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== Shining Innocence ==
Fiona awakes....
As the sun shines on her window, she can hear the birds chirping, the pleasant, warm wind seeming to make the trees sing a gentle melody as her new father's rays wake her up from pleasant dreams... in one of the many guestrooms of the Holysword’s great Manse. A Solar Manse, fervering with a power that accepts her, warms her, makes her feel... home. A home of power and wisdom...
Wisdom. That word has been her objective and guindance since her Exaltation, and before. Since the light of the Unconquered Sun burned in her forehead, channeled by the desire to know, giving the girl the opportunity to see and hear all there is in the world... and earning her mistrust and fear. Giving her the and Hunt. Pursuers dogged at her heels, as people thought  her a demon as soon as her forehead burned with the symbol of her station. But still, for wisdom, she pressed on.
By herself, came the mastery of the two great circles of sorcery... by the knowledge salvaged in old libraries, in ruins... rudimentary knowledge at best, but earth-shakingly powerful. In one of these libraries she found out about another culture whose scraps of its former glory might be found the northeast... only when she got there, its glory was barely simple scraps.
Nothing like the First Age – The Kingdom of Whiteshield is little more than one of the small nations of the north. Great for its direction, but nothing compared to the expansive greatness of the south or the East. But in a fashion unique on the north, it is beautiful. Its capital has fountains, squares build on the ruins of first age marble and stone pillars, its streets of cobblestones and well-tended gardens. A beauty tended by active little gods. As a testament to its grandeur, the royal palace is a great Manse. As a testament to the aesthetics of Whiteshield, it is resplendent.
They used scraps from that forgotten age, with the blood of gods, and even of your kind in their veins, and, as she stepped in their presence, they knew her for what she is, paid her respects, and invited her to stay - as their most honored guest. They gave her access to their library, to the little they could salvage from their great ancestor's old tomb millenia ago, and a lifestyle the little Solar girl had never dreamed of, in her wandering existance so far....
She wakes up on one of the many guestrooms of the Manse Palace, still larger than any personal room she has ever been in, on a silky bed, her books neatly over the table and on the walls.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona yawns and stretches, looking up at the ceiling. "mmm," she mmms happily, enjoying the cosy warmth for a bit....
<b>Whiteshield:</b> At the ceiling, abstract paintings in silver and golden paint greet Fiona's eyes, seeming a storm of sun and moon rays... the sun ones seeming hightened by the light coming down from the window, and casting its clarity to the whole room...
* Fiona likes the paintings!
She admires them for awhile, then slips out of bed, stares contemplatively out the window for a moment then goes to wash up and dress.
<b>Whiteshield:</b> Out of the window, Fiona sees the Hedge Maze, a fountain that seems to let out sunlight, and the boys... the older one, Alexander, being taught swordplay by a southern soldier named Otieno, a strong, tall and charcoal-black man with a heart bigger than his frame, and the younger one, Cedric, trying to escape from his nanny, Millia, on the hedge maze....
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona smiles, gazing contemplatively at them for a little bit, then dresses a Brown, red and yellow-ish dress, somewhat revealing but not to the extent of 'tsk tsk', good quality enough that you wouldn't take her for a peasant, but not expensive finery that'd make heads turn.
<b>Whiteshield:</b> As Fiona finishes, she hears a knocking on her door, and the voice of the old maid who directed most of the others, and had taken to herself of caring for Fiona, Meira Brooks, sounded at the door, "You awake, child? May I come in?"
<b>Fiona:</b> "Yep, come in!"
<b>Whiteshield:</b> The old, 'full', matrom comes in, her face bright and cheerful as the sun itself, "Good Morning, child! Did you sleep well?" She'd say, hugging Fiona - most others in the palace felt intimidated by Fiona's nature, which the royal Holyswords did not feel like hiding in their home - but Meira was an exception. She had served the golden Holyswords all her life, and seen little gods and their offspring at the tables too many times "Now, now, don't you look lovely this morning, young lady! A pity you will waste all this lovely appearance in dusty tomes... but you will take a damn good breakfast first, or I chain you to the table, chosen or not! Shinyness aside, you're still growing up!"
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona giggles, hugging back. "Very well, thank you Meira - mmm, breakfast sounds good!"
<b>Whiteshield:</b> "Do you want anything in special, oh chosen.?" She says, theatrically, "As long as it's not out of the station, I suppose we can manage!"
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona smiles. "I'll let you pick, I'm sure it'll be good!"
<b>Whiteshield:</b> "Hmph. You'd better eat it all then, young lady, otherwise you'll go fainting when you go all glowy!"
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona giggles. "Right," she nods, having had the experience of feeling pretty shaky after using her powers. Besides, she's hungry
"Just be on the dining room in a few, darling... we will need to resupply it, since everyone has eaten and gone already! Aren't you a late sleeper... was it all the books?"
<b>Fiona:</b> "Oh... well... yes, I was reading late last night, sort of lost track of the time."
<b>Whiteshield:</b> "Heh. I had better things to lose track of time late night wth when I was your age... but to each their own, I guess. Just be there in a few, sweetie." With that, Meira kisses your forehead, and walks away.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona giggles, guessing what she means. For some reason, Alexander's face flashes into her mind "Thanks, I will!"
<b>Whiteshield:</b> The Brooks have being servant as pretty much a family bussiness - Meira's husband is the gardener, her daughtrer is handmaid to Carina, the younger princess, and her oldest son is one of the guards.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona goes for a walk in the sunshine and contemplate the stuff she was reading about.
<b>Whiteshield:</b> As fiona walks into the garden, birds chirping around her, a grasshopper jumping close to her feet, the younger boy, Cedric, a cute 6-year-old, bumps on her leg, while running around, as he seems to do all day( and never lose energy! Whatever these god-blooded have, one thing him in special seem to have, is endurance!) "Good Morning, lady Fiona!" he'd say with his young voice, looking up at her in admiration.
<b>Fiona:</b> "Good morning Cedric!" she smiles, ruffling his hair affectionately. "I noticed you in the maze earlier on, you know your way around it pretty well by now?"
<b>Whiteshield:</b> The Holyswords, the Royal Family of Whiteshield, are god-blooded, and that can be seen by their... unearthly traits. A hair of silver, sometimes glinting with gold; Eyes that are like deep amethysts or Rubies; A special brand of god-blooded as they said so themselves when she first met the king – that they are children of the sun... Adrianna, the matriarch, isn't like that, but none of the children seemed to get her colors, even if they got her less colorful features....
* Fiona loves the colors!
<b>Cedric:</b> "I could do it with my eyes closed!" He says, closing his eyes and flashing a smug smile, "I know every little place here... when you have time from the books, I can even show you some of the birds I know the nest of!"
<b>Fiona:</b> "Wow, clever you! Thanks, I'll take you up on that maybe later on today."
<b>Millia:</b> "Yes, he should!" Millia, his caretaker, comes up, sweating and panting from running after the boy. Her hair is the clearest blonde, with a shade that seems almost to be steel, and her eyes are a mismatched pair of crimson and black, not possesing the wings of the royal family and of some in the palace... "At least all this energy gets him some knowledge!" the God-Blooded Millia Gust has the surname of a bastard-born, no older than Fiona, but somehow, taking care of Cedric makes her seem much older.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona grins. "Good morning, Millia... we can only wish we had that much energy!"
<b>Millia:</b> "I don't know..." She says, looking the other way... "Maybe if I had, I wouldn't do so innocent things." She blushes.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona giggles, blushing a little too: "Well, as long as it's fun not-so-innocent things."
<b>Cedric:</b> "Hmmm, and, and I will get one of the feathers to place on your hair!" Cedric proclaims, as if he was a prophet stating a quest! "They are all pretty colors..." He says, blushing the deep red only one so young can without being naked and aroused, "...But you are ~prettier!~" He says, cutely, then runs away!
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona smiles. "You're a gentleman, Cedric!" she replies as he turns to scoot off.
<b>Millia:</b> "Why," She'd giggle, a hand to her lips, "Seems like you have an admirer, lady Fiona! A prince, no less!"
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona giggles. "So it seems!"
<b>Alexander:</b> As she giggles, she hears....
The boy would let out as he falls to the ground, the practice sword falling to the well-tended grass. His stark white clothes tarnished by the force with which he fell to the ground, his silverly, unnaturally tinted in golden and lavender hair slightly earth-toned now as well, Alexander would get up, gritting his teeth, his clean, smooth white skin shining with sweat on the morning sun...
"Again, boy! And see if you can muster more finesse than a drunken sailor, this time!" The large chocolate-skinned man would say, "You're no match for me in strength, Alex... pehaps you never will. You have to use your wits, boy. <i>technique!</i> I'm not here teaching you how to put pressure to something, any dolt can do it! Now move with the wind, wing-boy! Flow like the wind and <i>hit me!</i>”
The young Windian would take his sword again, "You asked... but if I really try, what my father taught me may make this unfair..." His wings twitched slightly at it, eager. The large man laughed. Not even the wings managed to ease their difference in size, Alex might be a tall 14-year-old boy, but to Otieno, he might as well be a teddy bear. "I'm training you to be a lord, boy, and lords know when to use their strength... and when to show it. Come on."
A pure white aura begins to pour out of Alex, golden motes guiding his blows as he jumps on Otieno, moving with unnatural speed, placing blows Fiona can barely see... each and every one enhanced by the trickling, almost liquid golden light... and of which the Southern man parries. Every one, if barely.
<b>Millia:</b> Millia looks on their direction, at the display, and grimaces, "If only all would be so lucky..."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona smiles dreamily, watching the display. "Mmm... he's good!"
<b>Millia:</b> "Certainly..." For a moment, Millia loses herself on her own world, a dream smile on her lips as she seems intent on the sight of the sparring session and at the same time not quite there, then she'd shake her head, and bite her lip, "Hmmm... I'd better get to young master Cedric before he tries to climb a tree too high... see you, Fiona!"
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona waves, "Take care!"
She watches the sparring a bit longer before heading in for breakfast.
<b>Alexander:</b> Alex keeps moving around Otieno, if he was more experienced one might say 'dancing', but even then, he seems more experienced and fast than any boy his age has a right to be, and his movements, faster than a human should. He's not an Exalted, he certainly isn't resilient or mighty like you, but still, a great sight... until he goes through Otieno's defenses, landing a solid blow to his trunk, hard enough to take quite a grunt out of his teacher... and then a pained laugh.
"Like _that_! Now, that is how a scion of gods hits, young Alexander!" the big man would say, making Alex stop and smile... before hit feet are taken under him, sending the boy falling over his wings painfully again. "But remember... one blow does not win a fight, unless you are lucky. And you should never count on being lucky."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona smiles at the hit, then winces as Alex takes a tumble. Maybe I should learn that lesson too, she thinks to herself as she heads inside. Just in case someday I end up needing it.
<b>Whiteshield:</b> Inside, Fiona is greeted by the great dining table, with warm bread and fruits of spring, as well as some honey, and a couple variations of cheese... as she comes in and feel the delicious secents, she can hear Carina's melodious voice coming from the performing hall a few room from there, as she practices singing with her tutor, every morning....
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona scampers over, sniffing hungrily. Getting to listen to Carina singing while she eats will be a nice bonus! ^.^
<b>Whiteshield:</b> "Is everything to your liking, young lady?" Meira says, as she walks in, seeming to walk in the tune of Carina's melodies, "Aw, isn't she just the prettiest voice you have ever heard... you should see her older sister, couldn't sing to save her life! Oh, she was a fine young lady, but aside from the social part, the only thing she really did well was punching heads in..." The old woman'd say, with a nostalgic sigh...
<b>Fiona:</b> "This looks delicious, thank you!" she smiles as she sits down. "Carina's a beautiful singer... hey," she grins as she starts munching, "her sister sounds like an interesting person! Maybe I'll get to meet her sometime."
<b>Whiteshield:</b> "Not likely, child... she's way west, and south... she's over at the Great Forks now, to marry with the son of some god, will you believe that..."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona blinks. "The son of a god? Wow!"
<b>Whiteshield:</b> "Yup, son of one of them Great Forks shinies. They say they are great and terrible to behold... me, I see enough shinies here, thank you. I miss that little tomboy, though...”
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona smiles, "I know what you mean... as long as she's happy, though, that's the main thing."
<b>Whiteshield:</b> "Is she?" She'd let out, then walk away as she is called somewhere else... the time passes peacefully, and before she knows it, breakfast is gone leaving just a fine taste at the tip of her tongue and happiness all over her mouth!
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona lets out a contented little sigh, enjoying the sound of music as she gets up... Time to do some more reading! ^.^
<b>Cedric:</b> As Fiona gets out of the dining room, a pile of energy in the shape of a boy would run up to her, "Here, Here, Fiona!" he'd say, holding a deep-red feather than ends in blue, yellow and white, "Put it on your hair!"
<b>Fiona:</b> "Oh, thank you Cedric," she smiles, taking the feather and putting it carefully in her hair and bending down to give him a kiss on the forehead. "That's really sweet of you."
<b>Cedric:</b> "Thanks!" He'd say, then push her dress some "Hey, hey... show me? Please?" He'd say, at point a finger at his own forehead.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona blinks. "Um, show you what?"
<b>Cedric:</b> "Your mark! Your shiny mark! Show me show me show mme~~!" He pleads to the Solar girl.
<b>Fiona:</b> "Oh," she smiles, "well, okay," and closes her eyes for a moment, concentrating... the half-full circle of the Twilight blazing on her forehead.
<b>Cedric:</b> "~yay~!" He squeals in delight as her half-filled sun mark light up on her forehead, trying to not even blink...
<b>Fiona:</b> "You like?" she grins.
<b>Cedric:</b> "YES!" He nods enthusiastically, "Can you show me? When you do one of your spells, show me, show me, please? Mother never lets me see when she does it...."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Well, okay, let me see..."
Cedric eyes Fiona with expectant puppy-dog eyes
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona raises her hands; a heatless blue flame engulfs them as she gestures. "Compass of all things, link that was made and can never be unmade, find that which I seek!" she intones, and the flame gathers itself into a little bird, that flutters back and forth in the direction of the exit, looking expectantly back at her.
<b>Cedric:</b> Cedric 's jaw seems to have forgotten how to close, and his eyes, looking at the pyrotecnic show, seem more brilliant than any of your magic.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona smiles. "It'll lead us to the bird you got the feather from; let's follow, shall we?"
<b>Cedric:</b> "Yes!" He says, walking after the bird... well, more like jumping, or hopping, he'd be _flying_ if his wings were big enough for him to!
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona walks along with Cedric, smiling at his antics as the blue bird leads the way.
<b>Cedric:</b> The blue bird leads them both to a tree on the beggining of one of the orchards, where a big nest, now vacant, lies..
<b>Fiona:</b> "Ah, here we are!"
<b>Cedric:</b> "I climbed all the way up there!" the boy says, and really, its quite far up... not much, but still alot for the little boy!
The Bird flies just a bit more up, its light uncovering the bird, hiding among the leaves as it was, suddenly coming to its nest in all its colorful glory...
<b>Fiona:</b> "Wow, that's a long way! I hope you're very careful when you're climbing that high - ooh, there's the bird itself," she adds in a murmur to try not to startle it too much.
<b>Cedric:</b> "It's so pretty.... I hadn't seen it yet, I just plucked them from the nest...."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona smiles, as the blue bird fades away having carried out its mission, "Yes, it is - very well spotted on your part."
<b>Cedric:</b> "Thanks!" He says, nodding, though somewhat disappointed the bird vanished.... then hears his name being called. "Damn, more lessons... see you, lady Fiona!" he says, striding away like the wind!
<b>Fiona:</b> "See you!" she waves, turning to head for the library.
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Revision as of 15:08, 27 February 2009

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