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The Opposite of Ignorance

In which betrayal burns flesh, indifference is balked at, and a heartfelt request made...

The 16th Day of Resplendent Wood, Realm Year 763

In the stables of the inn, four horses are prepared for the return journey, an hopefully fairly simple trek of some 70 leagues across the warmer coastal regions adjacent to the Inland Sea. Saddles are prepared, food packed and everything made ready at the "request" of General Cynis Otori to the local stable-master.

Venia idly sketches out plans for what she's going to do when she returns to civilization. Wine is high on the list.

Cassia eyes the horses with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. She's seen horses before, of course, but never ridden them.

Venia refrains from a coarse joke. Nervousness is no excuse for lack of control. "Don't worry, I imagine these horses know better than to throw their rider."

Oriel, in her room, gazes at Sian, tears in her eyes. She can't say the words she so obviously wants to, and so just holds him instead.

Sian holds her in return, trying to make this easy on her.

Cassia tilts her head regarding them. "I'm not worried." she says simply.

Preparations complete, the stable-master bows to the Exalted and walks out silently, leaving the horses in the stables ready to begin their long journey. "I've placed a map in your saddlebags, sister," Otori says, "It's as accurate as we have for this area, but it should help you avoid some of the problems around here."

"Many thanks... You should expect a letter soon after your arrival back home. I'm sure you'll find it interesting."

"I'll be watching for it with bated breath."

Oriel sighs and lets Sian go, "You should go. They're probably waiting for you." She sniffs.

"They can keep waiting, then. I want to make sure you'll be okay." He looks down at her with concern.

"I'll be fine. It's been... nice having visitors in the town, even if they were Exalted... oops," she blushes.

Sian smiles a little. "Well, it was certainly nice meeting you. Remember, if you ever need anything, just send a message to Whitewall. I'll get it eventually."

"I will," she kisses Sian's cheek softly, "And thank you. For everything."

"No thanks needed. It's not like I didn't enjoy myself." He grins, and squeezes her butt briefly.

She squeals and bats at Sian, "Go. Please. I don't want you to see me crying any more."

"Alright... but I still feel bad for leaving like this."

"I'll be fine. Really."

"I hope so." One last embrace, and then he leaves her, to rejoin the others.

At the edge of town, in the chill light of the early morning, the three Exalted finally ride out, heading East along the coast, following a rough trail over hills and dunes back towards the lights and comforts of civilisation.

The first few hours of the journey are uneventful, the sun rises slowly into the sky killing the night's chill with its light and warmth. Cassia, turning back to look at the way travelled, notices a large column of black smoke pouring up into the sky.

Cassia lets out a small gasp "...Venia, Sian ... that is not good..."

Sian looks at her, and catches a glimpse of the smoke as he does, turning his horse around to face it. "That had better not be coming from where I think it is..."

"That is very not good. I imagine the ships out are delayed..." Venia shrugs.

"Do we go back?"

"What for? The city is full of Blooded. I don't imagine the three of us can handle anything they can't."

Sian hrms as he thinks. "I guess you're right..."

Cassia nods reluctantly.

"Of course I'm right... but we need to go back anyway."


"To see exactly what's going on. If something attacked out of the Underworld, I imagine it might be nice to know that now."

"Good point. Back we go?"

Cassia nods.

Sian leads! Being the most worried of the lot.

Cassia follows, curious about whats happened, though a little nervous at the though of seeing... him again.

The smell of burning wood and, later, burning flesh, precedes the return to Broken Back, or at least what is left of it. As they crest the hill, Cassia, Sian and Venia see that the whole town is aflame, walls broken and stones shattered, roofs ablaze and houses burning. And, on the sea, in the distance, the two Realm warships can just be made out, sailing away from the scene of utter devastation.

Sian blinks. More than just a little bit. And takes the barest second to consider before he spurs his horse down into the town, towards the inn.

Venia follows more leisurely. Not entirely surprised by this turn of events.

Cassia looks Venia, then follows at her more sedate pace.

The heat within what is left of Broken Back is almost intolerable, sheets of flame roaring out of houses, vast sprays of sparks gouting outwards as they collapse. At the centre of the town, close to the inn, is a crude pyre, the bodies of the townspeople piled up and set alight.

Sian endures the heat, searching desperately for a certain corpse, ignoring the way his hands protest.

Venia stays back out of the heat. "I suppose we weren't told about this so as not to compromise the directive." She shrugs again.

"...your brother did this?" Cassia looks at Venia slightly askance.

"Well, not personally. This sort of thing requires help."

Despite frantic searching Sian is unable to find Oriel's body in the pile, his hands singed and smouldering from the heat and his frantic search. There appear to be two or three others missing from the heap, based on Sian's cursory exposure to the town's population.

Cassia looks horrified, "How... No, I don't want to know..." she turns away from Venia.

Venia returns to pondering what vintage of wine she should have tracked down, waiting for Sian.

Sian pulls back from the fire with a cry of both pain and frustration, holding his rather charred hands under his arms to try and ease them. It's not helping.

Cassia spurs her horse and rides down to help Sian.

Venia winces, as she was about to suggest running... horses don't like fire.

Sian meets her on the way, but doesn't say anything, brushing past her and her horse with a cold expression.

Cassia looks down at him, "I'll help you look... for her... just tell me where to look," she says as he does.

"She's not there."

"...Oh. I'm sorry, Sian...I.." she tails off a little confused. "I dont know what to say."

Sian leaves her in her confusion, grabbing his horse along the way and leading it out of the village, before grabbing his pack (with no small amount of pain) and searching through it for something to wrap his hands with.

Cassia persaudes the horse to turn around and rides back to he and Venia.

"I could help, you know."

"I'm fine. Just need to bind them." Sian does so, fumblingly and with no small amount of grimacing.

With a loud crack and rumble the inn collapses, the stone and wood construction finally giving way under the intense heat and sending another huge cloud of sparks up into the air.

"Well, at least it isn't shadowland creatures."

Cassia turns to give Venia a very hostile glance before looking away again.

Venia's not up to explaining, and so simply sits quietly, mildly hurt.

Sian finally gets the bandages sitting right, then works on hauling himself up onto the horse, after repacking his gear. "You two know how to get to Tideholme?"

Venia nods, "Yes... but I'm not sure being alone right now is a good idea."

Sian shrugs a little, but not rudely. "I am faster than you two, and I have things that need to be done. Just follow the coast and you'll be fine."


"If I don't see you before I leave again, it was nice travelling with you." He tries to put some emotion into his tone. "Cassia, you too."

"It was nice travelling with you too... I'll remember what you told me." she manages a small smile. No reason her anger at Venia and her monsterous family should stop her saying goodbye properly.

Venia nods. "We'll see you when you get back."

"Until then." He spurs his horse into action, and is soon riding away.

Venia sighs. "And now I'm going to have to worry. Ah, well. Cassia, after you."

Cassia pauses briefly, just to let Venia know she is starting because she wants to, and not because she has been told to, then spurs the horse along the coast

Venia follows!

Sian's journey across the northern coast of the Inland Sea is a fast one, urging his mount on again and again, taking it to the limits of its endurance and resting only when absolutely necessary. At the end of six days both he and his horse are dirty, tired and sore, but Tideholme hoves into view once the morning fog clears.

Sian is just as stony-looking as he was when he left, if a bit filthier. He immediately searches out Descant's inn, and asks him to send a message requesting an audience with Asura.

The innkeeper's eyes widen a bit at the request, but he does pass the message on to a runner heading towards the Iceflower Palace. Two hours later, soldiers arrive at the inn to escort Sian to Asura's chambers. She is as radiantly beautiful as ever, and she smiles upon seeing Sian, "My dear Sian, how marvelous to see you again."

Sian just bows politely, keeping his newly-bandaged hands out of sight. He responds curtly. "Asura."

She sits down on her customary pile of cushions and gestures for Sian to take a seat opposite, "What was it you wished to speak with me about? The message didn't say."

"You still have contacts in the Realm, yes? In your house?" He does sit, if a bit stiffly.

"I have a few," she replies guardedly, "My resources on the Isle are not as strong as they once were."

"Anything is better than what I currently have. Specifically, I am looking for any you might have in the military, or in the slave trade."

"There are some people in those areas I know, yes. Why? I didn't think of you as the sort of person to own slaves."

Sian ignores this. "I need to know of any recent acquisitions, either as officer's pets or who have been taken into the general slave market."

"Sian, do you have any idea how many slaves are taken by the Legions of the Realm? Every single day? Many of them never hit the markets, they just become part of the legion's property, particularly if they're young and pretty," Asura looks serious, "I can try, but if there's someone specific you're looking for, I wouldn't hold out much hope."

"I know that. But there is someone specific." He gives a fairly detailed description of Oriel. "Anything you could do would be much appreciated."

"I'll see what I can do," she looks at Sian, "Was she special?"


"I won't promise anything, Sian."

"I know. And I wouldn't expect you to. Just trying is all I ask." He closes his eyes for a moment, then stands. "The other two should be back in the next few days; they can report what happened in Broken Back better than I. I'll be at the Hearth's Song, if you find anything out."

"Very well," Asura stands also and hugs Sian, "If I hear anything I'll send a message."

"Thank you." He hugs back, if lightly, and plants a similarly light kiss on her cheek.

Three days later, with no news from Asura, a road-tired Cassia and Venia ride into Tideholme, the former somewhat cleaner due to the magic of her jade necklace.

Venia sighs, tired from the long ride, and waves goodbye to Cassia, heading off to her inn.

Cassia rides off to her own small appartment.