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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Curling Up in Seven Moons ==
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti steps into the slightly darkened room, the white uniform of the Eir Society gleaming in the faint light, kept perfectly clean by the collar on her neck. She pushes the door closed behind her, very quietly, glancing over at the sleeping form on the bed.
''he looks so peaceful'' she thinks, with a smile, crossing the room to him, and putting the tray with his dinner on the small table by the bed.
She leans down, as if to wake him. Then stops.<br>
She pulls back, and watches him. She bites her lip.<br>
She leans down again, and kisses his cheek, then pulls back quickly, looking faintly guilty, especially after he shifts alittle.
''why did you do that? ''
"Moon..." she says softly, to the sleeping man.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon returned to the waking world slowly. He’d been having a good dream. It fled his mind the moment he started to stir, but he remembered it had been good. There was a warm, feminine scent filled the air and he let out of pleased groan at the familiar aroma. Who was it? Selina come to visit finally? Hannah come to see him again? Song just playing around with him? Soft lips touched his face and the cheek bellow them bent into a smile. That was a nice a way to wake up.
It made opening his eyes a little easier. The light from the room flooded into his vision, half-blinding him. There was a figure in white above him, glowing, the edges of her being blurred into an aura of radiance. Whoever she was had a nice figure inside that glow. A nice scent, a nice voice…
''Well hell darlin’, don’t stop on my account…''
He lifted a hand towards her, cupping a cheek in one palm, caressing the woman’s face gently. He shifted on the bed, began to gravitate up towards her, a playful, hungry glow in his still slited eyes.
Until his vision finally cleared.
"… Kanti?" His face pulled back slightly, eyes blinking rapidly in surprise as the Terrestrial girls features crystallized before him.
'''Kanti: ''' ''he...he's touching my cheek''<br>
''and...that look... ''<br>
Kanti feels herself melt a little in a way she hadn't for so long, feeling Moon's hand on her cheek, feeling Moon caressing her. She let out a soft, pleased sigh into the room.
Then Moon pulls back, blinking in surprise.<br>
Kanti's face falls, her eyes looking guilty and slightly tinged with sorrow.
''I'm sorry''
"...I brought you some dinner, Moon." she says quietly, glancing at the tray.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Mmm? Thanks." Waking up suddenly became a little harder. Taking his hand from Kanti's face, Moon rubbed hard at his eyes as he yawned.
''Damn it. Why couldn't it had been Song? ''
Moon smiled at Kanti as he dropped his hands and scooted himself into a sitting position on the bed, patting the edge of the mattress invitingly. "So how’s shit, darlin'? Whatcha doin’ in that get-up?"
It was pretty strange now that he was alert enough to appreciate it. The clothes Eir ladies wore was a damn big jump away from Kanti’s usual state of dress.
'''Kanti: ''' ''he doesn't really like me here ... I should have just let Song come...but... ''
Kanti hides her inner distress with a bright, compassionate smile for moon, trying her hardest to banish those thoughts and emotions from her mind, and from her face.
"I've been helping in the hospital. My other clothes bothered people too much, so I borrowed a uniform." she hesistates, as if she's considering asking something, but then doesn't.<br>
''do you like it? ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Reaching over to the tray Kanti brought, Moon picked up a steaming bowl of stew and balanced it on one hand while clutching a piece of dry bread and some silverware in the other. He knew the question that had gone unasked, and make certain she could see him looking her over carefully as he clutched his food to his chest.
"Looks good on ya." And it did. Would have looked better without the scars, but there was no reason to bring that up. Flashy as her usual clothing was, Moon had to say he did like her better in this. Made her feel like less of a display. Less of a reminder of the life she had told him about.
He dunked the bread into the stew and stirred it around, looking down from Kanti a moment to watch the bread twist around the bowl. "Eir ladies keepin’ ya busy then?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti smiles to herself as Moon looks her over, pleased by the look she sees in his eyes.<br>
''He does! ''
"Thank you, Moon." she says softly, her voice warm, watching him start to eat, pleased to see he seems to be in less pain than the last time she saw him.
"Very busy. It's so busy down on the wards.." she says, sorrow in her voice "but people are getting better. I wish I could help more people...but then I start to burn things."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ''Why the hell were ya kissin' on me? ''
It’s not really a question he can ask, but it started to stir in his mind as soon as he caught the look on her face. It wasn’t that he minded, exactly. It was just… strange. Unexpected. Confusing as hell.
And despite himself, he found his eyes wanting to go wandering from her face and along the clinging curves of the Eir outfit. Kinda funny how it was easier to notice how nice she was shaped, when she wasn’t showing it off as much.
''Naw. '''Bad'''. Ya don’t wanna go there…''
"Ya burn stuff, huh? Tried talkin' ta Opal?" He offered to her woes, cocking his head to the side. There was a faint burning in his cheeks and noticing it only made it worse. "She makes shit, y'know. Maybe she could make ya somethin' ta help with that."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shifts in her posture almost minutely, a small move that just sets her curves off inside the uniform, an almost entirely ingrained reaction to anyone looking at her.
''No. you shouldn't think such things. He doesn't like you...not that way... ''
"I have but...not about that." she says quietly. "I don't know if she could help .... I can still help people .. my magic just does it so much better. How are you ... feeling?"
She asks tentatively, trying not to wonder at the faint blush.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ''Aw shit darlin', stop that... ''
Moon tried to keep his eyes down on his food. It made him look sullen and made him feel ridiculous, but every time he looked at her face, he kept noticing... other things. He felt like a street kid trying to pretend not to be looking through the window of a pleasure house.
"Hangin’ in there, I guess… bored outta my fuckin’ mind." He admitted, jabbing in two-fold frustration at the bowl in front of him. "Prince has been by ta visit. Pack swung in too. Nice ta have some company. Half the time, just me and whoever ain’t got anything better ta do."
He risked a look up and gave her a teasing grin. "Speakin’ of that, you pull the short straw or just piss someone off?"
'''Kanti: ''' ''He's embarrassed...I'm sorry moon... ''
She stops her subtle pose, the curves seeming not quite so perfect now, through the white of the uniform.
''I shouldn't do that...not to Moon...but... ''
"I spoke to the Prince earlier today." she says with a smile. "He watched a little of my dance, and we talked. He was sweet." she says, with a happy recollection in her eyes.<br>
''and he burned me, and somehow, it wasn't so bad... ''
Kanti's cheeks colour lightly at the look and the grin "...I asked too. I wanted to see how you were...I wish I could do more for your wounds."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ''... damn, she stopped. ''
That should have been a good thing. But he felt disappointed instead.
''Sheeyit... make up your own fuckin' mind man. ''
"Prince is a good man." He agreed, nodding somewhat, wondering to himself just how Alex took in Kanti’s dancing. Every second he spent around her brought back memories of the Clocktower… when it didn’t bring visions of Sarah laying bloody at her feet.
At least the two were starting to become mutually exclusive. And now would probably be joined by the memory of her breasts encased in white cotton.
Moon’s eyes widened slightly and he swallowed down a mouthful of broth hurriedly. "Yeah? Need ta take another look at ‘um?"
He was already setting the bowl aside before she could answer. Quickly, maybe even a little eagerly, crossing his arms to grab the hem of his shirt and pulling it up over his head. "Think they’re healin’ up pretty good. Whatda you think darlin’?"
'''Kanti: ''' "Prince Alexander told me what he wants to do in the future ... it seems so grand and glorious." She smiles, thinking of the young boy, bathing her in sunlight, speaking to her. "I hope I can help him with that.."
''Such a chest... ''<br>
''...such bad wounds. ''
"But now to help you." she says with a smile that promises slightly more than a healing touch, before she controls it, merely looking comforting.
She kneels infront of Moon, tracing her fingers around the edge of the wounds, focusing carefully on her movements, careful to keep her touches strictly medical.
''you can't do that to him. ''<br>
''he's hurt. ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon practically deflated as he let out a long sigh, relaxing back against the headboard as Kanti's fingers began to probe his chest. There was some pain, a bitter sting whenever her fingers touched the blacked flesh beneath the bandage. When there wasn't pain though, it felt nice. She had a gentle touch.
"I hope he can pull the shit he keeps talkin' about off." Moon said as he let his eyes drift closed again. Tilting his head forward a moment and crossing his arms behind it, Moon stretched out his legs and tried not to enjoy Kanti’s warm touch too much. "They're nice dreams, but just dreams. World has a way'a fuckin' those over somethin' awful, y’know?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti occasionally finds her fingers drifting in a slightly less appropriate ways, though she stops herself as soon as she notices, pulling her hands away.
"Your wound looks ...well. It is healing almost as well as I could hope. You're very ..strong." she smiles, the red of her cheeks covering the mild heat rising to her face.
''Dreams.... ''<br>
''what did I dream? ''
''I dreamt I would be with Him always. ''<br>
''I dreamt of the places I would go. ''<br>
''I dreamt of the dances I would perform. ''
''I want to dream again. ''<br>
''I just want to dream. ''
"...yes, yes it does." she says quietly, her voice seeming so empty all of a sunden.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon's eyes opened into crescent slits at the hollowness in Kanti’s voice, peering at the Terrestrial girl intently.
''You too, huh darlin'? ''
He couldn't even imagine what it was she use to dream about. The life she'd described to him was too alien. ''She'' was too alien.
Still… however strange Kanti and her fucked up Heaven were to him, it didn’t change the one truth between them; neither of them was living the life they had wanted once.
"Hey… " He called to her softly, stretching out an arm to take her hand. His large fingers engulfed her hand almost completely. Silent, Moon held onto Kanti’s hand and squeezed gently.
''Use ta do the same for Sarah, when she was feelin’ low…''<br>
He smirked to himself in caustic amusement.<br>
''Doin’ now for a lady who hurt her bad. How fucked up is that? ''
Well, the world was a fucking strange place.
Moon swung his legs around off the edge of the bed, bare feet touching the cold floor. Pulling her gently, but insistently, he tugged Kanti towards the bed behind him.
He planted her hand onto his shoulder and rolled it under her palm. "Work my shoulder some, a’ite darlin’? Things been stiff as hell, layin’ in here all day, y’know?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti let out a soft sigh as she heard his voice, felt his hand enveloping hers, felt his warmth and his strength. The feeling it created inside her ... it lifted her up and filled her with a sense of hope and contentment. Just for a moment, everything was alright.
''Thank you, Moon. ''
She looked up at him with a half smile, letting him draw her up and around behind him, kneeling neatly on the bed, not that he can see. She feels his skin below her hands, warm and so tense, and she nods.
"Of course, Moon." she says, seeming happy again, the feelings of moments ago vanished. She starts to work on his shoulder, her small but powerful hands working out all the knots and twists in his flesh, her very skilled fingers knowing just how to move on his skin.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Aw ''damn. ''" Moon groaned, shuddering in pleasure under her hands. He arched up into her grip a moment before melting under it. His fingers dug into the bed sheets in time with Kanti's skillful kneading of his flesh. "Thought I was good at this. Sheeyit… gotta have ya take a word with Vivian darlin’. Give her ladies some lessons…"
''Sarah use ta do this too, sometimes…''
He leaned towards her, his back pressing up against her without apology. His arms curled backwards, wrapping around her waist and tugging her snuggly against him. "What do you think darlin’, about that dreamin’ shit? Always seemed like so much bullshit ta me. But Alex… mmm..." His head lulled forward, swaying somewhat. "He talks like it ain’t, y’know? Ain’t heard anyone talk like him in a long time."
'''Kanti: ''' ''I've been trained to do this for most of the time you've been alive, Moon. ''
She moved across to the other shoulder in a series of slow, kneading motions, dragging her fingers over the surface.
"I could do it better if you lay.." a pause as she is pulled against him, her limbs flowing easily into the new position, pressing her herself up against him, against the warmth of his back, her fingers still tracing small circles between their bodies. "..down, Moon."
"... You need to have dreams, Moon." she says softly, behind his head. "I don't how Prince Alexander will be, but I do know that my old Master was concerned and excited, about the Solars like him."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' He twisted his head to the side, peering through his bangs at her with a smile. "S'good enough fer me. Been layin' on my back all damn day. Take grand sight more 'n this ta get me on it again, y'know?"
He rubbed her hips through the layers of soft cloth. She was warm through it and firm under it. He could feel her body through the cloth, as it pressed against his back and if he closed his eyes, she could have been damn near anyone. If it was Sarah behind him, she would have giggled and bit his ear. If it was Selina… he couldn’t rightly say what she would do.
It was Kanti though. He was still in the room enough to know that. Just having someone warm against him was a good feeling though. The best. Being alone in a bed was the worst.
"Old master, huh?" The bastard. The one Moon would probably knock about the head a few times, if he ever met the man. He let the thought go though, closing his eyes again and tilting his head back till it almost rested on her shoulder. "So what’s that mean you dream anymore?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti nods, and smiles back at him, keeping her hands moving in their relaxing motions, working carefully down his back. She makes warm pleasant sounds in his ear as he strokes her, entirely unconciously.
It was so good, being pressed up to someone like Moon, feeling all the power in his muscles, feeling all the strength beneath his skin. She could stay like this forever.
Then he asked his question, and she shivered a little against his back, the thoughts it provoked not something she could really hide.
''I can't dream, not now. ''<br>
''When I dream the nightmares come in. ''
''I don't want to be hurt''<br>
''I want to feel the pain''<br>
''I want Her. ''<br>
''I don't want to see Her again. ''<br>
''I want someone to own me.. ''
''I want to be free... ''
"I don't know Moon, I don't know any more." she says very quietly behind him, her hands stopping momentarily.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' He felt her shiver in response to her question, before she gave her answer. Made him wonder if it was the thought or the answer that frightened her. Maybe it was just the emptiness of it. Of not really knowing the answer.
His eyes opened, head lulling towards her to look straight on. Funny how things worked. How hard it had been only days ago, not to tear this girl apart. Now he was sitting here with her and felt as if he could almost understand her.
He smiled wanly, patting a hand against her thigh. His other hand came up, palm cupping her scarred cheek again. "Same here darlin'. Same here."
Their faces were close. Very close. He could feel her breath against his cheek, smell the heat and faint smoky scent of it. This close, the black scars running through her skin didn’t really seem so bad. She’d still have looked better without them, but they was an artistry to them that wasn’t entirely unpleasant.
Or maybe it just seemed that way because of how snuggly she fit against his back.
''I should kiss her or somethin’. ''
But he didn’t. He just touched her face and stared.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti pressed her cheek against his hand, rubbing against it, feeling the momentary resistance and pauses as his fingers pass over her scars, trying her best to ignore them.
''I ...he does? ''<br>
''he seemed so strong... ''<br>
''how can he not know what he wants? ''<br>
''he wants me''<br>
''he hates me''<br>
''he wants to hold me''<br>
''he wants to hurt me''
She leaned forward, and pressed her lips to his.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' He sighed softly in the moment before their lips met.
''Guess it save’s me…''
And as their lips met, his eyes hooded, but didn’t close. He didn’t want to forget who this was this time. It was a soft kiss. A warm one. Moon moved his hand up through her hair, curling it around the back of her head to hold her. He kneaded the firm hip that rested bellow his other hand, gripping her and pressing her against him insistently.
He could have turned around, pushed her down onto the bed, made love to her…
''I should stop…''
And he did. Slowly, reluctantly, but he pulled his lips away from hers none the less. His breath came just a little quicker, his body a little warmer. She felt like a fire crackling on his back. And he didn’t mind that at all.
''The fuck am I doing? ''
''After what she did…''
''What she is…''
''What the '''fuck''' am I doin’? ''
But he knew why. And it wasn’t what had really stopped him.
"You don’t gotta do shit like this with me darlin’." He told her in soft but firm tone, not yet letting go but loosing her hold on her a little. Making escape an option. "Not if you don’t wanna. Don’t need ya ta share my bed just cause everyone else in ya life has. I don’t need that, a’ite?"
"Do it cause ya wanna, if ya wanna. Not just cause it’s what ya do."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti kissed him.<br>
Kanti pushed herself against him as he pressed.<br>
Kanti let him hold her head to his.<br>
Kanti let him pull away from her.
''he doesn't want me... ''<br>
''he does... ''<br>
''he doesn't want to force me... ''<br>
''he doesn't want to hurt me... ''<br>
''why won't he hurt me? ''
Kanti watched him, her dark eyes unreadable in the poorly lit room, the scars still showing up as vivid black curves across her face. Her whole body was slowly burning as she watched...
''I... love him... ''<br>
''I think... ''<br>
''I want him... ''<br>
''don't I? ''
''I do''
"I do, Moon. I do want you." she says softly, guiltily, her lips brushing his as she speaks, letting her own hands slip around him.
She pauses.<br>
She asks a question.<br>
She makes a plea.
"....will you just hold me?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ''Fuck. ''<br>
''Thank you. ''<br>
''Damn it. ''<br>
''Thank you. ''
"Yeah." He answered softly. "Think I can I do that."
''God fucking damn it! ''<br>
''... thank you. ''
He let her go, for only as long as it took for him to turn on the bed. Sitting beside her, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his chest. It didn’t matter just then that it hurt where she touched. Falling back slowly on the bed, he held her against him so that they lay side by side, her body draped over his.
''Fuckin’ hell…''
He sighed as they shifted and settled onto the mattress, stroking her hair slowly.
''Sheeyit… did promise Opal I’d take care ‘a her... ''
He suddenly wished Selina was here too. She ''should'' have been there too. Then it would have been like the Clocktower again, wouldn’t it? When he had held both of them tight and wondered how the hell he could protect either of them.
''Can’t protect for shit when all the hurt is in the past. ''<br>
''Doesn’t mean ya can’t try…''
"Any time ya need darlin’…" he told her as his hand gently stroked through her hair. "I’ll keep ya safe from the world awhile, a’ite? You an’ me. We’ll hide in here and forget about everythin’ else. Past is for shit anyway…"
Moon kissed the top of her head. He didn’t know where it was supposed to go from here.<br> He didn’t know what to ''do'' with someone like her. But she wanted to be held and he could do that much.
So he would and so he did, for as long as she wanted.
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:42, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels