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== End of Rest ==
Past Midnight on the Boil...
Long ago, the great clock had rang twelve times.
Long ago, the hard-working city had mostly gone to sleep...<br>
Excluding, of course, those places that never sleep. But apparently, all along Highlane, silence and shadows reigned, those few rich people left alive on their dreams, or on the couple brothels and bars not burnt in the fight against the Second Circle in the Red Lantern.
Of course, not for all of the city's Exalted heroes.
After stopping the city's judgement, Alex and Kanti came back to find a wall broken, Moon thrown near-dead into a garden on the other side of the street, his blood everywhere... only Kanti's prowess and Moon's own resilience keeping him alive.
That would be enough to keep them uneasy and restless, but they have their own demons to contend with...
Like the prince, pacing through the Manse... after having turned so much trying to sleep the sheets had became an uncomfortable mess. And yet, sleep would not come. Worries. Guilts. Sadness. So much came over him, so much that only walk and thought could exorcise...
And it was in this walk that he came to the closest room with a fireplace...<br>
To see if he can warm the cold that seeps in his bones, that chills his soul. Cold always helped make the prince more depressed.
And as he opened up, she was there, in a lotus position, meditating...<br>
Standing so close to where she was making up with Shaliya earlier that very same day...
"Could not sleep either?"<br>
Is all he can say, standing at the doorway, looking at her...<br>
Source of his salvation, source of his guilt...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti ... was thinking of nothing at all, deep as she was in her medative trance, a no mind state where nothing was allowed to touch her.
Nothing except the words of her prince, pulling her back to reality, back to her fears and her guilt, back to the Boil.
"I am sorry my prince, I hope you were not looking for me." she says as she twists herself to face him, reversing the lotus position so she kneels on the rug facing him. There is a nervousness in her tone and apology.
"But no, my prince, I do not sleep."
'''Alexander: ''' Light steps into the room, his perfect visage - now clean and untouched by anything from earlier, only his flawless skin - tinted by the flames on the fireplace, his unearthly eyes and hair shining with it... "I was not. I even tried to walk out of my room very silently so as to not wake you up!" He says with a smile, standing close to her and the fire, letting his hands warm up.
"You... do not sleep?" He asked. In this world he was in, that could be more than odd wording.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti returns his smile, starring up at his beautiful face. Angelic even without the halo, perfect in that way that did not seem wrong, like so many of the gods who claimed perfection in their features.
"I have not slept since the Calibration, my prince, so you should not fear to wake me."
'''Alexander: ''' From there, he watched her. Trying to discern wether or not she was joking, his eyes gliding over her hair, buttomed with roses as it was now, the two separate wisps laying still... he remembered how they fluttered to wind and fire, before, during the battle. And her face, her scars... his eyes soon moved away. The scars. And her face, totally serious... only confused him more.
"What do you mean, you do not sleep? Do you not feel... you know, tired?"
'''Kanti: ''' "I draw upon the Earth, my prince. Its strength sustains me, and its traquility gives me respite, and strength anew."
Kanti says, in earnest explanation, trying to hide the small pain she felt as his eyes moved away from her scars so soon.
'''Alexander: '''There is a moment of silence, as he tries to understand it. It was a gift of the earth dragon to his children, a power of the elements that she could manipulate through her connection... He turned around to the fire, having it at his back now, his hands behind his back to warm up... "I see..." His words are a mere preparation, trying to get ready to ask what he must...
"''Why'' do you not sleep? Why deny yourself the feeling of rest, of beautiful dreams...?"
'''Kanti: ''' "I do feel rested my prince, almost all the time, especially when I meditate." Kanti says first, as she tries to think of how to answer the real question.
''How do I tell him? ''<br>
''How can he understand? ''<br>
''Perhaps if I say it in the simplest way... ''
"My dreams are not beautiful, my prince."
'''Alexander: ''' "Good. At least that..." He faces her face... well, not her face, as he once again avoids the scars. Her eyes. He does not see himself in them, does not see his fire-illuminated image cast in her obsidian depths, since he looks deeper... simply holding the connection between their eyes. "What are they like, then?"
'''Kanti: ''' "I ... do not want to speak of them, my prince."<br>
''please'' her eyes implore ''Do not make me speak of them. ''<br>
''Or do, it will be another pain at your command, at your desire. ''<br>
''Do as you wish. ''
Alexander: A step foward, his hand falls on her face, caressing, as he had done more than once before. A way to reach... caressing, nearly petting her. Trying to find out what to say. He was curious. He was worried. He was... he was...
"I am worried about you, Kanti. I... I am here to listen."<br>
"I am not going to judge you, you know. I walked with the Dark Angel, with the Pale Angel, I..."<br>
''I laid with you while I am with the Pale Angel... ''<br>
"It is not like I can judge anyone."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti let him carress her, let him pet, leaning a little closer to him as he does so, an instinctive reaction, one the thought of telling her dreams has left her too nervous to supress. She speaks with nervousness and a small refusal in her voice.
"..I do not fear your judgement, my prince."<br>
''I fear your pity. ''<br>
''I fear your pain. ''<br>
''I fear myself. ''
'''Alexander: ''' His hand in place, he sits down close to her, enjoying the feel of the ground near the fireplace, so warm... as his hand guides Kanti. Guides Kanti to him, to lean her head on his chest, to feel that he is there... he does his best. The best he knows to be a bullwark, to be trustworthy, to inspire her courage, her trust, to ask... "What do you fear, then? You can tell me."
"Trust me."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti is pulled in so close to him, pressed up to his chest, feeling his warmth, feeling his presence, feeling held in a way she hadn't for a long time.
"I dream of Her, of the dark things She did to me in the darkest days of the year. The things She did to my body, the things She did to my mind, the things She did to my soul. The things She made me beg for, and the things She did anyway."
''and too many of those dreams I want to have again and again. ''
'''Alexander: ''' His hands come around her. Warming... "I... see. She is... the one who scarred you, right? The Vestal, was it?"
"She made you beg for it, Kanti. It is not your fault, what she made you do, it is not ''you''..."
'''Kanti: ''' "The..Vestal. yes." saying her name causing pain in Kanti, causing a thrill at that pain.
"It is, my prince. It is me."<br>
''It is in my nature to yield''<br>
''It is in my nature to beg. ''<br>
''It is in my nature to plead. ''
''Even for the darkness. ''<br>
''That is why I fear. ''
'''Alexander: ''' "Is it? Is your nature to beg for darkness? Tell me about it then. Tell me about your nature."
He says it calmly, wishing to hear before he makes any judgement, his words soft... so soft.
For a moment, only the fire crackling can be heard...
"Tell me about yourself. I know your history already."<br>
He had heard from her an edited version, an allegory, not that he knew it.<br>
"But tell me about ''yourself''”
'''Kanti: ''' ''you wish to know about me, my prince? ''<br>
''Do you truely wish to know? ''<br>
''Can you bear it it to know? ''
''Can I bear it to tell you? ''
"Yes, my prince, I will beg for the darkness." she says softly. <br>
"I will beg for the darkness whilst I dream of the light, and I will beg for the light whilst I dream of the darkness."<br>
"If it pleases you, I will beg here and now."<br>
"That is who I am."<br>
"That is what I am."<br>
"That is what I have always been."
'''Alexander: ''' "I... see."
That was so much to take on. The fire crackled, and it seemed to do so between them. There was no noise outside - the nightbirds so common in Whiteshield were nowhere to be seen in the Boil. Just silence... and her words, echoing, filling the room, filling the space between them even as he pressed against her..."So, you want it?"
"You... do not hate the Vestal?"
'''Kanti: ''' "Yes, my prince, I hate Her. I hate the the things She did to me, the things She asked of me. The things She makes me crave." Kanti speaks with a bitterness in her voice, an ugly tone that does not belong there, blacker than the scars on her face.
"I love Her too, for She has made me beautiful in Her eyes. I love Her because She cared for me. I love Her because I love everyone I serve."<br>
''That, too, is in my nature. ''<br>
''I love Her so much. ''<br>
''I miss Her. ''<br>
''I want Her. ''
'''Alexander: ''' "You love her... even after all she hurt you? Even after all she did... all she is?"
He held her close. There was no recrimination, just him trying to... understand.<br>
"How could she care for you, like that?"
His tone was soft. And puzzled.
He just could not understand.
'''Kanti: ''' ''How can you understand my love for Her? ''<br>
''How can you understand how I love Her? ''<br>
''...you want to know though.. ''
"She put Her love into each and every one of these scars." she says, unconciously tracing them, within the circle of his arms. "She loved me when She held me. She loved me when She watched my dancing. She loved me and She forgave me for hating Her. How can I not love Her?"
Kanti asks of him.
'''Alexander: ''' "... and you love her." He says, as if catching the words with his lips, trying to distill something of them...
''You love that woman that did so much evil... ''
''That killed my mother... ''
He does all he can, then... he holds her even more tightly, his face burying itself on her hair, his anima faint around him to warm her... "I understand... I understand..."
''My Kanti... loving the darkness, longing for it... ''
"I understand... and I can see why... but. I am going to protect you. From her. From yourself."
"Do you hate me for it, Kanti?"
'''Kanti: ''' Her head moves just slightly, hair brushing over his face. A nod.
Then a whisper, so soft it was on the edge of hearing, but it still carried right to his ear.
"''Thank you. ''"
'''Alexander: ''' It made him happy. He felt the nod might be that she does hate him, but her thanks dispelled it...
And he held her, so tightly, so warmly... "I am going to protect you..."<br>
"And I will not let anyone hurt you, ever again... I am sorry for what I did. There will be no hurt, anymore, Kanti..."<br>
"I will try to be better. I promise."
'''Kanti: ''' "I like it when you hurt me, my prince, when I feel pain for you." Kanti whispers into Alex's ear, a guilty tone in her voice. "I liked that before I met Her, long before I met Her."
"Harm is not when you bring someone pain, my prince . Harm is when you don't care. I know you care, my prince."
'''Alexander: ''' "But... it is because I care that I do not..." He trails off, his fingers touching her scars for the first time... tracing their length... "When I look at your scars... when I think about them... when I see you suffering by the light... I... it is so much like... it is..." His voice breaks a bit, in shame, something that really wants to get out of his chest, but just...
"... sorry."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti whispers then into his ear, through his golden locks.
"You don't have to be ashamed, my prince." her voice reassuring.
"You can say whatever you wish to me, I will listen. If you need to speak, please do."
'''Alexander: ''' He spends a moment silent, trying to choose the words... "Those weeks... the shadows, the darkness... they took my family... my country... my friends... my dignity... I have been ordered around by the angels... I... I dreamed of being golden, powerful, shining, to break all that under my heel... and as this month went on... it became more and more sordid, that dream... and..." He leans back, no more so close to her, cupping her face, finally looking at her scars, touching them. "When I look at your scars, Kanti, I think of the shadows. Of your mistress, or the angels, of the dead. I see you as their thing. And I want to hurt it. To rule over it. To make it mine and make i kneel.... and... it is not fair to you. And it is too much, too much frustration, I..."
"... if I begin it, I have no idea if I will stop... so much to pour out..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti looks up at his face, golden hands a remarkable contrast to the crimson skin, a golden cage around the blackness. Her eyes are deep and dark, and where they are not broken, they show love.
"Pour it all out on me, my prince." Kanti says, with the merest hint of fear edging her voice. She twists a little, presenting her chest to him. It is not much, just enough to suggest that if it his desire, he could pull it away.
"Use me, dominate me, control me, hurt me, my prince. I know you will not take it too far, I know you are too good for that, my prince. But I know you will make me scream for you. I want to scream for you." Her leg moves almost imperceptably between his as she speaks, providing the most subtle sensation.
"Please, my prince. Show me how the light can burn the darkness." ''for I am a small, dark thing and it is nothing more than I deserve. ''
'''Alexander: ''' Her voice, soft and pleading as it is, hits him like a sledgehammer. Every word, every plea, striking at a wall of his restraint, breaking the window of his morals, the chains of his fantasies. His hand moves back, holding both wisps of her hair... "You know, I love how Shaliya made your hair..." Is all he says before he yanks her head back, holding the wisps as if they were reins.
''I am sorry... ''
All of her words, every plea, every movement, heating in ways... in ways that felt so forbidden. So good. His face aflame with it, he closed on her face, taking her lips on his', on a vampiric, possessive kiss. "Mine and mine alone."<br>
''Moon is fainted... Days... I hope Days is not around... they cannot hear... ''<br>
He channelled Ainerach, and he begun to burn. Crackling with sunlight. Just being close to her hurt. But tonight, he would make her scream even if that was to not be on.
He followed it by pushing her against the chairs, face pushed against the pillows. There was no sofistication to his actions - no chains or ropes, no candles, none of the details and props of technique. Only rough, possessive gestures, using Kanti. He held into both tails of her hair, holding her like reins, as he mounted her. His Garda Bird, His little mount, His’. All of his frustration, all of his hatred for the darkness, all of his inferiority complex with the angels, their way of pushing him into their fate... all of that, all that is poured into her.
=== Some time later.... ===
'''Alexander: ''' Kanti was left in the dark. After all the prince had done to her – not much, and without technique in such things, but his unhuman strength and... enthusiasm... almost made up for it – he left her, hands tied behind her back like Shaliya had done to her, and went to take another bath. His third that day, no less...
As he entered, covered in a white and gold robe, he came to her... seeing what he had done. He found out many things this night. He found out how much he enjoyed having so much control. He found out about ways to have her he had never tried with the Pale Angel. He had rode her like a mount, used her with delicious, callous disregard.
The prince approached her, turning her around, untying her arms from her back. He did not say a word, even as his hands soothed her wrists, harmed by how he held them before. Only after he turned her around, holding her to him, is that he said anything.
“... you enjoyed it.” It was a statement, not a question.<br>
Although, in many ways, there was a question there.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti held herself silent as he returned from his bath.<br>
Kanti held herself silent as he studied her, the maks he had left<br>
Kanti held herself silent as he untied her and lifted her, and she pressed herself to him.<br>
When he spoke to her, she answered.
"Yes, my prince. The way you took me, it was glorious." she says in agreement, without shame. "I ache so wonderfully."
'''Alexander: ''' He answered her with a kiss. He kissed her lips with abandon, wanting support, wanting to taste them, wanting to lose something in them. And then, he lets go, his hands tracing scars his light had burnt so lightly. "Thank you. Thank you..."
He shifts on the bed, sitting with so many pillows at his back, keeping her close. "I am a monster, right? I... I enjoyed it. I loved it. And I left you here when I went... I left you here... because, on the party, when we walked back... and I saw you talk to others, you do courtesis to them, you dance... I knew how much of me you had in you. That I think, you could still feel, inside... I knew what I had just done to you. I enjoyed it them, as I do now... to know you feel like mine."
He shakes his head, "You know I am with the Pale Angel, right? That she is my paramour...?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti lets him taste what he wishes on her, accepts what his lips give unto hers, shivers sensously as he traces her still burnt scars, her body rubbing on his.
"You are no monster, my prince. Not for what you did, not for what you want to do, not for leaving me when you were done. not for thinking me yours." her arm shifts then as she stretchs, with artful carelessness, lifting his hand to her breast apparently entirely by accident.
"Yes my prince, I am well aware of your love for her." she smiles happily at him.
'''Alexander: ''' "You do not mind that I leave you dirty, as a receptacle to my seed, just because it makes me think of you as mine..."
He sees her happy smile, and cannot help but smile back, faintly, even with his conflicts... "Then... you do not mind what I am doing? You do not think I am doing something wrong? If she is my lady... I should be with her, with only her, right? I should not be... doing this... enjoying this... loving this..." He says this as he holds her breast, plays with it, pinches it. Somehow, playing with her as he said so made it just more sweet, forbidden... "How can one love two women? Be with his lady and still...?"
'''Kanti: ''' "Of course not, my prince." she kisses his nipple submissively after she speaks. "What could I mind about being left until you gave me your attention once more?"<br>
''I have had it far worse in the past, and still loved it. ''
She makes pleasured noises, pained noises as he plays and pinches, arching her back slightly, subtly encouraging.
"What is wrong my prince? You love her and you are with me. That you love her is nothing to be ashamed of. That you enjoy me is nothing to feel poorly about. Your love for her is it's own thing, it should not affect your love of anyone else."
'''Alexander: ''' After pinching, he nearly retreated, his hand touching her bosom so lightly... making her feel the ghostly touches, hot and cold, and shiver with them... as he begun to explore her body with his free hand... touching her between her legs. It was... odd. He had used her for his own pleasure so far, so violently both times he never stopped to touch her like this... to give her pleasure... to watch her squeal in it. Had never ran his tongue on her...
He shivered as she kissed him, pleased. Very, very pleased. Even as she let him do whatever he wished, to see such a gesture of her want.... together with her words. Her words... for a moment, he stopped everything, and could not... think. It was like there was nothing that could defeat her arguments - that they were so clear and simple there was nothing he could possibly say.
But there was.
After a moment, he did manage to find something to justify his worries. "But... it makes me feel like a hypocrite. A horrible, horrible hypocrite. I... would not wish her to be with another man, and neither do I wish you to..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti opens herself to his explorations, to his teasing gestures, make soft warm sounds of need between her demure trail of kisses on his chest.
''my prince! ''
She looked up as she spoke, a throaty sound before she found her voice again.
"That is something only you can decide, my prince." a shift of her hand in a pleasurable carress. "But what holds true for you, holds true for her my prince. Her love for you is yours, and nothing she does should change that. If she loves beyond you, would you deny her a second love?"
'''Alexander: ''' His fingers play with her, for the first time, feeling how she is... it was decidedly different. From the warmth in the cold of Vorpal to the feeling of fire, of burning, that Kanti radiated. However, he seems to hold her, almost harshly, as she says what she does...
And closes his own eyes to answer "...Yes."
"I can barely imagine her and the Dark Angel, the idea that she has the same I do, or more, that she... that they... that is hard enough to imagine, now imagine her with another man? Spreading her legs to... no." His hand press on her breast, as images on his mind make him nervous, restless, but soon lets go as he perceives he had begun to hurt, trying to make up by being soft with the other hand... "... I could not stand it, Kanti. I... jealously would eat me on the inside... I want you mine, close to me..."
'''Kanti: ''' The noises from Kanti's lips get louder as he explores, as he speaks, as he pinches hard enough to make a soft whimper fall from her mouth, squirming next to him as he moves his other hand more softly.
"Then my prince was upset by Shaliya this morning?" Kanti asks of him. "My prince would not like me to comfort Fiona? Or does my prince merely want me leashed at his side?"
'''Alexander: ''' "I... no... I did not... you and Shaliya..." Granted, he had not even thought about it. For some reason. And he could not think why... "No, no, I do not want you... wait. You and Fiona, you have... you have lain with Fiona, too?"
His fingers stop, as if he stops to think... "No... I do not. And I do not know why that is... why is it that the Dark Angel, or Moon, would bother me, but they do not? And why..." He looks into her eyes now, and begins to move again... "... you just let me do it with you on the garden? Is it just always like that, with you? Whoever wishes to...?"
'''Kanti: ''' "Yes, my prince, I have lain with Fiona." She says quietly "We both needed to be close, to warm, to feel good, in the dark."
Then he stops, and she lets out a soft, frustrated sound, a plea for him to go on.
"No, my prince, I have to wish it too, or my master does. But you were beautiful and powerful, my prince, and you were kind to me and you wanted me... "
'''Alexander: ''' "You... and Fiona..." He stops... he tries to imagine... to picture....
And then he continues. With her praise of him, more furious, intending to give her pleasure... for the first time, wishing her to whimper in delight for him. "You will ask me before, then. I do not wish you leashed at my side, but neither do I wish you spreading yourself around... but... Shaliya would be fine, I guess... and Fiona..."
His fingers playing in her, his sunlight spreading from him to wreathe her in warmth - without the holy fire - he watches her, smiling almost amusedly... "You... it is like you have never felt jealously, Kanti. Or seen it..."
'''Kanti: ''' A noise catches in Kanti's throat, as he starts once more, and then she finds her voice.
"...Yes...my prince...I will ask then." she speaks, her voice level, though her breath catches. Then he spreads the warmth about her, and she presses closer.
"I...have seen jealousy ... my prince ... and " she looks breifly away "...I have ... ''felt'' it. I have been the object of it too ... It is ... not a beautiful emotion ... my prince. It is ... not something I like."
'''Alexander: ''' He smiles as she squirms. How could he be so brute before? She was so nice like this... and she promised to ask.
Then Kanti can see he was not amused - he was... surprised. He thought he was seeing, in many ways, such innocence... innocence greater than his' in all ways. But it was not, as she knew. But, the way she said it.... she was beautiful. Truly, truly beautiful. In more ways than he could imagine... and she could see that in his eyes now. The awe.
She lay whimpering atop of a perfect god of a boy, over a bare chest from an open robe, and basked in awe.
And then he stops, leaving her at the edge of her fulfillment, as he considers her words. She looks at him with pleading eyes, even as he feels darker, worse, than he could possibly be. "You have... like the Dark Angel. She is jealous of me and the Pale Angel... and you. She did not want to give you away."
"Am I like her? How can I not be like her?"
He held her in check, then, touching her sex, and somehow, even without realising, he held her fulfillment hostage to the answer of his questions...
'''Kanti: ''' "''please, my prince. ''" She pleads with a whisper, almost as she begged before, when he was so much harsher, so much rougher. When she sees he will not move, will not finish until she answers, she shivers on him.
"You are ... like her, and you are nothing like her, my prince. She is beautiful and powerful, my prince, and she was ... kind to me and she ... wanted me .. once at least. But you are dark where she is light, you blaze where she pulls in the light. You could be more like her, my prince ... or less ... it is not my place to tell you which...."<br>
''especially ...when I ... do not know... ''
'''Alexander: ''' He keeps the hold. He holds her plea in the air, and does not let her move, does not let her touch his leg with her thigh, does not let her fulfill herself, in any way. The Angel holds Kanti at heaven's gate, his halo shining brighter than it had been so far. "... I am dark?"
On the outside, he appears as a force of nature. On the inside... he cringes.
''I am dark? ''<br>
''I... I am dark? ''<br>
''I have become like the Angels? Worse? ''<bR>
''Worse than Selina? ''<br>
''I hurt her... I dominated her... ''
''What am I.... ''
There is a dragon of fear uncoiling in the cold on his chest, and it makes him tremble in expectation for her answer...
'''Kanti: ''' "You ... you have ... your darkness ... my prince .... like the Dark Angel has her ... light." Kanti says, hoping her answer will satisfy, hoping he will release her ... wanting him to keep her like this forever.
"You ... blaze with the light too, my prince ... you shine in glory. You are good ... and you are kind. But ... you do have a little darkness inside you...."<br>
''thank you''<br>
''please. ''<br>
''keep. ''<br>
''release. ''<br>
''hold. ''
'''Alexander: ''' She said so much... and yet, only the first words mattered. So many words, and he was deaf to all but the comparison.
''I am dark... like her. I am like her. I have become like her... ''
Something sinks within Alexander Holysword as his mind reprises all he has been doing. Something breaks in a picture of his family, an apology asked as he feels like he is losing them inside him. And then, he closes his eyes... and as he opens them again, almost with anger, he touches her, he kisses her neck, he pushes her over the gates of her own heaven, flooding her with pleasure and light....
"Thank you." Is all he can say as he does so, as she squirms over him, as she cries...
"I will try to not be jealous. But I hope neither you nor my Angel give me a reason to be.... please. Please..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti gives him her whimpers of delight.<br>
Kanti gives him her whimpers of relief.<br>
Kanti gives him her whimpers in repentance.<br>
''sorry, my prince. ''<br>
''thank you, my prince. ''<br>
"Yes, my prince."
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:47, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels