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Councilman Tze-Lung is the primary adversary of my Exiles of the Shadow Dragon campaign, a renegade Dragon blooded who have joined forces with a Deathlord.

Councilman Lung

Name: Councilman Tze-Lung, fmr. Unmovable Toad
Nature: Architect
Aspect: Water
House: Unknown
Concept: Former Immaculate assassin, now Deathlord Agent

Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 1, Manipulation 5, Appearance 1
Perception 1, Intelligence 5, Wits 4

Archery 0, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 0, Bureacracy 0, Craft 0 , Dodge 3, Endurance 3, Investigation 3, Larcerny 3, Linguistics 3 , Lore 0, Martial Arts 3, Medicine 0, Melee 0, Occult 0, Performance 0, Presence 0, Resistance 3, Ride 0, Sail 0, Socialize 3, Stealth 3, Survival 0, Thrown 0,

Manse 3 (The Sunken hall of Dark Water), Patron 5 (Widow of the Red Path), Resources 4

-Innocuous(+2 pts), Blurred Fate (+1 pts)


Virtues: Compassion 1, Valor 2, Temperance 3, Conviction 3

Essence: 2
Personal essence pool: 6
Periferal essence pool: 20
Health Levels: -0, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated


Martial Arts: Spirit Sight, Spirit Walking, Water Dragon Style(Flowing Water Defense, Rippling Water Strike, Drowning-in-Blood technique, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape, Water Dragon Form)


Bonus point: 12

Experience points:


For reason unknown to most, few people tend to take much notice of Councilman Tze-Lung. It is not that his appearance is not unusual; he is ugly as few with pale, clammy skin, large bloodless lips and large dark emotion bereft eyes, which, combined with his considerable overweight, gives him the apperance of a toad. His long greying hair, kept in the style of an official of the realm, is always greary and shiny, as if dirty and there hangs a perpetual smell of old, stale water about him. As befits his position, the councilman dresses in the fine robes of a high level official of the Thousand Scales and yet for all this finery, the councilman often surprises people by suddenly adressing them, without them knowing that he was present.


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