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== On Shadow and Flame ==
'''Ryshassa: ''' Alexander's big speech, the formality of giving fealty, the report by Lieutenant Tierney -- all of it has given Ryshassa much to ponder. She is one of them now, it seems, officially and in front of nearly every other person involved.
If that is so, that means their problems would be hers as well. If she is to have any hope to become an integral part of the group she ought to try -- on her own time and volition -- to get to know the others. To understand the various relations between them. And if she can help them... she will help.
It is this feeling, at least in part, which compels Ryshassa to call to the Dark Angel as the meeting headed by the Prince is adjourned and people begin to file out from it. "Excuse me, Lady Aine, might we talk for a moment?" she asks politely, gesturing to another, smaller, empty room.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The uniform was somewhat uncomfortable for her -- she had never been required to wear one in her youth -- so she would not mind getting it off. But still...it feels...different, to her.
''Like putting on a new life. ''
She had done it with her leotard years ago, and her jade armor before that. Now, it seems things may come full circle. May.
''The dirt is out for everyone to see, now. ''
Selina could ask her sister why she'd done that, but right now, it would probably just cause too many problems. Better to let that lie for another day. Even tomorrow would be better than today.
Things work out. Or don't. Either way.
"Mmmm, ok." Selina says with a shrug. She is going to have to talk to Kanti -- and soon -- so she can find out how the Prince treated her. Kanti may be unfortunately afraid of her, but that has at least one benefit: she won't dare lie about such a thing to Selina's face.
''...maybe... ''
The Windian nods to Valencia, still nervous around her, and then moves off into the room with the other Solar.
''Twilight? ''
''Like I was once a Twilight. ''
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He follows his wife slowly, just one step behind her, and graces Aine with a polite nod of his head, unsure of what else to add to her. The exchange between Iselsis and her left him with many questions, but now was not the time to be blunt and ask. Besides, Ryshassa had important matters to discuss, and he would not get in the way.
'''Just... observe. ''
He follows the both of them, taking a seat out of the way once they are into the other room...
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I'm sorry if this is an inconvenient time," Ryshassa says as soon as they've stepped away from the hall -- not without giving a nod to the Marshall, of course, as she departs.
She stops a moment, seeing the Dark Angel in the uniform up close. The other woman seemed... unused to it. And indeed it was a much different look than either of those she had seen her in so far: in Linowan, dressed and disguised for a grand party, and at the battle with the General, clad in her leotard of sighs and crackling stormy Essence and... souls of the murdered...
Ryshassa decides not to proceed down that train of thought at the moment, and decides to be direct with her first choice of topic.
"I wanted to talk to you about something pertaining to Kanti, actually," is what the healer admits aloud. "About her scars..." ''and maybe more than that, if it comes up. For now this will do, though. ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''ohboy. ''
If it is about Kanti, it's probably going to be something bad. Did she have a talk with the woman? Well, hopefully Kanti told her someone else is responsible for those.
"The necromantic scars she has? What about them?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa takes a deep breath. "Perhaps I should explain first what happened though. I am a healer as you know, but my ability to heal goes beyond mere physical wounds. Since joining with the Prince I have learned to heal maladies of the spirit as well."
She isn't sure about going into the gritty details of how it works. Anyway, it is unnecessary. "I made an attempt... perhaps not one well thought out, but I made an attempt to heal Kanti. Of the scars, and of... more. I met Kanti before, two years before when she was still with the man known as Stolen Sunsets. She was happy then. I worried for her, but she was happy. The woman I have met now, though... well, I need not explain to you. You seem acquainted with her, at least."
"In any case, the healing process involves first a mental examination of the patient. In other words, I... saw a glimpse into her mind. But besides that, I... I..." Ryshassa seems almost hesitant to continue at first; her hands clench into fists as she wills herself to calm. "I also saw the woman that the scars connect Kanti to."
"I am wondering -- do you have any idea what the scars are for? Beyond the fact they are necromantic in nature."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''So they '''do''' connect her to Charmaine. ''
Good. Kanti will be of great use when Selina decides to hunt her old mistress down, then.
"So, you saw the Vestal, I take it?" Selina's eyes affix themselves on Ryshy, one eyebrow cocks upward a bit. Her tone becomes a bit resigned, and a bit interested. "It's my guess she cut them into Kanti -- she seems to like this sort of thing. As to what they do...beyond serving as an apparant conduit to her no matter where she would go...I am not entirely sure."
''I haven't forgotten your insult... ''
"I realize you did not know better at the time, but you should not have done that."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa flushes at the slight reprimand, but nods. "...Yes. I think you are right. And it is not something I will try again. I just... worried so much for her."
And Selina puts a name to that triumphant figure with hair and eyes of flame. "The Vestal? Is that how she is called...?" The color on Ryshassa's face continues to burn. Something happened with her and the Vestal, that much Selina can be certain of. "I did. I... saw her. And she told me that Kanti is hers. That Kanti is needed, and that she is ''the key''."
"Is there, perhaps, a necromantic spell you know of that may require the use of such scarification on a living body, as a key?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina shakes her head, hearing Ryshy's reply to that and seeing her flush. "It is not a matter of not doing it again. Now that she knows of you, she will most likely want you for her 'collection'. To do what she did to Kanti -- what she wants to do to ''me''."
Her tone becomes a bit darker. "If she catches you, she will rape you, body and soul. And you will '''never''' be the same again, even if you win free of her."
''I would know. ''
Then she continues, after letting a few moments pass. Just remembering that was unpleasant -- far easier to put it to bland words and think nothing of it than that. "Off the top of my head, no such spell comes to mind. But I do not make consistant use of much necromancy, so perhaps it's simply a matter of remembering."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa cannot help but allow her eyes to widen briefly as Selina mentions what seems to have been personal experience with the Vestal.
''She did. She said she might want me, too. ''<br>
''She put her hands on me -- in -- me. She marked me. ''<br>
''But perhaps she would forget... ''<br>
''Surely the Vestal would forget? ''
The color in her cheeks dies down somewhat. "I... I will keep that in mind." ''Capture. Rape. Broken. Again? '' Her eyes glance to Alexsei, who is still silent. Too silent. ''Beloved? '' "At least, I believe you when you say she is so dangerous."
Ryshassa nearly breathes a sigh of relief as the conversation continues on. "Then I am glad I have told you about it, at least. Perhaps you may be able to discover what the Vestal might be planning for Kanti."
"But... if I may ask..." once again her tone becomes hesitant, but less for some unknown shame than for a sense of possibly breaching propriety. "Who are you to Kanti? I mean... what would you say your place in her life is?"
She hopes that was not worded too terribly.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He says nothing.
To all who would see him today, the Gatekeeper would seem definitely less talkative. He sits, and listen. His expression is hardened, but not excessively so. His fists close upon the fabric of his robes, fingers dig into his thighs.
The Black Wing of Conclusion looks impassible. But on the inside, he is rage and despair.
''After all these years. ''<br>
''They would come, and destroy all I have strived to accomplish. ''<br>
''They would cut the rope I have used to bring one out of her own personal pit of Hell. ''<br>
''They would step upon the Garden she has tended, and return it to its barren state. ''
''They would take what I have nurtured and encouraged to grow - make my efforts vain. ''
''Never Again. ''<br>
''By my name I swear, '''Never Again'''. ''
But not even the slightest trace of his inner turmoil shows. He does not move, nor talk. He mourns.
He bids his time.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Likely, the Vestal simply wants her back." Selina replies simply. "And any others she may have designated as chattal." The Windian shrugs, black wings shrugging with her, a sharp contrast against the white uniform.
Then she chuckles.
"Me? My place in Kanti's little view of the world?" She puts a hand to her forehead, running it up, along her pale blonde hair, laughing a bit, lightly. Well, they would find out about it sooner or later, right? "Kanti sees me as her new mistress, since she got away from the Vestal. I am, apparently, very desireable to her, being a deathknight like the Vestal, and having the ability to cloak myself in an aura of lust. You witnessed that during the battle, I assume? And she wants me to hurt her, like 'Mistress' did before. I will not."
''Even when she tries my patience. ''
"But it really boils down to something simpler than that, for her." Selina's voice becomes lower, as she draws It to the surface. Dead knowledge, dead anger, dead suffering. A faint echo of what it is like to be standing there in person, before His tomb, in that place of supreme defilement and pain. But it is enough to show, and enough to have made Kanti forever terrified of her.
"'''''This, '''''" Selina whispers with a rumbling basso, dead fury and contempt and command filling her. His whispers, rasping around in her skull. Eyes loose turquoise, go black, midnight, void -- rays of unlight sucking all illumination into her eyes, not shedding any of their own. "'''''She saw this. '''''" The Windian's gaze bathes the Solar in that life-devouring darkness, then she closes them, and inhales deeply, fighting Him back. Exhaling with an echo of that thundering terror, spiralling into nothing, leaving her own voice alone, she looks once again upon Ryshassa and her husband. It is sad, resigned.
"I am the Void to her."
'''Ryshassa: ''' It is, unsurprisingly, quite difficult to formulate a reaction when the Dark Angel more or less unleashes upon Ryshassa a glimpse into oblivion. In her gaze, in her bearing, in the cadence of her voice.
The Void.
'''''THE VOID'''''
Ryshassa takes a step back. Several steps. She had gained at least a small measure of courage since she had left Gethamane to join the Prince and his cause. But it is far from the usual occurence to have this presence of utter damnation and defilement open up right in front of you, right before your eyes. close enough to touch.
But she does not run in fear, nor spit her revulsion. Ryshassa hears, above and beyond the wretched display, the telltale note of regret. And her assertion that she would not hurt Kanti -- by any means. Would not hurt her. Even with Oblivion engraved into her soul.
"What... how...? Are Deathknights usually like this...?" Vorpal had not shown any indication of such overpowering, overwhelming darkness. It took Ryshassa completely by surprise, and it takes her some time after Selina has finally banished that ... other, that rose inside her... before she can speak again with clarity.
"So you understand how much Kanti fears you, then. I have seen it so vividly inside her. Her absolute terror in her presence. If you know this, why would you continue to come close to her? I... I can understand, by your words, that you really do not wish her harm. That you cannot help how you are, but you do not want to hurt her. Then perhaps you might consider leaving her be, giving her space."
"Besides this, it worries me... that she seeks the hurt so much. She blames herself for so much. She wants punishment for being imperfect, for having been abandoned. It is not mere pleasure, it is an avenue for her self-hate. Has she ever told you of Stolen Sunsets?"
'''Alexsei Krauser: He lifts his gaze at the display - how could he not? Even in the state he finds himself in, such a strong manifestation of Void could never be ignored.
And so he watches, his eyes widening for a moment, as she shows the dark energies within her, the other living within her. He keeps to himself still - he would not include in this conversation, since he is only a second hand witness in these events - but he cannot help but be somewhat taken a back by such cold, uncompromising power.
''The Void... The Void within you. Is that what Kanti sees? ''
''Is that what Kanti '''Seeks'''? ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sighs, resignedly again. "If I do, this is all she will remember me as. And if I do, others can take advantage of her. I will not allow that." Her tone becomes much more resolute at the last sentence.
"Stolen Sunsets?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I... see. And I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing that you would like to be seen as something other than... that. But what you might expect of a normal psyche... doesn't... really apply to Kanti. I'm not sure at all she will just stop fearing you if you don't at least give her time away from you... perhaps time would help her associate other things with you than Void and... ah... eating people."
"Your worry about her is founded. She does seem to like being with the Prince a great deal, though," Ryshassa adds, cautiously, more to gauge Selina's reaction about that than anything. ''Though I am unsure it is better, at least she does not fear him indiscriminately. Did Kanti ask him, like she asked Aine, to do the things I saw him do to her in her mind? Perhaps I should talk to Alexander as well. I cannot see him as deliberately cruel... and he looked so guilty when I insinuated what I knew... ''
"As for Stolen Sunsets, he is the one that owned Kanti before. Before he gave her to the Vestal. She was happy with him, and yet, she was a pet to him. That collar you see on her neck, he gave it to her." Ryshassa sighs softly, rubbing her temples as if in great pain. "She trusted him completely, thought she would be his servant for the rest of her life. And then... he abandoned her. To that woman."
"She blames herself for that, I think. And filled the despair she felt at his loss with the darkness and depravity the Vestal fed her. What the Vestal did is horrifying and unforgivable -- but Damien started it all. That... ''bastard''." And it is the first time -- and a rare time -- the gentle healer actually looks truly and honestly angry.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yes, she does seem to." Selina replies, thinking a bit on that. "I will have to ask him if he is treating her well. Mistreating her could also...corrupt him. I have a vested interest in not seeing Alex seduced into depravity and vice."
''Like me''. She leaves out, but it is easy enough to insert at the end of that sentence.
"Is this Damien a Chosen of some kind? I have never heard of him before." Selina considers the types. Given how things worked to her knowledges...a starchild. "The Vestal will be dealt with in due time, but it seems her first master has gotten away quite free."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "The Prince seems at least to have a heart that desires to do good. It seems very ...very unlikely he would mistreat her on purpose." This Ryshassa says with a good amount of certainty, and believes it well enough.
"Damien --" she manages to keep most of the anger out of her voice this time "-- yes, he is a starchosen. A Chosen of Serenity, much as Gennadi is. The reason I have met Damien or Kanti at all is because he wanted to meet with Alexsei. The worst part about his responsibility in this, I think, is that at this point either killing him or bringing Kanti back to him will do nothing to heal her. He's washed his hands of her and left her with the filth his action caused."
Ryshassa lets out another forlorn sigh, and pauses a moment, collecting her thoughts as she smooths the surface of the gown Kanti brought her, the purple and black folds of the skirt.
"I know I am a stranger in all of this, and I thank you for your patience in allowing me to discuss it with you, lady Aine. It is just difficult for me to feel I should not speak up, having seen what I have seen in her. My hope is for Kanti to end up with a master or mistress who will neither feed her negativity nor fill her with fear. But there is no way to be sure what will work best -- it... it saddens me. Frustrates me. To know I have seen her pain but cannot heal it. At all." There is almost a note of desperation rising in her tone as she utters these words.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' And at the mention of Stolen Sunsets, he speaks for the first time since the beginning of the conversation.
"Stolen Sunsets, or Damina Freville. He is... one of us, yes. A Servant of the Maidens." He pauses, gazing down momentarily as he purses his lips slightly. "He is a top-class manipulator - one whose business was being a puppetter with the people of Creation. Kanti... Kanti was his precious pet. He displayed her, made her dance, and it made her happy. She was..." The memory makes him furrow his brow as he speaks. "He was everything to her. Her meaning, her life. And in the end... She meant nothing to him. He discarded her like an old peice of clothing one does not want to bother with."
"Tolen Sunsets is an embarassment to those around him. But one day, what he did will catch up to him. But Ryshassa is right... The pain is already wrought."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' A different sort of presence surges into the surface of Selina's conscious mind...not the dead god, though. Something more personal, more primal. But something she easily keeps controlled, so only the barest hint of its intrusion even shows upon her. "Hmm." The Dragon wants him, and not in a pleasant fashion. "Perhaps you can tell me about him more later. Should he interfere in our business, it would be good to know what he is like."
''Yes. ''
"Alex will hopefully be nice to her. I could, but she fears me far too greatly...for now at least." Selina shrugs. "Perhaps that fear will lessen in the future."
'''Ryshassa: '''"I am glad you have Kanti's best interests in mind," Ryshassa says, doing her best not to show her relief openly -- relief that Selina seems to acquiesce that Kanti should be left to Alex. For now... but perhaps that could be extended. It was up to the Prince to ensure that, she thought.
That was about as much as she thought she ought to push about the topic of Kanti, for now. So the healer tilts her head to one side, and regards the other woman with some curiosity as she admits, "I'm... impressed, by you. I don't believe you are a bad person, Dark Angel. Even with the Void. And the reputation. In fact, those things could have made a monster much worse than you profess to be."
"Though I could never know what it is like to have walked your path. I have heard some of what is spoken of you. What you have done, why... why your sister, Izabella, is so set on redeeming or... killing you."
"I would like to know from your own lips, lady Aine. Because I see you now, and I cannot for the life of me see someone as repulsive as... as really, I ought to see, from all I have heard." Again the blush flashes warmly on her cheeks. Ryshassa is a person deeply conscious of manners, and wonders in this moment if her curiosity -- no, more than curiosity, her desire to judge for herself the moral fiber of her new companions -- has caused her to overstep her bounds.
"So I must ask: do you enjoy the act of killing, even those you know are innocent of any crime? Did you..."
She swallows, almost fearing to say it, but it must be done, it must be put out in the open for the sake of her conscience.
"...kill your parents, because you wanted to do it?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Because she was told to do the latter, and I suppose, would like me to do the former." Selina replies with a shrug, then thinks on the rest of it.
''Oh, that is a dark place. ''
But she may as well answer it straight. It's not as if she can even think of something else to say.
"Yes, yes I do." Selina says, face straight. "Less so the innocent -- much less so. But so many deserve it -- every twisting moment of pain I grant them, those final echos as they spiral into Oblivion." She growls, pupils slitting to thin lines. "They have made the world a sick place, they steal people's dreams and twist them to nightmares."
Her angry demeanor lessens a bit, but not entirely. It becomes more reserved, guarded. "As for my family: suffice to say I did not wish it, nor enjoy it. Your husband heard what I said to Izabella those two days ago -- the words were true. Ask him."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa listens to Selina talk with a straight face of her own. Part of her profession as a healer, she has always felt -- and certainly has practiced so in Gethamane -- is not only to heal the wounded but to bring peace to their minds as well, if she can. And that is not always a direct and simple process for her as absorbing injury or even Essence damage (though that ability of hers is much more recent).
Sometimes it takes talking. And listening. Consistently, sympathetically, non-judgmentally. And so Ryshassa is able to take in the response -- and the truth that rings in the Dark Angel's words, caught by the Essence she wove into her questions -- with no unexpected shift in expression.
"So. You hate much of humanity. And certainly there are many cruel, selfish souls in the world. But you will hesitate -- not necessarily stop, but hesitate -- to kill an innocent. You and I have chosen very different ways to deal with the problems we perceive in the world. But I can live with that Yes..." Ryshassa nods firmly, "I can stand by a person like you, and support you. Even as you are. I do wish that Izabella would be inclined to feel the same way, but... ah. She seems very adamant in her ways."
"Alexsei has told me of the conversation from before. But I wanted to hear you say it, as well. I hope you will forgive me for that." Now she allows a smile to cross her features. "I'm sure I have taken up a great deal of your time by now. I thank you, for answering me truthfully," the healer says, sweeping her skirts into a deep and respectful curtsy. "I think I should leave you be for now, unless you have concerns to bring up to me. I will answer as thoroughly as I am able."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He nods solemnly, his face unchaged as he now looks directly at her. "I have heard your words, lady Aine. And I understand the feelings underneath - even though I have no real mean to understand what you went through. I reserve my judgement of a person to when I understand the facts of their lives, but for all the words on you, you did not seem like the unrepentant killer of legend."
He nods to her then, implying his understanding of her certain feelings, at least, if he could not fathom what she had lived though. "I suppose my wife wanted to hear the words of your own mouth. We have collaboreated twice in the past - and yet people tell tales of the monster you are supposed to be. I judge a person's worth differently than what most would. And I think Ryshassa does also. And I believe her intention here is to know who who she is fighting with..."
"I do believe you, Lady Aine. And that is why I have agreed with you back then... In the end... The past is never forgiven. It is ''Atoned''."
'''Selina de Windia: '''"A monster is as much the terrifying images people have of it as its motivations. And make no mistake, I can be a monster." Selina replies flatly. "But my sister must come to her own conclusions, if she has not already." The Windian sighs a bit at that -- those conclusions weren't very pleasant seeming.
"I should speak with the Prince about Kanti, for now, though. Perhaps we can talk again later?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I have no doubt you can be a monster. I have already seen it, and know why it ought to be feared," Ryshassa says, her smile only somewhat fading. "But as long as that monster shows some consideration as to where and whom she dispenses her wrath, I will gladly help you along this venture. And perhaps others."
"I would be pleased to speak with you later, Dark Angel. I am certain this will not be the only time. I would like us to understand each other -- as different as our paths have diverged." For they had both once been Descending Suns, on the same side of the horizon. Perhaps it could mean... they might still find a common ground.
Another practiced curtsy -- for a gown simply worked better with a curtsy than a kimono -- and Ryshassa turns to Alexsei... feeling, knowing from the quiet sorrow still emanating through their rings to her, that he would be soothed by spending some quality time alone with her, now that they have some to spare. "Thank you for waiting, beloved... I believe we could both still use more rest, hmm?"
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' ''A monster exists outside the concepts of good and evil - It is its purpose that determines where it stands. You are once again right, Dark Angel. ''
He nods to the woman across them, his face still a quiet facade above the raging waters. "Thank you for your time, lady Aine. And if you ever want more information on Damian, then, by all means, you will know where to find me."
He nods at the words his wife uses, choosing to reamin silent once again, as she voices everytihng he could have wanted to say perfectly. And he turns towards her, his quiet sorrow reaching her, and he sees the concern in her eyes - concern he also holds for her.
"Y-Yes... Yes, I would like to rest beloved."
''And perhaps, only perhaps... Find some measure of peace with you, Ryshassa. ''
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Revision as of 15:48, 27 February 2009

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