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Burden is Joy

Name: Burden is Joy
Concept: Mount and companion
Nature: Follower

Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Charisma 4, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Archery 0, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 1, Bureacracy 0, Craft 0, Dodge 3, Endurance 2, Investigation 0, Larceny 0, Linguistics 1, Lore 0, Martial Arts 0, Medicine 0, Melee 0, Occult 0, Performance 0, Presence 0, Resistance 0, Ride 3, Sail 0, Socialize 0, Stealth 0, Survival 3, Thrown 0,

Athletics (being ridden) +1, Brawl (Kicking in horse form) +1

Backing 4(Deathlord), Underworld Cult 2

Remains of her beloved horse (Fetter 3, represented by a horse skull), The open Steppe where she once rode (Fetter 2, represented by a handful of grass, tied into "her" mane)



Virtues and Passions:
Compassion 3: Carry her master to the best of her ability 3
Valor 3: Defend her Rider 3
Temperance 1 Retain her human intelligence, refer from becomming an animal
Conviction 2 Outride any mount, living or dead 3

Essence: 2
Essence pool: 56
Committed Essence: 0
Health Levels: -0, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated


Spirit-Catching Eye Technique, Soul-Whispering Empathy Discipline, Mortal-Shadowing Technique, Nemissary's Ride, Dead Fur Cloak Method, The Embalmer's Art, Intangible Guardian Stance x 2 (adds -0x2 and -1x2 to her vessel).


Bonus point: 21

Experience points: +28


Burden is Joy spends most of her time in her custom made horse corpse body and as such, appears to be a slender, bordering on gaunt warhorse with greys hide and mane. Normally the corpse has dead glass like eyes, but when Burden is Joy commands the revenant vessel, a vicious gleam can be seen in the otherwise black and lifeless eyes. Outside of the horse corpse body, Burden of Joy appears mostly as she did, when she was alive: as a young, somewhat plumb and unattractive woman of one of the many horse riding nomad tribes, populating the north east(?) of creation. A perpetual sneer distorts her already ugly face, except when talking about horses or her rider, when she gets highly excited. The only thing that jars the image, is her head hanging on her chest, her neck obviously broken.


Detailed Backgrounds

  • Backing 4 (Fel Flight)
    • Burden is Joy´s primary (some would say only) function is to carry her master, the Abyssal Pale Faced Deliverance of the Deadly Rain . In order for her to do that, their shared master has had a special Transcendent revenant vessel built, in the shape of a powerful warhorse, for Burden is Joy to inhabit and her Abyssal master to ride. Looking like a strong, slender, if somewhat eerie appearing horse, Fel Flight, as the vessel is known, has several advantages build into it. Fel Flight (Level 4 transcendent revenant vessle w. 30 bonus points. Augumentations: Build for Speed(+5 points), Shadowland Sense(+2 points), Decay Immunity(+5 points), Dedicated Attunement(+4 points), Attributes (Dexterity +2, +8 points), Armor (+ 3L/3B, +6 points), Strength 7, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6, Health levels: -0x2/-1x4/-2x2/-4/I, Bite: 5/5/2L, Kick 2/5/8L, Dodge/soak: 3/5L/7B.
  • Underworld Cult 2
    • A group of ghosts, all former woodsmen, hunters and other kinds of woodland dwellers, have made Pale Faced Deliverance of the Deadly Rain the object of their worship, because of his mastery of the hunt. As part of their invocation of her Rider, the small ghost cult worships Burden is Joy as some sort of semidivine creature.

Other Notes
