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Custom Solar Charms

Martial Arts

See Capering Monkey Martial Arts Style

  • Opportunity-Seizing Technique
  • Indiscriminate Use of Limbs Method
  • Wild Monkey Defense
  • Capering Monkey Form
  • Feckless Grasp of Opportunity
  • Pinwheel Flurry of Limbs
  • Shameless Simian Rebuke
  • Monkey Takes What is Offered
  • Clever Tool-Use Discipline
  • Nimble Redirection of Hostilities


Brotherhood of Steel Stance

 Cost: 5 motes, 1 WP
 Duration: Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Melee: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite: Two Swords Technique, Peony Blossom Attack

A character with this Charm has learned how to control multiple weapons completely independently, reducing his Multiple Action penalty by his Essence for the all Melee actions for the remainder of the scene while using a weapon in each hand. Additionally, multiple weapons now use their own Rate independently, and attacks with one weapon do not count against the maximum Rate of any other weapon.

Master of All Weapons Technique</b>

 <b>Cost: none
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Minimum Melee: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite: Transcendant Melee Prowess

Once an Exalt has begun to completely master the essential art of Melee, he may expand outward from that knowledge into the infinite potential of individual specializations. Like Ox-Body Technique, this is not precisely a Charm as such, but a natural extension of the Solar's perfection in all things. Each purchase of this Charm grants the character one additional Melee Specialization die of his choice. However, no more Specialization dice may ever be applied to a single roll than the character's base Ability. This Charm may be purchased a maximum number of times equal to the character's Essence.


Trance of Fluid Grace

 Cost: 3 Motes per extra attack
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Extra Action
 Minimum Thrown: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite: Precision of the Striking Raptor, Triple-Distance Attack Technique

Unlike Cascade of Cutting Terror, Trance of Fluid Grace allows a character to make multiple separate Thrown attacks, up to a maximum number of extra attacks equal to his Essence. This is a standard Extra Action charm, so each attack may be dodged or parried as normal, and is resolved as a separate action. The character must have enough ammunition on-hand for the total number of attacks, each of which is made at the character’s full dice pool. The character cannot further split his actions while performing this Charm.

Iron Hailstorm Attack

 Cost: 5 motes, 1 WP
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Extra Action
 Minimum Thrown: 5
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite: Precision of the Striking Raptor, Triple-Distance Attack Technique

The character becomes a whirling dervish of limbs, throwing weapon after weapon at any number of enemies. On the turn he uses this Charm, the character may make a total number of identical Thrown attacks equal to his Dexterity. The character cannot split his Thrown pool and use this Charm in the same turn, and may not make more attacks than his ammunition supply allows.

Master of All Throws Technique</b>

 <b>Cost: none
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Minimum Melee: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite: Transcendant Thrown Prowess

Once an Exalt has begun to completely master the essential art of Throwing, he may expand outward from that knowledge into the infinite potential of individual specializations. Like Ox-Body Technique, this is not precisely a Charm as such, but a natural extension of the Solar's perfection in all things. Each purchase of this Charm grants the character one additional Melee Specialization die of his choice. However, no more Specialization dice may ever be applied to a single roll than the character's base Ability. This Charm may be purchased a maximum number of times equal to the character's Essence.


Supple Contortionist Prana

 Cost: 2 Motes per success
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Athletics: 5
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite: Dexterity Increasing Exercise

The Solar’s limbs and joints take on an unnatural flexibility and fluidity, allowing him to fold comfortably into entirely unnatural positions. While he will never reach the degree of sheer physical prowess of a Lunar Exalted, a Solar with this Charm can squeeze into some very tight places, and Solars with this charm can escape from most bonds or restraints with ease.

First, the character makes a normal Dexterity + Athletics roll to contort into an unnatural position – either to squeeze into or through a narrow space, or to attempt to escape restraints or bondage. The character can then buy one additional success for every two motes spent on this charm, up to the number of successes originally rolled. If squeezing into or past a tight narrowing, the area must be at least large enough to contain the character’s total volume, and the character’s skull must be capable of fitting through the narrowest portion of the opening.

In addition to normal restraints, this charm can also be used to add successes on a Dexterity + Brawl or Martial Arts roll to escape from a Clinch using the same system.

Perfection of Motion Prana

 Cost: 2 Motes per -1 Penalty
 Duration: One Turn
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Athletics: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite: Effortless Speed, Cardinal Directions Serenity Stance

The Exalt gains a heightened ability to split his physical attention among multiple tasks. For every 2 motes spent, reduce the multiple action difficulty for each physical action taken that turn by 1 die, to a minimum of no penalty. For example, if the Exalt spends 10 motes of Essence and performs four actions, the total penalty will be -0, -0, -1, -2, since the first action's penalty (-4 dice) cannot be reduced below 0.

Master of All Motions Technique</b>

 <b>Cost: none
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Minimum Melee: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite: Transcendant Athletics Prowess

Once an Exalt has begun to completely master the essential art of Athletics, he may expand outward from that knowledge into the infinite potential of individual specializations. Like Ox-Body Technique, this is not precisely a Charm as such, but a natural extension of the Solar's perfection in all things. Each purchase of this Charm grants the character one additional Melee Specialization die of his choice. However, no more Specialization dice may ever be applied to a single roll than the character's base Ability. This Charm may be purchased a maximum number of times equal to the character's Essence.


Divine Courtesan Style

 Cost: 8 Motes
 Duration: 1 Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite: Harmonious Presence Meditation

Divine Courtesan Style heightens a Solar’s radiant beauty, transforming her visage to match her idealized form. Exalts using this Charm are golden angels or radiant goddesses, achingly beautiful beings with flawless skin and ruby lips. A character adds her permanent Essence to her Appearance rating as long as this Charm remains active. This is a real effect brought to life by Essence, and not an illusion. As such, the character’s altered beauty cannot be pierced by magic that detects glamour or illusions, and the increased Appearance counts as natural for the purposes of other Charms.

In addition to augmenting her beauty, this Charm also causes the Solar to exude an aura of seduction and desirability. Players of characters who behold the Exalt or interact with her must make a successful Temperance roll. If the roll fails, the characters find the Solar overwhelmingly desirable regardless of their normal sexual preference. They will not harm the Exalt and are likely to behave irrationally in an attempt to impress her. If the Exalt actually wishes to seduce a smitten character, she may do so without a roll.


Keen Balance and Motion Prana

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: One Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Awareness: 3
 Minimum Athletics: 2
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite: Sensory Acuity Prana, Graceful Crane Stance

The Exalt gains a preternaturally heightened sense of balance and kinesthetics. The character may instantly know which direction is up, which direction is north, how fast he is moving and in what direction without a roll, as well as the precise position and angle of every joint in her body. This does not mean the character is any better at maintaining balance (that would be Graceful Crane Stance), but the added understanding does provide a +2 bonus to all Athletics rolls involving balance or precise motion. Additionally, the character can make an extended Perception + Awareness roll at difficulty 3 to recall and retrace her motion through kinesthetic memory alone, precisely recalling each turn, twist and straightaway with a single success.

Unsurpassed Balance and Motion Discipline

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: One Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Awareness: 5
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite: Keen Balance Prana

The Exalt’s sense of balance and motion are enhanced to utterly inhuman levels, adding his Perception in automatic successes to any Athletic rolls regarding balance and precise motion, or half his Perception (round down) in automatic successes to any other Dexterity-based Athletics roll. Additionally, the character can now always retrace any motion taken or path traversed with perfect ease without any other information (such as landmarks, sounds, smells or tactile sensations), whether or not the original movement was taken under the character’s own power.


Bending Reed Defense

 Cost: 8 Motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Athletics: 5
 Minimum Dodge: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite: Supple Contortionist Prana, Perfection of Motion Prana, Reflex Sidestep Technique

By combining their supernatural athletic prowess and danger awareness, a Solar Exalted may perform unimaginable feats of flexibility and balance in order to dodge incoming attacks. For the remainder of the scene, the character gains a number of dice equal to her Athletics score (plus any relevant specializations or bonuses, such as Gymnastics or Acrobatics) for all dodge actions, as the character twists and contorts out of the way of the incoming attack without losing her balance or breaking her stride. Additionally, the character may reflexively dodge any attack she can perceive with a dice pool equal to her Athletics score. With an appropriate stunt, these Dodge rolls may be explicitly augmented by Athletics Charms which augment Dexterity + Athletics.

Master of All Avoidances Technique</b>

 <b>Cost: none
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Minimum Melee: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite: Transcendant Dodge Prowess

Once an Exalt has begun to completely master the essential art of Dodge, he may expand outward from that knowledge into the infinite potential of individual specializations. Like Ox-Body Technique, this is not precisely a Charm as such, but a natural extension of the Solar's perfection in all things. Each purchase of this Charm grants the character one additional Melee Specialization die of his choice. However, no more Specialization dice may ever be applied to a single roll than the character's base Ability. This Charm may be purchased a maximum number of times equal to the character's Essence.