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(In which an introduction is made, a story of adventure related, and several subtle diversions are made...)
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Latest revision as of 19:03, 27 February 2005

Enter, Cassia

In which an introduction is made, a story of adventure related, and several subtle diversions are made...

The 22nd Day of Ascending Wood

Asura's summons to the Iceflower Palace had been less flowery than usual, a sure sign of her displeasure. The reason for this was almost certainly the party at the beginning of the month that (for a very good reason) Cassia had chosen not to attend.

The corridors and chambers of the ornate building were just scenery to the young Dragon-blood by now, as she stalked silently through them, effortlessly avoiding the servants and guards to emerge in Asura's chambers, where the Satrap is waiting.

Cassia eyes the summons with some nervousness. She hadn't really meant to miss the social, it had just ...happened. She gathered herself, and checked the clothes she was wearing. A little more revealing that usual might well help her here. "You wished to see me, Lady Asura." she courtseys

"Yes, I did," Asura's normally genial demeanour has faded into one of irritation tinged with being hurt, "I was expecting you to be at the party, your first real party as a Dragon-blooded lady. And what did I get? Nothing. No messages, no apologies, no Cassia. I'm hurt." Asura clasps her ample chest theatrically.

Cassia has the decency to look guilty "I'm sorry my lady." she hesistates "...I was detained."

"Detained? Who had the temerity to detain one of the Chosen? Why did you let them? Tell me!" Asura stalks over to Cassia and sits her down on one of her trademark piles of cushions, before sitting down next to the young girl, closer than propriety would normally allow.

Cassia is not only used to this, but for today at least, decides that she won't move away like she normally does. "I was on an expedition to the Fell."

"The Fell? Whatever for? What is there in that blasted waste that you couldn't find right here, with me?"

Cassia smiles at her placatingly "While your palace is a wonderful place my lady, you would take exception if I started to remove items from it..." she pauses "The Fell on the other hand..."

"Why would you need to take anything away? My offer of a permanent room for you here still stands," Asura strokes her fingers through Cassia's hair and a tiny sigh escapes her lips. "So, what marvel drew you into the Fell so powerfully that you could not attend my little soiree?"

Cassia smiles at the attention, it isn't totally unwelcome, just the ...intensity it can sometimes reach. "And I thank you for that offer my lady." she considers her words carefully "It was not so much the marvel that was the problem with my attendance, but what happened after." she looks down.

"You have piqued my interest," Asura smiles, still toying with Cassia long hair, "Please elaborate on what must surely be a tale of daring and adventure."

Cassia sighs softly "Not so much a tale of daring and adventure, but more of my own foolishness..." she sighs again "I wasnt paying as much attention as I should."

"What have I told you? A moment's inattention can cost you everything," Asura shakes her head, "I'm disappointed, Cassia."

"I know my lady.." she looks at the floor "I was suprised by some smugglars from Bulwark. I couldn't run fast enough, and there were too many of them to fight."

"Smugglers?" Asura slides her fingers down and onto Cassia's back, "What happened? They captured you?"

Cassia nods, ignoring the finger on her back "And they were none-to-gentle about it either." she stretches a little "The bruises were not fun when I woke the next morning."

Asura exclaims, "Oh, you poor thing!" her displeasure apparently forgotten.

Cassia smiles inwardly at this, and nods outwardly "Of course by that time we were back inside the Fell. Blasted place. So I wasnt sure that escaping was quite the best idea at that time..."

"I can quite understand," Asura breathes, "I have heard stories about the beasts that inhabit it." Asura's fingers continue stroking over Cassia's back, edging lower, "Tell me more..."

Cassia lets out a small sigh as Asura's fingers stroke a slightly tender spot. "I ended up spending several days as their ...guest, as they travelled through the Fell." She shudders softly "Mostly during the night too, as that's when their guide showed up."

"Oh my!" Asura's eyes are open wide, "How dreadful!" Her fingers continue their slow downward movement, "What were they smuggling?"

"Gems and Jade, this way..." she shifts a little to subtly move the hand higher once more "But they were talking about the icefern spores and soulstones they were going to buy. All of this infront of me too..most of the time it was like I wasnt even there." Cassia sounds a little hurt at this.

"Well, you always did have a knack for disappearing into the background," Asura chuckles, acceding to Cassia's unvoiced request that her hand not travel any further, "Did you learn anything useful from them?"

"They talked so much drivel!" she exclaims, relieved that Asura's venture has stopped as she reviews the conversations "Though I could probably finger certain Bulkwark merchants if you wanted..."

"That could be useful," Asura nods, "Definitely." She slides her arm around Cassia's shoulder and pulls the young girl in against her.

Cassia lets herself be drawn in. She smiles and continues her tale, telling Asura of the dealings of the smugglers in brief detail, glossing over the long and mostly boring passage back out (with occasional hungry ghost attack) until she gets to the bit where they started to talk about selling her..

"What? They were going to sell my lovely Cassia as a slave?" Asura hugs the girl tightly, pressing her up against her ample chest, "This was when you decided to escape, I take it?"

Cassia nods, and pulls back a little so she isnt quite so close, looking up at Asura. "Yes, I didn't really fancy being taken away like that...so I slipped out of the ropes the night after we left the Fell."

"Clever girl," a smile, "And then you made you way back home, to me."

"After retrieving certain items from around the camp, yes" she smiles, then looks down "Only the whole thing took so much time that I missed your party."

"Oh, that's quite alright," Asura smiles warmly, leaning down to kiss the girl's forehead, "I forgive you. But, next time, be more careful. There are horrors in the Fell."

"It could have been far worse than mere smugglers that came upon you unawares."

Cassia nods, relieved as Asura forgives her "I know. I'll be more careful. I promise."

"Do. I don't know what I would do if my lovely Cassia were to be sold into slavery or worse." Asura shivers theatrically.

"Try to buy me back?"

Asura blinks strangely and looks at the girl before smiling, "Of course."

Cassia smiles back, feeling a little pleased with herself. "Please forgive my not asking earlier, but apart from my absence, how was the party?" she changes the subject

"It was fun. I got to meet a couple of old friends again, although that pig Gosul nearly spoiled it," her nose wrinkles at the thought of the fat merchant, "It was quite successful, on the whole."

Cassia makes a face at the mention of Gosul. She does not like him. "I'm glad it was such a success." she smiles

"Cora'Esh was as strange as she always is. 'One doesn't believe that this course of action would do one any good,'" she mocks.

Cassia giggles softly at the mocking "I'm not sure I could stand an evening of that."

"It does get wearing, true," she frowns, "And her... 'gift' means that the floors take days to polish flat afterwards. But, she has power enough that I can't simply ignore her."

Cassia nods "I remembered that from the last meal you invited her over for...who else was there?"

"Well, Gereth, in his armour, of course, and far too serious and strict. That musician, Anithul, too - he's nice, but far too uptight, really."

"Poor Vaniya came, too, and was wheeled back to the temple," Asura sighs, apparently genuinely, "I've mentioned Gosul, already... Sian Nerivus was there, too. You'll like him - he's cute, but doesn't appear that bright, but what can you expect of someone who works for the Syndics?"

Cassia looks sympathetic too "Poor Vaniya.." she brightens "Sian? I remember hearing you talk with him once..He seemed nice. Polite too."

"He did, didn't he?" Asura smiles, "Maybe next time... Oh, who else... There was a loudmouth called Kerzoro, I think he's from the Blessed Isle, too, although we didn't really talk. The pirate - Saffron, came, too. She was prettier than I thought she would be."

"There was someone else, too. I know it, but I just can't remember who," she shakes her head, "Never mind, it was a success, anyway."

Cassia nods and smiles "I'll do my best to be there for the next one. Is there anything else that has happened in Tideholme?"

"Not much. It's quite dull here, which is why I so look forward to your visits," Asura hugs the young Dragon-Blood once more.

Cassia hugs Asura back and starts to extracate herself from Asura's embrace "I'll see you soon then." She kisses her cheeks, then flows to her feet.

"I look forwards to it, my dear Cassia," Asura slides up next to the girl and hugs her warmly, the goodbye kiss held for slightly too long before she lets go.

Cassia doesn't protest the kiss, and slips from the palace much the same way she entered, more than a little relieved at Asura's forgiveness.