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== Trust No One ==
It is not snowing anymore.
And yet, chilling winds cut through the Windian night, howling through the windmills and the tall spires, through the homes on the cliffs of mountains, through the great open spaces in the great castle far above.
On the hangar where the Quicksilver Zephyr stands, it gets ample space to howl, on the great hangar, made for winged technicians to fly on and fix the hulls of the great airships having nothing but the forest beneath them... and the great walkways for the land-bound to walk out of. Of course, now it was mostly rusted, and the Quicksilver Zephyr was the first craft to bless it in decades...
... and there is stands, while its pilot has a calm night... after meeting with Deathknights, Lunars and Sidereals, after discussing with all facets of heaven and the underworld, he has a calm night before he can return to the others.. whom he is not sure what to call anymore.
For now, light filters out of the silver craft into the walkways of the empty hangar, while wind howls outside...
'''Cael: ''' Cael walked out of Anne's room, having put the girl to bed after another origami and writing lesson, the compromise they had come to. She would learn to write, and in return, he would teach her what he knew of origami, which she had taken quite a shine too. As the door slipped shut behind him him, he made his way up to the sunlounge on the top of the ship, the large windows letting him view the hanger, and out of the front door of it, the city on the cliff face, a thousand glimmering lights, as long as Cael didn't look so closely.
"Cal, some warm wine, if you please." he addresses the air as he settles himself on one of the comfortable chairs, starting to read a book he pulls from his pocket, before he sets that down with a sigh, and starts to sketch upon the air, half written letters to a dozen people flowing from the Binds to hang there as he studies them.
'''Calisara: ''' "Of course, master!" The air replies, insible hands gathering the wine and bringing to his room, setting it in a chalice whose colors and style would fit the situation... she moves behind Cael, the air caressing him as she whispers... of things to come, of things within the Zephyr... while massging his shoulders and back gently...
'''Iselsis: ''' From high overhead she had been watching the Zephyr, her longcoat liquid black and her position, sheltered from star and moonlight by the overhanging clouds letting her do so in peace. She had been hoping she could catch the Windwraith outside, however it seemed like no such thing was going to be happening.
With a small sigh she bound her scarf around her face and tipped her hat down low to obscure her face. Then she swoops down to the landing platform, making sure not to be seen, and enters the ship.
Sticking to the shadows as always she finds her way to the sunlounge, soundlessly entering the room and becoming like a liquid black shadow against the wall.
'''Calisara: ''' Suddenly, a breeze takes Iselsis' hat off of her head... and it stops in mid-air
A figure begins to appear, a feminine figure of quicksilver eyes and milky skin, clad only in swirling patterns of clouds in her skin... winking at Iselsis.
"Hello there, silly. Welcome to the Quicksilver Zephyr!" She says, tipping the hat and posing. "You could have... knocked, you know!"
'''Iselsis: ''' She glares at the being before her like she just comitted some atrocity by even touching her hat. Of course, how could Cal know the emotional implications of it. She reaches out and plucks it off the figure's head and puts it back on.
"Please don't touch that.", she says with an ice cold kind of civility.
"I should've known it wouldn't be so easy to sneak onto a first age airship. Doesn't matter, it is not you who I'm hiding from", she says as she adjusts her hat and tips it down over her eyes again.
* Calisara handles it back cheerfully, "You don't need to be so sensitive about it!" She says as she walks around the room, closer to Cael... "Do you wish anything to drink... Dragoness?" She says the last after a pause. As if she spent some time wondering wether or not it was the right title...
'''Cael: ''' Cael sits up a little higher in the seat, a faint smile on his face and a slightly dreamlike appearance to him. His longcoat is drapped by the side of the chair, a few rings glint on his fingers, but aside from that his clothing is made simple black silk.
"So just who is it you are hiding from then, lady ...?" he trails off, letting her fill in the name the she wishes to be known by.
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm fine, thank you.", though the civility in her voice still seemed a bit... flacid.
"You may call me Iselsis. Though I'd rather that name did not leave this room, mister Pattona. Or do you prefer to be called the Windwraith?", she walks over to a nearby chair and sits down, assuming a rather businesslike, professional, and matter of factly position. Cael could probably tell this was no random mysterious stranger who'd picked her talents up on their own and informally.
"You find yourself caught by the tides of fate lately. Do you not?"
'''Cael: ''' "The windwraith ... Cael ... mister Pattona..." he shrugs laguidly and takes a sip of his wine, banishing the letters floating in the air with a wave of his other hand, the characters and words flowing back into the Binds "Call me which of these you wish, Iselsis. I will answer to all of them. As to your name, I will consider your request, though that depends on just what you tell me ... "
He takes another sip of the wine "I would not say caught by the tides of fate ... that rather implies I have no choice but to be here. However, I am quite interested and involved in local events, yes."
'''Iselsis: ''' She seems to smile between the striped scarf covering the lower portion of her face.
"Ah, don't we all just ''love'' to think we control our own fate. No, mister Pattona. I have seen far too much lately to be convinced that all these things being set in motion, these things which concern all of us and have us all wrapped up in this...", she gestures idly, as if it were the wrong word, "war, are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Forgive me the northern humor."
"How are your friends doing, the two deathknights whom serve the Lover? And the young prince. I've heard what happened to his sister, a shame I must say."
And under the mask a grin spreads, as she waits for his reaction.
'''Cael: ''' "We are all just players on a stage, eh?" he raises an eyebrow as he continues to sip his wine slowly, considering what she said, and the strange grin the face uncovered hinted at. "I tend to think that is an unnessesarily fatalistic attitude to take, though I can see why it might offer some comfort..."
"Anyway, to the best of my knowledge, my friends are all in good health." he tilts his head "Though I somehow doubt their health is why you chose to visit me on this dark and stormy night."
'''Iselsis: ''' "How coy of you. I know why you are here, mister Pattona, we both know you're not just here out of curiosity for local events."
She leans back, rivetting her fingers together across her stomach before continuing. "I came here to warn you, Windwraith. What do you really think this conflict is all about? The abyssals and their dead? Why would they move as agressively as they have? What do they have to gain from open warfare? Even then, those players are not known for their subtlety, but I know of at least one who - I believe - is."
"If this conversation is to go any further, I'm afraid I must have your word that once I'm gone you will forget me, my name, and that this conversation ever happened. I may be here to warn you, mister Pattona, but I cannot take the personal risk of being exposed."
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles a thin smile, as he studies the black wrapped figure in front of him.
''You who seems to know so much of me, just why are you here? ''
He asks the question of her silently, his essence pulling the answer from her mind without her knowledge, laying her motives on her own reasons for fighting this war bare before him.
'''Iselsis: ''' When Cael peers within her mind he sees many things...
There's Windia, larger than life, accompanied by feelings of nostalgia, loyalty and an intense sense of duty.
Then a woman who smells of northern flowers, with hair of gold, flowers in her hair, but a cold duality to her... this is accompanied by even larger feelings than before, both loyalty and a sense of duty, as well as something more... very strong, intense affection.
Then three of the Bishop's... a Wretched tormented in a twisted flame of duality, green and gold both at once, a faceless priest of the dead, spear through his chest, and a bald ghost wrapped and tormented by prayer strips hovering over a discarded, slain warform. In unison they point a blaming finger forward, pointed at Iselsis, and at Cael by proxy.
A great sense of dread wells up then, and as the two dead and the Wretched bathed in flame utter the word "Monster" there is an infernal wail as a twisted, horrible devil creature jumps out at Cael's minds eye, with a screech enough to terrify even the staunchest exalt.
And then the images are gone.
'''Cael: ''' ''So you are fighting for the right side, or at least not on the wrong one, miss Iselsis... ''
''And you are fighting for a woman too, someone you care for and feel for deeply... ''
''And you are fighting because you fear you are a monster... ''
''Perhaps that is why you take comfort in the idea of a fate that leads you.... ''
Cael lets no sign of the images that play through his mind reach his body as he studies the woman for a little bit more, apparently trying to decide on what his magic had already told him.
"Your name and who you are, I will keep to myself then. You have my word on that." he takes a sip of his wine, and waits for her to speak.
'''Iselsis: ''' She nods, and starts...
"There are those among us who do not wish to be seen, heard, or even remembered. Hard to place from one moment to another even when they're right there, you know they were there one moment, and then the next, but the space in between is blank."
"I only know this now because I willed myself to remember. I know clearly that I forgot one of these already, and I may have forgotten her several times already. I am an expert on things of lore, mister Pattona, yet I could find no documentation on anything like this. Doesn't that strike you as odd?"
'''Cael: ''' ''Ah, she seeks to warn me of who I already know about. ''
"If you consider that you, as one of the Exalted, have to exert an effort of will to recall them, why do you assume Creation can do better? None the less, it is of concern that they exist, yes."
'''Iselsis: ''' "It is of concern indeed. Because I get a feeling that there is a war going on in the background that most of us aren't even aware of, and it is far more complex than fighting off a few legions of the dead."
She furrows her brow, "It concerns me greatly that things that are happening when all taken seperately may seem like simple coincidence seem more and more orchestrated once one starts looking at the full picture. I fear I myself have been manipulated and set up for this very series of events for a very long time now. It seems whatever the shadows have planned is all coming to a head now."
"So I'm here to warn you that not everything may be as it seems."
"Of course wether it'll do either of us any good is questionable. I'm not convinced either of us will remember our little chat by the time we'll meet again."
'''Calisara: ''' Calisara glides closer to Cael then, once again appearing in the air as a good-looking shimmer of quicksilver...
"Eventful day... there is someone outside too, but he has enough politeness not to barge in like she did. It is... a star-chosen. Seems familiar somehow... do you wish me to let him in?"
'''Iselsis: ''' ''Star chosen...? ''
'''Cael: ''' ''One of the starchosen ... Gennadi I must assume. Alexsei would not be here without Ryshassa unless the situation were dire... ''
''Unless, of course, he is someone else whose memory has passed beyond my recollection as well as Cal's''
"So, Iselsis, since you are my guest at the present, and since you have concern over your identity, would you like to meet another of the hidden people who you do not remember from one moment to the next?"
'''Iselsis: ''' Her trigger finger twitches despite herself, though she shows no other outwards signs of being affected by this news.
"By all means. I'm sure neither of us will recall what happened afterwards anyway, so both choices are in fact but one."
''Maybe we'll get to the bottom of this, finally... then... then I won't have to leave Faina, maybe... ''
* Gennadi is already in the room at this point, matching Iselsis words in a dry, amused voice. He stops when she turns back to look at him, bowing. "Thanks for starting the talk with Cael. I appreciate the help." *
'''Iselsis: ''' "Star chosen. Interesting title. Anathema, no doubt. The type that doesn't like to be remembered, apparantly." she glances over at Gennadi, and waits... for an explanation of the intrusion as much as anything else.
'''Calisara: ''' "Hello there!" She smiles, servile once again, and clearly not recognizing Gennadi in the least. "Is there anything I can get you, Chosen of the Maidens?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "No, I'm good. Thank you anyway, miss." He nods at her. "It's not so much a question of like, as I'm afraid with all the trouble going on, no one remembers someone quite so dull as me."
'''Cael: ''' "Welcome back to the Zephyr, Gennadi." Cael says in greeting to the Chosen of Serenity "What brings you back here so soon?"
He takes another sip of his wine, and smiles reassuringly at Calisara.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Business, though no reason not to enjoy it. I thought you might like the other side of the tale being presented to you, as a bit of good will from our great conspiracy." He shakes his head. "Besides, things are likely to get more complicated soon, and I can hardly make an appointment."
* Calisara looks at Cael as he says Gennadi's name... then back at the Chosen of Serenity, irritated, gliding back to the proximity of Cael.
'''Iselsis: ''' She raps her fingers on the armrest of the chair impatiently.
"Would someone be so kind as to inform me what the heck is going on?", irritating thick in her voice. Apparantly she wasn't quite pleased with all of this.
* Gennadi shrugs. "You are right, things are more than they seem, there is danger, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Of course, you've got the details wrong, and as important as Cael is likely to be, I thought I'd get involved. Mind if I sit? This is going to take a while."
'''Cael: ''' ''Ah, you too would tell me of who I know of already. ''
''Well, perhaps what the pair of you tell me might appromimate to the truth. ''
"Ah, well, I suppose I must thank you for deciding to tell me of this." he makes a gesture towards several of the chairs "Please do."
'''Iselsis: ''' She crosses her arms defiantly and pulls the scarf from her face, tipping the hat off and placing it on the end table next to her. In the process revealing her pointed ears, two small horns portruding from her forehead, and when she talks her fangs.
She glances at Calisara "I think I'll have that drink now. Make it something with alcohol please." she glances at the other two "Mind if I smoke?"
'''Calisara: ''' Of course...
She says, vanishing. A moment later, she is back, pouring some whisky for Iselsis, in a crystal clear cup.
"I hope that is to your liking!"
* Gennadi selects one, settling into it comfortably and resting an arm over the back. "Go right ahead, so long as it's not particularly foul."
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs, "No more than someone coming in and potentially ruining what little hope I had of a future. So I'm sure you'll be inclined to forgive me."
She nods her thanks at Calisara and fishes a cigarette out of her coat, blowing gently on the tip to light it, before taking a few contented puffs, and a sip of her drink.
"I figure the costume isn't necesary at this point. Either he knows the wrong people", she thumbs at Gennadi, "and it's curtains for me, or he doesn't and it won't matter at all anyhow."
She seemed rather... irritated.
'''Gennadi: ''' "You say that as if knowing the wrong people means I tell them what I know. Anything I can do before we start to make you feel a bit better?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Not unless you happen to know a great deal of my past.", she says between taking draws from her cigarette
'''Cael: ''' ''My what interesting horns you have... ''
Cael takes another sip of the warmed wine, settling back into his seat, watching the pair of them talk.
''And such a fatalistic attitude.... ''
"Well, now we are sitting comfortably, perhaps you should begin?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "You really don't want to know, babe... ah, yes. Basically, she's chasing shadows, and not the people casting them. To suggest control of such an all-encompassing nature is, to be blunt, utterly ridiculous. If you want to find a reason for random chance, you will. Things ARE coming to a head, mind, but it's not really our fault, and you're better off worrying about the devils you know, rather than the devils who aren't."
'''Iselsis: ''' "How very cryptic, and yes, I really would like to know. But the way you're talking I'm unconvinced you know anything. Beyond how to spin vague nonsense."
'''Gennadi: ''' "What good is telling you the truth when all you're going to remember in a few hours is my shoes?"
'''Iselsis: ''' That touched a nerve.
She leaps out of her chair and shoves a finger in Gennadi's face. "You'd be surprised about the things I remember, like your furry faced little friend with the taint of the wyld about her! I suggest you start talking before I lose what little patience I have left and decide to
start using you for target practice!"
'''Cael: ''' "Iselsis, I will not have violence on my ship. If you wish to take Gennadi to target practive, please invite him outside first."
"Gennadi, if you would try to stop baiting her quite so much, please, and actually tell us something?"
He doesn't rise from his seat, but his voice carries across the room easily in command.
* Gennadi lightly kisses the tip of the finger. "Sorry, dear. I'm afraid I don't know much about your past, I could find out if you made it worth the effort, and the baiting does have a point. She's going to remember the annoying mysterious person better than if I was quite so polite. Look how well that worked with calisaera."
* The winds spiral out of Iselsis as Gennadi does the kiss. They begin blowing, and growing green all around Gennadi.... linking the two... smoothing all sound out of the room as they circle around Gennadi.... and it seems to push her towards him...<br><br>Iselsis forces herself... with alll her strength... and manages to pull away.<br><br>An explosion of green fire fills the air, and the winds, about her anf Gennadi, spiral around the room, cutting through candles and a painting, as Iselsis falls on the floor... and then, it is over.
Iselsis: Her eyes are wide, like they're about to burst from her sockets, her pupils narrow with shock, she scrambles backwards from the blast, her mouth agape at what just happened. Not that she knew ''what'' just happened, but something did!
"What the flying ''fuck'' was that!?"
Her hand extands and something of essence shimmers in it, producing one of her plasma repeater pistols, pointed quite nicely at the spot right between Gennadi's eyes.
"Explain! ''Now! ''"
Meanwhile the winds had ripped open the clasps of her longcoat, revealing the toned and lithe body wearing iron boots and a glossy black leather bodysuit underneath.
* Gennadi shakes his head a bit, coughing. "Green... fire? I'm afraid I'm at as much of a loss as you are..." He leans around her gun, and after a quick look at her others, he looks to Cael. "You checked her for hidden sorcery before you let her in, right?"
'''Cael: ''' ''....Well, that was interesting... ''
''Most interesting. ''
Cael considered, as the green winds blew out from the Sidereal, and tried to pull the two together, the winds silienceing the room.
''Green Light. ''<br>
''Silent winds. ''
''Green light? ''<br>
''Silent winds? ''
'''Iselsis: ''' She scrambles to her feet, the clicking sound of her pushing the hammer down with her thumb. She's trembling now as the reality of the situation starts to dawn on her, her eyes flare up with the green flame of malfeas.
"You bastard! I knew you were one of them! I knew it! You tried to draw the devil out! WHY! Tell me why!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, yes, I came here to steal your devil with two witnesses and quite likely Cael's trust on the line. Also, I have such poor self control I wanted a look at your tits while I did it. Do you wholly fail to believe in bad luck, or is that cigarette not what I thought?" His eyes flash. "Now, put the weapon away. You can defend whatever honor you've got left later."
'''Cael: ''' ''Adjordan. ''
''Now '''that''' was truely interesting, above and beyond anything Gennadi actually told him. ''
"Please, put your gun down Iselsis, and take a seat. I am at least reasonably certain Gennadi did not intend that to happen, and if you fire at him, then I will attack you. I will not have violence on the Zephyr. Perhaps if you take the gun from his face, Gennadi might offer more of an explanation of why the pair of you got demonic winds to orbit around my lounge, yes?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She is still trembling as she glances at Cael. She studies his expression long and hard, and determines in the end that he probably isn't one of the ones in the conspiracy against her. Not unless the spirit council were in on it all, and that's too much a stretch for even ''her'' to believe.
She uncocks the gun with a clicking sound and puts it back in its holster under her coat, before sinking into her chair.
"Demonic winds are what you get when you cross a demonblooded with an air aspect dragonblooded of the finest breeding.", she fishes a new cig out, lights it, and takes a puff, trembling a little less "Sure as fuck has never done ''that'' before though."
"You also get twisted demonic visages made of wind of the air dragon. Maybe if we'd waited long enough we would've gotten ''that'' too.", biting sarcasm.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'm going to suggest we skip that until the second date."
'''Iselsis: ''' "If it's good enough for the Wretched it's good enough for you." she bites back.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Touche. Though I like to think of myself as at least pathetic. Now, Cael? You know that the yozis are not exactly our biggest fans. I probably went a bit far stirring the pot, and her patron siezed on it to lash out at what was close."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I don't ''have'' a patron.", she grumps.
'''Gennadi: ''' "You sure? It certainly seems like there's a lot of interest."
'''Cael: ''' "Unless, of course, it was a taint you shared." Cael says very simply.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Demons made in a freaking machine don't have freaking patrons. I think I would know, considering I have a big library containing secret lore from the world 'round and there is no bloody precedent.", she glares at Gennadi "And it was your kind that tampered with it in the first place and made me this way!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Do I look tainted to you, Cael? I may be horny on occasion, but not like those. I'd like a look at that library... as for my kind, I like to think we'd know how to hide a patron, and also know better than to have it pissed off at us."
'''Iselsis: ''' "You're not getting a look at my bloody library!" ... "I should shoot you ''by association.", she glances back at Cael "Is there something this guy isn't telling us?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I admit I am in the area mostly for research. We could trade notes... think of it as prevention. That stuff was going to shove you into my lap. Do you want to piss it off now?"
"It'll try again. And again. And probably stronger next time..."
'''Iselsis: ''' ... "SHUT. UP."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Make up your mind. First you want me to tell you everything, then you want me to shut up again. I told you you didn't want to know when we started all this, and you went and ignored me."
"One strange occurance and meeting the floor later, you haven't learned anything?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Yet you still bloody well haven't told me or us anything. Tell him, Pattona!"
'''Cael: ''' ''Well, since you can't be honest about that ... ''<br>
Cael sighs inwardly.
''And she has a temper problem''
"Gennadi, I think you have arrgrivated Iselsis quite enough that she will remember you until the day she dies, and now perhaps you should actually tell us something, so that all that remembrance is not in vain?"
* Gennadi clears his throat. "I apologize... things got out of control momentarily. Considering the trouble I've caused you, ask away." *
'''Iselsis: ''' She just crosses her arms firmly below her bosom and lets Cael do the talking. Mostly because she didn't want to exchange another word with the pesky sidereal.
'''Cael: ''' "Well, since I am largely in ignorance of this grand conspiracy or group, perhaps you should tell me something of it to start off with. It is hard to ask questions in the dark, and I am not really in the mood for 20 questions...." Cael asks of the man, then drains the last of his wine.
'''Gennadi: ''' "To start with, it's not that large. It looks that way because of the ripple effect. A small event carefully planned has wide-reaching effects. As for that, as always, it's only one group in name. Everyone involved has their own personal agenda."
"It helps if you think of it as akin to what you do. Convince one person, and they'll convince others, and given time, you have wide-sweeping change."
"As for the stated aims of the group... Keep the world intact, by whatever means necessary. I can say a case like hers is a bit of an aberration."
* Gennadi looks over to Calisara. "I'd appreciate a drink now, if you wouldn't mind... Anyway, given recent events here, you can see why everyone's got their own take on it, and trying to manipulate how you see said conspiracy."
'''Iselsis: ''' "You use a whole lot of words to say nothing.", she remarks snidely between puffs of her cigarette.
* Gennadi grins at her. "Little, not nothing. Speaking of which, you can stop showing off. Now, should I keep being general, or is there a detail that interests you now?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Cases like 'mine', what the heck does that mean?"
"Furthermore I'd like to contest your claim of keeping the world intact. I'd wager to say like all types like you you're only interested in keeping your world intact. No more than trying to keep the status-quo for good or for ill."
'''Calisara: ''' She smiles at Genadi, and in a moment she returns... leaving an glass of Vodka in front of the Sidereal. It is inlaid in the designs of swans on the crystal... "I hope this will please you, Gennadi."
"You know... come to think of it, you didn't change much..."
* Gennadi blinks at her. "I should hope not, it hsan't been that long. Intact is intact.This isn't about economics, or status, this is about not letting the Deathlords, the yozis, or the fae, or anyone else chew up creation and spit it out."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Given that every conspiracy is made of people, it's hardly surprising that the members would think of themselves first. I imagine you'd do the same."
'''Cael: ''' "Yes, I can indeed." he says with a faint smile. This was proving to be more interesting than the first person to tell him of the conspiracy in certain ways.
"Though perhaps you should continue on, there is little to differentiate you from any other large conspiracy, except, perhaps in scale... "
'''Gennadi: ''' "Why should there be? Conspiracies are much alike. A group of people with power interested in using it without interference. In this case, we're simply very good at that. The guild with less interest in money, the immaculate order with less preaching. Our interest is generally pointing exalted at problems so we don't have to solve them ourselves."
'''Iselsis: ''' "You keep avoiding saying a damn thing about me."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'm starting with the big information. I'm sure we'll get to where you factor in in a few hours."
'''Iselsis: ''' She rolls her eyes and stares down her now empty glass of scotch, and motions to Calisara "I could use a refill then, if you don't mind. Might as well get comfortable..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "The issue ismostly that you don't fit into the grand conspiracy, ego to the contrary. Someone was curious about the results of an experiment, you resulted, and made a handy tool, as well as a parable to explain why trying to discuss the conspiracy as a monolithic entity is a fool's errand."
'''Calisara: ''' With another smile, she refills the glass, leaving the bottles on a table nearby. This would take a little while, so might be best to keep it ready... she smiles, but stays silent, manifesting in a shw of shining winds... already with the maid outfit on. And so she goes, cleaning all the mess the deadly wind had made in the room...
'''Iselsis: ''' She sips her drink, waiting for Gennadi to get to the point, though she wonders if that isn't an exercise in futility.
'''Cael: ''' "Perhaps then, if you spoke a little more directly, we would not still be having this discussion in those few hours time, mmm?" he makes a subtle gesture for Calisara to refill his glass as well. "All this meandering around the point is fine, but it is not actually telling me that much."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Now, you're here because you wanted to be here. You wanted to be here because of minor efforts of power in your past. The methods used are not so continous, or so strenous. A word here, a hint there, and let free will do the rest. I don't know the details of your past, and I don't need to, but I can learn them, and that's where the strength lies. It's not a singular, strong conspiracy, it's many manipulators sharing what they know, when it's important or worth it, and that's the strength and the weakness. Deal with your local branch, and you can evade further interest. Right now, it's all about the recent battles in the area, and trying to keep the north from dissolving, so myself and a few others are around."
"That's where YOU fit in" He waves at her. "and what you need to think about. We're not a threat as long as you're on our side, and as long as you keep suceeding. It's not as if any of us care for the alternative. But like any block of exalted, jealousy, lust, and all the other emotions that you and I toy with as our profession get involved."
'''Iselsis: ''' She rubs the bridge of her nose and groans softly, mumbling to herself "I'm going to need a translator for this..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "In a nutshell, we need help, don't like that, and are swarming around trying to get help without asking for it. Nudging random heroes into position to stave off the rise of the deathlords, and more trouble is coming.
'''Iselsis: ''' "And you can find out more about my past and what's going to happen to me?"
"Because current consensus is that I'll turn into a ravening monster and have to kill myself when that happens. I'd really rather avoid that."
'''Gennadi: ''' "If you'll drop me a note, I'll do it for you. No charge."
"Still, yes. I could. Why should I? There's deathknights out there who don't care for me that I'm busy with."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Because I'm good at remembering, killed a deathknight already, am perfectly capable of finding and killing you, and would be employing my particular talents in a more constructive way against said deathknights."
She downs what remains of her drink. "I'm good at carrying grudges."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Trying to get more forces here, trying to disrupt the liklihood of yet more trouble, personal research... The grand conspiracy is a few exalts without enough time and energy to do what's needed. I'm one of them, and I'm patching holes trying to keep Cael from accidentally disrupting what long range plans are here to try to keep things under control. Personal example. As for finding and killing me... Then you wouldn't have answers, now would you?"
"Assuming, of course, the green face doesn't arrive and push us into a heartfelt embrace."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Maybe not, but I still don't have any now and killing you would give me a measure of satisfaction.", she shrugs slightly, "Besides it sounds like you can't afford not to have the person who singlehandedly saved Windia from the Bishop on your team. Or did your chosen of the stars teaparty not bring that up? If you're right about your claim of wanting to keep the north from disintegrating then you currently owe me."
* Gennadi raises an eyebrow at her. "I'm not sure Cael is going to leave because I'm a bit busy to give you a diary."
'''Cael: ''' Cael takes another sip of his wine, as he watches the pair argue back and forth, Gennadi's way with words telling Iselsis little, Iselsis sensing this and her anger building.
"If think if you keep baiting her, Iselsis might though." Cael remarks softly into pause following Gennadi's remark. "While it is fascinating to watch you two argue, I can't help but feel that this arguement could actually wait until I am not present?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I suppose it can, though that would require us meeting again... which is likely to be on less pleasant terms."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm actually not here for the conniving two-faced liar over there anyway. After the way he treated me I believe I'll withhold what further information I have on the matter and just hedge my bet on him getting ripped to shreds by the demons.", she crosses her arms resolutely, and gives Gennadi that sort of 'I know something you don't know' smug look.
'''Cael: ''' Cael rolls his eyes at the smug look, then takes another sip of his wine, smiling pleasantly at the pair.
"You were not exactly a picture of politeness either, miss Iselsis..." he notes before turning to Hennadi
"Now, I believe you mentioned certain long term plans I should avoid disrupting ..."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm actually not here for the conniving two-faced liar over there anyway. After the way he treated me I believe I'll withhold what further information I have on the matter and just hedge my bet on him getting ripped to shreds by whatever that green wind thing was.", she crosses her arms resolutely, and gives Gennadi that sort of 'I know something you don't know' smug look.
'''Gennadi: ''' "One of the issues with working via the ripple effect is that you're playing the odds. You're assuming that things will happen as they're supposed to. Exalted, it shall be noted, are very prone to accomplishing things that aren't normally supposed to happen. So, the more you use your essence for, the more interference you create. Plus, chasing down the people maintaining the plan tends to disrupt it." He mostly ignores Iselsis for the moment.
'''Iselsis: ''' She sits quietly and smiles bemusedly at Cael.
''I think once the pest is gone I'll ask him wether he prefers civilized monsters and betrayers over rude people he can trust. ''
'''Gennadi: ''' "As for specifics of the plans, well, I'm not exactly able to tell you all the details, since I doubt anyone beyond each person who's working with them, or perhaps the eldest of us really knows what's going on for each of our personal webs of intrigue. Irritating at times, but so."
'''Cael: ''' "Perhaps if you're not to make Iselsis' anger fueled remembrance a pointless wash of no real details, you could be a little more specific with your own responsibilities, since you are currently doing a wonderful job of saying very little."
'''Iselsis: ''' "People who have a lot of things to hide say little with a lot of words." she remarks offhandedly.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Mrm. Well, I can say leaving her with anger and no way to act it out might be tempting, but currently I'm here trying to get my previous self's personal notebooks before things get too far out of hand. I've somewhat been conscripted into trying to help shore up the defenses in various personal ways. since I'm not really assigned here, I've got some leeway the others don't have in my methods."
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles slightly at Iselsis' comment, though he remains focused on Gennadi.
"Interesting ... who was he or she?" Cael asks, with curiousity.
"And what exactly are you doing for the hhmm war effort, beyond talking to me?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Hrm? Who was who?As for that, right now I'm focusing on your dark little friend and the Lunar he had tagging along. The opposing forces of the moment are always curious about us, and being the easiest to find should hopefully provide enough of a distraction I can find a weak point to work with."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Unfortunately, the notebooks I have haven't quite had the resources included I've hoped, but I haven't had that much time here to deal with them." He shrugs.
'''Iselsis: ''' She leans back in her chair and crosses her legs, bumping the top one back and forth, as if she were bored or waiting for something.
* Gennadi , on the other hand, is entirely composed, as comfortable with straight-faced admissions as he seems to be dancing around the real issue.
'''Cael: ''' "The person whose diaries you seek?" Cael questions easily
"Yes, they do seem rather interested. That was the second time I talked to him." Cael smiles to himself.
He takes another sip of his wine.
'''Gennadi: ''' "He. Luckily enough. I've got enough to deal with without cross-sex memories sparked by passages."
'''Iselsis: ''' "So, are you almost done yet, Chosen of the Stars? Because quite frankly, I don't have all night, and I'm not really all that interested in hearing about your notes and gender issues or lack thereof."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Just about... running out of time as it is, anyway."
"We'll talk later about that green fire threat, I think... don't go vanishing on me."
* A violet butterfly appears in front of Gennadi then, whispering in his ear...<br><br>A familiar form... and a familiar voice...<br><br>''Hello. ''<br><br>''Has not been enough time, has it? They want me to talk to you. Meet me in Lower Windia, the Wildcat restaurant, tomorrow night, at nine. It doesn't require me to try to keep up with the wings here. ''<br><br>''Try not to be late, this is bussiness. ''
'''Iselsis: ''' "There's something you might want to know about that before you go. Unfortunately I can't allow myself to give you that information unless you come up with something that will make me trust you."
* Gennadi catches himself halfway through an obscenity. "What do you want out of me, hmm? Some sort of simple oath? Something's come up..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael laughs a short but amused laugh, warmi in the room "I suppose you are fortunate in that, not that that is a problem I'm familiar with."
"As to an oath, well ..." he smiles
'''Iselsis: ''' "An oath would be nice. Can you do that? Maybe collateral. See, I don't trust you, but I trust you'd rather not get eaten by green winds. Since you mentioned a patron at the top of my head that would be Adjordan, wouldn't it? Being an occultist has some benifits. Mean piece of work, she. Hear she can flay skin off bone in simple passing. Make up your mind, Star Chosen, because ''both'' our lives may be on the line here."
She blinks at Cael's sudden interruption and raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean, mister Pattona? Our friend here seems in a hurry, so whatever you had in mind, I suggest we all be quick about it."
* Gennadi shrugs. "Of course he can do oaths. I thought you were an occultist... And what sort of collateral are you talking? I don't exactly carry much on me."
'''Cael: ''' A circle within a ring appears on his brow.
He smiles as comprehension appears on Iselsis' face.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Oh, he's an eclipse! ... How convenient.", she glares in passing at Gennadi "I'm an occultist, not a psychic, thank you very much. Now if you'll just please take an oath that specifies you will share all your findings regarding me with me, then we can all go about our business.".
She smiles sweetly. "Unless you would rather take your chances with Adjordan. Who knows, she might be better company than my books give her credit for."
* Gennadi shakes his head. "You're surprisingly good at this. I can agree to those terms easily."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Admittedly, the assumption is that it's important information, and regarding you. I doubt very much this oath will trigger if I don't tell you you snore, or that you'd be a good match for some person on the street."
'''Cael: ''' "You will, unfortunately, have to shake hands on this again, which could be something of an issue given what started this whole mess." He says as he rises from his seat and walks towards the pair
'''Iselsis: ''' "Maybe the sanctifying power will shock it into submission.", she shrugs, "I pulled away in time last time, I'm willing to give it another go. I could wear gloves if that makes you feel more comfortable."
* Gennadi cracks his knuckles, and then works his fingers the other way. "I very much doubt it's skin to skin contact that matters, since there wasn't much of that."
'''Gennadi: ''' He stands, and walks over to her, offering his hand and watching Cael.
'''Iselsis: ''' She offers her hand, first to Cael. Once there have been no explosions from that, she will wait for the appropriate moment to take Gennadi's hand, so as to minimize the amount of contact the two make. As much as she wanted to see him in pain right now, having him bound to her corner was worth a lot more than some vindication for personal annoyment.
'''Cael: ''' "I would prefer that Adjordan not manifest here, if it is all the same to you. She might
wake the children." Cael says with a small grin.
Cael wonders if this will actually be a possibility as the pair approach. "Now you simply oath the terms of your oath again, and the heavens will witness it."
'''Iselsis: ''' "My oath is to not keep this piece of information I've promised from him. That's fair, after all.", and having said that... she waits for Gennadi to do his part.
* Gennadi snaps off the oath in almost perfectly accented old realm, a bit disturbing to hear from someone who obviously can't have been around to acquire the right tones. He shivers a little as it sets in, and leans in to Iselsis' ear afterwards, whispering and letting his warm breath spill down her neck. "The first thing I have to tell you is that you're in danger of a horrible curse." He's halfway to the door by the time she reacts
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles as the words of the oath are ... whispered.
Then the castemark blazes forth on his forehead, and a pair of quills, as if from some exotic bird, flow out from the golden tattooes on his arms, swirling around the pair, writing the terms on the air around them in flawless old realm script that shines like the sun. Then it all fades away, leaving Cael standing there surrouned in white fire.
"And Gennadi, I believe last time we met you told me I had a month..." he leaves the sentance to hang.
'''Iselsis: ''' She calls after him, "What curse? ... And don't you want your bloody information, it's important!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "His curse, for breaking oaths! And unlike you, I trust my counterpart in this oath to do what it says." He grins. "Oh, you don't anymore, Cael. It's been about a day since I said it. Call it 29 and a half." A jaunty salute, and he's gone, tleaving them with a little more mystery and a little less vodka.
'''Iselsis: ''' She rolls her eyes "This oath stuff is pretty potent if he felt compelled to warn me of the blindingly obvious. She shakes her head a little.
''I have a Star Chosen in my corner, and I thought today everything would fall apart like a house of cards. ''
She then turns to Cael, after Gennadi is gone.
"I'm going to leave now, Windwraith, and you have my thanks. That was a noble thing to do. But before I go I will leave you with this..."
"You say I am rude, and maybe I am. I'm not good with people, my nature prevents me from seeing many. In fact this has probably been the longest talk I've had in a decade."
She continues, "I have a bad temper, I'm coarse and crude and overly blunt. I am all those things... but I love Windia, I love the north, it's all I have left. I'm one of the few supposedly goodguys in this mess..."
"When it comes down to it, would you rather trust the civilized monsters with a thin veneer of loyalty, the deathknights you travel with... or the admittedly annoying and hopelessly crude person who is really on your side."
She lets that sink in for a moment. "We will meet again, Cael. I hope you'll make the right choice as to whom you can trust.", and with that little speech done, she turns to head out.
'''Cael: ''' "The oath will probably see you dead, should you fail to keep up your side of the bargain. The world will betray you just at the time you need it most, as you betrayed his trust." He says, in all seriousness. "I would advise you not to forgot this day."
''"When it comes down to it, would you rather trust the civilized monsters with a thin veneer of loyalty, the deathknights you travel with... or the admittedly annoying and hopelessly crude person who is really on your side." ''
As she leaves, he waves to her "And why do you assume I have the luxury of that simple choice you offer me?" he says as she departs.
"Walk in the sunshine, as much as you are able."
'''Iselsis: ''' And then she's gone.
She had things to get in order... oathbound or not, she still didn't trust the chosen of stars.
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

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