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#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
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== Opal of the Forge ==
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> At this moment, in that place, she was as few would see her in her long life. Perhaps it was the Essence that flowed through her, exciting every fiber of her being, sending shivers up her spin as the mystical current coursed through her. She had cast aside her robes, standing bare to all the world so that she might feel the flow uninhibited, letting the gentle charge fill every fiber of her intoxicatingly beautiful limbs, her fingers moving with deft precision as she worked almost in a trance state. Her unbound hair glimmered faintly with a faint sheen of the same sweat that covered her form, lending her the appearance of a statue covered in early morning dew.
Under her skilled, slender hands a medalion began to shape... it was a simple thing, seemingly a complex weave of metal around with a gap in the bottom, though she had seemed to once obsess over the alignment of each, and its relationship with the others. Hours she had crafted, giving her all over toward it, forcing away fatigue, hunger, or thirst... such was her focus that she almost did not notice the Godblood who attended her, assisting her with the more minor sundries required in the crafting of the object.
<b>Riotous Amber:</b> Riotous Amber was in a bit of a pickle. He tried not to look at first. He honest tried <i>very</i> hard. When she'd step into the room, he'd strangled down his gasp and stopped his eyes from going wide so he could introduce himself politely. When she'd told him what she wished of him, he had listened carefully and nodded in comprehension while fighting off the urge to get lost in her eyes.
It was when she started to undress that things got a bit more difficult.
Sweat trickled down the back of his, into the collar of his web-coat and across his back. Focusing with urgent intensity, he ground away with mortar and pestle at a red-root whose name he should have known by heart, but right now only knew as "the right one."
He kept his eyes averted at first. Oh, he couldn't stop the golden-red glow from creeping up his boyish face, but he bit his lip and carried on with the tasks she had assigned him. There was only so much alchemy a young man could run through his mind to try to keep calm. And he was running short rather quickly.
That she didn't seem overtly aware of his presence aided his Herculean endeavor. But he nervously tugged at his long golden-blond pony tail every so often just the same. Sometimes when she moved close and her scent filled the air, he'd shift from foot to foot or his spine would turn to stone and he couldn't move at all. And whenever she spoke, a tremble ran through his narrow frame that made every tool and bottle and piece of equipment strapped to his body rattle with sadistic glee.
Riotous Amber was unafraid of man or monster, ghost or raksha. But girls <i>women <b>beautiful women</b></i> Amber peeked back again, saw the outline of curves through her slip, then whipped his head back to the alchemical tools on the table in front of him and began to slam the mortar and pestle together. Well, peoples of the feminine persuasion were another matter.
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> And so, thus was the way things went. Opal obsessively turning her attention toward her work as the minutes became hours, her slender, deft fingers moving with such speed and skill as to be difficult to see at times, her pale gaze entirely absorbed in her art. Once the infusion was prepared, she had Amber cover it with a lid to keep the formula from oxidizing. Finally... after many, many hours, she had finished all her preparations, and with a wave of her hand, bid Amber to summon Selina and Moon. Once this was asked, she didn't move, as if considering her work for a time before she would add the finishing touch.
<b>Riotous Amber:</b> Setting aside his own work, the god-blooded boy bobbed his head repeatedly to her gesture and scampered from the room, his stomach churning in a mix of relief and disappointment. Hunting down the two Exalts, he lead them back to Opal, then quickly tucked himself into a corner and fidgeted as he waited for the pale Jade Born to call for him again.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> A burden, such as it was, had been lifted.
Moon's face was still glowing faintly when the kid came to fetch them. As they followed after the god-blooded boy, he kept an arm around Selina, snugging her hip against his own, sometimes giving in to the urge to nuzzle her softly and inhale her scent. Good time good night. Would have been nice to let it linger awhile longer, but duty called.
" sheeyit" he whistled out as they stepped into the room. His eyes sketched across Opal and
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Her eyes do the same, as she comes in with Moon, chasing some unknown prey across the fae's form, before coming to rest on her face. She was no stranger to unearthly beauty, but this one seemed something like...
<i>The Pale Angel.</i>
Something like, anyway. The eyes weren't red, at least.
<i>You'd best not go about me like that forever, woman.</i>
"No," She says softly, under her breath. "I don't think we need to watch every single one."
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> "Amber, if you would please take a few drops of their blood and mix it with the infusion, and collect the Moonsilver from Master Moon?"
<b>Riotous Amber:</b> "I... um... y-yes my lady..." the god-blood stuttered, inching across the room towards the two Exalts. Digging through the pile of assorted equipment strapped to his person, he drew out a thin cutting-blade from a leather pocket and pair of vials from a pouch at his hip. A hesitant smile on his lips he held the blade out at them. "It won't hurt much, i-if you'd please."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Something in Selina's voice made him glance at her from the corner of his eye. She sounded... incensed? Not that he didn't understand why. The chalky lady was a fine bit to look at on the best of days, but half-dressed and glistening
He eyed Opal again. There was still something though maybe it was just her scent. Made it feel more like looking at a statue of the Smiling Lover than at a real woman. Sure, she was fun to look at, but he almost instinctively wanted to give her nipple a tweak for good luck and move on to where the warmth was.
Shaking his head to himself, Moon let go of Selina and rolled up the sleeve of his coat. "Tap away, kid. Just remember I'm still usin' most of it."
<b>Riotous Amber:</b> With quick and surprisingly deft hands, Amber traced out a vein on the Lunar's arm and pricked it open with the tip of his blade and pressed down with the cold edge to let it flow, holding the vial beneath it to catch the crimson drops. Almost as soon as it was half-filled, the knife vanished back into the web-work of his coat and he whipped a length of damp white cloth out of another pocket, filling the air with the reek of antiseptics as he tied it in place over Moon's arm.
A golden-hued blush lit up his boyish face as he turned to Selina next, his smile struggling not to grow large. "U-um... at your leisure, my lady."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> She still didn't have her coat, so it was merely a matter of sliding one long glove off -- the left-arm one, till it was in her right hand. That arm had scars too, though not as many as her torso. What was one more?
She'd do this herself, though. Looking to the god-blood, Selina gestures for the knife with her naked hand.
"If knife-work is going to be done on me, I'll do it."
<b>Riotous Amber:</b> "I... um..." he shifted from foot to foot for a moment, then paused to pull an inch of another bandage out of his pocket and wipe the blade clean before handing it over to her. After another moments hesitation, he offered her the empty vial too.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Taking the knife from Amber with her right hand after draping the glove over one shoulder, Selina makes a little cut in her arm near the wrist, letting some blood fill the vial about half-way before stopping the flow, and giving the vial and knife back to Amber. "There you go." She looks past him, back to the marble fae.
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> Her form doesn't move, as if focusing on the Essence flow of the device before her. It seemed to flow in the correct manner, and the moonsilver would most likely take the essence flow well, but that remained to be seen.
<b>Riotous Amber:</b> "Thank you..." he offered quitely, watching her work with widened eyes. Taking the knife and the vial back, the knife vanished back into his pocket and the vial clutched between his fingers. Looking at the cut on her arm, the length of scars that ran beyond it, he licked his lips softly a moment, then whipped out the second bandage and thrust it into her hand. "It... it won't scar with that."
Leaving them with that, he took their blood and hurried back over to the work area, mixing the blood in as Opal had instructed.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Yes, I don't want this one as a scar." The Windian demures, wrapping the bandage around her wrist and hoping the wound healed quickly, so she could put the glove back on. Specially made clothing like this wasn't cheap.
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> Once the mixture was complete, an acrid tinge in the air told it was ready. She finally brought her eyes away from the medalion, and looked toward Amber. "Thank you for your help, Amber. Could you bring that to me with a small brush?"
<b>Riotous Amber:</b> The young god-blood nearly jumped back when she looked at him, eyes snapping up from somewhere bellow her neck, face growing deathly pale, then beautifully rosy-gold.
"I... uh... I-I-I..." He stopped and swallowed hard. Moving in a sudden flurry, he snatched up the brush she asked for and dashed to her side depositing it beside her before stumbling away.
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> She paid him a gentle smile, and with one hand took the bowl and with the other the brush, and dipped it into the mixture, and began to oh so carefully coat the Moonsilver with the concoction.
Once this was finished, with a small bit of silk cloth, she carefully inserted the shard into the small hole in the metal latex. A small, gentle click could be heard. She smiled a little as the Essence flow suddenly altered into the correct pattern. She lifted it up, and moved over to Selina. "It is done. Place this around the next of the person or thing the masquerade shall be done to, and influse it with your Essence."
"Be warned, however, that the illusion shall last only one day once you activate it. A more permanate version /could/ be made, but not in the time available." She held the artifact out for Selina to take.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "That will be...enough." She replies, taking it from Opal, handling it carefully with her gloved hand as she turns it with the bare, examining it. She wanted to examine it further with her special sight, and did so, diving into the Trance, turquoise eyes opening again to discern the mystical makeup of the thing.
"And this will fool them...how well, would you say?"
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> "It will only project an image of you over that of the wearer." She frowned a little bit as she saw Selina's Essence pulse, and she hrms a bit. "As you can see, the Moonsilver along with the mixture of your blood cause a small Essence field around the wearer that distorts light to make it appear as you." She arches an eyebrow. "If my Lady is satisfied, I shall go attire myself."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "It may not hold up under an ability such as mine, but it should suffice initially." She nods to the fae, chuckling at her. Selina would have to show her to the Pale Angel, yes she would. "Yes, I am most satisfied."
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> "I am pleased that you are pleased, then." She moved toward her robes, which were folded almost reverently on a table. Unfolding them, she began to don them.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Looking to Moon, Selina raises her eyebrows in appreciation of the artifact. "Well, this will work nicely. And is the old bastard comes instead of a Terrestrial...I can kill him on the spot."
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> Once she felt herself again in her pearlesent white robes, she nods her head a little bit. "Will there be anything else, my Lady?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Having been watching Opal more than examining the artifact, Moon glanced back to Selina and narrowed his eyes at the amulet. "Question now is what poor fucker we get ta wear the thing..." He reached over and caressed a finge along it's edge. "Kinda gonna be a death sentence..."
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> "Put it on one of the automatons."
*Seventh Moon thought about that a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, guess we could. Sure as hell better'n askin' some poor shit ta prance around bein' a distraction till someone stuck a knife in 'um."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Oh, so it does not need a living person then?" Selina purses her lips, thinking as she taps them with the now free index finger of the bare hand. "I could make a Messenger to bear it. What a surprise that would be to them, I think."
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> She merely nods her head. "It is as to wield as madamme sees fit. If you both will excuse me, I must see that my assistant and I garner some nourishment. If that is permissable, of course."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Yes. You may attend to your needs, Opal. Enjoy your meal." Selina purrs, wondering how long she has to keep the bandage on before she's healed. Well, with her exalted stamina aiding...hopefully not long at all.
<i>But the question is, where would we get a corpse?</i>
<b>Exceedingly Sublime Opal:</b> She bowed her head toward Selina and Moon, and began to move toward the doorway, moving with an almost hypnotic and otherworldly grace as she did so. She looked to Amber, beckoned with a hand for him to join her. Maybe she could have a nice scholorly discussion for once, even if the boy kept looking at her posterior.
<b>Riotous Amber:</b> Frozen to the same place he had been since the moment Opal had smiled at him, Amber blinks at her motion before comprehension sets in. Lips parted slightly, he stumbles after in her wake, moving like a man in trance past Exalted.
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Revision as of 15:35, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels