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== Flower in the Garden of Time ==
Gray stone and wooden walls rarely speak of true grandeur, even in the frozen north. Yet, if the Hourglass is proof of anything, it is what is inside those walls which counts for more than what they look like. Built over the crumbled ruins of a Terrestrial manse, while most savor the warmth and comforting atmosphere few realize the magical nature of the original Hourglass.
Rika Sanjuro, an experienced and well-known Shadow of Divinity, offspring of Tien Yu, goddess of Lookshy, and a Lunar anathema who exalted from their ranks, chose the site of her 'retirement home' well, picking an almost unclaimed foundation of a manse built during the Shogunnate (there was a group of bandits who had been operating, but she had a long discussion with them over the wisdom of turning over the former manse to her. Then she had them buried as part of the basement paid for their hungry ghosts to be bound as guardians to her private vault).
Though she could not hire an architect with a mind for the construction of manses, a virtual accident of design allowed the Hourglass to function as one regardless, though it’s a haphazard function and the inn channels essence from the demanse linked to it far less effectively than it might.
In the middle of sturdy wooden roads, it stands, a Guild Caravan just now passing by, going to Amber Post.... apparently in a hurry. But the state of affairs in the countryside is enough to stir any to hurry as much as they can.
The Zephyr sails the clouds, seeing that from afar as it closes in...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael studies the Caravan from the bridge of the Zephyr, the hearthstone he carries letting him pick out all the details on the caravan. No familar faces, alas.
After circling for a while, to ensure the caravan is passed somewhat, since giving the people who hunted knowlegde of where he had been would not be so wise...
When the caravan has gone though, he banks the ship around, bringing it down around a hundred yards from the inn itself. A cautionary measure, protecting the inn's geomancy from the Zephyr's engines and the Zephyr from curious patrons.
He smiles to Calisara "We should not be tooo long in there, though you never can tell with that place."
After that, he wanders off to find the Prince "We're at the Hourglass now. Try to keep that sword in it's sheath, and to avoid causing trouble. Though if anyone starts..well..."
The pair set off towards the inn.
<b>The Hourglass!:</b> Inside, the Hourglass bursts with.... life. And an eclectic life at that. The rich, the poor, and somehow... the weird. It was a strange beggining when the girl cleaning the building outside had wyld wings, but inside... out of the corner of the eye, Cael sees two wyld mutatnts, and one Dragon-Blooded. The staff seems to be really eclectic, and the rich and merchantile clientele has it running non-stop in what is the most incredible version of organized chaos Cael has evern seen.
Rules are written in a piece of paper on the wall. One of those caught the eye : ‘Wake ye not the great beast before the hours of noon’.
“Alan, come ON!” Comes the shout of the wolf beastman carrying some client’s luggage, “Perio wants you to help me with those before loading in the Guildsmen’s things!”
Somewhere, comes a shout, “MARTIN, YOU WALKING JYNX! Walk into my room while I’m working one more time, and I kill you!”
Accross the room, a generously-dressed( to the north ) green-haired, golden-eyed girl in a scavenger’s hat pushes a boy with the same features, palm-sized, cute wings on each of their backs. Nick and Sora, that pair of air-controlling treasure hunters... “Comeon, Nick, you HAVE to meet her! I just know she is your type!” She says happilly, dragging him along while he grimaces, “I just wanted to relax... why do you keep embarassing me like that, Sora?”
“Just listen to your sister, will you? After all, Nicky, girls mature faster than you boys, you know. You will understand when you are older..”
"If it means they all end up like you, I'm gonnago sit in the fireplace and save myself a life of pain..."
Among other things. It burstles with so much... life.
It’s like Nexus, all over again. Except, smaller. Well, and without the thieves, murderers and the violence.
“WHAT?!? How dare you, you brat!” Sora says, a gust of wind knocking him out, and upon the tables, and...
...On second thought, scratch the part where there is no violence.
As Cael comes in, just as some rumble happens on his side, a young man, white hairs and blue eyes, features very distinctive... somehow, comes and greets him, doing his best to mantain a straight face, “Good evening, most illustrious sir... how can I help you?”
<i>Please don’t be here for the reason I think you are, please don’t be here to challenge her, please please please... I have had enough of a bad day as it is!</i>
<b>Cael:</b> He smiles to himself, as he takes the chaos, wondering how long it will be before he gets noticed ... ahh.. there it is
He turns the full force of his friendly, welcoming smile on the man approaching him, the essence wrapping around him all but ensuring he recieves the greeting he does..
"Yes, I'm looking for a woman named Scarlet Orchid, I believe she is staying here..."
<b>Hourglass:</b> The man looks at Cael in a little bit of... well, not awe. More like, as if all the aprehension and cold from before melted, and now they were as old friends, "Oh, oh, of course she is... Mr... Cael, right? "
On the background, he can hear some of the talk is about him. The Zephyr is too close that it spread through a little too quickly... "I suppose you'd want me to call her?"
<b>Cael:</b> He acknowledges the name with a small nod.
"If you would please convey to her that I would like to speak with her, I would be grateful. I leave whether we talk here or somewhere else to her." he gestures in the direction of the bar.
"I'll be waiting by the bar when you return. What does she like to drink by the way, if you know?"
<b>Hourglass:</b> "I will, I will, just wait there....!" He says, turning away, but stopping as he asks, "Oh, mixed drinks. She loves anything with alcohol and fruits... specially if the one with strawberries!"
<b>Cael:</b> <i>Strawberries, hmm...?</i>
He nods after the man as he wanders off, then picks his way through the crowd to the bar, half an ear cocked for the latest rumours about him. A short while after he reaches the bar, he smiles at the bar lady.
"A glass of red wine, and a.." there is a momentary pause "..one of those, please" he gestures to the item on the menu. "And what would you like Alex?" He asks, suppling an appropriate ammount of silver coin with the order.
While he waits for the drinks to be brought, he turns back to the room, watching and listening the bar.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Cael is the topic all around alright, although if they intend to just look, point and talk, or if any of them are going to act on the Hanslanti bounty, is still in the air.... as he looks around, he sees at least a few who are eyeing him a little too oddly. Then again, it is not always that one of the most famous anathema of the North simply appears on a place like the hourglass. The barmaid seems to blush by him just talking to her, nodding and almost stuttering as she goes to get the drinks... and Alex... seems to be a little ways away, looking at... something.
"Oh? Hmmm... me? I... am not thirsty." The prince speaks, his eyes and mind somewhere... else.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods to him, "As you wish."
He is positively radiating reasurance at the barmaid, trying his best to counter her suttering.
He murmurs in a low voice to Alex "And this is why I doubt you will get aid from from the Haslanti."
Then he resumes his watching of the room, slowly sipping his wine.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> A couple of joking mentions to 'his price' fly by, and Alex closes his eyes, shaking his head for a moment, "It's like this... every time?"
As he says so, Cael notices a man.. green hair of a haltan, but in the colorful trappings of the south with too much gold, even a little bit of jade... a rich man, maybe with the guild, approaching them...
<b>Cael:</b> "I'm not always recognised this fast ... but with the Zephyr just outside...."
He gives an easy shrug, evidently not bothered by it at all.
"It is something you get used to, or you stop. I don't plan on stopping."
He checks the merchant out as he approaches, but waits for him to speak first.
<b>Alexander Holysword:</b> "Ah..." He keeps his distant look, then begins walking away, "Cael, I..." He turns, his purple eyes trembling slightly, "I... think I saw someone I know... can you talk to Orchid without me? I will be back soon..."
<b>Hourglass:</b> The barmaid, cute nut-brown eyes staring at Cael, brings the drinks, "Is there... anything else I could do for you? Anything?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael raises an eyebrow at that, puts a restraining hand on his arm, just to hold him back.
"Alex, don't go and do anything foolish, please." looking him in the eye to make his point. "It would be ..tricky to help you in here, things being as they are. Though I suppose I am talking to a healer." he grins. "Just be careful."
He looks over his shoulder at the barmaid, wishing he had the time but..."Well, actually, there is one thing you could do...Who is he?" she makes a subtle gesture to the merchant approaching.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "I will try... really, will be right back." He nods, but without much spirit in it. And soon, a couple of steps into the crowd, and he vanishes.
<b>Hourglass:</b> "O-oh, that is lord Mantegoi... a merchant prince, a very wealthy one... his route goes from here to Haslanti, and to Linowan, where he lives... a regular of ours'" She says, a couple moments before the man himself speaks...
<b>Merchant Prince:</b> And the merchant sits close to Cael, asking himself for a heavy, hot northern drink, and stroking a braided, jeweled green beard as he looks at Cael, "You are the windwraith, aren't you?" the man says, unware all seems to be happening at once with Cael, "The owner of that fabulous flying ship out there? I hear it is unlike Hasnlanti ships... it travels during storms and blizzards, doesn't it?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods to acknowledge that yes, he could well be the windwraith.
"The ship out there is mine, yes. And yes, I've yet to encounter a storm she cannot fly through." He smiles warmly at him "Interested in a trade of some kind?"
<b>Merchant Prince:</b> The waitress melts, and the man smiles at Cael, "Right to the point! Now, there is a man worth of doing bussiness with!"
He makes an expansive motion with his hand, "Well, there are some things I would like to move around... but alas, our caravans are too slow, and skyships, too unreliable, especially when we approach my homeland to the East... so yes, I would love to discuss an agreement with you, my good sir. And I am Rauri Mantegoi, most pleased to meet the famous Windwraith!"
<b>Cael:</b> "Well, there is a time for plesantries and a time for business. I find it helps not to confuse the two."
"A pleasure to meet you too, Rauri." He offers his hand in the appropriate linowan greeting. He considers "While I would love to discuss such an agreement with you ... today is not an ideal time. Present events leave me more than a little busy ... Perhaps if we might meet another day?"
<b>Merchant Prince:</b> "Oh, of course. Believe me... I understand about burdens." He says, a glance over his shoulder to a group bringing a bunch of papers to him, the scroll of documents under his own arm.... "But if you want a chance to get wealthier than you dream of, and ever seek the favor of the guild... look for me in Rubylak. I shall be there in a couple months, hopefully... need to get out of here. Things have not been very... safe, have they, now? But if you decide any time soon, you might find me in Amber Post." He shrugs, getting up, his gaze mischievous, "I suppose I will end up seeing you anyway, Windwraith. A toast to today, at least!"
And as Rauri rises his glass, the receptionist of the Inn comes back, embarassed... "Errr... I am sorry, sir, but..."
<b>Cael:</b> "No, the world is certainly not safe today..." Cael gives a small sigh that might be sorrow.
"I shall keep your offer in mind, none the less. While I'm by no means short of wealth, one can always find a use for more, eh?" He lets a slightly greedy smile cross his face as he raises his glass. "To today. May it last a good few more hours." he grins.
He turns to regard the repectionist "Yes?" His voice is mild, implying that he holds the receptionist responsible for nothing he will convey.
<b>Merchant Prince:</b> "A peasant finds wealthy in being able to own a horse; A king in a beautiful, powerful Manse. Wealth depends of the grandeur of the man, Windwraith, and I do not take you for a small man." He toasts, the sound carrying like a chime through the room, somehow. "I consider kings beggars, but yet your wings out there fill me with envy and greed. It all depends on the man."
Rauri drinks, and the receptionist gulps and tries to get calm, "Well, she says she will not see you for all the jade in the dynasty. Something about your nature, to put it in... gentle terms." He can't help but take a step back as he says that.
<b>Cael:</b> <i>So, not as greedy as most of the fools in the guild, are we Rauri?</i> Cael thinks...
<i>Very well then, I shall enjoy greatly my negotiations with you when they happen...</i>
"True words you speak there. And now I must beg my leave of you, Merchant Mantegoi, may your business continue to prosper."
Another reassuring smile at the receptionist , showing he takes no offence "She did eh? Not entirely unexpected. Please, could you take me to her room, I would like to speak with her myself before I give up on this idea entirely ..."
<b>Hourglass:</b> "She... said she would not like to see you, sir, so I... don't think that would be a very good idea, really. I don't think it can be so urgent as to make us harass our patrons..."
<b>Cael:</b> He gives him an even look "Do you really think I'd be asking after one of the more powerful healers in the north because I have a triffling problem?" He lets the man draw his own conclusions from that.
<b>Hourglass:</b> The man shakes his head. "Oh well, I suppose you are right, I am sorry. She is up the second floor, third room to the right... the lady tends to go to the Sauna and the baths for a long time during the afternoon, and that is not much far from now, so I would advise you to be quick about it if you want any chance of getting her in a good mood..."
He gets closer and whispers in confidence, "And if she asks, someone else told you this and you slipped past me."
<b>Cael:</b> "Of course." He gives the man one last reassuring smile, then picks up the strawberry concoction he ordered. "Thank you." He waves slightly at the barmaid.
Then he wanders upstairs and to the appropriate room, knocking lightly on the door.
<b>Orchid:</b> She opens the door. Her hair is the color of nuts covered in dew under the light of dawn - not opaque, but shining. Her eyes are the same, but like the nuts are swimming in beautiful dew. Small flowers not greater than a nail dot her hair in parts, and even from there you can feel her scent... like a glade at dawn. A red, intricate scripting fills her forehead, and it seems to... gleam, slightly, the color of a furiously passionate rose.
Loose-fitting robes fall about her shoulders, wanting down and revealing quite a bit of her cleavage and shoulders... and stopping to show more of the legs than any Dynast would like. That vision of Exalted beauty is only matched by the annoyance, almost rage in her eyes, narrowing at the sight of Cael. "Knew it. Anathema."
And simple as that, she prepares to slam the door shut.
<b>Cael:</b> He treats her to his very friendliest smile, apparently unaffected by her annoyance and her rather insulting words.
"I am sorry to disturb you, Scarlet Orchid, but I have a pressing need for your services. You come highly recommended by people whose opinion I respect greatly, and if there was anyone else in the North who could do what you could, I would go to them." he pauses "Besides, I bought you a drink, and I could hardly let that go to waste now, could I?" he says with an outrageous grin, offering her the strawberry drink.
He makes no move to stop her slamming the door.
<b>Orchid:</b> She stops. She looks at Cael... hears his words.
Then, she blushes, the almond skin coloring to a slight shade of pink, looking the other way, sighing and trying her best to look annoyed. "Right, right. You have five minutes. Because of the drink. And the drink only." She says, taking it... stopping a moment on his fingers. "Come in. And don't think I am fogetting what you are. You try anything funny..." a splinter of wood, coming out of nowhere, hits the wall not too far from Cael's head. "Understood? Don't you get cocky."
<b>Cael:</b> He smiles again, ignoring the splinter just inches from his head, the smile just the right shade of smugness.
"Thank you." He steps inside, his movement putting him close to her, allowing himself to sample her scent a little before he continues in, a pleased smile on his face. His hand brushes hers momentarily as he passes her, taking a seat, and waiting for her to seat herself.
"Now, what do you know of the Pale Angel?"
<b>Orchid:</b> She takes a moment to turn, and Cael can just see the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as his hand passes near hers'...
The interior of her room is... exotic. incensers and thuribles burn at least three difference hues of smoke, making it warmer, the three scents mixing perfectly, harmoniously into something that seems to be almost tasty, to bring out feelings on the person that breathes them... little trinkets in green jade across the room, and a circle on the ground... and many glasses of herbs and mixtures. After a short moment she closes the door, softly, and seats herself, enjoying the pillows for a moment, her eyes trying not to cross with his'.
"The Pale Angel?" She hmmms... "That famous general woman from the Northeast? The one that finished her lucky streak as boogeywoman from the northeast and force to not be stopped by being crushed by her own country? A thing or two, what everyone knows. People say she is still around, as a ghost or a deathknight... from what I hear, probably the latter."
Cael's magic pierces words... understanding. A woman to command respect, a personality she would like to meet... and at the same time, a ghost-blooded, a crime against the cycles of life she enjoys promoting so. Something that should not exist... and, if as a Deathknight, something she wishes the Pale Angel is not, twice damned...
<b>Cael:</b> <i>Now, that was going to make his next request <b>interesting...</b></i>
He lets himself relax a little in the very pleasant atmosphere of the room, studying the woman before him a little, his eyes converying to her in the politest manner possible that he very much likes what he sees.
He catches her eyes, his voice turning a little more solemn."It is on behalf of the Pale Angel that I am here. It is her I wish for you to heal, and yes, she is a Deathknight as you suspect."
Before she can react to that, he continues."She was struck down by a spiritual poison of some kind while fighting another like herself. The wounds will not close and she is feverish most of the time. I can fully understand your reservations about healing something such as she is, but trust me when I say this, it is needful that she is healed, least the dead that have afflicted Whiteshield spread further."
He carries on holding her eyes, until she answers.
<b>Orchid:</b> She looks at Cael in... disbelief. Bad enough that she is indeed a Deathknight, but... that is the request?
To heal a Deathknight? A servant of <i>death</i>?!?
"Might be for the best, then. Let the dead kill each other..." She tries not to look at him. Tries not to think she is letting someone die... tries no to look at him and believe wholeheartedly... dashing, heroic. He wouldn't be on the side of darkness, now, would he? "Would be best to use the healers the underworld have. Stitch her with ash and bone, or let her die already. Woman should have died once before...."
Letting someone die. A request from him. He can't be a bad person, now, can he?
He is a thief!
"Fighting another like herself? She are against those... zealots plaguing the north lately?" She asks, looking at him on the corner of her eyes, "What proof do I have that she will not just use the opportunity to replace them? That you are not just a pretty face the Lover is using?"
<i>Convince me. Convince me... I want to help her. I want to drive them away. I want to know you are on the right side. Convince me, please.</i>
<b>Cael:</b> Cael turns a most reassuring smile on her, his eyes showing that he does indeed understand her reservations, perhaps even shares some of them himself.
"Even if you do not help, I do not think she will actually die from her wounds, it is just that she will spend many painful weeks while her body deals with the venom, so you can be reassured on that."
He says that to assauge her feelings of guilt, before carrying on.
"But she will be weak for a long time without your aid, and she would be hard pressed to continue her fight against the zealots of the Bishop." He lets a tiny fraction of a mote slip into his anima, letting the warmth of a summers day fill the room, fill him.
"That may well be her plan, I cannot speak for her on that. What I can say is that I will not let that come to pass. I have no desire to see a city of the death in place of the beauty of Whiteshield, which ever of the dead lords control it, but I cannot save it from the Bishop without her help."
He speaks earnestly, his voice obviously conveying the truth and not just a stream of pretty lies, that he respects her more than that.
He catches her eyes again, holding them.
"Please, help me, even if you do not want to help one such as her."
<b>Orchid:</b> "To help you..." Drive the zealots away. To stop the deaths. There will only be healing when the deaths stop...
"Some times, you have to take your chances, right?" She says, sipping her drink while she drowns on his eyes... her own brown-and-dew ones glimmering in the smoky light, trembling slightly... "Suppose I make mine on the hope. On you. Take me to her, I will heal whatever afflicts her. She will be good as new in a few."
"Nothing the void can taint Sextes Jylis cannot take away..."
A warm gratitude fills his eyes, the spring and the promise of new life hinting at by the play of sunlight, as he nods to acknowledge that sometimes you do have to take chances on the strangest people
<b>Cael:</b> "Thank you." He stands, and walks over to her, offering his hand to her with a smile.
On the window... light pours in. Sunlight... a little too bright, for the north. Angled wrong. Too wrong. Angled like the sun was on the Hourglass' backyard.
Anima flare. And another... two lights mingling. But Cael can't quite place the other...
Cael sighs softly. "This is terribly rude, to get your help and then leave suddenly, but I afraid I must. My companion seems to have gotten himself into trouble. I will be back shortly."
He raises her hand to his lips, and bestows a small kiss on it.
"Might I use your window?"
<b>Orchid:</b> Scarlet blushes as he kisses her hand, then puzzles... looking at it as well. "Oh, you may." She nods, and suddenly, a breeze feels the room, and strangely sharp petals of orchids begin to fly about... "Try not to get into much trouble yourself" She smiles.
Cael smiles broadly as he walks over to the window, lifting it up and looking out and into the backyard.
An orchard... a garden, Shogunate-style... proceeds for a long time, a thread of rough-cut marble snaking its way to the back of the garden... an elevation a mount... many trees, and the white-gold light pouring from behind them. As well as... pale light? White... but without the gold.
<b>Cael:</b> "I shall do my best," he says with a smile.
He turns and blows her a kiss, a subtle shift of his fingers sending 'kiss' slowly drifting towards her, then he turns and jumps from the room, landing on the treetops and starting to run, the twin circles of his caste lighting on his forehead as his body shimmers like a dream, running towards the lights.
<b>Orchid:</b> She takes the kanji with two fingers, and, as soon as she knows he is gone, brings them to her lips, kissing it with eyes closed.
She then gets up, looking at him go on the window... and proceeds to get what she thinks she will need against poisons of the underworld... poorly-understood and deadly as they are.
Another look at the window. More light.
"Ah, what the hell..." sighing, the orchids bloom fiery all around her, as she becomes supple and flexible, like a leaf on the wind... and rushes to the window as well.
As Cael runs through the garden, two corpses, coloring the white sand and rocks red... a gardener and a guard, finger-sized fragments of bone embedded on their foreheads. Another flare of light. White-gold rises with a clarion, the image of a heavenly knight appears. Up the trees, up a mount, well in the Hourglass property, Cael gets to the property... and to the lights.
Alex rushes towards a man... blazing with fury, the sword in his hand crackling with the purest sunlight. His face carrying more fury than someone his age should ever have, crying, face red, violent, murderous anger. Corpses, all around... more guards, ten of them. And the man Alex rushes to...
No wonder he is the last one Cael's sights land in - it is like he is a wraith. Not there at all. Covered in a kimono the color of smoke, of a cloudy sky... clear, yet dark. Neutral to the point of nonexistence. The kimono is the way of the East, of martial artists. His face is beautiful, and cold. Ageless, young, but not really young. his hair is the same color as the kimono, cloud, gray. And in his hands, he holds two large fragments of bone, hard and sharp as swords.
A quick sidestep., a quick defense. He does not flinch to parry the prince's strike, the golden eenrgy echoing from it to blow a cloud of sand and brittle. A quick motion, and the celestial sword flies like solid sunlight, falling to earth. Living the prince defenseless.
<i>"My father...</i>" The boy's fists clench into fists, tear-filled eyes as he jumps foward, "Sun Damn <b>you..</b>!!!"
the bone blade going through him, falling to the ground with a scream. royal blood fills the ground. "Not... like my father... I won't fall like..."
He tries to get up, but the man simply walks calmly to him, stepping into the bone, nailing him to the ground with a cough of blood. And the man speaks, his voice so calm that the whole ambient becomes calm... all the fury vanishing into the comtemplative calm of the garden. "No. Not like him. He never knew. You do."
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Revision as of 15:27, 27 February 2009

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