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Well, just want to post this one for now. I'll go and fix this so that it looks how it is supposed to when I have some more energy and free time. The story isn't written up yet either, but she does have one. She started off as a creepy alchemist girl, experimenting on dead animals, and then there was this huge accident that resulted in the lab exploding and stuff, and then she exalted to kill the necrozombie she accidentally created. After killing it, she eventually went adventuring and then succumbed to the side of the malfeans after they promised her that she would be beautiful once again. Currently, however, her body is horribly scarred, and she lurks within the shadows of her cloak, never letting anyone see her twisted form.  
Well, just want to post this one for now. I'll go and fix this so that it looks how it is supposed to when I have some more energy and free time. The story isn't written up yet either, but she does have one. She started off as a creepy alchemist girl, experimenting on dead animals, and then there was this huge accident that resulted in the lab exploding and stuff, and then she exalted to kill the necrozombie she accidentally created. After killing it, she eventually went adventuring and then succumbed to the side of the malfeans after they promised her that she would be beautiful once again. Currently, however, her body is horribly scarred, and she lurks within the shadows of her cloak, never letting anyone see her twisted form. http://hammerand.com/GoldenHWinterForest.jpg

Latest revision as of 03:22, 4 June 2006

Well, just want to post this one for now. I'll go and fix this so that it looks how it is supposed to when I have some more energy and free time. The story isn't written up yet either, but she does have one. She started off as a creepy alchemist girl, experimenting on dead animals, and then there was this huge accident that resulted in the lab exploding and stuff, and then she exalted to kill the necrozombie she accidentally created. After killing it, she eventually went adventuring and then succumbed to the side of the malfeans after they promised her that she would be beautiful once again. Currently, however, her body is horribly scarred, and she lurks within the shadows of her cloak, never letting anyone see her twisted form. http://hammerand.com/GoldenHWinterForest.jpg

Title: Nymph in the Web of the Winter Forest Concept: Banshee Necromancer

Strength 1 Dexterity 5 Stamina 4

Charisma 1 Manipulation 5 Appearance 0

Perception 4 Intelligence 5 Wits 2

0 Archery 0 Brawl 0 Martial Arts 0 Melee 1 *Thrown

3 Endurance 3 Performance 5 *Presence 5 *Resistance 1 Survival

1 *Craft (Alchemy) 1 *Investigation 2 *Lore 1 *Medicine 5 *Occult

1 *Athletics 3 Awareness 0 Dodge 0 Larceny 1 *Stealth

0 Bureaucracy 1 Linguistics (Old Realm) 0 Ride 0 Sail 0 Socialize

Essence Engorgement Technique Essence Engorgement Technique Essence Engorgement Technique Essence Engorgement Technique Shadowlands Circle Necromancy Labyrinth Circle Necromancy

Spirit-Hardened Frame Snake Bites its Tail Scarlet Venom Technique Haunting Inflection Trick Withering Dirge

Onyx Countermagic Arisen Legions Reaping the Fallen Hundred Shade Breath Ivory Razor Forest

3 Artifact Gauntlet of the Dark Ageis (Level 4 artifact) Heart-Seeking Thorn (Level 2 Artifact) Black Midnight Choker (Level 1 artifact) 1 Familiar Wyvern Egg 5 Liege 3 Manse Emerald Stone of the Heavenly Chior 4 Necromancy

Virtues 1 Compassion 3 Conviction 2 Temperence 3 Valor

6 Willpower

4 Essence 18 Personal 43 Peripheral 40 Blood Feast 5 Committed

Gauntlet of the Dark Ageis (Level 4 artifact) [ holds 3 spells, 3m committment] This mess of cold iron plates and leather straps wraps around the wielder's hand, binding it's essence to the Abyssal's own. If used by anyone other than an Abyssal, they suffer 1 bashing level of health per day which cannot be healed until they until it is removed.

So long as the essence is committed, the Gauntlet may hold up to 3 Labyrinth, Shadowland, or Terrestrial Circle spells. If the Gauntlet is holding countermagic spells, they can be released at any time as a reflexive action; any other use requires the Sorcerer's Full Action for the turn.

Alternatively, if the Sorcerer is the target of a spell the gauntlet may contain, he may as a simple action roll perception + occult at the difficulty of the spell circle (1 or 2) and attempt to capture the spell within the gauntlets. If this roll is successful then the spell is successfully contained within the gauntlets, to be released at his whim. None of this counts as charm use, so reflexive charms may still be used.

The spell cost and it's attributes are fixed when the spell is first cast. Additionally, Iron or Onyx countermagic can be used to cancel Emerald or Sapphire spells respectively, for the additional cost of one WP and your charm useage for the turn.

If the essence is committed in the spell, then the essence will be committed until the character releases the spell from the gauntlet. Otherwise it will regain normally. Additionally, if the gauntlet ever contains more essence than twice the character's total essence pool, it will explode as if the artifact have been uncommitted. Casting a countermagic on the gauntlet has no effect.

If the artifact ever loses it's commitment to the sorcerer than all the essence contained in the spell is released in a single large essence wave, as if the character had botched when casting the spell. Either the spells will be released, with nobody to control them, the spells will do some other random ST controlled effect, or it will be released as a single huge essence burn effect, doing aggrivated damage for each mote that was contained within the gauntlet over a radius of 10 times the combined circle score in yards.

The gauntlet otherwise has the normal stats of a gauntlet ( +0 +0 +1L +0 ), has two universal sockets, and can be used to parry lethal attacks unarmed. It cannot be removed from the caster's hand while spells are contained without a careful ritual; roll wits + lore at difficulty 2 to contain the spells. As long as there is no botch, the character can try to direct each spell; however, if there is a botch, the gauntlet immediately loses all attunement, as per the effects above.

Heart-Seeking Thorn (Level 2 Artifact) +1 acc, +2L, 1 rate, 20 feet range, 1m committed. This soulsteel abstraction of a weapon seems to be some kind of a artistic merge between a flower and a squid, an illusion causing it to seem to writhe in the air and hand of the one who holds it. The dagger is strange and misshapen and moans with the noises that aquatic animals make, yet easy to throw at a living target, for it senses the life that it will drain and seeks it out, even through distances of air or sea. The blade excretes a gross mucus through the porous blade, so it is never clean, but nevertheless, this does not affect the grip the wierlder has on the blade, nor does it dirty them with it's strange odors.

For every 3 motes spent, it gains another +1 accuracy and increases it's damage by 1L. However, these improvements are temporary, and the knife must be recharged each turn it is thrown. It is a soulsteel blade, so it drains the normal Essence in motes, but these motes are lost unless a custom charm is used. A character cannot spend more than 15 motes of essence improving the accuracy and damge of the blade. These bonuses stack with those provided by charms, and you cannot split your action when this effect is used, but it does not count as a charm use or conflict with multiple action charms.

Black Midnight Choker (Level 1 artifact, 1m committed) This ice-cold metal device of paper-thin soulsteel crushes crulely against it's wearer's throat, always seeming two sizes too small, but instead of sounding strained it has the effect of amplifying it's wearers' voice in clarity and tone. The character's voice is sweet and resplendant, but it's true power comes with knowledge of magic. By spending 5m in conjunction with casting a spell, the user may use their Manipulation score in place of their Charisma. This effect cannot be used outside of sorcery or necromancy. Additionally, the choker has a single univeral socket in the center of the device that will hold a hearthstone so that it can be clearly seen by anyone looking at the character, unless suitably disguised.

Emerald Stone of the Heavenly Chior (Level 3 hearthstone, Abyssal manse) During a scene where an Abyssal with Withering Dirge uses Resonance Manipulation, they may chose to activate the charm and link it to their resonance effects. For the rest of the scene, the character's anima will sing the dirge in the character's place. This essence remains committed for the rest of the scene, and the only way to stop the effect is by removing the hearthstone from its socket. This does not count as the character's charm use, nor does it necessarily have to match up with the effect of the Resonance. However, this latter option does not restrict the range of vocalizations for the Dirge.

If for example the Abyssal should chose ringing bells as to be the effect created by the resonance manipulation, they might have the ringing of the bells be the sound that inflicts the damage, or they might have a heavenly chior sining in the background; in no cases, however, may the damage be subvocal - while a nonverbal effect might still be taken, the dirge must still be audible, so if for example the bells were muted by the clergy, then a heavenly chior might start up to frustrate their efforts to stop the singing. Instead of a singing, there might be a horrible scream or a other sound.

Though the sound is not under the control of the character, like the resonance manipulation itself, it is under the control of the player; sympathetic effects should be chosen, but not required by this hearthstone. While this hearthstone is in use, it shines with a brilliant emerald light, that while does not shine through any clothing or reveal what is in shadow, nonetheless is brilliant enough to be seen even under the darkest cowl.

The cost for using the charm is doubled, and it's range is not particularly increased unless the Storyteller would consider it dramatic to be so. The holder of this hearthstone may designate a number of people equal to her essence to be immune to the effects of the charm; they must either pay 2m or a WP in order to accept this; if they deny, or die, or are unable to accept this immunity, the abyssal must chose someone else to accept this benefit instead; if there are not enough combatants, this hearthstone simply cannot be used.