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== Soothing Rain ==
The link between Whiteshield, a country mostly grounded, and Windia, a country in the clouds.
And it did show.
Each and every building on it was at least four stories high. Each and every building on it, even the newer ones, trying to build vertically rather than horizontally, making a place with bridges far up, roads above, and a thousandfold places for the nests for the Windian's distant cousins, the myriad of birds. And of course, many ways for their predators, the myriad of cats, walk. Or at least used to. The cats have vanished after the Day of Calobis, as did most of the Birds. No singing or mewling in the nights of Spire, not even the sound of Crickets, little insects the first to die when the wave of death came forth, before it had been stopped.
Of course, by now, a good third of it was razed, in ruins. A second third had been razed, but among the broken buildings rose bigger buildings of ivory and ice that had not been touched yet, shining ominous as they connected to the others in all-too-familiar, but all-too-alien angles. The remaining thirds scorched by fire, essence, and claws - a destruction that aimed solely at lives. Right now, there were few more civilians alive in Spire than there were people in the army that liberated it. And when the army came, many, many of those were hurt.
Windians and those better off in the Spire tried to help those wounded, dying, those who lost all their possessions and now had to fight for food... for that, the Winlandians set a clinic in a great building that had once been an office of welfare. A seven-store building connected to others by three sky-bridges - two now destroyed. Staffed by their best healers - what Elementals with healing capabilities the Winlandians could summon(Demons are not something usually employed by the Winlandias, as unlike the Realm, Sorcery is widespread in the land of wings, and thus, it is kept safe), and their best Exalted healers.
Especially, Ryshassa Krauser, Kanti and Fiona.
The Elementals, particularly the White Lilies, cooperated with the one Wood-Aspected Dragon-Blooded - from Luthia, of course - on the army, and had woven a net of creeping vines all over the building... from the outside, it looked like a gigantic garden. But it helped... flowers that inhaled infections and viruses, breathing old pure air. Glowing liquen making for a soothing, low light. Able to change color to call doctors to rooms or the lobby with a complicated key of hues and intensities. And a very pretty and refreshing enviroment amidst all the beds, the maimed, the hurt and dying...
But there were few, now. Even after the shock of Calobis' ritual, most of the gravely wounded on the city and on the fight against the General had been tended to. Now, the clashes had happenned more and more outside of the city, in the countryside ever more under the Winlandian Army's control. And the clinic was calmer...
... especially with her help. Ever since he got out of bed, Resplendent Rain, the blonde boy with eyes like whirlpools of tears within cloudy skies has stayed around, sleeping in the clinic itself, and always ready to help the Healer, even though he had never been asked to. He just... naturally, stayed around.
And now, he returned to Ryshassa with clean towels...
Watching the empty beds all around them. "Less and less every day..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles gently, taking the fresh towels Rain offers and lying them nearby one of the beds. Such a shame she would be leaving this clinic behind... nowhere else has she seen the curative power of plant life melded so seamlessly with the care of the wounded and ill. A garden of healing amidst these wintry lands, stretching up, up, high up, to touch the Windian skies.
''I have seen such breathtaking sights since fleeing the Realm. And we were always told the Threshold is undesirable... ''
Today, as befitting a healer with an eye for beauty, Ryshassa wears a rose-shaded kimono strewn with embroidery of peach blossoms nestled among open fans in pastel shades. A pale purple obi winds across her waist, butterfly-knotted behind her, the ends trailing down to almost knee height. She keeps her hair swept up and away as she always does in the clinic, woven into a braided crown; fan-shaped combs keep it fastened securely atop her head.
"Everyone has been working hard... including you, Rain! And you've recovered wonderfully. You must like the clinic, with how much time you've spent here..." Ryshassa moves back towards the blond boy, fondly brushing a lock of hair from his forehead, looking quite pleased. "Have you ever thought of where you would go, after our work is done here?"
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' Blonde bangs fall over the boy's spetacles, his coat of the lightest azure, flowing around him like the sky. Were he against the sky, would she even be able to see his torso and sleeves? Not like, it would probably melt into the background, a boy that is part of the sky. Within, simple white shirt and white pants, his long blonde hair tied up with strands of something that shone blue and black into a long ponytail that waved around almost as a puppy's tail as he walked around the clinic...
And just his presence made things cooler, a little more damper, serene.
"Yes, I love it. It gives you such a sense of... doing good, you know? Of doing your daily duty, of being in the right side." He nods, "And 'till recently, I wouldn't be ready to do anything else in the name of good, anyway. As for where to go... your guess is as good as mine. I have nowhere to go, Ryshassa." He says, shaking his head. "I lost everything. Pehaps I might go back to my mother... but I never liked it much with her. No fault of hers', you must understand, she is a wonderful person..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa gazes at Rain happily, glad they were able to find such a handsome coat for the boy. They suited him so well. And the glasses... so cute... she has to repress some strange motherly urge to kneel close to him and fuss with his clothes and hair, even though they are as perfect as can be.
"I'm glad you feel a sense of purpose in it," Ryshassa replies, understanding the sentiment completely. "Healing can be a battle as well. Though it is not won with weapons, you still hold the lives of many in your hands. And in war, saving lives is not only doing good, but also an advantage... a living soldier can fight another day."
"Though I would much prefer there would be no fighting... or suffering." Rain's presence, Ryshassa has found, is soothing to her patients. And to the plants, as well, refreshed by that aura he seems to exude, of a light spring rain... mist-like, almost, yet subtle enough not to be uncomfortable. "In the meantime, we must do what we can to alleviate it."
"If you have nowhere to go, though... have you ever thought of staying in the clinic, perhaps? I think the Lilies would appreciate your help." She almost wants to say ''with me'', but that would be... too forward of her... wouldn't it?
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' "I do, always." He nods, folding some tissues, preparing them for patients, cleaning some tools on a purified water that he made drip from his nails... and throwing some blood-and-pus covered tissues into the trash bin. "They might. But they will be gone, at some point... they have their own duties, of course..." He says, shaking his head, looking at the empty beds... "And this will get more silent every time, right? More empty... I have to see how to do better. Go from the front lines, in some way..."
"I ''have'' to do something."
"Maybe I could... go with you, pehaps?" He asks, a little embarassed, a slight blush tinting his cheeks, as he tries to be fix his eyes on his work... "I... know I might just be a burden, but... I'll pay for the inconvenience, really! I'll work! Do even more than I do on the clinic, just... you are a Sun-chosen, with the prince, the forces... I ''know'' you will go where the good goes..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa blushes as well, pleased and surprised -- ''he actually wants to come? ''
"That would be... wonderful, Rain. Really! You have been such a great help..." It is important to her, to make sure he realizes that. How much his contribution has meant to her. "It will be dangerous. And perhaps terrifying... you know first hand what we are up against. But if it is your desire to help us in the front, I would gladly bring you along."
"In fact... I had meant to propose something to you, something Iselsis and I had discussed. You know Iselsis... The one with red skin and pink hair. Of the many patients we had here, she was one of the worst off. She was the one that saved you, in fact... and I'm grateful for that."
"In any case, this plan... it would involve you accompanying me, to Windia, at least." Ryshassa hesitates to say, right away, the purpose of this trip. But still -- "It is your choice, of course."
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' "Lady Ryshassa... you know what I have seen. I know it will be terrifying... but I have seen the worst they can give. I know I might see strangers hurt, and it will be horrific... but I am not sure it will be more than seeing my friends..." ''Screaming for their lives. Tortured. Abused. Some told them everything, and still got hurt. Some resisted, and got killed so, so slowly... '' "... hurt. I doubt they will be able to hurt me worse... and helping to fend them off, maybe I will be able to... I... you know."
''Maybe I will be able to hold my fist up again. Fight again, someday. ''<br>
''Without the fear.. ''
"And... I am glad you are happy, Lady Ryshassa.That... makes me happy. I feel I belong with you..."
''Even though it is just your Solar Charisma, your Empathy, making me misunderstand things... ''
"Windia?" He thinks for a moment, hand on his chin.. ''Away from the war... good.. away from them, away from where they can hurt me... away from the war... I cannot hurt them... I won't be able to help the people suffering... away... '' "I... think it will be good! If you are going... I am too!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa remains close to Rain as he speaks, resting her hands on the boy's shoulders, her demeanor and her touch soothing, her smile reassuring. It is not for any ulterior purpose that she is so; she simply ''cares''. It is in her being, in her blood to care. So much that her heart quietly aches to put him in the sort of situation that she and Iselsis have envisioned for him.
"You don't have to pretend you're not afraid. Because you endured and witnessed a great deal of pain. Older men and women have broken for less than that. The difference is not to let that fear rule you. What yo experienced is a part of you now. But it is from that that you will learn that you can still be strong... and through that strength, help others."
She can't help but bend down, and kiss the top of the boy's blonde head. "That said, Rain, I should warn you... when you come with us to Windia, we will need you to speak of some of these terrible things. But it is not to torture you further, not at all. Your story, and that of the girl you were with, may very well bring an army from Windia to the front."
"If we can win this war... we can ensure that no one else will be hurt like you were, Rain." She squeezes his shoulders, gently, letting him be comforted by her warmth, her proximity... a silent promise that she will remain by his side through it all. "But you will not be alone in this. Never again."
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' Rain looks up at her... soothed by her care, by her warmth.
Until she speaks of him talking about the terrible things... and in his eyes, the warmth, the belonging gives way to such... turmoil, where the healer can see such... fear. Confusion. "Speak of it? Speak... speak of it how?" He looks up almost defiantly, confused, like a wary wild animal ready to bolt... "I thought you were just suggesting for me to go serve you? What's this about speaking of them?" His shoulders disentangle from her fingers as he takes a step back... "W.. what do you want?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa sighs inwardly... deeply saddened... ''I don't care what Iselsis thinks. I will not force him to. '' "I do want you to serve me. And you will. And I will not allow you to be harmed."
She does not step forward to reclaim Rain, but she continues to talk, keeping her voice level... unthreatening. "This is why I wanted to come with Iselsis to Windia. She... requested your participation in her plan. I insisted that if she must, I would have to come along. And I told her, I told her you would not have to say a word if it hurt you too much to do so. I wanted you to be able to decide whether you speak or not."
"I'm sorry..." She feels her eyes sting with tears... ''Do we look so terrible, we Solars, we Anathema? That we would just use people for our whims, no matter how they might feel for it? ''
"I'm so sorry. Iselsis wanted you to tell others what you experienced... so that people in Windia would know the truth, and understand that we need more military power here. But if you do not wish to say a word of it, we will find another way. I swear to you, Rain, on ... on everything I hold dear..."
"You will not be forced to do what you do not want."
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' He heard her words, and nodded... shivering still.
So many lies, so much deception, once. So much so much so much...
"Why didn't you say so at first, then? Why did you '''lie''' to me?!?" He asks, getting angry, waving her hands away...
His finger pointing to her, "Yo.. you come to me with that sweet voice, and those promises, but will you keep them? What about what you're not telling me? How much you aren't? How..." He stops, then... trembling, still sitting on the arc of one of the beds, trembling, her words resonanting on him... "... sorry. I... I didn't mean to lose my temper... sorry, I just..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''Why did you lie? '' It is like a slap in the face.
"...You're right. I should have said it right away." Ryshy comes to the bedside and kneels... kneels so she is at Rain's height. "It was not my idea at first. But I told her, I wanted you to be able to decide... I don't want to decieve you. I would hurt myself before I hurt you."
And she cries... she can't help it any more. She cries, her head bent down, her tears falling onto Rain's lap. Falling like Rain onto his pristine white pants.
Hurting the innocent is worse than any loss she has known.
"I... I'm not infallible. I am Sunchosen, but I am not perfect. I... I want you to tell me, if I do anything to hurt or frighten you. Just like this. Even if you have to yell sometimes. Even if you have to cry. Even if you... hate me. I would rather know. I will listen, I will do everything I can to ease your misgivings."
"Because I do have your best interests in mind. You may not believe that now. But I do -- and I will continue to prove it to you. Every day. Every moment I can spare. Until you wish to be away from me entirely."
She remains prostrate. The Solar kneeling to the Godblooded boy, crying into his lap.
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' It had been... so much, during that... eternity. How long had it been, really? While he waited? While he suffered? While he lay comatose, feeding the Calabim with his misery? How long had it been, he had no idea. Absolutely no idea. The suffering had been the worst, however... as they promised.
'''I will not hurt you. I do not mean to hurt you. I just want to ask a few questions...''' That heralded pain.<br>
'''Just tell me what I want to know, and I will stop. You have my word.''' Words... never good for anything...<br>
'''Oh, I did say I would stop that, didn't I? Not... this.''' Deceit. In what is left unsaid.
So many different ways to torture his body and mind. To make him watch his friends hurting. Pleading, doing anything to stop a friend's hurt for nothing. Doing anything, everything to stop his own mutilation, for nothing. Nothing... nothing at all... words... what did they want? In the end, it only mattered what they wanted out of you...
His eyes filled with tears from their clouds... and he touched Ryshy. Her sadness... her tears...
''Somewhere, mother cries with her. ''<br>
''Somewhere, it rains for her sorrow, her tears''
''I made the purest, nicest person in Creation cry... ''<br>
''I made a heroine cry... ''<br>
''Are you still laughing, you bastards? ''
"S... sorry... Ryshassa... I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to... I didn't want to hurt you... to make you cry... please... please..." He pushed her to him, as much as he lay on her for support, crying on her hair. "... please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... it is just so hard... so hard..."
''So hard to trust... ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I know..." And now she is the mother again, holding Rain close as he holds her... still crying... still wanting to believe that he could have been spared, that all of them could have been spared such agony...
"I know it's hard. No, I don't know it as you do. But I can feel it. It bleeds from you, it suffocates you inside. Smothers your ability to feel joy. To hope, to love."
"These things take so long to cure... there are not miracles to take away such pain without taking away a part of you with it. But I am a patient woman... and I care about you..." She whispers it, the love that swells in her heart for the boy. Not the love of her husband... but the love for a child. The love for an innocent life. So fragile. So precious, and entrusted to her. "You may take as long as you wish to trust me fully."
It is a long moment before she can lift her head... wiping tears from her almond-shaped eyes, then reaching up to remove Rain's glasses, wiping them gently with the corner of her kimono sleeve. Kissing his nose -- another cute affectation she just can't help but indulge in -- before replacing the frames.
"I will be going to Windia. Will you still come with me? Or wait here for my return?"
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' He smiles... faintly... and she can see how much the words soothe his storm. She can feel how her... understanding, of it, of something he couldn't even put in words. As she spoke, as she looked at him, as she wiped his tears, and cleaned his glasses... he didn't feel alone. He felt belonging...
He bit his lip for a moment, and then the tears returned.
But he tried hard to hold his reason...
"Can I... think about it? I'm not sure..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Of course you can. I do not think we are leaving right away. Though even if you do come -- you won't be forced into anything. I will not allow it." It is simple as that. Ryshassa would find a way -- any way -- to protect this boy. Everything else be damned. Innocents need not do the job that Exalts can do.
"If you do stay..." she adds with a smile, wanting to veer away from the topics that frightened him, "you can always take care of the wardrobe I've kept here, in the meantime? I doubt I will need to bring it all just for the trip to Windia."
"You could even read some of my husband's books. I'm sure he would not mind. Or... or..."
"What is it you like to do for fun?"
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' He smiles... faintly... and she can see how much the words soothe his storm. She can feel how her... understanding, of it, of something he couldn't even put in words. As she spoke, as she looked at him, as she wiped his tears, and cleaned his glasses... he didn't feel alone. He felt belonging...
He bit his lip for a moment, and then the tears returned.
But he tried hard to hold his reason...
"Can I... think about it? I'm not sure..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Of course you can. I do not think we are leaving right away. Though even if you do come -- you won't be forced into anything. I will not allow it." It is simple as that. Ryshassa would find a way -- any way -- to protect this boy. Everything else be damned. Innocents need not do the job that Exalts can do.
"If you do stay..." she adds with a smile, wanting to veer away from the topics that frightened him, "you can always take care of the wardrobe I've kept here, in the meantime? I doubt I will need to bring it all just for the trip to Windia."
"You could even read some of my husband's books. I'm sure he would not mind. Or... or..."
"What is it you like to do for fun?"
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' The glass lay on the ground, his ears still stung by tears. He leaned on her for protection, like a child would its mother... hearing her words, hearing their soothing cadency... "Thank you... thank you... I... I will think about it. I promise I will... and if it is with you, I... I will probably go.."
"I trust you..."
''It is just hard to trust much... ''
"I... I like reading. Reading history, reading the sciences, reading about gods and geography... we all did, in a way or another. My... friends. All the learned middle-class of Spire... that is why we joined on the revolution, we couldn't see... oppression, like that. I like puzzles, too... especially jigsaws. To try to learn how all fit together, the thrill..." Speaking of those things made him relax a little. More and more... "Oh, and Gateway, and... and..."
A slight blush tinted his cheeks then, "I... know it is a girl thing... but I spent so much time with my mother, that, um... I love to... sewn things. Still learning, though... dyes, patterns, sewing... ''far'' from being good enough for clothes, though, I only managed to make pillows so far, and, and..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You are welcome, Rain. And I am sorry, again, for springing this news on you so suddenly. You deserve honesty, and honesty is what I will give."
''Even if sometimes it is hard to give... the truth can hurt. But betrayal hurts more, in the long run... ''
Listening to Rain talk, Ryshassa has to control herself from outright giggling in fangirlish glee, instead settling for a fond and gentle smile. Few things appealed to her more than a studious, shy boy with glasses. Once again she finds herself wondering whether Alexsei might have been anything like that in his young age. If not for the tragedy that lost him his family so early on... perhaps he would have been well treated...
"Well, in that case you would be most pleased amongst my husband's books and documents. Spire, too, has a fantastic library! If you have not been there yet, you should before you leave here."
"And I think it's splendid you are interested in sewing! Putting together colors and patterns... it's one of my lesser known passions, I suppose. I own an... almost ''embarrassingly'' large collection of clothing," she says with a slight blush of her own. "And now that I am a part of the war effort I have such little time to keep them in good condition..." She trails off, as if to suggest, perhaps he could help?
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' "Could I... look upon them? Please?" His eyes sparkle with lighting, but not lighting that scared... but one that seemed there only to draw the eye, only to make one marvel at the wonders of nature. She could see, there, the desire to read, how he would look among books like a child at a candy store...
... and he picks her suggestion readily, nodding emphatically, "I can do it!"
"If you let me... I.... I like things pretty, and clean! See, at home, with mother... she was sick, my sister was a tomboy, so it fell to me to do all the chores... I can keep your clothes well! Really, really well, really!" He nods, a smile on his face. Like that seemed so... normal. Such an innofensive and comfortable way for him to 'pay' for his stay...
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh... oh, of course you can!" Ryshassa is thrilled that the mention of such things can put such joy and excitement in his eyes, after so much trauma. "You can see them as often as you like!" The thought of whether the boy might question her... ''alternative'' outfits rises in her mind, but surely he was too young to think of such things... right?
"If that sort of work would please you, I would be overjoyed to have your help, Rain. And I am sure you would be perfect for the job." Not that she was simply complimenting him on principle. Even in the few days he has aided her in the clinic, Ryshassa has noticed his fastidious nature, his standards of cleanliness and eye for beauty. "You are well suited for it... and I really do enjoy your company," she adds with a smile, rising fluidly now to her feet.
"Would you like to look at my wardrobe now? Our work in the clinic is done for the moment, as far as I can tell." Holding a slender hand to him, her rose and peach-blossom sleeve stretched out before her, she beckons Rain to her... an offer, not a command.
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' Rain was sixteen, close to seventeen - a prodigy in terms of power, for a God-Blood of his age and heritage, still young... but older by few years than the boy-prince that showed such lusts already. He was a meek and shy boy, however, a trace intensified so heavily by his ordeal that not even he could remember how different he was to his earlier self. And thus, it was anyone's guess how much he thought of such things...
He accepted her hand, however, he did not walk with her to the exit... but to one of the empty rooms of the clinic. "Just a moment?" He asked with an expectant grin, "I... I have something to show you!" There, Ryshassa could see many pieces of fabric, died violet and black and white... some stuffing about... and needles. He got down, to fetch a box... "I see you sighing for him every day... and, well... I heard you... the other day, in that empty room..." He blushes. "Sorry, I couldn't help it, you said his name loud... but see... I said I could do something other than pillows, right?"
"I know this is too.. strange, for a boy to do, but..."
He reaches inside the box then, picking something, and handling to Ryshy... both hands on it, face looking down and fully red, as if he expected her to hate it or laugh. But in his hands, presented to her like a gift to a goddess, an offering made with soul, is...
... an Alexsei plushie.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "...."
"...........!!! Rain!! You... Oh, that's... the most wonderful gift anyone's given me!" Ryshy looks bashful, perhaps, that anyone actually *notices* how much she misses her husband, but... that though is completely wiped away by this gift offered to her with such ''feeling''...
"Eee! It's so cute." Hardly able to contain her giggles at this point, she just... stops bothering to hide them. Her eyes glitter with the utmost delight as she takes the plushie from Rain's hand and hugs it tight. So very tight.
"Now I have something to hold while my husband is gone," she says blissfully, though the word ''gone'' brings back the reality of his absence, and she glances upward briefly. Thinking of Alexsei, thinking ''to'' him. "I think you and he would get along nicely, when you meet him," she tells Rain after the moment is done, her girlish flush still quite apparent on her pale cheeks.
'''Resplendent Rain: ''' He smiles.
In that happyness one can only get when one does something appreciated...<br>
In that wonderful smile we can only open while watching another's joy.<br>
"We... well, it was hard... I tried to find out how he looked like, but it seemed like ''nobody'' remembered! It was like he just slipped out of sight! And the little people did were just tidibts, so it took me a few days just to find a good recollection...." And indeed, the staff was wrong, but the rest? Rain seemed very lucky indeed, for all, spetacles and robe and face, all matched Alexsei enough!
"Now, let us go... I need to get familiar with with my charges!"
He tries not to get even happier at the idea of helping her...
Talking about it with the same solemnity he would use for her children.
And still smiling.
For both of the Falling Rain and the Unfurling Belladonna, there was nothing greater than such warm, caring, cute joy.
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Revision as of 15:58, 27 February 2009

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