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(In which the morning after comes too soon, the night before was noted, and fondness is made clear...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 17:12, 12 April 2006

Hot and Cold

In which the morning after comes too soon, the night before was noted, and fondness is made clear...

The 13th Day of Descending Air, Realm Year 764

Morning arrives in a mess of tangled sheets and musky air, the small bed filled to overflowing with Exalt and god-blood. Street sounds filter in through the narrow window, and a slight change of direction on the part of the wind brings chill air with them.

Venia shivers, slipping deeper underneath the covers and pressing closer to her bedmate, sleepily flicking the sheets up to cover her face. Her eyes open, peering out past the covers to scan the room for potential trouble.

"Mrrrmmm..." Swan mumbles, stirring at the movement, his arm sliding forwards off Venia's hip.

Venia blinks at the sound, momentaily racking her brain for who the strange man in bed with her is and coming up with fuzzy memories... she reaches up to stroke his face, calming him back to sleep while she silently panics.

"... G'morning, my Lady" he mumbles, one eye opens slightly and a half-smile crosses his lips.

Venia manages to smile back at him, leaning up for a soft kiss and returning his hand to her hip. "Yes... good. If cold..." She hrms, looking through the room again. "Maybe a little warm breakfast? I don't know if any is made yet, but it shouldn't take long..."

"Breakfast would be... wait," Swan sits up suddenly, "What time is it?"

Venia blinks, dislodged from her warm, somewhat calm spot. She starts to speak but bites her lip, managing to smooth out her voice, though it remains a throaty whisper. "Morning? I don't know anything else yet..."

"My most sincere apologies, Lady Venia, but I must leave immediately. A delegation of western spirits was due to arrive at first light, and I was instructed to greet them!" He slides out of the bed, around Venia, and hunts for his clothes. "The Syndics will be furious with me!"

Venia blinks, voice cracking slightly as she points out the pile slightly under the bed.

"Thank you!" Swan grabs his trousers and jacket, pulling them on quickly. He retrieves his shoes and turns to Venia, "I... cannot thank you enough for last night, my Lady. It was truly wonderful." He bows deeply, and then yanks his footwear on before turning to the door.

Sian is waiting on the other side, tray of food held in one hand, the other raised to knock. "Ah... Swan. Leaving already?"

Venia is halfway out of the bed to apologize when she hears Sian's voice, freezing before diving back under the covers.

"Lor... Lord Sian!" Swan bows awkwardly, "Please excuse me, my Lord, but I fear that I have forsaken my duties for too long, and I must depart." He opens the door and leaves at an unseemly run.

Venia winces, covering her head with a pillow.

Sian just watches him exit, shrugging to himself when he's gone, "More breakfast for us." He wanders into Venia's room.

Venia is curled up beneath the covers, apparently trying to ball up tight enough that she vanishes. It, well, isn't working, so he's left facing a big lump underneath the sheets.

Sian puts the tray on the desk, and tugs the edge of the blanket open, "Venia?"

"Mmm? What?" Her voice is muffled from beneath the pillow.


"Don't deserve it." She tugs the pillow down tighter.

"Venia..." He sighs, and starts to pull the blanket away from her.

Venia resists at first, but not very long, soon uncovered, still in those stockings and gloves, choker still dimly gleaming though the bits that most consider the most important to cover are bare. Her eyes gleam with unshed tears.

Sian is a little less exasperated with her when he sees that, his grip on the blanket faltering. "What's wrong?"

"I ruined it! He's going to be late, and the Syndics will be angry, and I was only trying to loosen him up, make him feel better so he'd talk to me..." She shivers, cold but making no move to warm herself up. "And now it's my fault that he's going to get demoted or worse! Oh, dragons, I can't even apologize right to him like this..."

Sian kneels beside the bed, looking at her worriedly, "Relax, Venia. You didn't do anything wrong."

But... you didn't hear him! he was so worried..."

"Shhh... Swan always overreacts. He worries about his duty all the time... just the way he is. Don't worry, he won't get in trouble for it."

Venia nods, angrily wiping away at her eyes. "I'm sorry... It's just, well, it was nice. We talked, I seduced him, we fucked... he's an attentive lover, and didn't even mind talking after... I don't want him hurt over it."

"You haven't. He almost never makes mistakes, so I doubt the Syndics will begrudge him this one."

"Mmm..." She takes deep solid breaths, nodding after a minute or two. "Good.. I'm fine now. I just... panicked a moment. Breakfast?"

"Yeah. Eggs and toast." He reaches back for the tray, setting it down on the bed next to her.

Venia fidgets, finally looking to him as she takes a piece of toast, eating it quickly when he doesn't seem upset. The breakfast goes fairly quickly, the odd sight of her licking the plate clean before sitting it back down only adding to the strange morning.

Sian moves the tray away, just watching her for a bit. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Fairly well. It was nice having company, even if I was frightened when I woke up..."

"Mmm, good... apart from the waking up. You shouldn't sleep like that, though." He gestures to the various bits of clothing still on her.

"What do you mean?" She draws herself up to her knees, carefully stripping out of what's left.

"It must be uncomfortable." He puts the clothes aside.

"It was not so bad." She leans back against the wall, covering herself with a sheet and mutely offering her arm out of recent habit.

Sian shakes his head. "Later. Maybe before we go this evening."

Venia blinks, realizing what she did and nodding. "Alright... Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Just try to relax. Do you want a cup of coffee, or tea?"

"Tea would be nice, thank you."

Sian nods. "Be right back, then." And he goes.

Venia rubs at her arm nervously, eyes closed and head bowed as she waits. At least Cassia will be with her for the trip...

Sian isn't too long in making the tea, and it is quite nice when he gives it to her.

Venia sips it, leaning into his side and resting her head on his shoulder. "I don't mean to be such trouble."

"You're not." His arm goes around her without even thinking.

Venia sighs. "I am. You know it, you're just too nice to be honest."

"No you're not, and no I don't." He kisses her temple lightly. "I don't mind having you here. I wish you'd worry less, but I can understand that you can't."

Venia nods a little, slowly relaxing. "I believe you..."

"Good." He offers a light squeeze. "Want to get cleaned up?"

"That would be nice. A warm bath?"

"Yeah. You remember where it is?"

Venia shakes her head, upset again.

"Out the door, to the right, past the kitchen. Okay?"

Venia nods, loathe to move but finally doing so. "Pick something nice for me to wear while I wash?"

"Yeah. Want Aia to help you?"

"That would be nice..."

"She'll be in the kitchen, then. Thank her for the food, okay?"

Venia nods, heading off with purpose towards the kitchen, totally naked.

Sian does indeed find something nice to wear for her, and a little more covering than her previous outfit.

Venia steps into the kitchen, clearing her throat to catch Aia's attention and executing a sketchy bow, voise still low and soft. "Thank you for the breakfast, Aia. Sian would like it if I washed, and I am to ask if you will help me."

Aia blinks a little at Venia's nakedness, then puts down the plate she was washing. "Of course I will," she smiles, "Let me run the bath for you." She heads into the bathroom, and the sound of running water and steam escapes from the door a few moments later.

Venia finishes the plate for her, then steps over and knocks on the door to be let in.

"Come in," Aia calls, "The bath is just about ready."

Venia does so, carefully closing the door behind her and resting back against it, as always a little surprised at how small and austere everything is... despite feeling it perfectly appropriate for how she feels.

The bath is full of steaming water and mounds of soap suds. "I didn't pick a fragrance because I didn't know what you would want," she points to the small row of bottles. "Do you want anything else?"

"I would appreciate it if you would pick a fragrance for me." She pauses, blushing slightly before asking, not used to this position or trying to be nice with Aia. "I would be happy if you could wash my back." Her voice speeds up as she tries to explain. "My joints are stiffer in the cold, and I cannot seem to bend and twist quite the same... maybe it was last night, but I slept well, and it is not to suggest the bed was not fine, because it was..."

Aia blinks again, before nodding slowly, "Of course." She picks a small bottle and sprinkles droplets of the liquid onto the hot water, the fragrance of strawberries fills the bathroom in a few moments.

Venia smiles thankfully at her, carefully slipping into the water without checking the temperature. Despite her increased tolerance, she can't quite help a quiet "Ah!" before she speaks. "I am having... difficulty choosing things lately..."

"You chose Frost Swan quite thoroughly last night," Aia smiles softly.

Venia blushes a deeper red, "That was different."

"Because you were still on heroin last night?"

Venia nods a little, ashamed to admit it. "It is easier... I relax, I feel more graceful, less damaged, vulnerable." It is after she has taken up the soap and cloth she blinks, looking back to Aia. "Wait, how did you know? Did you see?"

"I heard. Sian and I both did," she smiles.

Venia returns to that deeper red. "I... I am sorry, I did not mean to disturb your rest."

"It's alright, Venia," Aia smiles wider, "It was good to hear that you were feeling better." She continues, "I'll leave you to your bath. Call me when you want your back washed."

Venia nods, carefully starting to clean herself. She seems to pay quite the attention to detail when Aia returns after the quiet call, skin pinkish and raw here and there. She mutely offers the cloth and soap to Aia.

"Turn a bit to the side?" the god-blood asks after taking them

Venia does so, twisting around with a bit less difficulty than she expected. "I am curious... do you not like baths? The cat thing..."

Aia chuckles, "I adore baths. Ask Sian, I can spend hours in nice hot bath."

"Oh." She remains quiet for a bit. "Would you like this one? I am almost done, and while it is still warm... If there is cleaning to be done I can try to manage it."

"Don't worry about it, Venia. It's already done. Thank you for the offer, though." Aia finishes washing the Exalt's back, "You can always use our bath when you get settled into a house here, or you could try the public baths. They're nice, too."

Venia shivers at the thought. "I don't think I will be ready for that for some time."

"I understand," Aia says sadly.

Venia nods, reaching back to cup Aia's face for a bit of support. "Houses? Maybe one near here, at first? I don't know where to start looking, even."

"A lot of the houses around here are apartments, three or four floors, sometimes even a basement. Sian can help you find somewhere, if you want."

"That would be appreciated. Maybe you could help? You understand what I would want."

"Of course."

Venia nods, turning back and softly kissing her, pleasant enough if random and from, well, Venia. At least she's left the hearthstone in her room. She blushes a little at the look Aia gives her as she pulls away. "As, um, thanks. For everything." She carefully steps out of the tub, looking for a towel.

"Um..." Aia blinks several times, "You're welcome." She hands Venia a warmed towel, "I had one ready..."

"Oh! There it is. Thank you." She wraps it around herself, wringing her hair out. "Any other advice?"

"Nothing special. Just remember you do have friends, and they will help you if you ask."

Venia nods and proceeds to wander back into the main house, thinking a moment before returning to her room to get ready for the day.