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(In which eavesdropping is exposed, a minor theft perpetrated, and new pleasures explored...)
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Latest revision as of 23:07, 4 August 2005

Ties That Bind

In which eavesdropping is exposed, a minor theft perpetrated, and new pleasures explored...

The 14th Day of Descending Wood, Realm Year 763

Cassia returns from her 'walk', still perspiring slighty from the long run along the beach, settling her hair back. She decides not to bother the innkeep, letting herself in easily and locking the door behind herself. Padding her way silently through the dark inn, she starts to climb up the stairs, when she hears the noises. She can't help but listen for a time, to the sounds of Sian and Oriel.

When she does enter the room, she is not as quiet as she should be, distracted once more by her own thoughts. When she sees the sleeping Venia, she does remember, and quieten down, starting to prepare for bed.

Venia sleeps quietly, half out of the covers and just barely decently covered by her filmy nightgown. Her position would be stunning for anyone else, but Cassia knows full well how flexible Venia is.

Cassia finishes getting ready for bed, and slips into her own, with no few glances over to Venia as she does. Feeling as she does, sleep does not come easily, especially with the faint sounds still flowing through the night air. And so, about half an hour after she got into the inn, she slips over to Venia's bed "...Venia?"

Venia opens one eye, looking over at Cassia. "Something wrong?"

"I can't sleep." Cassia sounds distracted.

"Nightmares?" Venia rolls over, wrapping her arms around cassia and draping a leg across hers.

Cassia shakes her head, tightening slightly as Venia wraps around her, then shifting subtly closer. "Not nightmares."

"Hrm... excited about tommorow?"

"No... well, I am, but... that isn't why I can't sleep." She gently runs her hands over Venia's arm, in faint imitation of a similar caress she had seen Asura do.

Venia smiles at that. "Then I guess it's the couple having sex in the other room."

Cassia nods, biting her lip.

Venia sighs. "Is it Sian?"

"With Oriel. I didnt mean to listen but ..." she trails off a little guiltily.

"But you couldn't help it?" Venia chuckles. "Curious girl. Learn anything worthwhile?"

Cassia shakes her head "Only how much they were enjoying it. The door was closed."

Venia nods. "I am sorry about earlier. It was a little condescending. But I still feel it's important everyone communicate. Though it may not be true that you are my servant here, I like to look good in front of my siblings and peers..."

"Sorry. I didn't want to make you look bad." She glances, "I'd just been ignored all day... I didn't think anyone would take notice."

"It's not proper protocol to fawn over underlings, and that's what you were pretending to be." Venia smiles anyway, and kisses her. "Still, I know how it can feel to be ignored. Want me to make it up to you?"

"...I know." She admits, reluctantly "It wasn't so bad at breakfast. Or even during the wait. It was just the whole day, you know?"

"I do, yes. Perhaps why Asura and I warred so much."

Cassia nods then kisses her back "I'd like that, though."

"I imagine you would... want to tease Sian with the sound of it?"

Cassia nods, a little guiltily, her breath quickening as she presses closer.

Venia laughs a little at that. "That's one way to get him back for being ignored..."


Venia slips a hand down the back of cassia's nightclothes, gripping her butt. "Would you have watched if you could?"

Cassia lets out a breath as Venia touches her there. "...Yes," she admits.

"Why? Find Sian that attractive?"

Cassia nods "He is... nowhere near to you or some I've seen but..."

Venia nods. "What about Oriel?" occupying herself with slowly tracing the curves of said area, other hand starting to explore, plucking a little disapprovingly at Cassia's sleeping outfit.

"She is quiet preeetty, I think," a little distracted by the explorations. "Is something wrong?" she asks.

"Not especially. I just think we should get you a more flattering set of nightclothes." Venia smiles, slipping a hand up inside the loose shirt. "Would you lie to Sian about watching?"

"...Oh," a mixture of excitement and faint embarrasment in her voice. "...Maybe."

Venia pinches her, just a little lightly, clear that it's teasing. "Maybe?"

Cassia shivers a little at the pinch anyway "I would... I'm just not sure it would work..."

Venia chuckles, "And what about the other option, hrm? Would you want him watching you?"

Cassia starts to trace her fingers over venia's arm again, reaching around to stroke her back through the thin fabric. She gasps, suprised "...I don't know."

"Never tried it?"

"There was no one before you." she squirms a little.

"Never thought about it?"

"... sometimes."

Venia smiles, letting the hand along cassia's butt explore a little more. "You have been paying attention to those Cynis life lessons, haven't you?" She grins at the thought. "Do you like to think about it?"

"Yes..." Cassia breathes out, keeping her own fingers moving

"Aha... What else do you think about? What else thrills you?"

"... So many things I've seen..." she bites her lip, "... that I'd like to try..."

Venia kisses her, working on that lower lip until it is quite flushed with blood, finally withdrawing. "That is nice to know... a little more detail always helps." Venia tweaks Cassia's nipple again. "Any questions for me?"

Cassia gasps at the tweaking "I don't know which ones to ask."

"Start with the one that comes to mind." She strips the shirt off of cassia suddenly, rolling her over to rest on top, sliding a bit down and setting her lips, tongue, and teeth to the tormented spot. "We've got the time. Just up to you how long it takes."

Cassia squirms a little as venia's torments her, not speaking for the moment, more than a little distracted. After a time she does though "What's it like... being... tied..."

"Depends a lot on how it's done." Venia smiles, "It's a feeling of weakness, of openness, and trust. That you're surrendering entirely to another person. Then there's the rough feel of the ropes, or the cold of the chains... the cramping of muscles you didn't know you had as you try to respond."

Cassia nods, thinking about it again...

"I could probably try, but I'm not sure you want to be sore come the morning."

"Would you have to be so... " Cassia tries to think of the right word.

"Rough? Dominating?"

"Yes!" she considers again "...no, not quite... erm, tight?"

Venia laughs lightly, swapping breasts and leaving the previously heavily tormented one to recover. "The trouble is that you want it tight for the feel, and one always struggles..."

"Oh...Ohhhh." She writhes a little below Venia

"See? I'm not even doing much, and you might pull something like that."

Cassia nods a little reluctantly.

Venia slips off of Cassia suddenly, standing. "But if you'll find some nice rope, I'll give you just a little taste."

"...Where can I find rope?" she sounds a little confused, looking up at Venia.

"Hrm. Try the storage room, or the stables. Pick anything else up that intriuges you."

Cassia blinks and nods and stands, and starts to walk for the door.

Venia tosses Cassia's shirt back to her. "Unless you want to risk it."

Cassia catches the shirt on reflex, looking at it blankly, then putting it on. She takes a breath to calm herself before she leaves the room.

Venia, of course, settles down to remember the best knots and patterns, sipping the water from her bedside and completely out of her nightgown.

Cassia returns a while later. She looks slightly less... distracted than when she left. She has managed to find some rope and a briddle strap.

Venia nods, motioning for Cassia to strip down as she takes the rope, looping it around consideringly.

Cassia undresses for venia, trying to make something of a show of it for her.

Venia applauds a little, complimenting her before capturing a wrist, carefully tying it to the other behind Cassia's back. She loops again at the elbows, the position making Cassia jut her chest out. "Too tight?"

Cassia shifts her arms alittle, then shakes her head "No."

Venia carefully sets up a complex situation along the front, looping under and lightly squeezing her breasts in the design of the ties around her torso, finishing it off with a thick knot venia has to strain to finish. She tugs on it once, asking again.

Cassia stands as still as she can throughout the process, squirming a little more now this part seems to be finished, "No. Not too tight." She tests them again, twisting a little.

Venia just upends her, taking her legs out from under her and letting her land on the bed, moving quickly and having one of her legs tied to the foot of the bed before Cassia's recovered from the surprise.

Cassia lets out a suprised gasp, writhing a little, pulling on the leg before stopping herself again.

"No, keep trying." Venia leverages her way into tying the other leg to the other side, hooking the bridle strap between her arms and the thick knot at the bottom of the crisscrossed ropes on her chest, sitting back to admire her work and the state it's put Cassia in.

Cassia resumes her struggling and twisting, trying all her flexibilty, letting out soft moans as she discovers the purpose of the briddle strap.

Venia carefully slides down the bed, whispering various things for cassia to think about, all completely risque, into her ear. Her breath is hot, and lips juuust impossibly out of reach. "Though come to think of it, maybe I should go... you seem to be having enough fun, and I bet Sian would love to see this."

Cassia twists and tries to reach those lips, her mind and body aflame with the things Venia is whispering. The look on her face at Venia's suggestion is somewhere between terror and bliss. She seems to be trying to form words to reply.

Venia is willing to wait, trailing fingers along Cassia's cheek. She feels almost bad for putting cassia through this, but then again, cassia is enjoying it, and if this won't show a true window on her, nothing will.

Cassia turns her cheek to press agianst Venia's fingers, wanting to feel her hands more. "...Don't... ahh... not... " she looses concentration again "...not... Sian... not... " she trails off again.

"No? Maybe Oriel instead?" she trails the hand along Cassia's neck, feathlight touch tracing downwards.

Cassia shudders with the carresses, "...No... ahh... please... no..."

Venia smiles, swinging back over and sitting on Cassia's stomach, lowering herself down into a long kiss. "Too much? Maybe I should just go, let you calm down."

Cassia returns the kiss more than a little hungrily. She whimpers a little as Venia suggests leaving her "...please... no... don't go..."

Venia smiles at this, and doesn't seem inclined to go. "Then what should I do, hrm?"

Cassia looks up at her, her eyes pleading "...don't... stop... touch... touching... me... "

Venia shushes her, and is willing to do exactly that! It is a long, long while before Venia hauls herself up to untie Cassia's legs, setting the cold glass of water against her lips.

Cassia gulps down the water weakly.

Venia sets it on the floor when finished, checking on her. "Cramped? Feel alright?"

"...I f-..Ahhh" Cassia winces as she moves her legs, twisting to stretch them more.

Venia lifts one up, massaging the cramps and tightness out of it. "Told you you'd be sore."

Cassia nods, sighing and letting out short gasps as she is massaged "It's worth it."

Venia laughs lightly, rolling cassia over to begin untying her arms, offering the same to those cramped up muscles. "Think you can sneak these back to the stables?"

Cassia twists her head around, looking up at her a little helplessly "...I..."

Venia just shakes her head. "I'll do it." The rope falls to the floor, and she works on the rest, the final rough scrape across entirely too sensitive skin as she steps away, gathering it all up.

Cassia shudders at the final scrape then settles back down on to the bed, rolling herself over to look up at venia, smiling.

"Now, you be resting when I get back, hrm?" She tugs her nightgown on. "I want you ready for tomorrow, and comfortable to sleep against."

Cassia nods happily "I will... I don't think I could do anything other than rest..."

Venia nods. "See you then!" She heads off with the borrowed toys.

Cassia watches her go, then closes her eyes, replaying the memories of the sensations as she slowly drifts into a deep sleep.