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(In which curiosity is sated, assistance is summoned and a strange request is made...)
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Latest revision as of 18:15, 25 February 2006

Tears of Joy and Sadness

In which curiosity is sated, assistance is summoned and a strange request is made...

The 12th Day of Resplendent Air, Realm Year 764

The warehouse is filled the sounds of a hundred people sheltering against the world outside. Whimpers and sobs echo through the air, people talking in low whispers while blankets and rough clothes are distributed. The offices, up a pair of ladders, have been expropriated by the Exalted rescuers, beds set up for Cassia & Venia in one, while Sian and Aia comfort Oriel in the other. The young girl still seems to be in shock, occasionally just breaking down into tears for no apparent reason.

Sian continues to hold and support her, having only managed a brief introduction to Aia.

She settles down eventually, wiping her red eyes dry and looking up at Sian. "I'm sorry," she whispers, "I'm just a wreck..."

"It's okay. Understandable... you've been through a lot." He hugs her gently.

She sits down on the pile of blankets on the floor, still wiping her face. Aia looks on her with an enigmatic expression.

Sian drapes a blanket about her shoulders, looking over to Aia questioningly.

Aia hugs Sian from behind, wrapping her arms around him and whispering, "Don't worry, I'm not going to bite her or anything... I know some of what she's been through, don't forget."

Sian nods a little, and turns to give her a kiss on the head, speaking quietly to her. "Yeah... thanks. I just... feel responsible, somehow."

"I know," Aia smiles, "You're a good man, Sian." She hugs him tightly and then sits down next to Oriel, giving the younger girl a long hug, just in time for her to burst into tears again.

"I'm going to check on the others... be back in a bit, okay?"

Aia nods over Oriel's shoulder, holding the girl as her tears soak the god-blood's blouse.

Sian gives Oriel a light rub of the shoulder, before letting himself out of the office, stepping down the ladder carefully.

The warehouse had been largely empty when Sian found it, and promises of payment together with the unvoiced threat of his presence had caused the owner to allow everyone in. Now a hundred girls fill the floor, some asleep under blankets, some talking, some walking around in a daze. Every one of them is thin and shows signs of repeated abuse, including several instances of poorly-set bones amongst some of the thinner girls.

Sian finds those girls who seem lost and confused, guiding them to beds with gentle words and an even gentler touch. Compared to the brutality they've received over the their stays at the whorehouse, his actions are nigh-godly. Several of the girls plant spontaneous kisses, while others just look at him with tears in their eyes. Things are calmer in his wake, but then, from up ahead, comes a familiar clicking sound, as of a scabbard catch being flicked on and off. "I heard you were here," the raspy voice of Tide is heard from the doorway into the warehouse.

Sian frowns deeply at this, offering a few quiet words to the girl he's with to get her to settle down. He walks over when she nods to this, obviously not pleased by the god-blood's presence. "What do you want?"

"Don't worry, I'm not on anyone's payroll," he removes his hand from his scabbard, his pure black eyes unsettling, "I was just curious. You're not... from the Realm, are you?" His tone makes it a rhetorical question.

"No, I'm not." He stares back, well used to gods and their peculiar features.

"I thought not. They didn't seem to much care what went on there," Tide shrugs and finds a lone crate to sit down on, "Why'd you do it?"

"I'd ask why not, but I suspect you'd actually consider it."

The god-blood shrugs again, his hand dropping down to his scabbard to flick the catch before he realises and stops. "Sorry, old habit," he grins toothily, "But, yeah, you're right. As I said, just curious."

"Mm. Is that all? I have a warehouse full of injured and scared girls to look after."

"Pretty much." He hops down from the crate, "If you'll take some free advice, I'd move out quickly. There's a lot of Dragon-Bloods here, and some of them may decide to find out who burned Korr's to the ground."

"Good for them. I hope we don't meet again." He turns to go back inside.

"Nothing is certain, these days," Tide says, "My kind aren't well received here, at the best of times. And these are not the best of times." He stalks out, his gait indefinably that of a predator.

Sian heads back inside, placing Tide firmly in the "barely tolerated" category.

A few of the girls watched the exchange from their makeshift beds, their expressions clearly stating that they had seen Tide previously. Sian just reassures them again, moving from girl to girl and asking them various questions; are they hungry, cold, sore, and the like. "I'm fine, just tired," says one. "A bit hungry," says another, and so on, through the crowd of girls that Sian has managed to become responsible for.

Sian goes out, around town! Finding them more blankets, food, small lanterns for light and a bit of warmth, and whatever else they might need. More than once, he finds himself holding a girl who's broken down, just shhing her softly as she cries.

It is late morning before all the girls have finally settled down, almost all of them asleep on the warehouse floor, some few twitching and whimpering as they dream.

The alarm bells have long since subsided, the blazing remnants of Korr's Fuckery have been doused and are little more than smouldering timbers and the occasional scorched corpse. The careful application of bribes has, thus far, meant that official inquiry has avoided the dockside warehouse, but they can't hold out forever.

Late afternoon means that the majority of the girls are awake and, now, hungry - their lives having been organised around the cycle of the whorehouse's opening.

Sian is naturally up already, moving amongst the girls and finding out preferences for food. It'll be bought bulk, but still... no use buying something no-one is going to eat.

Venia is awake, but not up, quietly remaining in bed and trying to go back to sleep now that the possibility is there.

Cassia wakes up herself, having finally taken a rest when most of the girls had fallen asleep earlier in the day.

The girls offer their preferences, mostly simple fare such as rough bread and thick broth - Korr didn't spend much money on keeping them fed, and they just got used to the food. While Sian is out buying food the owner of the warehouse, a weaselly man with rotted teeth, enters via a small back door and climbs up the ladder into the office, knocking on Cassia & Venia's door.

Cassia wakes up a lot faster, and dresses herself a lot faster, walking over to the door. "Yes?" She asks, perhaps a little too sharply, but it was warm where she was before.

Venia flinches, a moment afterwards realizing that she's not "working". She rolls over, curling up and disappearing under the covers.

"If Fian here?" the owner lisps, looking over at the other set of covers with mild curiosity before returning his bloodshot gaze to Cassia.

"I think so. He's probably somewhere down there." She gestures to the area of the warehouse occupied by the girls.

"If you fee him, tell him fthat I can't hold off the queftionf mufch longer. You haf to go foon. Forry." He shrugs insincerely and climbs back down the ladder.

Cassia watches him climb with a scowl on her face, before turning back into the office.

Venia peers out and looks at Cassia. "Guess that's it... Go tell Sian? I'll be fine here. Maybe we can do something in Tideholme... more friendly."

Cassia sighs, "Be back soon. Would you like some food while I'm out?" she asks as she leaves.

"No. But thank you."

Cassia nods, then climbs down the ladder, moving through the warehouse to find Sian.

Sian is just at this moment returning from his shopping trip, carrying in the first crate of food from the wagon outside.

"Sian, the owner of this place was just here."

"Mrm? What'd he want?" He starts to hand out food to the first few girls as he talks.

""If you fee him, tell him fthat I can't hold off the queftionf mufch longer. You haf to go foon. Forry."" Cassian mimics the voice of the owner.

Sian blinks at this, and the girl he's handing food to does as well.

"So I suppose we'll have to be leaving soon," she says, back in her own voice.

"Oh... right. I guess so." He resumes handing out food, gesturing for Cassia to follow as he goes for the next crate.

Cassia walks beside him.

Sian hands her a crate from the cart. "Any ideas what we should do with them?"

Cassia takes it carefully, straining a little, "I don't know ... there's so many of them."

"Mrm." He hauls down another crate with annoying ease, and gets Cassia to restack her one atop his, before he carries them back in. "At the moment, all I can think of is to find homes willing to take them in. Keep them together, in one city, if possible."

"One hundred homes?" Cassia sounds like she likes the idea, but it seems rather impractical to her.

"Well, less than that... keep them in pairs, or even trios, if possible. Keep them with people they know." He offers a smile to one girl as she thanks him for the food.

Cassia helps Sian with the giving out of food, "There's almost no-one from Cherak here, you know that..."

Sian nods slightly. "Transport isn't an issue... and I'd prefer Whitewall or Tideholme, anyway."

Cassia looks at Sian curiously, not sure how transporting 100 people can't be an issue...

Sian seems oblivious to this. "You'd be okay with helping me to look after them, wouldn't you?"

"Well, of course..."

"Just checking... didn't want to impose."

Sian says nothing more to her until all the food is handed out, and the girls have settled down comfortably. He stacks the last empty crate, before turning back to her. "... how is she?"

"...She's... errrm..." Cassia starts off normally "...I don't know," she says quietly.

"Is she... sad, or angry? Is there anything she wants?"

"She's... hurt. Inside." She shakes her head, "She doesn't seem to want anything some times."

Sian nods, sighing a little as he sits. "I guess all you can do is let her be, for the moment... see how she goes."

Cassia nods a little.

"If she does decide she wants something, just let me know. I'll find it."

"I will. I should get back to her..."

Sian nods slightly, and hands her a last loaf of bread. "See if she'll have any of this."

Cassia nods and takes it, climbing back up to the office.

Venia shakes her head when the bread is offered, mostly intent on trying to curl up tight enough she disappears. "What are we doing now?"

Cassia has some of the bread herself, "Sian wants to move back to Tideholme," she says after nibbling.

"Mrm. How are we going to move all the girls?"

"I don't know. Sian said it wasn't an issue. I guess he's going to 'call in some favors'"

"Probably. He's handling this well. I'll be told when we're leaving, right?"

Cassia nods, and nibbles alittle more of the bread.

"Good... I guess I need to explain what happened somehow. I've been gone for some time..."


"Any ideas?"

Cassia looks thoughtful as she eats.

"Guess it doesn't matter much... they'll all know the truth anyway." Venia's voice is toneless, "You should help Sian get everything ready. I'm not going anywhere."

"There isn't anything for me to do."

"Mrm. I feel the same way... At least I'll be busy again when we get back. Something to distract me..."

"Sorry I'm not distracting you here."

"Didn't mean it like that. You can't stay around all day with me, nice as it might be." A hint of bitterness, "You've got your own business, your own life, and I won't have you tied down to an emotional cripple."

A day later the water in Cherak harbour roils and shifts as Sian intones the last words of the spell. Below the surface four blue lights slowly grow, rising from the depths of the ocean, waves forming as the beast rises from its slumber. The head, as long as a Guild caravan, breaches the water and four blue eyes glow and blink slowly, turning to face Sian.

A bargain is reached, and massive ropes are thrown from the bow of the ship to the elemental and, with all the girls and a decent supply of food aboard, the ship leaves Cherak harbour at speed.

Venia retreats to a cabin as soon as possible, not liking how open everything on deck is. Still, she's very good at faking being at ease the few times she has to.

The ship rides the waves heavily, spray from the heavier swells showering the deck, and the cold water leaks through small gaps between the planks to the hold below. The girls huddle together for warmth in the mostly empty cargo hold, occasionally starting as the chilly water lands on one of them.

Venia, on the other hand, hardly reacts, mind numbed from the long voyage and being on a ship for so long. She sits apart from the group, watching them silently and a little unnervingly, only moving to blink away the stinging salt water.

Cassia does her best not to look green as she goes down to see them, but she still doesn't like ships or sailing. She walks through the hold, checking that everyone is as alright as they can be. "Venia?" she enquires softly, "Do you need anything?"

Venia shakes her head. "No, but thank you for asking. Are we there yet?"

Cassia shakes her head with a disagreeable face.

"Mrm. Should have guessed. Soon?"

"Sian said soon, yes," she nods.

"Good. It will be good to get off this ship." She looks up at Cassia. "How's the city?"

A long creaking groan passes through the ship, the beast that pulls it changing course slowly. Listing to starboard a little, the waves hammer the side for a few minutes before the vessel straightens out once more.

"It was well last time I saw it, recoving from the calibation, but we weren't there long before we left for you."

Venia nods. "Sorry to be trouble."

Cassia shakes her head, "You're not too much trouble."

Venia tries a smile. "I'd rather not be any. It's more pleasant for me that way."

Cassia smiles back at her, and kisses her softly.

Venia manages to avoid stiffening. "I guess I could eat... At least walk around topside. What time is it? I can't tell down here."

"It's a little after lunch." Cassia holds out her hand to help Venia stand, if she wants it.

Venia takes it, eyes downcast. She pauses to work out a few cramps. "Forgot about lunch. Hope there's something left..."

Cassia nods, waiting for Venia to work out her cramps, not letting her upset at seeing Venia like this show, she hopes, "I'll get you some when we're up on deck."

"That would be nice." She takes a few steps before waiting for Cassia to lead the way.

Cassia leads her out into what passes for the sun, walking carefully on the pitching deck.

Venia occasionally has to brace herself against Cassia, but not too often, slow and careful steps. "This could almost be nice, if it wasn't cold..." She shrugs, "I'll get used to it one day."

Grey skies loom low overhead, and the steely light that leaks through them casts no shadows. The northern coast of the Inland Sea is visible over the starboard side some distance away, the grey stain of a small fishing town just passing out of visibility

"Maybe I will too." Cassia walks her over to somewhere she can sit or lean on. "I'll be back soon, with some food for you." She smiles at her, then walks off to get the food.

Venia watches where the sun should be, unblinking and letting the ship shake her back and forth. Easier that way.

Cassia returns after a little bit with some lunch for Venia, as well as a drink. "Venia?"

Venia starts, flinching away before returning. "You startled me... sorry." She takes the drink carefully in both hands, sipping from it gratefully. "Sit with me a bit?"

Cassia looks guilty at the flinch, but soon covers it with a smile "Of course." she settles herself next to Venia.

It takes time, but Venia relaxes a little, setting the drink aside and keeping a hand on it while she starts eating, small careful bites. "This must be hard for you. No experience, and all."

"I'm learning."

"Mmm... it's not something you should have to learn. You deserve better than all this." She waves her hands at the grey sky and dirty ship, "You should consider leaving while you still can."

"And go where? Leaving you and Asura and Sian and Aia and Amber?" she falls suddenly silent after the last name. ...Amber!

Venia shrugs, not really paying attention. "Lookshy will take anyone with the Blood. Somewhere far away from here, and all the trouble."

"I don't think the Calibration just affected the north, Venia. There would be no better than here, only I'd be away from everyone I care about. And I'm not going to run away."

Venia nods. "I guess you're right... Better person tham me." She shrugs, finishing the drink and leaning back, "Not that that's hard. How's Sian?"

"I hope Aia finally got him to rest. He's done so much..."

"I'm not sure why he tries so hard... he doesn't get anything out of it, ever... I just don't understand."

Cassia looks at Venia slightly oddly.

"Hm? Is something wrong? I didn't spill my drink, did I?" She checks, hoping she didn't waste anything."

"No," she shakes her head.

"Oh. Good." She leans over and kisses Cassia's cheek, "You can go when you want."

Cassia smiles softly at the kiss, "I'll stay a little bit longer. 'til you've finished eating."

Venia nods, careful to finish every bit so as not to seem unappreciative. She seems done with speech for the moment, arranging the empty cup and tray before passing them back to Cassia. "Lunch was nice. You'll visit to remind me of dinner?"

Cassia nods, keeping the concerned look from her eyes as best she can "I'll see you for dinner." then she takes the tray and rises "See you later." She turns and walks across the deck, looking back worriedly at Venia after a while

Venia hasn't moved quite yet, though may get around to it if the weather worsens.

Sian knocks on the door to Venia's cabin, as lightly as possible whilst still getting her attention.

Her voice is just loud enough to get through the door. "Sian?"

"Yeah... you called for me?"

"Yes... come on in."

Sian opens the door and quietly lets himself in, a small box held in one hand.

Venia is undressed, as she has generally stayed recently, legs crossed as she leans forward, elbows on knees and chin in her hands. The thick black rings through her nipples slowly sway with the waves. "Have a seat. I'm glad you came."

Sian looks at the rings with obvious worry, carefully settling into a nearby chair.

"Sorry to bother you... I know we're almost there, and you need to be worrying about docking."

"No, it's fine... what did you need?"

"Well... Cassia said I should ask if I needed anything. And I hope it's true."

"It's true... I'll help with whatever I can." He tries to relax.

"I need heroin."

Sian just looks at her, a little stunned.

Venia looks down, mumbling, "She said anything," under her breath.

Sian is silent for a little while. "...All right. I'll get it."

Venia lets out a sigh, nodding. "Thank you... I just... I've got to go out there, through all those people who know of me, and I'll have to see Asura. And... that won't be pretty at all. I won't be so weak and powerless in front of her. You understand?"

"I do." He lifts his hand, hesitates, then reaches out to touch her cheek. "You have to let me administer it, though."

Venia flinches away, but only for a minute, shock showing in her eyes as she turns to him, "What?"

"Whitewall is harsh at times. I've known more than one person who turned to drugs because of it, and killed themselves. I won't let that happen to you."

"I'm Exalted, Sian. I can handle it."

"You don't need to, because I will." He looks quite serious.

Venia bites her lip, looking down. She even faintly blushes, an odd sight. "I... I don't want you seeing me like that, Sian. It's bad enough already... But... I'm ashamed."

"Don't be." He brushes her hair back behind her ear. "I don't mind."

Venia shivers a tiny bit, but nods. "I'll... I'll try. Sorry for bringing it up. Must be the boat ride. I'm bad with them."

"I know, but it was the quickest way to move the girls. Here." He draws a bottle of wine out of the box he was carrying. "It's warm. Helps to settle your stomach, sometimes."

Venia looks at it, and at him, finally prying the cork out with her teeth and sipping carefully at it. "Mmm... what about Oriel? I want her taken care of... she's the only reason I'm alive, I think."

"I'm going to ask her if she'd like to work at my mother's inn. She did that before, and Ishandia will look after her."

Venia nods. "Alright... Can you..." She shuts up again, eyes closing tight. Another sip of the wine, and a deep breath. "Can you help me pick something out for her? I'd like to do something, but she responds to you best."

"I'll help, yeah." He gives her another worried look. "You should be keeping warm, Venia."

"Mrm? Why? I won't get sick..."

"Make you feel better. Like the wine."

"Doesn't work. Feel bad all the time." Venia sips at the wine, though, now that she's reminded of it.

Sian sighs slightly. "It will help. Just trust me."

"If you say so." She lays out on the bed, flipping a blanket aimlessly over herself, one arm and breast still exposed. She turns her head and takes a longer draught of the wine. "Better?"

Sian arranges the blanket to cover her properly, and even tucks her in a bit. "Better."

"Mrm." She eyes the wine bottle, seriously drinking now to avoid having to face Sian, "Is there anything else? If there's anything I can do for you..."

"Just try and relax. I'll be around to help."

"Shouldn't need help. I am... was a Dynast," Her eyes tear up a little, and she rolls over to face the wall. "Thank you for the help. I will see you when we dock. Perhaps we can have dinner."

Sian starts to follow, but stops, not sure he should touch her. So he doesn't, just placing the small box aside. "There's... food there, if you get hungry. I'll see you later." He leaves silently.