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Five Mountains and the Wind, Part 1

In which mountains are climbed, much food consumed, and a fall precipitated...

The 5th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

Five Peaks, a small mining community in the Black Crag Mountains sent a message to the Syndics of Whitewall asking for help with resolving a problem with the local mountain gods. The missive was panicked and vague, and the brushwork was hasty - a bad sign. Since Five Peaks produces large quantities of gemstones for the Whitewall market, Sian was sent to resolve the problem.

Sian thinks "Oh, wonderful" when he first receives the order.

The journey has been less than pleasant. Poor weather, fractious yeddim and a very cold Aia have led to the fortnight of travel being something of a trial, for everyone. The town of Five Peaks itself, a collection of maybe forty buildings nestled in a depression high on a mountainside, hoves into view as the caravan crests the latest rise, several streams of black smoke rising from the town's chimneys, and a bell sounds from one of the watch-towers that ring the settlement.

Sian keeps an arm tight around Aia as he approaches, leaning forward into the wind. Even he looks cold at this weather.

A trio of bored guards, wrapped up in thick yeddim-leather jackets, meet Sian at the gate, spears crossed in front of him. "State your business."

Sian holds a hand up. "I was ordered out here to deal with spirit problem you're having? Which I can't do frozen."

"You are what we were sent from Whitewall? Where are your soldiers? Your wizards?" the sergeant points his spear at Aia, "Is she your witch?"

Sian hugs the almost-whimpering catgirl. "I am the soldier, wizard, and witch, all rolled into one, okay? I'm it. Now can we please get warmed up?"

The icy wind howls down from the mountain peaks that surround the town, and an old man, wrapped up in what looks suspiciously like a bear, approaches the gate from inside. He leans in and whispers to the guard, who gestures to his men to part their spears and let Sian in. "Sorry about that, my boy, but we're all very nervous here of late."

Sian lifts Aia up into his arms, saving her the walk. "It's fine. But I really would like to just collapse by a fire right now."

"Oh, of course. Here, take this for the young lady..." the old man reaches inside his bearskin coat and retrieves a large, dull-grey blanket. "That should help. It was a gift from a sorcerer, or so I was told."

Sian gently lowers her to the ground, wraps it around her, and picks her up again. "Thanks."

The elderly man leads Sian and Aia into a large building, black smoke billowing out from a chimney high above. The door opens and welcoming light spills out, the sound of people talking and the smell of food accompany the glow as he walks in. "Come in, my boy. Get warmed up inside."

Sian most gratefully heads inside, sighing deeply at the warmth that envelops him.

Inside the tea-house, roaring fires blast heat out from three walls, vast stone chimneys carrying the smoke out, while a number of the locals sit on cushions around low tables, drinking, eating and talking. The sound of the latter stops as Sian enters carrying Aia, and the elderly man who ushered them in steps out of his coat and beckons them to a nearby table.

Sian keeps her in his lap as he's seated, looking at her with concern. "You okay?"

Aia shivers, "I'm so cold..."

Sian holds her a little tighter. "I'm sorry. I should have stopped and made camp... but I thought we could make it before that blizzard hit."

A large wooden cup, filled with a steaming liquid is pushed into Sian's hand. The old man nods and smiles, "Give her this. It'll help her warm up."

Sian offers the girl the drink. "Here."

Aia drinks some, and then coughs and spits it up, "Ugh!"

Sian pats her on the back. "Drink it slower. It's better than being frozen, isn't it?"

She drinks some more, making a face and folding her ears back, but holds the cup and keeps sipping. Sian scratches her ears to encourage her. "Good girl."

"I'm Jovis," the old man introduces himself, "About as close to a headman as Five Peaks ever gets, since I'm the oldest one still here."

Sian shakes his offered hand. "Sian Nerivus. General problem-solver, I guess." He smiles faintly.

"So, you're what Whitewall sent us to help out with our little problem?"

"That I am. Spirits are my specialty."

"Thank the Syndics..." Jovis gets up and walks over to the small, frost-covered window, looking out at the rapidly darkening sky before returning, "You and your... companion should get some rest. It's dark now, and the winds are up. Anyone outside in that will be frozen solid come morning."

"Yeah... do you have a room we could use?"

"I'm sure that we can find you a room, yes." Jovis speaks with the owner and 15 minutes later Sian and Aia are in a cozy room up against the chimney, heat radiating from its black stones. Jovis leaves with the following, cryptic, remark, "Tomorrow we can talk about the peaks, they're why we asked for help."

"Thank you. Until then." He waves goodnight to the man, then carries Aia over to the bed, dragging her and the furniture a little closer to the chimney. He kneels beside the bed, looking up at her. "I really am sorry, Aia. You forgive me?"

Aia smiles through half-lidded eyes, "It's alright. I should've listened when you said, 'Very cold.' Even Osikuthe's island wasn't this bad..." she shudders again, then sneezes daintily.

Sian smiles a little, moving up beside her and wrapping her in his arms once more. "Don't regret staying with me?"

"I'm your scribe. Where else would I be?"

"Good point." He gives her a light kiss. "Now, into bed. Things should have calmed down by morning."

Aia snuggles back against Sian, still shivering and sneezing occasionally.

Sian undresses them enough to be comfortable, then covers them in the thick blankets. "Sleep well."

The 6th Day of Descending Water, Realm Year 763

The morning dawns bright and clear, sunlight streaming into the cozy room through the small, frost-chased window. The chimney still radiates some heat, the fires are long since out, and there is a slight chill in the air that renders the idea of leaving the blankets distinctly unwelcome.

There's a polite tap at the door and a young female voice says, "Lord Sian, are you awake?"

"Mmrph." He mumbles something into Aia's shoulder, then blows a little of her hair out of the way and responds properly. "Reluctantly so, but yes."

"Jovis said to wake you early, so you can talk over breakfast," a slight pause, "Do you or your... companion need clothes?"

"You have any warm jackets? Ours are still drying out from the snow."

"I'm sure I can find some. I'll be back when you're dressed. Just ring the bell," and with that there is the faint sound of footsteps departing.

Sian lies his head back again, unwilling to let go of the comfortable and warm catgirl, at least not yet.

Aia stirs in Sian's grasp, rolling back and mrring softly, "What was that?"

"A servant, I presume. Asking if we needed clothes."

A soft sigh, "Do we have to get out of bed? It's so warm..."

"You can stay here for a bit, if you want. But breakfast is waiting downstairs." He sighs, and slowly sits up, exposing his torso to the cold.

Aia's belly gurgles, loudly, and her body visibly wars with itself over the issue of warmth vs. food, before hunger wins and she slides out from under the covers, shivering in her relatively skimpy clothing.

Sian offers her the warmest clothes he can find, before sliding out of bed entirely and hastily dressing, hopping slightly to keep his feet off of the cold floor.

Aia smiles gratefully, and then looks at you, "What about you?"

"Hmm? What about me?"

"You're cold."

"Oh. A little, but I'm used to it by now. Been doing this for years."

Aia opens the door to the room at just the right moment to startle a girl of about 12 summers, carrying a pair of heavy, fur-lined jackets to your door. "Ooh! Sorry!" she avers.

Sian takes the garments from her, saving her from suffering too much embarrassment. "Thank you. We'll be down in a minute."

She nods, "I'll let Jovis know. Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Again, thanks." He turns to Aia, once the girl has gone, passing her a jacket. "Here... better get used to this now. They're pretty heavy."

Aia staggers slightly under the weight of the jacket, smiling wryly, "You're right."

Sian smiles back. "Very few things warmer up here, though." He shrugs on his own jacket, seemingly unaffected.

The room below, into which Jovis ushered Sian and Aia the previous night, is largely empty this morning. One of the low tables is piled high with food, while the elderly town leader sits on a cushion waiting with a plate of buttered toast in front of him, "Good morning, Lord Sian, and the lady. I hope you slept well."

"Very well. First time in a real bed for weeks." He loads a large breakfast onto his plate and takes a seat.

Jovis begins, "I'm sorry for any inconvenience we have put you and your lady-friend to, Lord Sian, but it was necessary." He sighs, "If only we knew why Komoro was acting so strangely."

Sian waves a hand at him whilst he swallows his mouthful of toast. "No problem. Explain about this Komoro and your situation, and I'll see what I can do."

"Of course. This town is called Five Peaks because there are, as I am sure you noticed on arriving, five mountain peaks that surround us here. They are called Hajimo, Komoro, Idasho, Ratiyo, and Thakito, and they are brothers. We pray to them all, as was agreed by our ancestors many years ago."

Sian nods, listening intently despite his apparent focus on the food.

"Five Peaks is a mining town, and we have mined from each of them over the years, but Komoro's mine is the richest one yet, and since he forbade us from entering the mine two seasons ago we have been at a loss. He won't tell us why, and the last mining party we sent up never returned. We need help."

"Can you not make up the difference from the other peaks?"

"Idasho and Ratiyo held the first mines, and they are almost empty, and have become extremely dangerous since we stopped. Thakito will not let us mine him at all, and Hajimo has only recently allowed us to begin digging."

"We need Komoro, but we will not speak to us anymore."

Sian drums his fingers on the table quietly. "And he just stopped? No indication whatsoever of the reason?"

Jovis looks around before whispering, "None, my Lord. But, sometimes, at night, we can hear him... singing."

"Singing? Odd." He considers. "Well, I guess the only thing to do is head up there and ask him."

"Be careful, my Lord Nerivus. Komoro angers easily of late, and he has thrown boulders at people who try to climb him."

"Wonderful." He looks over at Aia. "Do you want to stay here? It'll be much safer."

"I'll come with you," Aia nods, "You might need my help."

"As long as you're sure." He turns back. "Is it a particularly difficult climb? And do we need a guide, or could we manage by ourselves?"

"I'll send for one of the miners. He'll be able to take you most of the way up Komoro."

"Just tell us when he's ready to leave."

"very well." Jovis finishes off his toast and stands, "I shall begin preparations for your journey, Lord Sian. Please, enjoy your breakfast. I suspect that Komoro may not be pleased to see you."

"Hardly anyone ever is." He thanks the man anyway, and resumes eating his breakfast.

Aia eats ravenously, consuming far more food than one would think possible for someone with such a small frame, as she tucks into bacon, eggs, toast, and a bit of everything else that there is to offer.

Sian eats normally, quite amused at her. "Everything taste okay?"

"Mmm... shyummy!" she mumbles around a mouthful of toast and jame.

"Heh." He scoots over and puts an arm around her. "I know it's not very pleasant out here, but I'm glad you came. Nice to have a warm body to hold when you're sleeping."

"Or not sleeping..." she winks.

Sian grins. "That too."

Eventually, the table looks somewhat similar to a blasted landscape, with empty plates scattered everywhere, and a few lonely crumbs here and there. Aia leans back on the cushion, her belly visibly distended by all the food she has eaten, and she pats it happily, "I'm full."

"I noticed." He wipes his mouth neatly.

The door opens, and a blast of cool air washes into the room, a burly man wrapped up in furs and carrying packs and rope walks in and up to the table, "Are you the god-talker?"

"That's me."

"Jovis said I'm t'take you up to talk t'Komoro."

"I'll just grab our gear, then we'll go." He wanders upstairs and retrieves their packs, leaving the damp jackets to dry.

Aia is just climbing into the heavy jacket as Sian comes back down with the packs, pulling it tight with the buckles. "Oof. This is warm..."

"Told you so." He hands her the lighter of the two packs.

The miner hefts a pack approximately the same size and weight as Aia onto his back, and heads out of the door, "Are y'ready?"

"Yes. Lead away." And he follows!

Leading the pair from Whitewall out of Five Peaks, the guide begins a heading up a wide carved trail in the mountainside. Running along the trail is a series of posts, all connected by a rope that leads up high, into the mountain known as Komoro. "Mine cart," the guide explains, "Stuff is carted down t'town, but th'cart's stuck up at mine entry, so's w'can't get it down."

Sian nods quietly, observing the increasingly-present mountain. The trail slowly gets harder, becoming steeper as the air chills quite drastically. Eventually, the guide stops and points up to the cloud-girdled peak. "That's Komoro. And this is as far as m'going."

"Well, thank you for your help. Hopefully, this will all be sorted out soon."

"Hope so. Need t'mine f'money. Town's dying w'out it."

"Mmm. I'll do my best." He gestures to Aia, and continues on up the path. It only gets harder as they climb upwards, their breath steaming visibly now, while the trail has degenerated to little more than a roughly marked trail. From ahead, high up on the mountain peak, a low rumble, like thunder on the horizon, can be heard.

Sian pauses for a break after not too long. "You've probably got better senses than me, with those ears, so if you hear anything, tell me? I'd much rather not experience death-by-boulder."

Aia nods. "I will. I don't want you to get squished either."

"No-one to keep your bed warm, right?" He smiles a little.

"Not just my bed..."

"You're wonderfully naughty at times, you know." He gives her a long kiss; quite a contrast with the cold around them.

Aia mmms into the kiss, enjoying the moment.

Sian draws back after a time. "We'd better keep going. If we hurry, we might even be back by nightfall. Then you can prove how much you enjoying having me there to warm you." He grins.

Aia giggles and nods, "Okay," and sets off after Sian, further up the mountain.

Sian sets a fairly average pace, knowing how Aia isn't used to this, but even he finds the going hard at this height.

Another rumble, this one louder, rattles down the mountainside, and several small slides of pebbles run down the face of the peak. Sian turns his head, raising one hand to stop any of them hitting his face. "Remind me not to become a miner. Coming up here every day must be fun..."

Aia's ears perk up and she calls out, "Sian! Duck!" just as a large boulder suddenly emerges from the clouds overhead, hurtling down the mountainside.

Sian's eyes widen, and he hits the deck as fast as he can. The stone whistles through the air mere inches above Sian's head. Aia ducked behind a larger rock, the boulder hammering down the mountainside some few feet away from her.

Sian musters up enough nerve to look around, after a few seconds of stillness. "Aia? You okay?"

"Fine!" Aia stands up, "What is this Koromo's problem?"

"Soon to be me, if he keeps this up. Let's keep going."

A louder rumble emanates from the mountaintop, this one carrying a distinct tinge of menace, and the clouds around it begin to darken. Sian glares right back at it, determinedly continuing upwards.

The air grows chill as Sian and Aia climb up into the clouds, icy cold mist collecting on their clothes and packs as the air grows ever thinner. Visibility drops to a bare ten feet, and the going gets ever more treacherous.

Sian finds himself breathing quite hard, and given his stamina, that's bad. He looks back to see if Aia is okay quite frequently. She waves back tiredly, the breath whistling from her lungs before she gasps, "Let's rest a bit, please."

"Good plan..." He sighs, sitting in a space between a tree and a cliff-face, and gestures Aia to sit beside him.

"How much higher is it?" Aia asks, still trying to catch her breath in the terribly thin air.

"I don't know... I can't see. Can't be too far, though." He looks at her with worry. "You can head back down, if you like... this is hard going."

"I'll be fine. It's just hard to breathe up here."

"Yeah." He pats her lightly on the back. "You're doing very well, though."

Aia stands up, hefting her pack and smiles, "Let's go."

Sian nods, and takes the lead once more.

The clouds disappear after another hundred feet worth of what has become fairly sheer cliff, leaving Sian and Aia in bright sunlight with a view that stretches for hundreds of miles in the clear air. The peak of the mountain appears to be some 200' higher yet.

Sian shades his eyes against the light, trying not to look too annoyed at the distance yet to go. He gazes at the surrounding view instead. "It's something, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," says a sudden, unfamiliar voice just above and behind Sian.

Sian is self-controlled enough not to jump. "Ah... finally gracing us with your presence, are you?" He turns, looking up the mountain.

"I have been here all the time. Watching," the voice sounds like stone cracking deep underground, "Why are you here? Why won't you just leave me alone?"

"Because Five Peaks needs you. So I've been sent out here to find out what's wrong."

The side of the mountain in front Sian suddenly shifts and a face forms in the rock, "WHAT'S WRONG? ISN'T IT ENOUGH THAT I HAVE HUMANS CRAWLING INSIDE ME?" it yells.

Sian winces, but manages a response. "Not when you suddenly decide they can't, anymore. What do you want in return?"

"I WANT HER BACK!" the face screams, and tears begin falling, sparkling like small diamonds in the brilliant sunlight.

"Her?" Sian blinks. This was unexpected. "Who is 'her?'"

Koromo cries, "My wife! She left me! For HIM!" and with that a loud crack shatters the air, and a fissure forms in the rock, pointing straight at one of the other mountains - Idasho.

Sian resists a groan at the distance involved between the two. "What is her name?"

"Sena Riel. She was so beautiful. She was the wind. She blew around me and enchanted me," Koromo cries some more, having calmed down a little, "She's wed me, and now my BROTHER STOLE HER FROM ME!"

"The wind? You could not perhaps, share her?" He takes hold of a nearby rock, just in case the mountain takes offence.

"SHARE MY WIFE?!" the face in the rock shifts again, and out of the stone steps a large figure, largely human in shape but approximately 12' high. It leans down over Sian and rumbles, with distinct menace in its voice, "Explain to me why I shouldn't kill you right now for that?"

"Because I'm the only friend you've got at the moment? Because I'm trying to help? And because if I die up here, the next thing Five Peaks will send up is a group of Immaculates to beat you into submission?"

Koromo looms over Sian, his rocky face contorted with anger, the mountain itself visibly cracking beneath the effects of its rage. "Why should I care what the monks do to me? My wife has left me for my brother. What could those monks possibly do that is worse than that?"

"You'd still be alive. And you'd still have a chance to get your wife back."

"What is life without the one I love?"

"Better than death. Trust me."

Koromo rears back and bellows, "SENAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" and then sits down and begins to sob, crystal tears falling from his face to shatter on the ground.

Sian watches for a moment, with something approaching sympathy, before very carefully placing a hand on the giant's knee. "I am sorry."

"I just want my wife back. I don't even need to know why she went over to Idasho - I just want her back."

"I know you do. But surely you see the position I am in? If I bring Sena back to you, Idasho will grow angry with me, and with the town. If I leave her there, you will not allow the miners access. I don't mean to sound callous, but if it is at all possible, would you accept a new bride?"

Koromo looks at Sian through his granite fingers and says, "Could you... Could you talk to Sena and Idasho for me? At least find out why she left me?"

Sian nods. "I was planning on it."

"If she... if she wants to stay with him, I'll... I'll respect that. And I'll let the miners back onto me."

"Thank you."

"I will speed your journey down. Please come back quickly. I don't know how to live without knowing..."

Sian nods, and gestures silently to Aia.

The journey back down Koromo is much faster and easier than the trek up. The path is smooth and level, and walking down it is quick and easy. In less than a quarter of the time it took to climb up, Sian and Aia are at the point where the mountain-guide stopped. Sian pauses, and looks about. "Idasho is... there." He points, after orienting himself.

A well-worn path leads up the side of Idasho, thousands of feet every day for many years cut a trail into the rock that is still useable after fifty years of non-use. As with the path up Koromo, it stops well short of the summit, which seems to be slightly higher than Koromo's, and strangely is not obscured by clouds, unlike those of his brothers.

Sian stops at the end of the path, and after a moment of consideration, calls out. "Lord Idasho! I would speak with you!" Nothing changes visibly, but a sense of presence appears, the ummistakable feeling of being watched - and not kindly.

For lack of anything else to do, Sian calls out again. "Lord Idasho! An audience, if you please?" The sense of being watched persists for a moment, whatever presence it is remaining for but a short while, and then fades. In its place a low rumbling sound comes from high above, near Idasho's peak.

Sian sighs, and looks at Aia. "Further up we go."

The rumbling increases in volume, and the mountain overhead seems to move, as stones begin pouring down the steep slopes, a torrent of rock that rushes down. "Or not... run!" He grabs Aia's arm and propels her down the path, looking for any sort of cover, finding and diving into the entrance to the old mine into Idasho.

The mine entrance is filled with thunder and the rockslide tears past, tens of thousands of tonnes of rock and stone shooting down the mountain at great speed, kicking up a vast cloud of dust that spreads into the mine.

Sian covers his mouth against the dust, keeping them both heading down the shaft in case the rocks fall inwards.

Eventually, the rocks stop falling, the fury of the mountain spent for now. The mine itself is old and it shows, beams creak continuously, and the sounds of wind and wave echo up from long-disused tunnels cuts deep into the body of Idasho. Sian looks at the now-blocked entrance, then to the catgirl. "You okay?"

Aia shudders, coughing at the dust-filled air, and shakes her head, creating yet another cloud of dust and a fit of coughing, "Yes... *cough* Fine..."

Sian pats her on the back, moving her away from the clouds. "Just take a break for a bit..."

She nods and sits back against the rocky wall of the mine, looking at the closed-off entrance to the mine. "How do we get out?"

"I have no idea." He crouches before her. "I guess we talk to Idasho."

"He didn't seem very friendly just now.

"You're telling me. Unless you feel like digging your way out, though, he's our only option."

"Did you see any other ways out when we climbed up?"

"I can't remember. But we have little chance of finding one, anyway; I don't know the layout of this mine."

Aia gets up, and shakes some more dust off herself, before walking over to the entrance, peering upwards. "I think I can see light..."

"Watch out. The rocks might collapse if you try to move them."

"You're right. That leaves going further in."

"Yup. And there's no use hanging around, if you're recovered."

She nods, "OK," and looks around, "Can you see in that darkness?"

"Not really. You?"

She chuckles, "Not so much. I got my mother's ears, not her eyes."

"Darn. I think we have a couple of torches." He hunts around in his pack for a moment.

The flickering orange light reveals an old, dusty tunnel - creaking beams and occasional falls of dust from above only increasing the menace of the mountain's oppresive weight. "Wonderful. Well, no time like the present." Sian takes Aia's hand in his spare one, and starts off down the tunnel.

The rocky passage heads deeper into Idasho, the torchlight glimmering from deposits of quartz and other crystals in the walls creating an eerie shimmer that etches out the tunnel ahead far further than the bubble of light Sian carries lets him see. Strange gusts of wind carry the sounds of running water and oddly spicy smells up from further inside the complex.

Sian follows the smells... they seem out of place, and going after the rock isn't going to help.

The smells, redolent of a well-stocked kitchen, seem to be coming not from the mine tunnels themselves, but from a cavern that seems to have recently joined the set of tunnels. Sian walks up to the mouth and the light from his torch spills out into a vast open space, the light guttering in a strong breeze that carries the scent of cinnamon.

Sian squints a little at the suddenly harsh light, while the activity within the cave is brought into view by the torchlight. A hundred pony-sized ants all agleam scurry back and forth, carrying rocks and gemstones back and and forth towards some place beyond range of Sian's light.

Sian blinks at the scene. "Well."

Aia stops at the edge and starts as she sees the ants, "What's going on?"

"Not sure. Ants... mining, I guess. I thought Idasho was one of the mined-out mountains?"

"So did I. Maybe they didn't know about this in Five Peaks?"

"Guess not." He frowns a little. "Well, we're close to something, anyway. Might as well keep going."

The tunnel comes to an abrupt halt a few minutes walk further on from the cave entrance. The torch reveals a deep shaft that falls into the blackness far, far below. Aia knocks a stone down into the pit accidentally, and no sound of it landing is forthcoming. The shaft seems to climb as far as it falls, with passages branching off in other, seemingly random, directions.

Sian sighs. "Back to the ants it is."

A gust of wind from above suddenly makes the torch flicker and almost die, before it returns to full strength - the breeze is chill and carries with it the smells of frost and snow. Sian shields it with his hand. "I didn't just imagine that, did I?"

Aia starts, smelling the air and smiling, "No. It smells like the outside. There must be a way out up there."

Sian looks for the most accessible way up. "I guess the beams is it. You first... don't want to take you with me when my clumsy self falls." He smiles.

Aia grins and leaps out for a beam, catching it easily and bouncing across the shaft to another somewhat higher, before clambering easily further up until she reaches a ledge some twenty feet higher up. "Sian!" she calls, "I can see light!"

Sian slowly begins to work his way up. "Keep going, then. Be careful."

She leaps up a beam, scuttling rapidly ever higher up the shaft, until Sian can barely see her above.

A beam cracks, shockingly loud, underneath Sian's foot and the shock breaks several others, a whole section suddenly breaking and peeling away from the walls, carrying Sian down with them into the darkness. Supports rush past him as he falls.

Read Part 2 here...