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== Invasion of the Zephyr ==
Luna shines on the sky as you enter the Quicksilver Zephyr again....
The lights still on inside, all of them. Normally there would be dim lights on the corridors, but now they are all alight, making every window of the Zephyr holes of pouring golden light, constrating so much with the pale, silver light outside.
Alexander, at Cael's side, seems well enough - on the time it took for his talk with Rika, the boy managed to recover most of all his injuries. Once again showing his supernatural endurance. Orchid is less well off, but she holds her own admirably well, not asking for help even once. Her face, however, is one of awe. "It is... <i>beautiful</i>!"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael is still in pain, the wounds healing much slower on him than the prince, though still at supernatural speeds.
He manages a broad smile at her reaction to the Zephyr though
"She is, isn't she?" He knocks lightly on the door. "Calisara, open up please."
<b>Zephyr:</b> The curve of the ship almost touching the ground, it opens up with a strange noise and the light of golden motes... Calisara is nowhere to be seen, but the light and warmth of the ship seem so invinting on the cold northern night...
<b>Orchid:</b> "More than that... wondrous. It did that... just by you talking to it." She says, her lips parted, trying hard not to be slack-jawed. "It is... truly a wonder."
<I>Once... the dragons did those wonders at their whims? What a glorious age thar might have been...</i>
"And you seem well worthy of it, Cael." She smiles, "Even for an Anathema."
<b>Cael:</b> "Thank you, and Calisara did yes, she is the spirit of the ship."
Cael smiles then hops inside, making a slightly pained expression as he does "But she doesn't seem to be here, so I suppose I will have to welcome you aboard myself."
He makes a flourish "Welcome to the Quicksilver Zephyr, Scarlet Orchid."
<b>Orchid:</b> "The spirit of the ship..."
She smiles as he makes the flourish, responding in kind and stepping into the ship like a lady. "Thank you, my most gracious host."
<b>Alexander:</b> Alexander stays silent, holding the handle of his blade on his hips, and staring at empty space as he walks behind Calisara. Having lost his shirt due to the blood soaking it, only wearing an improvisation, he steps into the Zephyr, blinking. "Now, where was Lilith again...?"
<b>Cael:</b> "You are welcome." she smiles pleasantly at her.
"Now, would you like to be shown to the Pale Angel now, or can I get you some food or a drink?"
<I>And where is Calisara...I hope she isn't sulking at me for being out so long...</i>
"Calisara, where are you my dear?" he calls out softly.
<b>Calisara:</b> "You called?" She says, appearing on the corridor from a corner, fully materialized, her tatoos shimmering happilly as she moves with gentle gusts, barely touching the ground. Her smile is pure, infectious. "We missed you, Cael."
<b>Anne:</b> And as she says so, Anne comes running, almost tripping on herr own feet before glomping Cael. "Welcome back!!!" She almost shouts!
"<nowiki>SomuchhappenedthebadmencameLilithlikedmyfoodandtheyattackedandtherewasbloodonthefloorandthecabinisopenandtheydidntwantmetoseetheapebutIdid</nowiki>..." She says, in a rapid-fire of words few but young women could ever be capable of....
<b>Alexander:</b> Alex smiles broadly, almost chuckling. "Hello, Anne. Was everything..."
He catches her words, his face urgent, "Bad men? Was everything taken care of? Is Lilith alright?"
<b>Cael:</b> "Ah, hello Calisara. I was a little ...he- Ahhh." He winces in pain as Anne runs into him, wrapping his arms around her.
"...Hello, Anne.", as he looks up to Calisara.
"Bad men? Apes? Are you alright? Is the Pale Angel alright?" his voice sounds concerned, and a little pained.
<b>Anne:</b> "Yes, thirty, thirty of them! so many of them! But lady Lilith... she chased them all away! And gave me a knife, she, she..."
Her face warms up in happyness.... "... She said I did well."
"She is well, she is well, but still hurt... she even needed my help!"
<B>Calisara:</b> "Hello, Cael, hello, cute Alex!" Calisara says, gliding up to Anne and mussing her hair, smiling at both Solars.
"We had some problems. Nothing we could not handle..." She looks behind them, to the Wood-aspected Dragon-Blooded. "Scarlet Orchid, I presume? I am Calisara, the spirit of this Ship, at your service. Anything and everything you need, I will be at your disposition."
<b>Cael:</b> "She did, did she?" He smiles down at Anne. "Well done, then."
then looks up again, to Calisara and the others "Thank you, Calisara. How remiss of me not to make introductions." he makes a small grin.
"We had our own probelms, too. Though, the immediate ones are dealt with."
<b>Alexander:</b> "Hello, Calisara. I see things have been busy..."
"We had some... problems of our own, as well." He says, and as he says so, his makeshift loose shirt he got from Orchid moves to show his still-healing wound... the red bruise where a hole punched by a blade of bone used to be. The prince's perfect face seems to be of one barely noticing it, though - silver hair glinting like gems on the unnatural golden light, his purple eyes loving the scene...
<b>Orchid:</b> "Pleased to meet you, Calisara." Orchid makes a flourish, a little pained look passing through her face then. "I am feeling very welcome already. And who is the young girl, Cael... your daughter?"
<b>Anne:</b> <i>Well done...</i>
She basks on it, until she looks at the prince... and notices the prince's wound... "<I>Prince!!</i> What happened to you, who hurt you?!?"
Running to him, her hand going insde the loose, open shirt, touching the wound... "You are hurt..."
<b>Alexander:</b> Alexander blinks. Alexander... blushes.
And then others around the room might notice that, for him, she is not just a kid, and notice why the girl's proximity to his face, her hand on her chest, is making the god-looking royal so... embarassed.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael shakes his head softly, then turns as the girl runs, a slightly amused expression on his face. "Scarlet Orchid, this is Anne. Anne, this is Scarlet Orchid, she'll be healing Lilith. Anne came on board after..." he stops and shakes his head again.
<i>No need to mention that again...</i>
"She will be staying on the Zephyr for a while, I think."
<b>Calisara:</b> "The pleasure's all mine, Emerald Dragoness."
Calisara happilly giggles watching Anne so close to Alex and the boy-prince's reaction, the winds around her singing a gentle, calm melody... "Well, of course... not all was fine and dandy." She says, producing an... apron, out of thin air, and tying it up around herself once again. "Back to work now... and I would advise all of you not to come closer to the control cabin. The Pale Angel made... a mess there. Make sure she is in your debt too, Cael" She winks, moving to go to work...
<b>Anne:</b> "Prince... are you ok? Still hurt?" She says... then, as he does not answer, turn to Orchid, bowing, as she had taught to do... even if she had never had to use it before today. Her awe at finally seeing a princess of the Earth kicks in as she bows. "You honor me with your presence, oh princess of the earth."
<i>'She will be staying on the Zephyr for awhile'</i>
Bowing, Anne hears this... and warms. And cools.
<i>I... will? He will let me stay!</i>
<i>Awhile... that means... afterwards, he might, he might...</i>
<b>Orchid:</b> "You honor me with it, child." She says, enjoying her good manners. An outcaste loved each moment of those she can get....
But as she rises Anne's face with the tip of her finger, she notices Calisara.... suprised, lips open once again....
<i>A goddess in an apron?!?</i>
<b>Alexander:</b> "I... am well... Scarlet healed me.. and I heal fast." He inhales deeply, and his amethyst eyes grimace...
"The worst wound is in my spirit."
<b>Cael:</b> He smiles encouragingly at Anne.<br>
<i>Well done for knowing that.<br>We shall have to talk about your staying here.</i>
Cael grins at her rather suprised expression
"Calisara is somewhat eccentric. She has to put up with me after all. Should I show you to the Pale Angel now?" he asks.
"And Alex, you did not do so badly today. You helped protect people, and you most assuredly saved my life from the demon. So, let that wound in your spirit heal." with an encouraging smile at the young prince.
<b>Alexander:</b> Alexander smiles at Calisara's dress... remembering many of Melody's servans who were just as eccentric.
He looks up at Cael, but his words just do not go into the boy much... "Maybe. But what I have before me is nothing so small as that... and I am not up to the task, Cael. I simply am... not. You go heal my jailor; I will see about relaxing a bit, right?" He says, a courtly gesture of goodbye to all of them. "May you all have a wonderful time, and excuse me for anything."
<b>Orchid:</b> "Yes, let us. I want to see the woman who had a good chunk of the North scared of her army..."
She says, petting Anne's hair a bit as she moves past..... "Eccentric, eh? I see your life must be even <i>more</i> interesting, my gracious host."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael makes a farewell gesture to acknowledge the prince's goodbye
"Go, Relax then." he smiles "I'll talk to you later."
"Believe me, the excitement never stops some days." he smiles self depreciatingly.
"Now, please follow me, esteemed guest." he gestures for her walk along side him.
"Anne, since I'm sure you've been working hard today, you can have a little time off, ok?" He says with a smile to her.
<b>Anne:</b> Anne nods profusely... and watches them go.
<i>Some time off...?</i>
<i>What can I do on some time off...?</i>
No knitting... Calisara does chores... no fields. What to do...
<b>Orchid:</b>... And Orchid follows Cael, "I don't know if I envy you or not, really." Until they reach the door to the Pale Angel's luxury cabin...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael knows softly on the door.
"It is Cael. I have a Healer for you. May we come in?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> A moment passes in silence.
Then comes the faint response: "Come in."
The air within the chamber is cool, the temperature definitely lower than how it is in the corridor. The cabin is silent and shadowy, the only source of illumination being the light that pours in through the open door. It is only just enough to outline the cabin's bed... and the still form of the Pale Angel lying on it.
Clad in a simple tunic and a pair of loose pantaloons, Vorpal deFay lies very still atop the sheets, her back straight and her hands by her sides. Her eyes are closed, her regal features calm and even, her hair an uneven halo of snow around her head. The posture, coupled together with the deathly-white pallor of her skin, gives an eerie impression of a warrior who had finally earned her final place of rest, far away from battlefields. The image is further complemented by a heavy sword resting against the bed's edge close to her head, and a black velvet cloak which hangs from a hook in the wall like a funeral drapery.
She is still alive, though - the steady rise and fall of her chest betrays this. But other than this little sign of life, she could just as easily be one of the dead with whom her kind is so closely associated with.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael palms the door open then steps inside, the orichalcum amulet about his neck warding him from the cold.
"Scarlet Orchid, this is the Pale Angel...Pale Angel, this is Scarlet Orchid, the healer I have found."
Now he is in the room with the pale angel, he takes especial care that his movements are fuild, trying to be betray his own fading injury.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "A pleasure", the Ghost-Blooded states, simply. Only her mouth and jaw move - her eyes remain closed, her body entirely motionless.
<b>Cael:</b> "I suppose you will work your magic now...are you sure you do not want some food or a drink?" he asks of Orchid. "Or you, pale angel?"
<i>And why is she looking like that...</i>
<b>Orchid:</b> Scarlet comes in, a true daughter of the Wood Dragon.... hair colored like nuts under the light of dawn, alive and silky as if still glinting with morning dew. They cascade down her back, small red flowers growing together with hair, so beautiful and delicate. But Vorpal sees none of this, in the dark.
<i>So, this is the Pale Angel. Vorpal <nowiki>DeFey</nowiki>...</i>
She walks up to Vorpal, sitting down the bed, close to her, the voice of a doctor kicking in, "A pleasure to meet you, Pale Angel. You are... quite like I imagined. Are you ready?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "No, thanks", Vorpal responds, a slight tint of weariness in her voice. "I have eaten already. But I'm certain Anne can make something for you..."
At the sound of the Orchid's voice, however, the Ghost-Blooded opens her eyes, looking up at the Dragon-Blooded. "Please. Be gentle with me", she says after a moment. She closes her eyes again, forcing her body not to tense at the thought that she is leaving herself completely at the mercy of a Terrastrial Exalted.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael smiles "I gave Anne some time off, since she did so well. I suppose I will have to rustle something for myself up then..."
He pushes off the wall. "And thank you for helping to take care of the Zephyr and Anne."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "That makes us even", comes the faint response from the bed. "Oh, and... Somewhere out there are twenty-seven mercenaries, bandits and the like who believe that Quicksilver Zephyr is a ghost-ship. If you keep up with the reputation, you should not have too many of such problems anymore."
<b>Orchid:</b> Orchid still feels like a Dragon. Like the one who brought Vorpal down. Like those who did... so long ago.
Orchid's hands land softly on Vorpal's belly, sending warmth into the albino... as Orchid closes her eyes, feeling the Pale Angel's wounds... feeling her body...
<i>Sextes Jylis... have mercy.</i>
<i>This poison, those wounds... they wounded her body, they wounded her soul. Poison of the Labyrinth...</i>
<i>More than that, her body...</i>
<i>Poor woman.</i>
She sighs, visibly grimacing. "Truly... she was struck down by something... vicious." She says, now turning her conscience inward... "I can heal her. If just barely. Her wounds are... serious, yes. I can hardly fathom something able to do that..."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal's voice wafts up once more, almost dreamily this time: "Correction. I was not struck down by it. He fell first... well... he rained down, actually. In tiny little pieces."
<b>Cael:</b> "A ghost-ship?" An eyebrow raises. "No ... telll me later."
<i>Ghost ship? What hell had happened while he was away?</i>
"I told you it was a cruel venom. I'm glad you can do something for her though. I will leave you to your healing for a while, I think" He smiles in gratitude, and then tilts his head in question "Sure you don't want anything, Orchid?"
<b>Orchid:</b> "Only one thing." She states. "I want you to leave, Cael. Or, at the very least, to be a gentleman and turn around. I will need the Pale Angel to take off her shirt here.... the damage was straight on her chest."
She says so, her hand going up... feeling the foul essence pouring from the large, open burn on Vorpal's chest, where the avid scoured her skin, and still burn at her heart and ribs...
<b>Cael:</b> He smiles graciously in apology. "I will go and make us some food. I'll knock before I come back in."
And then he turns and makes his slow way to the galley on the Zephyr
<i>what fruit do we have on board...</i>
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal's eyebrows draw slightly together at her touch. Warm, skilled hands feeling her half-dead skin and the poison-ridden wound there.
<I>She smells like flowers. Trees. Forest. Life.</i>
<i>She smells like life,</i> Vorpal decides silently. <i>Everything I have never been.</i>
Defenseless, depending on someone else than myself, about to be healed by a Wood-Aspected Terrastrial... This is definitely alien ground for Vorpal.
She swallows, her palms growing moist and itching to circle around the reassuring feel of the sword handle. It is going to take some effort to remain calm through all of this.
<b>Orchid:</b> Slowly, Vorpal's tunic goes up... slowly... especially on her chest. Moving so as to not hurt her in the least. The tunic would stop over her chest... but Orchid keeps placing it up, so as to not have it weighing down and making any stress on that region. She needs her patient relaxed... and so, she finishes taking the tunic off, placing it on the edge of the bed, neatly folded.
Her hand moves up Vorpal's belly... feeling the flows of her essence and body, visibly terrified by them. Unnatural. Strange. No compliments of Vorpal's figure from her. Not from someone who can see all that the Pale Angel is...
Her hand stops over her chest, where the dark burn of the acid strike seems such a stark contrast to her pale flesh. Festering, burning still. Her Exalted constituition can barely withstand it, and certainly a mortal would never, ever recover, just have it fester until his death... "You... moved around too much. What have you done after this wound was inflicted? You should have been at rest, not getting up from the bed... but yet, I sense so much strain! You are lucky I will be able to heal this at all."
"I will begin now... it might hurt a little bit for you. Ready?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal chuckles quietly, her belly twitching slightly as she does so. "I had to look after this ship while the captain was gone." She pauses, frowns, then adds: "That, and to keep the little girl safe."
<i>And I overdid it, as usual.</i>
"Go right ahead", she states, and her left hand slowly clenches itself into a fist. "Pain is something I'm very used to."
"So burn it away", she whispers, her tongue suddenly dry. "Burn it all away."
<b>Orchid:</b> The life essence begins to pour into Vorpal... and she feels it. More invasive than even the void, for her... the venom, more natural to her than the essence of wood, of things that grow, of nature. A soft glow surrounds the healer, and then, her wound begins to.... <i>hiss.</i> The cleaning light interacts with the venom of Void's lake... and burns it. A little bit at a time... hissing, burning...and sedating. Right after the initial burn, the purifying hiss, the life essence begins to dim her feeling... to seem to inviting, sweet.
Droplets of darkness begin to flow up, going out of Vorpal, and Orchid grits her teeth, her eyes glowing in a violet light over the strain of fighting this force of darkness. Soon, the air around her blossoms in emerald and scarlet.... petals of flowers appearing out of thin air and raining down... orchids blossoming on the air, and falling over Vorpal, leaving her as if in a regal flower-filled deathbed...
Crimson, Emerald, meeting on Violet. Orchids filling the air, and the bed... covering Vorpal with life.
She grits her teeth, infusing more and more life essence on Vorpal, taking off the pain, eliminating the festering poison... despite the hiss, despite the life, a relief that can barely be described. As if all the load of the world is taken off Vorpal's back.
"... There." She says, stopping... but Vorpal still feels the hurt. The burning. Nothing changed... "I took of most of the poison. Two thirds of it... only a small part left. I could take only half of what is still there. But I think it would be better for you if I used the little power I still have to actually close the wound. It can be closed, now... now that I have purged the poison."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Do what you think is best", she gasps curtly, keeping her words short so as not to betray any of her emotions through their tone.
Her body is tense, her back straight like a spear, her hand in a trembling fist. The Abyssal Essence is wavering within her system, straining against the iron shackles of her will that hold it back from attempting to fight against this invasion, to try and purge her veins from this foreign power. This is not meant to happen - the very laws of Creation should be against allowing a Terrastrial power to mend the flesh of a being of Underworld. Has anyone ever even attempted such a thing before now?
Vorpal tries to feel privileged as the healer begins the next stage of her work.
<b>Orchid:</b> "Very well." She closes her eyes, both arms above her now... and then, with almost a moan, lets it out. And violet light explodes outside of the window of Vorpal's cabin. Orchids blossom all around the room, and in a whirlwind of life and beauty, it ceases being a cabin... becoming a beautiful, beautiful garden.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael knocks lightly on the door, then enters after Orchid says he can. Into the small blizzard of flowers. He blinks slightly as they swirl around him and coat the floor... such a sight...
"How is she doing?" he asks softly into the tranquil silence of the garden.
<b>Orchid:</b> Cael comes in to see a beautiful garden... the room filled with flowers, neatly arranged by her anima.... filling the floor and the bed. Beautiful, a whole different place than it was just a moment before.
"She is well." Orchid gives a tired smile, her face and body covered in sweat. "A night's rest wll purge the little bit of the poison still on her system. Sorry that I could not do more..."
<I>A little more, and the room would be wrecked. A little more, and I would have hurt the Pale Angel much more than I had healed her.</i>
<i>A little more, and I would have lost control, swayed in elemental power...</i>
<b>Vorpal:</b> "A lot better than you will soon be if you do not turn around this instant", wafts Vorpal's voice in from the heart of the vortex of flowers. The mild irritation in her voice seems to be more because of habit than true intention, however, and it cannot cover the layer of weariness underneath. "Are there any gentlemen in this ship?"
Vorpal has not moved an inch from the place where Cael had left her. She still lies in her bed, with a fragant mass of flower petals covering her from neck to toe. More keep on raining onto her every second, and she has no choice but to blow and sneeze lightly every few seconds to keep her face clear of them. The reason for the Ghost-Blooded's reprimands at Cael become clear at the sight of her black tunic, however - the cloth is still hanging from the cornerpole of her bed. This means there is currently not much covering Vorpal underneath all those petals...
<b>Cael:</b> "My deepest apologies." he gives an elaborate bow, then winces slightly, before turning around. "I did not realise."
<i>The flowers do suit her though... in a strange way ... </i>
"I'm sure you have done all you can, and so I thank you. If you'd like to follow me, there will be some food ready shortly ... I just left it to simmer."
<b>Orchid:</b> "You said you would ask before entering. Naughty boy." She says, her voice not nearly wicked or jokingly enough, simply breathy, tired and drained as she is... stepping out of bed and following after Cael, "Oh, please. I need to eat much now. And afterwards, I need to go straight to bed!"
<b>Vorpal:</b> "...heh." Vorpal cannot help but to let out a tiny laugh at Cael's reaction. That would have almost been the second time within a day.
"Scarlet Orchid, wasn't it?" she calls after the departing Dragon-Blooded. "You have my thanks."
<i>You probably had a very decisive role at determining the outcome of this mess all of us are in...</i>
<b>Orchid:</b> "Yes. I suppose we never got a decent introduction, did we? Pleasure to meet you, Pale Angel."
"And thank you. You did push me like I had not been pushed in a... while."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "They say I am a pushy woman", Vorpal responds, with something of a self-ironic humor apparent in her voice. "Go rest now."
Orchid: "Sorry, but I am starving. Didn't get a decent meal the whole day... the one before was poisoned, you see."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael leads Orchid up to the sunlounge.
"This is the sunlounge .. please, take a seat. I'll up with the food soon."
And then he makes his way to the galley, serving the food, an eastern dish on a bed of rice, chicken with a simple vegetable sauce, with some water to drink.
He returns slowly to the sunlounge, setting a plate down in front of Orchid, then pouring her some water before doing the same himself, taking a very much needed rest on one of the comfy chairs.
<b>Orchid:</b> "Moonlounge now, wouldn't it be?" She giggles as she takes a piece of the chicken... "Hmm, tasty. Much less exotic than the duck with peaches..."
"But much less poisoned as well."
<b>Cael:</b> He grins softly "Well, I <i>could</i> have made something like the duck with peaches, but I'm lacking both duck and peaches ..." he smiles and sips the water.
And so the night proceeds, without duck or peaches, with chicken and water, warm talks and slow healing....
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 15:28, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels