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== Elegy for the Fallen ==
''The Quicksilver Zephyr... ''
Moving in Circles around the Palace of Timeless Winters, currently passing above one of the few structures in Spire that are completely unmarred, the bulk of the enormous Temple of All Tears....
Within, Anne and Fiona share some covers, Calisara hovering above them, as Fiona reads Anne a book, and tries to get to understand the words, a complement to Cael's own literacy lessons....
The reading in question was a romance novel from Cael's private library.
"Day or night, fair weather or foul, she stayed at the wheel, as if she was performing silent penance for some unnamed list of sins. Our lives swirled around her as unnoticed as the wind. She offered no counsel and accepted less...." Fiona read...
'''Cael: ''' Cael, white shirt unbuttoned and faintly pleased smile on his face walks through the Zephyr before he hears Fiona's voice, clear in the silence of the vessel and he follows it, knocking on the door to the lounge that had been converted to the girl's den. at least for the moment.
"May I come in?"
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona looks up at Cael, smiling. "Of course! Just come in, mr. Pattonna!"
''You really look taller in Anne's drawings... ''<br>
''I wonder if she saw you on the shower to draw '''that'''... ''
"I was just reading Anne a story, and trying to get her to understand the words..."
'''Anne: ''' "Cael!" Anne says, perking up with a happy, happy smile... "O.. of course! Please! Please!" She says, a rapidfire of words, as she moves a bit more towards Fiona on the sheets to give Cael a space to sit on.... "Fiona was reading me 'The Ballad of V'neef Milena. It was... so moving!" She nods.
"I need to draw her at the wheel under a storm... but could never do it justice..."
''Or her with Tien Tu''... She thinks with a light blush, on her and her spirit lover.
'''Calisara: ''' "The girls have good taste. I gotta give them that." Calisara nods from her place perched above the bed.
'''Cael: ''' Cael rolls his eyes slightly at Cal giving her a look that asks ''And just how much of that taste was your subtle positioning of the books, my dear? ''
He walks across to the girls though, sitting on the edge of the sheets.
"From what I've seen of the sketches you've shown me, I'm sure you can Anne." he smiles encouragingly at her.
"And thank you for taking the time to read with her Fiona, with the planning, I don't quite have enough time to read with Anne as much as I'd like."
'''Fiona: ''' "I try to keep myself busy! Agressive spellcraft training in the morning, lunch, coming here to be with Anne a bit, then will go back to Spire to see if I can discover more about it in a few hours... there is never too much. But I had to spend some time with Anne!" She smiles at her, "And I am sorry we never got to really talk due to my hectic schedule, either..."
'''Anne: ''' "T... thank you, Cael... I am glad..." Anne twiddles her thumbs, looking a bit away and smiling at Cael...
'''Cael: ''' "Ah, hectic schedules." he grins to Fiona "Though technically I have no excuse for my own since I set it myself." He shrugs. "And sorcery .. I will want to talk you later about sorcery, when we both have some time to be together."
"Though I have some slightly sad news for the pair of you. You won't be able to have these conversations with Anne for that much longer. Since I did notice on my calendar today that fairly soon I will have to take her away to Great Forks, since the new semester starts within the week."
'''Anne: ''' "Already...?" She asks, blinking, then looking out the window in drection of the woundrous palace...
'''Fiona: ''' "You are sending her to school? That is great!" Fiona holds Anne to her chest, smiling... "It is great to get some knowledge, and Great Forks has one of the best places around for it! I would have gone there, but there was a Wyld Hunt, and I was feeling this pull for the North.... you know. Solar stuff."
"You will enjoy it, Anne... you need knowledge in this world."
'''Cael: ''' Cael nods in response to Fiona's 'Solar Stuff' and then goes on.
"Yes, already. With the chaos the days have been slipping by and so we'll have to set off in a day or two."
"Of course I'm sending her to school though ... it was at her own request." He smiles proundly at the girl.
'''Anne: ''' "It was... but... so soon? I am just getting to know all of the new people..." She bites her lip.
'''Fiona: ''' "Anne... you were just telling me how you were hiding beneath your bed during the battle! How you could feel the earth trembling all the way from the Zephyr! See the lights and the weird sky! Are you sure you want to be anywhere close to this? It is not like Caliara can't take Cael there in... how fast can the Zephyr move again?"
'''Cael: ''' Cael looks up at Calisara, tiliting his head questioningly.
"How long did we think it would take to get there, again? A whole day?"
"And, I know Anne and I'm sure if I write then you can defer your entry til the next semester, but that will be another season..."
'''Calisara: ''' "A whole day, give or take a few hours depending on the weather, yes." She nods.
"It does not take too long at all."
'''Anne: ''' "No, no... I need to go already!" ''So I am not just a dumb girl next to you. So I am someone on your level, like you... '' "Really. Just... just... it's too fast. I will miss this... miss you all..."
'''Cael: ''' "I know you will Anne." He gently hugs her.<br>
''I'll be so surprised if you miss me five minutes after classes start''
Then he looks at her with an mock-stern expression on his face. "Of course, had the date been just a day later, I'm sure you'd be driving myself and Calisara crazy demanding to be going already." he grins.
'''Anne: ''' As he hugs her, she feels like she is in heaven. Butterflies seem to fly out of her belly, and she just.... goes limp, her face, seeking Cael's support... ah, she would miss this. She would miss this place to belong in.... she would miss being a girl among gods. She would miss.... him...
Closing her eyes, Anne lets herself swim on dreams of being a goddess, a Chosen, and kissing him, holding him as if she was his equal.... and knowing she will have to leave to get anything even vaguely resembling that. "I will miss you aways...."
'''Fiona: ''' ''Awwwwwwwwww... ''
Fiona watches that with a smile. So cute... the sort of thing she remembers from before. It was hard to imagine... that now she was in this place, in clean air and well-lit rooms, close to shining people again... why was it, that after the Boil and Mistress, she could only look at those things through a glass, as if she was not really there?
Reaching, Fiona holds Anne's hand, her golde chains tingling over the sheets... "I will see about sending you books, Anne... I know some nice romances. Just hve to know if there are more copies of them outside of Whiteshield's royal library..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael holds Anne to him, running a hand though her hair before gently letting go of her.
"I'll miss you too, I'm sure." he kisses the top of her head, then smiles down at her as she looks up at him.
"...I would say I'd be sure to get them to her, but I think you're more than capable of getting a book to Great Forks." He looks to Fiona over her head.
'''Fiona: ''' "The Dark Angel will teach me how to summon some elementals... Air Elementals can do that easily! Hmmm, I could even give you some servant for a year on your birthday, Anne! When is your Birthday, anyway?" She says, smiling at Cael, "It is not like I would miss the chance to take a nicer look at the Zephyr, though.... this craft is amazing, Cael!"
'''Anne: ''' "Fifteenth of Descending Water ..." She says with a sigh.
"Only good thing about farmers... they always keep track of time..."
Names that all but her will forget dance on her mind.<br>
She tries not to cry.
'''Cael: ''' "Well, when I saw her, I just had to steal her...." He grins up at Cal, as if sharing an old joke, before he looks down at Anne, so very tenderly and hugs her again.
''Of course that still hurts her.... ''
"This evening, I'll take you down into the city, and we'll do something we should have done a while ago. We'll go to Alexsei, and you can tell him all those names to put in his book, and then you won't have to hold them so closely to your heart, okay?"
'''Anne: ''' The girl looks up at Cael... her large eyes, the warmest ice Cael has ever seen, looking up at him... filled with the sort of insane love that one can only have in his teenage years. They... shake, due to the emotion... "You... how did you..." ''Know.. ''
''You always do, don't you? ''
''Why can' t you see I love you, then... that I'd be perfect for you... ''
"I... I would love that. I.. guess my family would love that, wherever they are... thank you..."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona is silent. Holding Anne's hand more tightly.
Giving her warmth.
And smiling at the Windwraith. ''Alex really got nice friends... you are a real nice person, Windwraith... ''
'''Cael: ''' "I'm just sorry I did not think of this earlier. I should have done." He strokes the back of her head, then kisses her forehead once more.
''Believe me, I see that you love me. That is why you must see something of the world first. ''
"But mourning will be for tonight." He says, and then slowly slips into a smile to brighten anyone's day.
'''Narrator: ''' "Yes, Anne... let it out. Relax...." Fiona whispers as she comes closer, smiling at Cael, and holding Anne's other hand, pressing against her back... as Calisara hovers down, her presence, her feel like clouds or cotton candy, almost, encircling them....
Warm. Very, very warm...
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' The slowly decaying Sun hangs on to the evening sky, painting everything a warm shade of crimson in its hesitation to leave its domain. Shadows stretch long and thin across the ground, also seemingly reaching out to the slowly fading sun in a plea to hold on to its descending light...
Amidst the quiet field, outside of the Quicksilver Zephyr and the Windian Camp, a lonely figure stands amids a circle of candles afixed into the snow. Black hair inks loosely about the dark form, the hint of a pale face visible through the raven tendrils when the wind abates. Motionless he stands, the elements surrounding him, and for a moment he is a passive part of this world.
Unmoved, unmutable. Silent like the oak in the middle of the storm.
His breath is slow, controlled. Honed to fit in between the music of his heartbeat, his body striving to achieve the perfect rhythm as he stands unmoving, balanced on one foot in the circle of lights. His hand moves slowly across his torso, the fluid motion still following the rhythm of his heart and breathing, neither too slow nor too fast. HIs head lowers, eyes closed, as the candles flicker in the capricious wind. Once again, he is still as a statue.
And, unexpected and sudden, a flash of violet tears up the evening air.
The rings of Epilogue chime as the starmetal staff bleeds into existence, in the hands of its master the instrument of a beautiful and deadly song which calls on to the very soul of man. ''One''. Motion suddenly fills the circle as his body fluidly flows from candle to candle, each time the staff oiling and rolling like water through the cracks of a rock wall, falling in between the unshakeable defenses as easily as the wind carry on through the leaves of a tree.
''Two. Three. Four. Five. '' The rhythm governs the dance, and yet the strikes come apart from the beats, a polyrhythm who makes each of the blows incredibly difficult to foresee. They strike and withdraw as quickly and precisely as a bird of prey dives for its meal, the echo left to the winds the only trace left of their movements as they pushes back and flow within each other. ''Six. ''
The movement stops. The staff withdraws into nothingness. His heartbeat slows, and he becomes aware of the world again. His hand removes a strand of black hair from his face, and he peers around him tentatively, as if seeing his surroundings for the first time in a long while. He nods slowly as he takes in the results of his training, and his hands abent-mindedly find each other in front of his lap.
The candles around him are unmoved, but each and every one of their flames have been snuffed.
'''Cael: ''' Cael approaches the man on his training ground slowly, one arm resting on Anne's shoulder as he guides her forward, the sunset making his coat glow red and gold as the light catches the white fabric, looking almost aflame.
He makes a most polite sound, not stepping beyond the circle delimited by the candles.
"If we might interrupt you, Alexsei Krauser."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He almost starts for a moment, caught as he is in his contemplation in training, and turns around quickly to face Anne and Cael, heat rising to his cheeks. "Ah, good evening, Cael and Anne! I am sorry, I was a bit preoccupied... I did not hear you approach." The truth was more that he shut down the warnings in the strands before their arrival, consumed as he was into the training he was more and more serious about in the past days. With a quick expenditure of his essence, his awareness reaches out once again to the surrounding threads of the loom of fate, ready to hear any disturbances that might arise. ''It wouldn't do to be sneaked up on now, would it. ''
He smiles warmly at the both of them, crossing his arms behind his back as he threads the snow to approach them. He casts his benevolent gaze at the both of them, violet eyes displaying his joy at seeing them again.
"Now my friends... What can this humble priest do for you?"
'''Anne: ''' "Hello, lord Krauser." She says with a practiced bow, like she had with Orchid, one to the Exalted.
Peasants knew what to practice when it was to not be smoten down. And there was always hope...
"I... uh...." She begins to speak, but then stops, biting her lip... "You see..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael doesn't speak for, doesn't tell Alexsei why they have come, just returns his warm, comforting hand to her shoulder.
"Tell him, Anne. You can speak to Alexsei without fear." He says, encouragement lacing his voice.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He nods to Cael, a smile playing on his lips as he witnesses the Windwraith's encouragement of the young girl. He nods towards him, then turns back to Anne, inclining his head to her.
"Please, Anne... No need for formalities with me. You can speak freely and without fear, young one..." He smiles warmly to her, an encouraging tone in his voice as he titls his head to the side once more. "Now, if I can do anything for you, I would be happy to help."
'''Anne: ''' "I..." She begins to say, then gulps, thinking of how to say it... "I... have lost all my family, lord Krauser. The dead took them from me, killed all in my village...except for me. If it wasn't for Moon, I'd have no idea where I would be now... and... my family, my friends... they died in a village forgotten by the world... she probably desecrated them... used their bodies as parts... and I am the only one who remembers them... and... I thought... I hoped... Cael said that you could help me pay them respects...?"
She holds herself as she says so. To remember them... to think of what happened...<br>
To remember the things that killed them...<br>
She always tried not to think about it...
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' His head lowers slightly at the mention of the horrors the war has brouth to the people of the North, horrors they are not responsible for, nor horrors they have chosen. He nods deeply to Anne then, and his smile becomes tinted by sadness as he utters the next words.
"And you wish them to remembered, correct?" He smiles at her then, his hand falling to the book bag by his side and unfastening the clasps carefully. "You are a courageous girl, Anne. And this attention of yours is like a gem to the departed. Your memories and souvenirs of your people make certain that their lives were not lived in a vaccuum... Their lives touched you, and you in turn will cast the memory to the Heavens, that the whole of Creation will remember their names."
He nods deeply, grabbing the heavy book of the dead into one hand as he gazes down upon Anne with a benevolent light in his eyes. "Departure is most difficult upon those who remain, death staying an enigma to us living beings, until our time comes to face our own conclusion ourselves." Rubbing the surface of the book, he gazes upon the heavy tone for a moment before turning back to Anne once more. "I will remember them then, Anne. I will inscribe their names in the book of the dead, and make certain each and everyojne of them is remembered as the person they were, and not just another statistic lost to History."
'''Cael: ''' "Thank you, Alexsei." Cael says to the man, still keeping a hand on Anne's shoulders, a message that no matter how quiet he might be, he is there and he supports her as she speaks of the dead.
"Just speak, as you are able."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He nods to Cael, kneeling down besides Anne so he can write better. Producing a quill from the bag, he opens the book to a new page, scribbles a few notes at the top in an elegant handwriting before turning to Anne once more.
"I know it is difficult for us living to speak of the departed, dear Anne. I know the memory must be very painful and hurt you a lot. Such is the stigma of departure..." He ttitls his head to the opposite side then, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "But try to remember - beyond the tears, beyond the pain of their leaving this world... These people have lived, alongside you. They have made you laugh or cry, made you happy and made you mad... This is the memory you must hold. Death is but a fleeting moment, while a life lasts for much longer... And that is what you must keep close to your heart."
"Take your time, Anne. We are not in a hurry. And when you are ready... Speak to me of your people, that I can also get to know them."
'''Anne: ''' "I.. have something of them, here... a souvenir..." She unrolls a sheet of paper, a drawing she made... of many people. "That is my mother. Joan... she... she was always working on the plants we had home... our garden, our orchard.... always making sweets out of the fruits for us. She made such sweets... and she was always good at astrology, telling us so much about the heavens.."
"This is... my father, Feliks... he was always smiling, always telling jokes... mother said he never took anything seriously. But he was a good hunter... the ''best'' I think. He always walked around with the hide of a wolf he killed. He kept saying it was a Doom Wolf, but nobody believed him... as they said he always told overdone stories... but I did."
She speaks, and as she speaks the tears begin to come to her eyes. "They... they were away that day... on the market. The Red Thing came from the market. I was at home with my older sister, Klara... she fought them, trying to protect me... I had her blood in my face when... when. She was so brave... always. She wanted to become a chosen, or a soldier at the very least, and she would fight with tooth and nail with everyone on the village to show them she was good... and she loved rabbits. She loved them so much... once a boy, Marius, begun to only eat carrots to see if she'd notice him. She was so nice, too, always wanting to protect people... and my uncle... here. Maksim. He was a grumpy, annoying man... but... but he brought me sweets.... and... presents, which he made himself. He was a carpenter... glassblower... stage magician... he was a bit of everything. He always said he was an ''artist'' no matter what... and they were pretty... I always broke the toys, and he'd scold me, but always buy more toys... and he also died trying to... protect..."
She begins to lose her voice, but carries on... "This is my little brother, Irinei... he always took... everything so seriously... wanted older sis to see him as the man of the house... when father was... away... he wanted to be smart, strong, a sorcerer, a warrior... everything... changed from week to week... but he was always so... driven..."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' ''Joan. ''<Br>
''Feliks. ''<Br>
''Klara. ''<br>
''Marius. ''<br>
''Maksim. ''<br>
''Irinei. ''
He writes aeach and every name as she speaks, commiting them to memory, listening not only to the name they have gone by, but also their histories, their quirks, their lives. He sits on a rock in the snows, asking questions about the people Anne speaks of, trying to complete the picture she paints with words, getting to know the important members of her life. He tries to bring out the best memories in her, asking her of the times they made her laugh, of the habits that were particular to them, of the quirks that made them unique amongst all of the people of Creation.
He talks with her until the memories are almost alive, until the very emotions they might have felt are almost palpable. After a while he laughs with her at the mention of their conquests and defeats, of their accomplishments and the mundane actions of their daily lives. He speaks with her until they are both sitting there in her village, in the village center, surrounded by the memories of what once was and the coming and going of the villagers themselves. He talks to her until they are surrounded by the very image of what life used to be, of what it will always remain, forever engraved into Anne's, and now his, mind.
"As you see, Anne... You are the bearer of a very important standard. As long as you remember this place, just like you have just told me... Then your village and its people will never truly die."
'''Anne: ''' She talks about them. Alexsei lets her cry until her tears dry, and she continues talking about them. Everything about them, their every detail, adding her friends and neighbors to the tale. In the end, she has cried all she could about them... and strangely... even if her face is reddened and torn... at peace. She looks up at him, after drying her eyes once again, trying her best not to look as torn as she is... even when, within her, she is becoming more whole than she had been in months, now that what was torn inside her was finally left to crumble... and be rebuilt whole. ".... they will... not? They will live?"
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "All things eventually come to an end, young Anne. It is the truth of this world... And so their existence as you knew it has been taken on that day." He keeps out of the conversation the great sorrows he feels at this senseless act - the girl has enough tears of her own to shed, his own griefs will come in private. "But memories are eternal. They transcend time and space. They are with you at all times, wherever you might stand, wherever you might find yourself."
"Their lives have come to their conclusions, but the memories you have of them ensure they will never truly be gone from this world either." He smiles at her, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "Do you understand what I mean, young one? Your family will continue to stay by your side, in your heart. They live on within you, now that their souls have passed on. They will be there for you... Always."
'''Anne: ''' "I understand... as long as I live, they will be with me. The memories I have of them are them.. they live within me..." She repeats his words, and continues to do so for a while more... a few minutes, repeating them like a mantra... until she seems to understand something.
She closes her eyes, savoring the idea, making plans... and when she opens them again, they are full of purpose!"I will learn to write, then! I will learn to write very well, and write a book about them! About each and every one of them, of everyone I love, and keep it close to my heart!"
'''Cael: ''' Cael wraps his arms around her then, embracing her and holding her close.
"You do that, then, Anne." He says, his voice full of support and approval for her.
"Thank you once more, Alexsei, for listening to Anne and those who have departed."
'''Anne: ''' She bows to Alexsei, a full, deep bow... and her eyes, still wet from tears after all, look up at him with respect, and thankfulness. "Thank you, lord Krauser. I can't even say how much you helped me today... thank you, thank you..." And then she fails to hold her composure...
... and gives him a tight hug.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He starts a bit in surprise as Anne hugs him, but his expression softens as he gazes down upon the girl who lived through so much, and whose life has only just begun... He lays a hand on her head, smiling deeply at her. "Here, here... The memory are yours, young one. I only listened to them. Live, Anne... Live and make your people proud. Live and take them with you, for that was their wish."
He lifts his gaze to Cael, nodding and smiling to him as he does so. "No need to thank me, Cael. I am the intermediary between those who left and those who remain. I am just a spokesperson... I am only glad that Anne and her family have reconciled..."
And so he smiles once more, gazing at the setting sun... ''I am a bridge through which the two worlds are connected - and even though you will not manifest, I know you are appeased, you who share Anne's life. Thank you for being here, also... ''
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Revision as of 15:49, 27 February 2009

  1. REDIRECT ADanceOfAngels