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<b><i>Desperate Cat Defense</i></b>
<b>Cost: 1 mote per die</b>
<b>Duration: Instant</b>
<b>Type: Reflexive</b>
<b>Min. Ability: 2</b>
<b>Min Essence: 1</b>
The Lunar adds bonus dice to any dodge or parry.  No more than Dex.
<b><i>Casual Lion Swat</i></b>
<b>Cost: 2 motes</b>
<b>Type: Reflexive.</b>
<b>Min. Ability: 3</b>
<b>Min Essence: 1</b>
<b>Prereqs: Desperate Cat Defense</b>
Reflexive parry.
<b><i>Laughing Lion Counterattack</i></b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes</b>
<b>Duration: Instant</b>
<b>Type: Reflexive</b>
<b>Min. Ability: 4</b>
<b>Min Essence: 2</b>
<b>Prereqs: Casual Lion Swat</b>
The Lunar ducks to the side of an attack, then strikes while his opponent's guard is down.  Defend againist a hand to hand attack your full Dexterity+Dodge pool.  Any excess successuses apply as an automatic counterattack, which may then be defended againist as normal.  Laughing Lion Counterattack may not counter a counterattack Charm, although it may still be used to defend. 
<b><i>Tireless Guardian Aegis</i></b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower</b>
<b>Duration: Instant </b>
<b>Type: Reflexive</b>
<b>Min. Ability: 5</b>
<b>Min Essence: 3</b>
<b>Prereqs: Casual Lion Swat</b>
Perfect Block.
<b><i>Beautious Feline Grace</i></b>
<b>Cost: 4 motes</b>
<b>Duration: One Scene</b>
<b>Type: Supplemental</b>
<b>Min. Ability: 4</b>
<b>Min Essence: 2</b>
<b>Prereqs: Casual Lion Swat</b>
The Lunar doubles his running and jumping speeds for the rest of the scene. 
<b><i>Bounding Wolf Defense</i></b>
<b>Cost: 3 motes</b>
<b>Duration: Instant</b>
<b>Type: Reflexive</b>
<b>Min. Ability: 4</b>
<b>Min Essence: 2</b>
<b>Prereqs: Beautious Feline Grace, Desperate Cat Defense</b>
Hopping Defense, comes with a reflexive dodge.
<b><i>Unformed Body Defense</i></b>
<b>Cost: 6 motes, 1 lethal health level</b>
<b>Duration: Instant</b>
<b>Type: Reflexive</b>
<b>Min. Ability: 4</b>
<b>Min Essence: 2</b>
<b>Prereqs: Bounding Wolf Defense</b>
The Lunar bends and flows, perfectly dodging one attack.
<b><i>Provoking the Lion's Wrath</i></b>
<b>Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower</b>
<b>Duration: Instant</b>
<b>Type: Reflexive</b>
<b>Min. Ability: 4</b>
<b>Min Essence: 2</b>
<b>Prereqs: Laughing Lion Counterattack, Unformed Body Defense</b>
The Lunar unerringly slips aside from an attack, then counters with her full Dexterity+(Brawl, Melee, or Martial Arts) die pool.
=== Comments ===
I feel the need for tricks.  Also, Athletics. -MeiRen

Latest revision as of 03:33, 5 June 2005