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== Metaphoric Dragon Measuring ==
'''Selina de Windia: ''' It was awhile until the party, the point where she would strut around like a peacock and draw the glances of many. She'd had her fight, and it had been somewhat satisfactory. Standing in the middle of the Boil, in some war-torn district with barely anyone to hold witness to her presence, Selina deals with something else, her greatcoat hung on a piece of outcropping rubble.
''Let me touch you. ''
Her turquoise eyes stare out at the fronts and sides and rears of buildings, whole, partial, and destroyed rubble. Not seeing them, but staring into the infinity beyond them as her mind goes somewhere else.
''Let me feel your deeper essence. ''
Above her, clouds gather, an overcast which seems darker than usual. A few stray raindrops fall from the shrouded heavens, but little else. Distantly, thunder rumbles in the background, miles away perhaps.
'''Great Dragon of the Elements. Shadow. Protector'''
'''Aura, flaring'''
'''You are a part of me.'''
The thunder rumbles closer now, right above the Windian as she delves into her essence and soul. Gusts of wind buffet her, but she does not feel them. The weather of the Boil twists above her, clouds darkening more and more imperceptably as her anima banner reaches higher and higher, the dragon appearing in the display, coiling about her, rumbling as she reaches for it within.
'''Watch me, Grandfather.'''
Lightning passes through the clouds above her, sheet-lightning, not once striking the ground. The few sparse raindrops continue to fall, but no more than that. A weather god might foil the effect of her standing there and letting loose her essence in that searching, but no weather god of suffiicient potency is at hand.
'''Not like you, perhaps.'''
She reaches, deeper and deeper, the blood of the dragon ascending nearly to the clouds in a storm of essence, looking down at her. Reaches beyond the form she already knows, trying to achieve the ones she sees in her memories.
'''Not natural. Not like you. Not a great dragon, not my true nature.'''
'''But I did it.'''
The last sentence echos in her mind, thrumming up from the well of her subconscious and the memories which lurk there, as the Dragon moves out of her reach. Back. Like so many times before.
And then she surfaces, taking a deep breath as if she's been submerged under the ocean for long minutes. Her eyes suddenly see once more, her anima mutes a bit, control lessening it, though the dark clouds and gusting winds do not abate...not yet.
* Gennadi claps slowly, the sharp percussion echoing off the rubble as he leans against her greatcoat so as not to get dirt on his clothing. "Nice show! I particularly liked the bit with the rolling thunder."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Dragon sees him first, swinging its head toward the intruder, followed by Selina a moment later. She doesn't move from her spot, banner raging about her as it still is, though she does regard him with some curiosity.
''You...snuck up on me? ''
''Well... ''
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She says dryly, forcing the anima display down, the dragon slowly coiling about her in semi-transparent overlay. "Who, are you?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Gennadi Ilkov, one of venus's favorite sons, bearer of lots of other little titles that don't need repeating." He smiles at her. "Also, the guy who was too nice to stab you in the back while you were all spaced out like that. You should be more careful, the war isn't over yet."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Giving your full name at first sight, is it?" Selina says, the anima banner lessening to the point where the dragon simply disappears slowly, the display more of a close corona now than what it was before. Just what kind of creature is this? "You talk about letting my guard down -- isn't that a bit unwise as well?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "You say this as if I cannot be unwise from time to time. I expect most would find it exceedingly difficult to conjure with, and unlike some, nobody's around to punish me for what flows off my tongue. I find it easier to give a proper name than deal with hours of suspicion and doubt because I lied."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Most." Son of Venus? That sounded familiar... "I prefer to think of it as something besides lying." And then her memory alights on something over a year ago...that...man with the mark of Saturn on his brow. That man who had helped her kill Laken.
''So what are they? ''
"The stars of the underworld do not care what protection Venus gives in the skies of Creation."
'''Gennadi: ''' "And vice versa. Really, dear, can we skip past the part where we posture and try to see who has the biggest metaphorical dick? It is something of an unpleasant mental image, and I'dirt hate to be terribly late to the party."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina chuckles and grins, razored, at him. "And that's what you think it is? You really ought to meet the Pale Angel, so perhaps there can be two people who mislabel my attempts at advice and conversation. The party is hours away, by the by."
"But what is it you want with me?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I did not say that was what it was, I simply asked if we could skip it. You will forgive me if I think ahead from time to time. As for what I want... well, it'd hardly be polite to mention all of what I'd like to do with you, but for the moment, I find you interesting, and thought it might be more pleasant dealing with you when you didn't have to live up to the legend, so to speak."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''Yeah, he's a son of venus alright. ''
"If you want a casual conversation, Seventh Moon might be better. Or...Kanti." Selina replies with some reservation, then amusement. Kanti would freak him out, wouldn't she? She freaked '''everyone''' out in some way or another.
"But what is this about interesting? Did someone send you to find out things about me?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Met Kanti already. Sweet girl, if a bit spaced out at time. If that someone counts as me, then yes. Why wouldn't I want to find things out about you, eh? You're dangerous, pretty, and apart from some porn here and there, it's not as if there's anything to read on you in Heaven."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina pauses for a moment at that. She'd heard of and seen bad locally produced pornography before, even saw a First Age book of it in someone's library, but ''her''?
'''Gennadi: ''' He laughs. "Now who's the curious one, eh? Tell you what, I just got in, and if the party's as late as you say, it's going to be a while before I eat. Buy me lunch and we'll talk about it."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Someone was watching her every day and made horrible material out of her trysts? Or was this stuff they had made up? Suddenly she has to find out.
''Maybe they have material on people I know. ''
Inside her, somewhere that isn't the memories and isn't the Dragon and isn't the dead serious killer, a chibi Selina rubs her hands in perverted glee.
"I think they knocked all down most all of the places to eat in this city." She says, not betraying the urge she now has to leap upon this newcomer and demand he show her this material. "Of course, if you'd like to meet everyone else..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'll be meeting them at the party, working my wiles on them and other Venusy things." He waves dismissively. "Food first. No sense in having my stomach send mixed signals at new acquaintances."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The only place I know to eat at is the manse we're at right now." She wonders where everyone else is. Hopefully there.
''There should be plenty of this on Kanti if there's anything of me. ''
"At least, the only place with normal food."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Define normal food."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina thinks for a moment, and then replies in the most innocent tones she can muster at the moment, her anima dying down to nothing once more.
"Food that isn't other people."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I prefer that when I eat people, it isn't permanent. The manse it is."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Someday you will have to tell me how you 'do not permanently eat people'." Selina says in a conversational tone, putting her greatcoat on and hoping the Pale Angel is there. Oh she does hope.
''If there is that of me, there is that of her. ''
If Vorpal had been angry in the morning, this would induce her into howling fury. Maybe.
"Well, let us be off then."
'''Gennadi: ''' He deftly hooks his arm in hers without asking, a flickering motion she hardly has time to think about as he starts walking with her. "Anything, my dear, is possible if you're good enough at it. Or at least have enough money."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina could bite him for that, but she doesn't.
''Oh go ahead and think you're in control, I'll fix you soon enough. ''
It isn't often she meets someone as brazen as this anyway.
* They land on the garden in the center of the earthly Manse, one of the few places with plants on the Boil, thriving ones, rocky formations forming seats, sculptures and tables, the mansion itself silent all around them. The liveliness of the fight in the morning left behind, none of the Exalts seem to not be up for any of their... antics, at the moment.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Awww..." Is the first thing Selina says upon finding that barely any of the group are about and interested in doing anything. Such as extorting those items from this son of venus fellow.
"Well, no one's about...shit." She grumbles, looking around. Not even Fiona and Kanti? Where is Moon and the fae who is always everywhere she doesn't want her to be? Where is Alex and Vorpal?
"Well, at least there is food."
'''Gennadi: ''' "You seem disappointed about our privacy. Perhaps it is simply fate?" He slips past her, taking a seat and pulling out a small notebook. "Perhaps you could handle the refreshments? I'm not entirely certain where the kitchen is, or whether or not the kitchen spirits would appreciate an invader."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Fate couldn't hold me down even long enough to feel me up, much less affect what I do." Selina says disgustedly, still not liking how no one is around. Alex had ''better not'' be off burying his face in Vorpal's chest!
And then calling for some food.
*  As they come in, Red Sparrow Song and Kyrie are there, mostly relaxing, talking... but when the Exalts come in, they get up, ready to serve! "M'Angel... welcome back! Is there anything we can do for you and your friend?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Perhaps. I will say that the Maidens are rather impressive in the clinch." He eyes the pair of them, a moment's calculation before he goes back to paging through the small book.
* Red Sparrow Song is a petite redhead girl, dressed in a plain but nice fiery dress, Kyrie Est Lowen is a tall, busty, full blonde dressed in something that had more class, although it was clearly for a servant.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, you would know?"
''What a bother. '' She realizes at that moment, remembering that she can't eat a whole lot of food if she's going to squeeze into that dress for the party in only a few hours. ''I could use something substantial. ''
Or maybe Iria would be serving real food tonight.
''Not just the dainties everyone puts out by the wagonload in some Nexus parties and some poor idiot ends up getting sick on. ''
She asks for something light and sweet -- a pastry. For now. Selina can always gorge herself tomorrow if Iria doesn't supply dinner tonight.
'''Gennadi: ''' "They certainly haven't let go of me in some time." He smiles, catching Kyrie's eyes with practiced ease. They sparkle as he speaks, flickers of constellations and patterns that might, just might provide a clue to what he's really thinking. "Since I'm new here, why don't you just surprise me? Do keep in mind I have quite the appetite." He blinks and turns away, the connection shut off abruptly. "Now, business... where was I?"
* She looks within the eyes, and flushes. Her eyes are inviting in a way Gennadi knew too well - that he would need to pay for it. She was one of the Heaven House girls, after all. They scuttle off to bring what was asked...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Dragon wants meat. So does that ''other'' part of her. Red meat, sopping with blood. Fresh, just ripped off the bone...
She shuts those two parts up quick. Pastries are fine for now.
"Besides your attempts to attain a free orgy, I believe you were interested in me."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Hmm?Oh, yes. Enough about you, let's talk about you. Naked." He holds up the sheet of paper he was looking for, a rather intricate drawing catching the light just perfectly to obscure... certan details. "It's how I recognized you, and at the same time, tells me nothing about the real woman."
"To be dangerously honest again, I'm not actually interested in you that way, but I do have a useful reputation to keep. My secret and yours." He chuckles disparagingly.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Her pupils, which were slitted from his first sentence in reply, return to normal again. Was it a good thing Moon was not around afterall?
''As long as he is not fucking Days. ''
That will happen exactly when she says it can (as far as the fae is concerned), and no sooner. If she has anything to do with it.
"A tragedy." She demures, flicking her eyes over at the other two as they retreat into the kitchen, than back to Gennadi. "I'm sure you've already learned plenty about me. My reputation isn't hard to pick up in these parts -- and that leads to other rumours about me. Tell me: been to Winlandia lately?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Not for long. The thing is, Ms de Windia, that reputations are hardly representative of the person. They tell you more about everyone else than they do of the supposed source. As for rumors, I am somewhat too enlightened to worry overmuch about those, especially when I can simply ask you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hence my mention of the other things one can dig up about me." She isn't about to volunteer information about herself without at least a specific question. "I shall be generous: what is it you want to know?"
"And," She adds. "Why ought I to tell you? Just to be fair."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I hardly expected it to be free. The biggest reason is that I am prepared to offer information, perhaps assistance in trade. As for what I want to know, well.. Your immediate goals would be a start. I freely admit you are difficult to predict, and I like knowing what I'm working with."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Working with?" Selina gives him an odd look, not smiling, not frowning. In fact, as neutral as she can be. "Now we're getting somewhere."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Of course.I'm not particularly interested in the North falling to pieces,and as is my way, I work behind the scenes. Do I look like a stunning warrior to you?" He strikes a kung fu pose, flexing nonexistant muscles. before fanning himself with that paper, feigning exhaustion. "I work behind the scenes, and I find it somewhat more usefult o make sure people know this. It keeps me from being interrupted by paranoid Exalts every few hours."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' A manipulator would say that. Of course, most won't admit it to their pawns...except the bad ones.
''Or the really good ones. ''
That, unfortunately, is beyond her control. Unless she simply kills him. Not yet!
"My immediate goals should be obvious. I am being paid to stop this invasion and safeguard the prince." She says levelly. I do not wish the obnoxious dead of the Bishop to rule."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Those are neither goals or plans, those are statements of employment and wistful thinking."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Either of the former is wistful thinking put into a pattern likely to bring it about." Selina retorts. "And...really. Do I have to come out and say it -- did the rumours not telegraph such a thing already? I want my house seat back!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Better. How?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That," She begins. "Is a very good question."
Then Selina scoffs, looking this Gennadi in his bizarre star-filled eyes. "And I don't quite have the answer for that yet."
* Kyrie returns, with the pastries, and a well-prepared whiskey for Gennadi. "You seemed like the sort." She smiles.
'''Gennadi: ''' He chuckles. "Am I so transparent? I'm going to have to practice that." He kisses her cheek, a quick whisper in her ear that brings back her earlier flush and a bit more. His attention returns to Selina as he sips the drink. "I find it terribly hard to believe you have no plans at all. At the very least a victory speech prepared, perhaps a dream of crushing foes beneath too-high heels."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Nothing cohesive...yet. Maybe I'll pardon the ones responsible, in public. So they have my generosity -- my mercy as their sole determiner of continued rule. So they cannot dare move against my family again." Suddenly she narrows her eyes at him. "Oh and, this information stays between us, by the way."
* She flushes, and stays close by, watching them and showing she is available for later, doing an old trick to just ignore the words of the bussinessmen around her, absent-mindedly brushing her blonde locks
'''Gennadi: ''' "Of course, dear. Your secret and mine, nothing more and nothing less. If, of course, you would appreciate assistance in making something cohesive, you have but to ask. That happens to be my specialty."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''And what price'll you charge for that? ''
"And I imagine that's not all you want to know?" Selina asks as she scoops up a pastry -- raspberry filled thing with flaky and sugary layers of crust. There were some more of those, and chocolate ones as well. Taking a bite, she finds them to be fairly good.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Of course not. But I like to get the important things out of the way first. Since we've gone to lighter fare for the moment, what are you wearing to the party? I'm helping someone out who's going to attend with some fashion advice, and I don't think having her resemble you is a wise idea. I don't want her overshadowed."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Just a green dress. Sleek and snug-fitting, sleeveless, low hem." Selina says casually, raising an eyebrow at him. He had been invited to this party that quickly?
''I will overshadow her no matter what she wears. ''
"Who is this other person?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "An acquaintance of mine... She's not normally very sociable, so I'm doing a little preliminary work. Green, eh... I'd have thought red, myself."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, there's always merit in surprises." Selina says with some bemusement, wondering if Gennadi is disappointed or not. "Most people think I'm some kind of paradigm of black. Which is why I wear pastels occasionally."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Hah. Now that would be worth seeing. A faint pink, possibly. Perhaps a light green, pistachio." He chuckles at the thought. "Mrm, I suppose I should get her ready, then. Is there anything you'd like before I go? It isn't entirely fair for me to step in and be the one asking all the questions."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' There isn't a whole lot for her to ask, really. Beyond asking for how to contact him again, and he may get the wrong idea from that.
''Oh wait, true name. ''
''I can use sorcery then. ''
Good. She won't be cut off from a potential useful ally...maybe. If he's useful. Which only leaves his question.
Selina pops the last of her current pastry into her mouth, chews, and swallows it. "That erotic material you mentioned earlier. Anything of the Pale Angel, perchance?"
''A pity I cannot make copies if she gets angry enough to destroy the originals. ''
'''Gennadi: ''' "An interesting question." He flicks a chocolate pastry open with some hidden knife, vanished instants after it cuts. "The answer, of course, is yes. I only have the one piece on me, again, to recognize her should I encounter her. Hopefully in different circumstances." He smiles wryly. "I'm not sure she'd be too pleased at my interruption."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "She was in Windia for a time. Weren't you? She's not a hard one to spot -- albino, red eyes, always gloomy and in leathers and a cloak. Has a bad temper most of the time." Selina says off-handedly. "...What is the one you have?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Something softer than most of how she's portrayed. Naked, resting atop a pile of exhausted young men and women, come hither look, a few concealing locks of hair..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina blinks for a moment, squinting at the man. "...What? It's not of me? You were trying to track me down, weren't you?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "You weren't asking about the one of her I have? Hmm... I thought you'd gotten a good look at this one already. I apologize for the misunderstanding." He nods his head at her for a moment. "Perhaps it is the fine whiskey."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's eye twitches for just a moment, her entire frame seems to tense as if she is about to spring on him. And the atmosphere of the room is no better. It sharpens to the edge of a knife.
"So, you have them with you? I only saw a page."
'''Gennadi: ''' "A page each. I'm hardly going to carry around the entire set of artbooks just to enhance my lecherous act." He wags a finger at her. "I'm not that bad, dear."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hmph. Just a page." The feeling in the room goes back to normal as she blows a bit of her hair out of her eyes. "Or are you afraid one of us would get angry and destroy them?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Why would I care, consdering I have access to replacements? I will admit to provoking people with the evidence." He flips through his notebook and draws out another sheet, slapping it down on the table, a glowing blur. A three-dimensional illusion remains, hanging in the air, just as he said. Strong colors and clean lines, more accurate than humanly possibly and almost as if she could get up and touch the viewer, perharps pull them into that pleasantly sweaty pile.
"It is, admittedly, just a page. Not really one of the better ones, but at least you have a clear view of her face." He reaches a comparatively oversized finger down to brush some hair back, exposing more of a breast. "A useful thing to keep around when dealing with something of a fashion ambush, wouldn't you say?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Fashion ambush?" Selina says, not entirely liking where that may be heading. "I'll have you know this coat cost a good deal of money, and I wear it so people don't get a free show every day and so I can store things in the pockets and not freeze my arse off."
'''Gennadi: ''' He laughs. "Of course you do, dear. It'd be a terrible thing indeed if you left your arse behind in the frozen snows one evening."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hmph. And how many greatcoat wearing freaks do you encounter every week?" She bets none. At least not normally. Unless he's into weird things.
'''Gennadi: '''"Now, I would hardly call you a freak. You're being a bit harsh on yourself."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Pursing her lips, Selina looks at him, considering for a moment one course of action to jar him out of that sang-froid. But it would be too easy to telegraph, given that she needs to be out of her coat for it to really work.
"Oh, what, then?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "An Exalt who really needs some time to herself to relax." He nibbles on a small piece of that chocolate pastry. "Good. Not hungry?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hey! I was saving that for last!" Selina cries, then slumps down in her chair and sulks, black feathered wings drooping to either side as she stares sullenly at Gennadi. "Just what kind of fashion ambushes were you referring to?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Isn't it funny that you and I, in the middle of and war, are sitting here discussing the selection of a proper dress in similar terms? Perhaps everyone should simply throw a bigger party and settle it that way." He idly licks a smear of chocolate from his finger, another piece picked up afterwards. "Mostly that I'm planning to ensure that the people least expected to impress.do so as best as I can. To do this, I need to contrast, play off the notables already there. It's something like putting together a complex puzzle, and looking at the rest of the picture to see what pieces to use."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina takes whatever pieces are left for herself and begins, well, eating them, the remainder bundled up in her arms, crumbs on part of her greatcoat. When she's half-way through, she lightens up just enough to snicker at him. "There's still the Pale Angel."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Yes, I would hope so. It'd be rather worrisome if she simply vanished." He raises an eyebrow. "What of her, hm?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Nothing!" Selina says, right before she stuffs another one of her pastries into her mouth and eats it and then continues, one after another. And thinks of stealing Gennadi's whisky in retribution.
''Oooh, I should call Kanti...too bad she's probably off somewhere. ''
* Gennadi just grins at her. "Mhm." The paper is flipped over, image flickering out as he stands and tosses back the rest of his drink. "I suppose I shall see you tonight, then. It's good to see that I was right after all."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I'll be waiting for more of that material, too." She replies just before eating the last one of her pastries. Oh, she will be waiting indeed.
''Right about what? ''
''I'll be sure to ask that too. ''
'''Gennadi: ''' "Hrm? What material?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Those books." She replies simply, looking at him from her seat, caught right before she would have put the last pastry in her mouth.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I have already said I don't carry them around. They are not likely to make an appearance any time soon."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina growls under her breath, a rumbling echo of the Dragon that vibrates the air in the room and even shakes the ground a bit. And then pops the last of her snack in her mouth and eats it, savoring this one more, at least.
''Then later, oh yes, later. ''
* Gennadi chuckles. "I'll give you time to think of ways to persuade me to bring them, perhaps some alternative items in trade that don't involve chewing my face off. You can keep that one as a souvenier, though." He sets the glass down and walks away, pausing to tip Kyrie's face up for a quick kiss as he passes by, a lock of her hair cut free and twisted in the fingers of his far hand as he leaves.
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:43, 27 February 2009

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