here?"

"Yes. I didn't cause any problems or get drunk or anything," she chuckles.

"Good." He moves the kiss up to her cheek.

She turns her head and kisses Sian slowly, smiling, her tail teasing him.

Sian lets it linger for a while, lifting a pair of soapy finger to tilt her head a little more.

Aia breaks the kiss and says, "My turn to do you!" grabbing the brush from Sian's fingers.

Sian momentarily considers a crude comment, but refrains, turning around as ordered.

Using the brush on his back, Aia leans forwards and kisses Sian's back, "Where do we go now? Back to Whitewall?"

"Mhmm. Unless there's somewhere else you want to go; if the Syndics have a mission for me, they can let me know from anywhere."

"No. Wherever you are is where I want to be," Aia smiles softly to herself, dropping the brush and sliding in close behind Sian, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

Sian puts a hand on hers, and another resting lightly on her ankle. "Why do you want to stay with me so badly, anyway? I would have thought freedom would mean a great deal to you..."

Aia is silent for a while before she answers, "You make me feel safe and warm. Even if I weren't bound to you by the Syndics now, I'd stay with you." She kisses Sian's neck, "I think we're meant to be together."

"Hmm." He smiles slightly at her light kissing. "Well, I'm glad of the company. The fact that you're beautiful and an amazing lover are just side benefits." He turns around and gives her a proper kiss.

"Mmmm..." Anything Aia might wish to say is muffled in the kiss.

Sian keeps her occupied for a fair amount of time, drawing back and smiling gently at her. "I'll look after you as long as you want me to, okay?"

"Thanks," she smiles back and then reaches under the water, grabbing something of Sian's. "Hey... what's this?"

Sian shivers pleasantly. "I thought you would have been acquainted with that by now. I guess another demonstration is in order..." His hand slides slowly up her thigh.

"Mmmm... I like demonstrations. Will there be questions afterwards?" She slides up close to Sian.

"Oh yes. I will be observing your technique carefully." He pulls them together slowly, leaning up to gently nip the end of a fuzzy cat-ear.

Aia lifts up slowly, and then settles down on Sian, "How am I doing so far?" She mews softly at the biting.

"Very well." He focuses a fair amount of attention on the ears, as that seems to be a sensitive spot.

"Mmm... good," her eyes close as she moves slowly.

Sian makes love to her, very gently. No great stress, no intensity. Just slow, pleasureable warmth, shared by them both.

Aia falls back against the wall of the bath, glowing and breathing deeply with a broad smile, "Mmmm... I like baths."

"Heh." He takes her into his arms and cradle her as they both recover. "There's something I'll show you on the way back, then."

"Care to tell me anything? Or are you going to be all silent and mysterious?" She smiles.

Sian wiggles his fingers at her. "Silent and mysterious."

Aia sticks her tongue out and blows a huge raspbery, which Sian captures with his lips in a suddenly smooth motion, and turns it into a kiss.

Aia makes a token struggle before surrendering to the kiss.

Sian grins when he stops. "Well, as much as I enjoy this, we may as well get ready to leave."

"I suppose you're right..." Aia slides, reluctantly out of the bath, water and foam cascading off her body as she reaches out. A towel is handed to her by a previously-unseen servant-spirit, who blends in perfectly with the surrounding trees.

Sian follows after her, and takes his own towel from the spirit, applying it to the catgirl before allowing her to do the reverse.

Now clothed, Aia smiles and twirls playfully for Sian before leaning in to kiss him.

Sian kisses back, halfway through buttoning up his shirt. "Our gear is still in our room?"

"Unless it's been stolen since I was last there."

"Always a possibility." He wanders back with her, and lo, the gear is un-stolen.

Almost as though bidden the wood spider major-domo/envoy appears, "I understand that you wish to leave now?"

"Indeed. My task here is finished." He shrugs on his pack.

"I am glad to have made your acquaintance, Child of Danaa'd, and look forwards to a meeting in the future," the spider bows and leads Sian and Aia back to the portal room, the wooden gateway filled with greenish mist still there.

Sian likewise bows in return, once they reach the gate. "And I thank you for your assistance, and your master's hospitality."

"Hospitality is a duty that we are pleased to fulfil," and with that the spider departs, leaving Sian with just Aia and the gatekeeper spirit.

Sian tells the spirit the location, and feeds it a mote of Essence for its trouble, then turns to Aia. "You ready?"

She nods, "Yes," and grips Sian's arm firmly.

Sian leads her through the portal! And lo, they are back near Five Peaks.

Mist spills from the portal as the pair emerge in the forest close to Five Peaks. As they stepped through the roots & branches that make it up begun to crack and decay, the mist vanishing and the portal turning into little more than some rotted wood on the floor of the forest.

Sian gets his bearings for a moment, then nods in a direction. "This way. Still got a few hours before nightfall."

"OK," Aia hefts her pack and follows Sian.

The road to Whitewall is eternal. Perfectly smooth, seamless stone, looking as if it had grown out of the very earth and forming a barrier impenetrable to both Fae and Dead. Even though the barrier isn't needed until a week away from Whitewall, Sian finds the protection reassuring nonetheless.

The 20th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

After around 3 days of travel, Sian veers them off the path.

"Where are we going?" Aia enquires.

"Mysterious and silent, remember?" He grins. "Don't worry, this place is safe. See?" He scuffs the ground beneath their feetto reveal that there is a small path underneath.

"OK," Aia smiles, and looks around, "When were you last here?"

"Mmm... a few months before I met you."

"Were you here with a girl that time, too?"

"Mmm... nope. By myself. Haven't been travelling with a girl whenever I've come past."

"OK," Aia follows, curious.

Sian wanders along for a little while, mostly quiet. Soon, the path ends! And there is a nice, medium-sized lake, from which much steam rises. The plants around the edge of the area give off a nice lavender-ish smell.

"Mmm, nice..." Aia breathes in the air and smiles, "Is this what you wanted to show me?"

"Yep. And something else here, but for the moment, just relax."

Shedding her pack, Aia stands behind Sian and hugs him warmly, "This is nice."

"Thought you'd like it." He lets go of his own pack, and sets to undressing the both of them.

Smiling as Sian strips her Aia wiggles playfully once she is nude, creating all sorts of delightful movements.

Sian grins, giving her a kiss and carrying her into the water. Hot! Not too hot, but hot. "It gets pretty deep out in the middle, and I thought you might like the chance for a swim."

"Always thinking of me. So sweet," Aia dives under the surface, her bottom gleaming in the sun before disappearing beneath the water's surface.

Sian follows, effortlessly graceful in his element.

Aia bursts through the water, shaking her long hair out, and smiles at Sian, "What else was it you wanted me to see?"

"In a bit. Just relax." He slides beneath the surface, coming up behind her with eerie quiet and nipping her ear again.

Aia leans back against Sian, enjoying the warmth of the water and her lover.

Sian lightly fondles her as they float together, just enough to keep her edgy.

Aia breathes deeply, shivering against Sian, "If you're going to keep doing... that, then you had better be able to follow up."

"Oh, I will." He grins, floating around to her front and giving her a proper kiss.

"Mmm..." Aia melts into the kiss, floating in the warm water.

Sian keeps kissing her lightly for a time, drawing away just as she is about to leap him. "You have to trust me for the next bit, okay?"

Aia whines softly, obviously needy...

Sian nips her nose gently. "Aia. Hey."

"OK. But it had better be good, teaser-boy."

"It will." He smiles slightly. "Here. Arms and legs around me."

She does so, wrapping herself tightly around Sian.

Sian gives her a kiss. "I'm going to be breathing for you, so don't stop kissing me, okay?"

Aia's eyes open wide, and she kisses Sian desperately.

"Don't panic, okay? It's a little scary at first, but you'll soon get used to it." He locks his lips with hers, and slowly slides the pair of them beneath the water.

Aia holds Sian close, eyes closed as she breathes in fits.

Sian breathes steadily, slowly calming the girl's own breath. He looks deep into her eyes beneath the water, trying to reassure her.

Opening her eyes slowly, Aia looks around somewhat wildly, her breathing slowly down as she adjusts to the unusual situation.

Sian rubs her side gently, and slowly pulls her onto him, as they sink into the bottom of the pool.

Aia's moan somewhat muffled, she settles and keeps kissing Sian as they move against one another. Being surrounded by nothing but liquid warmth and Sian's gentle touch, not to mention the slight light-headedness she feels from being breathed for, is a very strange experience. Strange in a good way, though. Sian is careful not to go too fast, lest her breathing get out of control.

Holding on tightly, Aia adjusts and then begins moving faster, moaning against Sian.

Sian smiles slightly into the kiss as she begins to get into it, responding in kind. One hand moves down to scratch her tail, whilst the other moves up to work on the ears.

Breathing faster now, Aia shudders against Sian, holding on for dear life.

Sian manages to keep his breathing apace with the girl's, caressing her oh-so-softly.

Aia squeals loudly, bubbles bursting from her locked kiss as she shakes, groaning against Sian's lips.

Sian rides it out with her, feeling her laboured breath afterwards. He slowly ascends towards the surface, carrying the weakend girl out of the lake and resting her down on a towel.

Collapsing onto the towel, gasping for air, Aia moans incoherently at Sian.

"Shh. Just rest." He kisses her tenderly on the forehead, wrapping another towel about his waist. "I'll set up camp, and we can stay here tonight. Just rest."

"OK. Bastard." Aia grins at Sian, closing her eyes as she lies back on the towel.

Sian grins, moving about to set up camp and such, and get her snuggled in comfortably.