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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Angelic Return ==
And the time has finally come...
A message from Amber Post, their bussiness had ended. They had done what they had to. The Zephyr came to Amber Post, and loaded its cargo holds with mercenaries to be delivered to the Boil... Fiona would be sent there later, to bring the more impressive mercenary companies through her spells... in a few trips, she would be able to deposit them in Whiteshield, and then, they could walk to the Boil.
But that was bussiness. Now, the Angels had come home.
Two of the greatest members of the Shades of Eventide strode out of the Zephyr...
... and into the Palace of Timeless Winters. Now in that wondrous city...
The link between Whiteshield, a country mostly grounded, and Windia, a country in the clouds.
And it did show.
The Palace of Timeless Winters, a First Age building that serves as its political center, shows it very well. Its end consistently hidden above the clouds at the wake of winter, its many aerie-style ends at the end of its branches, the many balconies that may as well be a front door, its great halls and corridors making sure no one feels enclosed within. All shows how it was made with the winged in mind.
The feeling within it is solemn. It is old, grand, and everything within seems to have some sort of purpose. All engraved symbols part of some greater circuit, of some broken seal. A feeling of winter fills the place, a feeling of a rainy day, of memories, longing, of warmth before a fireplace.
But it was still cold, as they stepped outside of the Zephyr....
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon was waiting for them outside. Seated on the tooled archway above the door, he looked like a grotesquely misplaced gargoyle. One leg dangled idly, the other drawn up with his knee below his chin. There were a bunch of flowers he'd stolen from the places garden clutched in one hand, because... hey, you ''gotta'' give your lady flowers at least once, y'know?
His eyes had tracked the Zephyr as it came in for a landing, his leg starting an impatient swing almost from the moment it was in sight. But he didn't have long to wait.
A grin broke out across his face as the familiar female form stepped down from the airship, sauntering closer beside the unfortunately-less-familiar-form of Vorpal. He gave a thought of trying to hide and let them pass, then dropping down behind them, but then sneaking up on folks around here probably wasn't the best idea. By the time he'd decided, it would have been too late anyway.
"Hey," he greeted as they grew close to the door, the word spoken warmly as it was simply. Head tipping to the side, the Lunar punk grinned down at them. Or at least at one of them. And his eyes sparkled out from under his brow as they peered down at Selina. He'd had plenty to keep him busy while she was gone, but that didn't mean he hadn't missed her. He just hadn't really realized how much until he saw her again.
Without much ceremony, he gave the bouquet a toss, the colorful bundle of flowers catching the air as they started spinning down towards the Winlandian, showering both women with a rainbow of errant flower petals. "How's shit?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa awaits pensively in the chill for the Angels' arrival. Once again she feels ...bare, almost, without Alexsei by her side. But it does not show in her expression, which she has kept -- if not serene -- at least pleasantly neutral.
Her kimono for the day is a dark pink damask -- mauve, really, with lush columns of pinkish-white paulownia blooms cascading down the sleeves and back. Underneath she wears an underrobe of a pale pink shade wrapped around the waist with a gold chrysanthemum-bloom obi. Golden butterfly wing ornaments sit atop the buns that sit high on either side of her head, trailing long locks of dark hair that flow down to mid-back... whisked back from her shoulders every now and then by an errant wind.
She smiles at Moon's greeting. The healer is not nearly so familiar with either of the Angels, but still, they are comrades to her now. She pushes aside the part of her that wishes Alexsei would descend from the Zephyr as well, and steps forward with a graceful bow for both the winged ladies.
"Lady Aine, Lady Lilith, welcome back. It is good you have both come back safely." Her greeting is equally respectful for both, but her eyes linger somewhat longer on the Dark Angel, a tentative but friendly smile on her lips. They would have to talk again soon, about Iselsis, and other things.
Now if only she could hope that the Princess would not attack the Abyssals on sight...
'''Vorpal: ''' This time, Vorpal's cloak is made of fur soft as freshly-fallen snow. It is white as her skin, contrasting the engraved dark armor she wears underneath. The cloak sweeps behind her as she marches down the ramp and steps onto the landing platform.
"Moon", she acknowledges the Lunar with a tip of her head and a nonchalant tap of her finger to her forehead. "Ryshassa." She does not slow down her pace and is about to sweep past, but halts at the sight of the bouquet.
A slanted smile spreads across her lips. She folds her arms over her chest and tilts her head, glancing expectantly at the Dark Angel beside her.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth watches the heartening reunion from a perch similar to Moon's with caution and no little hate. What the fuck was with these people and Abyssals? She had pegged Moon as a decent person and here he was showeing them with flowers. With a slight riuffling of feathers, she lights silently down to another entrance to be there for the arrival-- which was a considerable achievement for a bloody-taloned silver-white bird the size of a carriage.
'''Alexander: ''' It was hard to say where he had come from...
But he was there, a star of light, leaving a trail of white behind him due to his garment of white and gold, great white wings fully open, and a smile to melt all the ice in the north. Happy, so much happier than he had been in days... his eyes filled with te longing and the dreams as he streaked the air towards Vorpal!
So majestic, that the fact he seemed smaller, more frail, could barely register as he flew towards the Pale Angel, arms open, to hold her, to pick her up, to cover her with white light and tell her how much he has missed her, how much he loves her... how much he has discovered, how much he has learned...
Everything, encompassed in a single cry!
"''Miiiiiilllllaaddddyyyyyyyyyyy! ''"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' In better days, the Child would have probably greeted the two with laughs, pats on the bottom and banter about her amazing victory against a terror of Essence and shadow. Unfortunately for Monkey, recent times were not better days, so the tiny Monkey stood watch from behind the doorway, daring to peek out as the Angels made their grand return. ''Shouldn't show myself, shouldn't appear, helpless, can I trust them, they might try to shackle me, shouldn't draw attention to myself... ''
'''Fiona: ''' "Why are you hiding in there, hmmm?" Comes the voice from the Butterfly... now with the golden butterfly mask over her face she had found. It was strange, the ears of the predator and the disposition of the butterfly that she was now. Contradictions wrapped with the power of Twilight, that was the Enchantress of Veils and Chains now, dressed in Monkey's Pearlescent Gossamer-dress, the golden chains less as a bracer now, and more as snakes serpenting around her arms... "Silly. Come oooon!"
Holding the Monkey's arm, she dragged Days to the light, waving to the Angels...
"Teacher, Teacher! Look at Days! She's ''cute'' now!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina gives no outward appearance of this being too much of a special occasion...though she does give them all a heartfelt little smile and catch the bouqet as it spirals down toward them, raining flower petals. "It is...good to be back."
Her greatcoat is wrapped around her, fully buttoned, making most of her alluring curves disappear into the straighter lines of the heavy garment. Her hair is free, blowing in the slight wind.
Selina sees, notices, the gaze that...thing is giving her. And she returns it in one split second of venom, eyes clearly saying only one thing.
''''''Don't fuck with me. ''''''
'''Iselsis: ''' A figure was standing in the shadow of a small alcove, a little behind the others. Not much visible about her at all, besides the red ember like light coming from a cigarette and smoke wafting upwards, apparantly waiting for everyone else to get all their cheerful hellos over with.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey... half-screeches, both taken unaware and highly unwilling to just up and walk over to '''them'''. Not now, not like this! "Rrrraaa... Fiona, noooo! Don't... can't... let me go, please..." Even in complaint she can't bring herself to resist, being dragged along to face her fate.
'''Chibi-Vorpy: ''' ((I hereby re-christen you '''Days-ko'''! {touches her Daiklave to each of Days shoulders.} ))
'''Selina: ''' (Days: *shrieks*)
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa isn't really sure what else to say or do, with all of these people rushing out to greet the two Angels after her. Between Alex and Moon they'd be quite preoccupied already, she guesses... and then Fiona comes bounding up with loliDays in tow...
She glances around a bit... where was Izabella, to greet her sister's return? Did she skip out on it... no, there she was, hiding partly in shadow. Ryshassa wonders whether she's yet to get used to her new clothes.
Almost she steps up to Selina, wanting to say hi less formally, wanting to know the Dark Angel hadn't forgotten her during her trip, but the venomous look in her eyes towards Liz makes her pause.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Startlingly soon after Elizabeth dissapears from view, she appears through a side door wearing a light, loose robe of solid silver the exact color of her hair-- though her skin makes it look a darker steel in comparisson. Her hands twist into fists and... drip once in a while. She tries not to stain her dress. She does nothing to hide her tattoos or tell, so the new arrivals are sure to recognize her soon as she comes into the Abyssals' view.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Hup."
There was a whoosh of air and a thunderous thud as Moon hopped down off the high the perch he'd taken and dropped to the ground before the Angels, only barely managing not to land on Ryshassa as he fell. As he straightened up in front of her and untangled his twisted coat, he gave the healer an apologetic grin over his shoulder. "Me first."
Turning back to the Dark Angel, his smile grew more playful as he sauntered closer. Almost lunging as though he expected her to dance away, he slipped an arm under Selina's coat, popping open a couple of buttons to make room, and wrapped it tightly around her waist. Tugging the Windian against him, nearly crushing the flowers he'd taken such pains to swipe from the garden between them, Moon closed his lips over hers and kissed her for as long as she let him get away with.
"Nice ta ''have'' ya back," he grinned to her, nose to nose and brow to brow. His eyes flickered a moment in the direction she'd sent such dark glances, letting out a soft huff of bemusement. "Ain't nothin' there ta think much on darlin', in all ways ya can say that sorta thing. Leave it be till later, y'know? Better shit ta be thinkin' on now anyways."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' After the venom-filled, counter-threat look, however, Selina goes back to being happy. What's one more sour face when there's already a few. She looks at Days, and goes 'Aww, too bad she didn't get ''even smaller'' though. Then she would be ''even cuter''.' as she leans down and coos a bit at the smaller Days. "I also see you have...cat-ears? Did you change into a solar-kitten while I was gone?"
''What in the world? ''
Then their two...lovers?...come at them and they are caught. It feels...odd. Almost. After all that time of sharing space with only her counterpart. So odd.
''With only a week or two gone? ''
The odd feeling soon goes away, though. She breaks the kiss and blinks. "You'd think we died and miraculously came back to life." Selina responds bewilderedly.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' ''If only that were so-- maybe I could have stopped it''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Lots been goin' on while ya were out shoppin'," he agreed with a soft chuckle, turning to stand beside her and giving his arm a wave at the people around them. Those who were new faces. The old faces that had changed. It sort of all spoke for itself.
"Ya can take a turn now darlin'," he said, giving Ryshassa wink. "Don't figure on us bein' lucky 'nough that ya gonna say hi same way as me though."
'''Iselsis: ''' The girl steps out of the shadow, exhaling some smoke, one hand under her smoke arm's elbow. She looks rather different, with well groomed very long hair, and she's wearing a black choker, as well as a purple and black trim big robe with a grey waist cinch. The robe, obviously too big for her, hangs down around her shoulders, leaving them bare, and somehow miraculously still covers what needs to be covered.
"Technically, that was me.", she says towards her sister.
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel raises her eyebrows at the sight of the new Days, but then she grins. "We should have you become small enough to put into our pocket."
Vorpal's eyes narrow and her smile grows chilly as Moon glomps his big hands around Selina. She is about to comment on that, but looks sharply up at the painfully familiar cry.
Her mouth parts open as the first true love of her life emerges from the doorway, his arms wide, beaming like the Sun himself as he speeds down the platform towards her. Her heart swells at the sight. The sensation washes across her body like a tide of scintillating sparks of electricity.
''He is fine. He is fine and unhurt. ''
''...I'm so happy. ''
Right there and then, Vorpal realizes how worried she had been about him. Finally she has the name for that vague sense of unease that has been tugging at the back of her mind. She had been worried that she might never see him again.
''Died and miraculously come back to life. ''
''That's exactly how it feels like. ''
A beautiful Prince he is, her knight in the armor of white and gold.
He is within but a few meters from her when she hurls her punch forth. It catches him squarely in the face and goes onwards from there in a shockwave so powerful that it briefly distorts the air behind him. A buffeting gust sweeps across the platform, caused by the wind as it rushes in to fill the void left behind by that sudden strike.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Ah... the Virdynn... murderous cat spirits... were only one of the things that happened while you were gone, Lady Aine," Ryshassa says somewhat wryly. She blushes at Moon, not realizing her hesitation had been so... obvious. "Fiona's transformation came out of that. And that's besides the Prince and Kanti and others breaking a ritual to summon Calobis, and Days' heroism against a gigantic spider hekatonkhire, and Iselsis --"
She stops suddenly, not sure she wants to talk about all of that with all these people around. As far as she was concerned the things that happened as she helped unravel Iselsis from the demon's clutches were private, private things.
Well, at least she came out and showed herself now... she waits, watching the sisters meet again.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey, witnessing the punch... squeaks, and is promptly hiding behind Fiona before she even realizes it.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth strides forward and trips, falling flat on her face when she sees her hit him. She recovers quickly and rushes to his side. "What. The. FUCK lady? You just made some of my decisions a lot easier."
'''Alexander: ''' The Zephyr's docking hall.... ''shakes''
As an earthquake, the sound of the punch seems enough to break all windows, and at least one crakcks.
For a moment that seems eternal, the prince is held in the air....
As if the force of the punch was felt everywhere else, and he was just frozen in time.
And then, in an explosion of force and motion, he is sent backwards, striking the ground with his head, and continuing until he hits a wall, making the whole room shake once again... and leaving his imprint on the wall, including his wings, as he falls down...
'''Iselsis: ''' Iselsis looks rather bored as the prince comes flying by, sending her robe and hair aflutter, and incidentally dousing her cigarette, which she simply relights by blowing on the tip.
"Interesting form of greeting.", she states at nobody in particular.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Prince!" Vorpal's punch distracts Ryshassa altogether, her mouth forming a little 'o'. ''What is Lilith doing? And with the Princess there... this would not end well. ''
"Lady Aine, Iselsis, I would like us to talk later alone, if that would be all right!" she blurts quickly, and rushes over to the Prince to make sure no permanent injury was done. Lovers' quarrel? But they'd just met again! No matter, Ryshassa is a healer, and without Kanti there to heal Alex she would have to do.
Even if Lilith did scare her.
A lot.
'''Alexander: ''' In Elizabeth's arms, the prince was limp and dizzzy, his irises seeming totally loose on their orbits...
And his tongue, mumbling some incoehrences....
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal does notice the woman rushing to her ''Prince's'' aid, but the tart may damn well wait for her turn. The same goes to the red-skinned ninny and her smelly tobacco. The Pale Angel has more important matters to attend.
She stalks across the platform with terrifying deliberation, each step falling like a hammer slowly pounding poor ghosts into soulsteel. Her eyes burning, her fists clenched, she bends her body at the waist to loom over the prone ''Prince. ''
"Fi, fe, fo, fum", she snaps, each word sharp and venomous. "I think I smell a two-timer."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Have they stopped trying to hurt each other, Fiona?"
Days peeks out again, first at Vorpal, then at the rattled Alex.
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona herself watches with wide, completely flat eyes, her face in total surprise and shock...
Her lips able to utter only a single word. "Yeahbuh'''what?!? '''"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I hope you got along well without me, Moon." She nods to the scene which has just occurred, shaking her head. "Private matter." Is all Selina says, dragging Moon along with her as she marches up to Alex. She leans close to him, her face not more than half a foot away. And the words are almost whispers. Not gloating, just...amused.
"''She found out. '' But don't worry, I got hit for it way more times than you. Just a little letting off steam." Then the Dark Angel withdraws and looks to her sister.
''You look...a bit different. ''
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal raises one boot and lets it fall. It thumps to the ground between Alex's dangerously close to the place where he is ''supposed'' to keep his greatest treasures.
"Or is it a three-timer?" she inquires and in a split-second her voice goes from razor-edged to dangerously velvety. "Four? Five?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Three at least." Selina says absently, poking Moon in the ribs and giggling wickedly. "And he's not even a loveable gutter-slut like I am."
Then she pokes Izabella in the ribs. "What'd you do with your hair? "Didn't go for pink? Must say, dear sis, it's an improvement."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Oh... she really WAS frightening when she was mad... Ryshassa nearly winces as Vorpal's foot comes down, then remembers with a quite inappropriate -- and quickly! stifled -- giggle that there's nothing ''there'' to be smashed.
Quickly asserting that Alex is more stunned than hurt, she steps aside. Wanting to be away from the blast radius of whatever caused the Pale Angel's rage.
''A healer's work is never done, with these people... ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "What the ''fuck''?" Moon said, almost at the same moment Elizabeth mirrored... similar sentiments. He almost gave in to his first impulse, letting go of Selina to make a dive towards the albino Abyssal, memories of the past days events and thoughts on annoying bitchy fake-Vorpal replacements running through his head. But he realized pretty quickly that no one else was making much of a move towards Vorpal. So instead he just sort of stands there, scratching his head in bafflement.
At least until she spoke those words.
''Two-timer. ''
"Oh for fucks sake," he sighed and rolled his eyes, snickering under his breath and scrunching up a bit as Selina poked him. "Think by this point ya probably callin' it low even at that."
'''Alexander: ''' Between Ryshassa and Elizabeth, his eyes finally focus, he looks up... and sees the dreading face of the Pale Angel. His mind rushes through memories of a thousand embarassment, and on the corner of his eyes, he looks for any and all possible escapes from there... his happyness turning into something else, something that turned his legs to jelly... and his heart cold....
There are some things that register for humanity like genetic memory. When in a fight, we instinctively curl our hands into fists. When with a woman, everything comes naturally. When poisoned, our body tries to expel the nocive substance in any possible way.... and when caught, a man's mind always goes to the same, unique phrase.
"I... I... I can explain!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days winces sympathetically at the stomp. While she's not male now, she knows what a hard object to the gonads feels like.
''Alexander's in trouble... humans are so odd about attachment, though... ''
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth uncerimoniously drops Alex. "Oh Alex... If you were going to cheat on her, did it ''have'' to be with '''her'''?" she asks, pointing at Vorpal and then at Selina.
'''Alexander: ''' Oddly enough, he did not seem bothered by the boot close to his crotch. At all.
"I... I... she wanted... you see..." He was almost glad when the blood from his nose made him cough.
He already had a big shoe in his mouth and could still speak, thankfully the blood corrected ''that''
'''Iselsis: ''' "It's a long story", she says while glaring at her sister for poking her in the ribs, "short version: I temporarily unpossessed my own body. I'll tell you the elaborate one later. For now I find it hilarious that the pale one is beating the prince up, and want to watch."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona walks closer, bringing Days even closer to it... and whispering. "Don't worry... that is just between them. I don't think she's hurting anyone else... I don't think... I hope..." She says, holding Days' hand and watching more closely, her tail swishing from one side to another nervously, her ears trembling...
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa wonders, quietly, whether any of them even know about Alex and Kanti. Which she only knows about at all due to her unfortunate healing attempt of the latter.
''Oh... blood... '' She glances over Alex's face -- not so unhurt after all. But she still can't quite make herself stand in the way just yet. ...Especially if it was about two-timing. She'd just fix him after.
Ryshassa nods firmly, trying to convince herself that this wasn't just an excuse to get away.
"You like the robe don't you?" she asks Selina shyly, instead. "I mean... your sister's. I helped pick it..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days looks even more nervous, all told. The bolt reaction's there, limbs tense as she crouches on all fours, tail low and straight. "Don't want to be here. Too much tension. Bothers me. Wish I wasn't so jumpy... hate this..."
'''Fiona: ''' "I thought you enjoyed emotions? That there... doesn't get more emotive than ''that''!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Cause he needed someone to show him the '''true''' peril of the Shadow." Selina says off-handedly, replying to that strange, grumpy new girl, and then poking her sister in the ribs again, wrapping ''her'' arm around Moon with unexpected force. "Ah, so you fucked yourself up good."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Shut up."
Vorpal's gaze does not so much as flicker away from Alex, but it is a little unclear to whom, exactly, she is meaning that reply. To Alex, no doubt, but perhaps also to the tattoed tart next to him. Perhaps also to the sex-driven street thug. It might also go to the self-satisfied little slut with the black wings.
Maybe it goes to all of them.
Most likely it does.
The Ghost-Blooded reaches down and grabs Alex by the collar. Hefting him one-handed up into the air, she adds: "''You''. You have a lot to explain."
After which, she pulls his face close to hers and presses her lips firmly against his.
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona opens a big smile, "''See''?" She asked the Monkey, nearly jumping closer to the Dark Angel, beaming in light of dawn, butterfly-mask hiding most of her face but feline eyes... her ears perking up in such a cute way as she looks up to the Dark Angel with a slightly-fanged smile. "Liked it?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "No I did that before when I blew myself and a chunk of clinic up.", she retorts, glaring again. "And stop poking me! I'm trying to watch.", she gestures at the scene before her.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Too much confusion. Hate, love, both strong. Tastes..." Monkey shudders again, and suddenly shuts up as highly unpleasant/pleasant memories return. She paws at her temples a few times, totally futile but all she can do to try and distract herself. "... I'm not hungry right now."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina pokes at one of the cat-ears, watches it flick reflexively. "It's...so cute..."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth stands up and sighs, brushing off her dress for a moment until she realizes she's just smearing it with blood. She freezes, trying to figure out what to do about that, but doesn't really come up with anything, another sigh, and she refocuses on her brother... Who much like her dress seemed to be a lost cause.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon's own ears twitched as Selina poked at Fionas, then foldded back defensively. ''His'' were plenty cute too!
"Now swing him side arm!" Moon shouted in encouragement to Vorpal, waving an arm through the air. "Ya already broke the fuckin' record for puttin' him through a wall! Go for distance!"
'''Alexander: ''' The Prince is limp on her hand as she holds him.... but then, as her lips touch his', it is like he receives a newfound surge of ''life! '' Amidst confusion and fear, everything, ''everything'' focuses on one thing, one single thing. The fact he loves her. Loves her so much.... and held her close by, his own strength challeging hers' like only he could, filling her with a white glow, not strong enough to burn.... and as it finally breaks, he looks to her with nothing but an apology... and a desire to never let go.
"... sorry..."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Awww, where's the continued beatings? This is ''so'' dissapointing...", she pouts.
'''Fiona: ''' The Enchantress beams with happyness as the Dark Angel thinks so, picking the monkey from behind her and pushing her up front. "Days decided to repent for her mistakes, and turned into a cute, scared monkey! Be nice to her, alright, Teach?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa sees Selina get distracted by Moon's presence, and feels another pang. Oh... she wished Alexsei could hold her like that again. Homecomings were so sweet...
Her eyes drift back to Vorpal and Alex. Well... most of them.
Feeling a little pathetic to poke at the Dark Angel's attention to no avail, she just... stands there. A little bit lost, really. Well, they'd still talk later, things were just a little too chaotic now.
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''Days... would have soiled herself if she had made herself with a functional bladder. Instead, thrust as she is before Selina, she fondly (and fearfully) remembers the last time they met. It was a good time, of giving and taking, pushing and pulling, learning and respecting. She would cherish that interation until the day she died.
Right now, though, Monkey tries to make herself as small as possible, all the other memories of Selina's might hitting her... and the undeniable smell of Dreamshard tugging at her Heart, singing death.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "So, you helped her pick that dress?" Selina says, turning to Ryshy. "It would figure. I didn't think she would be able to do that on her own...no offense sis. But that's how it is." Her tone is somewhat amused.
'''Vorpal: ''' Again the taunts thrown by the others are ignored as not worth of her time.
Vorpal tastes the blood on Alex's lips - blood she herself had made to flow. She breaks the kiss and licks her own lips. "It looks like there are many things that need to be put back in place", she says, and for once his smile cannot melt the coldness in her voice. "I will begin with you."
She allows her arm drop, but does not let go of the Prince. She walks past him and the tattooed tart, still holding Alex by the collar, not waiting to see if he follows her - and not caring. If his feet are not strong enough to carry him, fine, she'll just drag him along.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince almost waved to the Dark Angel... and then stopped, realising it was her ''fault''!
And then got dragged by the Pale Angel, as if he was a cart, pretty much unable to do anything but be dragged helplessly, with the face of expectation of one who has no idea if he is going to heaven or hell... and is betting ont he latter!
Child of Wyld Days: "... Alex is doomed."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Actually it's a man's robe... It just doesn't stay up around the shoulders, so I left it like this.", she illustrates by trying to hold the robe up around the shoulders, then letting go and it drooping back the way it was. "It's comfortable, and for some reason I get pegged as a girl more in man's clothing than the other way around."
She shrugs a little.
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona watches the Prince being dragged away.... and takes a step closer to the Dark Angel, whispering in a confiding tone... "... you think he will be alright?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh--oh, well, yes..." Ryshy wasn't really expecting Lady Aine to respond. Her eyes go wide with surprise a bit then she shakes her head. "It is actually one of my husbands'. She was a little reluctant to wear it at first, but I think it's stylish... and a sight better than those hospital robes. She was bedridden for at least a week, I think. Strong-willed girl," she says of Iselsis.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth just barely registers Selina addressing bitchy mcDragonblood as 'sis,' starts to say something, and gives up. ''Whatever''...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Mhmm." Selina hums, looking at them for a moment and shrugging. "We shouldn't interfere. There's some things that need to be straightened out, I think."
Then she coughs, remembering her own ''straightening out''. "Besides, a few bruises never hurt anyone. I should know."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa glances quietly from Liz to Vorpal and back. ''She's taking it better than I thought? ''
''Or just letting it build up. ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Then she looks from her ward, to her sister, to Ryshy and Moon. Her tone is almost..dryly curious. "So...what did everyone do while I was gone? It looks like things went creatively bad."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I did stupid things and had everyone else clean up after me!", Izabella suddenly blurts out in an eerily chirpy fashion, "And then I was in a coma for a week."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I broke."
She squeaks it out, but better to answer than to be asked again.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "I busted up a cat temple!" he told her, with so much pride in his voice, you'd think he had single handedly saved the world too.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "I planned your death-- err, I mean Hi."
'''Fiona: ''' "I was possessed by a murdering cat-spirit serving a church of murder! Oh, and a bitch tried to murder me!"
She makes big, sweeping motions, her chains tingling.
"Also, I'm Days' mom!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I've been busy fixing the results of all of that. Except for Fiona. I... couldn't help her... another woman did. Thaumaturgist, essence-manipulator..." Ryshassa doesn't want to even mention Archren's name, afraid that hate would come back again.
"And... wha--?" She hadn't even known about Fiona being Days' mom. Clearly she could still be surprised to.
'''Fiona: ''' "Oh, yes... and this is ''Elizabeth Holysword, Princess of Whiteshield! ''"
Fiona says, presenting her!
"She is a Lunar! And Immortal! And we have two of her! Well.. we had three..."
'''Kanti: ''' "I got a kitten!"
"Her name is Xue."
Kanti announces, seeming to be very relaxed, holding a small black kitten in her arms.
"...Where is my prince?" She asks the assembled people.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "So, if it wasn't for you..." Selina begins slowly, looking at the rest. "They'd all be mostly dead. Let me guess."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "No, no, it wasn't just me, not by far!" Ryshassa says, almost flustered by that comment. "Kanti and Fiona helped heal the others, too. Iselsis was the worst off, though, she only woke recently. She nearly... immolated herself. And with her will drained afterward, it was... difficult. For a while I was quite worried," she says genuinely.
"I wasn't present for the fight with the cat-spirits. Or for the temple-breaking. But it was quite the story to hear when everyone returned. Apparently, Kanti sent a hekatonkhire to Lethe... I wonder what my husband thought of that..." Ryshassa's eyes glance up, briefly, to the skies, as if by doing so she might gain his attention, if even for a short while.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Technically I did immolate myself, it was the only way I could keep a few score of hungry birds from getting into the clinic and pecking out eyes and innards of innocent people."
She rubs the back of her head, "Though I don't remember much of what happened after that."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "A cat temple." She murmurs under her breath, giggling, wanting to poke people some more. "But," She looks at Ryshy again, nodding. "You did save some of them from dying...or whatever would have happened." She looks suspiciously at her sister. There is a Yozi in there afterall.
"Thank you. Means alot ot me."
"Though mr. cat temple probably was a-ok." She pokes him in the ribs again.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Almost immolated herself ''to death'', I should say," Ryshassa corrects herself. blushing significantly at Selina's thanks, then bowing deeply. "It is my calling. I am glad to help."
"And now it looks like your sister has long hair again. I told her that perhaps you'd have some pointers on how to care for it."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I tried cutting it off but it just grows back pretty much instantly.", she shrugs helplessly while adding to Ryshy's explanation.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon took the poke with a good natured grunt and grinned, looping an arm around her shoulder. "Ya'd be fuckin' ''proud'' a'me darlin'. For once I wasn't the one layin' 'round bleedin'."
'''Chibi-Vorpy: ''' (( ... {goes WAIIIIIII at a sulky Child.} ))
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey slowly, carefully returns to her hiding spot behind Fiona, glad that things have settled and talk gone elsewhere. With her thoughts drifting, Monkey, looks around her, tail thumping on the ground between her knuckles as she returns to a four-point crouch. All that she can think of is the last few days, and what she once was, and will be again.
"Hate this."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Being talked to." Selina looks to Kanti, shaking her head. "Cute kitten. Don't go near Lilith, though, for now."
Then she looks disgustedly at her sister. "It figures you'd try to butcher something so pretty."
"Good." She replies to Moon. "Though I hope you didn't eat any cats."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Your sympathy is astounding.", she snarks back at her sister.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti smiles at the the mention of Xue being cute, before just what Selina said sinks in.
"By the Pale Angel? Oh."
''My poor prince, everything he has gone through... ''
"How was your trip, my lady Dark Angel?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Kanti..." Ryshassa smiles as the other Dragon-Blooded seems to arrive... from nowhere? The kitten seems to soothe her a lot, which is good.
''It's best she didn't see what happened just before. ''
"The Prince should be back shortly," she tries to say with confidence. ''And hopefully still with his appendages intact. At least the ones he still has. ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ...
Was that a joke? Moon clearly hesitated giving her an answer, watching her face as he tried to decide just how she'd actually meant that. Or how she might react to an answer. Did evil ghost-cat things count are cats or only ''real'' felines?
"Uh... hey! We saved the city from gettin' made dead too! That kinda came with the temple part," he said, carefully leaving out the word 'cat' to avoid any reminders.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth stands away from the crowd as they chatter back and forth tales of their time away. It was bizzare-- fucked up even; almost as if the Abyssal were a real person.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina frowns at Moon. "You ate cats." Her eyes narrow, then she shrugs and goes back to normal.
And then, she looks at the angry looking Lunar. "So, you are Dear Leader's sister? Ah yes...the older one. So now you get the throne instead of him? Fun stuff, huh?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' She is angry. At herself, at Creation, at anything that can explain why she's such a meek mouse right now...
"And then she sees the kitten. Her body wants to approach, but thoughts make her hesitate. After all, Kanti's afraid of her... so might as well not go, right? But... such a cute creature...
Tail thumps, eyes close.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "It tried ta eat me first..." Moon answered back a bit lamely, hunching a bit at her glare.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Oh, I also saved your boyfriend's behind from some ghosts before blowing myself up. You can thank me later."
'''Kanti: ''' "Hello, Ryshassa." Kanti smiles and bows her head in greeting, petting Xue, who meows.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Bad dog." Selina says disapprovingly, then finally answers Kanti. "Our trip was filled with people trying to kill us. Lots of people. Lots. Now they work for us because they realized we are ten times as awesome as them...and because I have a lot of money."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' If Elizabeth were a bird, her feathers would ruffle-- instead she just stiffens and answers calmly with a flick of the wrist and a shifting of some cloth, Elizabeth produces Ainerach. "For now--" ''bitch'' "--I seem to be in line, but--" ''bitch'' "--when applicable, Ainerach belongs to our Solars--" ''bitch'' "--I only hold onto it until I'm sure Alex is... ready" ''bitch. ''
Calmly indeed.
'''Kanti: ''' "I am ... glad to see you are still well, my lady Dark Angel." Kanti says, fighting down the confused well of emotion the thought of Selina's life being threatened brings on in her.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh, so your trip was at least as exciting as your stay here," Ryshassa says to Selina after inclining her head to Kanti in kind. "And with the mercenaries you and Lady Lilith have brought back, we can afford to move out from here... we've even gotten the local clinic in working order now, so the presence of us Chosen is no longer a necessity."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Some are for Boil. Iria needs them after our revolution depleted her force." Selina replies to Ryshassa, "Ahh, matters of succession indeed. Do not worry, I will know when Alex is ready."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth's eyes narrow. ''He will be ready when he stops claiming to love that... tart. ''
"We shall see."
'''Iselsis: ''' She puffs on her cigarette in silence for a while before poking her sister in the ribs.
"You and me have to talk, in private. Actually, Ryshassa should be there too."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "He's gotta a ''long'' way ta go..." Moon chipped in, still a bit hesitant now to draw attention to himself again, but not able to hold that comment back.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth raises an eyebrow. "If you need the healer-- hey, can I watch?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Fiona."
She asks, trying to not sound like she's expecting to be told otherwise. "C-Can I go now? I don't think I can do much else here... everyone's finished their greetings and such..." ''Please say yes. Please say no. Please say something. ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''And Elizabeth already chose her own test... that Prince has quite a lot of proving to do. ''
"Ah, yes... what I wanted to speak to you about later, Lady Aine," Ryshassa continues after a respectful pause for the Princess, "was about where we would be heading for after Spire. I seem to have incidentally become a part of Iselsis' plan."
"...Actually, Princess," she adds, "it's less to do with my healing abilities, but perhaps they will be needed as well."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Hey," Moon growled softly, looking back and forth from Iselsis to Ryshassa. "I get her first!"
'''Fiona: '''Fiona looks at the Monkey.... and sighs. "You know, we will have to find a way to stop that."
"I would like to wait until the Prince comes back, but he might just.. not, so." She shrugs, waving at the Dark Angel... "I am taking Monkey back to her room, see about getting her to calm down a bit. Glad you are back, Teacher!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh, Moon," Ryshassa says with a little smile, "I don't think we would leave right away. There are other matters to attend to first."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Sure, we can talk." Selina replies to them both. "But after the current mess has been resolved. She won't be shutting me out anymore." The last sentence referring to the other Abyssal.
Then she hears Moon's protestation. "...everyone wants to talk to me. This is odd." She turns to Fina and waves. "I'll see you later, then! We have some other things to talk about...more on my list."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti looks down a little.
"Good bye Fiona."
She pauses.
"..Good bye, Child."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Though weren't you supposed to be heading somewhere with Cael?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Pain. Humiliation. That is how it works. That was what I have seen and what I've been told." This comment is to no one in particular... maybe herself. Once it's said, she registers Kanti's goodbye... and nods, not looking Kanti's way. "My apologies."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Goodbye, Fiona! Take care Days..." Ryshassa giggles a bit waving at the two, reassured at least that the younger Twilight would take care of Days during this... fragile time.
''Oh, I will get her in a dress yet! '' Dreams of red ribbons and puffy white crinoline float in her head as she allows herself a blissful smile.
'''Fiona: ''' "There has to be another way. We will find another way." She whispers to the Child...
Taking a moment to smile at Kanti. "Goodbye, Kanti..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' As she gets ready to follow Fiona, a shiver of mild dread runs down Monkey's spine, and she quite doesn't know why.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina thinks a bit, at hearing those words. Then she says "See you, Days." And adds a fanged, leering grin to the parting.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ... the second shiver, however, has a very evident source, and Monkey wastes little time in moving away from Selina.
'''Chibi Selina (Hyrokkin): ''' ("Did you lose a dot of bedlam? huh huh huh?")<br>
'''Days-Chan: ''' ("I wish. -_-")
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Not ''yet''," he answered the healer back a little snappishly, tossing Selina a glance from the corner of his eye. That had sort of been something he'd wanted to break to her himself. "Sides, gotta take time ta make time, y'know?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "...what?" Selina looks from the healer to her mate, frowning slightly. "I come back and you leave? Oh, we'll talk about it later, alright."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Much leaving going on.", the redskinned girl adds cryptically.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon winced and took an accute interest in his feet, rubbing at the back of his neck. Yeah, he knew ''that'' tone of voice...
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Of course, of course." Ryshassa spreads her hands apart appeasingly. She didn't want to rile Moon up after all. Though it strikes her as odd that she finds the thought of Moon's ire... or Aine's... less frightening than Lilith's.
''That makes no sense. What do I have, a Pale Angel phobia? ''
"We'll figure it out. I don't want to take away from your time with each other, after all." Again, the errant thought of Alexsei... sighing quietly to herself, Ryshassa absent-mindedly twirls the ring around her finger.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Monkey keeps quiet, just eyeing Ise as she keeps a safe distance away from the woman and the dragon and the terror that makes her want to just run... much like how everyone else makes her feel that way at the moment.
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise just waves at Days as she prepares to leave. She had been told it had been Days that had mostly been responsible for pulling her out of that conflagration she created, and she was at least semi-thankful, as long as it didn't mean she owed a raksha now.
Because that would just be bad.
'''Seventh Moon: '''"Maybe ya ''should'' go with 'um first darlin'," Moon ventured after another moment of abashed silence, looking up at last and smiling with a somewhat deflated version of his usual grin. "Gimme time ta take care'a couple things, y'know?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "To cover your arse, you mean." She looks at Elizabeth, instinctually making a connection. "This isn't some form of looooonar business, is it?" Her gaze swings back to Moon. "Suddenly we have more than one, besides our dear general, and you want to leave. They summon you to a chestbeating contest out in the middle of bumfuck? Some barbarian story night?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth, using her incredibly sesitive sense for social situations, figures the Abyssal'' might'' be trying to get a rise out of her. She needn't have bothered-- Elizabeth was plenty... risen...
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise points at Liz, "That one likes it when you hurt her. True story, she offered to let me shoot her, but it's just no fun when they're kind of... okay with it."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's brows furrow. She likes being hurt, too. But she likes to think it is for a purpose, the greatest purpose she has ever known.
"If anyone is going to be hurt," she says aloud, "try not to make it lethal?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth hrmphs. "I don't ''like'' it, I simply thought things would be easier if you got some of that not-insignificant anger off your not-insignificant chest. I am immortal after all."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Nope," he answered with a shrug, which was true enough. He had been invited at first, but given what happened after, it was hard to say just how sincere the offer had been. "''Did'' send someone out ta try 'n kill me though. Shit didn't work so good though and now I can track the lady down. Gonna go see 'bout gettin' 'um ta either help out or stay the fuck outta this. Or ''make'' 'um stay out if we don't manage that."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Pot. Meet the kettle. I hear it says you're black.", she nods sagely.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Well, and it appears some people have a plan for me too. Or something." She peers at her sister. "Why do I get the feeling this is connected to you looking like this now? I really should have tried to eat that Yozi."
'''Iselsis: ''' "It doesn't actually. It has to do with something else entirely, but I'm not going to let you taunt me into going into it here and now.", she says resolutely.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Delicious Yozi!" Selina exclaims. "Yozi soup!"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "... what the fuck is a Yozi?" Moon demanded, frowning a bit. "And how the fuck did soup do shit ta Red?"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth... says nothing. She did not recall this particular breed of insanity in any of the Abyssals she'd met under the Mask...
'''Iselsis: ''' "You're not swallowing my soul!"
'''Ryshassa: '''Ryshassa just bursts out in fresh giggles. "We'll talk about it! And it would be a little bit complicated for you to swallow the demon part of Iselsis's soul without swallowing the Ise parts with it. That could be bad," she says sagely.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It's not '''your''' soul! It's the '''Yozi's''' essence!" She pokes her sister again, giggling, showing teeth, then quiets down. And looks to Moon. "Yozis are the dead gods I swore to. Only living. And they hate us. All of us. They spawned the demons."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "... and they're soup?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "No, that's just my sister being ''weird''."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "You're ''all'' werid... And '''you'''--" she points at Ise "--are now on my list of-- of--oh hell, whatever... I'm getting a headache keeping track of all of this..."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Hey, it's not ''my fault'' before you start pointing fingers and saying I struck a deal with a yozi! It decided to gnaw on my soul, I had nothing to do with that!"
"You should be more concerned about the demon who's body I'm currently possessing, really."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "This shit's confusin'... "Moon said, his ears flattening out against his head as he rubbed the back of his neck once more. He looked around at the women for a moment, before his eyes settled on Iselsis. His ears straightened up to attention once more.
"And it ''is'' all ''ya'' fault! Should'a never ordered the fuckin' soup ta begin with!" he said, wagging a disapproving finger in Iselsis's face. "Knock it off! Be fuckin' normal!"
'''Iselsis: ''' ...
Izabella, at that point, gets an odd smile on her face, seeing the finger wagging like that and...
She bites it.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "Wait-- the soup is gnawing on YOU? How long have I been down south?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "''I'm'' weird?" Ryshassa stops mid-giggle, still trying to stifle them a bit... "And she didn't order the soup. It got force fed to her. That was very rude... I'd like to hurt whoever did ''that''..."
And for a moment she almost looks angry... then Ise bites Moon's finger. "Tough meat, that. Be careful! I don't want to have to heal your teeth!"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ...
"Ow." Moon said flatly as his finger was chomped, staring down the length of his arm at her. He wagged his arm limply a moment, as if trying to yank it free, then turned a bemused glare on Selina. "Yeah, she's ya fuckin' sister a'ite."
'''Iselsis: ''' n__n
She hangs on for a few more seconds, then lets his finger go.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks at Izabella with some amount of surprise...then suspicion. "How much did you change exactly?"
'''Iselsis: '''"Oh, the experience was a real ''eye opener''.", she says, before winking at Ryshy.
Some in-joke, apparantly.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa chuckles to Iselsis in return. It makes her feel at least a little content to know she can be humorous about her predicament once in a while.
"When she passed out the first time, after the firestorm, she'd exhausted most of her will... the determination that all this time was keeping the demon from taking her over wholly. It seems that whatever happened that changed her the first time... traded her body for the demon's. So Iselsis is not actually this body's native soul, but she has persisted. Through sheer force of conviction."
"But that is not to say we cannot get her true body back... somehow. Or seperate her from the demonic side. If it was done one way it must be possible to undo..." Ryshassa says, obviously firmly believing in this fact -- or wanting to.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth squints at Iselsis, strudying her for a moment. "She looks the same to me. Still, you should get that taken care of-- you never know what damage a little evil in your body can do to you until it's too late."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina giggles at that. "Oh, would you know from experience?" She sends a long stare at Liz.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I wasn't aware you knew Iselsis before her change, Princess..." Ryshassa tilts her head at Liz curiously. Well, she's done her explanation for the moment. She can only hope Izabella doesn't mind.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth narrows her eyes at Selina for a moment, and the crescent moon on her forehead glitters with moonlight... followed soon after by a void black glow from the dark side of that moon. "I might."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Yes, because obviously I've just done nothing about it for the past decade or so.", she just rolls her eyes at Liz.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh ''really''?" She asks teasingly. "I'll have to hear that story sometime."
Then she looks at Moon. Pokes him. "All silent now? Like I said..."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "I met Iselsis '''very briefly''' before she blew herself up. Believe me, her personality is burned into my mind, Lady-Ryshassa"
'''Iselsis: ''' "To be fair you were being a right bitch to us before I threatened to inflict grievous injury on your person.", she shoots back.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Ladies are gettin' worked up," he grunted back with a teasing grin. "Figure I'm safer keepin' outta it. Already damn near lost a finger. Fuck knows what else could get bit off."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You'd be surprised, Moon..." Ryshassa coughs, her blush bright splotches on her face. "Or maybe you wouldn't."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ladies were worked up from the get-go." Selina mentions, though she doesn't include herself. Vorpal, now...
''Yeah, she was pretty worked up. ''
Almost scary, even. Not that that is new to Selina by now. But still.
"Though my sister and Alex's sister seem to be in a perpetual state of being worked up."
'''Chibi-Vorpy: ''' ((Well, duh.))
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "Yeah, well, kill of YOUR parents ans see how protective you are of your younger siblings? Oh wait-- you did, didn't you? Nevermind."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Cause the voices told me to."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Elizabeth Holysword. Making friends across the whole of Creation. You'll make a fine queen one day. Your favourite phrase will probably be 'off with his head!'."
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "I'm well over it. Alex seems to have ''things'' in hand pretty well."... she glances over to where he and Vorpal went to talk... Things indeed.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "A'ite, not ta be a fuckin' spoil sport, but we're just burnin' daylight now," Moon said with a certain tone of finality, disentangling from Selina as he stretched his arms wide and shook them out, stiff muscles straining as he forced them to move around again. Leaning over, he gave the Abyssal a kiss, one that was soft and only just on this side of deep. "I'll catch up with ya tonight darlin', when we can get some private time without nothin' hangin' on us."
"Ladies, Liz" he said, giving the other three a nod... then stopping to think about that as he glanced them over. "A'ite, lady, Red, 'n Liz."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa tries not to smile too widely -- though she suspects Iselsis wouldn't care about not being called 'lady' anyway.
"See you, Moon." Because she had a feeling she'd see the Lunar again. Even if it would be as patient and healer -- ''more likely than not'', she thinks to herself ruefully.
"I assume the rest of you have other matters to attend to? I wouldn't want to impose myself on you so soon after you arrived, Lady Aine, in regards to the 'plans'..."
* Iselsis just hmpfs, waiting for Moon to wander off before pegging him in the back of the head with a pebble.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks confused now. What is she supposed to do? "I...don't know..." She feels like glaring around her. Catching up like this is ridiculous! She'd need...a...a timepiece!
"I am never going off on my lonesome like this again." She growls under her breath, to herself, more or less.
And that makes it clear on how much this group has changed her. If only temporarily. "What am I saying? I'm an '''assassin''', not a ''socialite''! I'm supposed to work alone!" The tinge of ozone tickles the air as a lightning bolt arcs from one wing to another.
"You!" She glares at them all. "This is all your fault!"
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "We... corrupted an Abyssal assassin to the ways of love, justice and smalltalk?" Elizabeth looks befuddled at Iselsis and Ryshassa. "Cool."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She stabs an arm out at Vorpal and Alex, as well. "''AND YOU, BOTH OF YOU! ''"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Ah... well... I'm sorry?" Ryshassa says sincerely enough, if sheepishly, ducking her head. It's only been recently since she's done anything at all without her husband at her side. Including this sort of socializing. With Abyssals and demon-touched and... whatever had made Liz's hands bleed that way!
'''Iselsis: ''' Izabella giggles and walks up to Selina's side, folding her hands behind her back, and then leeeaaaning over and...
... gives her a peck on the cheek.
"I love my sister."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "She really does, too..." Ryshassa whispers... conspiratorially. But that's all she says, a mysterious smile on her face.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "How the mighty have fallen." The Windian says, some note of resignation in her voice.
No one must ever learn of that. Not the other professionals. Her reputation...well, she'd have to kill alot more people to get over this. A whole lot more!
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Eilzabeth giggles and sneaks a light caress-- and suddenly, there's second Iselsis pushing the first into a group-hug with the mighty assassin.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Rubbing the back of his head where Iselsis's little missile had struck, he stopped and chuckled, looking back to give Selina the most unapologetic grin possible.
"Yeah," Moon nodded in agreement with Elizabeth, for probably the first time ever tossing the other Lunar a broad smile and taking on a tone more teasing than assaulting or insulting. "Now we just gotta figure out what the fuck the cure for 'crazy bitch' is so we can get started on the rest ya."
One hand in his jacket pocket, Moon gave them all a wave and started to walk away... only to suddenly reverse step. Leaping back as Iselsis leaned in to give Selina a peck on the cheek, Moon grabbed the red-skinned ghost-hunter by the shoulders and clamped his mouth over her pursed lips. Letting them go with a resounding pop, he did what any one would do after potentially pissing off a short-tempered lady with an itchy trigger finger would do...
He calmly took a step back, then to the side, standing in front of Elizabeth Holysword. The Blood Angel. Chosen of Luna. Princess and possibly Queen of Whiteshield... who looked like a second Iselsis now. Neat trick, but she still smelled like an Elizabeth, so he was right on target.
"Honk!" he called out, grabbing a handful of royal chest, before taking off as fast as his legs could damn well carry him, steamers of silver essence drifting in the air behind him as he dashed away.
Fuck all if he wanted to be anywhere within a ''mile'' of there when the bullets started flying.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' Elizabeth blinks, then blinks again, trying to decide how much of Moon to leave for the others while she rubs away the memory of his touch-- then she perks up "You know technically, Iselsis-- he groped ''your'' chest...". A flash of silver and Elizabeth is herself again without a word.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa just watches, speechlessly. Waiting to see whether she will need to heal someone any time soon.
''Izabella would not have liked that... thievery. ''
On the other hand...
''Moon is so silly! ''
She is glad no one groped her breasts.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Eh? ''EH''?" Selina is hugged, then Moon comes and does...that.
"Have you all gone crazy?" She wonders out loud, watching Moon run out of the corner of her eye. "Go off for a week or two and this happens!"
"At least the only normal person here is a medical specialist." She finally pronounces. "She can tell if we all caught some kind of...disease...."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa blinks bemusedly. "I can, if you wish... I can heal minds as well as bodies..."
She stops, gazing at Iselsis, who seems to have fallen mute. Is she okay? Any humor that might have shown on her face now starts to fade.
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'll be in my room.", is all she finally says before storming into the building, presumably to her room.
'''Elizabeth Holysword: ''' "That sounds like a good idea. I feel like I could use a good cleaning too-- with '''''fire'''''" she glares at Selina as she walks off, as if Moon's behaviour was HER fault.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Left alone with Selina, for a moment, Ryshassa simply bows... not sure what else to say, really. "We will talk again soon, I hope. Try to relax, Lady Aine, now that you are back, we do have ''some'' time still..."
And she moves away, all dark hair and mauve silks, rippled by the wintry breeze as she takes a vague path towards where Iselsis has gone. Not necessarily to break her privacy, of course, but... Ryshy can't really help but worry, after all.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Relax. Yeah, she should be relaxing. She throws a dark look to where Alex and Vorpal had gone.
''I should...um... ''
''...where is Bronze Butterfly? ''
How odd that she hadn't shown up. Especially to poke at her...mentor...the way everyone else seemed to be doing.
''Who to run after? ''
Right now, she can't decide. And so, instead, she takes to the air, soaring high into the sky. Till she can see the limit of Spire's bounds, and beyond. She could eat something in a bit.
''Rrrrrrr. ''
But first, perhaps, she needs to digest what she had figured out.
''Damn you, Bishop. This is '''your fault. '''''
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 16:00, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels