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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Gallery of Lovers ==
The party had barely begun and already it was not going as expected. The heroes of the city had attacked one another, in an obvious fashion despite Kadel’s valiant attempt to make it seem else wise, and most of the guests were keeping well clear of them all. The whole mood of the affair had swung sharply downwards and people were hastily draining their cups as quickly as they could pick them up. Quiet mummers and rumor mongering were already spreading amongst their ranks. Sidelong glances towards the Exalted and their companions cast from every angle.
And as whispers began to reach a crescendo to nearly drown out the music in their soft russle, Vorpal found herself left largely to her own devices for the moment. Opal was gone, striding off to brood in lonely fashion, while Alex busily worked on healing the injured days near by. Kanti remained somewhere beyond among the others still dancing. Selina and Moon had both practically vanished into the crowd. In barely moments, then entire assemblage of heroes had dissolved, leaving her standing alone at the stairs.
'''Vorpal: ''' The wine sparkling in the glass is red as blood - her favored shade. Her pale fingers hold it aloft in a delicate grip, gentle swaying of her wrist making the contents spin around and around in a soundless dance. On the bench next to her rests an entire array of identical glasses on a silver tray, every single one of them filled with the elegant red wine. There had been little difficulty in securing it from the servants. So far, she had not taken so much as a single sip, but it is only a matter of time now.
The Pale Angel sighs.
The temptation to shake her head and mutter "kids" under her breath had been very strong. A little hypocritical of her, true, if you kept in mind the little joust Vorpal herself had enjoyed with Selina just this morning, but ''still... ''
Whether it is her personal aura of intimidation or the fact that she belongs to the company of the creatures who had almost blown up the entire garden plaza with their little horse play not too long ago, the Ghost-Blooded finds herself occupying the broad bench in dignified solitude. The multilayered skirts of her gown spill over cold marble in a night-black cascade, hiding her legs in what seems to be a pool of darkness.
The skirts also hide the fact that she has raised her feet up from the ground and is slowly twisting her aching ankles back and forth. She has been wearing military boots all too long.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina glides back up the stairway, casting odd looks at the people around the area. You'd think they've never seen people get into a fight before.
''Probably not like this. ''
The sad part is, it wasn't even a very bad fight. Most fights get much more out of hand. Selina stands in the middle of the plaza, looking around for anyone she actually knows.
"Where did everyone go..." She grumbles angrily.
'''Vorpal: ''' The glass is almost on her lips when Vorpal happens to look up with one eye. Noticing that certain someone has returned to the plaza, she lowers the glass slowly, pondering her options.
''Hell. '' She throws a glance at the silver tray and its wine glasses. ''Might just as well... ''
"Oi", she calls, faintly, yet somehow her voice carries over to its intended recipient. Seeing that she has caught the other Abyssal's attention, she raises the glass, slightly. "Join me?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Huh? Oh..." So Vorpal is still around. Well, and Days over somewhere with Alex. Opal is gone. Kanti...
''Where did Kanti go anyway? ''
Selina hopes Kanti is not off being molested by some dirty old man. She also wonders how many times that's actually happened, walking over to where Vorpal sits. The people make way for her, like they've been doing for all of her kind this evening...although some still give her looks.
''More than some. ''
''Maybe I'll still be queen of beauty tonight. ''
"Didn't get disgusted enough to disappear like half of the others?" Selina asks as she walks up.
'''Vorpal: ''' "No", Vorpal replies. She does not rise to her feet to greet the other Abyssal, but gestures Selina to sit down. "I thought I would drink myself silly instead. Have a glass."
The Ghost-Blooded falls silent for a moment, long enough to raise that glass to her lips and finally take a small sip. "So much for the magic of this evening, eh?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''"Maybe." Selina replies, sitting down and watching all the others, making the shadows less alluring than before so people stop paying as much attention to her for now. She takes a glass of red wine, hoping it's a good vintage.
''Rice wine would be better. ''
"Though I think once the actual party begins, it'll pick back up. Assuming we all don't get into another horrible spat."
'''Vorpal: ''' "And assuming that all the other guests have either forgiven or forgotten", Vorpal adds with a slight nod. "And I do not think they will anytime soon. Not before draining a few glasses."
She lowers the glass to her lap, holding to its slim stem with both hands, much in the same way an ordinary court lady would hold on to a fan or a bouquet of flowers. After another moment of silence, she frowns and casts a quick glance at the Dark Angel. "By the way, why exactly are we here?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Not Opal, no. Creatures of earth are like that." Selina takes a sip of her wine, wondering how she's going to deal with ''that'' mess.
''Really, Days, I don't know why I don't kill you. ''
The sip gets a bit deeper, and then she removes the glass from her lips and looks to Vorpal. "Because we were invited, and this was supposed to be a pleasant event. And I don't know about you, but I wanted to shine as the most beautiful one here." Her voice isn't especially loud, so only those using supernatural means or being close enough to get a glare from Selina for intruding can really hear.
"That, by the way, is not usually how I act. But sometimes it's best to be honest with yourself and stop denying the little part inside you that whispers 'do it', louder and louder, until you finally give in. No matter how unflattering it is."
"Also, if it wasn't obvious, I came to see how many little birds I could catch, if it's possible at all." Selina adds with some amusement.
''Though maybe that would be harder now. ''
"Including you." She doesn't even look at Vorpal, just takes another sip of her wine. "I've been considerate and patient for a long time now. Since I'm being honest about things at the moment."
'''Vorpal: ''' Perhaps surprisingly, Vorpal doesn't give a reprimand, start a lecture or even snort sarcastically. Instead, she just smiles slightly, her red eyes sparkling as she finishes her first glass. "I noticed", she responds and sets the empty container aside. "Better wait a little while longer. Everyone is already watching us as if we were moon-mad lunatics. Snuggling now would be a death-blow to our credibility. Or then again, if what I've heard of this Kadel character holds true, no-one might look twice."
Vorpal shrugs, sighs and plucks herself a new glass from the tray. "Let's talk more about strutting. There can be many different types for it. I was strutting earlier this evening, too. Pale Angel style..." She pauses, reconsiders and shakes her head. "No, not really. Half-an-Angel style, rather. I didn't stomp anyone under my feet."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I think given Kadel's party, it would be less so, but yes. It would look eminently bad to start doing any of that only a few minutes after arriving." Selina agrees, then drains the rest of her glass, emptying her mind. Moon and his temptations!
''Well and not just that. ''
"No mask either, I noticed." Selina says conversationally, taking a new glass herself. And wishing there were some appettizers nearby to go with it. "But that is because Pale Angel style itself is a mask, yes?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal chuckles, looking over her glass at some of the paper lanterns glowing silently on their threads. "Finally. I ''thought'' you would be the one to figure it out."
It is too bad she had taken that mask off her face and tossed it over her shoulder soon after the spectacle on the plaza. It is true that such a behaviour is against the traditional rules of a masquerade, but after what the faeries had pulled off, the Ghost-Blooded would have just felt ''silly'' to try and pretend to be something. Thus, she is now nothing more than Vorpal deFay, the Pale Angel, unmasked and caring the hell about what people thought about it.
"You, on the other hand, weren't hiding anything with your shadow mask", she continues. "You were ''displaying'' something."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Of course I would. We've talked enough in the past for it to be obvious to me." Selina says without any hint of self-satisfaction from the fact, taking a sip of her wine again before continuing. "The five jade talent question is: did Alex figure it out?"
''I wonder about that... ''
"And I am, it's true. Hiding just enough to get them to want to see the full display." Which, a bit to her irritation even after she's changed the shadows to merely hide, some people are still trying to do. Though at a safe distance.
''Patience, dears, you'll get your looks soon. ''
'''Kadel: ''' Across the little plaza and the lawn beyond them, people were slowly starting to relax again. Healthy amounts of alcohol and more than a few hash pipes passed around were doing much to sooth the nerves of the uncertain mortal guests. The shush of whispers was even beginning to replace itself with the chime of laughter and the more overt murmur of open conversation. People were still keeping their distance from the Exalted, but not being quite so obvious about it. However frightening their power, these people were the saviors of the city, after all.
And out of the crowd drifted a figure in white. Kadel Kurodona’s feet do not even seem to touch the ground as he approached the two Exalted women, the first of the night to so openly come towards them. As if a vacuum, the other guests follow in behind his wake, casually allowing themselves to inch closer. Safe, it seems, in knowing that if any blow will fall for the intrusion it will strike Kadel first.
Kadel had already made as through an examination of both women when he greeted them. These were proud women; proud of themselves and clearly proud of their beauty. The Dark Angel was the darling of the night, as much could be certain from the way eyes always drifted back to her. But her Pale counter-part was far from ignored.
For the Glass Spider, there was less to be interested in for the amount of flesh each so daringly displayed nor in the dangerous gowns they wore. But he had his interests.
"Madam Aine, Madem Pale Angel." The leaf-masked figure swooped into a bow as he addressed each in turn. "Those dresses go to waste if you hide yourselves away on the edge of the dance floor. Would one of you please do me the honor?"
A hand gloved in white stretched out towards the space between them and waited patiently for the acceptance of one or the rejection of both.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks to Vorpal, than back to Kadel. She'd do it if Vorpal would not, she supposes. One has to start somewhere, and the Dark Angel intends to be the queen of beauty tonight.
''Especially since I won't be when I go back to Windia. ''
A choice bit of business that will be! But for now, it can wait.
"If my counterpart doesn't have any objections, why don't you choose? I will dance." She looks to Vorpal again. "You want to as well?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "By all means", the Pale Angel responds and sets her half-empty wine-glass back onto the tray, neatly between the glasses that were still full and the ones that had been drained already, just to make it look proper. Placing her hands into her lap, she raises her eyes to meet Kadel's masked gaze. "The choice is yours."
''And you'd better take the other one, her eyes add silently, or else she will be furious for the rest of the evening. ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sniffs at the look she thinks Vorpal is giving. She doesn't need to go first! There are plenty of ways to end up as the queen of beauty, and they don't all involve being the first to dance with the host.
'''Kadel: ''' "Then, of course I shall choose..." The glass spider speaks, bu his name is softly called in the air, and he has no choice but to smile, shrug and bow, "Alas, no. I shall have to pick between beauties of shadow later. For now, I have duties to attend to. Be well, fair ladies." And with that, he walks away...
'''Vorpal: ''' ''So he chooses to postpone his terrible choice. '' Vorpal watches Kadel go with some degree of amusement.
'''Alexander: ''' The pain on the Child's arm is taken into the young prince, who coughs a bit, holding his face for his vision to stabilize. Kadel was calling the Angels, and the prince walks up to them with the Raksha as Kadel asks for the angels to dance...
The hashish passed around, the wine starting to make effect on the weakest, laugher relaxing the party... and music, music playing on the background, perfect to dance, and yet unobtrusive for the conversations...
"Where are Kanti and Fiona? Everyone seems to have split..." The prince comments, looking about...
'''Fiona: ''' .. even as Fiona takes Kanti's hand and shines tinges of gold to warm her, "So, what do we do now?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti smiles as the sunlight washes over her, banishing some of the memories of the void that had blossomed over the party scant seconds before turning to Fiona as she asks her question.
"We dance ... if you want too..."
'''Fiona: ''' She holds both of Kanti's hands, smiling...
The amarylis shining white on her hair, the golden butterfly drawing all looks to her bosom, as it shines...
"I want! I... am nowhere near as good as you, however..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti smiles and draws her into the throng of people, doing her best to banish the concerns of before, and just focus on the dance in hand.
She looks at Fiona expectantly, waiting for her to dance, following her movements as she does, guiding her subtly, letting none of her movements show the young solar girl up, each gesture one that enhances her dance, covers any flaws that she might make.
Kanti enjoys the dance.
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona dances with the fire aspect, her light shining, letting herself be led.... she is not a very good partner, but she tries. She closes her eyes, and only feels Kanti's warmth, the movements, and tries not to feel like she is spoiling the whole dance just by being there.... and a little far away...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ... Snow Monkey can only manage a slightly-embarrased smile at Alex, waiting along with him as she's pretty much caught in the luminous royal's wake, flexing her repaired fingers while just staring at the boy. "You didn't have to do that, Alex. I was perfectly fine as is... it wouldn't have taken long to heal..." She sounds less unhappy and more apologetic, perhaps a bit ashamed all of a sudden. Odd, that.
'''Alexander: ''' "I had to, Days..." Alex makes a swooping gesture to the party around him, "They deserve to have fun. To be happy. And you being hurt would make them constantly remember the thing with Opal... you have to go there, dance, have fun with them, make them forget, think it was just an eccentricity... and if I can allow that by feeling a little bit of pain every time I breathe, why not?" He smiles at her. "You know, you are never what I expect a fair one to be..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "And just what might that be, hm? Ten tails, fangs, long ears and glorious clothes spun from the screams of the dying?" She shrugs, faintly. "I am atypical. But..." She sighs, shoulders slumping. "It was my fault she attacked me in the first place. Sure, it was something of an overreaction, but I did bring that little wind about... I was wondering what color panties the snow lily wore under all those robes."
For a second, the mischievious monkey shines through, and she giggles. "At the very least, I got to see two very ravishing legs... but that could have ended poorly, and perhaps I should not have done that to begin with." Her shoulders re-slump.
"... I may apologize."
"... eventually."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She looks to Days. "If that is what you wanted, you went about it entirely the wrong way. What is the saying -- 'you catch more flies with honey than vinegar'?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "But you have more fun with a tub full of syrup and a flexible spoon." She winks at Selina, eyes twinkling. "Still, there's no honey I know that interests that stone of a woman, unless me drawn and quartered would turn her on. I honestly, at this point, would not put it past her." The Child shrugs, tail swaying lazilg to and fro.
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal says nothing, but she feels a little embarrassed by the raksha's comment. The monkey-woman could have just as well have been talking about the Pale Angel...
'''Alexander: ''' Alexander looks at her... incredulous. Then, his face twists in such a cute way as he tries ''hard'' not to laugh. "You were... trying to lift her skirt up? Really? Yes.. it was quite an overreaction. You should know better, but still... if more people killed for that sort of thing, my little brother will be dead long before his tenth birthday..."
"You should apologize... if just to not have anything feeling bad, between us all..."
'''Alexander: ''' "What do you think would be honey for Opal, however?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Indeed I was! But..." At Alex's question, Snow Monkey opens her mouth... and closes it. A finger moves to her chin, and the tip of her tongue sticks out in thought; her tail speeds up, curling a little at each upswing. "... if I was a sane, quiet, fawning servant in some ten-layered outfit who followed her every whim. Like I'd ever do that." She snorts. "... although I wonder how I'd look in robes."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Slow, burningly intense seduction, interspersed with periods of less." Selina says, almost a viper of passion for that moment. She has certainly slithered past enough defenses in her time to be one. "Just enough to tempt her -- not enough to repel her. Until her ability to resist it wanes."
''And unless she leaves, it will succeed. ''
''Eventually. ''
"But that requires patience. An exceedingly large amount. And..." She chuckles a bit. "some measure of empathy."
'''Vorpal: ''' "You ''were'' wearing robes", Vorpal states, off-handledly.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "... oh yeeeeeeah." The Child nods, having completely forgotten... then eyes Selina. "... well, shit. That's not me at all, the slow or the patient. I seem to be in a bit of a bind then, hm?" She sighs dramatically, looking to the sky. "Ah, the curse of a wyld soul."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "She needs to be shorter, too." Selina adds to what Vorpal said.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Like you?" the Pale Angel returns with a half-smile.
Vorpal, after all, is the shortest one of the three.
'''Alexander: ''' "That is too manipulative, is it not, Dark Angel...?"
"Would it not be better to find something she likes?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days makes a face at Selina, obviously not liking that suggestion much. "Now see here! I enjoy my height! It properly reflects my standing as a warrior and champion of the Marches. But... meh! You shaped peoples! I'll consider it, but I'll have to find a free demesne to change. If I tried to unbind myself here, there's no telling how I'd wreck myself."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I'm just tall enough that men enjoy making me kneel in front of them." Selina says with all the innocence she can muster. "And some women."
''Like Charmaine. ''
She wonders, off-handedly, if the Pale Angel would turn out to be as dominative as she can be at other times. Had turned out, really -- though she can't ask either of those two that.
* Alexander blushes a deep shade of red
'''Gennadi: ''' The mirror-masked man returns, slipping easily through the small group to stand beside the prince. "Pardon the interruption, but I couldn't wait too much longer before meeting the only man here with a harem better than mine." He bows deeply to Alexander, popping up to offer his hand for a handshake.
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''Snow Monkey looks to Alex... then laughs, shaking her head. "By the Crusade, woman! How many people have you shared beds with that I know? I need to make sure so that I'm not getting '''too''' deep into your affairs. Besides, I---" She whirls around to face the odd man, making a face. "---bah, you distracted me!"
Gennadi: He must be grinning underneath the mask, given how he simply radiates amusement as he waves at her, hand still outstretched. "Of course I did, you were being predictable, and fae can't have that, now can they?"
'''Alexander: ''' Alexander takes his hand, just as the hordervers walk in.... suddenly, everything takes a surreal tinge.
As he remembers marriages sanctified by this man.<br>
As he remembers rescuing this man.<br>
As he remembers the parties...<br>
As he remembers something quite like this...
His face goes blank, taking everything but saying nothing, just blinking... "H-h-harem?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "We are supposed to nibble on them?" The thought is interesting, but she will not do that yet. "Ah well, we will be waiting, I suppose. Enjoy yourself in the meantime, gracious host."
Ah, the starchild returns, yes?
"Being predictable is my lot, alas." Selina says, not quite to Gennadi in particular.
Ah, but the more you think so, the easier it is to pull whichever levers I need.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''... we seem to have a smartass. ''
"Now, now, you misunderstand the ways of the Fair. We are unpredictable, but there is a core that guides us. And my core tells me to ask you just who you are, and to see if you're an interesting one or just more scenery." She flashes the mirror-mask a smirk, eyebrow up and friendly challenge extended.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Harem. Single H, now, though you are cute when you stutter." He shrugs, turning back to the Fae. "If I was scenery, would you really need to ask it of me? If I told you, would you believe me? I'm an old, ancient, dead and back acquaintance of the Princes, and the guy who was busy chatting up Opal while you discussed how to handle her. They're white, by the way. The panties."
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel looks up at the new masked arrival, and the mirth melts away from her face. It was as if Alex didn't already have enough people wying for his attention already.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I am not at all surprised." Her smirk widens a hair, taking a moment to imagine that sight. "But still, scenery can talk, and can know things, anc can even work miracles. It's not who you are, or what you do... but how much you interest me. So far, I only know you're about as much of a pervert as I am; that's a start, but not enough."
She prods a finger at the man's chest, glancing down at him and waiting for something more from him.
'''Selina de Windia: '''"Oh ho, someone sweet talked her. Or is lying." Selina coughs a bit to punctuate, than wonders who she shall dance with. It really should be a man, that first dance.
"Possibly by telling her how horrible her tormentors were, mmm?" Though she wonders if Opal would buy that. "You are lying, aren't you?"
'''Alexander: ''' "... what you are." Alexander states, to Gennadi's words.
"And, um, it is not quite like that! Really!" He says, looking at the Pale Angel...
'''Gennadi: ''' "You can always ask. Mostly we talked of respect, creativity, and contracts, but I'm always allowed to think ahead.." He flicks his hand up to catch Day's wrist, kissing the back of her hand. as the mask shifts to allow that small contact. "Unfortunately, I suppose I'm rather dull, considering how often I'm forgotten. Despite all my airs, in the end I am merely a man with the stars on his side. Well, and a newly hired crafter." He spins underneath Day's hand to offer his to Vorpal. "I've met the Dark, but not yet the Pale in, well, formal circumstance. I believe last we met, I offered to pull a quarter from behind your ear."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yes, yes I'm afraid it is." Selina says to Alex, somewhat wickedly. "You're fourteen. We're lucky you can even think about anything else."
She steals a glance at Vorpal, wondering why the woman is so quiet.
'''Vorpal: '''She fails to meet Alex gaze, as she is moving very deliberately at just that very same moment. She does not greet Gennadi nor does she shake his hand. Instead, she picks up the tray and its wine-glasses, offering it for the star-man first, and for the rest of the party then. "Refreshments?"
* Gennadi takes a glass, again radiating amusement. "She's entirely too good at that. I never got to the quarter either."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "..." Days quirks the other eyebrow, not terribly impressed, but obviously a bit curious now, watching him as she moves. Her tail snags a wineglass, holding it to her lips as she takes a sip. Compared to some of the vintages she's tasted before, this one is... lacking to her tastes. She nonetheless drains the glass the sets it back down onto the tray. "Such strange beings, you Exalted."
'''Alexander: ''' Alex hides his face on his hand, "... who said I can?"
It was hard to... specially after the Dark Angel's show last evening.
"You know him, Lilith?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Passingly", Vorpal responds with a mild shrug and picks a fresh wine glass for herself. "He spoke with Valencia and myself back in Windia some weeks ago." She lifts the wine to her lips and takes a small sip, her eyes idly searching the reflective mask worn by Gennadi. "And now, I plan to hear him explain what he is doing here."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Drinking, dancing, and having idle conversation. Meeting new people, watching over the party... the usual, dear. Should I always have a dark and secret reason for enjoying myself?"
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel's dry gaze does not waver. She replies without hesitation.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Undoubtably." Selina says, taking her own glass of wine and looking at him over the rim as she sips it.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Well, it seems that you have two voices speaking of some dark, secret plan that you have cooked up in your head. This can only mean that I need to keep an eye on your, my good mirrored man." Days smirks, and claps the man on the back, friendly-like. "Perhaps you'll be an interesting one after all!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Damned. My grand plot, foiled by the unwavering gaze of an angel." He sighs sadly. "Actually, I'm here as a favor to... well, not really a friend, but close enough. Beyond that, I've simply taken it as it comes. Giving the Fae here her first kiss from a Sidereal, reminding Al of a few long-ago times, giving Opal a trick for the respectability she so desires... Those, I must confess, weren't planned at all."
'''Alexander: ''' "That, and you were talking to Kanti awhile back." Alex thinks, suddenly narrowing his eyes. "She came from the enemy, did she not? Is it for her that you are making a favor, mr....?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ilkov. But please, call me Gen. No, poor little Kanti was rather terrified to see me. Her heart all aflutter... It seems she's changed much since I saw her last, dancing in Heaven."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Pffft. I can give her respectability, silly. What happened tonight was ''not'' representative of the norm." Selina says after stopping her sip, looking at Gennadi with a bit of amused irritation.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Respectability is not something given, it is a quality derived from one's standing in life. She seems happy with my solution, and you'll still get your little toy. Probably faster now, too."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "First kiss from a Sidereal, hm?" She gets this curious look on her face, and her back-clap turns to a bit of a grip as she reels Gennadi in. "I see, I see! Such a gift I will treasure for the rest of my days! Of course, now I need to return the favor... unless you've had a fair one kiss you before. If so, you are a most daring man! Anyway..." She puts on that broad monkey-grin, leans in, and greets Gennadi with parted lips. She then stops a centimeter short, honks his nose between thumb and forefinger, then turns away without a moment's hesitation.
"No, you need to earn one from me."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That's a load, dear starchosen." Selina replies levelly, then takes another sip, hesitating before she does so to say something else. "I'll have to chat you up about this 'solution' later."
* Gennadi chuckles. "Oh, dear, I seem to have gotten myself even more business here... you see what I mean? Perhaps it would be best if I was here to cackle madly and declare your time in this world is coming to an end after all..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Thank you, but no. I have not one but two distinct voices-in-my-head which like to tell me that on a regular basis now."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ah, no, you have my definition of business all wrong. What I do with my time is give people what they want. I very much doubt that you've been waiting to ask for a metaphorical leash all along." He wags a finger at her. "I could procure a few for you to try on if you like, though. Small charge."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child actually drifts a little from the conversation, watching all this go on before she finds herself at Alex' side again. She glances down at him, then chuckles as she musses his hair up with a hand. "Hoi, angel. Are you wearing your ring?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal, who had been following the discussion with a mixture of nonchalance and pained impatience, finally speaks up again: "Methinks mankind makes more than enough of those themselves without any help from Heaven." She pauses, her eyes immediately flying over to Child as she musses Alex's hair. Soon, however, her gaze returns to the Sidereal. "So what exactly is this favor you need?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "It's sweet of you to offer, but I'm here as the favor, not to collect. Perhaps I can think of a useful request after a dance or three, however." He sets the now empty glass aside. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe you have enough going on already without me melting into a puddle of drunken joy befofe you. I have some women to grope... I mean dance with."
'''Alexander: ''' The prince has been silent, listening to the words, the conversation, and of course, trying to look away from the feminine bodies... then, he closes his eyes on Days' mussing for a moment, leaning in before rising his hand, showing the gossamer ring, which appears to shine just because it is on his hand. "Of course, Days. I wear your gift proudly!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days chuckles, giving Alex's raised hand a soft little kiss, then kneels down to his level. "Look, Alex... you're young, you're growing, and you're surrounded by some damned appealing women. There is no shame in looking... just make sure that you're polite about it, hm?" She gives the young prince a pat on the ass, then rises back up. "And if you need to talk about matters of that sort with someone blessed with experience and lacking in shame, look me up. I won't corrupt you or anything, mind... unless that's what you want."
She offers a playful shrug; that sounded like a joke, but knowing her...
* Gennadi makes a note of being at least vaguely nice to Days as he slips away with the
momentary distraction, weaving slightly to the music as he tracks down Kanti and Fiona.
'''Vorpal: ''' ''What... ring? '' Her eyes widen slightly at the mention, and although she does not visibly change her stance, she is suddenly attentive like a hawk, aware of everything that happens in her vicinity...
'''Alexander: ''' The ring in the prince's hand glistens. It is beautiful, resplendent. A ring for kings, which could bankrupt a king. He eeps as she slaps him, then turns around "S-sure... I will be polite. I try to at least..."
Of course, it required him to look at Days. And on the way up to her face, there was the largest cleavage there, even in a body that was not as curvaceous and womanly as the Angels'. It was hard to look away...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''I wonder... ''
Selina does wonder. If Vorpal will get like that with ''her'', should anything happen.
''More isolated than I, it seems. ''
''She may well be even more horribly possessive than I can be. ''
That's a thought, oh it is.
''A scary thought. ''
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''Now, should I press the issue, or save the poor boy some face... ''
It is indeed a most sizeable sight, even considering the wraps holding them in place, fitting well with a woman exuding power and passion. She takes a moment to fold her arms... then coughs. "Now, now! I appreciate the admiration, but don't forget what I said so quickly." She winks down to Alex, giggling softly.
''... I wonder how capable this young winged boy is. ''
'''Vorpal: ''' "Yes", the Pale Angel adds in a very much neutral tone. "Better not". Looking away, she sips her wine, very deliberately.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince looks away, then, catching sight of a dancing Kanti... and Fiona. The part the royalty could never give her, before... never had time.
"Shouldn't we join them in the dance?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I... think I'm actually going to retire. I need to go ahead and get that apology out of the way before I lose the desire to give it." She pauses a moment to flex her arm, shaking her head. "Although... Alex. Can I ask you something? Something a bit personal?"
'''Alexander: ''' "Well, yes, of course!" He nods.
'''Vorpal: ''' Her attentiveness is almost hand-felt now. Her back is straight, her gaze even, her face the very neutrality itself...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "What's the most important thing to you, as a person?"
She looks down at Alex, almost looking fully serious for a moment. "Your heart is the purest, so I figured you would be the best to ask."
Even while asking, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, Cup-being chafing at the sudden intense scrutiny.
'''Vorpal: ''' The sensation relaxes a little.
Vorpal lifts the glass to her lips.
'''Alexander: ''' "I.... what do I consider most important?" He looks around.... and all are looking at him... "I... it will be hard to say so... I never thought of things like that... but, but..."
"... my family. My lady. My ''Circle''." He says for the first time. "My kingdom. The dream of rebuilding this, making something safe, powerful, a new home."
"... it is more complicated than that, but I think... it is that, yes! Why?"
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel says nothing, but for a moment, noticed by none, there is a very slight shade of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
The sensation vanishes.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Curiousity."
''I suppose I want to know what's inside your heart of hearts, boy. I can feel your surface wants. I wonder how they would change if I inhaled. ''
"You have to understand, I am not truly of your world, Alexander. And as I have told everyone else here, I am your ally and companion, but do not trust me blindly, for I am raksha... or do trust me. I do not mind either way." She turns and starts away from the party, from the crowd, from the site of her... accident. "I have a Mountain woman to find, Alexander. Another time, another time."
... but, for Alex's benefit, she puts a bit more sway in her hips than is neccessary. ''Something for you, Angel Prince. Do enjoy! ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina watches the exchange silently, letting people talk without her involved for a few moments.... and then walking away, to see what her girls and her mate are up to.
'''Alexander: ''' "See you, Child of Wyld Days!" He says, watching her a little... then turning to his lady, full of love in his eyes.
"Shall we dance, Lilith?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Yes", she reponds with a sparkle in her eyes. She sets the glass away and rises to her feet, black velvet rippling and cascading around her as she does so. She offers one pale hand to her prince. "Let us show them how it is done."
And it may be just the observer's own imagination, but as she guides Alex into the forest of swaying bodies, there is something about that little smile on her face that could be almost described as somehow... victorious.
'''Alexander: ''' He takes her hands. He remembers all he has learned. He relaxes. He is resplendent now, and the gold and diamond threads in his clothes shine. He is with Lilith, one of the most sought-after, watched ladies in this party. He is a king now. And he knows it. He cleans his mind of all fear...
... and dances.
White light appearing softly around him, so as to not harm His Lady, but to make the black clothing even more delineated... smiling at her, having her as his world as they move. She is everything for him on that moment, for the dance, like rulership, is something the dancer himself does not admire. It is given for others, as his world is his partner.
But, unlike rulership, he enjoys every minute of this.
'''Vorpal: ''' It is... a moment of tranquility for Vorpal. A brief pause from her life as a distant and cynical woman. One who always needs to be - no matter how unconsciously - on her guard against the loveless world she had grown up in. It is like a moment taken from one of those books she so adores, a short period of sweet fantasy clad in bright hues and brought into the midst of dull and plain reality.
It is a moment of purity for her. Briefly - very briefly - she is free of the doubt and hatred and cynical set of mind, of even the deep, burning lust she feels towards Alex and the Dark Angel. On that short moment when they glide across the dance floor, their feet feather-light, their lithe forms in a perfect harmony, she feels only the solid, unconditional love towards him, like the beautiful and helpless virgin princess sharing a special moment with her handsome prince.
Such things, unfortunately, never last for long.
But still, it is one of those moments in her life that Vorpal strives her best to remember as long as she can afterwards.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

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