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The City Cannot Hold

In which questions are asked, decisions are reached, and a long journey begins...

The 10th Day of Ascending Earth, Realm Year 763

The apartment seems cold and empty now, the black spirit having departed while leaving behind sure and certain knowledge that Aia has been kidnapped. Red sunlight fills the room, the tightly packed streets and tenements of Whitewall visible through the window now stark and lonely. Sian leans against the back of the couch, gazing at the bed that now seems too large for only him.

The silence that fills the apartment is broken suddenly by a quiet knocking at the main door, followed shortly by a muffled cough.

Sian frowns lightly for a moment, before remembering that he was expecting guests, moving over and opening the door.

At the door are two disparate people. A young girl, looking cold and hungry with a far-too-old look in her eyes, and an old man, doubled over and hacking into his hand, trying to muffle the horrible liquid sound of his coughing.

Sian puts a hand on the man's shoulder for a moment, helping steady him whilst the coughing fit passes. "Here... come in and have a seat, both of you."

"Thank you, my Lord," the girl says, while the old man just nods, apparently unwilling to trust his lungs with speech.

Sian gestures to the couch, wandering into the kitchen for a moment and returning with a glass of water for the man, and a small sandwich for the girl. He leans against the cold fireplace and watches them for a bit, thinking.

The old man accepts the glass gratefully, drinking it down, while the girl picks at her sandwich, apparently unused to food of this quality. They both look at Sian with a mixture of wariness and confusion.

Sian nibbles on his lip for a moment as he considers. "First off, sir, we need to get you some medicine for that cough... what did you say your name was?"

"I didn't, sir, but people call me Horse."

"Horse, okay. You taking anything for it now?"

"No, sir. Can't afford anything except water, which is free."

"Hrm." He thinks for a bit, then heads into another room, coming back with a small pouch. "There's a herbalist about two blocks from here, down Red Lane. Go get yourself checked out, get some medicine." He hands the pouch over. "Bring back what isn't spent."

"Thank you, sir," the old man gets up slowly from the couch and walks over to the door, bowing as he leaves, "Your name is known to us poor folk, but not your generosity."

Sian waves his hand a bit. "Don't worry about it." He watches as the man leaves, then turns his gaze back on the girl, pondering once more.

The girl looks nervous, having eaten about half of her sandwich before putting the plate down, and now just looks awkward.

Sian grimaces slightly. "Not hungry?"

"Yes, my Lord, but this food is too fine for me."

"Hrm. I can get you something less rich, if you like, but that's all I've got in stock at the moment."

"It's not that. I'm... I'm not good enough to be here, in this fine place with your Lordship," the girl looks close to tears.

Sian locates a hankerchief, passing it to the girl and crouching before her. "Good enough for what? Surely I should decide who is good enough to enter my house."

"Yes, but..." she sniffs, "What does a lord like yourself want with a young whore like me?"

"Eh, you're not a whore. Don't call yourself that anymore." He wipes away a small tear. "I want to help you."

"Help me?"

"Do you like being out in the cold each night? Offering yourself to people?"

"No. But it's the only way I can get by. My father's dead, and mother..." she sniffs, and tears begin to pour down her cheeks, "Mother was ravaged a few years ago."

Sian puts an arm around her carefully. "Ravaged?" He asks in a quiet voice.

"A fae creature got inside the walls, and Mother was right there..." the girl sobs quietly.

"I'm sorry." He gives her a small squeeze. "Is she still alive?"

"There's a place, on Mile Street, they look after people... like her. I need money to pay for them."

Sian thought as much. "I've heard of people recovering from that sort of thing, so that's a good plan. But whoring is no way to earn money... it'll just get you killed quick."

"I try to be careful, but I can't get enough money any other way. No-one wants a young girl like me for anything but..." she cringes, "Anything but sex. So..." she starts crying again.

Sian just holds her this time, letting her cry herself out.

She stops eventually, "Thank you, my Lord. Oh!" she swats at Sian's shirt, "I got you all dirty!"

Sian pulls his shirt out a bit to look at it. "It's nothing. I've got plenty of shirts... come to think of it, you're probably a bit cold, aren't you?"

She nods, "Yes. It gets cold at night on the streets, but you have to show some skin or you don't get customers," she smiles softly, the effect broken by the single tear running down her cheek.

Sian sighs a bit, wiping that one away. He wanders over to the dresser, pulling out an old shirt and handing it to her. "Here. Wear this for now. You can spend the night here, and I'll get you sorted out in the morning, okay?"

The girl accepts the shirt and wraps it around herself, before looking up, "Stay here? With you?"

"In the same house, yes. You can have the bed, I'll take the couch."

"Oh. I thought..."

"Wrong. I said I wanted to help you, and sleeping with you isn't the solution."

"Oh. What will you do with me tomorrow?"

"We'll see. I still don't really know." He gestures at her half-eaten sandwich. "Throw that out if you don't want it. Or if you want more, there's some in the kitchen."

"Throw it out?" she looks aghast.

"Eh, it was just an idea." He shrugs a little.

She looks at Sian, "You mean, you actually throw food out? Really?"

"Well, I try not to. But sometimes there's just too much."

The look of puzzlement on the girl's face over the idea of "too much food" is really quite heartbreaking. Sian grimaces slightly again. "Sorry. I probably sound like some fat merchant to you."

"No. It's just... where I came from we never had enough food. I lost two brothers and a sister when I was younger because we didn't have enough and winter came."

"That's the sort of thing I want to stop, really. Whitewall should be better than this." He looks out the window for a moment, sighing. "In any case, I assume that means you want more?"


Sian nods, and does indeed make a stack of sandwiches, sharing them between them.

The young girl, Scarlet Carp her name, smiles warmly, possibly for the first time in years, as she tucks into the sandwiches provided.

Sian is himself a little cheered up by this, though the lack of a catgirl suddenly flying out of the bathroom covered in soap (for whatever bizarre reason) still makes him feel lonely.

Carp yawns suddenly, quickly covering her mouth and blushing, embarassed.

Sian smiles slightly. "You can sleep anytime. I'll stay up and wait for Horse."

"Oh, no. I couldn't possibly sleep like that. Not in your home."

"Well, you have to. I'm a Prince of the Earth, which means you have to do what I say." He adopts a comically-imperious look.


"Mhm." He lets his skin deepen to that blue for a moment, before reverting back to normal. "I know I don't look like one, but I am."

Carp grins slightly, "I must obey my lord and master."

"Exactly. So off to bed. I'll get the fire going."

There's a knock at the door, three soft taps.

Sian gestures to her to go to bed, and goes to answer it.

It's Horse at the door, still coughing but not as harshly, the crimson stain on his lips evidence that the Red Lane herbalist was able to provide something to alleviate the worst of his condition. "Thank-you greatly, my Lord. You are far kinder than you know."

Sian shakes his head a little. "I just want to see things get better. If the cough starts to get bad again, go see the herbalist, and tell her to come see me to settle up the accounts. Try not to work too hard, okay?"

"Work?" Horse grins wryly, "I'm too old and broken to work these days. But thank you anyway."

"Okay. And on second thought, keep that money... I'm not going to use it."

"Thank you again, my Lord Sian."

Sian nods slightly. "See you later."

Horse bows in reply and walks back down the stairs, breathing clearer than he probably has in months.

Sian is rather satisfied at that. He shuts the door, locating his small stash of firewood and getting to starting the fire.

Scarlet Carp has climbed into the bed and has wrapped the warm, heavy sheet around herself, asleep with a contented smile on her young face.

Sian smiles faintly at that, getting the fire nice and hot so it'll burn most of the night, before locating

The 11th Day of Ascending Earth, Realm Year 763

The following day dawns bright and cool, the sun shining down from a cloudless azure sky. Scarlet Carp, the young prostitute is still fast asleep in Sian's bed when he wakes, curled up in the couch. The fire smoulders still, orange and red cinders glowing in the pile of ash.

Sian slept badly, unsurprisingly, not realizing exactly how dependant he'd grown on having a warm body nearby to get to sleep. Grumbling quietly and rubbing his eyes with one hand, he sits up, reaching across for the fire poker and stoking it back into full-on flame.

Carp sits up suddenly on the bed, gasping as if waking from a nightmare. She looks around, eyes wild, and then bounces out of the bed, almost as if physically repelled.

Sian looks over the back of the couch at her, lifting an eyebrow in mild alarm. "Are you okay?"

She looks around some more, and then memory seeps back into her mind and she relaxes. "Sorry, my Lord. I just... I'm not used to being warm when I wake up."

Sian grimaces slightly. "I see. I think you'll have to get used to that, though... unless you like sleeping out in the cold."

"No... are you going to keep me here?" She looks worried.

"No, of course not." He gestures. "Here, get back into bed and keep warm. I'll fix us some breakfast."

"Oh. OK?" Carp climbs back into the bed and huddles up, still looking worried.

Sian sighs inwardly, wandering into the kitchen and fetching some food, scratching idly at his stubble whilst he waits for the porridge to heat.

Carp fidgets in the bed, obviously feeling awkward about the whole situation.

Sian returns with a tray of food; a bowl of porridge covered in brown sugar and some toast for her, along with a glass of juice, and a small stack of toast for himself. He sits at the end of the bed, starting to eat quietly.

The young prostitute picks cautiously at her food, and then, on seeing that nothing bad happens, devours it ravenously.

Sian manages a smile at that. "Taste good?"

Carp nods fervently, finishing the porridge and beginning on the toast, eating it like it was something she had never had before.

Sian wonders if it actually is. He continues to eat his own.

Eventually, the girl is done eating and actually looks content, which is something that Sian hadn't seen before now.

Sian studies her for a moment, making sure not to stare. "Feel better? Want something to drink?"

"Please," she nods.

Sian goes to do so, and not sure whether she wants something warm or cold, fetches both; a glass of juice, and a cup of coffee.

Carp grabs the juice and gulps it down. A few seconds later she belches quietly.

Sian smiles again. "Want this too?" He offers the coffee.

She takes the coffee and starts to drink it quickly, yelping when the hot liquid scalds her mouth.

"Ah, yeah... careful." He looks apologetic. "You okay?"

"Yes. I just wasn't expecting it to be hot."

"Sorry... it's nice stuff, you just gotta let it cool for a bit."

"Oh," she blows on the cup and sips it slowly, smiling as the warm liquid sinks into her stomach.

"See? Much better." He offers another smile in return. "Now, do you have any clothes, other than those?"

"Not really. Just a few old clothes that I wear when I need to wash these."

"Hrm. We'll need to get you some more, then. Do you want to get washed up?"


"Okay. C'mon." He gestures for her to get up. "I'll show you where all the towels and things are."

Carp slides out of the bed and follows Sian into the bathroom.

Sian shows her the cupboard and things. "Here... run the bath, and I'll find you a robe to wear."

"A bath? You have a fountain in your home?"

"Er, no, I..." He stops, realizing both that she doesn't know about baths, and that he's an idiot. He sighs. "This is going to take some getting used to. Here." He shows her the amazing wonders of taps! And warm water!

"Dragons, that's amazing! And you have this in your home?"

"Mhmm. Most of the apartments around here do... most of the buildings I've been in do, too."

"When I want water I have to go to the fountain. There's usually a gang there getting money or... other things from the people who want water."

Sian grimaces again. "Well, there's none of that here. It is both free and warm." He gestures at the now-filled tub. "I'll just be outside... pass me your clothes through the door, and I'll wash them while your in the bath, okay? Careful, it'll be hot."

Carp waits for Sian to mostly close the door and then slips out of her clothes, passing the skimpy garments to him and then slipping into the bath.

Sian does indeed go to wash them, hanging them above the fire to dry when they're clean.

Some time later Carp pokes her head, her long hair dangling down in rat-tails, "What do I wear?"

"There should be a robe in the cupboard, behind the towels."

"Oh." A minute later Carp emerges, mostly dry and wrapped in a robe that is way too large for her small frame.

Sian laughs. "You look good. Very... fluffy." He gestures at how it bunches about her shoulders.

She blushes, her face as red as her name, and then runs back into the bathroom.

Sian follows up to the doorway, still smiling. "Hey, sorry... it just struck me as funny."

"You weren't making fun of me?"

"No, no... it's just 'cause all of my robes are too big for you."

"Oh. I just... I don't like being laughed at."

"I promise I won't laugh at you. Okay? Come on out, and we'll find something that fits you a bit better."

Carp emerges slowly from the bathroom, the robe no longer bunched around her shoulders, but spread out on the floor, the arms dangling down so low they cover her hands.

Sian accepts that. "Better. Come on... have a hunt through the wardrobe. There'a a bunch of clothes in your size there."

Carp looks through the wardrobe, "Whose are these?"

"... a friend's." His tone is a little more serious.

"Oh..." she nods and looks at Sian, "The girl with the tail?"

"Yeah." He makes an effort to cheer up. "But, as you can see, she's practically bankrupted me buying clothes, so take your pick. She won't mind."

Carp fishes through the wardrobe, obviously picking a few things that she likes and then, carries them back into the bathroom to get changed. She emerges a minute later in some long pants and a cotton blouse that flatters her slight figure.

Sian smiles gently. "You look good." He gestures, not giving her time to get embarassed. "Grab a coat, and we'll get going."


"Out. Trust me."

"OK." Carp picks up a large woolly coat from the rack and follows Sian out into the city.

Sian doesn't put an arm around her or anything, knowing it would make her uncomfortable. They arrive outside a particular inn, whereupon he locates his pouch of money, and gives her some, pointing down the road. "About three buildings down is a clothing store... spend that on whatever you want, then meet me inside here, okay? The owner of the shop knows me; just mention my name, and she'll help you out with whatever you want."

Scarlet Carp looks at the money in her hand, her eyes wide with amazement, "Spend this much money? On clothes?"

"Mhmm. Go on."

She walks into the shop pointed out to her, still amazed at the money in her hand and the idea that it could all be spent on clothes.

Sian wanders into the inn, calling out. "Hey! Anyone around?"

Ishandia, the proprietress of inn Jupiter's Shadow walks around the corner at the sound of his voice and smiles broadly, "Sian! Where have you been? It's good to see you! Come here and give me a hug!" She pre-empts her command by tightly embracing the young Dragon-blood.

Sian returns it, with a slight grin. "Busy, I'm afraid. Work for the Syndics can be pretty demanding."

"So I hear. Your name is being said by a lot of people now. I'm proud of you," she gives him another hug.

"Ah, people like to talk, and stories get bigger with each retelling. I eat breakfast one day, and by the time the story hits here I've become the Empress' food-taster."

"You mean you aren't?" Ishandia recoils in mock amazement, "I'm disappointed." She grins, "So, what brings you here?"

"I've got a favour to ask, if it's not too much trouble. Do you have space for a new worker?"

"Why? Are you going to lose your job for the high-and-mighty Syndics? What have you been up to?"

"No, no, not me... this is going to take a bit of explaining." He wanders into the main room with her, sitting on the couch.

"For you, I can always manage something," Ishandia sits down next to Sian, "What do you need?"

Sian nods a little at this, and explains, in not too much details, about Carp. "I was wondering if you'd be able to take her on, give her lodging and such like you did for me. She's probably not used to cleaning and cooking, but she's definitely used to hard work, and she can learn."

"Oh, the poor girl," Ishandia looks sad at the Carp's story, "I can get her a job here, definitely."

"Good, good... I can pay for the first few weeks, just until she's learned the ropes." He pulls out his pouch, offering her the money it contains.

"Keep it. I need new workers anyway, so you're doing me a favour, not the other way around."

"If you insist." He pockets this again. "She should be here in a minute... I've just sent her down to get new clothes." He shakes his head. "She didn't even know how to use the bath in my apartment."

"Oh, the poor girl!" Ishandia looks very concerned, and lifts her head up as a young woman walks into the Jupiter's Shadow, "Is that her now?"

Sian nods, waving the girl over. "It is. Carp, this is Ishandia, the owner of this inn and a dear friend. Ishandia, Scarlet Carp."

Scarlet Carp looks unsure as to what to do, and curtseys deeply to Ishandia, "Pleased to meet you, m'Lady." Ishandia immediately stands up and hugs the girl, "Don't curtsey to me, I'm nothing special." She turns to Sian, "You'd better go, I'll get her started here."

"Okay. Carp, if you ever need anything, you know where I live, okay?"

"Yes, my Lord. And thank-you. For everything."

"It was my pleasure." He smiles a bit, and waves to them both as he wanders out.

The inn itself is quiet this early in the morning, with only the night's guests moving around, getting breakfast from the kitchen.

As can be expected. Sian wanders out of the building, inhaling deeply of the cold air, and wondering what to do. There's always the Syndics to yell at... his expression darkens somewhat at the thought of this.

Standing in the cold, outside Ishandia's inn, Sian ponders his next move, while the mass of Whitewall's citizenry continues with their daily lives, unaware of the horrors that are awaiting the young Dragon-Blood. Sian hardly notices the cold, as per the usual. He just stands, idly scratching his stubble and wondering what to do now.

The crowds remain, people talking and arguing and whispering and kissing, all of human life going on around Sian. Sian doesn't particularly want to go back to his empty house, but can't think of anything else to do.

"What's wrong?" Ishandia's voice startles Sian somewhat, as she emerges from the warm of the Jupiter's Shadow into the cold outside to stand next to her adopted son.

"Hrm? Oh. Nothing." He shrugs a bit, as transparent to her as always.

"That didn't work when you were six, and it didn't work when you Exalted and didn't know what it meant. Now... what's wrong?"

Sian sighs, looking down at her. "It's personal."

Ishandia hugs Sian tightly, still mothering him even now, "Personal? Why... did you finally get a long-term girlfriend and neglect to tell me?"

Sian pauses for a bit, putting his arm around her. "Well... actually, yes. Sorry." He manages to look ashamed.

"So why so sad? I can understand naughty, but not sad. Did she leave you?"

"Yeah... but not willingly." He tells, briefly, of waking up to find her gone.

"Oh no... how horrible!" She clasps Sian comfortingly, holding him close, "What are you going to do about it? Do you love her?"

"... yeah, I think I do. And I don't know." He shrugs. "I was told that I can't do anything about it, other than wait."

"That's a lie. You can always do something! I mean, look at you, a mighty Dragon-Blood - you have powers and strengths that I and my poor departed Sully could barely dream of."

"But I can't use them." He sits dejectedly on the bench outside of the inn. "If I do, she'll be hurt, and I couldn't live with that."

"Whoever took her did so for a reason. That reason must be pretty important for them to go against a Dragon-Blood, particularly one who works for the Silver Kings. Do you really think that they'll risk losing all of the effort they have put in, just like that?"

"Maybe all they want is to crush me." He shrugs. "I think it's working."

"What good would that do? No, they want something with her. You need to find out what it is, and get it back." Ishandia looks directly at Sian.

Sian only meets her gaze for a moment. "I have been annoying them lately... with defeating those monsters, and all." He is loathe to bring up the subject, but still.

"We get monsters all the time in Whitewall. You remember, growing up here, how many years go by without two or three horrors slipping through the walls?"

"Yeah, but... it's been specifically me stopping them, this time. Everyone focuses on the Dragon-Blood, not on the soldiers."

"You stopped them. Once. Did they tell you to not stop any further attacks?"

"No, just to not look for her."

"Then what makes you think that one has anything to do with the other? Your killing those monsters might have brought you to their attention, but so what? There must have been something else. What about the girl? Is there anything special about her?"

"Well, I..." He pauses, finally thinking instead of moping. "She is the daughter of a powerful spirit... but a southern one."

"Really? Well, that's something. Maybe they're after leverage on her mother, and just want you out of the way, did you think of that? Anything else?"

Sian shrugs somewhat, awkward with saying this. "She, um... supposedly carries my child. Maybe they want leverage on me instead."

"You're going to be a father?" Ishandia hugs Sian again, "Even given the circumstances, congratulations!" She stops and thinks, "Why didn't they take her earlier?"

"I don't know. Maybe they just didn't know about her."

"No. I mean... assuming the thing was correct, and she is pregnant. Was it at all noticeable? Was she having morning sickness at all?"

"Not that I was aware of. But I'm not exactly the most knowledgeable about that sort of thing."

"Everything leading up to it you were quite aware of, though. At least according to gossip and the sounds I heard from your bedroom when you were younger," she chuckles shortly.

"Anyway... if she is pregnant, she must be very early on. Perhaps they didn't want her before because she wasn't with child then?"

Sian winces at the first comment, but sobers up slightly. "You mean... they want her child?"

"I don't know, but it's possible. And, if that's the case, they won't dare harm her because it could kill the baby."

Ishandia shudders slightly.

Sian looks rather angry, now. "No child of mine is going to be kept by them."

Ishandia looks up, "So... what are you going to do about it?"

"I still have no idea..." He takes her hand, to reassure them both. "What can I do?"

"You know powerful people. Talk to them. She has a mother who is a god, talk to her. I know that if anyone had taken you away from me when you were a child I'd have stopped at nothing to get you back."

"Yeah, but you're crazy." He manages an impish smile, despite the situation.

"Raising you, could I be anything else?" she nudges back.

"Fair enough, I suppose." He stands, and gives her a hug again. "I'll go talk with the Syndics, and see what I can do."

"I am always glad to help my boy," she kisses Sian's forehead, "And, when you get her back, bring her here to meet me, would you?"

"Oh, right. I really want my adoptive mother and my lover to talk behind my back."

"What else are us girls supposed to do while the menfolk are out slaying monsters?" she smiles warmly.

"Damned women." He says this lightly, squeezing her again.

Ishandia grins, "Silly boy. You should have come to me much earlier, I can always help you fix your problems, remember? Now go talk to those ice statues that call themselves Syndics and see if they can help you."

"I will. And thanks for taking Carp in."

"No thanks are necessary, but they're always appreciated." Ishandia stands up from the bench slowly and walks back into her inn, "Good luck, son."

"Thanks." He smile slightly, and waves as he wanders off.

The door closes behind her, leaving Sian standing outside much as he was an hour ago. The cold air seems less so now, and the crowds don't seem to unconsciously mocking. Sian similarly feels a little better, but not much. He starts to walk towards the palace.

The Palace of the Syndics remains as it always does, tall and cold much like the spirit-kings within. The guards let Sian in without question.

Sian takes no notice of them, walking along the hall towards the main chamber.

Sliding Joy, the Syndics' major-domo scuttles in front of Sian, "I don't recall you having an appointment here today, Sian."

"Because I don't. I still want to see them, though." He turns his gaze on the spider-spirit.

The spirit takes a few steps back, visibly wilting beneath Sian's gaze, "Well, I'll... I'll see what I can do..." She scuttles backwards and through the door to the Syndics' chamber.

A minute later she returns, visibly shaken, "The Syndics will see you now."

Sian knows he shouldn't have done that, as Sliding Joy is something of a friend, and so he softens his expression when she returns. "Thank you." He marches into the hall.

The Syndics stand further apart than Sian has ever seen them before, creating triangle between them as large as the room will allow, the door at the centre of one edge. "Ah, Sian, our trusted envoy."

"And representative. We were."

"Expecting you at this time. You."

"Have something you wish to ask."

"Of us?"

"Yes. I want to know what sort of deal you have with the dead." His tone is not happy.

"We are responsible for the safety."

"And well-being of the entire."

"City. We come to what arrangements."

"Are necessary to ensure this. Surely."

"You know this, you have been our."

"Representative for some years."

"I have. And I thought that would have earned me some measure of trust. Why did you let them take Aia?"

"We do what is necessary. Sometimes."

"This causes harm to our."

"Subjects, which is regrettable, but of little."

"Import in the grand scheme. We."

"Make the decisions that we."

"Make because we must make."

"Them. No-one else can."

Sian just stares at this. "You sacrifice subjects for what, exactly? Some great plan? What does that accomplish?"

The Syndics move closer to Sian, keeping him at the centre of their triangle, "It allows this city to."

"Endure. Hard choices must be made in."

"This lessened world, and we will."

"Not shirk from making them, for they."

"Have already been made. We do."

"Not expect you to understand our."

"Reasons, but merely to obey our wishes. What."

"Is to happen must happen, or."

"All our efforts are lost."

"For what? The preservation of Whitewall?" He just about stamps his foot in anger. "The people are Whitewall. And if you think I'm going to just sit and let you sacrifice the people to keep this frozen town standing, you're wrong. Especially not people I care for."

"The city of Whitewall is our."

"Responsibility. If some must be sacrificed."

"So the majority can live, then."

"So be it. There may."

"Come a time when you understand."

"The burden we live under, until then."

"You will do what you must, as."

"We will continue to do."

Sian shakes his head slowly. "The people here don't live. They exist, that's all. And you might be under some great burden, I don't know, and I honestly don't care at this point. I just want her back."

The Syndics close in even tighter around Sian, swirling around in a tight circle that is almost dizzying. Then, for the first time Sian can ever recall, all three speak as one, "Then get her." The spirits peel away, sliding across the floor at running speed, and then disappear into alcoves.

Sian clenches his fist, then slowly forces himself to do the reverse, marching angrily out of the hall.

Sliding Joy peers out from her shell as Sian storms out, "Did you get what you wanted?"

"No. And I doubt I will." He starts to storm past her, then stops, turning back. "If they want me, I'll be in Tideholme. I need to get away from here."

"They don't tell me everything about what they do, Sian. In fact, they don't tell me much, but I do know this - they never do anything without it being good for the city in the end." She unfurls her legs and disappears back into her chamber.

Sian just shrugs at this, heading out and home to gather some things. He locks the door behind him when he's done, and heads back to see Ishandia again, geared up for travel.

Ishandia takes one look at Sian's face and rushes over, "It didn't go well, I take it?"

"You could say that." He sighs, frustrated.

"Sit down," she ushers him over to a large upholstered bench, "What happened?"

Sian sits on said bench, and explains roughly what happened. "So, I'm leaving for a while. I don't know how long."

"Oh..." she looks sad, "What will you do?"

"No idea. I can make a living off of my skills in Tideholme, I guess... Asura would be happy to have me work for her, I imagine, and there are usually other Dragon-Blooded around."

"Aren't you going to look for her?"

"I can't, remember? It's not allowed. And despite what you said, I don't feel comfortable risking her."

She hugs Sian, "I wish I could help you, my boy, I really do," She looks at him, her eyes sad, "I've never told anyone this before, not even my poor Jurol. I took you in, treated you as my own son, and I came to love you as if you were my own. But sometimes, at night, I wonder... what would my child have been like? It has never gone away, not even after 30 years."

She stands up and kisses Sian's head, "Just something I wanted to tell you."

Sian tries to smile reassuringly, but can barely manage. "I'm sorry, Ishandia."

"It's not your fault, and I do love you, you know."

"I know. But it still makes me feel bad for you."

"I've had a good life. I just wonder sometimes..." she sighs, "I guess I'm saying, you don't want to spend your life wondering what might have happened, if you had a chance to fix it."

"I can't just march into the shadowland and demand her back. And I can't think of anything else."

"Whitewall is a big city. Someone must have seen something. Someone sees everything around here."

"And that someone is usually the Syndics." He shakes his head. "I can't put her in danger. So here." He offers her the key to his place. "If it's not too much trouble, could you look after my apartment while I'm gone? Just take the mail inside, and all that. I'll pay you when I return."

Ishandia nods, "Take care, Sian. I'd miss you horribly if something happened to you."

"Yeah, I know." He kisses her on the cheek lightly. "I'll see you again... I just don't know when that will be."

"Very well. I'll be thinking about you until you get back."

"Thanks. See you." He waves, shouldering his pack and wandering out.