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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Silver and Snow ==
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b>  "And so, the fellow's withdrawal turned into a rout. He pulled his forces back clumsly, chased by a sortie from the garrison." Valencia's voice echos slightly through the corridor as she walks with Vorpal to the chamber where they would see the troops she has gathered. Three days after the initial meeting, on the evening of the fourth. The snow has not abated, but that does not touch them here, underground. "He hadn't been expecting my force to be waiting to cut off his corridor of escape. But that is what you can expect from a stripling."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "They tend to be like that", Vorpal responds somewhat dryly, her cloak rustling quietly around her with every step. "Many of them seem to think that just because they have read a tome or two on strategy, every war commander they fight against should do everything exactly the way it is said in the books. They usually learn their mistake quickly... or die."
This is a rare sort of situation for the Pale Angel. A widely acclaimed military genius in her own right, she had known only a few fellow commanders who had had both the military knowledge and personal courage to walk up to her to boast of their exploits. And yet, for the most part of these past three days, Valencia had been doing just that.
Vorpal has yet to decide how she should be reacting to this.
"Of course, some commanders even make an art out of having their every maneuver seem to be directly out of the book to lull the opponent into underestimating them, while keeping a very nasty surprise hidden away."
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "It doesn't fool everyone." Valencia takes a turn into another corridor as the two continue on. Their footsteps echo through the corridor as well, and the Windian chuckles to herself. "Being too clever can only lead to disaster at times."
She turns her steel-grey gaze on the Pale Angel for a moment, then looks back ahead. Soon, they'll be at the spot. "But I'm sure you discovered that a long time ago."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Yes, I know", Vorpal states, her voice smooth and even in the loneliness of the tunnel. "The book was written for a reason."
A standard becomes a standard because it works. True and tried basics are the basement from which a hundred thousand masterful improvisations can be built.
Deciding to change the subject after a moment, the Pale Angel inquires: "Will there be field-artificiers to help take care of that Warstrider, by the way?"
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "There will be a few." Valencia replies simply, seeing the larger entrance begin to grow in front of them, finally. "Perhaps one or two per person -- we cannot spare many. If you lose some, there may be replacements, but those will take some time to arrive."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Good", she nods, keeping her gaze fixed to the entrace looming ahead of them.
<i>Is this an arsenal where we are heading? An underground vault is an odd place to go meeting winged soldiers.</i>
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Soon enough, they enter the gathering chamber -- its original purpose remembered only by the people who specialize in such things, and recorded deep in some of the city plans. The ceiling is fairly high, braced with sturdy First Age construction and cut out of the rock of the mountain with impeccable skill. In that room, almost three-thousands await, attired for battle, standing at attention. Valencia and Vorpal enter full into their gazes, on a slightly raised part of the room. Several warstriders sit along the side, secured against the wall.
"Gathered here, Pale Angel, are part of your troops." Valencia says, no flourish at all evident, merely making a little wave to indicate the assembled multitude. "I was able to gather together the Winged Divinity from the assignments House Durant had given them -- they apparently did not respect my requests as fully as I thought. Such is the state of things when the court is in such turmoil, doubtless due to the Bishop's meddling deathknights." And not that she would have known of such non-compliance, having led the Royal Guard to the battle inside Windia five days ago instead of the old de Windia house unit.
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal's mien hardens as she sees the gathering of warriors below. Her back straightening, her head held high, her white hair spilling in stark contrast over the lowered hood of her dark cloak, she shifts within one footstep from the trailworn mercenary to the deadly leader of men she is known to be - an image worth of following, an image she knows the men below expect to see.
She surveys the troops silently as Valencia speaks, focusing most of her attention to estimating their worth and prowess on battlefield. One detail mentioned by the Lunar earns a quick sideways glance from the Pale Angel, however.
"Or perhaps you are not as invulnerable to the envy and hatred that other Houses feel towards you and yours", she responds gravely. "It might be good if you kept a careful eye on them... especially now, when the lands are in turmoil and deathknights roam Creation freely."
She stares at the Lunar intently for a second, to drive her point home, before turning her gaze back to the Windian troops. "You said this is only a part of them? When will the rest be ready?"
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "The rest are the other assorted scrapings of house units I will have to cobble together." The Windian replies, leaning one silvery wing forward to stroke its leading edge absently as she surveys the soldiers below. Men and women all, they look to the two commanders. Some experienced, others green as new wood. Scrapings was a kind term of the way she'd shave other house units, but it was necessary. She was glad the deathknights using their magic on her city were dead or gone.
"Perhaps not. But they will not directly oppose me now, not when their welfare hangs by a thread I hold." She looks to Vorpal. "And you all, through me. The rest should be assembled in two, maybe three days. The nobility has learned the meaning of haste now."
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>The welfare of us all, eh?</i>
Vorpal raises a mental eyebrow at that, but lets the comment to pass by once again. She does, however, make a note of asking whether Valencia la Silverstar and the Dark Angel truly are blood-relatives. Sometimes, the similarities between the two are uncanny. Especially when it comes to reminding others of their own prowess.
Valencia, at least, does not seem to use it as a chance to bully around those who are smaller than her. This does not help much with the twinge of irritation, however.
"Who will be my lieutenants?" she asks next, keeping to the matter at hand.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "Are you asking about your staff, or officers who directly command the troops?" Valencia was aware some thought of the two differently, and assigned the same name to either. In any case, most of the Terrestrials who could function as aides were not present. "I should ask now, what command structure you prefer, although Winlandian troops are used to our standard. Mixing units will not make a switch any easier, unfortunately."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "In this case, I mean my staff, of course", she responds, idly wondering how much bureaucracy and paperwork Valencia liked to include into her military maneuvers.
"Your standards will do fine", she sighs and quells an impulse to run her hand through her hair. "I usually like to lead my troops personally, going where-ever they go. However, I cannot fly, so I'd prefer to have some able officers to back me up."
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "We are having the same thought." The Countess replies with a faint smile. The cool air of the complex continues to waft by them both. "I can introduce you to one at least, the rest are busy collecting the other troops."
Valencia barks an order to the assembled soldiers, and they go to a position of ease in one single motion. Almost. A few in the crowd are off by a second or two. She ignores that -- the time to get them to work together like a well-oiled machine will be soon enough.
"Follow me." She waits a moment for Vorpal to follow her lead, then is off the raised platform, going down in the direction of the 'striders set against the wall. There are four presently resting, and a single Terrestrial waiting as well, White and Blue Jade alloyed daiklave at his side, and White Jade breastplate seen over his uniform. He is standing at parade rest, a faint wind blowing around him that does not match the greater currents of the ventilation system.
The Silver Angel stops a few feet short of him, and turns to Vorpal. "Meet Leytenant Leonas du Mstislav."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal favors the Terrastrial with a little nod, her red eyes seeming to bore down under the Windian's skin, judging the man's worth. "How long have you been a soldier, du Mstislav?"
<b>Leonas:</b> "Twelve years, sir." He replies simply, looking straight ahead, but Valencia catches his eye and makes a little motion indicating him to be at ease. The Terrestrial relaxes, looking at Vorpal now. Gauging her as a commander. Was she really as good as the legends said? She <i>did</i> lose her unit at the last...
"Some experience against the dead. But mostly against barbarians."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "<i>Sir</i>, eh?" Vorpal smirks, lifting her hands to her hips and shifting her weight to one foot. "That sounds like a good career. You must be very loyal."
<b>Leonas:</b> He didn't say anything to that immediately. Was she trying to trap him or something? He had used a respectful address. "I try to be, despite politics." The same tone as before, but less stiff.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Tell me, Leonas", Vorpal says next, allowing her smile to melt away from the way of matter-of-fact professionalism. She pauses, turning to sweep her gaze across the rest of the assembled troops, before returning her attentions back to the lieutenant before her. "How many soldiers did Valencia la Silverstar place among these troops with the orders to keep her informed of any and all movements I might decide to make?"
It is a direct question, made all the more brazen by the fact that the said Valencia la Silverstar is even now standing only a few meters away. However, it is clear what kind of point Vorpal is making here - she prefers honesty among her troops.
<b>Leonas:</b> "That is a question I am not at liberty to answer." He looks at her while he makes this statement, not moving his gaze away. It does not appear that he is having an easy time of it, but things must be done. "Unless you outrank Marshal Silverstar."
Valencia's lip twitches just a bit, but she says nothing yet.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Actually", Vorpal responds with conversational tones, "I do outrank her."
And suddenly, something in her... changes. It is not her posture, it is not her mien. It might be something in her gaze - perhaps a sudden intensity, an invisible, chilly blade thrust forth through the Windian Terrastrial's ribs. Perhaps it is the tone of her voice, a sudden frost clinging to her otherwise calm and simple speech.
"I am the Pale Angel", she says, and although she is obviously merely stating a fact, her words chill to the heart. "I outrank anyone I want, when I feel like it."
This is no boasting. This is no bragging. This is no attempt to elevate herself above others. It is a simple statement of truth, a reminder of the birthright bestowed upon Vorpal deFay. She had been called a war commander in her time, a general of the Pale Angel Brigade. In truth, however, hers was a rank that transcended all others, one that set her above the entire military hierarchy. She was the avatar of victory, the figurehead to be placed in front of the army. There was no rank that could possibly compare to that.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Leonas' mien registers a bit of a blanch, he keeps himself from running a hand through his blond hair, but his blue eyes remain steady on Vorpal. "Then ask <i>her</i>, Pale Angel. I only know there are some. I am one. That is all you can get out of me."
He makes a tiny shrug, indicating his lack of further knowledge.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Thank you", Vorpal responds, and the chill vanishes just as quickly as it had appeared, evaporating like morning frost under late autumn sun. "You are both loyal and honest, Leonas. I'm honored to have you with me."
She next turns her attention to Valencia la Silverstar, giving the Lunar a slight smile and a faint raise of an eyebrow. "Well, Marshal?" It is difficult to decide whether her friendliness is genuine or not.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Valencia smirks, and then looks to the troops, than to the warstriders close by. The silvery tattoos on one cheek and running down into her collar catch the light for a moment as she turns her head back. "Your entire staff is to report to me occasionally, on how matters are proceeding. Call it spying if you will, but I do not expect it should interfere with your generalship, and I need to be kept appraised of the situation."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Naturally", Vorpal nods in agreement. "And let me tell you, I don't mind spying, really. As long as it is done in the open."
Allowing her gaze to slide over the silent, metallic shapes of the Warstriders, she continues absently: "I forgot to mention this before, but I prefer honesty in my contracts and will take no part in politics. It is part of my mercenary doctrine. If there is something you need, simply <i>tell</i> me, and we will see if it can be done." She pauses, frowning slightly. "Is one of these the de Windia machine you mentioned?" she then asks, gesturing at the Warstriders.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "Indeed, one of them is." Valencia replies, nodding to the Terrestrial to fall in behind them as she makes her way toward the machines. "The 'strider at the far end is the de Windia house warstrider." She points to a sleekly designed white and sky blue strider after all the rest. It has fittings for essence cannons in addition to more mundane weaponry, although none of the weapons are attached at the moment. "I would assume that is the one you would want, yes?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal pauses, then nods. "Yes."
She nods again, more firmly, as if making her mind up about something. "Oh, yes."
"And the other 'striders?" she then asks, turning her attention to the remaining three war machines. "Do you have riders for them, too?"
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "That would depend." She gazes at the others, then looks back to Vorpal. "Your staff may use them, or perhaps some of your companions."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Hmm. I'll have to ask if Alex would want one."
The prince might enjoy being the knight in a truly impressive and shining armor... But on the other hand, that would not let him use Ainerach to its full extent.
"But striders are something we can discuss later." Turning back to Valencia, she allows her tone to assume a bit more formal tinge. "Your troops look very promising, Marshal. Let me know as soon as the rest of my staff are free for a meeting. In the meanwhile, I should see what I can do about getting to know the rest of the men. I believe I saw some of the troops to go at ease slightly out of the stride with the rest. We need to hone that out while we still can."
<i>Getting used to matching the stride with the others might save their lives.</i>
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Valencia raises her eyebrows, than looks over the multitude assembled before them. They'd have some drilling to do, although she doubted that the Pale Angel could drill them all at once.
"Indeed." She replies finally, raising one gloved hand to her chin. "I can assist you with that on occasion, over the course of the next few days. Should you prefer such."
"As for the remainder of your staff, they will be trickling in over the next few days as well. With the other troops."
<b>Vorpal:</b> After one more evaluating glance over the numbers of the soldiers present, Vorpal slowly nods her consent. "If you can spare the time. Leytenant du Mstislav will naturally take his share of the troops as well. We will need to rotate the groups we command, however. I need to get to know <i>all</i> of them."
<i>And they all need to get to know me.</i>
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> The Windian nods absently. "Of course. And all of them need to be accustomed to your staff for the sake of operational flexibility." She was wondering, now, about one of Vorpal's companions. And if she was going to enter the city again. The first time, she had not noticed -- the woman disguised herself well. She had only found out when those two other deathknights met with the two angels and their prince. And then Selina had disappeared. Valencia’s next question is said in a lower tone... "If I may be so bold, Pale Angel: did you see much of...my cousin?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal does not answer immediately, taking a moment instead to search the Lunar's face for anything that might indicate her motives.
<i>What exactly are you to her?</i>
<i>Or her to you?</i>
"A little", she responds, cautiously. "She is struggling to save her land, too.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> Her steel grey eyes, normally so cool and placid, have a bit of a feral glint in them now. Predatory. Only someone as close as Vorpal can really notice, however.
"I see." Her tone is the same as before, except there is no undercurrent. As if nothing exists below the surface. Perfect calm. "And did she intend to return here?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "She won't." Vorpal says it evenly, meeting the Lunar's gaze with her own, keeping her face an emotionless mask of ice.
There is one place to which the Dark Angel would sooner or later return, but Windia is not it. Not if the Lover has anything to say about the matter, and she usually does.
<b>Valencia Silverstar:</b> "Hm. Not a word? Well..." The silvery-Windian trails off, looking at Vorpal absently, not really looking at her, but through her. Through the striders and the wall as well, off into some unknowable distance. "If she wants to return, she will, I imagine."
Valencia does not state the rest, leaving it obvious from the way her tone dropped.
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Revision as of 15:30, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels