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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
== Seventh Movement ==
== Rhapsody ==
=== Countdown ===
[[GoldenCat/ShadesOfEventide00|Enter the Blood Angel!]]<br> - ''Elizabeth Holysword comes back home with the new age of the Dance!''
* [[GoldenCat/ShadesOfEventide35|Belladonna and Firebird]]<br> - ''Kanti and Ryshy talk... and the Firebird discovers the Belladonna's darkest secrets!''
* [[GoldenCat/ShadesOfEventide37|Of Princes and Maids]]<br> - ''Alexander and Kanti use Ryshassa's gift... and play.''
* [[GoldenCat/ShadesOfEventide36|Of Princes and Knaves]]<br> - ''Prince Alexander sees Sweet Raiton... and is moved to confront his mistakes, and see wether he is a prince or a knave...''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown00|Countdown: Murder in Spire]]<br> - ''A library painted in blood, the most unlikely of killers... the Shades gather, and spring into action!''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown01|Countdown: The Hunt for Fiona]]<br> - ''Looking for their possessed friend, the Shades of Eventide walk into way more than they bargained for...''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown02|Countdown: The Murder Psalm]]<br> - ''Facing familair faces on the Virdynn and pure death on the Lords of Massacre, the Shades throw their best against a litanny of murder...''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown03|Countdown: Burning Faith]]<br> - ''Against a Flame That Sears All, the Shades count with an impossible defense and an unexpected arrival...''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown04|Countdown: Rage Against the Past]]<br> - ''A moment of relief spoiled as memories of past reach the Celestials... and the Moon-Chosen rage against them.''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown05|Countdown: Feathers, Silence and Chaos]]<br> - ''Between Chaos and Silence, no secret shall remain locked in the Priest's lips... if he survives long enough to talk.''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown06|Countdown: To Save the Silence]]<br> - ''Through rage and fire, the Shades fight to save the life of Iselsis and the soul of a God.''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown07|Countdown: Love the World]]<br> - ''Hurt and Weary, the Shades cannot save Spire... but Love of the World gives them a chance against a dark ritual and rogue gods...''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown08|Countdown: Fight of Days]]<br> - ''Days and Leonas go look for the only woman capable of saving Fiona... but Calobis has gotten to her first.''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown09|Countdown: Shattered Souls]]<br> - ''As two souls are about to be torn asunder, Enchantment is Saved, and Silence Awakens...''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown10|Countdown: To Ashes]]<br> - ''The Shade fight their way into a Cat God's Temple against the best of the best in a Hekatonkire's forces...''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown11|Countdown: Deepdive]]<br> - ''Moon breaks into a cathedral. Alex dances between scores of shadows. Kanti dances over the high temple's walls.<br><br>The Shades fight scores of foes... if they have to crossdress to do it!''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown12|Countdown: Zero Hour]]<br> - ''The mad rush to stop the death of a city, through all obstacles placed on their path...''
[[GoldenCat/Countdown13|Countdown: And So It Comes to This!]]<br> - ''... culminates with light breaking death, with the destruction of murder and the sending of a Hekatonkire!''
* [[GoldenCat/Heads00|Heads: Flight of Love]]<br> - ''A Silver Angel cradles an uncertain prince in wings of love.''
* [[GoldenCat/Heads02|Heads: Sun's Fire]]<br> - ''Kanti presents the Prince with Xue... and dances in the Heart of Zenith.''
=== Amber Hunt ===
[[GoldenCat/AmberHunt00|Amber Hunt: Beauties in Amber]]<br> - ''The Angels walk into Amber Post, meeting old and new faces, dealing with the bureaucratic nightmare of the Guild.''
[[GoldenCat/AmberHunt01|Amber Hunt: Dreams of Love and Betrayal]]<br> - ''The Angels dream, meet their Mistress, and see their hopes and secrets laid bare... and nothing shall ever be the same''
[[GoldenCat/AmberHunt02|Amber Hunt: The Best of Days]]<br> - ''The Angels explode into indignation, and as the day starts poor for the Pale Angel... an only gets worse.''
[[GoldenCat/AmberHunt03|Amber Hunt: Burning Breakfast]]<br> - ''The Pale Angel fights a Firebrand, the Dark Angel eats, and a plan is hatched.''
[[GoldenCat/AmberHunt04|Amber Hunt: Through Golden Chains]]<br> - ''The Angels fight their way out of trap upon trap sprung by mercenaries, while fighting their greatest enemy... each other.''
[[GoldenCat/AmberHunt05|Amber Hunt: Pale Memories]]<br> - ''On the ground, the Pale Angel looks into the eyes of death, seeing her past... and her future.''
[[GoldenCat/AmberHunt06|Amber Hunt: Generations]]<br> - ''Assassins. Chosen. Poisoners. Gods. Three generations of killers meet in a dance of blood and betrayal...''
[[GoldenCat/AmberHunt07|Amber Hunt: The Seneschal]]<br> - ''Things finally calm down, and the tournament will be set... if they can convince Arguin Cesta, Seneschal of Amber Post.''
=== Great Truths ===
[[GoldenCat/GreaTruths00|Great Truths: Killer in Onyx and Crimson!]]<br> - ''The Windwraith faces a terrible enemy within his very own airship...''
[[GoldenCat/GreaTruths01|Great Truths: The Zephyr Feline]]<br> - ''The Windwraith brings Shara out, makes her part of the Zephyr, saves Millia and hears a terrrible prophecy...''
[[GoldenCat/GreaTruths02|Great Truths: Gold Tarnished in Blood]]<br> - ''The Windwraith leaves the Prince at the Empyrean Stair... discovering terrible truths, fighting with words to mantain the honor of Gods.''
[[GoldenCat/GreaTruths03|Great Truths: Square Circle]]<br> - ''Back to the Empyrean Stair, Cael walks into a Garden of Emotions, brings life to a Prince, and a country girl to wondrous learning...''
[[GoldenCat/GreaTruths04|Great Truths: Cats and Clouds]]<br> - ''With a goal in mind, the Windwraith tip-toes between his servant and his pet...''
[[GoldenCat/GreaTruths05|Great Truths: Winds of Fate]]<br> - ''A visit by Cian Huang, Angel of All Colors, a most auspicious tutelage, and the Windwraith meets Fate-Born Twins...''
[[GoldenCat/GreaTruths06|Great Truths: A Dance of Diplomats]]<br> - ''Cael meets with the Hanslanti delegation to the Great Forks... and sets his plans in motion.''
=== Behind the Scenes ===
[[GoldenCat/BehindtheScenes01|Behind the Scenes: Stairway to Heaven!]]<br> - ''Stars and Statues take a surreal walk towards the Divine City.''
[[GoldenCat/BehindtheScenes02|Behind the Scenes: Big Blue Bastards]]<br> - ''Gennadi returns to the Cerulean Lute of Harmony, surrounded by gossip and attention, and challenges Kanti's creator...''
* [[GoldenCat/BehindtheScenes021|The Color of the Sea]]<br> - ''Gennadi goes meet an old friend... and quite an unexpected guest.''
[[GoldenCat/BehindtheScenes03|Behind the Scenes: The Broken Wheel]]<br> - ''Alexsei walks in a Graveyard Garden with a Lonely Amethyst and rushes to repair one of the most fundamental aspects of existence!''
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 16:10, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels