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Latest revision as of 01:27, 29 September 2004

Name: Alfeta Swau
Nature: Explorer
Concept: Ghost-Breaker

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4

Archery 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 2 (Detecting Spirits +1, Preventing Ambush +2), Brawl 4, Bureaucracy 2 (Order of Morticians +3), Dodge 5, Endurance 4, Investigation 3 (Crime Reconstruction +3), Larceny 2, Linguistics 5 (High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak, Old Realm, Flametongue, Skytongue), Lore 3 (the North +2), Medicine 2 (Preventing Infection +2), Melee 5 (Against Mindless Undead +2), Occult 5 (Ghostbreaking +3), Presence 3, Ride 3, Socialize 2, Stealth 3, Survival 5 (Foraging +2, Cold Weather +1)

Backgrounds: Allies 5, Backing (Sijan) 4, Contacts 5

Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 5, Valor 3

Willpower: 8
Health: -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 2
Essence pool: 70

Charms: Compassion
Measure the Wind
Tiny Gift (only to grant 1 bonus die to Presence)

Donning Spiritual Armor (appears as corona of flames)
Affinity Element Control (flames)

Equipment: Well-worn clothing, self bow, quiver of broadhead arrows, exceptional spear, bag of dead-repelling occult tricks.

Base initiative: 8
Soak: 11B/9L/7A (Spiritual Armor)
Dodge: 7
Exceptional Spear: Spd 12, Acc 10, Dmg 6L, Def 9
Self Bow: Acc 8, Dmg 5L, Rate 2


Alfeta Swau! Hero of Sijan, renowned throughout the North!

Alfeta Swau! Present at the Changing of the Seven Pendants, five mortal generations ago, when the Lady of Roses Dark as Wine still held sway over the House of Cerements and Ivory!

Alfeta Swau has earned the title of most famous ghostbreaker of the current era. Born two hundred and fifty years ago in the city of Sijan, he trained as a mendicant exorcist and plied his trade throughout the Scavenger lands. He laid many hungry ghosts to rest and thwarted the schemes of many a petty necromancer before time and age began to overtake him.

On what was to have been his last excursion, Swau visited a small theocracy on the southern side of the Hundred Kingdoms, and there rooted out a murder cult led by the half-mad nemessary of a dead heretic. Impressed by Swau’s abilities, the god of small nation – Ibam-Sag, the Cauterizing Brand – endowed Swau with Essence, greatly extending his lifespan and his capabilities.

Reinvigorated by his quasi-Exaltation as a God-Blooded, Swau returned to his work with a vengeance, and has for two centuries stalked the unquiet dead across the icy North, where his limited Charms of heat and fire serve him well.

Alfeta Swau appears to be a grizzled, powerful middle-aged man. When prepared for combat, he wears a coat of flames that do not burn, but protect him like armor. He knows he is approaching the end of his unnaturally-extended lifespan, and wishes to die not in bed.

Swau is an old and powerful God-Blooded, whose tremendous experience (high Attributes and Abilites bought up over the last two hundred years) overshadow his minor Essence-wielding capabilities. His high Allies and Contacts reflect a network of acquaintances, most mortal but some godly, built up since his endowment.