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The Beast of Whitewall

In which Sian plays tour guide, a beast returns, and a dark presence makes itself known...

The 6th Day of Ascending Air, Realm Year 763

Sian wakes up the next morning, warm and content, but with a sense of something missing. As his senses slowly return he realises that the warm female he was snuggled up to when he went to sleep is no longer there. Judging from the disarray she is also no longer in the room.

Sian groans as this realization hits him, sitting up in bed to look around for any hint of where she might have gone. He sees that his clothes are scattered all across the place, as if a minor hurricane had struck, taking some few items and leaving the remainder strewn across everything.

Sliding out of bed Sian tries to find some intact pants, before heading into the kitchen to get breakfast. When he realizes that since he hasn't been home for half a year, there's no food. He sighs, and decides to locate the wayward Aia as well as some foodstuff, pulling on a loose shirt and coat before heading out.

He notices, in passing, that the clothes she took were old and would probably fit somewhat tightly on her - which was probably the reason she took them. Sian just about cries as he thinks of Aia out in the cold, wearing tight-fitting clothes.

The streets of Whitewall are abuzz with news of the latest murders or slaughters. Another five people were found dead overnight at various points in the city - including one guardsman said to have been torn to pieces.

Sian sobers up a little at this, thinking that other's problems are considerable worse than his own. Creatures have gotten in at times, but nothing this bad for a while. Perhaps unsurprisingly he picks up Aia's trail quite quickly. A catgirl would be noticeable in Whitewall at the worst of times, and a catgirl in tight-fitting clothes even more so. Judging from the various responses, she has managed to smile her way to a decent breakfast from the notoriously tight-fisted morning marketmen.

Sian is amazed that they haven't shunned her for being a freak; he knows his countrymen, and tolerance is not a strong point with them. Aia must just be that nice, he thinks... shrugging, he continues his trek along her trail.

You find her standing in a small, walled-in plaza, listening to a newsman calling out the latest gossip regarding recent events. The murders figure prominently, street-children run through and under the crowd bringing him scraps of paper which he then immediately calls out. "Murders the work of death-cult, a senior figure in the Guard has said!"

Sian steps quietly behind her, looking over her head at the newsman. "Hmm... not good..."

Aia squeals and jumps, turning around to face him with a big smile, "Sian!" She jumps into hisarms and kisses him.

Sian doesn't respond much, though he does catch her. He looks a little annoyed.

Aia's ears droop a little. "Sorry. I was bored and you were still asleep. I wanted to see your home."

"Aia, Whitewall is a dangerous city. Especially for someone like you." He lifts one of her ears with a finger. "I might think these are beautiful, but others are not necessarily so inclined. This city is used to treating anything different as a threat, and with good reason."

"Sorry, Sian." She sags slightly and sets her feet down on the ground. "People have been friendly, though. They even gave me free hot food, see?" She waves the mostly-eaten remnants of what was once a steaming hot pastie.

Sian deftly nicks it out of her hand and swallows it one bite. "Mmm... nice." He offers a small smile. "Well, just be careful, okay? You can explore when I'm with you, and it's much safer."

Aia hooks her arm through his and smiles, "So where do you want to take me?"

"To bed, until we both fall unconscious." He quirks an eyebrow at her, smiling faintly. "But since we're here, I might as well show you around... not much here, I'm afraid."

Aia giggles at the initial response and presses up against him, "Show me somewhere fun!"

"Fun? Well..." He scratches his head. "Whitewall isn't known for fun... I suppose I could take you up to the palace again, though. There's a good view from the top."

"The palace? Will we have to see the Syndics again?" Aia shivers at the memory.

"No, we won't. I'll have to talk to them when they give me my next assignment, but until then, we've got the days to ourselves." He leads her towards the palace, pointing out people and places of local note.

Aia looks around, smiling or shuddering depending on what is said. A road that Sian had planned to take is closed, a double-fang posted at this end (and presumably the other), and Sian frowns as they pass. "If you're set on exploring without me, do it during the day, okay? You're not to go out at night." He looks quite adamant on this.

Aia looks down the road as you walk past, shuddering and presses even more tightly against Sian, "What was that noise last night? Was it whatever is killing people?"

"Yes. And you'd have no chance against it, so stay indoors, okay?" He looks at her sternly. She nods fervently.

Sian decides to pick her up as he walks and soon they arrive at the top of the palace. True to Sian's word, there is indeed an amazing view.

Aia snuggles up against sian, soaking in the view from the cupola, "You're right, the view is amazing." She leans down and kisses him lightly, "Thank you."

Sian puts his arms around her. "It's a clear morning... you should be able to see the shadowland." He points, to where the dark stain on the horizon is visible. "The Syndics have a pact with the dead, and the Fae... they leave us alone during daylight, and can only enter at night when someone lets them."

"And you think that's what that... creature is? Someone let it in?" Aia shivers, and not just from the cold, "Why would anyone do that?"

"That's what makes the citizens worry. Unless it was let in, it can't get in... which means there is someone in the city who wants to kill us." He hugs her a little harder. "Stay away from the walls, okay? Even during the day."

"OK," Aia nods again, more fervently. "What will happen to the person who let it in?"

"Something painful, I hope." Sian gives her a brief kiss. "In any case, I've shown you all that Whitewall has to offer. Not much, as you can see."

Aia smiles, "Whitewall has something else it could offer..."

"Oh?" Sian feigns innocence. "And what might that be?" He gazes out at the city as he answers.

Aia catches his arm with hers, turning him to face her. "You," she whispers, and kisses him.

Sian responds in kind, of course, kissing her softly and holding her to his chest. He picks her up after a time, allowing her to continue whilst suspended in mid-air.

Aia purrs into the kiss, wrapping her arms and legs around him, her tail bashing back and forth.

Sian wonders vaguely how someone so small can contain so much passion. He draws his head back after a moment. "Unless you wish to lie with me here, I think we should wait a while. I need some breakfast." His stomach obligingly punctuates this with a rumble.

Aia giggles, setting herself down, "Of course, I wouldn't want you to pass out or anything."

Sian pretends to waver, before catching her arm in his again and wandering back down to the streets. "You still hungry?"

Aia smiles and presses against you, taking Sian's hand and pressing it against her bare belly which then rumbles. "Is that answer enough?"

Sian grins. "Answer indeed." He leads her to one of his favourite places; simple, cheap, and tasty. She sits down and tucks in, scarfing down the food as if she were ravenous. "Mmm... this is nice..."

Sian ordered some scrambled eggs and bacon for them both, along with wine for him and milk for her. "That's the only thing I know cats like, apart from fish, which I suspect you're sick of. Eat as much as you like."

Aia ravages the food before her, purring loudly as she eats her way through three days of meals in less than an hour.

Sian is glad he's receiving his pay soon. "And now, I guess... you want a bath?" He looks a little amused.

She grins broadly, her ears folding back as she nods, "Of course. You're welcome to join me," the shopkeeper looks up and winks broadly towards Sian at this statement.

Sian grins back at the man, then offers Aia his hand. "How could I resist?"

Aia takes Sian's hand as he leads her back to his apartment, although he is a little quieter as they arrive, closing the door behind them and wandering over to start the fire. "You know how to run it... I'll be there in a bit."

Aia disappears into the bathroom, and the sound of running water together with the smell of steam soon billow out.

Sian gets the fire roaring (drying out in front of the fire is an odd but enjoyable pastime of his), before heading in after her, when there's a sudden terrified scream from the bathroom.

Sian is there within moments. "What? What is it?"

Aia is scrunched up against the wall corner. She looks up, her eyes wide, "It's... it's out there..." she points out of the window.

Sian frowns, moving over to the window to look. He sees the same creature as last night, but this time something is different. He looks closer, and wishes he hadn't - since the creature, for such it is, is almost 10' long from its mishapen nose to the stump that passes for its tail. He decides, rather unhappily, that this is part of his duty as servant of Whitewall and runs back into the living room to take up his javelins, before returning to the window and taking careful aim and letting fly.

The javelin bounces cleanly off the tough hide of the creature, and the only effect would appear to be to aggravate it. It lifts its head up, and the hideous face, for such it is, a twisted mockery of a human visage, looks up at Sian, gives forth a loud bellowing roar and leaps onto the stone walls of the building, its claws digging in as it begins to climb.

Sian turns, "Aia, you remember where the guardhouse is? The first chance you get, run for it, and call the watch. I'll keep it occupied." Without waiting for a response, he leaps out of the window, throwing one javelin at the beast as it ascends and attempting to force another into its skull as he makes contact.

The creature roars loudly as his second throw sinks deep into the meat of its face, puncturing its left eyeball, just as Sian lands on the ugly mess of flesh that it calls a face. The impact shocks it, and it loses it grip on the wall, falling back with the Dragon-blood atop it accompanied by Aia's scream from the bathroom window, "Siaaaaan!"

"Run, Aia! Just go!" He takes hold of the thing's misshapen skull and tries to brace himself for the impact. The creature falls hard onto the cobbled stone of Whitewall's streets, writhing and yowling beneath him as it tries to claw its way out.

Sian dances around the flailing claws as best he can, taking the occasional opportunity to stab it a few times.

The creature struggles beneath him, knocking your first blow aside, while the second grazes it's chest. The thing then on the cobbles and flips itself back up onto its feet, tossing Sian aside. One paw reaches up and grabs the javelin still embedded in its eye, and tears it out, blood and ichor spilling out as it turns its good eye on its attacker, hatred palpable in the gaze.

Sian sends another two spinning at it, after backing away to a slightly safer distance. The creature leaps to one side, trying to avoid the savagely sharp darts he continues to hurl at it, but roars as they slice through its tough flesh, and it lunges forwards, claws outstretched as one paw swipes heavily across Sian's chest, razor-edged talons glinting in the sunlight.

The creature's claws sink into Sian's chest, tearing through flesh and bone. Sian lets out an agonized cry, falling to one knee. It roars in triumph, and at that moment the horns of Whitewall's guard sound in the street, approximately 50 soldiers in full battle gear storming in.

The creature, its ruined eye still pumping blood onto the stones, looks at the soldiers and roars, leaping off into the maze of streets and passageways just as a small storm of arrows fills the space it had occupied up to a second before.

Sian flings a last javelin at it as he falls to the ground, the pain nigh-unbearable.

A medick rushes up to him, his apothecary bag already open as he begins to treat the vicious wounds, "Just relax, my Lord." he says, "You're in safe hands."

Sian nods faintly, allowing the man to work, while his chest throbs as if burned by red-hot metal. He passes out, the black of unconsciousness holding him in its limitless grasp. Voices drift in and out of what passes for is awareness, incoherent and incomprehensible. Then, suddenly, light and sound and sensation assault his senses once again.

Sian winces hard, and the movement makes the wound in your chest tear open and the medick still hovering over you says, "Please, hold still, my Lord. I need to treat the wound."

Sian blinks a little. "U-Uh... sure..."

The sound of the other soldiers pursuing the wounded beast through the tall and mazy streets of Whitewall fades away, the sound of a murmuring and curious crowd replacing it. Then there is a loud scream, "SIAAAAN!" and Aia rushes through the cordon of guards to crouch at his side, "Oh, Sian... don't die..."

Sian smiles faintly, and takes her hand. "I'm not dying, so don't worry."

The burning in his chest is replaced by a freezing feeling, as the medick places a compress on the jagged wounds. "Hold it there," he directs Aia, and proceeds to bandage it on, wrapping the rough cotton around his chest.

Sian is quite content just to let his mind drift whilst all this happens until, eventually the man is done, the bandage is wrapped tightly around his chest. The medick packs what unused materials he has back into his bag before helping you to your feet. "That was very brave, my Lord", he leans in and whispers, "What did it look like?"

Sian staggers a bit, but not nearly as much as a mortal man would. "It looked bloody ugly, that's what it looked like."

The soldier stands up and beckons a couple of soldiers over, "These men will escort you home."

"'s fine..." Sian gestures at the badly-clawed building. "I'm right here..."

The medck looks up, and then nods, "Very well. I thank you on behalf of the city then, my Lord," and he and the men take off at a trot to chase after the other soldiers, while Aia helps Sian back to the apartment building and up the stairs.

Sian lets her half-carry him up, unable to resist the opportunity to briefly grab her breast. He grins mischeviously.

Aia squeals and bats the hand away, "You cheat! You're pretending!" She stamps her feet in a huff, which produces a delightful movement.

"I'm a Dragon-Blood, remember? We're much tougher than you weak mortals." He puffs out his chest, then winces. "Okay... not that much tougher."

Aia grins, poking his chest slightly, "Oh really?"

"Ow. How'd you like it if I did that to you?" He eyes her chest appreciatively as he flops down on the bed.

"You already did, remember?" Aia cups her hand in midair suggestively.

"True. But I don't think I did it right the first time."

Aia jumps onto the bed on top of him, stradding your waist, "Oh really?" She stretches upwards.

Sian reaches up with both hands and gently covers her breasts, smiling slightly. "Yes, really. See? This is much better."

She takes his hands away from her breasts and puts them down, "The nice doctor said you should rest. Even you Terrestrials need time to heal."

"Yeah... I should be fine in a couple of days, but right now, sleep is quite inviting."

Aia slides down and lies down beside him instead, snuggling and kissing his cheek. "I understand." She shudders, "You were so brave..."

Sian drapes an arm over her. "No stupid monster is going to hurt my beautiful catgirl." He kisses her on the nose.

She shivers and smiles, kissing him back, this time full on the lips. Sian indulges her for a while, not complaining in the least.

"Anyway, you were going to have a bath, weren't you? I'll be here when you're done."

Aia smiles and bounces out of the bed, "You're right. The water's cold now, so I'll have to run it again." The old clothes seem to practically fly off her as she heads out into the bathroom, and Sian hears the gurgle of the tub emptying followed by the sound of water rushing in once more.

Sian rolls over onto his back, already drifting into sleep, accompanied by pleasant visions of soap-covered catgirls.

Several hours later he awakes to find a naked Aia cuddled up against him, his chest still painful from the wounds sustained in the morning, albeit somewhat less so. The sun is close to setting now, and the red light streams in through the window of the apartment, giving everything a strangely blood-soaked air.

Sian stays gazing at the ceiling for some time, unconsciously stroking Aia's side. When he has a sudden sensation of someone else in the room. He sits up to see a dark figure, crouching hunched over on the cabinet opposite the bed, burning red eyes peering at him from the otherwise featureless black shape.

He immediately starts to fumble for his javelins, before he remembers the majority of them were left in the bathroom when he jumped out. He glares at the thing helplessly.

A low, rhythmic hissing sound emanates from it, and Sian realises that it's the figure's breathing, but otherwise the creature just sits and stares. "We know you now, Terrestrial," the thing's voice is like metal grating on the grave, and then it leaps straight out through the window, a chill wind trailing it as it disappears from view.