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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== To Deceive a Deceiver ==
As soon as the Black Winged stepped into Amber Post again, the winds begun to howl.
As she navigated to where the others had been a torrent was already crashing from the sky.
As if fate had stayed its hand, waiting for her bussiness to finish.
But her friends were not there anymore. They had been moved - all of them - to the far corners of Amber Post, on a small citatel belonging to a Merchant family, currently vacant. ''If any other clown comes looking for you all'' Cesta had said, ''It is not '''my''' silverware that is paying for it anymore''. And thus, they got relocated, waiting for the Dark Angel and dusting off the near-abandoned place...
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' Of course, it was a nice place. A very nice place. All full of vases and paintings and pieces... and the Butterfly, walking around in what is barely a teddy - the gift of a child of Mela, who could be in a swimsuit in the harshest winter - can't help but to ogle at it all... "Hmmm. So, we clean it up, we take it home? It is not like whoever owns this will notice anytime soon... and let me reiterate, this is '''not''' what I signed up for. Where's the comfort being a legend brings?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She was still stunned by the decision those mercenaries had made. Well, hopefully there were a few left to continue the tournament. Or she'd probably be in trouble. Some kind of trouble.
''Yeah right. ''
The howling winds didn't bother her too much on the walk there. And at least now, she was in a place that wasn't Cesta's. With her money not being drained by all those extravagant meals.
"I should note, that my money was paying for some of that extravagence before."
'''Aghar: ''' Aghar - who had taken some weapons off a racket on the wall, and was currently working on their weight, even as they look like mere silverware on his hands. "Didn't seem ta weight too much on yer pocket. Which reminds me, where do you have pockets in that swimsuit?"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Well, then use some more of it to give us more extravangance, then!"
"I still didn't get to eat well... I have just gotten my mind off all that horrible stuff that icky barbarian said." She makes a face, pointing a finger to her own mouth... "Anyway... how did it go? And how come you're not wet?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "There's a reason for why she wears that big hulking greatcoat", Vorpal says from the window, where she is running her fingers down along the panels. They draw long streaks of water-stained glass amidst the dust. "And it's not modesty or need for warmth."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Cause the rain is scared shitless of me." Selina says with a shrug, then looks at Butterfly. "At this time of night, maybe I could go buy some ''hardtack''. You know, my apprentices should have to do some tough living. I slept in a tree sometimes and ate snakes."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' She makes another face, jumping over the table, sitting with her legs crossed. "Well, I am ''sure'' you had to eat many snakes and spiders, but we are not talking about your famous days on Nexus brothels here, we are talking about our right to eat some decent food!"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Snakes are fairly good", Vorpal murmurs from the back of the room. If this sudden change in the quality of their accommodations is bothering her, she does not show it. But then again, the Pale Angel ''has'' spent the last few years as a mercenary, often sleeping in where-ever she happened to lie down each night. "Humor her, Aine. You should make up for arranging us into this mess in the first place."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You know, I would ''prefer ''this relationship isn't characterized by the sort of master-apprentice brutality you hear alot of tales of." Selina says with a sigh, glaring at Vorpal. "Oh, it's my fault, is it? I don't think so."
"I already ''made up'' for 'getting you' into this 'mess', by talking all those angry mercenaries into joining up." Selina snaps. "Without attacking one of them."
'''Vorpal: ''' From the shadows by the window, Vorpal raises an eyebrow. "You did?" She raises her hands and claps them softly against each other, meaningfully. "Nice. Is the tournament at its end now?"
'''Bronze Butterfly: '''The Butterfly recoils a little bit... "Oh, ah... um..." She sighs. "... I just need food."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks at Butterfly disbelievingly. "...but you just had food." Then she turns her gaze back to Vorpal. "As far as I know there's still some left who weren't there, but there can't be many. And I could be wrong. Maybe the Guilders finally have some scrip ready."
'''Aghar: ''' "Ah, the Guild... they never have your money fast enough, but they sure come with the bill fast as lighting."
'''Vorpal: ''' "One of the basic truths of economy", Vorpal replies.
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "... are you calling me ''fat''?!?" She snaps, indignantly! "And I barely got to eat! That horrible barbarian was teasing me with his tribe's horrible customs and it destroyed my apetite!"
'''Aghar: ''' "It's good fer yer figure" He nods.
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "''I am not fat! ''"
'''Vorpal: ''' "She likes you, Aghar."
Vorpal's smile is thin and evil in the shadowy room.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You're no fatter than the Pale Angel, and she is not fat." Selina replies simply. "If you're that worried, then obviously you don't need food tonight."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "I." Winds begin to gather in her hand. "Do." They acquire a bronze tint. "'''Not! '''" And little slivers of Bronze, sharp ones, pointing it at the Pale Angel.... and then the Dark Angel speaks, and it dims, as she looks wide-eyed... "No, I do!"
'''Vorpal: ''' At one time, such displays of power might have made the Pale Angel tense for a clash. After dealing with the Dark Angel for so long, however, the impulse does not seem all that powerful anymore.
Vorpal folds her arms over her chest. "I'm not fat", she says, pleasantly. "I'm just heavy-boned."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' The Butterfly pouts... then looks over the Abyssal, from head to toe... stopping at her chest, then grinning. "What, so Deathknights have bones on their chests, too?"
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel favors Bronze Butterfly with a very superior sort of smile. Her eyes glimmering, she allows her hands drop to her hips. Her elbows brush her cloak apart with a nonchalant move, just for their convenience.
"Do you see them sagging an inch, young lady?"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' Oh, that smile was infuriating! Winds blowing about the half-dressed lady, she almost felt like working her blast once again... but she did not, because she had to admit, that was a beautiful body... not as... ''desirable'' as her teacher had been before... but so perfect. And, grudgingly, almost trying to look the other way, she admitted, "... not at all."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal is a graceful victor. She allows the cloak to slide back over her shoulders. "Don't worry, dear. It's where we store all the blood."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Besides, I like a bit of weight." Selina says with a shrug, looking amusedly at them both. "Anyways, I'm sure there's some food stored in this place somewhere. Dry foods, likely. Do you really think a merchant who could afford this place would be willing to spend 2 days restocking it when he came back?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "It looks to me like the merchant would be willing to spend two days cleaning up when he came back", Vorpal says, half-turning as she scans their surroundings. "But it's worth a try."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "And where do male deathk... oh. Nevermind." She waves away, then hops down from the table, and begin opening the furniture, looking for it... "Sooo... what is the plan, now? After the tournament thingy?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "We pay the mercenaries, and we deliver them to the Boil or wherever those people need them." Selina replies simply. "Iria said she needed a garrison, this will do."
'''Aghar: ''' "And then?" Asks Aghar, from another room, his voice nearly making the table shake.
"We just join yer merry band of dead-smiters?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "This part of our work would be finished, then", Vorpal agrees with a slight nod of her head. Drawing one hand across her chest and brushing her chin with the fingers of the other, she frowns for a moment before speaking again: "But I don't know if we should leave so soon. We should take a look at that Prophet while we are here."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I doubt he'd be sitting around here where we can kill him." Selina shakes her head. "He's a sneaky little shit type of Chosen."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Aren't assassins supposed to know how to track down and kill people?" Vorpal asks, throwing a quick glance at Bronze Butterfly and raising her eyebrows slightly.
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Yup. Like I did with many. Like I did with the Dark Angel! We do our research, we find our prey, and we bring our scythe down in their necks..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Sure." Selina says off-handedly. "Got a couple months? Unless I get lucky, this is how long it will take for me to pin someone like him down. I've never tracked a Night or a Day or whatnot. The one Eclipse I killed came to ''me'', so to speak."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal cannot help but to feel a little disappointed at that. ''What kind of an assassin are you anyway? ''
"What if the Bronze Butterfly here betrayed us, killed you and hauled your corpse to claim the reward?"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Well, it would be a good idea to get all the money and mercs where they have to go first, I guess." The Butterfly shrugs. "The Prophet is not around - he would come by if he knew you had been neutralized, what you were not. The only way to bring him out would be if we...." She smiles. "Yes, would be if he knew you got taken out...." Her eyes '''shine'''!
'''Oh, the glory! '''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sees that disappointment. "Look, that is a conservative scenario. I am not going to go around making all kinds of wild promises that I know would be hard to fulfill."
Then she glares at Butterfly. And Vorpal. "...you '''bitches'''. I've already been the bait for those bastards once!"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' The Dragoness glares back. Her smile widens.
Her eyes are mismatched now.
One shines with Jade and Money!<br>
The other, with blood and glory!
The smile widens.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal ''smiles. ''
Her eyes seem to glimmer red in the shadows, full of mischief and knowledge. She folds her arms over her chest, expectantly.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sputters. "What about '''my''' reputation?!"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' She comes closer... and closer... her grin wide, toothy, shining... her winds wrapping the Dark Angel... and oh, her eyes! Her eyes seem to say '''Oh, it is alright. Oh, your reputation will do wonders for mine. Oh, in the end, they will know no one can stop you! Oh, it will be fine for yours in the end! '' They seem to say...
... in the same way the spider tells the fly to come in, and make herself at home.
'''Vorpal: '''"The mighty Dark Angel fooled the entire Amber Post into believing she was dead, thus luring the enemy into her reach", Vorpal responds without hesitation. "Then she rose to her feet and rained black retribution on all who deserved it." She shrugs with distinct nonchalance, although her smile speaks otherwise. "I don't see a problem."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina narrows her eyes to barest slits, and darkness flashes in them suddenly. "Why not the mighty Pale Angel then?" Her voice is velvet poison. "All tied up."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "''Both! ''" She beams, making a pirouette, her wings forming little essence-whips of bronze, wrapping around them and pushing them close. "Well tied up before the '''Great Bronze Butterfly'''!"
"... or not. Doesn't the Prophet want a Pale head on a stake?"
She asks, a finger to her lips, looking at the ceiling...
'''Vorpal: ''' "Now that you mention it, he does." Vorpal nods, matter-of-factly. "I know many tricks about death and dying, but sticks and stakes are beyond my repertoire. I'll pass, thanks."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Oooh, a pretty head on a stake, all dead-frog-eyed! Pale Head on a staaakeee, dripping reeeddd blood!" She begins to sing, poking the Pale Angel. "And who says it has to be the real day? Dead's dead!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "After what happened to the one in Boil, Prophet will be very careful." Selina states gravely. "I walked into his trap and still killed him. And after how we kicked the revolt off in the Boil as well."
"You cannot assume it will be easy, or even not near impossible at this point. We've mauled them and they won't be taking more chances."
"Actually," She adds consideringly. "The Parishioner's trap in the Boil was near-impossible. I only won because he underestimated me greatly, and I had not shown some of my tricks."
"I showed some more of them at Spire. Prophet mostly knows them all now."
'''Vorpal: ''' "What?" Vorpal twists her mouth, a slight tremor of disbelief rising to her voice. "Shall we cut off someone's head, dip it in plaster, paint the eyes red and call it the Pale Angel?"
But then, upon hearing the Dark Angel's words, she sobers somewhat. "That is true. We would need something more tricky to catch this one in our nets." She sighs, raising the fingers to her chin once more.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And because of Opal. She isn't here right now, so I wouldn't be able to use her help."
Then Selina chuckles. "But maybe we're going about this the wrong way."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "... and what would be the right way? As long as it is like this one... this is a great plan! It has glory! It is showy! It is infallible!" She pouts.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal gives Butterfly a slightly annoyed glance before folding her arms once more. "Go on, Aine."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The Prophet is...what?" Selina asks consideringly, wing twitching up in question. "A Day? A Moonshadow? What is his strength?"
"The way to an enemy's bare heart is not through his weakness. Not unless he is a fool." Selina smirks, one-sided, wickedly. "It is through his strength."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "... stop speaking confusing." Her winds drop.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Mm-hm." Vorpal is listening, intently.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "This is why you have to be my apprentice, dear." She smiles at Butterfly, ''almost'' patronizingly.
"As I was saying, he is a Moonshadow, yes?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "If memory serves, he is."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' Butterfly nods... respectifully. She could not deny that in her right mind, after all!
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Moonshadows are the dark reflection of Eclipses." Selina states, almost like a teacher. "Their strengths are subtle misdirections, seductions, alliances, and betrayals."
Then she looks to Vorpal, and the depth of what she is willing to dare to catch this Moonshadow becomes clear. "And we have a weakness, of late. One he could exploit, if he wanted."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal's face is an alabaster mask, cold and unmoving, betraying no emotions... yet.
"Go on."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "We had a falling out. This is known." Selina continues. "We have not touched one-another since. I have a new apprentice, who is not hard on the eye. Elements of tension, no?"
"Suppose there is another fight. Or a more subtle widening -- that will likely work better. Doesn't have to be for longer than a day or two. A chilling. Enough to convince him to move in for fruitful negociations. Betrayals."
"He will pick one of us. He will seduce one of us. Or tempt one of us. We will go along with that."
Her grin is draconic in its hunger now, for the Dragon has witnessed Selina do this once or twice before. It knows blood will be in the water at the end. Blood and a body to feast upon. "And then, when he thinks he has us..."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "... do I get to capture the other?" She pleads, tears almost appearing on the corners of her eyes...
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal holds out a hand at Bronze Butterfly, biding her to wait just a while longer. "The Prophet might not take the bait. As you said yourself, he has learned to be careful by now. Would he dare to approach either of us, even with a chance like this?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That is the trick. Too sweet a bait may be as unappetizing right now as too sour." Selina shrugs. "But, at least it would not come out of the blue. And his side, they have to take their strikes and victories where they can get them. We are hemming them in, killing them. A betrayal would add one more to their side, deprive us of one, and sow confusion and distrust into our ranks. We simply need to make it as natural as possible."
"And we need to make sure that, whatever else happens, if one of us is alone with him, that one can do the job by herself if need be."
'''Aghar: ''' "Then, all ya need to do is have one big public fight." A big slab of meat falls on the table close by, together with a sack from which falls many dried fruits. "Knowing the two o' ya, it'll be easy as breathing. Jus' the same thing ya say ta each other day in and day out, but louder and in front of everyone."
"Dried meat and fruits, by the way."
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "... and then, I capture the one he doesn't approach!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina gives Butterfly a confused, disbelieving look.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal's eyebrow twitches. "Could you... control your apprentice?"
The Ghost-Blooded does not even bother to talk about the risks - they are discussing about allowing a Moonshadow Caste Exalted to attempt to sway their opinions. The danger goes for granted, no matter what kind of bravado they would put about it beforehand.
The Pale Angel nods her blessings: "I like it."
It is not as if she had not invited enemy blades into her own body get her opponents within reach before now.
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:59, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels