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(* Impossible dresses, unearthly music, and the gathering begins...)
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== A Party for a Pantheon ==
''The Quicksilver Zephyr... ''
Standing above the military base of Highblade, several hundred feet above the ground on a mountain's cliff, angels of sorcery and elementals patrolling its area and making feathers fall with the snow...
An assassin had struck. Cael granted the army his magic and his uncanny administrative ability. The forces in Spire made their move, and the time to strike was near. With the Angels dealing with the great General of the Bishop's forces, the path was clear to storm Spire... and gain two great footholds in Whiteshield at once.
Moves to define the war are near.
But, before they are to be carried up, their leaders join in the Zephyr for a party, to wish themselves luck, to give themselves a well-deserved rest, to make the last feast before a battle of titanic proportions is to be waged in only a day...
'''Cael: ''' Cael's black shirt is at first glance no different from his ordinary shirt, though a closer look when the light catches it just right reveals an elaborate brocade on the fabric, artful curves suggestive of the wind the design. A select few rings decorate his fingers, one of orichalcum, though all elegantly wrought. Black pants complete the ensemble, nothing hidden in their design, but obviously made of the finest silks.
He smiles in greeting to each of his guests, his white hair shining faintly in the light from the Zephyr's open doorway, his face warmly lit and friendly in that welcoming light. Everyone he greets by name, directing them up to the lounge.
The sun lounge itself is bigger than the occupants might previously have recognised it as, expanded slightly to allow the party goers freedom to move. Most of the seats have gone, though the room has developed a sideboard, and on this sits a modest collection of wines and spirits, and an array of tumblers and glasses, all finest tucharen crystal along with a small array of food. Faint music fills the air, Calisara waiting to greet them as they step into the room.
The party, it seemed, was just waiting for the guests to arrive.
'''Alexsei: ''' Alexsei is resplendant in red, black and silver, a subdued combination of colors next to the vivid hues his wife is sheathed in. His double-breasted longcoat is a deep burgundy serge tailored to his physique, the bottom hem reaching to perhaps knee height. Its wide, peaked lapels are edged in black velvet, as are the large upturned cuffs, held in place by large silver buttons that match the double row fastening the front, each engraved with the image of a crow in flight. Showing through the longcoat's deep neck is a black silk vest shadow-embroidered with a pattern of drifting feathers and buttoned up with silvery silk knot fasteners, over a crisp dress shirt in contrasting white with a high, stiff collar. Covering his legs are fitted black slacks matching the accents of the coat, flaring just slightly below the knees to make way for the matte black boots underneath. To top off the outfit, Alexsei wears a wine-red top hat embellished above the short brim with a band of black silk, and his hands are gloved in pristine white satin.
His waist-length hair is impecably tied mid-back with a delicate crimson cord, holding the raven-colored flocks in a neat, elegant arangement. As he walks towards the gathered guests, his lovely wife holding his arm as he guides her to the lounge, Alexsei puts a gloved hand to the brim of his hat in a salute to their host and the other guests, a warm smile on his lips.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa steps in, escorted by her beloved, clad in green and violet and gold. Not a kimono this time, but a gown of fine verdant silk fitted to the slender curves of her body, embroidered with a pattern of vividly purple five-lobed bell-shaped blossoms, the telltale blooms of the lovely yet lethal belladonna. The embroidered flowering vines curve down the center of the back and around one hip, and again at chest height, curving around one breast and plunging down towards the area of her bellybutton. Adding to the asymmetrical look, the gown is held together by gold silk knot fasteners depicting butterfly wings, starting at an angle from one shoulder to under the opposite armpit, and straight down from there to the slit at the upper thigh. Gold cording lines every edge of the gown, from the high collar to the openings for the arms, down the slit and along the bottom hem at the ankles. The sleeves of the gown are translucent, shimmering gold cloth, the gauzy fabric interspersed with butterfly prints in violet hues, down to the wrists where they are cinched with deep red ribbons.
The gown cannot be anything but custom-made, brought to her after one of Alexsei's many excursions to Yu Shan. And Ryshassa seems eminently pleased to wear it for him, evident by the small, proud smile gracing her lips and the practiced dignity with which she carries herself. To befit her elegant attire, her long black hair is bound in thick, braided coils arranged into an elaborate crown of loops and whorls, the excess of which spills past her shoulders into inky, snake-like ropes of hair that slither down her back. Each braid is woven in with crimson ribbons, weighed at the ends with golden bell charms, which shimmer enticingly in the light as she turns and inclines her head in greeting to everyone in turn. The underside of Ryshassa's gown, shown in flashes through the high slit as she walks along on matching silk-screened slippers, is a violet as deep and striking in shade as her signature flower.
"Thank you, Cael, Calisara," Ryshassa speaks graciously to the hosts, dipping her head slightly in greeting. The bells shiver with the movement, a mellifluous sound. "Everything looks lovely.
'''Gennadi: ''' Gennadi has apparently found the time to treat this party seriously, quite unlike how he's handled almost everything else. His entrance is less suited to a simple party, unless perhaps that party was the Empress and her friends. He steps in with Shaliya and Sandara at his side, a small fortune spent on adorning each appropriatley for the occasion, more money than most small countries have seen in years.
Shaliya seems happiest about this, clad only a sheath of ice, frosted only slightly to retain her modesty. Mist rises up from around her, concealing delicate steps on clear glass heels and the diamonds that adorn her hair. Small rubies twinkle redly through the haze, glowing with an inner light and trapped within the slowly moving ice, the wrapping slowly moving and caressing the wearer. Her smile is wide, gloved hand holding tightly onto Gennadi's and dripping tiny gemstones onto the floor as it 'melts'.
On the other arm, Sandara, veiled with obsidian and clothed in flame, sheets of green fire stretching out from wrists and ankles, meeting and tied tightly around a starmetal ring connected to her navel with small chains. The fire sparks, less of a roar and more of a slow, sultry whisper, faint warnings drifting up in all the languages spoken in Creation and some that aren't forming in smoke and framing her body. Her smile is barely visible through the veil, sheltering against the shining form of the Sidereal at her side as she looks about the room.
Gennadi in comparison is far less impressive at first sight, a simple silvery blue suit, sparely decorated with simple sapphire cufflinks and a flower made of pearl tucked into his lapel. It is only on close examination it's clear the threads are blued steel, forged and woven tightly, the edges of his garb sharper than a hero's blade. Sparks fly up with each clicking step, shoes banded with meteoric iron, a repeating pattern that seems a message in calligraphic old realm if only it could be deciphered. He smirks, running a hand back through hair that shines like orichalcum. "Sorry if I'm late... did I miss much?"
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' The Azure Dragon comes in, not nearly as clean shaven as he should be - in fact, his features were ones of very well planned disarray. Or just a very lucky one. Unshaven still, dirty blonde hair somewhat tangled, wild. Yet, the armor he used had the symbol of the Windian Army now, together with the imagery of the swans... that seemed to fly with every step he gave, as if looking at him, in his White Jade and Moonsilver armor, was to watch a moving scenario.
Cigarette lit in his mouth, a wide grin, hands on leather pockets between the folds of the armor, he approaches the Celestials, non-chalantly... "Heeeelllooo, there! ''nice'' place you got here! A little too orderly, but we can liven things up! Cal, you look ''hot'' in the tatoos, as always."
He takes the cigarette out of his mouth, holding it on his fingers as he looks at the rest, "And you two are? I'd guess the healer Chosen and... person?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa turns to Gennadi, a laugh already bubbling from her lips. "Miss anything? We've only just begun. I see you and your fine companions are representing Heaven in the best of splendor."
As she speaks her compliment, though, she presses closer to her beloved, holding her head up high, not one to appear... outdone. Outlandish and daring, the Chosen of Serenity could do, but there was something to be said of colors well chosen and fabric well cut that all the fire and ice could not match.
Cloud in Dawn's entrance is unexpected in an entirely different manner, as she had never met him before, yet he seemed quite familiarized with the others. Her hand, tucked in the crook of Alexsei's arm, squeezes slightly before releasing him, allowing her to face the newcomer fully.
"I apologize," the healer intones, polite and eloquent as always, "that we have not been properly introduced. My name is Ryshassa Krauser, and I am indeed the healer you speak of." With that she gives a flourish of a bow, somehow managing not to disarray a single braid of her elaborate headdress, and glances expectantly towards her husband to introduce himself the same.
"To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?" she asks, meanwhile.
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' The dragon-blooded whistles at the sight of Shaliya, Sandara and Gennadi, grin wide. "I am Cloud in Dawn! Epic hero for hire, currently serving under the great angels of Aurora and Iranor! I knew your name already, miss Ryshassa. But not of the black-feathered one, or... those ''beauties'' now gracing our presence!"
* The crowd of the Zephyr not badly off either...<br><br>Cedric seems just confident, walking around as if he owned the place the steel-silver hair cupping his face with a sharp bang to either side, and so many more around... and his eyes, those large, large violet eyes of his, so full of brightness, fun and innocent mischief. There was a... glow, a glitter around him, in the light, even though his clothing was so simple celestial blue jacket and pants, lined with clear blue, and a green shirt underneath sporting designs of gods and the symbol of Whiteshield right where the jacket is open on his chest, gleaming.<br><br>Millia is more modest, in a white and red dress she got from Cael, depicting styled winter roses in the snow, their petals crimson, their stems black and unreal in swirls across the virgin whiteness of the rest of the dress... leaving her shoulders bare as it covers her arm as a glove, fingerless... quite impressive, especially in a body as well fit and curvy as that of the girl. She stretched her wings lazily on a couch as her exotic eyes watched the prince, one of them seeming to ask why more of its color was not in the dress...<br><br>And Anne walks about in a dark-blue dress, closer to Cael, shy as she is on a party so noble for her first time. Modest, the dress leaves much of what is absent on Annes figure as of yet hidden and open to imagination, the appearance of a warm midnight as dark slits cross the dress, forming abstract patterns that seem like a myriad of impossible constellations with stars that are only visible as light reflecting on the dark... not that much of that is show, covered in a heavy, warm furred coat as she is, and holding it tightly about herself as she stays close to Cael...
'''Alexsei: ''' He watches Gennadi's somewhat belated entrance, accompanied by Shaliya and Sandara. He cannot help but smile at the Chosen of Venus' arrival, fitting for such an extravagant character. He executes a polite, graceful bow for the elegant ladies, granting them a smile before adressing his colleague. "We have only arrived ourselves, Gennadi. I suspect things have only just begun. All the same, it is good to see you again."
He smiles and gazes at his wife then, observing her introduction before turning to Cloud in Dawn himself and inclining his head in a polite bow as he slightly tips his hat.
"And I am indeed the 'Person'." he adds with a playful smile. "Alexsei Krauser is my name, kind sir. I am a fuuneral Priest from Gethamane, and the lucky husband to this charming lady." He indicates Ryshassa with a gloved hand before edging a bit closer to place a hand around her waist.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Cloud in Dawn."
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' "Pleasure, Alex!"
He says before shaking his head as Alexsei continues to speak, "She nailed you, eh?" He leans closer, patting Alexsei on the side, "My sympathies, man, my sympathies. Feathers in mourning for the lack of free flight, eh? No offense meant, miss Krauser - you look lovely and ''almost'' worth the cut off of all freedom!"
"Gennadi, is it?" He says, admiring the sights of serenity...man had style
'''Gennadi: ''' "Gennadi Ilkov, Joybringer, windwalker, dancer on clouds." He executes a short bow, quick introduction of the ladies flanking him. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' The Azure Dragon looks Gennadi up and down, checking him as throughuly as he had done to the ladies ... "Pleasure is all mine! You have style, Ilkov. And the wonderful ladies with you?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's serene expression slips just a bit at Alexsei's utterance of "good". As his hand upon her waist draws her closer, she sends a quip through the rings they wear. '''Good', you say? Is this that Sidereal 'good' again? '' Her almond-shaped eyes sparkle as she turns to him briefly, and plants a kiss upon his cheek.
To Cloud in Dawn, she says, with a note of surprise in her voice, "You know my name? I did not realize I would be known. Having spent several years ensconced in the halls of Gethamane, that is." The healer smiles apologetically, a slight blush on her cheeks. "But in any case, it is wonderful to meet you, Cloud in Dawn. And do not fret about not knowing of my husband, he... gets that, a lot." Her voice is dry as she speaks the last, a tone that endures as he makes known his opinion on the sanctity of marriage.
"My, my -- do save your sympathies for someone who cares," she replies with a bright, hard smile... and a wink, to temper the hardness somewhat. With that she turns to wave to Millia as she modestly takes her seat. "Good evening Millia, I hope you are well?"
'''Alexsei: ''' ''Of course. It could go both ways. Though, like we can pull the strands one way or the other... I hope this day will be pulled more towards the 'True Good" side. '' He playfully winks to his wife, chuckling slightly at Could in Dawn's intervention before following Ryshassa towards Millia's seat.
He salutes Millia politely, once again tipping his hat at the elegantly dressed lady. He does not wedge into Ryshassa's conversation, however, turning his attention to young Prince Cedric. The young boy looked better than ever, and the thought somewhat warmed his heart. ''Children are our future, after all, and are too often deprived of the attention they deserve... ''
He kneels on the ground near the young prince, smiling at the boy. "And you must be Cedric, the famous Holysword Prince. It's a pleasure to see you in good health! I am Alexsei, by the way, and I am overjoyed to be able to meet you, finally, after hearing about you so often!"
'''Millia: ''' She turns to Ryshassa with a courtesy, eyes of blood and shadow smiling at the healer.
"Greetings, Ryshassa! Yes, I have been well enough... as is possible in the current circumstances, at least. We make do as we can, right?" She smiles, and there is strength, a strength being tested behind that smile. "I just hope soon we..."
But she is interrupted, the prince darting past her, jumping on the healer with the impulse only wings can give a young boy, "Auntie Ryshy! How are you?" he has the ways of one who knows all the manners... and just prefers to be so personal, unconsciously giving her the honor, "You look pre~tty tonight!"
'''Cedric: ''' "Greetings, Alexsei!" He says, the fact he had been heard about not something to be regarded - common for him, after all. "Pleased to meet you! You are a friend of auntie Ry??"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa looks a bit put off at Cloud's flightiness, but she shrugs it off as a quirk of his personality. She still has no idea how he would know of her, but she would ask Cael of that later, if the truth would not otherwise be revealed.
Those errant thoughts are quickly banished as Cedric bounds right past Alexsei, who had just very graciously introduced himself, and attaches onto her. She laughs delightedly, giving the boy a heartfelt hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh, thank you, young prince! I am doing wonderfully! And Alexsei is indeed my friend, and more -- we are husband and wife." She glances fondly up at Alexsei before returning her gaze to Millia, her expression taking a slightly more somber cast.
"I'm sorry," she says more gently, "it must be quite a burden on you, Millia. But you are handling it quite admirably. Yes, soon I hope these.. unfortunate circumstances will be dealt with, and we can all focus on healing. As is what I do best," she adds warmly, patting Cedric's hair fondly before straightening herself.
*Gennadi busies himself with the wine, pouring out a glass and settling it into his free hand as he speaks with Calisara, hand around her waist and holding her close while he whispers into her ear, somehow private despite the spectacle and looks cast in their direction.. "You've done a nice job... I'm impressed with what you've done on short notice."
'''Alexsei: ''' He smiles warmly at the young boy, nodding emphatically before smiling at his dear wife's introduction."Why yes, my young prince... I am indeed auntie Ry's husband."
He chuckles at the thought, suddenly wondering if that made him 'Uncle Al". The thought saddens him a bit, as he suddenly wonders if the young rpince will even recall meeting him the next time their paths will cross. But thus was the burden of the Chosen, and just like the Crow he often emulated, he would remain in the dark, watching and observing. ''But you will remember your auntie Ry, and that is all that matter, as I will always be one step behind, dear Prince... ''
He pushes the thought away, refusing to ponder it further. This was time for celebration, not moody reminescences. He pats the young prince's head slightly, reaching inside his coat and pulling of a small marble, one of the many baubles he brought back from Yu-Shan. Inside the marble was a flow of constant snow falls, the pristine drops of white never accumulating, never stopping, never faltering.
He puts the marbe into the young Prince's hand, smiling at him. "A gift for the Prince. Just like the snows in the marble never stop, so can we live through anything with the right will and determination."
''And if you do not remember me, young heir, perhaps you will remember my words, along with this gift. ''
'''Cedric: ''' "Then you are my friend too, Uncle Al!" He nods, firmly. He does mean it!
But then, he raises his hand to get the marble... looking within with a smile that seems even greater than his eyes. Illuminating the room, in happyness and gratitude... "Thank you, uncle Al!"
'''Dorian: ''' The Tierney scion comes in... and he makes a show of it. While pleasant wild winds rush about Cloud, around Dorian there is... light. Lighting crackles around him, and he lights his own cigarette in the sparks, which touch the two Hearthstones in his ornate gloves of sapphire-inlaid Blue Jade, sending colors of viridian and crimson from the fruits of magic on the room for a moment. It shines on his eyes... and down on his cloth. His cloth, a suit made of storms. Of eternally chaotic skies of the darkest clouds, from whence the lighting comes. Cael could recognize it as a creative cosmetic effect of empowering the element of air on a suit, however his anima interacted with it in unexpected ways, whirlpools of lighting and fire appearing in clouds that curled like dragons... Did I take too long? He asks, right after he was ''sure'' his entrance and the essence shifting his suit had the desired effect...
'''Ryshassa: ''' The healer raises an eyebrow at Cloud in Dawn's proclamation of ''fun''. "And what do you consider fun, Master Cloud?" she calls out to him, before her face splits into another, immensely delighted smile at Alexsei's gift to Cedric.
''How adorable! It's things like this that remind me of why I married you. '' And she gives her husband a small, discreet pinch on the behind, mischief and affection filtering to him through their rings, before bending down to address the child-prince again.
"Uncle Al needs lots of friends," she informs Cedric helpfully, "so you would do well to remember him!"
Ryshassa notes Dorian's entrance with a respectful nod and a bow, pleasantly impressed by the winds swirling into raging storms across his suit. "Greetings, Lieutenant Tierney -- I would not say you are late at all. In fact Gennadi has just barely started to break out the wine," This she notes with some amusement. "And speaking of wine..." Her hand touches Alexsei's arm again, though she is in no hurry to move.
'''Dorian: ''' "Greetings, Ryshassa! And... gentleman." He nods to Alexsei. "Have we met? It seems like I know you from somewhere... and, Gennadi?" He asks, looking around... and guessing it is the person with the beautiful, beautiful ladies... him and Cloud exchange a look and a wave. They had met before in the camp, apparently, and despite the fact the feral grins they give each other, there seemed to be no enmity. Even though they seemed close to burn the place down in a fight.
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' "Fun?" Cloud asks, looking around... "Fun is the spilled blood, fun is a good wine, fun is a great battle, fun is fantastic fuck. Though, I cannot blame you, you do not seem to be the type to appreciate most of that!"
'''Calisara: ''' She blushe as Gennadi picks her, obviously more used to the position of an untouched host... the blush seems to carry through her body, a sheen of pink on swirling silver tatoos... "O-oh? Why, thank you... it was all Cael's idea, really... but I do have an age of experience in this!"
* Gennadi gives a short wave at Dorian upon hearing his name, unable to help the grin at the effect of the blush. "An age of experience, and none with being complimented? How terrible, I don't know how you managed before I came along."
'''Cedric: ''' "I will not!" He cries out, a sworn oath carrying all the weight he can give to it, but soon his eyes forget everything as he shakes the bauble, a smile on his lips as he sees the snow fall... so easily distracted, like a little cat batting a yarn ball contently...
'''Alexsei: ''' He pats Cedric's head before rising up again, struggling to resist jumping at Ryshassa's playful pinching. He lets her comment trail off a bit before looking back at her. I am only me, Ryshassa.
He smiles as he witnesses Dorian's entrance, greeting him with a crisp millitary salute. "A pleasure to see you again, Master Tierney. We have met in passing before, yes, through Ryshassa. I am her husband, Alexsei." His role in the raid was not an important thing to underline - the result was positive, and, in the end, it was all that mattered to the Chosen of Endings. "I hope you and your men are in good spirits... And speaking of spirits, like my dearest wife just mentionned, you are just in time for us to share some wine..."
'''Calisara: ''' "We make do!" She giggles, "Well, actually, some people do compliment!" She reaches to Gennadi, pinching his cheek, "Just not like you just did, silly!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "How unfortunate. Perhaps you need stronger wine to relax your guests into being inappropriate. I assume there's going to be music later, yes?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles and nods graciously to Dorian's return greeting -- and raises her eyebrows at Cloud's proclamation, caught somewhere between amusement and offense at his assumptions of her.
"Two out of four, Master Cloud," Ryshassa says imperiously, leaving it to him to decide which two she means. Her grip tightens just slightly on Alexsei's sleeve as they wind their way toward the refreshments, her braid-crowned head held high.
'''Alexsei: '''He smiles warmly at his wife's intervention, genuinely amused at her elusive answer. He offerers her his arm once more, guiding her towards the refreshments before gently picking two cups of red wine, handing one to her before delicately holding his own.
He takes a small sip, letting the warm, exquisite liquid run down as he invites Dorian with a wave of his hand.
'''Dorian: ''' "Greetings, Alexsei. And, oh, they are! We are trained to know a victory even though we had few casualties as we did in the White Fort.... what matters is that we won! Next time, I will do it flawlessly, Ryshassa, you can count on it. But thank you for saving the lives you did all the same." He bows, picking the wine.
'''Calisara: ''' "Music? Well, Ryshassa there is a ''wonderful'' musician, if she doesn't freeze outside of rehearsals!" Calisara points, "I suppose we can have some music and dancing alright. I ''can'' make the air inside the Zephyr sing if she is not up to it... but I usually prefer to dance, myself!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh? A dancer? Somehow I am not surprised... you will have to save me a dance... though I wouldn't have picked Ryshassa there as a musician. What does she play?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Hmmm, dance?" Shal peers, mist covering her face like a veil for a moment. "You dance, Cal? I'd love to dance with you..."
'''Cloud in Dawn: ''' "The better two, I am sure!" He checks Ryshassa's form, then turns around to say something to Sandara... which get him promptly slapped, and laughing as he picks a cup of the wine. As if his intent was to get slapped for the heck of it.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa takes the glass, not without allowing her hands to linger on her husband's, just a bit. She sips from the glass, not too hurriedly, savoring the taste and the sensation of the libation trickling down her throat.
"Luckily," she murmurs to Alexsei throatily, her lips close enough to graze his neck, "we have the 'good wine' part taken care of. As for the rest..."
The mischievous wink that follows those words segues right back into a pleasant, composed expression as she turns to address Dorian warmly. "You are very much welcome, and I wish you ...indeed all of us... the best of luck in the next engagement. For now, though, it is a blessed opportunity to relax for a time."
The mention of Ryshassa's musical skills elicits a slight blush; she clears her throat, though, and answers Gennadi's question herself. "I primarily play strings, but my favored instrument is the lyre. I would have to fetch it though, if it is truly the wish of all gathered..."
'''Eva: ''' When lieutenant purewing arrives, she is mostly in... discomfort. Well, at least, awkward. Strawberry locks fall over her face, their crimson stark against her well-bred pale skin. The marks of the magic academy of windia - crimson runes made as if of dried blood rise up her neck and to her left cheek.
She is dressed in an emerald dress, far less flashy than all the other's, and feeling visibly awkward in it. In some ways like the Pale Angel, but while the Pale Angel just exhaled cold in such situations, Eva was just confused at what to do. Oh, how she wished the enemies would strike now, so she could call her spear and destroy them instead of trying to be sociable... but other had insisted. And she got the short end of the stick with Leonas and Marshall la Silverstar....
*Gennadi twirls Cal easily, dipping her down slightly out of the way to grin at Ryshy. "I should have guessed, but perhaps I was a bit overfond of the thought of you with your lips pressed to a flute. Would you mind? I play myself, but I blelieve the calibre of dancer here deserves my full attention, rather than a girl in one hand and violin in the other."
'''Cael: ''' Cael greets the last of guests, or at least the last of them he was sure would turn up. He had extended an invitation to the Lady La Silverstar of course, but he had little idea if she would take it. As they go inside, he takes the coat from Anne, hanging it up and giving her a reassuring smile, one to bloster her spirits and give her the confidence to shine at the party, and then he enters the lounge, disengauging himself from Anne's arm with a small gesture to suggest she go and get herself something to drink, accompanied by another smile intended to encourage.
Cael makes a gesture to attract people's attention, and as everyone turns to face him, or at least give him some intention, he starts to speak with a warming voice "Welcome all and thank you for coming. Please, enjoy yourselves, and if there is anything Calisara or myself can do, ask." and that appears to be it as far as speaches go, Cael making his slow way over to the drinks, picking up a glass of red wine and taking a sip.
'''Anne: ''' Anne can do little but to smile and to angle closer to Cael, but then he sends her away... she remembers her words to the Pale Angel then. She would do what she must, make Cael proud... but if she had her way, she wished to just be at his side and never leave. And yet, she walks towards the wine, step by step, feeling like the whole room is looking at her and seeing how she is inadequate to be there...
'''Alexsei: ''' The exchange makes him smile, once more, as he raises an eyebrow to Ryshassa's amused behavior. His only answer is a playful wink of his own, one that make his violet eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint as he takes another sip of his drink.
He nods emphatically at the mention of his wife's musical skills, smiling at her then to the guests. "Ryshassa has become quite a skilled musician, indeed. It has been a pleasure to hear her play and perform all this time." He lays a hand on her shoulder, gazing softly in her eyes for a brief moment. "Perhaps I will fetch your instrument in a bit, so you can grace your supporters with a song or two."
He winks once more, and turns his head at Cael, gracing the Windwraith with a gracious bow. "Ah, greetings, Cael! And many thanks to you for the invitation this evening... Everything is very very pleasing."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Of course I do not mind," Ryshassa answers Gennadi promptly. It has been a little while now since she performed for a group, and as nervous as she may be, the prospect is still thrilling.
She favors the Windwraith with a friendly smile and a wave, her eyes lighting up at the sight of him joining the party. "Thank you again, Cael... I am sure we will all enjoy ourselves at the behest of your and Calisara's hospitality."
She drains the rest of her wine, uttering a small, content sigh (she did hold her liquor very well, despite appearances), before rising on her tiptoes to give Alexsei another kiss on the cheek. "Oh, beloved, you do not have to -- but if you insist..." Her blush is slightly heightened, now; the wine does settle her nerves, but moments of pre-performance stage fright are not uncommon for her.
"Please do," she tells her husband gently, and adds, through their rings, ''but do hurry back, beloved! ''
'''Gennadi: ''' He nods, spinning Cal back to his feet and draining his glass. "Ah, good. If you tire, I suppose I can take over, as it is hardly a proper party without music and dancing. Now, where was I before being enraptured with a blush..." He taps his finger against the empty glass. "Ah, yes. Drinking." A return to the table obviously follows.
'''Calisara: ''' "Not at all. Are you letting me out to dance, or do you intend to keep me in your arms all night long?" She asks, almost going 'wheeee' as he spins her around, leaning into him and looking at the glasses... "Hmmm, wine..."
''When was last time I even got drunk? ''
*Gennadi flicks an empty up into her hands with a pair of fingers, selecting a simple blush wine for her and pouring a full glass. "I had thought to stake my claim early. I am no warrior, to fight my way though the throng of admirers here."
'''Alexsei: ''' "Oh, of course, beloved." He gently kisses her brow, drinking one more sip of wine before starting towards the corridor leading to the rooms.
''I will be back shortly, do not worry. ''
He turns back before leaving, smiling playfully at the gathered guests. "I will take only a moment to fetch Ryshassa's instrument. Leave some wine for my return!" He punctuates his comment with a bow, and with a quick stride, heads out to their room.
'''Cael: ''' "You are to play for us Ryshassa?" Cael asks after a sip "I would be be honoured if you would do so for my small gathering." he says with a warm smile to the healer.
Cael's eye flickers over to Gennadi and Calisara, an unreadable expression on his face.
''Well, if she was happy ... ''<br>
''There was nothing restricting her from taking others, after all... ''
'''Calisara: ''' "Well, no, but you are a flatterer..." She trails off, then looks at Cael... and feels suddenly very uncomfortable. Looking away from Gennadi, and to Cael, as if asking what to do next...
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles after her husband's retreating form for a moment before taking up another fluted crystal glass, this time selecting for herself a pale, bubbly champagne. She drinks of it, slowly but steadily, before nodding once to Cael. "It looks like I am, yes. And the honor is mine..."
Her gaze follows his, towards where Gennadi and Calisara mingle. Does it bother him? She finds it ...baffling, perhaps, that one such as he need be possessive... after all, he is oft surrounded by young, beautiful women, much like Gennadi himself.
The thought occurs to offer herself, as a dance partner, for a time. But oh, how improper that would be, without her beloved to take the first dance! Instead she immerses herself in her champagne, glancing pensively back towards Cael over the rim of her glass.
'''Gennadi: ''' He apparently doesn't seem to notice, perusing the bottles of wine for just the right selection, hand held out and glass spinning through deft finges, weaving in and out before he flicks it down to rest on the table, pouring a measure. "It is only flattery if it isn't deserved. Thus far, I've had no lack of things to praise." He sips the wine. "Don't worry, Cael merely worries for your feet, trampled beneath my iron-shod shoes in my clumsiness. The trouble with being too polite, you can't call out other's flaws."
'''Ryshassa: ''' After a moment, Ryshassa shakes her head minutely, and rests her own glass down to pour Cael some of the warm red wine she first sampled.
She extends the glass towards him, her head inclining slightly, the braids shifting with the motion, heralding a shivering of chimes. "Refreshments for the host," she offers politely, gauging his reaction through briefly downturned lashes. "I do hope you have rested well, since the... unusual events from earlier..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles at Calisara, a little apologetically, but mostly with reassurance.
"Of course, if you promised to take care with your feet, then there would be no trouble at all..." he says to the heavenly clad man, before turning to face Ryshassa, taking the wine from her with a smile and might be the carress of her fingers with his, but could just as easily be her imagination.
"Thank you, Ryshassa." his voice filled with sunlit tone. "I am ... quite rested yes. I must apologise once more for concerning you both in the way I did."
'''Calisara: ''' "Well, you used to be the best dancer I had ever known. I wonder how much of that still holds true...." She closes her eyes, then. All was nice. And she would go without His touch for so long, yet, so long....
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh, no," Ryshassa demurs pleasantly, shaking her head. The perhaps lingering touch had not escaped her notice, and for a moment longer her gaze remains shyly downturned. But she lifts her chin soon after, cheeks still vaguely pink -- from wine, nerves, or something else that could not possibly have happened, could it? -- as she graces him with a reassuring smile.
"It is not your fault, I am sure you had your reasons to take that fateful excursion of yours. It was no trouble for us, I assure you," she finishes smoothly, much of her composure returned.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I suppose we'll simply have to find out. Is there a dance you prefer? A tempo, a style? The least I can do is be accomodating in my desires." He leans across to whisper into Shaliya's ear, a mention that perhaps she should take advantage of the music to see how Cael does, since he can hardly follow such a dance as hers... He does release Calisara, carefully unbuttoning his jacket and draping it over a chair, loosening his collar before hearing her answer. He knows, but doesn't know why...
'''Shaliya: ''' Shal smiles, gemstones falling in droplets from her robe, the mist as if a scort, taking her closer to the windwraith, making an overdone courtsy, "It has been a litle while, Lord Solar. Thank you for catching me the other day!"
'''Alexsei: ''' Alexsei steps back in, craddling the precious lyre under one arm, and a much bigger, seemingly ancient rounded ebony case in the other.
"I hope I did not miss anything," he says, a smile tugging one side of his lips. "It would have been very disappointing to miss Gennadi's big opening, and, by association, the first dance..."
He hands the lyre to Ryshassa with a graceful gesture, bowing his head to Cael as he does so. "Sorry for this interruption." he continues, laying down the case he was holding in a corner and brushing the engravings of birds on its black surface. He grabs a another cup of wine, taking his place near Ryshassa and Cael and gracing them with a joyful smile.
'''Anne: ''' Anne finally takes her cup, drinking, and looking about... Millia taking care of Cedric, Eva and Dorian talking, Cloud drinking his wine and apparently getting ready for ''something''... and Sandara, in a corner just like she was. Wine in hand, she walked towards the lady with the dress of fire...
'''Cael: ''' From Cael's expression, surely she must have been mistaken, the expression he wears merely his usual polite respect for her and her appearance, certainly nothing that warrents such demure behavior from her.
"That I did," he says easily "I would like to talk with you of them later, but this is not the time or the place. Especially not when your husband has just returned with your lute. Welcome back, Alexsei." he says, before turning to the strange spirit.
"Please, think nothing of it. It is not often spirits of your beauty fall into my arms after all." a grin playing over his face.
'''Shaliya: ''' She smiles, happy with the compliments, warming her dress and covering herself in a veil of mist... "And it's not always that I'm aided by one so great as you! I was wondering if you had a dance partner already?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Indeed, Cael, and I will soon be quite preoccupied," Ryshassa replies with a soft laugh. She takes the prooffered instrument with gentle care, returning Alexsei's smile. "Thank you, beloved." Balancing the lyre close to her breast with one arm, she allows her slender fingers to brush at a stray lock of his tied-back hair, tucking it smartly behind his ear.
Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of the ebony case Alexsei carries with him, one she has seen before but only in passing. Something of his from Sijan. "And you brought... yours? Will you be playing as well?"
As she gazes at him, hopefully, a brief hint of vulnerability crosses her visage, as if to urge silently for his closeness, his moral support. It is just as quickly stifled, though, at least at the surface, replaced with a sharper air of determination, and then -- as she settles down onto a nearby seat facing the dance floor -- the almost detached serenity of an artist sinking into her element.
Ryshassa crosses her legs, the verdant silk of her gown shifting to reveal a hint of pale thigh, and rests the lyre upon her lap. It is a finely crafted instrument, of rare wood lacquered shimmering white and inlaid with orichalcum detail, graceful tendrils embracing the depiction of twining belladonna vines in amethyst and malachite. Her fingers make a test run through the strings, on either side of the instrument, coaxing out a perfect scale, and then another, the notes crisp and defined like the clearest winter sky. A few minute adjustments of the pegs, and she lifts her shoulders, priming her posture, taking a deep breath to steel herself.
"Gennadi, you do owe us a performance after this, too," she notes aloud, as she rummages mentally for an appropriate piece to play. "This lyrist would like the chance to take to the floor as well."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I will have to find someone else to find my own instrument... I believe yours is a bit delicate for my personal style." He takes a deep breath, gathering Cal to him again and whispering soft advice to her as he walks her out to the open floor.
'''Cael: ''' "This early in the evening, I cannot claim to have a partner, no." He says with a smile, and extends his arm to her "If it pleases you?"
'''Gennadi: ''' It is some moments afterwards before he realizes they both still have wineglasses, and he takes them both back to the table, running a finger down the arm of the lyre and a bit of thigh, faint blue glow rising up into a long line of ancient symbols as he pulls the hand back. "For luck. We all need a little more of that tonight."
'''Shaliya: ''' She takes his hand, smiling at him, a smile of joy, of happyness, of warmth amidst the cold ice... "It does. Just be warned, divine as I am, I am not on par with Exalted such as you... but I hope I can at least keep up!"
'''Alexsei: ''' He tips his hat to Cael, then turns his gaze to Ryshassa, raising an eyebrow - and feeling somewhat bashful at her mention of his package. "Why yes... I... suppose it is somewhat symbolic, as I have not really... taken it out of the case since Sijan. But even periods of hiatus must have endings, yes? And with what have happened recently, I thought if there was a moment for this to happen, it should be now."
He winks at her, lying back somewhat to grant her the room and space she will need for her performance, his eyes moving from her to the dance floor.
'''Cael: ''' "It has been a while since I danced, so I am sure it will not be hard to do more than keep up." he says, returning the glass to the table, and then gently leading her to the dancefloor, making not comment of the chill in his fingers from her touch, the amulet he wore protecting him from it, smiling at her.
'''Shaliya: ''' She smiles back, gladly the icy mist does not faze him, unable to help but wonder what the blood of a Solar Exalted would taste like... "You have some nice people on your ship... you are a really nice person to give shelter to all of them, did you know?"
* Calisara nods to Gennadi, ready to dance as soon as Ryshassa begins to play.... "You may ask for luck. I have skill." She giggles. "And you taught me this before, too."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Sometimes, it is better to be lucky than good. But only sometimes." He traces the line of her jaw with that same blue, a quick kiss just as the music begins.
'''Cael: ''' "I do what I can, for those I can help." He says simply "I could not offer the shelter at all without Cal." he smiles over at the spirit in the other man's arms, before returning his attention to his dance partner, wondering at the hints of ... hunger he sees in her eyes.
'''Shaliya: ''' "Ah, Cal... we had some nice talks so far. She is gracious as you are, my good host..." The hunger is still there, and she looks at him... but not at the right places to look at him... but soon, that vanishes. She was well-fed before this party, after all. "I hope we are not inconvenient. Sometimes my master just... is!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles to Gennadi's offering of luck, barely registering the touch as much as the joyful rush that suffuses her along with it.
Her eyes take on an air of intensity as her fingers take to the strings. Gentle her instrument may be, but she is a Solar Exalted, and the instrument bound to her as surely as a familiar to her master. Another pause of consideration, and she unhooks the ivory plectrum from its rest upon the instrument, fretting the strings from behind with her left hand as her right brings the fan-shaped pick down upon them.
The first chord is staccato sharp, a minor tone calling up a sensation of breathless anticipation, a match struck into flame, ready to start a fire. With deft motions and sheer ingenuity she wrests a fast-paced rhythm from the lyre, quick, decisive strokes of the plectrum alternating with finger-cramping fingerwork on strings held taut and firm. It is a composition that simply begs for motion, and she herself is transfixed by it, her head deeply bowed and swaying, her braid-chimes shivering in time with the beat.
Her music saturates the air with heat and urgency. It is flame, pushing up in gouts from the thrumming earth; it is smoke, rising in tendrils to the cooler air, undulating and hypnotic; it is the wind itself, rushing through the clouds exultant and sure, towards a distant destination unknown but undoubtedly breathtaking. And she keeps it up, unflagging, improvising flourishes with hardly a thought, as the exotic and Exalted pairs before her begin their dance in earnest.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FifthMovement|Fifth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

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