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== Dance of Summer and Winter ==
Sacred City Yu-Shan.
The center of the world.
Beneath the lights of the unconquered sun and luna, ever shifting above the Jade Pleasure Dome, a thousand wonders dot every street one can name. And a city of the size of the Blessed Isle has ''many'' wonders.
And pehaps the greatest of them is the Most Perfected Lotus of Heavenly Designs... the Bureau of Fate. Every day, Celestial Exalted walk in and out of it. Every day, the fate of Creation is discussed and changed there, and bureaucratic battles that shake the landscape of Creation are fought.
In its center, stands the Loom of Fate, where spiders spins all that is from threads taken by the Maidens out of pure possibility. Around the Heart of the World, stand the Five Houses, the Divisions of the Bureau of Destiny.
Concerned with the well-being, happyness and joys of man, the Cerulean Lute bursts with activity with all sorts of gods of theather, prostitution, drugs and music. The most innefficient of all the Divisions, where most, specially its director, seek only their personal joys, it is thus dubbed 'Heaven's Whorehouse'
Through its resplendent and ever-active halls, Stolen Sunsets walks, his white suit glistening under Luna's light, scarf shining in Venus' hue. His dark-silver hair elegantly crowning a perfectly seductive face, a devilish smile as they see all past... until he meets the one he was looking for.
"Hello there, Gennadi. Heard of your news... how are you holding up?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Well enough. I wasn't the one who got tossed out into the street, after all. And you?" He looks up from the sheaf of paper, stacked poorly with corners and edges in all directions. "I've got some coffee in that drawer over there if you'd like some."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' Damian turns takes a little cigarrette roll from a pocket and begins to roll it with a dark-blue paper... a long cigarrette-holding pipe showing out of the same pocket. He looked at Gennadi with the confidence of one who had the prowess of an older Celestial Exalted, and knew it - he stood there as if he owned the place.
If that was Heaven's Whorehouse, then he was certainly one of its pimps.
"Oh, I am fine. Just back from a little bickering in the Great Forks. The sort of thing that makes you really, but ''really'' bored." He says as he sits down. "I was meaning to ask you about that as soon as I heard of it. Why did you do it? Maybe the effect, but what use is it to alienate the alienated?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "The method was not about her at all. It was an example. Also, it seemed like a very good idea at the time."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Oh, and I want some of the coffee, yes." He says dismissively, without looking up, as he rolls the cigarrette in the calm, night ocean-color paper, "It might have been, albeit I will say it was... melodramatic. An example to whom, if I may ask?"
* Gennadi taps the side of the cabinet, extracting the coffee when the drawer mentioned slides out. He had a cup ready and steaming, amusingly enough. "I like to think that on occasion, I am allowed my small bits of drama. As for whom, let's be honest here. Everyone. It was a strong statement for good and for ill. Time will tell if it accomplishes what I desire. Most specifically the factionistas who I deal with every few days, though."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' A member of the Gold Faction himself, although one not as serious, Damian takes note of it, picking the cup and leaving the cigarrette aside for a moment, "Just because she was from the Gold? You know, it might sound like I am sabotaging my own interests here, but would it not be a stronger message if you had convinced her otherwise? Changed her to follow you instead of casting her out?"
"Nothing against that," He says, then sips some of the coffee, "But unless you are quite the masochist, it does not seem to be doing the most good for yourself."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Follow me where? My path is defined by the factions anyway. It takes much of my time performing the balancing act. One act, one moment, or many and an eventual slide back into either faction?"
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "You should come to the Gold. Greater rewards for little push, and sufficient backing. Especially nowdays. But why not pull her for the same path as you? It would not be too hard to sculpt her to, honestly. Whenever you choose, get those you want at your side. Venus gave us gifts to be used."
'''Gennadi: ''' "The point was rather a respite from sculpting, while it lasted. As for coming to the gold... in the fullness of time, I will make my decision. There are many variables to be considered, possibilities to clear. I should think that one such as you would not chide me for being thorough."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "But of course not. It is your right, and your game... I commend you for it. Someday, I will tell you how I came to be with the gold. But... a respite?" He shakes his head. "Do you find that love becomes any less real when we sever its thread? It was real. Do you think it is any less real when we bring it about?"
"That is part of why I wanted to speak with you... this whole incidence seems to show a view I would not expect from you. Emotions are not any less 'real' when made by us, Gennadi..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "It is not about reality, it is importance. We are here in Heaven, in a bureau of wonders, and what surrounds us? Things we ignore on an almost daily basis. The things we value most are rare, or do not come easily."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' He finishes the cigarrette then, and places it on the holder... lighting it... and letting the smoke fill the room, making everything more... calm.
A devilish grin appears in his face as he looks at Gennadi, and asks a question with the eyes of one who already knows the answer, "And what are those things, for you?"
* Gennadi wags a finger at him. "That would be telling. And unless my eyes are clouded, I think you already have an idea. Still, I suppose it can best be summed up in those rare moments that fate, without prompting, once again reveals it loves you. That is possibly the finest thing in life, after chocolate if you were to listen to my familiar."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "I would agree, of course. And very much so," He nods and smiles in a very, very friendly manner, "But while you seem to think that in those moments Fate gives you your dish in a silver platter, I prefer to think those are the moments fate gives you the ingredients, and lets you make the dish."
"Ah yes, your familiar. She is a nice sight here... say, have you met my sweet, Kanti?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I have not had the pleasure."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "When I first saw her with some Sesus I dealt with, she was so much more... willful. But it was there, Gennadi. On every gesture, her prowess was there. Her potential to break the world. And the frailties and paths of her emotions. She was willfull, but she wished to serve something greater. She was raw material to the masterpiece she is now. One I spent a decade to bring to the current perfection... and take a good deal of my time to mantain and perfect even more. I knew on the moment I saw that little girl that Venus had smiled on me, Gennadi."
"But I did not simply allow her to take her course. Sesus Kanti was a canvas in which to make the masterpiece that is Kanti, the Knight of Heaven. I will tell you what... I am giving a little party I promised to a friend here, a gathering to let him hone his contacts... a paying for something, in my house tonight. You are invited. I want you to see her, maybe then you will understand."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I can find the time for that. It is not every day one is invited to inspect a masterpiece that qualifies for those words."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Good, good. I had hopes you would..." He takes a long look at Gennadi, "You have potential, boy. Which is why I was worried. Here, there are those who play the game of Venus... and those who let Venus play them. I suppose you have heard enough of such tragedies. I hope you are not taken by that. Oh, and..."
He takes a paper from his suit, throwing it up the pile... making it waver... and almost fall. "That is the official reason for me to come over. Demon-hunting. Pehaps it will be with Rose as well. I am to coordinate this..."
* Gennadi brushes the papers back roughly into place, curling up the top one to scan it from where he lounges in his chair. "A compliment, an invite, several critiques, and possible death. At the very least you saved the best for last."
'''Stolen Sunsets: '''  Gennadi's words summed pretty much all of his talk with Stolen Sunsets. And amused him, as he finished his cofee."This is Yu-Shan, boy." He exales the smoke, venus-hued, making things even more... relaxing. "Possible death is only the beggining of even 'better' things..."
"Say, what are your plans, Gennadi? I understand you are under quite a harsh drill instructor... they did get the right person for you, it seems," He winks, "But aside from..."
But he is interrupted by the cries of a voice soft as the northern winds...
"Gennadi! I'm coming, I'm coming, here, here..." Comes the voice from behind a thick pile of paper, larger than the slim frame holding it, trying to tip-toe around Damian, "Here, heereeeee!" were her words before she eeped, falling down and throwing an avalanche of papers over Gennadi's desk.
A moment later, amidst a rain of paper, she smiled at the Chosen of Serenity, "The summons, reports and charges from your last assignments... master... err... sorry?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "It's alright. I don't keep much of an office anyway. Shaliya, this is Stolen Sunsets." He clears a spot for her to sit on the desk, a flick of his hand sending papers swirling and flying to land in a somewhat neat stack elsewhere on the floor.
'''Shaliya: ''' She turns with that embarassedly big smile only children and girls are ever allowed to have so wide, nodding to Damian as she takes one of the reports out of her head, "Pleased to meet you!" She says, and turns to sit on the open spot, "SorrysorrysorrysorrySORRY for it, master..."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' Damian cannot help but laugh, even as he takes the papers that have fallen in his lap, "Pleased to meet you, Shaliya. Gennadi... you have a truly cute familiar." He says, trying to surpress his mirth.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I like to think so. Well worth the effort."
* Shaliya peers over at the disarray of the desk, "Can I help you with anything, master? But don't blame me, you know this was a mess waaaayyyyy before I ever came in!"
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Spirited, too! And deadly, I have heard... you should bring her to the party!" He says as he snuffs out the flame of the blue-tinted smoke. With Shailya around, why make things calmer?
'''Gennadi: ''' "I like the desk messy. The array of chaos helps me ease into my work. How about it, Shaliya. Would you like to go out? Is there dancing?"
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Dancing was to be one of the prime attractions! After all, my sweet is a dancer without compare. Is one of the things I would have her show you. Yes... it would be interesting to see them dancing together, oh it would." He says, looking at Shaliya and imagining...
'''Shaliya: ''' "Chaos helps you work? You are just la-zy!" She says as she unseats from the desk to pick some papers, "Ooh, party? I want to go, yes! I love to dance! And dancing with... your sweet?"
'''Gennadi: '''"I believe she will be coming, then. Is there a dress code I should be aware of?" He taps the file cabinet again, though the drawer that comes sliding out actually has files this time, with him slipping several seemingly random papers into place.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Well, it shall be ''warm''. I like warmth. So you might not want to dress too much. Preferarbly in a manner that invites more warmth." He smiles, taking the papers from his lap and throwing to the desk.
'''Shaliya: ''' "Hmmm..." She thinks, looking at the ceiling, a finger to her lips... "What to wear..."
* Gennadi chuckles. "Of course. I'll be a bit late, if you don't mind."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "No, I do not mind. It will go all night long, after all. And gods do not sleep, and nor should their host." He gets up then, "Now, I have a day of paperwork just as boring ahead of me as well. I will see you in the evening. Mr. Ilkov."
'''Shaliya: ''' "See you, lord Sunsets! Hopefully I will see you at the party!"
* Gennadi waves goodbye. "No doubt you will. He is not the sort to go un-noticed."
'''Shaliya: ''' After he leaves, she turns to Gennadi, "Who is 'his sweet' that he wanted me to dance with?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "She's blooded. Name of Kanti."
"He's put a lot of work into teaching her things, and seems to like showing that off."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Dragon-Blooded. Aaaiyah... hope she is not too much better than me! Some Blooded dancers are scary in how good they are. Remember Cynis bodyguard?" She reclines on the table, "Hmm, and he wants to show her off to you? What for? Lord Susets is high-ranking... albeit of the Gold."
'''Gennadi: ''' "So that I will be described as medium-ranking, albeit of the gold."
Gennadi leans back to look at her, also considering what she should wear now.
'''Shaliya: ''' "Simple as that? Ah...well, am I getting the chance to dance anyway, then, or should we just tell them that you something came up on the last minute?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Not that simple, but... that's the important part. And you'll be getting to dance. I haven't made it this far without springing a few traps and walking out unscathed."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Right! At least this will be a fun trap to walk in, won't it?" She says, getting out of the desk..."And I hope you will help me walk out of them with you."
"Soooo..." She looks away, facing the wall for no discernible reason... "... Have you found out anything about the Lunar...? Anything at all?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Some. I know they are currently Exalted, it's being slow trying to track the right one, though. You know how hard they are to handle with astrology. Especially if the Lunar's near to the wyld."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Yes... yes, I know." She sighs, then turns to Gennadi, and slowly musses up his hair a bit... "You know I will not leave you, right...? Just... it is who I was made for. Why I was created... out of love... for love, I was meant to be in the Lunar's hands... it is why I was put in the world. My purpose. My roots. You know that I want to know of it, right...?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I know. It's just a difficult task before me. Before us."
* Shaliya hugs him then, "But I will not leave you! You would not last a season without me anyway, you dummy!"
=== The Party! ===
Stolen Sunsets' Heavenly Manse is.... breathtaking.
The lamps shine in the colors of the Five Maidens, in each of the aspects he adores. Pounds and brooks flow around it, it being a great property... now full of all sorts of gods. From Elephant-headed dancers to Turtles in pounds of melted wax, to insane godesses of alcohol and delirium, to other Sidereals. And even a Lunar, a lady whom all cower to, wiith dresses as regal as of the wealthiest gods, claws showing her true nature to all around her.
The party is a homage to a god, a friend of Sunset's, but as always, it is all him. All for him. And he stands in the middle of it all, so many people to talk, so many things to see and do....
And that is where Gennadi sees him, talking to a beautiful goddess of multi-layered blue clothing, and a Bull-Headed God...
* Gennadi takes a moment to crack his neck, loosening up before descending down into the mass of gods and exalts. He took his host's advice to heart, and is glad of it when that first rush of heat hits from the massed bodies. Still, he weaves through the partygoers as if they were standing still, stopping first to get a stiff drink in preperation for the night ahead.
'''Shaliya: ''' The Winter Rose looks around, trying not to trip around any of them, hoping she is dressed well enough for such a gathering of important heavenly figures... "Wow. He truly has...prestige, doesn't he?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, certainly. And power, and riches, and all the things that come with being beloved of heaven. That is why he cannot be trusted."
"Too much to lose."
'''Stolen Sunsets: '''And Damian stands there, talking to them... and with a beautiful raven-haired immaculate... with robes that seem open in places that should not be, and tight in places that should not be as well.
The closer one gets, the more she is a dancer and the least she is a immaculate... and yet the robes still pass a feeling of holy and proper about her. Her skin is red as fire, and a collar in the shape of a garda bird crowns her neck, and in it, inscriptions in Old Realm mark her a property of Stolen Sunsets, for all Heaven to know and respect.
In front of Damian, another woman, covered in grainy veils that seem to have more dimensions than possivle, folding and wavering impossibly, both covering her entirely and sticking to her body like a second skin. She is Anitsu, the Pleasure-Weaver.
Damian sees Gennadi approaching, and waves to him as he holds his immaculate close to his chest...
* Gennadi nods respectfully, though not too respectfully, to the assembled. "I'm impressed already, and I haven't even seen her move."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti stands there happily, pressed up to Damian, leaning her head on his chest, listening to the conversation between him and Anitsu. She turns her head slightly as man approached with his delicate looking companion, her dark eyes drinking them in, though she passes no comment, merely afain smile on her lips
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Well met, Gennadi. I trust you know Anitsu?"
He caresses Kanti's hair, lightly, "And this, Gennadi, is the sweet I told you about. Kanti, the most beautiful immaculate you will ever see. Kanti, this is Gennadi Ilkov, a chosen of the maidens just like me. Greet him properly." He says, looking at her with pride...
* Shaliya closes her arms above her exposed navel and looks at Damian, "Oh, hello, lord Stolen Sunsets. So kind of you to notice me here!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "We've met."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' Damian laughs softly, "My, how poor of me. I am deeply sorry, Shaliya, I did not mean to. You truly look lovely tonight, I was just so intent in showing Gennadi Kanti, that in my pride, I forgot! And this is Shaliya, Kanti... a beautiful Winter Rose. One I still have to see dance, and hopefully, in a duet with you."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti disengages herself gracefully from Damian's arms, then drops fluidly into a deep courtsey, one that the gown she is wearing was designed for, with the emphasis it offers ...
"It is my pleasure to meet you, Star-Chosen Gennadi and Rose Shaliya." her voice melodious. She holds the courtsey for a ew moments before she straightens once more.
"Your dress is marvelous, and I would love to dance with you, should that be possible." happiness suffusing her voice.
* Gennadi takes a long look, as is no doubt expected.
'''Shaliya: ''' "Your robes are marvelous, too! I would love to dance with you!" She says, smiling just as happy, resisting the urge to hug the Dragon-Blooded!
'''Anitsu: ''' Anitsu giggles in her sleeve, eyeing Shaliya with the eyes of a predator... "My... what an interesting familiar you have, Gennadi..."
* Gennadi smiles, though it is less mirth and more a display of teeth. "She is that, yes. And skilled too, as you'll be seeing shortly."
'''Anitsu: ''' "Skilled, is she...?"
She looks at Shaliya, purring in her ruby lips... "I would want to see that, yes.."
'''Shaliya: ''' Shaliya gets closer to Gennadi, pushing his sleeve a bit, and whispering, "Maaaasssterrrr...."
* Gennadi slips an arm around her waist. "There will be time for that later, of course. Waiting makes it all the sweeter."And by later, of course, he means 'slightly after saturn gets done giving me a lap dance'
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' Damian holds Kanti's face as she finishes her courtesy... petting her, caressing her. His touches to her are like art, like playing a flute, and a tug on the strings of fate makes Anitsu be called by someone else to enjoy something else entirely. And he keeps the play of Kanti, both warmingly... but in a way that does not ask, simply plays over her neck, hair, back, to wait for her contentment, almost absent-mindedly, "She is wonderful, is she not, Gennadi? As I told you... and she loves being here. She is loved with me."
'''Gennadi: ''' "She is not what I expected, I will give you that."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti leans into the soft and subtle carresses, her whole body responding to the subtle play on her skin, relaxed, happy, content.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Oh? And what did you expect?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Someone less... subdued." In more ways than one.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' ''"Someone less... subdued"''
Damian sighs as he hears Gennadi's words, softly letting go of Kanti. His silverly hair always so immaculate as he smiles at Shaliya and Gennadi, "Subdued, yes... but she is cared for. I love her. She is happy... right, my dear?" He asks of Kanti, looking at the interplay of relationships on the party like a maestro to his symphony, then turning to the guests right in front of him, especially Gennadi's familiar... "Well, Anitsu has gone now. I would like to see you two dancing soon... I rose of crystal and a bird of fire. It will be beautiful, won't it?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "No doubt. If it isn't, I suppose we both have some explaining to do."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti slips a way from him as he lets go of her, standing easily. She turns and smiles happily to Sunsets "Of course I'm happy ... I live a wonderful life...though, we can dance now?" Kanti's eyes widen in excitement, her body animating more, both with the absence of Anitsu, and the thought of dancing with so pretty a rose...
'''Shaliya: ''' "Well, I will do my best.." She says, taking the drink on her hand, of some heavenly variation of champagne, and delicately leaving it over a table of crystal, resonating like music as she does...
She steps to Kanti, taking her hand, cute smile on her face, a dark white bang falling over her left eye... "Yes! But try not to let me embarass myself too much, please!" she winks
* Gennadi takes the momentary distraction to close his eyes letting his mind focus before they open again, sparkling just slightly as he sizes up the flow of the rest of the party. He seeks some sign from the random chatter and motion, drawing meaning out of nothing as he was wont to do. This time, though, he thinks before acting on it.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti lets the young rose lead her a short way from the pair of sidereals. She grins "Of course I shall, as long as you promise to do the same for me..."
She steps a little closer, whispering in the godling's ear "Now, how shall we dance for them?" she asks "Something slow? Something lively? Something that leaves them with a ... show?"
* Gennadi runs a hand through perpetually disheveled hair before speaking. "You've given me lots of reasons to consider the gold myself. But what made you choose them, hrm? Surely you are not so mercenary as I." He nicks a bottle from one of the passing servants and flicks it open with a thumbnail.
'''Shaliya: ''' The Winter Rose leads her to the center of a hall nearby, her feet erratic as she dances among the floor, walking in a giddy way.... "I will try, I will try! And..." she comes closer to Kanti, giggling, "A show. Let us give them a show!"
She turns to a twelve-fingered performer close by, waving her hand and saying the name of an appropriate southern song for a show!
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti giggles too, then steps back a little as she waits for the tune to become recognisable, then breaking into a smile as she does, holding Shalilya's hands lightly as she starts to move through the steps of the dance, moving Shaliya along with her to start, letting the flames start to fill her skin, as the dance builds in tempo.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' Damian looks at the girls in the center of the hall, fountains of prayer shining in so many colors nearby, as elephant-headed and cheetah-skinned goddesses make a court for the familiar and the dragon-blooded... the light of five maidens shining in music above them, as the southern music brings a warm air with it... he watches it all while he ponders an answer to Gennadi.
"Freedom." He says at last.
"The Gold is less tightly knit than the Bronze... less filled with old methods that bring more misses than hits as time passes by. They still allow room for... creativity. Improvisation. For self-initiative. And where it has power... the Threshold."
He grins, starmetal and orichalcum shining on the buttoms of his coat, glinting pleased as the dance begins. "For the mediocre, the Threshold lacks the support of the Realm. The order. But in fact... so many places are controlled chaos. From An-Teng to the Great Forks, Gennadi... it is multiplicity. It is awe. The Realm seems too strict... the Bronze upholds it as they live parties like this. The Gold seems to play in a Creation that is more like Yu-Shan. I would say it is a different in styles, if you will."
"After all, in the end... it is all about Creation."
'''Shaliya: ''' The Winter Rose moves with her, as the hot beat goes through their bodies, strong, timed beats, the music of a fiddle leading the beats as they come... rose petals begin to blossom in her skin, her dark gray eyes glinting with the fire in Kanti, dancing a duet with her... letting the bird dance around the rose, for gods and chosen to see and enjoy... for their masters to see and enjoy.
'''Gennadi: ''' He refills his drink, taking a deep breath and blowing across the sapphire colored liquid already in there to crystallize it, adding a deep ruby red that splashes along the jagged spiral. "And yet, you are subsuming your own desires in a multitude of them. And yet, you are committing yourself to certain methods and mannerisms. It would seem to me that freedom ends the moment one gets caught, if not before. It is not that I mind, just that I find that outlook somewhat amusing when tomorrow you will arrange the fate of thousands."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' "Yes, I will. And then, I will try to make a more vibrant, more interesting world. Look at her dance... she dances as she will, Gennadi. She knows the hierarchy, knows she should serve us, and yet, she does as she will. She wants to please us, but that, she will do as she will." He smiles, burshing his head back, leaving a little as he lights a clear orange cigarrete. "Certain methods are unavoidable. The maidens are methodic, and we share their nature. But it is how we implement these methods that changes everything. I prefer a more vibrant world."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Mrm. I have a task I would complete before I make my decision, of course. I do not think disrupting my thoughts would be wise given the nature of it."
'''Kanti:''' As the tempo peaks, so do the flames dancing within Kanti, playing over the underside of her skin as she runs her fingertips over the rose petalled skin, feeling the icetipped fingers tracing over her own arms as Shaliya returns the gestures in the dance.
Fire rubbing against Ice<br>
Ice rubbing on Fire.<br>
Kanti dances for Joy<br>
Her joy.<br>
Shalriya's joy.<br>
The joy of those who watch.<br>
The joy of Sunsets.
* Gennadi 's thoughts are indeed disrupted as he watches, sort of tuning the rest of the world out for a while and focusing simply on the pair. They are quite good, he has to admit... It does not much help that he is imagining more than one other girl he knows in those roles like a long and wondrous hall of mirrors either.
'''Stolen Sunsets: '''"Of course. You take your time... we are always busy. It is all about what we do in the meantime, is it not?" He says... watching. His lips curl into a contented smile. Kanti can feel it through their binding, no need for words - she can feel it, his contentment, his pride. He lets his words hang around Gennadi in his state of reverie, but does not try to disturb him... no, let him enjoy it. This was the art of Venus.
'''Shaliya: ''' Rubbing against her. Smiling with her. Dancing with her. Their flesh mingling as she changes the color of her petals, as she warms her skin, as the Winter Rose gives Kanti her delicacy...
All arund them, they clap, all around them, they smile. Gods and goddesses, elementals and chosen, the physical and the spiritual, and the glinting of five maidens above - all of them smile at and desire the pair in the center of the hall. Desire and awe in the air, as the Winter Rose smiles, "You were... fantastic, Kanti. Thank you for dancing with me..."
'''Kanti: ''' As the last notes fade, Kanti stills and for one moment is serene as the crowds around her applaud. She shakes her hair a little, and as she does, the fine sheen of sweat from the dancing leaves her.
"Thank you too!" she exclaims joyously, then kisses the ice cool lips. "You were wonderful to dance with!"
She takes her hand once more, and slowly leads her off from the centre of the hall, back to Sunsets and Gennadi.
* Gennadi shakes himself back into reality as they appear, though not too soon to be seen by the pair as a simple show of appreciation.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' His hand holds Gennadi's face, and he whispers,
"There were no strings in her. No strings attached. A puppet would never dance like that. In joy. In love. She moves as I want, not because she is a puppet, but because I made her know it is best. It is joy in service, Gennadi. That is what I offered you, that is what I told you to give your violet. No puppet can be this wonderful. But she can be this wonderful, being yours in body and soul."
His fingers move off Gennadi's face softly as he takes the crystal champagne and lifts to his dragoness, "You were wonderful, Kanti! Truly wonderful... would you not agree, Gennadi?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I would, but I fear that wonderful is not high enough praise."
* Gennadi sips his drink, not bothering to hide the way he's simply whirled Damien's words into the constant tempest of planning and thought.
'''Shaliya: ''' She feels the warmth from Kanti on her lips, so warm, to hot... and wills herself not to harm her in any way as she replies to it. Blood so hot, and she was blood, crimson like it, clinging to her face... and yet, she willed herself to only feel warmth. "So were you... do you have any free time? Master might give me some time for us to do more some other days..."
She walks even more giddly back to her master, dancing around the floor... and then tripping over something falling over Gennadi, "Eeeee!!!"
She looks up, the smile of a naughty little child, "Sooorry, master. The dragoness was just tooooo fun, but I think I got dizzy trying to keep up..."
* Gennadi tosses her back up and spins her around to rest against his chest almost negligently. "You'll get over that with practice."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti looks slightly repentant as she feels the hesitation under her lips "Sorry..I didn't mean to burn..." she says softly by way of apology, then brightens again as she mentions the posibility of more meetings "I some, yes...spending more time with you .. it would be fun!" she says and then lets the girl walk and dance away from her, as she makes her own way to sunsets.
"Thank you...both of you!" she says in an excited peel, moving back to Sunsets' side, watching rose's fall and subsequent rescue with concern and then amusement as it becomes apparant she is fine.
'''Shaliya: ''' The familiar pouts, leaning on Gennadi, "Awwww, just that? We danced so well... silly, I will get you to blush yet!"
* Gennadi nuzzles Shaliya's neck a moment, speaking warm whispered words against her ear as he passes her his drink. "Can you last the party?" It's obvious what he means to her, though no doubt the time-honored distraction makes it difficult for others to tell.
'''Shaliya: ''' She looks down a bit, embarassment about herself... "Yes... I can, I can. Don't worry, master..."
She takes his drink, a butterfly kiss to his cheek as she turns to Kanti, to answer a question in the air... one she is really self conscious about now... "It... did not burn, Kanti. Sorry if it seemed so. I just... I... well, I hope you will not be scared by this... but I am a rose... long ago, the bud that gave birth to me was sprinkled with blood... and we developed a taste for it."
She drinks from Gennadi's glass. her free hand reaching to Kanti and running her digits down her arm, desire in her eyes... but not a desire bred of any sort of lust... one she keeps heavily in check. "I have been without any for quite a while... and the dance left me so excited, so sorry... I was trying hard not to hurt you. You are too wonderful for me to want to hurt you."
* Gennadi toys with her hair, listening idly for the response to such honesty. He flicks a slash of ruby wine into the air and catches it, balanced on a finger before he nips the end off.
'''Kanti: ''' ''I've given more than blood to stranger things than you ... and none who danced with me so well''
She smiles at the spirit as she answers, shakes her head, the long black hair cascading down her back "Of course it does not scare me ... " her hands move in an unspoken question to Sunsets "You can, if you like ... take from me." she shivers pleasantly as the cold fingers play over her skin "You were marvelous to dance with ... it would be okay. Really." She says, a little nervous, though mostly she is worried about the young ice rose, concerned over her hunger.
* Shaliya looks... surprised, to say the least. She blinks at Kanti... then gives the glass back into Gennadi's hands leaning back, her eyes pleading and hungry, "Master... may I?"
Gennadi nods, letting his arm slip free and leaning back. "Go ahead. I should have indulged you more recently anyway."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Thank you.." She drinks of the ruby wine from the glass on his hands, gives him another butterfly kiss, then comes closer to Kanti... holding her arm... and somehow, her arms seem like vines... full of thorns... but a blink away, and they are gentle, pale arms. But kanti can feel the thorns entwining on her arm... the spikes coming within... within her arm, within her veins... as the Winter Rose kisses her wrist... and suddely there is not a face there, but a blossoming rose... and on a blink, a face again. But Kanti can feel the petals and the thorn...
"Thank you, Kanti... thank you, Kanti... thank you... I will not hurt you... I will not... much... I promise... thank you..."
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' Damian smiles at that... and touches Kanti. Touches her belly, touches her other arm, holding her possessively, assuringly. And then, there is joy. The pain of her arm being ruptured, the pain of her blood being drained... and then joy, exploding in her, soaking everything between her legs, smoke coming from the warmth in her body, making her see only bliss. Pain and Pleasure magnified as she lays on her master's arms...
He looks at Gennadi then, seeing the scene... "Cute, aren't they?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti stiffens slightly as the vines play over her skin, feeling the thorns start to bite ... she lets out a small gasp of pain ...
Then she feels Sunsets' hand on her arm and all the pain seems so much less important as the pleasure bursts over her too, a noise escaping her lips as it does, leaving her breathing a little shallow.
"Ohhhh .... thnak you...thank you..." she says over and over, hold her hand out to the let the spirit drink what she needs, the pain no longer any fear for her at all.
* Gennadi for his part has some taste, leaving them to the fulfillment of some very different lusts and flagging down a waiter for a few requests.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' Damian leaves Kanti, a last kiss to her ecstastic lips as he slips through relationships and pleasure, at Gennadi's side in a moment... "So, Gennadi? You have seen her... heard what I told you about her." His fingers bruch slightly to the fellow Serenity's face... "It would be impolite to your host not to tell me what you thought of her, would it not?"
* Shaliya finishes then, leaning her head backwards, ecstastic with the feeling, her arms leaving Kanti's... several cuts of thorns left along the Fire Aspect's arm, a tinge of green pigment in them. Blood trails at the edge of the familiar's lips, and coats her fingers. Licking her lips, licking her fingers, she closes her eyes, knelt in front of Kanti, feeling... fulfilled.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, it would." He turns to Damian. "That IS the trouble with inviting such young sidereals to your parties. No manners." He grins a rather devilish grin, wiping a bit of lipstick from Damian's mouth with a handy napkin. "If you'll excuse me, I've got a destiny I need cosigned before that spirit passes out. I'll be around. Ciao!" He tosses the napkin to Shaliya as he vanishes into the throng.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti kneels herself, making a contented noise. She puts her arms on the familiar's, after she has pulled the thorns from her flesh. A moment of concentration on the wounds stops the bleeding then the wounds close. Kanti sighs softly as the sharp pain of the cuts leaves with just a dull ache from the bruises they have become.
'''Stolen Sunsets: ''' He watches the familiar look down at the napkin on her lap, still in her reverie. He watches Kanti trying to recover her senses in the sea of sensations she is. He watches Gennadi leave.... and a grin crosses his face. Hands in the pockets of his silver suit, he watches Gennadi leave, instinctively tugging at the strands of relationships around him, bringing back those he wished to talk to back to him naturally. But, standing tall in the middle of warmth and love, hands in his suit, he watches the young Sidereal vanish... and smiles.
''You show promise, Gennadi...more than I have seen in a long time. Oh well. ''
''Soon. ''
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/Rehearsals|Prelude]]

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