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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
#REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels
== Fourth Movement ==
== Waltz ==
=== Prelude : Winds of Confusion ==
Still in Windia, the Windwraith, Gennadi and Iselsis meet... and pandemonium reigns.
[[GoldenCat/SilentTears|Silent Tears]]<br> - ''Iselsis deals with the prophecies laid out for her, breaking on Faina's hands... as the masks of two hardened spies come off...''
[[GoldenCat/GatheringOfWhisperers|A Gathering of Whisperers]]<br> - ''Eclipses. Moonshadow. Joybringer. Trickster. They meet, and play a manipulative game with the souls of Celestials at stake...''
[[GoldenCat/TrustNoOne|Trust No One]]<br> - ''Iselsis sneaks into the Zephyr. Gennadi drops in for a visit. Amidst silent winds, the only certain thing is that nothing is certain...''
[[GoldenCat/DinnerWithAmethyst|Lonely Amethyst]]<br> - ''Gennadi meets a former flame, discusses faction politics, and has the first encounter with a Starbreaker...''
[[GoldenCat/SilentEmotions|Silent Emotions]]<br> - ''Iselsis writes a letter to tug on the strings of Dylan's heart, and dances with Faina...''
[[GoldenCat/SilentJoy|Silent Joy]]<br> - ''Ready to move to the Boil, Iselsis meets Gennadi, and they come to an understanding...''
=== First Blood ===
The Windian army strikes at Whiteshield's most death-fortified borders, with the Exalted at their forefront!
[[GoldenCat/BreakingShields|The Breaking of the Shield]]<br> - ''Generals of Silver and Void march into Whiteshield, and break through its corrupted guards...''
[[GoldenCat/GatekeepersWrath|The Wrath of the Gatekeeper]]<br> - ''Alexander and the Krausers fight a horrific undead weapon, witnessing the mercy of the Belladonna and the Gatekeeper's wrath...''
[[GoldenCat/SufferingHymm|Hymm of Innocent Suffering]]<br> - ''Their minds filled with sorrow, they fight against their own compassion and sorrow, between life and death...''
[[GoldenCat/BalmOfWinds|Balm of Soothing Winds]]<br> - ''Blood spilled in White Towers, the Exalted regroup at the edge of Whiteshield, and tend to wounds of body, mind and soul...''
* [[GoldenCat/BladeOfCompassion|The Double-Edged Blade of Compassion]]<br> - ''Vorpal pressures Ryshassa until she reacts... one way or another.''
* [[GoldenCat/ChrysalisInFullBloom|Chrysalis in Full Bloom]]<br> - ''Ryshassa experiences the bloom of her power, and Alexsei realises how much he has lost...''
[[GoldenCat/RealigningLoyalties|Realigning Loyalties]]<br> - ''Cael rejoins the Circle as they interrogate the Dragon-Blooded Swan of the Bishop...''
[[GoldenCat/SecretsOfTenShadows|Secrets of Ten Shadows]]<br> - ''Cloud in Dawn tells the Circle about the Circle of Shining Whispers and the Chalcedony legion...''
=== Interlude : Children of Chaos ===
[[GoldenCat/WildDays|Wild Days!]]<br> - ''Enter Child of Wyld Days, Monkey-girl and Faerie from the North, into excitement and the thrill of heroism!''
[[GoldenCat/WildWalks|Wild Walks!]]<br> - ''Days and her newfound mentor, Relentless Prism, walk on Whiteshield, and Snow Monkey is shown what it used to be...''
=== Interlude : Warmth before the Fire ===
[[GoldenCat/FirstNight|First Night]]<br> - ''Alexander and the Pale Angel liberate the village of Aillil, and together, share their virgin night...''
* [[GoldenCat/FlameShadowMistress|Shadowy Mistress of Flames]]<br> - <i>Selina plays the Mistress to a broken Fire Aspect, learns of her life, and tells of her own...</i>
=== Rise of Fire and Iron! ===
Moon's plans finally come as light and darkness force each other's hands beneath the gray skies of the Boil!
[[GoldenCat/CalltoArms|The Call of the Iron God]]<br> - ''On the Court of Fallow Endearments, as the Terror of Nexus touches the Boil, viridian light sends souls to the wheel and a hunter brings violence to the field, Iron Tears pleads his city to aid... hammering their determination into a finely-crafted blade, ready to strike for freedom!''
[[GoldenCat/DeadIron|Army of Dead Iron]]<br> - ''As the revolution begins all around the Boil, the Exalted run to the cemetery, stopping the rise of an army of dead workers.''
[[GoldenCat/EnterTheWildChild|Enter the Wild Child]]<br> - ''The Child of Wyld Days comes to the Boil with Relentless Prism, and helps Iria against Minos' enforcers...''
[[GoldenCat/TheHuntress|Huntress of Shadows and Sin]]<br> - ''The city burns, as the revolutions blooms in full glory all around the Exalted, and as they rush to aid the Half-Moon Howling Alley Pack, the huntress of Nexus brings end to the darkness on the Boil... and fear awaits the Exalted.''
[[GoldenCat/TheLordofNightmares|Lord of Nightmares]]<br> - ''As the Red Lantern District burns around them, Selina, Kanti and Fiona place themselves between Simma Siray, the gang-goddess of the Boil, and Niremar, the Tamer of Burning Mares, Messenger Soul of Erembour, facing their worst fears, and old enemies...''
[[GoldenCat/EarthandSky|Red Earth, Dark Sky]]<br> - ''On the ground, Moon saves his pack from the lord of the black cloaks, and on the skies, Selina fights the dark ghost of old Windia...''
[[GoldenCat/LunarRevenge|Luna's Revenge, Shadow's Fall]]<br> - ''Moon and the Pack come to Kanti's rescue, giving Moon's revenge to the Iron Shades as they witness the fall of Black Avian...''
[[GoldenCat/RedHeavenSaviors|Saviors of a Red Heaven]]<br> - ''Niremar banished. Black Avian anihilated. The Iron Shades scattered. The Red Lantern secured. Simma Siray safe from all her assailants.<br><br>It is the end of the first dance in the Rise of Fire and Iron. And the Angels won.''
[[GoldenCat/GearsofRevolution|Hundredfold Gears of Revolution]]<br> - ''Selina, Moon, Opal, Kanti, Fiona, Iria, Iron Tears, Child of Wyld Days... The revolutionaires meet and plan, as a new enemy shows his face...''
* [[GoldenCat/OrderAndChaos|Order and Chaos]]<br> - ''Exceedingly Sublime Opal and the Child of Wyld Days meet... and the contrast of order and chaos makes for... friction.''
* [[GoldenCat/FairExchange|Fair Exchange]]<br> - ''Sorcery and Glamour, Fiona and Days talk about curiosity, conviction and friendship....''
* [[GoldenCat/StoneAndFIre|Stone and Fire]]<br> - ''Opal meets up with Kanti, and feels bliss as she touches Kanti's great big spear...''
* [[GoldenCat/BreakingAJadeBone|Breaking a Jade Bone]]<br> - ''The Boil's greatest dog gnaws playfully at a Jade shell, and begins to see the softness hidden underneath...''
* [[GoldenCat/SparkInAshenClouds|Spark in Clouds of Ash]]<br> - ''Moon and Kanti talk... About Heaven. About Selina. About Sarah. They talk, and Moon realises the horrific world he finds himself in...''
* [[GoldenCat/NightPlay|Night Play]]<br> - ''Moon and Selina spend some time together, sorting out the pull of fate on their shards... and the hurt in their souls.''
* [[GoldenCat/DarkAngelsObssessions|A Dark Angel's Obssessions]]<br> - ''Moon and Selina cuddle... and amidst love and care, Selina goes on about her obssessions and desires...''
[[GoldenCat/GhostlyGambit|The Ghostly Gambit]]<br> - ''The Parishioner lets loose the feral dead of the Boil on the revolutionaires, only to be shown he is not the only one who can use the ghostly flesh...<br><br>... and with this gambit, the revolution begins to draw to an end... for better or worse.''
[[GoldenCat/WaltzInSuffering|Waltz Through a Barrage of Suffering]]<br> - ''To stop a spell that will rend the Boil, Selina and Opal dance through a miasma of crying souls, into the Highlane District...''
[[GoldenCat/DeadMansGambit|Dead Man's Gambit]]<br> - ''Masquerading as the Dead, Moon, Kanti and Pack rush to Barr's safehouse... and fall into a horrific trap.''
[[GoldenCat/ADanceOfChaosandShadows|A Dance of Shadows and Chaos]]<br> - ''In the shadows of the war, the Child of Wyld Days meets the Beautiful Thorns of Carmine... and with those legendary assassins... she dances.''
[[GoldenCat/ADanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]<br> - ''Kodak arrives, on the back of the insane Earth Dragon Jordiar. Iron Tears rises to the challenge. Angels dance in the skies above. Atop a dragon, Days faces Shadow Rose and an insane god with a pantheon of angels fight for the future of the Boil, Whiteshield, and all the North...''
[[GoldenCat/ADanceOfDemons|A Dance of Demons]]<br> - ''Locked from the world, Selina faces the Parishioner. Outside,  Moon faces the Parishioner's greatest work as Stone and Fire face the Princesses... lust, pain, sorrow and determination forged and broken in a dance of demons, of triumph, tragedy, terror and pain... in the end of a revolution.''
''Epic, Tragic, Emotive... it ends.''
''And as the flames die down...''
* [[GoldenCat/ThrallsOfSnow|Thralls of Snow]]<br> - ''The Snow Monkey searches for her promised thralls, to delight on their bodies and dreams...''
* [[GoldenCat/PaleMeetsFire|A Pale Angel meets a Burning Bird]]<br> - ''The Pale Angel meets the Garda Bird, and talks about prowess and fear...''
* [[GoldenCat/DustOfEcstasy|Dust of Ecstasy]]<br> - ''Opal talks to Kanti, and has herself healed and warmed... ''
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 16:11, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels